Millennium Challenge Corporation – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 200 of 258
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Republic of the Philippines
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of the Philippines. Representatives of the United States Government and the Republic of the Philippines executed the Compact documents on September 23, 2010.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2011
This report is provided in accordance with section 608(d)(1) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, Public Law 108-199, Division D, (the ``Act''), 22 U.S.C. 7708(d)(1).
Notice of Quarterly Report (April 1, 2010-June 30, 2010)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter April 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010, on assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), as amended (the Act), and on transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies under section 619(b) of the Act. The following report will be made available to the public by publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Report on Countries That Are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility in Fiscal Year 2011 and Countries That Would Be Candidates But For Legal Prohibitions
Section 608(d) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation to publish a report that identifies countries that are ``candidate countries'' for Millennium Challenge Account assistance during FY 2011. The report is set forth in full below.
Notice of Quarterly Report (January 1, 2010-March 31, 2010)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter January 1, 2010 through March 31, 2010, on assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), as amended (the Act), and on transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies under section 619(b) of the Act. The following report will be made available to the public by publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Notice of Quarterly Report (October 1, 2009-December 31, 2009)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter October 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, on assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), as amended (the Act), and on transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies under section 619(b) of the Act. The following report will be made available to the public by publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Republic of Moldova
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Moldova. Representatives of the United States Government and the Republic of Moldova executed the Compact documents on January 22, 2010.
Notice of Quarterly Report (July 1, 2009-September 30, 2009)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter July 1, 2009 through September 30, 2009, on assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), as amended (the Act), and on transfers or allocations of funds to other Federal agencies under section 619(b) of the Act. The following report will be made available to the public by publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2010
This report is provided in accordance with section 608(d)(1) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, Public Law 108-199, Division D (the ``Act''), 22 U.S.C. 7708(d)(1).
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Republic of Senegal
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Senegal. Representatives of the United States Government and the Republic of Senegal executed the Compact documents on September 16, 2009.
Notice of Quarterly Report (April 1, 2009-June 30, 2009)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter April 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009, on assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108- 199, Division D), as amended (the Act), and on transfers or allocations of funds to other Federal agencies under section 619(b) of the Act. The following report will be made available to the public by publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC (https:// in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance in Fiscal Year 2010
This report to Congress is provided in accordance with Section 608(b) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 7707(b) (the ``Act'').
Report on Countries That Are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility in Fiscal Year 2010 and Countries That Would Be Candidates But for Legal Prohibitions
Section 608(d) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation to publish a report that identifies countries that are ``candidate countries'' for Millennium Challenge Account assistance during FY 2010. The report is set forth in full below.
Notice of Quarterly Report (January 1, 2009-March 31, 2009)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter January 1, 2009 through March 31, 2009 with respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other Federal agencies pursuant to Section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.
Request for Information From the Private Sector for Malawi Compact Program Development
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (``MCC'') is a U.S. Government agency created in 2004 to administer the Millennium Challenge Account. Its mission is to reduce poverty through the promotion of sustainable economic growth. Since 2004, MCC has signed Compact programs with eighteen partner countries ranging from $66 million to $698 million. In April 2009, the Government of Malawi (``GoM'') through ``MCA-Malawi'' presented a proposal including three projects to MCC for potential Compact funding. This Request for Information (``RFI'') aims to solicit feedback from the private sector on these projects.
Request for Information From the Private Sector for Philippines Compact Program Development
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (``MCC'') is a U.S. Government agency created in 2004 to administer the Millennium Challenge Account. Its mission is to reduce poverty through the promotion of sustainable economic growth. Since 2004, MCC has signed Compact programs with eighteen partner countries ranging from $66 million to $698 million. In December 2008, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines through ``MCA-Philippines'' presented a proposal including six projects to MCC for potential Compact funding. This Request for Information (``RFI'') aims to solicit feedback from the private sector on the five proposed projects that are entering the due diligence phase.
Notice of Quarterly Report (October 1, 2008-December 31, 2008)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter October 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub.L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to Section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Website of the MCC ( in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.
Agency Information Collection Request, Comment Request
The Millennium Challenge Corporation, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, invites public comment on a proposed information collection request. Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from the public, it must receive approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Under procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, before seeking OMB approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed collections of information, including extensions and reinstatements of previously approved collections. This document describes the collection of information on which the Millennium Challenge Corporation intends to seek OMB approval.
Notice of Quarterly Report (July 1, 2008-September 30, 2008)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter July 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008 in respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to Section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2009
This report is provided in accordance with section 608(d)(1) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, Public Law 108-199, Division D, (the ``Act''), 22 U.S.C. 7708(d)(1). The Act authorizes the provision of Millennium Challenge Account (``MCA'') assistance under section 605 of the Act to countries that enter into compacts with the United States to support policies and programs that advance the progress of such countries in achieving lasting economic growth and poverty reduction, and are in furtherance of the Act. The Act requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation (``MCC'') to take steps to determine the countries that, based on their demonstrated commitment to just and democratic governance, economic freedom, and investing in their people, as well as the opportunity to reduce poverty and generate economic growth in the country, will be eligible to receive MCA assistance during the fiscal year. These steps include the submission of reports to appropriate congressional committees and the publication of notices in the Federal Register that identify, among other things: 1. The countries that are ``candidate countries'' for MCA assistance during FY09 based on their per-capita income levels and their eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law, and countries that would be candidate countries but for specified legal prohibitions on assistance (section 608(a) of the Act; 22 U.S.C. 7708(a)); 2. The criteria and methodology that the Board of Directors of MCC (the Board) will use to measure and evaluate the relative policy performance of the candidate countries consistent with the requirements of section 607 of the Act in order to select ``MCA eligible countries'' from among the ``candidate countries'' (section 608(b) of the Act, 22 U.S.C. 7708(b)); and 3. The list of countries determined by the Board to be ``MCA eligible countries'' for FY09, with justification for eligibility determination and selection for compact negotiation, including which of the MCA eligible countries the Board will seek to enter into MCA compacts (section 608(d) of the Act, 22 U.S.C. 7708(d)). This is the third of the above-described reports by MCC for fiscal year 2009 (FY09). It identifies countries determined by the Board to be eligible under section 607 of the Act for FY09 (22 U.S.C. 7706) and countries with which the Board will seek to enter into compacts under section 609 of the Act, as well as the justification for such decisions.
