Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Part G; Indian Health Service Headquarters, Office of the Director, 1511-1514 [2025-00183]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2025 / Notices
procedural sufficiency and investigates
and resolves complaints; (6) evaluates
accepted formal complaints of
discrimination for procedural
sufficiency and adjudicates and resolves
complaints; and (7) develops/
administers equal employment
opportunity education and training
programs for IHS managers, supervisors,
counselors, and employees.
Indian Health Service
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority; Part G;
Indian Health Service Headquarters,
Office of the Director
Indian Health Service,
Department of Health and Human
ACTION: Final notice.
Part G of the Statement of
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) is hereby amended to
reflect a reorganization of the Indian
Health Service (IHS). The purpose of
this reorganization is to revise the
current approved structure for the IHS,
Office of the Director, Intergovernmental
Affairs functions in Chapter GA (GAA–
GAC), as provided for herein.
an Operating Division within the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) and is under the
leadership and direction of a Director
who is directly responsible to the
Secretary of Health and Human
Services. The IHS Headquarters is
reorganizing the following major
component: Office of the Director, under
the Deputy Director for
Intergovernmental Affairs.
Part G of the Statement of
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority was most
recently amended at 89 FR 61126, July
30, 2024.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Diversity Management and Equal
Employment Opportunity Staff (GA3)
(1) Administers the Indian Health
Service (IHS) equal employment
opportunity, civil rights, and affirmative
action and Alternative Dispute
Resolution programs, in accordance
with applicable laws, regulations, and
the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) policies; (2) plans and
oversees the implementation of IHS
affirmative employment and special
emphasis programs in accordance with
applicable laws, regulations and HHS
policies; (3) reviews data and advises
IHS managers of possible discriminatory
trends; (4) ensures immediate
implementation of required actions on
complaints of alleged sexual harassment
or discrimination; (5) decides on
accepting, for investigation, or
dismissing discrimination complaints
and evaluates accepted complaints for
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Office of Indian Self-Determination and
Self-Governance (GAA)
(1) Provides leadership and
implementation of legislation and
authorities under Title I and Title V of
Indian Self-Determination and
Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA),
excluding construction authorities; (2)
provides oversight and monitoring of
Agency compliance with ISDEAA
policies, administrative procedures and
guidelines; (3) advises the IHS Director,
on activities and issues related to
ISDEAA; (4) works in partnership with
Tribal governments and the Tribal SelfGovernance Advisory Committee
(TSGAC) in the development and
recommendations of policies,
administrative procedures, and
guidelines of ISDEAA activities for the
implementation of the Tribal SelfGovernance Program (TSGP); (5)
provides Agency leadership of national
TSGAC meetings for Tribal governments
on the TSGP; (6) coordinates and
provides technical assistance Tribal
governments and Tribal organizations,
as outlined in the ISDEAA; (7)
coordinates the oversight and
monitoring funding agreements and
annual funding agreements at all levels;
(8) serves as the principal IHS office for
the development of presentations and
trainings on the ISDEAA; (9)
participates in meetings between Tribal
delegations, Tribal governments, and
the IHS Director; (10) develops
executive management reports, reports
to Congress, and conducts data analysis
on ISDEAA activities; (11) provides
ISDEAA leadership, assistance, and
support to IHS Area offices and program
offices, including on issues related to
Contract Support Costs (CSC); and (12)
participates in cross-cutting issues and
processes including, but not limited to,
emergency preparedness/security,
budget formulation, ISDEAA, Tribal
shares computations, and resolution of
audit findings related to Tribal health
Division of Indian Self-Determination
and Education Assistance Act Programs
(1) Provides Agency leadership and
direction for all Agency negotiators on
ISDEAA Title I and Title V contracts
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and compacts and annual funding
agreements; (2) provides Agency-wide
assistance and support to Agency
negotiators for ISDEAA Title I and Title
V negotiations; (3) provides policy and
procedural guidance to Agency
negotiators in support of ISDEAA
negotiation activities; (4) responsible for
education and technical assistance, as
appropriate, to Tribal personnel in the
preparation, negotiation, and payment
of ISDEAA contracts and compacts; (5)
performs monitoring and oversight of all
ISDEAA program activities and funding;
(6) conducts performance reviews of
ISDEAA program activities; (7) develops
programmatic responses regarding
ISDEAA to oversight entities such as
Office of Inspector General and
Government Accountability Office in
coordination with the IHS Office of
Quality; and (8) coordinates and leads
internal Agency review with the
Headquarters leadership team on
potential Title I, full or partial,
Declinations Reassumptions and Title V
Final Offer Review Group activities.
