Indian Health Service – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 555
Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Notice for Extension of the Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on the information collection Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917-0014, titled, "IHS Loan Repayment Program (LRP)."
Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Notice for Extension of Fast Track Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery: Indian Health Service Customer Service Satisfaction and Similar Surveys
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on the information collection Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917-0036, "Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery." This notice announces our intent to submit this previously approved information collection, which expires February 28, 2025, to the OMB for approval of an extension and solicit comments on specific aspects for the proposed information collection.
Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Indian Health Service Headquarters, Office of Information Technology and the Office of Management Services, Part GAG, GAL
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes Part GAG, GAL, of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 47053-67, December 11, 1987, as amended, November 9, 1995, December 19, 1996, as amended July 12, 2004, as amended, May 6, 2005, as amended October 17, 2005, as amended, August 21, 2009, and most recently December 26, 2018, is hereby amended to reflect a reorganization of the Indian Health Service (IHS). The new organizational structure was approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services on January 2, 2025. The purpose of this reorganization proposal is to update the current approved IHS, Office of Information Technology (GAG) and the Office Management Services (GAL) in their entirety and replace them with the following:
Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Part G; Indian Health Service Headquarters, Office of the Director
Part G of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hereby amended to reflect a reorganization of the Indian Health Service (IHS). The purpose of this reorganization is to revise the current approved structure for the IHS, Office of the Director, Intergovernmental Affairs functions in Chapter GA (GAA-GAC), as provided for herein.
Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Part G; Indian Health Service; Headquarters, Office of the Director, Office of Quality
Part G of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hereby amended to reflect a reorganization of the Indian Health Service (IHS). The purpose of this reorganization proposal is to update the current approved IHS, Office of the Director (GA), Congressional and Legislative Affairs Staff (GA1) and the Office of Quality (GAP) in their entirety and replace with the following:
Request for Public Comment: 60 Day Notice for Extension of Fast Track Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery: Indian Health Service Customer Service Satisfaction and Similar Surveys
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on the information collection Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917- 0036, "Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery." This notice announces our intent to submit this previously approved information collection, which expires February 28, 2025, to the OMB for approval of an extension and solicit comments on specific aspects for the proposed information collection.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation ("Chippewa Cree Tribe" or "Tribe") to include the Montana county of Cascade. The current PRCDA for the Chippewa Cree Tribe includes the Montana counties of Choteau, Hill and Liberty. Chippewa Cree Tribal members who reside outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services; however, they are not eligible for Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Chippewa Cree Tribal members and beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho to include the Idaho counties of Ada, Bear Lake, Blaine, Bonneville, Butte, Canyon, Cassia, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Payette, Teton, Twin Falls, and Washington. The current PRCDA for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes includes the Idaho counties of Bannock, Bingham, Caribou, Lemhi, and Power. Shoshone- Bannock Tribal members who reside outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services; however, they are not eligible for Purchased/ Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Shoshone-Bannock Tribal members and beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Reimbursement Rates for Calendar Year 2025
Notice is provided that the Director of the Indian Health Service (IHS) has approved the rates for inpatient and outpatient medical care provided by the IHS facilities for Calendar Year 2025.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska (Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri, or Tribe) to include the counties of Doniphan and Jackson in the State of Kansas, and Holt in the State of Missouri. The current PRCDA for the Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri includes Brown County, Kansas, and Richardson County, Nebraska. The Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri Tribal members who reside outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services; however, they are not eligible for Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri members and beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska (Iowa Tribe, or Tribe) to include the counties of Jackson in the State of Kansas, and Holt in the State of Missouri. The current PRCDA for the Iowa Tribe includes the Kansas counties of Doniphan and Brown, as well as Richardson County, Nebraska. Iowa Tribe members who reside outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services; however, they are not eligible for Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Iowa Tribe members and beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan and Indiana
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan and Indiana ("Pokagon Band") to include the counties of Kalamazoo, Kent, and Ottawa in the State of Michigan. The final PRCDA for the Pokagon Band now includes the Michigan counties of Allegan, Berrien, Cass, Kalamazoo, Kent, Ottawa, and Van Buren, and the Indiana counties of Elkhart, Kosciusko, La Porte, Marshall, St. Joseph, and Starke. The sole purpose of this expansion is to authorize additional Pokagon Band members and beneficiaries to receive Purchased/ Referred Care (PRC) services.
Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund
The Indian Health Service (IHS or Service) administers the Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund (CHEF) pursuant to section 202 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA). The purpose of the CHEF is to meet the extraordinary medical costs associated with the treatment of victims of disasters or catastrophic illnesses who are within the responsibility of the Service. This document finalizes the regulations governing the administration of the CHEF, with clarifying edits, and responds to comments received on the proposed rule.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (CTGR) to include the county of Clackamas in the State of Oregon. The current PRCDA for the CTGR includes the Oregon counties of Washington, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, and Tillamook. The sole purpose of this expansion is to authorize additional CTGR members and beneficiaries to receive purchased/referred care (PRC) services.
Organization, Functions, And Delegations of Authority; Part G, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes Part G, of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as amended May 6, 2005, July 1, 2010, and November 5, 2014, and most recently as amended December 26, 2018 is hereby amended to reflect additions of Standard Administrative Codes to better reflect the structure of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE), Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction (DSFC) program. The IHS is establishing these Standard Administrative Codes to improve granularity of the human resource data to allow better identification of Sanitation Facilities Construction (SFC) Program staff within the human resource data system. There will be no change in function or reporting relationships.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Re-Designation for the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan and Indiana
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan and Indiana to include the counties of Kalamazoo, Kent, and Ottawa in the State of Michigan. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan and Indiana citizens and other PRC-eligible individuals to receive PRC services.
Removal of Outdated Regulations
The Indian Health Service (IHS) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or "the Department") is issuing this final rule to remove outdated regulations that do not align with the current statutory text.
Notice of Update to the Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has updated the geographic boundaries of the purchased/referred care delivery area (PRCDA) for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians to include the counties of Carroll and Jackson in the State of Mississippi and the county of Lauderdale in the State of Tennessee. The PRCDA for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians now comprises the Mississippi counties of Attala, Carroll, Jackson, Jasper, Jones, Kemper, Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Scott, and Winston, and the Tennessee county of Lauderdale. The sole purpose of this expansion is to authorize additional Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians members and beneficiaries to receive purchased/referred care (PRC) services.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in the State of Connecticut
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation to include the counties of Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, Tolland, and Windham in the State of Connecticut. The final PRCDA for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation now includes the Connecticut counties of Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland, and Windham. The sole purpose of this expansion is to authorize additional Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation members and eligible IHS beneficiaries to receive purchased/referred care (PRC) services.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in the State of Connecticut
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation to include the counties of Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, Tolland, and Windham in the State of Connecticut. The current PRCDA for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation includes the Connecticut county of New London. Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation members residing outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services, however, they are not eligible for Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation members and IHS beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Removal of Outdated Regulations
The Indian Health Service (IHS) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or ``the Department'') is issuing this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing the removal of regulations appearing in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These outdated regulations do not align with the current statutory text.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Mid-Atlantic Tribes in the States of Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to view the seven Mid-Atlantic Tribes in the Commonwealth of Virginia collectively and to expand the geographic boundaries of their current Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas (PRCDAs). The seven Mid-Atlantic Tribes include the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, Chickahominy Indian Tribe, Chickahominy Indian TribeEastern Division, Upper Mattaponi Tribe, Rappahannock Tribe, Monacan Indian Nation, and Nansemond Indian Tribe.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Spokane Tribe of Indians in the State of Washington
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Spokane Tribe to include the counties of Spokane and Whitman in the State of Washington. The final PRCDA for the Spokane Tribe now includes the Washington counties of Ferry, Lincoln, Spokane, Stevens, and Whitman. The sole purpose of this expansion is to authorize additional Spokane Tribal members and beneficiaries to receive Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services.
Reimbursement Rates for Calendar Year 2024
Notice is provided that the Director of the Indian Health Service (IHS) has approved the rates for inpatient and outpatient medical care provided by the IHS facilities for Calendar Year 2024.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is establishing a new system of records maintained by the Indian Health Service (IHS) Office of Clinical and Preventive Services (OCPS), System Number 09-17-0006, ``Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) Records.'' The records in the new system of records are about individual healthcare providers who have applied for Federal certification under the Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) created under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, as amended; and individuals serving as CHAP Certification Board members who review and evaluate the certification/recertification applications for completeness and verify that the candidates meet the minimum standards for certification. The CHAP Certification Board will provide the respective Area Director with its recommendation to either certify, recertify, or deny certification after reviewing the certification applications.
Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Information Collection: Application for Participation in the IHS Scholarship Program
In compliance the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on the information collection titled, ``Application for Participation in the IHS Scholarship Program,'' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control No. 0917-0006. IHS is requesting OMB to approve an extension for this collection, which expires on October 31, 2023.
Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Information Collection: Indian Health Service Forms To Implement the Privacy Rule
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on the information collection titled, ``IHS Forms to Implement the Privacy Rule'' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917-0030. This notice announces the IHS intent to submit the collection, which expires September 30, 2023, to OMB for approval of an extension with modifications, and to solicit comments on specific aspects of the information collection.
Request for Public Comment; 60-Day Information Collection: Application for Participation in the IHS Scholarship Program
In compliance the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on the information collection titled, ``Application for Participation in the IHS Scholarship Program,'' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control No. 0917-0006. The IHS is requesting OMB to approve an extension for this collection, which expires on October 31, 2023.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Spokane Tribe of Indians in the State of Washington
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation to include the counties of Spokane and Whitman in the State of Washington. The current PRCDA for the Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation includes the Washington counties of Ferry, Lincoln, and Stevens. Spokane Tribal members residing outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services, however, they are not eligible for Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional Spokane Tribal members and beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Information Collection: Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Contracts
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on the information collection titled, ``Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Contracts,'' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917-0037. The IHS is requesting OMB to approve an extension for this collection, which expires on August 31, 2023.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in the State of Oregon
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (CTGR) in the State of Oregon to include the county of Clackamas in the State of Oregon. The current PRCDA for the CTGR includes the Oregon counties of Washington, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, and Tillamook. The CTGR members residing outside of the PRCDA are eligible for direct care services, however, they are not eligible for Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services. The sole purpose of this expansion would be to authorize additional CTGR members and beneficiaries to receive PRC services.
Notice of Proposed Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Mid-Atlantic Tribes
This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service (IHS) proposes to view the seven Mid-Atlantic Tribes in the Commonwealth of Virginia collectively and to expand the geographic boundaries of their current Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas (PRCDA). The seven Mid-Atlantic Tribes include the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, Chickahominy Indian Tribe, Chickahominy Indian TribeEastern Division, Upper Mattaponi Tribe, Rappahannock Tribe, Monacan Indian Nation, and Nansemond Indian Tribe. The IHS previously designated a PRCDA for each of the seven Tribes, which include counties and/or independent cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The IHS is now proposing to expand those individual PRCDAs by creating a collective PRCDA for the seven Tribes. The collective PRCDA will include all of the counties and independent cities in each of the current PRCDAs, plus additional contiguous counties and independent cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State of Maryland, and the State of North Carolina.
Request for Public Comment: 30-Day Information Collection: Indian Health Service Medical Staff Credentials Application
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on the information collection titled, ``Indian Health Service Medical Staff Credentials Application,'' OMB Control Number 0917-0009, which expires August 31, 2023.
Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund
The Indian Health Service (IHS or Service) administers the Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund (CHEF) pursuant to section 202 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA). The purpose of the CHEF is to meet the extraordinary medical costs associated with the treatment of victims of disasters or catastrophic illnesses who are within the responsibility of the Service. This notice proposes regulations governing the administration of the CHEF.
Request for Public Comment: 60-Day Information Collection: Indian Health Service Forms To Implement the Privacy Rule
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on the information collection titled, ``IHS Forms to Implement the Privacy Rule'' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917-0030. This previously approved information collection project was last published in the Federal Register (84 FR 42935) on August 19, 2019, and allowed 30 days for public comment. No public comment was received in response to the notice. This notice announces the IHS's intent to submit the collection, which expires August 31, 2023, to OMB for approval of an extension with modifications, and to solicit comments on specific aspects of the information collection.
Notice of Listing of Members of the Indian Health Service Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board
Notice is provided of the persons who will serve on the Indian Health Service Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board.
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