Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Indian Health Service Headquarters, Office of Information Technology and the Office of Management Services, Part GAG, GAL, 7141-7149 [2025-00535]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
Administration for Children and
Submission for Office of Management
and Budget Review; Child Support
Annual Data Report and Instructions
(OCSS–157) (Office of Management
and Budget #: 0970–0177)
Office of Child Support
Services; Administration for Children
and Families; U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
Comments due February 20,
2025. OMB must make a decision about
the collection of information between 30
and 60 days after publication of this
document in the Federal Register.
Therefore, a comment is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it
within 30 days of publication.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function. You can also obtain
copies of the proposed collection of
information by emailing infocollection@ Identify all emailed
requests by the title of the information
Description: States must annually
provide OCSS with their child support
information pertaining to case
inventory, performance status, and
Request for public comments.
The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), Office of
Child Support Services (OCSS), is
requesting the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) to approve the Child
Support Annual Data Report and
Instructions (OCSS–157), with minor
revisions, for an additional three years.
The current OMB approval expires on
March 31, 2025.
accomplishments in the following areas:
paternity establishment; services
requested and provided; medical
support; collections due and
distributed; staff; program expenditures;
non-cooperation and good cause; and
administrative enforcement. The
information collected from the OCSS–
157 allows OCSS to (1) report child
support activities to Congress as
required by law; (2) calculate States’
incentive measures for performance and
assess performance indicators used in
the program; and (3) help OCSS monitor
and evaluate State child support
OCSS made minor revisions to the
instructions and report to make them
easier for the respondents to understand
and complete. Additionally, OCSS
updated the name of the federal child
support office from the Office of Child
Support Enforcement (OCSE) to the
Office of Child Support Services
Respondents: State Child Support
Information collection instrument
Total number
of annual
Number of
responses per
burden hour
per response
burden hours
OCSS Annual Report and Instructions (OCSS–157) ......................................
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 652(a) and (g) and
Mary C. Jones,
ACF/OPRE Certifying Officer.
[FR Doc. 2025–01245 Filed 1–17–25; 8:45 am]
Indian Health Service
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority; Indian Health
Service Headquarters, Office of
Information Technology and the Office
of Management Services, Part GAG,
Indian Health Service,
Department of Health and Human
ACTION: Final notice.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
This Notice advises the public
that the Indian Health Service (IHS)
proposes Part GAG, GAL, of the
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority of the
Department of Health and Human
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Services (HHS), 47053–67, December
11, 1987, as amended, November 9,
1995, December 19, 1996, as amended
July 12, 2004, as amended, May 6, 2005,
as amended October 17, 2005, as
amended, August 21, 2009, and most
recently December 26, 2018, is hereby
amended to reflect a reorganization of
the Indian Health Service (IHS). The
new organizational structure was
approved by the Secretary of Health and
Human Services on January 2, 2025. The
purpose of this reorganization proposal
is to update the current approved IHS,
Office of Information Technology (GAG)
and the Office Management Services
(GAL) in their entirety and replace them
with the following:
an Operating Division within the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) and is under the
leadership and direction of a Director
who is directly responsible to the
Secretary of Health and Human
Services. The IHS Headquarters is
reorganizing the following major
component: Office of Information
Technology (OIT) and the Office of
Management Services (OMS).
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Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101.
Office of Information Technology (OIT)
(1) Provides Chief Information Officer
(CIO) services and advises the Director,
Indian Health Service (IHS), on all
aspects of information resource
management, information technology
(IT), and Health IT; (2) ensures Agency
compliance with related Federal
statutes, executive orders, regulations,
and policies; (3) directs the
development, implementation, and
maintenance of policies, procedures,
standards, and architecture for
information resource management, IT,
and Health IT activities and services in
the IHS; (4) provides IHS Area Offices
and Service Units with sufficient
training and oversight to manage IT and
Health IT responsibilities; (5) directs the
IT enterprise architecture, governance,
category management, and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) programs for the
Agency; (6) directs strategic planning
and budgeting processes for information
resources, IT, and Health IT; (7)
oversees the development and
implementation of information resource
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
management, IT, and Health IT
initiatives in the IHS including the IHS
Health IT Modernization Program; (8)
directs the design, development,
implementation, and support of robust
information systems and services used
in the IHS; (9) directs the activities of
the IHS IT Investment Review Board
(ITIRB) in assessing, implementing, and
reviewing the Agency’s investment in
information systems; (10) manages
contracts and associated chargebacks for
information resource management, IT,
and Health IT related software,
equipment, and support services in
collaboration with appropriate
acquisition authorities; (11) through the
Chief Information Security Officer,
directs the development,
implementation, and management of the
IHS IT Cybersecurity program to protect
the information resources, IT, and
Health IT of the IHS; (12) oversees
compliance with Federal cybersecurity
laws, regulations, and policy and
issuance of IHS information security
policies, procedures, and guidelines;
(13) oversees all aspects of the IHS
cybersecurity program including audit
compliance, risk and coordination, IHS
security architecture and engineering
design, and the security-related incident
response program, IHS security
awareness training programs, IHS
information system disaster recovery,
contingency planning and response, and
cybersecurity vulnerability
management; (14) leads the IHS
Cybersecurity Operations Center to
monitor IT/Health IT systems 24 hours
a day, seven days a week; (15) oversees
IT systems privacy; (16) provides IT
services and support to the IHS, Tribal,
and Urban Indian Health Programs (I/T/
U), including the Resource and Patient
Management System (RPMS), the
Electronic Health Record (EHR), and the
National Patient Information Reporting
System (NPIRS); (17) provides
informatics leadership through the Chief
Medical Information Officer and Chief
Health Informatics Officer to
strategically align clinical and technical
activities to improve healthcare
services; (18) identifies opportunities for
improvement of IHS healthcare and
public health services through the
adoption of new technologies; (19)
manages the IHS Health Information
Management (HIM) program; (20)
oversees the development of IHS HIM
policies and practice standardization
including issuance of enterprise-wide
HIM standard operating procedures; (21)
ensures that IHS Area Offices and
Service Units have sufficient HIM
training and oversight to manage HIM
responsibilities; (22) provides guidance
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on accreditation standards, legislative,
and regulatory requirements concerning
HIM to ensure IHS compliance; (23)
oversees the analyses and management
of enterprise data developed, acquired,
or stored by the IHS; (24) ensures
accessibility to IT services; (25) directs
and leads all aspects of IHS IT and
Health IT customer experience, OIT selfdetermination activities, OIT public
affairs and communications needs, IT
asset management, knowledge
management, and service desk activities
including the provision of IHS IT and
Health IT systems end user support; (26)
furnishes IHS-wide video conferencing
solutions and services including
telehealth support; (27) provides
program and project management and
related support for IHS-developed and
acquired information resources and
technology products and services; (28)
provides contract management support
for information resources, IT, and
Health IT initiatives, including strategic
sourcing efforts and enterprise wide IT
procurements and chargebacks; (29)
advises the IHS Director on all aspects
of privacy and the IHS-wide privacy
program including people, processes,
and technologies; (30) ensures
compliance with applicable privacy and
system of records notice requirements,
develops and evaluates privacy statutes,
regulations, and policies, and manages
privacy risks consistent with the
Agency’s mission; (31) manages,
administers, implements and monitors
the IHS’s Paperwork Reduction Act and
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) information collection/activities,
including providing guidance,
requirements and procedures for
obtaining OMB approvals and/or
extensions for IHS information
collections; (32) provides leadership
and guidance for the IHS Forms
Management Program; (33) oversees the
IHS Records Management Program
through the IHS Records Management
Officer; (34) advises the IHS Director on
all aspects of records management and
provides Agency-wide Records
Management Program leadership,
guidance and support; (35) ensures the
accountability and integrity of records
management and disposition of records
including litigation holds; (36) develops
and recommends policies and
procedures for the protection and
disposition of IHS records and oversees
the evaluation of records management
activities in the IHS; (37) develops and
implements a management control
system for evaluation of records
management functions IHS-wide; (38)
participates in cross-cutting issues and
processes that involve information
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resources, IT, and Health IT including,
but not limited to, emergency
preparedness/security, budget
formulation, self-determination issues,
Tribal shares computations, and
resolution of audit findings as may be
needed and appropriate; and (39)
represents the IHS and enters into IT
and Health IT agreements with Federal,
Tribal, State and other organizations.
Division of Information Technology
(1) Provides IT services and advises
the CIO on all aspects of Health IT; (2)
develops and supports clinical and
business practice healthcare
applications such as the RPMS and the
EHR; (3) develops healthcare data
export applications to feed analytical
processes; (4) obtains system and
business requirements from
stakeholders for system design; (5)
provides quality assurance and risk
management for software development;
(6) develops, implements, and
maintains policies, procedures, and
standards for system development and
technology products and services in the
IHS; (7) develops and maintains Health
IT strategic planning documents;
(8) develops and maintains the IHS
enterprise architecture; (9) develops and
implements Health IT management
initiatives in the IHS; (10) ensures the
IHS IT infrastructure resource
consolidation and standardization
efforts support the IHS healthcare
delivery and program administration;
(11) develops, maintains, and manages
the centralized processes and systems
that support interoperability between
internal and external stakeholders for
the transmission and receipt of health
information; (12) provides training and
documentation for IHS developed
software implementation, maintenance,
and best practices; (13) provides input
into HIM policy and procedures and
ensures development activity complies
with regulations and policy; (14)
ensures development and operation
activity complies with applicable
security guidance, regulations, and
policy; (15) provides program and
project management and related support
for IHS developed and acquired
information resources and technology
products and services; (16) provides
contract management support for Health
IT initiatives; (17) participates in crosscutting issues and processes that
involve IT and Health IT; and (18)
represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
Division of Program Management and
Budget (GAGB)
(1) Advises the CIO on all business
aspects of information resources,
program and project management; (2)
develops information resource policies
and procedures; (3) develops the IHS IT
budget and related documents; (4)
provides budget analyses and reports to
the CIO; (5) develops strategies for
presenting the IHS IT budget to I/T/Us;
(6) provides technical analyses,
guidance, and support for IHS capital
planning and investment control
activities; (7) manages the IHS portfolio
management tool; (8) manages the
activities of the IHS ITIRB in assessing,
implementing and reviewing the
Agency’s information systems; (9)
develops program and project
management policies and procedures;
(10) identifies alternatives among
internal and external sources and
recommends the best sources to supply
information resource and technology
products and services to the IHS; (11)
develops information resource and
technology project governance
structures to support effective program
and project management; (12) provides
and coordinates IHS Healthcare Connect
Fund Services under the Rural Health
Care Program (RHC), a division of the
Universal Service Fund (USF) and
administered by the Universal Service
Administrative Company (USAC), to
offset the high cost of rural
telecommunication services; (13)
provides IHS Section 508 coordination
services; (14) provides Radio Frequency
Spectrum Management coordination
services; (15) provides contract liaison
services to appropriate acquisition
authorities; (16) provides program and
project management and related support
for IHS developed and acquired
information resources and technology
products and services; (17) provides IT
contract management support and
manages enterprise-wide IT chargebacks
for IT initiatives; (18) participates in
crosscutting issues and processes that
involve IT and Health IT; and (19)
represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Division of Information Technology
Operations (GAGC)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of
implementing and deploying computer
systems including RPMS; (2) develops,
implements, and maintains IHS
standards, policies, and procedures for
IT operations; (3) maintains LISTSERV
capabilities; (4) performs web
monitoring and filtering services; (5)
designs and implements websites in
compliance with Section 508 of the
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Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d)
accessibility regulations; (6) operates
and maintains data centers; (7) provides
Domain Name Services; (8) designs,
implements, and maintains IHS’
backbone network infrastructure; (9)
monitors network infrastructure for
anomalies; (10) supports enterprise
office automation and cybersecurity in
Microsoft 365 and subsequent
environments; (11) provides program
and project management support for
systems design and deployment to
ensure customer satisfaction; (12)
provides contract management support
for IT initiatives; (13) participates in
crosscutting issues and processes that
involve information resources and
technology program and project
management; and (14) represents the
IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Microsoft 365 Services Branch
(1) Manages and maintains Microsoft
365 applications and services Agencywide; (2) oversees user access, security
policies, and compliance within the
Microsoft 365 environment; (3)
identifies, researches, recommends, and
implements Microsoft 365 solutions and
applications such as Teams, Office,
Outlook, PowerApps, PowerAutomate,
Power BI, OneDrive, and SharePoint; (4)
develops new applications to improve
productivity using the Microsoft Power
Platform, Teams, Office, Graph,
SharePoint that support integrations
with multiple IHS tools and data sets;
and (5) builds Artificial Intelligence
solutions using Microsoft Copilots and
Azure AI.