Division of Tribal Payments (GAA1A)
(1) Collaborates with the Office of
Finance and Accounting (OFA) to
review and ensure ISDEAA payment
documents are in compliance with
policies and procedures; (2) monitors,
tracks and conducts financial
management activities for ISDEAA
payments; (3) develops Agency
Programs, Services, Functions, and
Activities policy, manual development
and monitoring activities; (4) provides
support to OFA and Agency negotiators
on oversight and monitoring activities of
single audits of ISDEAA programs to
ensure compliance with laws and
regulations; (5) provides Agency
oversight and technical assistance to
Agency negotiators regarding Tribal
payments; (6) coordinates with the OFA
and leads the management and
oversight of financial management tools
and subsidiary financial systems to
make payments to Tribal Health
Programs; (7) conducts periodic
oversight reviews on the Agency Tribal
payments process; and (8) works closely
with the OFA to complete payments to
Tribes for ISDEAA contracts and
Training and Technical Assistance Staff
(1) Provides leadership in the
development, planning and delivery of
training and technical assistance (T/TA)
through engagement with Federal,
Tribal and Tribal Organization (T/TO)
partners; (2) develops and manages
Agency-wide, standardized training
curriculum for ISDEAA; (3) conducts
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2025 / Notices
data monitoring and tracking for all T/
TA activities, ensuring accurate measure
reporting and benchmarking while
enhancing management of T/TA assets;
(4) researches issues and develops
learning objectives to resolve and foster
approaches to ISDEAA related issues;
(5) coordinates Agency expertise and
training resources to address Tribal
issues and technical support for T/TO’s;
(6) collaborates with T/TOs to build
upon existing strengths and knowledge;
(7) develop ISDEAA compliance tools to
conduct periodic program level
oversight reviews; and (8) coordinates
T/TA related information technology
investments to develop internal T/TA
resource database, Agency T/TA
resource page, and a central T/TA
learning management system.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Division of Contract Support Costs
(1) Provides a uniform and equitable
system of determining, tracking and
reconciling CSC funds for new,
expanded and ongoing ISDEAA
compacts and contracts; (2) provides
coordination in the administration of
CSC activities across the Agency; (3)
provides Agency leadership guidance in
the development and implementation of
Agency CSC policies and procedures;
(4) provides technical assistance and
education to Federal, and/or T/TO’s in
the preparation, negotiation,
determination, payment and
reconciliation of CSC funding; (5)
provides Agency leadership for the IHS/
Tribal CSC Advisory Committee
activities; (6) in coordination through
OFA, participates in the budget
justification process and provides all
requirements for CSC funding levels; (7)
maintains systems to monitor all CSC
funds paid to T/TO’s; and (8) develops
executive management reports, reports
to Congress and data analysis on CSC
Division of Tribal Leasing (GAA3)
(1) Provides Agency leadership in the
administration of section 105(l) of the
ISDEAA, 25 U.S.C. 5324(l), and the
implementing regulations at 25 CFR part
900, subpart H, also known as ‘‘section
105(l) leases’’ or ‘‘Tribal leases;’’ (2)
develops 105(l) policies and procedures
for Agency negotiations,
implementation and administration for
the Agency 105(l) program; (3)
responsible for education and technical
assistance of the 105(l) program T/TO
and Agency negotiators in the
preparation, negotiation, determination,
and payments; (4) provides oversight of
105(l) program activities and funding;
(5) develops oversight and monitoring
activities for periodic program activities
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and performance reviews of 105(l)
program; (6) in coordination with OFA,
develops budget justification for 105(l)
program funding requests; (7)
communicates with the Department of
Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs on
105(l) lease proposals and associated
Agency policies; (8) in coordination
through OFA, participates in the budget
justification process and provides all
requirements for 105(l) funding levels;
(9) maintains systems to monitor all
105(l) funds paid to T/TO’s; and (10)
develops executive management reports,
reports to Congress and data analysis on
105(l) activities.
Office of Tribal and Urban Affairs
(1) Provides Agency leadership
concerning policy development,
program management, resource
allocation related to Direct Service
Tribes (DST) Urban Indian Organization
(UIO) oversight activities; (2) advises the
IHS Director and Deputy Director for
Intergovernmental Affairs on Tribal,
Indian Self-Determination and
Education Assistance Act and Urban
program; (3) serves as the principal
Agency liaison with T/TO, national,
regional and Area Tribal consortiums,
UIOs; (4) serves as the primary lead for
the Direct Service Tribes Advisory
Committee (DSTAC) by coordination of
DSTAC meetings to provide a forum for
the DST leaders to express their
concerns and primary issues relating to
direct health care delivery by the IHS;
(5) coordinates and facilitates meetings
between Tribal delegations and the
Office of the Director; (6) maintain a
central contact information database on
Tribal governments; (7) works with
program offices to obtain information
regarding IHS Tribal advisory
committee activities including quarterly
and annual meetings and committee
representative listings; (8) serves as the
IHS liaison to the HHS Secretary’s
Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC); (9)
participates in policy development on
issues concerning newly federally
recognized and restored Tribes; (10)
maintains a central database of contact
information for Tribal leaders, health
director’s health programs, etc.; and (11)
participates in cross-cutting issues and
processes including, but not limited to,
emergency preparedness/security,
budget formulation, and resolution of
audit findings related to program
Division of Tribal Coordination (GAB1)
(1) Provides Agency leadership and
coordination for DSTs as required by 25
U.S.C. 1663; (2) directs a national
program and providing leadership and
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advocacy in the development of health
policy, program management, budget
formulation, resource allocation, and
delegation support for DSTs; (3)
provides service-wide leadership,
guidance and support for DSTs to
include strategic planning and program
evaluation; (4) ensures maximum
flexibility to DST health and related
support systems for Indian beneficiaries;
(5) serves as the focal point for
consultation and participation between
DSTs, T/TO’s and the Service in the
development of Service policy; (6)
provides Agency leadership and
coordination for Tribal advisory group
activities including membership
listings, developing policies and
operating procedures and coordination;
(7) holds biannual consultations with
DSTs in appropriate locations to gather
information and aid in the development
of health policy; (8) coordinates and
conducts Tribal Consultation activities
in accordance with Presidential
Memorandum on Uniform Standards for
Tribal Consultation, including policy
development and serves as central
Agency point of contact for Tribal
Consultation matters; (9) manages and
coordinates the review and
communicating throughout the Agency
executive orders that affect T/TOs; (10)
ensures dissemination of annual reports
for Tribal advisory committees; and (11)
serves as central Agency point of
contact for Tribal delegations including
scheduling, planning, coordination,
correspondence and tracking of issues.