Notice of First Amendment to Compact With the Government of Georgia
In accordance with Section 609(i)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, as amended (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation is publishing a summary, justification and the proposed text of the First Amendment to Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of Georgia. Representatives of the United States Government and the Government of Georgia plan to execute this draft text in 2008.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance in Fiscal Year 2009
This report to Congress is provided in accordance with section 608(b) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, 22 U.S.C.A. 7701, 7707(b) (the ``Act'').
Notice of Amendment to Compact With the Government of the Republic of Mali
In accordance with Section 609(i)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, as amended (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation is publishing a summary, justification and the complete text of the Amendment to Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of the Republic of Mali. Representatives of the United States Government and the Government of the Republic of Mali executed the Amendment documents on September 11, 2008.
Notice of Quarterly Report (April 1, 2008-June 30, 2008)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter April 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008 respect to both assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Regulations Implementing the Freedom of Information Act
The Millennium Challenge Corporation is issuing a final rule to update its Freedom of Information Act regulations. The purpose of this final rule is to outline the procedures by which the Millennium Challenge Corporation proposes to implement the relevant provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as required under that statute. This document will assist interested parties in obtaining access to Millennium Challenge Corporation public records.
Report on Countries That Are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility in Fiscal Year 2009 and Countries That Would Be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
Section 608(d) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation to publish a report that identifies countries that are ``candidate countries'' for Millennium Challenge Account assistance during FY 2009. The report is set forth in full below.
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Republic of Namibia
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Namibia. Representatives of the United States Government and the Republic of Namibia executed the Compact documents on July 28, 2008.
Notice of Amendment To Compact With the Government of the Republic of Madagascar
In accordance with Section 609(i)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, as amended (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation is publishing a summary, justification and the complete text of the Amendment to Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar. Representatives of the United States Government and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar executed the Amendment documents on July 24, 2008 and July 15, 2008, respectively.
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Government of Burkina Faso
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of Burkina Faso. Representatives of the United States Government and the Government of Burkina Faso executed the Compact documents on July 14, 2008.
Notice of Quarterly Report (January 1, 2008-March 31, 2008)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter January 1, 2008 through March 31, 2008 with respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to Section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.
Agency Information Collection Request; Comment Request
The Millennium Challenge Corporation, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, invites public comment on a proposed information collection request. Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from the public, it must receive approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Under procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, before seeking OMB approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed collections of information, including extensions and reinstatements of previously approved collections. This document describes on collection of information which the Millennium Challenge Corporation intends to seek OMB approval.
Notice of Quarterly Report (October 1, 2007-December 31, 2007)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter October 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 with respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to Section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC ( in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania acting through the Ministry of Finance. The President of the United States of America and the President of the United Republic of Tanzania executed the Compact documents on February 17, 2008.
Agency Information Collection Request; Comment Request
The Millennium Challenge Corporation, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, invites public comment on a proposed information collection request. Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from the public, it must receive approval from the Office of Management and Budge (OMB). Under procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, before seeking OMB approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed collections of information, including extensions and reinstatements of previously approved collections. This document describes on collection of information which the Millennium Challenge Corporation intends to seek OMB approval.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2008
This report is provided in accordance with section 608(d)(1) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, Public Law 108-199, Division D, (the ``Act''). The Act authorizes the provision of Millennium Challenge Account (``MCA'') assistance under section 605 of the Act to countries that enter into compacts with the United States to support policies and programs that advance the progress of such countries in achieving lasting economic growth and poverty reduction, and are in furtherance of the Act. The Act requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation (``MCC'') to take steps to determine the countries that, based to the maximum extent possible on objective and quantifiable indicators of a country's demonstrated commitment to just and democratic governance, economic freedom, and investing in their people, will be eligible to receive MCA assistance for a fiscal year. These steps include the submission of reports to appropriate congressional committees and the publication of notices in the Federal Register that identify, among other things: 1. The ``candidate countries'' for MCA assistance for a fiscal year, and all countries that would be candidate countries if they met the requirement of section 606(a)(1)(B) (section 608(a) of the Act); 2. The eligibility criteria and methodology that the MCC Board of Directors (the ``Board'') will use to select ``eligible countries'' from among the ``candidate countries'' (section 608(b) of the Act); and 3. The countries determined by the Board to be ``eligible countries'' for a fiscal year, the countries on the list of eligible countries with which the Board will seek to enter into a compact, and a justification for the decisions regarding eligibility and selection for negotiation (section 608(d)(1) of the Act). This is the third of the above-described reports by MCC for fiscal year 2008 (FY08). It identifies countries determined by the Board to be eligible under section 607 of the Act for FY08 and those that the Board will seek to enter into compacts under section 609 of the Act, and the justification for such decisions.
Notice of Quarterly Report (July 1, 2007-September 30, 2007)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter July 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007 with respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to Section 619 of that Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet website of the MCC ( in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.
No FEAR Act Notice
This notice fulfills the Millennium Challenge Corporation's ``No FEAR Act Notice'' Federal Register publication obligations, as required by the Act and by the Office of Personnel Management implementing regulations at 5 CFR 724.202.
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