Division of Information Security
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of
information security; (2) develops,
implements, and monitors the IHS
Information Security program to ensure
adequate protection and security of
information systems; (3) oversees
performance of required security
activities and serves as the main point
of contact for cybersecurity support and
guidance; (4) manages IHS cybersecurity
audit response and coordination and
regularly reviews audit and system log
reports; (5) coordinates activities with
internal and external organizations
reviewing the IHS’s information
resources for fraud, waste, and abuse;
(6) advises the CIO on IHS risk and
compliance issues related to
information system authorization and
accreditation; (7) manages IHS security
architecture and engineering design; (8)
directs the IHS cybersecurity incident
response program; (9) oversees
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development and maintenance of
information security policies,
procedures, and guidelines to safeguard
information resources, IT, and Health IT
systems; (10) develops and implements
employee information security
awareness training programs; (11)
manages the Agency’s information
system disaster recovery and
contingency planning; (12) ensures
development and review of IHS IT
security plans and information system
security documentation with system
owners; (13) manages the IHS
Cybersecurity Operations Center (CSOC)
to monitor IT systems 24 hours a day,
seven days a week; (14) serves as the
OIT’s lead for information system
privacy, including development of
privacy policies for IT systems and the
assessment of privacy controls for IT
systems; (15) directs the continuous
process of cybersecurity vulnerability
management; (16) provides program and
project management and related support
for IHS-developed and acquired
information resources and technology
products and services regarding
information security; (17) provides
contract management support for IT
initiatives regarding information
security; (18) participates in
crosscutting issues and processes that
involve information security; and (19)
represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations regarding
information security.
Information Systems Security Officers
Branch (GAGD1)
(1) Advises the Division of
Information Security (DIS) Director on
the security of information systems; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
information systems security; (3)
develops and maintains information
system security documentation with the
system owner; (4) ensures required
security activities are performed; (5)
regularly reviews audit and system log
reports; (6) serves as the main point of
contact for cybersecurity support and
guidance; and (7) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Cybersecurity Audit Response and
Coordination Branch (GAGD2)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on
internal and external audit-related
activities; (2) develops, recommends,
and oversees the implementation of
policies, procedures, and standards in
support of audit response and
coordination; (3) provides program level
support for the tracking and remediation
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
of information system deficiencies and
resolution of audit findings as may be
needed and appropriate; and (4)
maintains relationships and consults
with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
Cybersecurity Risk and Compliance
Branch (GAGD3)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on risk
and compliance issues related to
information system authorization and
accreditation; (2) develops,
recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures,
and standards in support of information
system authorization and accreditation;
(3) assesses the risk and magnitude of
harm that could result from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
disruption, modification, or destruction
of information and information systems
that support the operations and assets of
IHS; (4) conducts security assessments
of information systems; (5) maintains
accreditation documentation for all
evaluated information systems; and (6)
maintains relationships and consults
with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Cybersecurity Architecture and
Engineering Branch (GAGD4)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on
security architecture and engineering
design; (2) develops, recommends, and
oversees the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
security architecture and engineering
design; (3) manages technical
architecture and engineering design
projects for security program initiatives;
(4) reviews and evaluates evolving
technologies; and (5) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Cybersecurity Incident Response
Branch (GAGD5)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on
security-related incident response; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
incident response; (3) responds to
security-related incidents on the IHS
network; (4) provides post-incident
reporting and analysis; (5) reviews and
evaluates incident response toolsets;
and (6) maintains relationships and
consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State,
and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Policy and Security
Awareness Branch (GAGD6)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on
security policies from internal and
external authorities; (2) develops,
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recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures,
and standards in support of all aspects
of information security; (3) maintains
awareness of evolving policy and
security directive changes from internal
and external authorities; (4) develops,
maintains, and tracks compliance for
the annual information system security
awareness training; (5) develops
security awareness education and
training materials; and (6) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Disaster Recovery and Contingency
Planning Branch (GAGD7)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on
information system disaster recovery
and contingency planning; (2) develops,
recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures,
and standards in support of disaster
recovery and contingency planning; (3)
develops and maintains information
system disaster recovery documentation
with the system owner; (4) coordinates
testing and execution of disaster
recovery plans; (5) reviews and
evaluates technologies to support
disaster recovery and contingency
response capabilities; and (6) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Cybersecurity Operations Center
Branch (GAGD8)
(1) Provides centralized IHS
cybersecurity operations support for
network monitoring, incident response,
cyber threat intelligence collection, and
threat information sharing through the
Cybersecurity Operations Center; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
the Cybersecurity Operations Center; (3)
monitors all IHS networks, systems, and
external facing applications and sites to
detect suspicious activity 24 hours a
day, seven days a week; (4) monitors
high-value asset security to ensure
mission-critical systems and data are
protected; (5) categorizes, prioritizes,
and documents security events,
including incident alerting and sorting
for additional investigation; (6)
disseminates patch availability for
vulnerabilities and shares advisories
across the enterprise; (7) analyzes
malware through dynamic and static
methods; (8) coordinates incident
analysis, correlation, and available
response strategies with the
Cybersecurity Incident Response
Branch; (9) reviews and analyzes threat
intelligence to maintain awareness and
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enhance capabilities; and (10) maintains
relationships and consults with the IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Cybersecurity Privacy Branch (GAGD9)
(1) Provides oversight and serves as
the Agency’s lead for privacy of IT
Systems including the assessment of
privacy controls for IT systems; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
the privacy of IT systems; (3) evaluates
IT systems that collect personally
identifiable information (PII) and
ensures adequate protection of the
security and privacy of PII; (4)
coordinates privacy impact assessments
(PIA) on all IHS IT systems
(developmental and operational); (5)
maintains IT system PIAs and makes
them publicly available; (6) ensures
adequate security and privacy practices
and safeguards have been incorporated
in information system lifecycle plans;
and (7) maintains relationships and
consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State,
and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Vulnerability
Management Branch (GAGD10)
(1) Manages the continuous process of
identifying, assessing, reporting,
managing, and remediating security
vulnerabilities identified in all software,
firmware, and hardware within the IHS;
(2) develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
security vulnerability management; (3)
supports all systems, subsystems, and
system components owned by or
operated on behalf of IHS with efficient
vulnerability assessment techniques,
procedures, and capabilities; (4)
provides a process for all IHS
components to submit both newly
discovered and not publicly known
vulnerabilities to the Vulnerability
Management Team as soon as
practicable; (5) conducts vulnerability
assessments of IHS’s IT infrastructure;
and (6) maintains relationships and
consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State,
and other organizations.
Division of Health Information
Technology Modernization and
Operations (DHITMO) (GAGE)
(1) Advises the CIO on the
development, implementation, and
maintenance of policies, procedures,
and standards for Health IT
modernization resources, technology
products, and services; (2) oversees
engineering, technical architecture, and
engineering design projects for Health
IT modernization program initiatives;
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
(3) develops and maintains Health IT
modernization strategic planning
documents; (4) develops and maintains
the governance framework to support
modernization activities; (5) provides
acquisition, IT capital planning and
investment control, and contract
management support for IT initiatives
regarding Health IT; (6) directs
modernization system and software
testing; (7) provides oversight and
management of the modernization test
environments; (8) manages and controls
IT activities of modernization projects
throughout the system development life
cycle; (9) develops, deploys, and
implements Health IT management
initiatives; (10) ensures quality of
products, services, and infrastructures
of technology modernization supporting
IHS healthcare delivery and program
administration standards; (11) supports
the alignment of technology and
business organizational change; (12)
provides program and project
management support for IHS developed
and acquired information resources and
technology products and services; (13)
provides division administrative
support services including human
resource acquisition management,
performance, and talent development;
(14) provides professional
communication development, editing,
and records management service; (15)
assists in the capture of contractor
security clearance artifacts and
management; (16) participates in
crosscutting issues and processes that
involve Health IT; and (17) represents
the Division to the IHS, Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Business Management and Capital
Planning Branch (GAGE1)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on
modernization products and services in
support of Health IT modernization; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies and
procedures for modernization products
and services in support of Health IT
modernization; (3) oversees acquisition
protocols for modernization products
and services in support of Health IT
modernization; (4) provides advice,
technical consultation, and training to
DHITMO staff on project lifecycle cost
estimates, acquisition packages, and
capital planning and investment control
artifacts; (5) manages contracts in
support of Health IT modernization; (6)
maintains fiscal commitment registers
in coordination with Division of
Program Management and Budget
(DPMB) and the Office of Finance and
Accounting; and (7) conducts fund
reconciliations in support of the
division operating budget.