Tribal Resources Staff (GAB1A)
(1) Administers a national statutorily
mandated grant program designed to
assist Tribal governments and Tribal
organizations in beginning and/or
expanding ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638,
Title I and Title V, as amended; (2)
provides leadership and management of
Tribal Management Grant (TMG) and
the Tribal Self-Governance Grant
Program (TSGGP) funding; (3)
participates in the development of
budget formulation and justification
requests for TMG resources; (4) provides
leadership communication to T/TOs for
TMG funding opportunities; (5)
conducts program analysis of TMGs; (6)
coordinates the review, evaluation and
eligibility determinations of proposals
from Tribal governments and Tribal
organizations for ISDEAA planning,
negotiation and management grants and
recommendations to the IHS Director;
and (7) develops executive management
reports, reports to Congress and analysis
on TMG/TSGGP activities.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2025 / Notices
Public Engagement Staff (GAB1B)
(1) Communicates with T/TOs and
UIOs regarding relevant Agency
information on programs and services
that impact Tribal communities; (2)
coordinates the dissemination of
information from the Chief Medical
Officer (CMO) regarding critical health
issues that impact Tribal communities;
(3) coordinates forums for discussion
with T/TOs and UIOs with subject
matter experts to develops a knowledge
base of critical information for public
consumption; (4) develop and leads
townhall engagements for IHS
customers; and (5) works with Public
Affairs Staff to develop campaign
forums for customer engagement.
Division of Urban Indian Affairs
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
(1) Advises the IHS Director and
Deputy Director for Intergovernmental
Affairs on activities and issues related to
the implementation of Title V of the
Indian Health Care Improvement Act,
codified as amended in 25 U.S.C. 1651–
1660i; (2) develops policies,
administrative procedures, and
guidelines for UIO health programs and
organizations services and activities; (3)
shares relevant Agency information for
UIOs regarding pertinent IHS health
policies affecting UIOs, in coordination
with the IHS, CMO; (4) ensures that
confer with UIOs occurs to the extent
allowed by applicable law; (5) provide
technical assistance and program
support to Urban Indian health
programs and organizations in managing
health programs; (6) provides leadership
and coordinates with other public and
private agencies and organizations on
program support for Urban Indian
health programs and organizations; (7)
advises the IHS Director on Agency
compliance with Urban Indian health
program policies, administrative
procedures, and guidelines; (8)
coordinates Agency communications
with Urban Indian health program
representatives; (9) participates in crosscutting UIO issues and processes
including, but not limited to emergency
preparedness/security, budget
formulation, computations and
resolution of audit findings as may be
needed and appropriate; and (10)
administers and maintains a national
grant program for UIO grant activities.
Office of External Affairs (GAC)
(1) Builds strategic and trusted
relationships with Congress, media
outlets, non-governmental entities,
philanthropic, community and faithbased organizations; (2) advocates and
advances Agency priorities with
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external outlets; (3) serve as the hub for
external entities to work with IHS for
the advancement of the Agency’s
relationship with American Indians and
Alaska Natives; (4) coordinates activities
between the IHS and the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA); (5) serves as
liaison for legislative affairs activities
and coordination throughout the
Agency; (6) provides executive
secretariat support throughout the
Agency; and (7) provides public affairs
leadership and communications.
Veteran Coordination Support Staff
(1) Coordinates program activities for
IHS, Tribes, UIOs, and the VA to serve
the health care needs of American
Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN)
Veterans; (2) provides Agency
coordination and oversight of the IHS/
VA memorandum of understanding and
operational plan; (3) provides support of
the VA advisory workgroups and serves
as staff support for the IHS
representative on the VA advisory
workgroup; (4) serves as Agency liaison
for Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and
UIOs to enter into VA and other
partnerships that improve health
outcomes for AI/AN Veterans; and (5)
serves as the central point of contact for
the VA, Federal agencies, HHS
Operating Divisions, and other partners
on AI/AN Veteran-related matters and to
promote health care for AI/AN Veterans.
