Department of Energy March 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 195
Revisions to Modeling, Data, and Analysis Reliability Standard
Under section 215 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes to approve Reliability Standard MOD-028-2, submitted to the Commission for approval by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Commission-certified Electric Reliability Organization. NERC proposes one modification to the currently-effective Reliability Standard MOD-028-1, pertaining to the information a transmission service provider must include when calculating Total Transfer Capability using the area interchange methodology for the on-peak and off-peak intra-day and next day time periods. The Commission also proposes to approve NERC's proposed implementation plan and retirement of the currently-effective standard.
Small Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures; Supplemental Notice of Workshop
On February 27, 2013, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) announced that staff will convene a workshop on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 to discuss certain topics related to the proposals in the Small Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Docket No. RM13-2-000).\1\ Please note that the time for the conference has been changed.
Walla Walla Basin Spring Chinook Hatchery Program
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), BPA intends to prepare an EIS on its decision whether to fund the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation's (CTUIR) proposal to construct and operate a hatchery for spring Chinook salmon in the Walla Walla River basin. The hatchery would expand facilities at the site of the CTUIR's existing Adult Holding and Spawning Facility on the South Fork Walla Walla River near the town of Milton-Freewater in Umatilla County, Oregon, to allow production of up to 500,000 yearling spring Chinook smolts. Project operations would include collection of adult spring Chinook for broodstock at Nursery Bridge Dam downstream of the proposed hatchery, incubation and rearing of juvenile spring Chinook, and release of smolts and adults in tributaries to the Walla Walla River in both Oregon and Washington. Spring Chinook were extirpated from the Walla Walla River basin in the early to mid-1900s. The proposal would augment fish populations available for harvest and aid in establishing a naturally spawning spring Chinook population. With this Notice of Intent, BPA is initiating the public scoping process for the EIS. BPA is requesting comments about potential environmental impacts that it should consider as it prepares the EIS. In accordance with DOE regulations for compliance with floodplain and wetlands environmental review requirements, BPA will prepare a floodplain and wetlands assessment to avoid or minimize potential harm to or within any affected floodplains and wetlands. The assessment will be included in the EIS.
Proposed Rate Extension and Opportunities for Public Review and Comment for the Cumberland System
Southeastern Power Administration (Southeastern) proposes to extend the existing schedules of rates and charges applicable to the sale of power from the Cumberland System effective for a two-year period, October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2015.
Revisions to Reliability Standard for Transmission Vegetation Management
Under section 215 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) approves Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 (Transmission Vegetation Management), submitted to the Commission for approval by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Commission-certified Electric Reliability Organization. Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 expands the applicability of the standard to include overhead transmission lines that are operated below 200 kV, if they are either an element of an Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit or an element of a Major WECC Transfer Path. Reliability Standard FAC-003-2 incorporates a new minimum annual inspection requirement, and incorporates new minimum vegetation clearance distances into the text of the standard. The Commission also approves the related definitions, violation severity levels, implementation plan, and effective dates proposed by NERC. The Commission approves the related violation risk factors, except that it directs a revision to the violation risk factor corresponding to one requirement.
Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals: Standard Work Specifications for Single Family Energy Upgrades
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is making final content available for the Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals: Standard Work Specifications for Single Family Energy Upgrades (SWS). This content is a set of recommended work specifications applicable to energy efficiency retrofits of single family homes. These specifications are intended as a resource for any organization, company or individual involved in energy efficiency retrofits of residential homes. Draft versions of the SWS were made available for public comment on November 9, 2010 (75 FR 68781) and on March 29, 2012 (77 FR 19008). The comment period for the March 29, 2011 draft was extended through a notice issued on April 18, 2012 (77 FR 23238).
State Energy Advisory Board; Open Teleconference
This notice announces a teleconference call of the State Energy Advisory Board (STEAB). The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463; 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of these meetings be announced in the Federal Register.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC)
This notice announces an open meeting of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC). The Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463, 86 Stat. 770, requires notice of the meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Central Arizona Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-158
This action is to extend the rate setting formula for the Central Arizona Project, reflected in Transmission Service Rate Schedules CAP-FT2, CAP-NFT2, and CAP-NITS2, from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2015. These Transmission Service Rate Schedules contain formula rates recalculated from annual updated financial and load data.
Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to LG Electronics, Inc. From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of the decision and order (Case No. RF-024) that grants to LG Electronics, Inc. (LG) a waiver from the DOE electric refrigerator and refrigerator- freezer test procedures for determining the energy consumption of residential refrigerator-freezers for the basic models set forth in its petition for waiver. Under today's decision and order, LG shall be required to test and rate its refrigerator-freezers with dual compressors using an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy consumption.
Request for Information on Evaluating New Products for the Battery Chargers and External Power Supply Rulemaking
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requests information to help inform its current rulemaking in which it has proposed to set energy conservation standards for classes of battery chargers and external power supplies. Specifically, DOE seeks information on battery chargers that manufacturers have certified as compliant with the California Energy Commission (CEC) standards that became effective on February 1, 2013. DOE is actively reviewing battery chargers that have been certified as compliant with the CEC standards to determine if the analysis DOE prepared in support of the notice of proposed rulemaking for Battery Chargers and External Power Supplies published on March 27, 2012, needs revision in light of the availability of these products. Based on testing data and information received from stakeholders, DOE may propose alternative energy conservation standard levels for battery chargers if it is determined that new energy conservation standards for battery chargers are technologically feasible and economically justified. If DOE determined that different standards could satisfy these criteria, DOE would issue a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking in order to discuss any new findings, propose alternative energy conservation standard levels, and request stakeholder feedback. At this time, DOE welcomes written comments from the public on the issues brought up in this Request for Information or on any other topic within the scope of this rulemaking.
Energy Efficiency Program for Commercial and Industrial Equipment: Public Meeting and Availability of the Framework Document for Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps
On February 22, 2013, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a document in the Federal Register initiating a rulemaking to evaluate energy conservation standards for packaged terminal air conditioners (PTACs) and packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHPs). In that document, DOE announced the availability of a framework document. This document announces an extension of the public comment period for submitting comments on the framework document or any other aspect of the rulemaking for PTACs and PTHPs. The comment period is extended to April 25, 2013.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to BSH Corporation from the Department of Energy Residential Dishwasher Test Procedure
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of the decision and order (Case No. DW-010) that grants to BSH Corporation (BSH) a waiver from the DOE dishwasher test procedure for certain basic models containing integrated or built-in water softeners. Under today's decision and order, BSH shall be required to test and rate its dishwashers with integrated water softeners using an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy and water consumption.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to BSH Corporation From the Department of Energy Residential Dishwasher Test Procedure
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of the decision and order (Case No. DW-009) that grants to BSH Corporation (BSH) a waiver from the DOE dishwasher test procedure for certain basic models containing integrated or built-in water softeners. Under today's decision and order, BSH shall be required to test and rate its dishwashers with integrated water softeners using an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy and water consumption.
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