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Program Management Operations
Branch (GAGE2)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on
Health IT modernization program and
project management; (2) develops,
recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures,
and standards in support of integrated
Health IT modernization program and
project management practices; (3)
defines, integrates, and manages the
Health IT modernization governance
framework across the Health IT
enterprise; (4) provides program and
project management oversight, support,
and controls of enterprise Health IT
modernization projects throughout the
system development life cycle; and (5)
maintains relationships and consults
with the IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
Architecture and Engineering Branch
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on
Health IT modernization architecture
and engineering design; (2) develops,
recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures,
and standards in support of Health IT
modernization architecture and
engineering design; (3) manages
engineering, technical architecture, and
engineering design projects for
modernization program initiatives; (4)
validates requirements and
configurations of data structures,
interfaces for operational acceptance
and implementation; (5) reviews and
evaluates evolving IT and HIT product
strategy; and (6) maintains relationships
and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Organizational Change Management
Branch (GAGE4)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on
Health IT and business initiative
organizational change management; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees
the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of
Health IT and business initiative
organizational change management
throughout I/T/U healthcare programs;
(3) establishes and matures organization
change capabilities and documentation
baseline; (4) manages the effect of new
business processes, new technology,
shifting economic landscapes, and
changes in organizational structure and
culture within the enterprise; (5) plans
and manages operational readiness,
training, and communication of
changes; (6) develops measures to
demonstrate benefits of change
adoption; (7) manages partner
engagement, readiness/deployment, and
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risk; (8) evaluates and analyzes the I/T/
U workforce status, planning, and
strategy effort to support Health IT
modernization which will impact the
entire IHS organization; (9) assesses the
baseline (current state) for key functions
and capabilities required of the IHS
organization impacted by
modernization; (10) develops and
implements a future state of new
functions and capabilities, aligned to
competencies and estimated workload
of the future; (11) develops and
implements a gap analysis to define
function and skill gaps that need to be
resolved as IHS progresses through
modernization; (12) conducts strategic
planning, facilitates partner
engagement, and manages
organizational change management
operations; (13) engages with I/T/U
healthcare programs to identify
opportunities and challenges to
incorporate in communications,
engagement training, implementation,
deployment, and risk/mitigation; (14)
assesses and documents lessons learned
through deployment and stakeholder
feedback; (15) ensures appropriate
consideration of the I/T/U environment
is incorporated and factored into
program planning, implementation, and
deployment; and (16) influences change
and maintains relationships with IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Deployment Branch (GAGE5)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on
modernization enterprise deployment
activities; (2) develops, recommends,
and oversees the implementation of
policies, procedures, and standards in
support of modernization enterprise
deployment activities; (3) plans,
manages, and controls IT deployment
projects throughout the system
development life cycle; (4) analyzes
alternative deployment strategies and
selects or develops deployment strategy;
(5) ensures operational environment is
established and ready to accept the
deployed solution (facilities,
infrastructure, trained staff, help desk,
etc.); (6) serves as the primary point of
contact to end-users on matters related
to deployment management; (7) directs
the solution delivery schedule; (8)
deploys, installs, and activates software
and hardware which has passed all
stages of verification and tests; (9)
establishes solution performance targets
and assesses performance of deployed
or phased roll-outs against performance
targets; (10) liaises between I/T/U users,
system administrators, and application
development staff to support the
implementation of technology; and (11)
maintains relationships and consults
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Product Management Branch (GAGE6)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on
the strategy, design, configuration, and
optimization of software products of the
IHS EHR; (2) evaluates solution
functional workflows, feature releases,
and application configurations; (3)
maintains enterprise application
configuration baselines; (4) validates
new application features and
functionality for impact to established
baselines; (5) advises and maintains
relationships with EHR clinical and
business end-users, clinical advisory
groups, and clinician users of all
disciplines on product functionality and
engages with engineering teams; (6)
ensures application capabilities are
aligned to regulatory requirements and
standards for Certified Health
Information Technology; (7) contributes
to the development of enterprise policy
and guidance; (8) monitors application
performance and patterns associated
with functionality for human-centered
design and best practices; (9) researches
and documents EHR clinical and
business functionality change requests
on behalf of change control boards,
governance bodies, and project teams;
and (10) implements program/project
initiatives for improving software
functionality, programmatic internal
controls, and program reporting.
Division of Enterprise Governance and
Architecture (GAGG)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of
IT governance and enterprise
architecture; (2) establishes and
maintains a robust enterprise
architecture program that enhances the
value of IT and Health IT used in
support of the IHS mission; (3)
develops, implements, and maintains
policies, procedures, and standards for
enterprise governance and architectural
strategy in the IHS to support IHS
healthcare delivery and program
administration; (4) leads the
development of the IHS IT Strategic
plan and participates in organizational
strategic planning to ensure IT and
Health IT systems support IHS goals,
mission, and objectives; (5) provides
Category Management services to ensure
compliance with Federal mandates and
to enact standardizations of hardware,
software, and technical support
contracts; (6) develops, implements, and
maintains policies, procedures, and
standards for optimal development,
management, and use of information
resource management and technology
products, data, and services within the
IHS; (7) performs analysis of business
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structure and processes and addresses
Agency goals through the refinement of
the IHS enterprise architecture; (8)
establishes and guides the evolution of
the IHS’s business, systems, and
technologies; (9) develops the holistic
view of the IHS’s environment and its
dependencies to address a planned and
improved, but not yet realized condition
of processes, operations, or technologies
through enterprise-wise standards and
organizational governance; (10) provides
program and project management and
related support for IHS developed and
acquired information resources and
technology products and services; (11)
provides contract management support
for enterprise-wide IT contracts and
acquisitions; (12) drives implementation
of the IHS Artificial Intelligence (AI)
strategy, stands up the IHS AI
governance structure, coordinates the
IHS response to AI-related federal
mandates, and fosters collaboration
across the IHS; (13) participates in
crosscutting issues and processes that
involve IT and Health IT; and (14)
represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Division of Data Management and
Analytics (GAGH)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of
enterprise data developed, acquired, or
stored by the IHS; (2) develops,
implements, and maintains policies,
procedures, and standards for data
acquired, managed, manipulated, and
stored in the enterprise-wide IT and
Health IT systems of the IHS; (3)
develops long-term strategies for
optimal development, management, and
use of data within the IHS; (4) develops
and deploys Agency-wide data and
analytical platforms and tools, as well as
a future roadmap that supports and
anticipates stakeholder needs; (5)
develops and matures the IHS data
ecosystem, including the development
of enterprise data solutions, services,
policies, and processes; (6) promotes
data as an Agency asset and transforms
the Agency into a data-driven
organization; (7) develops and matures
the IHS enterprise-wide analytical
capabilities including the development
of artificial intelligence and real-time
dash-boarding capabilities; (8) develops,
acquires, maintains and supports the
organizational-level data acquired,
managed, manipulated, secured and
stored in the enterprise-wide IT and
Health IT systems of the IHS; (9)
develops data policies and determines
the best way to leverage the data that is
collected internally and is available
externally; (10) aligns data/data
governance in accordance with the
Enterprise Architecture framework; (11)
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liaisons with Data Stewards, Privacy,
and other stakeholders to define/enforce
data privacy and security rules; (12)
manages enterprise data models,
metadata catalogs, glossaries,
dictionaries and lineage, in alignment
with the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) best practices;
(13) provides program and project
management and related support for
IHS-developed and -acquired
information resources and technology
products and services; (14) provides
contract management support for IT
initiatives; (15) participates in crosscutting issues and processes that
involve IT and Health IT; and (16)
represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Division of Customer Experience (DCX)
(1) Advises the CIO and Deputy CIO
on all aspects of IHS IT and Health IT
customer experience, OIT public affairs
and communications needs, IT asset
management, knowledge management,
and service desk activities; (2) oversees
development, implementation, and
maintenance of DCX policies and
procedures; (3) directs the development
and implementation of Agency
initiatives that improve customer
relations, experiences, and
communication with OIT, Federal
partners, Tribes, and Urban Indian
organizations; (4) leads performance
improvement initiatives that follow
human-centered design principles to
improve customer relations, customer
experience, and internal user
experience; (5) oversees planning,
coordination, and execution of all OIT
internal and external communications
and public affairs; (6) manages OIT selfdetermination activities including
development, maintenance, and
publication of the OIT Service Catalog,
OIT Programs, Functions, Services, and
Activities, and Tribal Leader/Urban
Indian Organization Leader
correspondence; (7) represents OIT at
Tribal Delegation Meetings, Tribal
conferences, and other forums internal
and external to IHS to present OIT’s
program, services, functions, and
activities (PSFAs) and Tribal shares and
develops remediation plans for
resolution of Tribal issues for OIT senior
leadership; (8) oversees lifecycle
management of enterprise information
resources and technology products
including application software,
hardware and peripherals; (9)
coordinates with DHITMO for emerging
EHR support needs and revisions to
workflows; (10) oversees IHS-wide
Service Desk operations; (11) centralizes
the DCX knowledge management system
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
across OIT; (12) directs specialized
projects to solve IT and Health IT
procurement problems for customers;
(13) manages end user and IT employee
training and education; (14) provides
contract management support for IT
initiatives; (15) manages the DCX
budget, human resources, performance
management, and strategic planning;
(16) participates in cross-cutting issues
and processes that involve IT and
Health IT; and (17) represents the IHS
to Federal, Tribal, State, and other
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Information Technology Customer
Experience Branch (GAGJ1)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on
improvements to IT and Health IT
products, solutions, and services to
improve the customer experience; (2)
develops, recommends, maintains, and
implements OIT customer experience
policies and procedures; (3) collects and
analyzes quantitative and qualitative
data to capture Voice of the Customer
and creates process flows from the IT
and Health IT customer’s perspective
(e.g., journey maps and personas); (4)
collects business requirements and
sustains IT and Health IT service
contracts between IHS and Area offices;
(5) develops and integrates continuous
improvement approaches and
methodologies to enhance the IT and
Health IT customer experience; (6)
identifies opportunities to streamline
processes and eliminate bottlenecks
impacting the IT and Health IT
customer experience and internal user
experience; (7) prioritizes high-value
and high-impact IT and Health IT
customer experience initiatives; (8)
defines goals and metrics to identify
trends and better understand the IT
customer experience; (9) manages
technology and process changes,
including cost, schedule, quality, risk,
stakeholder management, and
organization change; (10) manages
complex customer cases and resolves
requests the Service Desk cannot
address; (11) participates in resolution
of cross-cutting issues and processes
that involve IT and Health IT customer
experiences; and (12) represents the
DCX to Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Information Technology
Communications Branch (GAGJ2)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on OIT
internal and external communications
and public affairs activities; (2)
develops, recommends, maintains, and
implements OIT communications
policies and procedures; (3) directly
supports all OIT public affairs and
communications needs in coordination
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with IHS Public Affairs and Executive
Secretariat; (4) directly supports all OIT
Tribal Consultation/Urban Confer
communications and congressional
engagement communication needs; (5)
communicates IT and Health IT
initiatives and associated changes,
including the management of customer
engagement and communication
strategies; (6) ensures broad
dissemination of IT and Health IT
Service changes and information
campaigns; (7) manages
communications and messaging for
cross-cutting issues and processes that
involve IT and Health IT; (8) identifies
IHS IT/Health IT training needs; (9) in
coordination with other OIT
organizations, plans and executes end
user and IT employee training and
education for both compliance and
uptake of new IT capabilities; and (10)
represents the DCX to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Information Technology Asset
Management Branch (GAGJ3)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on IT
asset management including software,
hardware, and peripheral assets; (2)
develops, recommends, maintains, and
implements OIT IT asset management
policies and procedures; (3) provides
efficient, transparent, and timely
support to leverage, and manage
enterprise software and hardware
solutions; (4) tracks and projects