Strategic Partnerships Staff (GAC2)
(1) Serves as Agency liaison to
enhance communication with local,
state, and Tribal governments as well as
private sector, profit and not-for profit
groups, and national organizations; (2)
facilitates and coordinates
communication between the IHS and
external stakeholders at a high level, for
Agency to partnerships to advance IHS
initiatives; (3) serves as a central point
of contact for other intergovernmental
officials and external stakeholders; (4)
serves as a liaison between IHS and
non-governmental entities; (5) develops
Agency strategies to strengthen
intergovernmental and nongovernmental relationships; (6)
researches internal and external
stakeholder opportunities for
engagement to develop partnerships for
IHS, Tribal, and Urban (ITU) health
care; and (7) develops annual reports of
outcomes of strategic partnership
Legislative Affairs Staff (GAC3)
(1) Serves as the principal advisor to
the IHS Director on all legislative and
congressional relations matters; (2)
advises the IHS Director and other IHS
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officials on the need for changes in
legislation and manages the
development of IHS legislative
initiatives; (3) serves as the IHS liaison
office for congressional and legislative
affairs with congressional offices, the
HHS, the Office of Management and
Budget, the White House, and other
Federal agencies; (4) tracks all major
legislative proposals in the Congress
that would impact Indian health; (5)
ensures that the IHS Director and
appropriate IHS and HHS officials are
briefed on the potential impact of
proposed legislation; (6) develops
legislative strategy for key policy and
legislative initiatives; (7) provides
technical assistance and advice relative
to the effect that legislative initiatives/
implementation would have on the IHS;
provides support and collaborates with
the OFA relative to IHS appropriations
efforts; (8) directs the development of
IHS briefing materials for Congressional
hearings, testimony, and bill reports; (9)
analyzes legislation for necessary action
within the IHS; (10) develops
appropriate legislative implementation
plans; and (11) coordinates with IHS
Headquarters (HQ) and Area Offices as
appropriate to provide legislative
leadership on issues raised from
advocacy entities, and provides
technical support to respond to requests
from the public, including Tribal
governments, Tribal organizations, and
Indian community organizations
regarding IHS legislative issues.
Executive Secretariat Staff (GAC4)
(1) Manages the processing of
executive correspondence and related
information to the IHS Director from
Tribes and Tribal governments, Tribal
organizations, UIOs, Federal
departments and agencies, Congress and
Congressional staff offices, attorneys,
patients, schools, universities,
employees, grantees, contractors, and
the general public; (2) reviews and
monitors correspondence received by
the IHS Director and assigns reply or
follow-up action to appropriate IHS HQ
program offices and IHS Area Offices;
(3) ensures the quality, responsiveness,
clarity, and substance of IHS-generated
correspondence prepared for the IHS
Director’s signature by coordinating the
review of integrity and policy issues,
and performing standard edits and
revisions; (4) reviews and coordinates
clearance of decision documents for the
IHS Director’s approval to ensure
successful operations and policymaking within the Agency; (5) assists
IHS officials as they prepare documents
for the HHS Secretary’s review,
decision, and/or signature; (6) serves as
the Agency’s liaison with the HHS
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2025 / Notices
Office of the Secretary’s Executive
Secretariat on IHS program, policy, and
special matters; (7) performs special
writing assignments for the IHS
Director; (8) maintains official records of
the IHS Director’s correspondence and
conducts topic research of files, as
needed; (9) oversees an electronic
document handling system to assist in
managing the timely processing of
internal and external executive
correspondence; (10) conducts training
to promote conformance by IHS HQ and
Area staff to the IHS Executive
Correspondence Guidelines; (11) tracks
reports required by Congress; and (12)
manages the IHS review of non-IHS
regulatory documents that impact the
delivery of health services to Indians.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Public Affairs Staff (GAC5)
(1) Serves as the principal advisor for
strategic planning on communications,
media relations, and public affairs
policy formulation and implementation;
ensures IHS policy is consistent with
directives from the HHS Assistant
Secretary for Public Affairs; (2) provides
leadership and advocacy to establish
and implement policy for internal and
external dissemination of Agency
information intended for public release
or employee and stakeholder
information; (3) serves as the central
office for technical guidance and
assistance to IHS staff for the
development of public affairs and media
communication; (4) coordinates public
affairs activities with other public and
private sector organizations; (5)
coordinates the clearance of IHS public
relations activities, campaigns, and
communications materials; (6)
represents the IHS in discussions
regarding policy and public affairs
initiatives/implementation; (7) provides
technical assistance and advice relative
to the effect public affairs initiatives/
implementation would have on the IHS;
collaborates with the Division of
Regulatory and Policy Coordination, for
review and response to media requests
received under the Freedom of
Information Act, and ensures the
security of IHS documents used in such
responses that contain sensitive and/or
confidential information; and (8) serves
as the IHS liaison office for press and
public affairs activities with HHS, IHS
Area Offices, media and other external
organizations and representatives.
P. Benjamin Smith
Deputy Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2025–00183 Filed 1–7–25; 8:45 am]
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Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID FEMA–2024–0002; Internal
Agency Docket No. FEMA–B–2485]
Proposed Flood Hazard
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
ACTION: Notice.
Comments are requested on
proposed flood hazard determinations,
which may include additions or
modifications of any Base Flood
Elevation (BFE), base flood depth,
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
boundary or zone designation, or
regulatory floodway on the Flood
Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and
where applicable, in the supporting
Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports for
the communities listed in the table
below. The purpose of this notice is to
seek general information and comment
regarding the preliminary FIRM, and
where applicable, the FIS report that the
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) has provided to the affected
communities. The FIRM and FIS report
are the basis of the floodplain
management measures that the
community is required either to adopt
or to show evidence of having in effect
in order to qualify or remain qualified
for participation in the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP).
DATES: Comments are to be submitted
on or before April 8, 2025.
ADDRESSES: The Preliminary FIRM, and
where applicable, the FIS report for
each community are available for
inspection at both the online location
prelimdownload and the respective
Community Map Repository address
listed in the tables below. Additionally,
the current effective FIRM and FIS
report for each community are
accessible online through the FEMA
Map Service Center at https:// for comparison.
You may submit comments, identified
by Docket No. FEMA–B–2485, to Rick
Sacbibit, Chief, Engineering Services
Branch, Federal Insurance and
Mitigation Administration, FEMA, 400
C Street SW, Washington, DC 20472,
(202) 646–7659, or (email)
Sacbibit, Chief, Engineering Services
Branch, Federal Insurance and
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proposes to make flood hazard
determinations for each community
listed below, in accordance with section
110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act
of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR
These proposed flood hazard
determinations, together with the
floodplain management criteria required
by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that
are required. They should not be
construed to mean that the community
must change any existing ordinances
that are more stringent in their
floodplain management requirements.
The community may at any time enact
stricter requirements of its own or
pursuant to policies established by other
Federal, State, or regional entities.
These flood hazard determinations are
used to meet the floodplain
management requirements of the NFIP.
The communities affected by the
flood hazard determinations are
provided in the tables below. Any
request for reconsideration of the
revised flood hazard information shown
on the Preliminary FIRM and FIS report
that satisfies the data requirements
outlined in 44 CFR 67.6(b) is considered
an appeal. Comments unrelated to the
flood hazard determinations also will be
considered before the FIRM and FIS
report become effective.
Use of a Scientific Resolution Panel
(SRP) is available to communities in
support of the appeal resolution
process. SRPs are independent panels of
experts in hydrology, hydraulics, and
other pertinent sciences established to
review conflicting scientific and
technical data and provide
recommendations for resolution. Use of
the SRP only may be exercised after
FEMA and local communities have been
engaged in a collaborative consultation
process for at least 60 days without a
mutually acceptable resolution of an
appeal. Additional information
regarding the SRP process can be found
online at
The watersheds and/or communities
affected are listed in the tables below.
The Preliminary FIRM, and where
applicable, FIS report for each
community are available for inspection
at both the online location https://
Mitigation Administration, FEMA, 400
C Street SW, Washington, DC 20472,
(202) 646–7659, or (email); or visit
the FEMA Mapping and Insurance
eXchange (FMIX) online at https://
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 5 (Wednesday, January 8, 2025)]
[Pages 1511-1514]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00183]
[[Page 1511]]
Indian Health Service
Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Part G;
Indian Health Service Headquarters, Office of the Director
AGENCY: Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: Part G of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) is hereby amended to reflect a reorganization of the Indian
Health Service (IHS). The purpose of this reorganization is to revise
the current approved structure for the IHS, Office of the Director,
Intergovernmental Affairs functions in Chapter GA (GAA-GAC), as
provided for herein.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The IHS is an Operating Division within the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is under the
leadership and direction of a Director who is directly responsible to
the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The IHS Headquarters is
reorganizing the following major component: Office of the Director,
under the Deputy Director for Intergovernmental Affairs.
Part G of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations
of Authority was most recently amended at 89 FR 61126, July 30, 2024.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101.
Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity Staff (GA3)
(1) Administers the Indian Health Service (IHS) equal employment
opportunity, civil rights, and affirmative action and Alternative
Dispute Resolution programs, in accordance with applicable laws,
regulations, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
policies; (2) plans and oversees the implementation of IHS affirmative
employment and special emphasis programs in accordance with applicable
laws, regulations and HHS policies; (3) reviews data and advises IHS
managers of possible discriminatory trends; (4) ensures immediate
implementation of required actions on complaints of alleged sexual
harassment or discrimination; (5) decides on accepting, for
investigation, or dismissing discrimination complaints and evaluates
accepted complaints for procedural sufficiency and investigates and
resolves complaints; (6) evaluates accepted formal complaints of
discrimination for procedural sufficiency and adjudicates and resolves
complaints; and (7) develops/administers equal employment opportunity
education and training programs for IHS managers, supervisors,
counselors, and employees.
Office of Indian Self-Determination and Self-Governance (GAA)
(1) Provides leadership and implementation of legislation and
authorities under Title I and Title V of Indian Self-Determination and
Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA), excluding construction authorities;
(2) provides oversight and monitoring of Agency compliance with ISDEAA
policies, administrative procedures and guidelines; (3) advises the IHS
Director, on activities and issues related to ISDEAA; (4) works in
partnership with Tribal governments and the Tribal Self-Governance
Advisory Committee (TSGAC) in the development and recommendations of
policies, administrative procedures, and guidelines of ISDEAA
activities for the implementation of the Tribal Self-Governance Program
(TSGP); (5) provides Agency leadership of national TSGAC meetings for
Tribal governments on the TSGP; (6) coordinates and provides technical
assistance Tribal governments and Tribal organizations, as outlined in
the ISDEAA; (7) coordinates the oversight and monitoring funding
agreements and annual funding agreements at all levels; (8) serves as
the principal IHS office for the development of presentations and
trainings on the ISDEAA; (9) participates in meetings between Tribal
delegations, Tribal governments, and the IHS Director; (10) develops
executive management reports, reports to Congress, and conducts data
analysis on ISDEAA activities; (11) provides ISDEAA leadership,
assistance, and support to IHS Area offices and program offices,
including on issues related to Contract Support Costs (CSC); and (12)
participates in cross-cutting issues and processes including, but not
limited to, emergency preparedness/security, budget formulation,
ISDEAA, Tribal shares computations, and resolution of audit findings
related to Tribal health programs.