enterprise requirements for software,
mobile devices, hardware, and
peripheral needs according to the
lifecycle plan of each product; (5)
identifies customer requirements for
end-user hardware, peripherals, and
software; (6) manages the acquisition
and administration of enterprise-wide
computer programs and applications,
including software licenses, operating
systems, hardware, peripheral
equipment, and mobile devices; (7)
administers, installs, and maintains
enterprise-wide desktop application
software; (8) administers, installs, and
maintains enterprise-wide computer
hardware, peripheral equipment,
operating systems, and mobile devices,
including enterprise-level preparation of
end-user equipment; (9) maintains and
publishes the OIT Service Catalog; (10)
maintains and serves as the OIT
repository for IT service level
agreements; (11) maintains and serves as
an OIT repository for Authority to
Operate (ATO) certificates for solutions
and services in the OIT Service Catalog;
(12) manages accountability for IT
property throughout the IHS; and (13)
represents the DCX to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
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Information Technology Knowledge
Management Branch (GAGJ4)
(1) Advises the DCX Director and
Deputy CIO on knowledge management
activities; (2) develops, recommends,
maintains, and implements OIT
knowledge management policies and
procedures; (3) ensures OIT adherence
to information handling policies and
supports user information and file
organization, sharing, and storage; (4)
analyzes and improves the efficiency
and transparency of OIT enterprise
services and knowledge management
framework and services; (5) collaborates
with all OIT organizations to promote
the use of the organization’s knowledge
assets; (6) develops and maintains enduser backup systems, including
SharePoint development, data tagging,
archiving, and automatic cloud backup
of end-user data; (7) develops software
documentation for end users; (8) creates
self-service articles for multiple
applications; (9) manages and
coordinates IT professional
development training for OIT staff; (10)
conducts reviews, develops reports, and
alerts organizational users on training
updates; and (11) represents the DCX to
Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Service Desk Operations Branch
(1) Advises the DCX Director on
Service Desk activities; (2) develops,
recommends, maintains, and
implements OIT service desk operations
policies and procedures; (3) manages
national and Headquarters service desk
requests and tickets; (4) delivers IHS
service desk support 24 hours a day,
seven days a week; (5) provides a single
point of contact (SPOC) for end-user
computer systems and associated
hardware and operating systems service
requests and their resolution; (6)
provides a SPOC for end-user EHR,
desktop, and office automation software
service requests and their resolution; (7)
builds and maintains an IT
Infrastructure Library (ITIL) used as a
knowledge base and self-service portal
for customers; (8) proactively detects
and solves complex reoccurring
incidents and improves processes
through development of action plans to
address future incidents; (9) provides
service desk metrics on the team’s
effectiveness, including a variety of key
performance indicators such as calls per
service desk technician, first call
resolution, turnaround time, and client
satisfaction; (10) provides end user
telecommunications support; (11)
furnishes IHS-wide video conferencing
solutions and services; (12) collaborates
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
with other DCX branches to identify and
implement business process
improvement processes; and (13)
represents the DCX to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Office of Management Services (OMS)
(1) Advises the IHS Director on all
aspects of the management of grants,
acquisitions, personal property and fleet
management, Indian Health Manual
(IHM) directives, and the regulations
program, inclusive of Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) requests, and
provides Agency-wide guidance and
support for these programs; (2)
formulates, administers, and
coordinates the review and analysis of
IHS-wide policies in the IHM, including
delegations of authority, and provides
guidance on development; (3) develops
and oversees the implementation of
policies, procedures and delegations of
authority for the IHS, including IHS
grants management activities, and grants
added to self-governance compacts; (4)
ensures that IHS policies and practices
for the administrative functions
identified above are consistent with
applicable regulations, directives and
guidance from higher echelons in the
HHS and other Federal oversight
agencies; (5) advises the IHS Director on
regulatory issues related to the IHS; (6)
provides overall coordination and
leadership for policies, services,
including the continuity of operations
plans, deployment, and public health
infrastructure for the IHS Headquarters
(HQ) emergency preparedness plans
consistent with those of the Department
of Homeland Security and the HHS,
addressing the IHS mission critical
elements of emergency plans; (7)
provides leadership and direction of
activities for continuous improvement
of management accountability and
administrative systems for effective and
efficient program support services IHSwide; (8) ensures the accountability and
integrity of grants and acquisition
management, personal property
utilization and disposition of IHS
resources; (9) oversees and administers
the Agency FOIA activities; (10)
participates in cross-cutting issues and
processes, including but not limited to,
quality assurance, internal controls,
recruitment, budget formulation, and
resolution of audit findings as may be
needed and appropriate; (11)
coordinates with HQ Offices on the
development of emergency
preparedness plans, policies, and
services, including the continuity of
operations plans, deployment, and
public health infrastructure, as
appropriate; (12) provides support with
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approvals and adherence to policies for
HQ regarding Agency conference and
meeting approvals; (13) assures that the
IHS OMS services, policies, procedures,
and practices support IHS Indian SelfDetermination Act policies; and (14)
oversees and coordinates the annual
development and submission of the
Agency’s Federal Activities Inventory
Reform Act report to the HHS.
Division of Asset Management (DAM)
(1) Plans, develops, and administers
the IHS personal property and supply
management program in conformance
with Federal personal property
management laws, regulations, policies,
procedures, practices, and standards; (2)
interprets regulations and provides
advice on execution and coordination of
personal property and supply
management policies and programs; (3)
administers management systems and
methods for planning, utilizing, and
reporting on personal property and
supply programs, including the precious
metals recovery program and IHS
personal property and supply
accountability and control systems; (4)
provides guidance and serves as
principal administrative authority for
IHS on Federal personal property and
supply management laws, regulations,
policies, procedures, practices, and
standards; (5) conducts surveys and
studies involving evaluation and
analysis of the personal property and
supply management activities IHS-wide;
(6) maintains liaison with the HHS and
the General Services Administration
(GSA) on personal property and supply
management issues and programs
affecting the IHS; (7) plans, develops
and administers the IHS Fleet
Management Program; (8) prepares
reports on IHS personal property and
supply management activities; and (9)
administers the local HQ personal
property management program to
include receiving, tagging, storage and
disposal in addition to conducting the
annual inventory for all HQ locations.
Division of Administrative and
Emergency Services (DAES) GALB
(1) Administers physical security,
facility management, space management
services, parking management, the IHS
mail and commercial printing programs,
and Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 12 (HSPD–12) badge issuance
for HQ; (2) serves as point of contact
with the HHS, Administration for
Strategic Preparedness and Response
(ASPR)/Secretary’s Operation Center,
and the GSA on logistics and issues
affecting the IHS; (3) plans, develops
and administers the Mail and
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Commercial Printing Programs; (4)
provides leadership, development, and
execution of special HQ office support
projects for office relocations, and interand intra-Agency activities; (5)
coordinates with OIT to provide
telecommunication services to HQ; (6)
administers Physical Security, Facility
Management, Space Management
Services, Telecommunication Services,
and Parking Management within HQ; (7)
provides overall coordination and
leadership for the IHS HQ emergency
preparedness plans consistent with
those of the Department of Homeland
Security and HHS, addressing the IHS
mission critical elements of emergency
plans; (8) provides leadership for the
development of emergency
preparedness plans, policies, and
services, including the continuity of
operations plans, deployment, and
public health infrastructure; (9)
coordinates IHS HQ with the IHS Area
Offices activities and available resources
of other government and nongovernment programs for essential
services related to homeland security
and emergency preparedness; (10)
coordinates periodic national
emergency preparedness exercises with
the HHS and Area Offices; (11)
maintains and administers the HQ
emergency preparedness equipment
including the office-site and alternative
locations; (12) advocates for the
emergency preparedness needs and
concerns of American Indian and
Alaska Native (AI/AN) and promotes
these program activities at the local,
state, national, and international levels;
and (13) serves as an information
gathering and dissemination point for
local and national emergency
preparedness information including
situational awareness.
Division of Acquisition Policy (DAP)
(1) Manages all aspects of the
Agency’s acquisition program in
accordance with Federal acquisition
regulations, policies, and initiatives; (2)
manages all aspects of the Agency’s
acquisition program consistent with
Federal acquisition regulations, policies,
initiatives, and guidance from higher
echelons in HHS and Federal oversight
agencies; (3) advises the OMS Director,
Deputy Director for Management
Operations, and other senior staff of
proposed legislation, regulations, and
directives that affect contracting in the
IHS; (4) provides leadership for
compliance reviews of all IHS
acquisition operations and oversees
completion of necessary corrective
actions; (5) collaborates on Agency
conference management specific to
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
acquisitions or contracts; (6) manages
the Agency’s acquisition workforce
training and certification programs; (7)
manages the IHS Contract Information
System and controls entry of data into
HHS Contract Information System; (8)
serves as the IHS contact point for
contract protests and HHS contact for
contract-related issues; (9) oversees and
implements the agency’s contract
planning, solicitation, review,
negotiation, award, post-award
administration, and contract closeout
activities; (10) processes unsolicited
proposals for the IHS; (11) coordinates
the IHS Small Business programs; (12)
oversees compliance with the Buy
Indian Act; (13) manages the Agency’s
Government Purchase Card (GPC)
program; and (14) manages and oversees
compliance and oversight of all
acquisition operations activities within
the Agency.
Division of Grants Management (DGM)
(1) Directs grants management and
operations for the IHS; (2) authorizes,
awards and administers discretionary
grants and cooperative agreements for
IHS financial assistance programs; (3)
provides guidance for the resolution of
audit findings for grant programs; (4)
manages the IHS grants training and
certification program; (5) continuously
assesses grants operations; (6) oversees
implementation of corrective action
plans for recipients receiving IHS
discretionary grant support; (7) reviews
and makes recommendations for
improvements in current grantee and
potential grantee management systems;
(8) serves as the IHS liaison to HHS
Office of Grants and the public for
discretionary grants and cooperative
agreements authorized by the IHS; (9)
maintains the Assistance
Listings (formerly the Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance) for IHS financial
assistance programs; (10) provides
guidance technical assistance, grantsrelated training and assistance for IHS
staff, grantees, and applicants; (11)
liaison to the HHS Quality Service
Management Office (QSMO) for Grants;
(12) controls data entry into the grant
award system; (13) maintains the
official, electronic grant files for funded
grants and controls data entry into the
grant award system; (14) maintains the
official, electronic grant files for funded
grants; (15) coordinates payment to
scholarship recipients in coordination
with the Division of Health Professions
Support Office of Human Resources;
(16) manages the clearance and approval
process for all IHS grant funding notices
in; and (17) reviews and
coordinates inter- and intra-agency
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agreements as well as Memoranda of
Understanding in collaboration with HQ
Division of Regulatory and Policy
Coordination (DRPC) (GALE)
(1) Manages the IHS’s overall
regulations program and
responsibilities, including determining
the need for and developing plans for
changes in regulations, developing or
assuring the development of needed
regulations, and maintaining the various
regulatory planning processes; (2) serves
as IHS liaison with the Office of the
Federal Register (FR) on matters relating
to the submission and clearance of
documents for publication in the FR; (3)
assures proper Agency clearance and
processing of FR documents; (4) informs
management and program officials of
regulatory activities of other Federal
agencies; (5) advises the OMS Director
on such matters as regulations, related
policy issues, and administrative
support issues; (6) manages the retrieval
and transmittal of information in
response to requests received under the
FOIA, in collaboration with the Public
Affairs Staff; (7) coordinates with Office
of General Counsel (OGC) to determine
disclosure or deny release of IHS
records under FOIA; (8) coordinates
requests for information with the Area
FOIA coordinators; (9) identifies and
informs the IHS Privacy Officer of FOIA
related difficulties across the IHS; (10)
ensures the security of sensitive and/or
confidential information when
responding to FOIA issues; (11)
researches and applies legal
determinations to respond requests and
releasable material; (12) maintains and
updates various regulatory agendas; (13)
formulates, administers, and supports
IHS-wide policies, delegations of
authority, and organizations and
functions development; (14) provides
leadership, on behalf of the IHS
Director, to functional area managers at
IHS HQ in developing, modifying, and
overseeing the implementation of IHS
policies and procedures; (15) provides
analysis, advisory, and assistance
services to IHS managers and staff for
the development, clearance, and filing
of IHS directives and delegations of
authority; (16) serves as principal
advisor and source for technical
assistance for establishment or
modification of organizational
infrastructures, functions, and Standard
Administrative Code configurations;
(17) advises the IHS Director and serves
as liaison with OGC on such matters as
litigation, regulation, related policy
issues, and administrative support
issues; and (18) ensures the security of
sensitive and/or confidential
PO 00000
Frm 00079
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
information when responding to FOIA
and other regulatory issues.