Division of Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
Programs (GAA1)
(1) Provides Agency leadership and direction for all Agency
negotiators on ISDEAA Title I and Title V contracts and compacts and
annual funding agreements; (2) provides Agency-wide assistance and
support to Agency negotiators for ISDEAA Title I and Title V
negotiations; (3) provides policy and procedural guidance to Agency
negotiators in support of ISDEAA negotiation activities; (4)
responsible for education and technical assistance, as appropriate, to
Tribal personnel in the preparation, negotiation, and payment of ISDEAA
contracts and compacts; (5) performs monitoring and oversight of all
ISDEAA program activities and funding; (6) conducts performance reviews
of ISDEAA program activities; (7) develops programmatic responses
regarding ISDEAA to oversight entities such as Office of Inspector
General and Government Accountability Office in coordination with the
IHS Office of Quality; and (8) coordinates and leads internal Agency
review with the Headquarters leadership team on potential Title I, full
or partial, Declinations Reassumptions and Title V Final Offer Review
Group activities.
Division of Tribal Payments (GAA1A)
(1) Collaborates with the Office of Finance and Accounting (OFA) to
review and ensure ISDEAA payment documents are in compliance with
policies and procedures; (2) monitors, tracks and conducts financial
management activities for ISDEAA payments; (3) develops Agency
Programs, Services, Functions, and Activities policy, manual
development and monitoring activities; (4) provides support to OFA and
Agency negotiators on oversight and monitoring activities of single
audits of ISDEAA programs to ensure compliance with laws and
regulations; (5) provides Agency oversight and technical assistance to
Agency negotiators regarding Tribal payments; (6) coordinates with the
OFA and leads the management and oversight of financial management
tools and subsidiary financial systems to make payments to Tribal
Health Programs; (7) conducts periodic oversight reviews on the Agency
Tribal payments process; and (8) works closely with the OFA to complete
payments to Tribes for ISDEAA contracts and compacts.
Training and Technical Assistance Staff (GAA1B)
(1) Provides leadership in the development, planning and delivery
of training and technical assistance (T/TA) through engagement with
Federal, Tribal and Tribal Organization (T/TO) partners; (2) develops
and manages Agency-wide, standardized training curriculum for ISDEAA;
(3) conducts
[[Page 1512]]
data monitoring and tracking for all T/TA activities, ensuring accurate
measure reporting and benchmarking while enhancing management of T/TA
assets; (4) researches issues and develops learning objectives to
resolve and foster approaches to ISDEAA related issues; (5) coordinates
Agency expertise and training resources to address Tribal issues and
technical support for T/TO's; (6) collaborates with T/TOs to build upon
existing strengths and knowledge; (7) develop ISDEAA compliance tools
to conduct periodic program level oversight reviews; and (8)
coordinates T/TA related information technology investments to develop
internal T/TA resource database, Agency T/TA resource page, and a
central T/TA learning management system.
Division of Contract Support Costs (GAA2)
(1) Provides a uniform and equitable system of determining,
tracking and reconciling CSC funds for new, expanded and ongoing ISDEAA
compacts and contracts; (2) provides coordination in the administration
of CSC activities across the Agency; (3) provides Agency leadership
guidance in the development and implementation of Agency CSC policies
and procedures; (4) provides technical assistance and education to
Federal, and/or T/TO's in the preparation, negotiation, determination,
payment and reconciliation of CSC funding; (5) provides Agency
leadership for the IHS/Tribal CSC Advisory Committee activities; (6) in
coordination through OFA, participates in the budget justification
process and provides all requirements for CSC funding levels; (7)
maintains systems to monitor all CSC funds paid to T/TO's; and (8)
develops executive management reports, reports to Congress and data
analysis on CSC activities.
Division of Tribal Leasing (GAA3)
(1) Provides Agency leadership in the administration of section
105(l) of the ISDEAA, 25 U.S.C. 5324(l), and the implementing
regulations at 25 CFR part 900, subpart H, also known as ``section
105(l) leases'' or ``Tribal leases;'' (2) develops 105(l) policies and
procedures for Agency negotiations, implementation and administration
for the Agency 105(l) program; (3) responsible for education and
technical assistance of the 105(l) program T/TO and Agency negotiators
in the preparation, negotiation, determination, and payments; (4)
provides oversight of 105(l) program activities and funding; (5)
develops oversight and monitoring activities for periodic program
activities and performance reviews of 105(l) program; (6) in
coordination with OFA, develops budget justification for 105(l) program
funding requests; (7) communicates with the Department of Interior,
Bureau of Indian Affairs on 105(l) lease proposals and associated
Agency policies; (8) in coordination through OFA, participates in the
budget justification process and provides all requirements for 105(l)
funding levels; (9) maintains systems to monitor all 105(l) funds paid
to T/TO's; and (10) develops executive management reports, reports to
Congress and data analysis on 105(l) activities.
Office of Tribal and Urban Affairs (GAB)
(1) Provides Agency leadership concerning policy development,
program management, resource allocation related to Direct Service
Tribes (DST) Urban Indian Organization (UIO) oversight activities; (2)
advises the IHS Director and Deputy Director for Intergovernmental
Affairs on Tribal, Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance
Act and Urban program; (3) serves as the principal Agency liaison with
T/TO, national, regional and Area Tribal consortiums, UIOs; (4) serves
as the primary lead for the Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee
(DSTAC) by coordination of DSTAC meetings to provide a forum for the
DST leaders to express their concerns and primary issues relating to
direct health care delivery by the IHS; (5) coordinates and facilitates
meetings between Tribal delegations and the Office of the Director; (6)
maintain a central contact information database on Tribal governments;
(7) works with program offices to obtain information regarding IHS
Tribal advisory committee activities including quarterly and annual
meetings and committee representative listings; (8) serves as the IHS
liaison to the HHS Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC); (9)
participates in policy development on issues concerning newly federally
recognized and restored Tribes; (10) maintains a central database of
contact information for Tribal leaders, health director's health
programs, etc.; and (11) participates in cross-cutting issues and
processes including, but not limited to, emergency preparedness/
security, budget formulation, and resolution of audit findings related
to program activities.
Division of Tribal Coordination (GAB1)
(1) Provides Agency leadership and coordination for DSTs as
required by 25 U.S.C. 1663; (2) directs a national program and
providing leadership and advocacy in the development of health policy,
program management, budget formulation, resource allocation, and
delegation support for DSTs; (3) provides service-wide leadership,
guidance and support for DSTs to include strategic planning and program
evaluation; (4) ensures maximum flexibility to DST health and related
support systems for Indian beneficiaries; (5) serves as the focal point
for consultation and participation between DSTs, T/TO's and the Service
in the development of Service policy; (6) provides Agency leadership
and coordination for Tribal advisory group activities including
membership listings, developing policies and operating procedures and
coordination; (7) holds biannual consultations with DSTs in appropriate
locations to gather information and aid in the development of health
policy; (8) coordinates and conducts Tribal Consultation activities in
accordance with Presidential Memorandum on Uniform Standards for Tribal
Consultation, including policy development and serves as central Agency
point of contact for Tribal Consultation matters; (9) manages and
coordinates the review and communicating throughout the Agency
executive orders that affect T/TOs; (10) ensures dissemination of
annual reports for Tribal advisory committees; and (11) serves as
central Agency point of contact for Tribal delegations including
scheduling, planning, coordination, correspondence and tracking of
Tribal Resources Staff (GAB1A)
(1) Administers a national statutorily mandated grant program
designed to assist Tribal governments and Tribal organizations in
beginning and/or expanding ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638, Title I and Title
V, as amended; (2) provides leadership and management of Tribal
Management Grant (TMG) and the Tribal Self-Governance Grant Program
(TSGGP) funding; (3) participates in the development of budget
formulation and justification requests for TMG resources; (4) provides
leadership communication to T/TOs for TMG funding opportunities; (5)
conducts program analysis of TMGs; (6) coordinates the review,
evaluation and eligibility determinations of proposals from Tribal
governments and Tribal organizations for ISDEAA planning, negotiation
and management grants and recommendations to the IHS Director; and (7)
develops executive management reports, reports to Congress and analysis
on TMG/TSGGP activities.
[[Page 1513]]
Public Engagement Staff (GAB1B)
(1) Communicates with T/TOs and UIOs regarding relevant Agency
information on programs and services that impact Tribal communities;
(2) coordinates the dissemination of information from the Chief Medical
Officer (CMO) regarding critical health issues that impact Tribal
communities; (3) coordinates forums for discussion with T/TOs and UIOs
with subject matter experts to develops a knowledge base of critical
information for public consumption; (4) develop and leads townhall
engagements for IHS customers; and (5) works with Public Affairs Staff
to develop campaign forums for customer engagement.
Division of Urban Indian Affairs (GAB2)
(1) Advises the IHS Director and Deputy Director for
Intergovernmental Affairs on activities and issues related to the
implementation of Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act,
codified as amended in 25 U.S.C. 1651-1660i; (2) develops policies,
administrative procedures, and guidelines for UIO health programs and
organizations services and activities; (3) shares relevant Agency
information for UIOs regarding pertinent IHS health policies affecting
UIOs, in coordination with the IHS, CMO; (4) ensures that confer with
UIOs occurs to the extent allowed by applicable law; (5) provide
technical assistance and program support to Urban Indian health
programs and organizations in managing health programs; (6) provides
leadership and coordinates with other public and private agencies and
organizations on program support for Urban Indian health programs and
organizations; (7) advises the IHS Director on Agency compliance with
Urban Indian health program policies, administrative procedures, and
guidelines; (8) coordinates Agency communications with Urban Indian
health program representatives; (9) participates in cross-cutting UIO
issues and processes including, but not limited to emergency
preparedness/security, budget formulation, computations and resolution
of audit findings as may be needed and appropriate; and (10)
administers and maintains a national grant program for UIO grant
Office of External Affairs (GAC)
(1) Builds strategic and trusted relationships with Congress, media
outlets, non-governmental entities, philanthropic, community and faith-
based organizations; (2) advocates and advances Agency priorities with
external outlets; (3) serve as the hub for external entities to work
with IHS for the advancement of the Agency's relationship with American
Indians and Alaska Natives; (4) coordinates activities between the IHS
and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); (5) serves as liaison for
legislative affairs activities and coordination throughout the Agency;
(6) provides executive secretariat support throughout the Agency; and
(7) provides public affairs leadership and communications.