Section GA–40, Indian Health Service—
Delegations of Authority
All delegations of authority and redelegations of authority made to IHS
officials that were in effect immediately
prior to this reorganization, and that are
consistent with this reorganization,
shall continue in effect pending further
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2025–00535 Filed 1–17–25; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke; Notice of Closed
Pursuant to section 1009 of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, notice is hereby given of the
following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The contract proposals and
grant applications the discussions could
disclose confidential trade secrets or
commercial property such as patentable
material, and personal information
concerning individuals associated with
the contract proposals, the disclosure of
which would constitute a clearly
unwarranted invasion of personal
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke Special
Emphasis Panel; Phase 1 Clinical Trial
Contract Review.
Date: February 10, 2025.
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate contract
Address: National Institutes of Health,
Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive
Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852.
Meeting Format: Virtual Meeting.
Contact Person: Joel A Saydoff, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Scientific Review
Branch, Division of Extramural Activities,
NINDS/NIH/DHHS, NSC, 6001 Executive
Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852, 301–496–
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke Initial
Review Group Neurological Sciences and
Disorders A Study Section NSD–A Review
Date: February 13–14, 2025.
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 12 (Tuesday, January 21, 2025)]
[Pages 7141-7149]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00535]
Indian Health Service
Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Indian
Health Service Headquarters, Office of Information Technology and the
Office of Management Services, Part GAG, GAL
AGENCY: Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: This Notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service
(IHS) proposes Part GAG, GAL, of the Statement of Organization,
Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), 47053-67, December 11, 1987, as amended, November
9, 1995, December 19, 1996, as amended July 12, 2004, as amended, May
6, 2005, as amended October 17, 2005, as amended, August 21, 2009, and
most recently December 26, 2018, is hereby amended to reflect a
reorganization of the Indian Health Service (IHS). The new
organizational structure was approved by the Secretary of Health and
Human Services on January 2, 2025. The purpose of this reorganization
proposal is to update the current approved IHS, Office of Information
Technology (GAG) and the Office Management Services (GAL) in their
entirety and replace them with the following:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The IHS is an Operating Division within the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is under the
leadership and direction of a Director who is directly responsible to
the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The IHS Headquarters is
reorganizing the following major component: Office of Information
Technology (OIT) and the Office of Management Services (OMS).
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101.
Office of Information Technology (OIT) (GAG)
(1) Provides Chief Information Officer (CIO) services and advises
the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), on all aspects of
information resource management, information technology (IT), and
Health IT; (2) ensures Agency compliance with related Federal statutes,
executive orders, regulations, and policies; (3) directs the
development, implementation, and maintenance of policies, procedures,
standards, and architecture for information resource management, IT,
and Health IT activities and services in the IHS; (4) provides IHS Area
Offices and Service Units with sufficient training and oversight to
manage IT and Health IT responsibilities; (5) directs the IT enterprise
architecture, governance, category management, and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) programs for the Agency; (6) directs strategic
planning and budgeting processes for information resources, IT, and
Health IT; (7) oversees the development and implementation of
information resource
[[Page 7142]]
management, IT, and Health IT initiatives in the IHS including the IHS
Health IT Modernization Program; (8) directs the design, development,
implementation, and support of robust information systems and services
used in the IHS; (9) directs the activities of the IHS IT Investment
Review Board (ITIRB) in assessing, implementing, and reviewing the
Agency's investment in information systems; (10) manages contracts and
associated chargebacks for information resource management, IT, and
Health IT related software, equipment, and support services in
collaboration with appropriate acquisition authorities; (11) through
the Chief Information Security Officer, directs the development,
implementation, and management of the IHS IT Cybersecurity program to
protect the information resources, IT, and Health IT of the IHS; (12)
oversees compliance with Federal cybersecurity laws, regulations, and
policy and issuance of IHS information security policies, procedures,
and guidelines; (13) oversees all aspects of the IHS cybersecurity
program including audit compliance, risk and coordination, IHS security
architecture and engineering design, and the security-related incident
response program, IHS security awareness training programs, IHS
information system disaster recovery, contingency planning and
response, and cybersecurity vulnerability management; (14) leads the
IHS Cybersecurity Operations Center to monitor IT/Health IT systems 24
hours a day, seven days a week; (15) oversees IT systems privacy; (16)
provides IT services and support to the IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian
Health Programs (I/T/U), including the Resource and Patient Management
System (RPMS), the Electronic Health Record (EHR), and the National
Patient Information Reporting System (NPIRS); (17) provides informatics
leadership through the Chief Medical Information Officer and Chief
Health Informatics Officer to strategically align clinical and
technical activities to improve healthcare services; (18) identifies
opportunities for improvement of IHS healthcare and public health
services through the adoption of new technologies; (19) manages the IHS
Health Information Management (HIM) program; (20) oversees the
development of IHS HIM policies and practice standardization including
issuance of enterprise-wide HIM standard operating procedures; (21)
ensures that IHS Area Offices and Service Units have sufficient HIM
training and oversight to manage HIM responsibilities; (22) provides
guidance on accreditation standards, legislative, and regulatory
requirements concerning HIM to ensure IHS compliance; (23) oversees the
analyses and management of enterprise data developed, acquired, or
stored by the IHS; (24) ensures accessibility to IT services; (25)
directs and leads all aspects of IHS IT and Health IT customer
experience, OIT self-determination activities, OIT public affairs and
communications needs, IT asset management, knowledge management, and
service desk activities including the provision of IHS IT and Health IT
systems end user support; (26) furnishes IHS-wide video conferencing
solutions and services including telehealth support; (27) provides
program and project management and related support for IHS-developed
and acquired information resources and technology products and
services; (28) provides contract management support for information
resources, IT, and Health IT initiatives, including strategic sourcing
efforts and enterprise wide IT procurements and chargebacks; (29)
advises the IHS Director on all aspects of privacy and the IHS-wide
privacy program including people, processes, and technologies; (30)
ensures compliance with applicable privacy and system of records notice
requirements, develops and evaluates privacy statutes, regulations, and
policies, and manages privacy risks consistent with the Agency's
mission; (31) manages, administers, implements and monitors the IHS's
Paperwork Reduction Act and Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
information collection/activities, including providing guidance,
requirements and procedures for obtaining OMB approvals and/or
extensions for IHS information collections; (32) provides leadership
and guidance for the IHS Forms Management Program; (33) oversees the
IHS Records Management Program through the IHS Records Management
Officer; (34) advises the IHS Director on all aspects of records
management and provides Agency-wide Records Management Program
leadership, guidance and support; (35) ensures the accountability and
integrity of records management and disposition of records including
litigation holds; (36) develops and recommends policies and procedures
for the protection and disposition of IHS records and oversees the
evaluation of records management activities in the IHS; (37) develops
and implements a management control system for evaluation of records
management functions IHS-wide; (38) participates in cross-cutting
issues and processes that involve information resources, IT, and Health
IT including, but not limited to, emergency preparedness/security,
budget formulation, self-determination issues, Tribal shares
computations, and resolution of audit findings as may be needed and
appropriate; and (39) represents the IHS and enters into IT and Health
IT agreements with Federal, Tribal, State and other organizations.
Division of Information Technology (GAGA)
(1) Provides IT services and advises the CIO on all aspects of
Health IT; (2) develops and supports clinical and business practice
healthcare applications such as the RPMS and the EHR; (3) develops
healthcare data export applications to feed analytical processes; (4)
obtains system and business requirements from stakeholders for system
design; (5) provides quality assurance and risk management for software
development; (6) develops, implements, and maintains policies,
procedures, and standards for system development and technology
products and services in the IHS; (7) develops and maintains Health IT
strategic planning documents;
(8) develops and maintains the IHS enterprise architecture; (9)
develops and implements Health IT management initiatives in the IHS;
(10) ensures the IHS IT infrastructure resource consolidation and
standardization efforts support the IHS healthcare delivery and program
administration; (11) develops, maintains, and manages the centralized
processes and systems that support interoperability between internal
and external stakeholders for the transmission and receipt of health
information; (12) provides training and documentation for IHS developed
software implementation, maintenance, and best practices; (13) provides
input into HIM policy and procedures and ensures development activity
complies with regulations and policy; (14) ensures development and
operation activity complies with applicable security guidance,
regulations, and policy; (15) provides program and project management
and related support for IHS developed and acquired information
resources and technology products and services; (16) provides contract
management support for Health IT initiatives; (17) participates in
cross-cutting issues and processes that involve IT and Health IT; and
(18) represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and other
[[Page 7143]]
Division of Program Management and Budget (GAGB)
(1) Advises the CIO on all business aspects of information
resources, program and project management; (2) develops information
resource policies and procedures; (3) develops the IHS IT budget and
related documents; (4) provides budget analyses and reports to the CIO;
(5) develops strategies for presenting the IHS IT budget to I/T/Us; (6)
provides technical analyses, guidance, and support for IHS capital
planning and investment control activities; (7) manages the IHS
portfolio management tool; (8) manages the activities of the IHS ITIRB
in assessing, implementing and reviewing the Agency's information
systems; (9) develops program and project management policies and
procedures; (10) identifies alternatives among internal and external
sources and recommends the best sources to supply information resource
and technology products and services to the IHS; (11) develops
information resource and technology project governance structures to
support effective program and project management; (12) provides and
coordinates IHS Healthcare Connect Fund Services under the Rural Health
Care Program (RHC), a division of the Universal Service Fund (USF) and
administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), to
offset the high cost of rural telecommunication services; (13) provides
IHS Section 508 coordination services; (14) provides Radio Frequency
Spectrum Management coordination services; (15) provides contract
liaison services to appropriate acquisition authorities; (16) provides
program and project management and related support for IHS developed
and acquired information resources and technology products and
services; (17) provides IT contract management support and manages
enterprise-wide IT chargebacks for IT initiatives; (18) participates in
crosscutting issues and processes that involve IT and Health IT; and
(19) represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Division of Information Technology Operations (GAGC)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of implementing and deploying
computer systems including RPMS; (2) develops, implements, and
maintains IHS standards, policies, and procedures for IT operations;
(3) maintains LISTSERV capabilities; (4) performs web monitoring and
filtering services; (5) designs and implements websites in compliance
with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d)
accessibility regulations; (6) operates and maintains data centers; (7)
provides Domain Name Services; (8) designs, implements, and maintains
IHS' backbone network infrastructure; (9) monitors network
infrastructure for anomalies; (10) supports enterprise office
automation and cybersecurity in Microsoft 365 and subsequent
environments; (11) provides program and project management support for
systems design and deployment to ensure customer satisfaction; (12)
provides contract management support for IT initiatives; (13)
participates in crosscutting issues and processes that involve
information resources and technology program and project management;
and (14) represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Microsoft 365 Services Branch (GAGC1)
(1) Manages and maintains Microsoft 365 applications and services
Agency-wide; (2) oversees user access, security policies, and
compliance within the Microsoft 365 environment; (3) identifies,
researches, recommends, and implements Microsoft 365 solutions and
applications such as Teams, Office, Outlook, PowerApps, PowerAutomate,
Power BI, OneDrive, and SharePoint; (4) develops new applications to
improve productivity using the Microsoft Power Platform, Teams, Office,
Graph, SharePoint that support integrations with multiple IHS tools and
data sets; and (5) builds Artificial Intelligence solutions using
Microsoft Copilots and Azure AI.
Division of Information Security (GAGD)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of information security; (2)
develops, implements, and monitors the IHS Information Security program
to ensure adequate protection and security of information systems; (3)
oversees performance of required security activities and serves as the
main point of contact for cybersecurity support and guidance; (4)
manages IHS cybersecurity audit response and coordination and regularly
reviews audit and system log reports; (5) coordinates activities with
internal and external organizations reviewing the IHS's information
resources for fraud, waste, and abuse; (6) advises the CIO on IHS risk
and compliance issues related to information system authorization and
accreditation; (7) manages IHS security architecture and engineering
design; (8) directs the IHS cybersecurity incident response program;
(9) oversees development and maintenance of information security
policies, procedures, and guidelines to safeguard information
resources, IT, and Health IT systems; (10) develops and implements
employee information security awareness training programs; (11) manages
the Agency's information system disaster recovery and contingency
planning; (12) ensures development and review of IHS IT security plans
and information system security documentation with system owners; (13)
manages the IHS Cybersecurity Operations Center (CSOC) to monitor IT
systems 24 hours a day, seven days a week; (14) serves as the OIT's
lead for information system privacy, including development of privacy
policies for IT systems and the assessment of privacy controls for IT
systems; (15) directs the continuous process of cybersecurity
vulnerability management; (16) provides program and project management
and related support for IHS-developed and acquired information
resources and technology products and services regarding information
security; (17) provides contract management support for IT initiatives
regarding information security; (18) participates in crosscutting
issues and processes that involve information security; and (19)
represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations
regarding information security.
Information Systems Security Officers Branch (GAGD1)
(1) Advises the Division of Information Security (DIS) Director on
the security of information systems; (2) develops, recommends, and
oversees the implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in
support of information systems security; (3) develops and maintains
information system security documentation with the system owner; (4)
ensures required security activities are performed; (5) regularly
reviews audit and system log reports; (6) serves as the main point of
contact for cybersecurity support and guidance; and (7) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Cybersecurity Audit Response and Coordination Branch (GAGD2)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on internal and external audit-related
activities; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the implementation
of policies, procedures, and standards in support of audit response and
coordination; (3) provides program level support for the tracking and
[[Page 7144]]
of information system deficiencies and resolution of audit findings as
may be needed and appropriate; and (4) maintains relationships and
consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Risk and Compliance Branch (GAGD3)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on risk and compliance issues related
to information system authorization and accreditation; (2) develops,
recommends, and oversees the implementation of policies, procedures,
and standards in support of information system authorization and
accreditation; (3) assesses the risk and magnitude of harm that could
result from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification, or destruction of information and information systems
that support the operations and assets of IHS; (4) conducts security
assessments of information systems; (5) maintains accreditation
documentation for all evaluated information systems; and (6) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering Branch (GAGD4)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on security architecture and
engineering design; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in support of
security architecture and engineering design; (3) manages technical
architecture and engineering design projects for security program
initiatives; (4) reviews and evaluates evolving technologies; and (5)
maintains relationships and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State,
and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Incident Response Branch (GAGD5)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on security-related incident response;
(2) develops, recommends, and oversees the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of incident response; (3) responds
to security-related incidents on the IHS network; (4) provides post-
incident reporting and analysis; (5) reviews and evaluates incident
response toolsets; and (6) maintains relationships and consults with
IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Policy and Security Awareness Branch (GAGD6)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on security policies from internal and
external authorities; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in support of all
aspects of information security; (3) maintains awareness of evolving
policy and security directive changes from internal and external
authorities; (4) develops, maintains, and tracks compliance for the
annual information system security awareness training; (5) develops
security awareness education and training materials; and (6) maintains
relationships and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning Branch (GAGD7)
(1) Advises the DIS Director on information system disaster
recovery and contingency planning; (2) develops, recommends, and
oversees the implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in
support of disaster recovery and contingency planning; (3) develops and
maintains information system disaster recovery documentation with the
system owner; (4) coordinates testing and execution of disaster
recovery plans; (5) reviews and evaluates technologies to support
disaster recovery and contingency response capabilities; and (6)
maintains relationships and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State,
and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Operations Center Branch (GAGD8)
(1) Provides centralized IHS cybersecurity operations support for
network monitoring, incident response, cyber threat intelligence
collection, and threat information sharing through the Cybersecurity
Operations Center; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in support of the
Cybersecurity Operations Center; (3) monitors all IHS networks,
systems, and external facing applications and sites to detect
suspicious activity 24 hours a day, seven days a week; (4) monitors
high-value asset security to ensure mission-critical systems and data
are protected; (5) categorizes, prioritizes, and documents security
events, including incident alerting and sorting for additional
investigation; (6) disseminates patch availability for vulnerabilities
and shares advisories across the enterprise; (7) analyzes malware
through dynamic and static methods; (8) coordinates incident analysis,
correlation, and available response strategies with the Cybersecurity
Incident Response Branch; (9) reviews and analyzes threat intelligence
to maintain awareness and enhance capabilities; and (10) maintains
relationships and consults with the IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
Cybersecurity Privacy Branch (GAGD9)
(1) Provides oversight and serves as the Agency's lead for privacy
of IT Systems including the assessment of privacy controls for IT
systems; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the implementation of
policies, procedures, and standards in support of the privacy of IT
systems; (3) evaluates IT systems that collect personally identifiable
information (PII) and ensures adequate protection of the security and
privacy of PII; (4) coordinates privacy impact assessments (PIA) on all
IHS IT systems (developmental and operational); (5) maintains IT system
PIAs and makes them publicly available; (6) ensures adequate security
and privacy practices and safeguards have been incorporated in
information system lifecycle plans; and (7) maintains relationships and
consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Cybersecurity Vulnerability Management Branch (GAGD10)
(1) Manages the continuous process of identifying, assessing,
reporting, managing, and remediating security vulnerabilities
identified in all software, firmware, and hardware within the IHS; (2)
develops, recommends, and oversees the implementation of policies,
procedures, and standards in support of security vulnerability
management; (3) supports all systems, subsystems, and system components
owned by or operated on behalf of IHS with efficient vulnerability
assessment techniques, procedures, and capabilities; (4) provides a
process for all IHS components to submit both newly discovered and not
publicly known vulnerabilities to the Vulnerability Management Team as
soon as practicable; (5) conducts vulnerability assessments of IHS's IT
infrastructure; and (6) maintains relationships and consults with IHS,
Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Division of Health Information Technology Modernization and Operations
(1) Advises the CIO on the development, implementation, and
maintenance of policies, procedures, and standards for Health IT
modernization resources, technology products, and services; (2)
oversees engineering, technical architecture, and engineering design
projects for Health IT modernization program initiatives;
[[Page 7145]]
(3) develops and maintains Health IT modernization strategic planning
documents; (4) develops and maintains the governance framework to
support modernization activities; (5) provides acquisition, IT capital
planning and investment control, and contract management support for IT
initiatives regarding Health IT; (6) directs modernization system and
software testing; (7) provides oversight and management of the
modernization test environments; (8) manages and controls IT activities
of modernization projects throughout the system development life cycle;
(9) develops, deploys, and implements Health IT management initiatives;
(10) ensures quality of products, services, and infrastructures of
technology modernization supporting IHS healthcare delivery and program
administration standards; (11) supports the alignment of technology and
business organizational change; (12) provides program and project
management support for IHS developed and acquired information resources
and technology products and services; (13) provides division
administrative support services including human resource acquisition
management, performance, and talent development; (14) provides
professional communication development, editing, and records management
service; (15) assists in the capture of contractor security clearance
artifacts and management; (16) participates in crosscutting issues and
processes that involve Health IT; and (17) represents the Division to
the IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Business Management and Capital Planning Branch (GAGE1)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on modernization products and
services in support of Health IT modernization; (2) develops,
recommends, and oversees the implementation of policies and procedures
for modernization products and services in support of Health IT
modernization; (3) oversees acquisition protocols for modernization
products and services in support of Health IT modernization; (4)
provides advice, technical consultation, and training to DHITMO staff
on project lifecycle cost estimates, acquisition packages, and capital
planning and investment control artifacts; (5) manages contracts in
support of Health IT modernization; (6) maintains fiscal commitment
registers in coordination with Division of Program Management and
Budget (DPMB) and the Office of Finance and Accounting; and (7)
conducts fund reconciliations in support of the division operating
Program Management Operations Branch (GAGE2)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on Health IT modernization program
and project management; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in support of
integrated Health IT modernization program and project management
practices; (3) defines, integrates, and manages the Health IT
modernization governance framework across the Health IT enterprise; (4)
provides program and project management oversight, support, and
controls of enterprise Health IT modernization projects throughout the
system development life cycle; and (5) maintains relationships and
consults with the IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Architecture and Engineering Branch (GAGE3)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on Health IT modernization
architecture and engineering design; (2) develops, recommends, and
oversees the implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in
support of Health IT modernization architecture and engineering design;
(3) manages engineering, technical architecture, and engineering design
projects for modernization program initiatives; (4) validates
requirements and configurations of data structures, interfaces for
operational acceptance and implementation; (5) reviews and evaluates
evolving IT and HIT product strategy; and (6) maintains relationships
and consults with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Organizational Change Management Branch (GAGE4)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on Health IT and business
initiative organizational change management; (2) develops, recommends,
and oversees the implementation of policies, procedures, and standards
in support of Health IT and business initiative organizational change
management throughout I/T/U healthcare programs; (3) establishes and
matures organization change capabilities and documentation baseline;
(4) manages the effect of new business processes, new technology,
shifting economic landscapes, and changes in organizational structure
and culture within the enterprise; (5) plans and manages operational
readiness, training, and communication of changes; (6) develops
measures to demonstrate benefits of change adoption; (7) manages
partner engagement, readiness/deployment, and risk; (8) evaluates and
analyzes the I/T/U workforce status, planning, and strategy effort to
support Health IT modernization which will impact the entire IHS
organization; (9) assesses the baseline (current state) for key
functions and capabilities required of the IHS organization impacted by
modernization; (10) develops and implements a future state of new
functions and capabilities, aligned to competencies and estimated
workload of the future; (11) develops and implements a gap analysis to
define function and skill gaps that need to be resolved as IHS
progresses through modernization; (12) conducts strategic planning,
facilitates partner engagement, and manages organizational change
management operations; (13) engages with I/T/U healthcare programs to
identify opportunities and challenges to incorporate in communications,
engagement training, implementation, deployment, and risk/mitigation;
(14) assesses and documents lessons learned through deployment and
stakeholder feedback; (15) ensures appropriate consideration of the I/
T/U environment is incorporated and factored into program planning,
implementation, and deployment; and (16) influences change and
maintains relationships with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other
Deployment Branch (GAGE5)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on modernization enterprise
deployment activities; (2) develops, recommends, and oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures, and standards in support of
modernization enterprise deployment activities; (3) plans, manages, and
controls IT deployment projects throughout the system development life
cycle; (4) analyzes alternative deployment strategies and selects or
develops deployment strategy; (5) ensures operational environment is
established and ready to accept the deployed solution (facilities,
infrastructure, trained staff, help desk, etc.); (6) serves as the
primary point of contact to end-users on matters related to deployment
management; (7) directs the solution delivery schedule; (8) deploys,
installs, and activates software and hardware which has passed all
stages of verification and tests; (9) establishes solution performance
targets and assesses performance of deployed or phased roll-outs
against performance targets; (10) liaises between I/T/U users, system
administrators, and application development staff to support the
implementation of technology; and (11) maintains relationships and
[[Page 7146]]
with IHS, Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Product Management Branch (GAGE6)
(1) Advises the DHITMO Director on the strategy, design,
configuration, and optimization of software products of the IHS EHR;
(2) evaluates solution functional workflows, feature releases, and
application configurations; (3) maintains enterprise application
configuration baselines; (4) validates new application features and
functionality for impact to established baselines; (5) advises and
maintains relationships with EHR clinical and business end-users,
clinical advisory groups, and clinician users of all disciplines on
product functionality and engages with engineering teams; (6) ensures
application capabilities are aligned to regulatory requirements and
standards for Certified Health Information Technology; (7) contributes
to the development of enterprise policy and guidance; (8) monitors
application performance and patterns associated with functionality for
human-centered design and best practices; (9) researches and documents
EHR clinical and business functionality change requests on behalf of
change control boards, governance bodies, and project teams; and (10)
implements program/project initiatives for improving software
functionality, programmatic internal controls, and program reporting.