Veteran Coordination Support Staff (GAC1)
(1) Coordinates program activities for IHS, Tribes, UIOs, and the
VA to serve the health care needs of American Indian and Alaska Native
(AI/AN) Veterans; (2) provides Agency coordination and oversight of the
IHS/VA memorandum of understanding and operational plan; (3) provides
support of the VA advisory workgroups and serves as staff support for
the IHS representative on the VA advisory workgroup; (4) serves as
Agency liaison for Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and UIOs to enter into
VA and other partnerships that improve health outcomes for AI/AN
Veterans; and (5) serves as the central point of contact for the VA,
Federal agencies, HHS Operating Divisions, and other partners on AI/AN
Veteran-related matters and to promote health care for AI/AN Veterans.
Strategic Partnerships Staff (GAC2)
(1) Serves as Agency liaison to enhance communication with local,
state, and Tribal governments as well as private sector, profit and
not-for profit groups, and national organizations; (2) facilitates and
coordinates communication between the IHS and external stakeholders at
a high level, for Agency to partnerships to advance IHS initiatives;
(3) serves as a central point of contact for other intergovernmental
officials and external stakeholders; (4) serves as a liaison between
IHS and non-governmental entities; (5) develops Agency strategies to
strengthen intergovernmental and non-governmental relationships; (6)
researches internal and external stakeholder opportunities for
engagement to develop partnerships for IHS, Tribal, and Urban (ITU)
health care; and (7) develops annual reports of outcomes of strategic
partnership activities.
Legislative Affairs Staff (GAC3)
(1) Serves as the principal advisor to the IHS Director on all
legislative and congressional relations matters; (2) advises the IHS
Director and other IHS officials on the need for changes in legislation
and manages the development of IHS legislative initiatives; (3) serves
as the IHS liaison office for congressional and legislative affairs
with congressional offices, the HHS, the Office of Management and
Budget, the White House, and other Federal agencies; (4) tracks all
major legislative proposals in the Congress that would impact Indian
health; (5) ensures that the IHS Director and appropriate IHS and HHS
officials are briefed on the potential impact of proposed legislation;
(6) develops legislative strategy for key policy and legislative
initiatives; (7) provides technical assistance and advice relative to
the effect that legislative initiatives/implementation would have on
the IHS; provides support and collaborates with the OFA relative to IHS
appropriations efforts; (8) directs the development of IHS briefing
materials for Congressional hearings, testimony, and bill reports; (9)
analyzes legislation for necessary action within the IHS; (10) develops
appropriate legislative implementation plans; and (11) coordinates with
IHS Headquarters (HQ) and Area Offices as appropriate to provide
legislative leadership on issues raised from advocacy entities, and
provides technical support to respond to requests from the public,
including Tribal governments, Tribal organizations, and Indian
community organizations regarding IHS legislative issues.
Executive Secretariat Staff (GAC4)
(1) Manages the processing of executive correspondence and related
information to the IHS Director from Tribes and Tribal governments,
Tribal organizations, UIOs, Federal departments and agencies, Congress
and Congressional staff offices, attorneys, patients, schools,
universities, employees, grantees, contractors, and the general public;
(2) reviews and monitors correspondence received by the IHS Director
and assigns reply or follow-up action to appropriate IHS HQ program
offices and IHS Area Offices; (3) ensures the quality, responsiveness,
clarity, and substance of IHS-generated correspondence prepared for the
IHS Director's signature by coordinating the review of integrity and
policy issues, and performing standard edits and revisions; (4) reviews
and coordinates clearance of decision documents for the IHS Director's
approval to ensure successful operations and policy-making within the
Agency; (5) assists IHS officials as they prepare documents for the HHS
Secretary's review, decision, and/or signature; (6) serves as the
Agency's liaison with the HHS
[[Page 1514]]
Office of the Secretary's Executive Secretariat on IHS program, policy,
and special matters; (7) performs special writing assignments for the
IHS Director; (8) maintains official records of the IHS Director's
correspondence and conducts topic research of files, as needed; (9)
oversees an electronic document handling system to assist in managing
the timely processing of internal and external executive
correspondence; (10) conducts training to promote conformance by IHS HQ
and Area staff to the IHS Executive Correspondence Guidelines; (11)
tracks reports required by Congress; and (12) manages the IHS review of
non-IHS regulatory documents that impact the delivery of health
services to Indians.
Public Affairs Staff (GAC5)
(1) Serves as the principal advisor for strategic planning on
communications, media relations, and public affairs policy formulation
and implementation; ensures IHS policy is consistent with directives
from the HHS Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs; (2) provides
leadership and advocacy to establish and implement policy for internal
and external dissemination of Agency information intended for public
release or employee and stakeholder information; (3) serves as the
central office for technical guidance and assistance to IHS staff for
the development of public affairs and media communication; (4)
coordinates public affairs activities with other public and private
sector organizations; (5) coordinates the clearance of IHS public
relations activities, campaigns, and communications materials; (6)
represents the IHS in discussions regarding policy and public affairs
initiatives/implementation; (7) provides technical assistance and
advice relative to the effect public affairs initiatives/implementation
would have on the IHS; collaborates with the Division of Regulatory and
Policy Coordination, for review and response to media requests received
under the Freedom of Information Act, and ensures the security of IHS
documents used in such responses that contain sensitive and/or
confidential information; and (8) serves as the IHS liaison office for
press and public affairs activities with HHS, IHS Area Offices, media
and other external organizations and representatives.
P. Benjamin Smith
Deputy Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2025-00183 Filed 1-7-25; 8:45 am]