Division of Enterprise Governance and Architecture (GAGG)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of IT governance and enterprise
architecture; (2) establishes and maintains a robust enterprise
architecture program that enhances the value of IT and Health IT used
in support of the IHS mission; (3) develops, implements, and maintains
policies, procedures, and standards for enterprise governance and
architectural strategy in the IHS to support IHS healthcare delivery
and program administration; (4) leads the development of the IHS IT
Strategic plan and participates in organizational strategic planning to
ensure IT and Health IT systems support IHS goals, mission, and
objectives; (5) provides Category Management services to ensure
compliance with Federal mandates and to enact standardizations of
hardware, software, and technical support contracts; (6) develops,
implements, and maintains policies, procedures, and standards for
optimal development, management, and use of information resource
management and technology products, data, and services within the IHS;
(7) performs analysis of business structure and processes and addresses
Agency goals through the refinement of the IHS enterprise architecture;
(8) establishes and guides the evolution of the IHS's business,
systems, and technologies; (9) develops the holistic view of the IHS's
environment and its dependencies to address a planned and improved, but
not yet realized condition of processes, operations, or technologies
through enterprise-wise standards and organizational governance; (10)
provides program and project management and related support for IHS
developed and acquired information resources and technology products
and services; (11) provides contract management support for enterprise-
wide IT contracts and acquisitions; (12) drives implementation of the
IHS Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy, stands up the IHS AI
governance structure, coordinates the IHS response to AI-related
federal mandates, and fosters collaboration across the IHS; (13)
participates in crosscutting issues and processes that involve IT and
Health IT; and (14) represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
Division of Data Management and Analytics (GAGH)
(1) Advises the CIO on all aspects of enterprise data developed,
acquired, or stored by the IHS; (2) develops, implements, and maintains
policies, procedures, and standards for data acquired, managed,
manipulated, and stored in the enterprise-wide IT and Health IT systems
of the IHS; (3) develops long-term strategies for optimal development,
management, and use of data within the IHS; (4) develops and deploys
Agency-wide data and analytical platforms and tools, as well as a
future roadmap that supports and anticipates stakeholder needs; (5)
develops and matures the IHS data ecosystem, including the development
of enterprise data solutions, services, policies, and processes; (6)
promotes data as an Agency asset and transforms the Agency into a data-
driven organization; (7) develops and matures the IHS enterprise-wide
analytical capabilities including the development of artificial
intelligence and real-time dash-boarding capabilities; (8) develops,
acquires, maintains and supports the organizational-level data
acquired, managed, manipulated, secured and stored in the enterprise-
wide IT and Health IT systems of the IHS; (9) develops data policies
and determines the best way to leverage the data that is collected
internally and is available externally; (10) aligns data/data
governance in accordance with the Enterprise Architecture framework;
(11) liaisons with Data Stewards, Privacy, and other stakeholders to
define/enforce data privacy and security rules; (12) manages enterprise
data models, metadata catalogs, glossaries, dictionaries and lineage,
in alignment with the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) best practices; (13) provides program and project management and
related support for IHS-developed and -acquired information resources
and technology products and services; (14) provides contract management
support for IT initiatives; (15) participates in cross-cutting issues
and processes that involve IT and Health IT; and (16) represents the
IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Division of Customer Experience (DCX) (GAGJ)
(1) Advises the CIO and Deputy CIO on all aspects of IHS IT and
Health IT customer experience, OIT public affairs and communications
needs, IT asset management, knowledge management, and service desk
activities; (2) oversees development, implementation, and maintenance
of DCX policies and procedures; (3) directs the development and
implementation of Agency initiatives that improve customer relations,
experiences, and communication with OIT, Federal partners, Tribes, and
Urban Indian organizations; (4) leads performance improvement
initiatives that follow human-centered design principles to improve
customer relations, customer experience, and internal user experience;
(5) oversees planning, coordination, and execution of all OIT internal
and external communications and public affairs; (6) manages OIT self-
determination activities including development, maintenance, and
publication of the OIT Service Catalog, OIT Programs, Functions,
Services, and Activities, and Tribal Leader/Urban Indian Organization
Leader correspondence; (7) represents OIT at Tribal Delegation
Meetings, Tribal conferences, and other forums internal and external to
IHS to present OIT's program, services, functions, and activities
(PSFAs) and Tribal shares and develops remediation plans for resolution
of Tribal issues for OIT senior leadership; (8) oversees lifecycle
management of enterprise information resources and technology products
including application software, hardware and peripherals; (9)
coordinates with DHITMO for emerging EHR support needs and revisions to
workflows; (10) oversees IHS-wide Service Desk operations; (11)
centralizes the DCX knowledge management system
[[Page 7147]]
across OIT; (12) directs specialized projects to solve IT and Health IT
procurement problems for customers; (13) manages end user and IT
employee training and education; (14) provides contract management
support for IT initiatives; (15) manages the DCX budget, human
resources, performance management, and strategic planning; (16)
participates in cross-cutting issues and processes that involve IT and
Health IT; and (17) represents the IHS to Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
Information Technology Customer Experience Branch (GAGJ1)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on improvements to IT and Health IT
products, solutions, and services to improve the customer experience;
(2) develops, recommends, maintains, and implements OIT customer
experience policies and procedures; (3) collects and analyzes
quantitative and qualitative data to capture Voice of the Customer and
creates process flows from the IT and Health IT customer's perspective
(e.g., journey maps and personas); (4) collects business requirements
and sustains IT and Health IT service contracts between IHS and Area
offices; (5) develops and integrates continuous improvement approaches
and methodologies to enhance the IT and Health IT customer experience;
(6) identifies opportunities to streamline processes and eliminate
bottlenecks impacting the IT and Health IT customer experience and
internal user experience; (7) prioritizes high-value and high-impact IT
and Health IT customer experience initiatives; (8) defines goals and
metrics to identify trends and better understand the IT customer
experience; (9) manages technology and process changes, including cost,
schedule, quality, risk, stakeholder management, and organization
change; (10) manages complex customer cases and resolves requests the
Service Desk cannot address; (11) participates in resolution of cross-
cutting issues and processes that involve IT and Health IT customer
experiences; and (12) represents the DCX to Federal, Tribal, State, and
other organizations.
Information Technology Communications Branch (GAGJ2)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on OIT internal and external
communications and public affairs activities; (2) develops, recommends,
maintains, and implements OIT communications policies and procedures;
(3) directly supports all OIT public affairs and communications needs
in coordination with IHS Public Affairs and Executive Secretariat; (4)
directly supports all OIT Tribal Consultation/Urban Confer
communications and congressional engagement communication needs; (5)
communicates IT and Health IT initiatives and associated changes,
including the management of customer engagement and communication
strategies; (6) ensures broad dissemination of IT and Health IT Service
changes and information campaigns; (7) manages communications and
messaging for cross-cutting issues and processes that involve IT and
Health IT; (8) identifies IHS IT/Health IT training needs; (9) in
coordination with other OIT organizations, plans and executes end user
and IT employee training and education for both compliance and uptake
of new IT capabilities; and (10) represents the DCX to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Information Technology Asset Management Branch (GAGJ3)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on IT asset management including
software, hardware, and peripheral assets; (2) develops, recommends,
maintains, and implements OIT IT asset management policies and
procedures; (3) provides efficient, transparent, and timely support to
leverage, and manage enterprise software and hardware solutions; (4)
tracks and projects enterprise requirements for software, mobile
devices, hardware, and peripheral needs according to the lifecycle plan
of each product; (5) identifies customer requirements for end-user
hardware, peripherals, and software; (6) manages the acquisition and
administration of enterprise-wide computer programs and applications,
including software licenses, operating systems, hardware, peripheral
equipment, and mobile devices; (7) administers, installs, and maintains
enterprise-wide desktop application software; (8) administers,
installs, and maintains enterprise-wide computer hardware, peripheral
equipment, operating systems, and mobile devices, including enterprise-
level preparation of end-user equipment; (9) maintains and publishes
the OIT Service Catalog; (10) maintains and serves as the OIT
repository for IT service level agreements; (11) maintains and serves
as an OIT repository for Authority to Operate (ATO) certificates for
solutions and services in the OIT Service Catalog; (12) manages
accountability for IT property throughout the IHS; and (13) represents
the DCX to Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Information Technology Knowledge Management Branch (GAGJ4)
(1) Advises the DCX Director and Deputy CIO on knowledge management
activities; (2) develops, recommends, maintains, and implements OIT
knowledge management policies and procedures; (3) ensures OIT adherence
to information handling policies and supports user information and file
organization, sharing, and storage; (4) analyzes and improves the
efficiency and transparency of OIT enterprise services and knowledge
management framework and services; (5) collaborates with all OIT
organizations to promote the use of the organization's knowledge
assets; (6) develops and maintains end-user backup systems, including
SharePoint development, data tagging, archiving, and automatic cloud
backup of end-user data; (7) develops software documentation for end
users; (8) creates self-service articles for multiple applications; (9)
manages and coordinates IT professional development training for OIT
staff; (10) conducts reviews, develops reports, and alerts
organizational users on training updates; and (11) represents the DCX
to Federal, Tribal, State, and other organizations.
Service Desk Operations Branch (GAGJ5)
(1) Advises the DCX Director on Service Desk activities; (2)
develops, recommends, maintains, and implements OIT service desk
operations policies and procedures; (3) manages national and
Headquarters service desk requests and tickets; (4) delivers IHS
service desk support 24 hours a day, seven days a week; (5) provides a
single point of contact (SPOC) for end-user computer systems and
associated hardware and operating systems service requests and their
resolution; (6) provides a SPOC for end-user EHR, desktop, and office
automation software service requests and their resolution; (7) builds
and maintains an IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) used as a knowledge
base and self-service portal for customers; (8) proactively detects and
solves complex reoccurring incidents and improves processes through
development of action plans to address future incidents; (9) provides
service desk metrics on the team's effectiveness, including a variety
of key performance indicators such as calls per service desk
technician, first call resolution, turnaround time, and client
satisfaction; (10) provides end user telecommunications support; (11)
furnishes IHS-wide video conferencing solutions and services; (12)
[[Page 7148]]
with other DCX branches to identify and implement business process
improvement processes; and (13) represents the DCX to Federal, Tribal,
State, and other organizations.
Office of Management Services (OMS) (GAL)
(1) Advises the IHS Director on all aspects of the management of
grants, acquisitions, personal property and fleet management, Indian
Health Manual (IHM) directives, and the regulations program, inclusive
of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and provides Agency-wide
guidance and support for these programs; (2) formulates, administers,
and coordinates the review and analysis of IHS-wide policies in the
IHM, including delegations of authority, and provides guidance on
development; (3) develops and oversees the implementation of policies,
procedures and delegations of authority for the IHS, including IHS
grants management activities, and grants added to self-governance
compacts; (4) ensures that IHS policies and practices for the
administrative functions identified above are consistent with
applicable regulations, directives and guidance from higher echelons in
the HHS and other Federal oversight agencies; (5) advises the IHS
Director on regulatory issues related to the IHS; (6) provides overall
coordination and leadership for policies, services, including the
continuity of operations plans, deployment, and public health
infrastructure for the IHS Headquarters (HQ) emergency preparedness
plans consistent with those of the Department of Homeland Security and
the HHS, addressing the IHS mission critical elements of emergency
plans; (7) provides leadership and direction of activities for
continuous improvement of management accountability and administrative
systems for effective and efficient program support services IHS-wide;
(8) ensures the accountability and integrity of grants and acquisition
management, personal property utilization and disposition of IHS
resources; (9) oversees and administers the Agency FOIA activities;
(10) participates in cross-cutting issues and processes, including but
not limited to, quality assurance, internal controls, recruitment,
budget formulation, and resolution of audit findings as may be needed
and appropriate; (11) coordinates with HQ Offices on the development of
emergency preparedness plans, policies, and services, including the
continuity of operations plans, deployment, and public health
infrastructure, as appropriate; (12) provides support with approvals
and adherence to policies for HQ regarding Agency conference and
meeting approvals; (13) assures that the IHS OMS services, policies,
procedures, and practices support IHS Indian Self-Determination Act
policies; and (14) oversees and coordinates the annual development and
submission of the Agency's Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act
report to the HHS.
Division of Asset Management (DAM) (GALA)
(1) Plans, develops, and administers the IHS personal property and
supply management program in conformance with Federal personal property
management laws, regulations, policies, procedures, practices, and
standards; (2) interprets regulations and provides advice on execution
and coordination of personal property and supply management policies
and programs; (3) administers management systems and methods for
planning, utilizing, and reporting on personal property and supply
programs, including the precious metals recovery program and IHS
personal property and supply accountability and control systems; (4)
provides guidance and serves as principal administrative authority for
IHS on Federal personal property and supply management laws,
regulations, policies, procedures, practices, and standards; (5)
conducts surveys and studies involving evaluation and analysis of the
personal property and supply management activities IHS-wide; (6)
maintains liaison with the HHS and the General Services Administration
(GSA) on personal property and supply management issues and programs
affecting the IHS; (7) plans, develops and administers the IHS Fleet
Management Program; (8) prepares reports on IHS personal property and
supply management activities; and (9) administers the local HQ personal
property management program to include receiving, tagging, storage and
disposal in addition to conducting the annual inventory for all HQ
Division of Administrative and Emergency Services (DAES) GALB
(1) Administers physical security, facility management, space
management services, parking management, the IHS mail and commercial
printing programs, and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12
(HSPD-12) badge issuance for HQ; (2) serves as point of contact with
the HHS, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR)/
Secretary's Operation Center, and the GSA on logistics and issues
affecting the IHS; (3) plans, develops and administers the Mail and
Commercial Printing Programs; (4) provides leadership, development, and
execution of special HQ office support projects for office relocations,
and inter-and intra-Agency activities; (5) coordinates with OIT to
provide telecommunication services to HQ; (6) administers Physical
Security, Facility Management, Space Management Services,
Telecommunication Services, and Parking Management within HQ; (7)
provides overall coordination and leadership for the IHS HQ emergency
preparedness plans consistent with those of the Department of Homeland
Security and HHS, addressing the IHS mission critical elements of
emergency plans; (8) provides leadership for the development of
emergency preparedness plans, policies, and services, including the
continuity of operations plans, deployment, and public health
infrastructure; (9) coordinates IHS HQ with the IHS Area Offices
activities and available resources of other government and non-
government programs for essential services related to homeland security
and emergency preparedness; (10) coordinates periodic national
emergency preparedness exercises with the HHS and Area Offices; (11)
maintains and administers the HQ emergency preparedness equipment
including the office-site and alternative locations; (12) advocates for
the emergency preparedness needs and concerns of American Indian and
Alaska Native (AI/AN) and promotes these program activities at the
local, state, national, and international levels; and (13) serves as an
information gathering and dissemination point for local and national
emergency preparedness information including situational awareness.
Division of Acquisition Policy (DAP) (GALC)
(1) Manages all aspects of the Agency's acquisition program in
accordance with Federal acquisition regulations, policies, and
initiatives; (2) manages all aspects of the Agency's acquisition
program consistent with Federal acquisition regulations, policies,
initiatives, and guidance from higher echelons in HHS and Federal
oversight agencies; (3) advises the OMS Director, Deputy Director for
Management Operations, and other senior staff of proposed legislation,
regulations, and directives that affect contracting in the IHS; (4)
provides leadership for compliance reviews of all IHS acquisition
operations and oversees completion of necessary corrective actions; (5)
collaborates on Agency conference management specific to
[[Page 7149]]
acquisitions or contracts; (6) manages the Agency's acquisition
workforce training and certification programs; (7) manages the IHS
Contract Information System and controls entry of data into HHS
Contract Information System; (8) serves as the IHS contact point for
contract protests and HHS contact for contract-related issues; (9)
oversees and implements the agency's contract planning, solicitation,
review, negotiation, award, post-award administration, and contract
closeout activities; (10) processes unsolicited proposals for the IHS;
(11) coordinates the IHS Small Business programs; (12) oversees
compliance with the Buy Indian Act; (13) manages the Agency's
Government Purchase Card (GPC) program; and (14) manages and oversees
compliance and oversight of all acquisition operations activities
within the Agency.
Division of Grants Management (DGM) (GALD)
(1) Directs grants management and operations for the IHS; (2)
authorizes, awards and administers discretionary grants and cooperative
agreements for IHS financial assistance programs; (3) provides guidance
for the resolution of audit findings for grant programs; (4) manages
the IHS grants training and certification program; (5) continuously
assesses grants operations; (6) oversees implementation of corrective
action plans for recipients receiving IHS discretionary grant support;
(7) reviews and makes recommendations for improvements in current
grantee and potential grantee management systems; (8) serves as the IHS
liaison to HHS Office of Grants and the public for discretionary grants
and cooperative agreements authorized by the IHS; (9) maintains the Assistance Listings (formerly the Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance) for IHS financial assistance programs; (10) provides
guidance technical assistance, grants-related training and assistance
for IHS staff, grantees, and applicants; (11) liaison to the HHS
Quality Service Management Office (QSMO) for Grants; (12) controls data
entry into the grant award system; (13) maintains the official,
electronic grant files for funded grants and controls data entry into
the grant award system; (14) maintains the official, electronic grant
files for funded grants; (15) coordinates payment to scholarship
recipients in coordination with the Division of Health Professions
Support Office of Human Resources; (16) manages the clearance and
approval process for all IHS grant funding notices in; and
(17) reviews and coordinates inter- and intra-agency agreements as well
as Memoranda of Understanding in collaboration with HQ Offices.
Division of Regulatory and Policy Coordination (DRPC) (GALE)
(1) Manages the IHS's overall regulations program and
responsibilities, including determining the need for and developing
plans for changes in regulations, developing or assuring the
development of needed regulations, and maintaining the various
regulatory planning processes; (2) serves as IHS liaison with the
Office of the Federal Register (FR) on matters relating to the
submission and clearance of documents for publication in the FR; (3)
assures proper Agency clearance and processing of FR documents; (4)
informs management and program officials of regulatory activities of
other Federal agencies; (5) advises the OMS Director on such matters as
regulations, related policy issues, and administrative support issues;
(6) manages the retrieval and transmittal of information in response to
requests received under the FOIA, in collaboration with the Public
Affairs Staff; (7) coordinates with Office of General Counsel (OGC) to
determine disclosure or deny release of IHS records under FOIA; (8)
coordinates requests for information with the Area FOIA coordinators;
(9) identifies and informs the IHS Privacy Officer of FOIA related
difficulties across the IHS; (10) ensures the security of sensitive
and/or confidential information when responding to FOIA issues; (11)
researches and applies legal determinations to respond requests and
releasable material; (12) maintains and updates various regulatory
agendas; (13) formulates, administers, and supports IHS-wide policies,
delegations of authority, and organizations and functions development;
(14) provides leadership, on behalf of the IHS Director, to functional
area managers at IHS HQ in developing, modifying, and overseeing the
implementation of IHS policies and procedures; (15) provides analysis,
advisory, and assistance services to IHS managers and staff for the
development, clearance, and filing of IHS directives and delegations of
authority; (16) serves as principal advisor and source for technical
assistance for establishment or modification of organizational
infrastructures, functions, and Standard Administrative Code
configurations; (17) advises the IHS Director and serves as liaison
with OGC on such matters as litigation, regulation, related policy
issues, and administrative support issues; and (18) ensures the
security of sensitive and/or confidential information when responding
to FOIA and other regulatory issues.
Section GA-40, Indian Health Service--Delegations of Authority
All delegations of authority and re-delegations of authority made
to IHS officials that were in effect immediately prior to this
reorganization, and that are consistent with this reorganization, shall
continue in effect pending further re-delegation.
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2025-00535 Filed 1-17-25; 8:45 am]