2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 6,606
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; General Conformity Requirements for Federal Agencies Applicable to Federal Actions
EPA proposes to approve the State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The SIP revision consists of a regulation revision adopted by Virginia for the purpose of incorporating Federal general conformity requirements revisions promulgated in July of 2006 and April of 2010. In the Final Rules section of this Federal Register, EPA is approving the State's SIP submittal as a direct final rule without prior proposal because the Agency views this as a noncontroversial submittal and anticipates no adverse comments. A detailed rationale for the approval is set forth in the direct final rule. If no adverse comments are received in response to this action, no further activity is contemplated. If EPA receives adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all public comments received will be addressed in a subsequent final rule based on this proposed rule. EPA will not institute a second comment period. Any parties interested in commenting on this action should do so at this time.
Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands
This proposed rule would update and modify HUD's regulations governing the protection of wetlands and floodplains. With respect to wetlands, the proposed rule would codify existing procedures for Executive Order 11990 (E.O. 11990), Protection of Wetlands. HUD's current policy is to require the use of E.O. 11990's 8 Step Process for floodplains for actions performed by the Department or actions performed with HUD financial assistance. This rule will codify this policy and thereby improve consistency and increase transparency by placing the E.O. requirements in regulation. In certain instances, the new wetlands procedures will allow recipients of HUD assistance to use permits issued under section 404 of the Clean Water Act in lieu of five steps of the E.O. 11990's 8 Step Process, thereby streamlining the wetlands decision-making processes. With respect to floodplains, the proposed rule would prohibit HUD funding (e.g., Community Development Block Grants, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Choice Neighborhoods, etc.) or Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage insurance for the construction of new structures in Coastal High Hazard Areas. The current regulations allow for such new construction so long as the construction, is in accordance with certain standards. This change is anticipated to have minimal effect, since HUD receives few requests to fund or insure mortgages for new construction in these areas. The proposal would also make several other changes to HUD's floodplain and wetland regulations; the changes are designed to streamline floodplain and wetland environmental procedures and avoid unnecessary delays in processing. The procedures proposed by this rule would apply to HUD and to state, tribal, and local governments when they are responsible for environmental reviews under HUD programs.
Special Local Regulations; Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade, Intracoastal Waterway, Pompano Beach, FL
The Coast Guard is establishing special local regulations on the waters of the Intracoastal Waterway in Pompano Beach, Florida during the Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade on Sunday, December 11, 2011. The marine parade will consist of approximately 50 vessels. The marine parade will begin at Lake Santa Barbara, transit north on the Intracoastal Waterway, and end at the Hillsborough Bridge. These special local regulations are necessary to provide for the safety of life on navigable waters of the United States during the marine parade. The special local regulations consist of a series of moving buffer zones around participant vessels as they transit from Lake Santa Barbara to the Hillsborough Bridge. Persons and vessels that are not participating in the marine parade are prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring in, or remaining within any of the buffer zones unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Miami or a designated representative.
Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of Carisoprodol Into Schedule IV
With the issuance of this final rule, the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) places the substance carisoprodol, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible, into Schedule IV of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). This action is pursuant to the CSA which requires that such actions be made on the record after opportunity for a hearing. The decision of the Administrator is reprinted in its entirety below.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Theft Protection and Rollaway Prevention
In this NPRM, we (NHTSA) address safety issues arising from increasing variations of keyless ignition controls, and the operation of those controls. At issue are drivers' inability to stop a moving vehicle in a panic situation, and drivers who unintentionally leave the vehicle without the vehicle transmission's being ``locked in park,'' or with the engine still running, increasing the chances of vehicle rollaway or carbon monoxide poisoning in an enclosed area. Therefore in this NPRM, among other matters, we propose to standardize the operation of controls that are used to stop the vehicle engine or other propulsion system and that do not involve the use of a physical key. We are also proposing to require that an audible warning be given to any driver who: Attempts to shut down the propulsion system without first moving the gear selection control to the ``park'' position (for vehicles with a ``park'' position); exits a vehicle without having first moved the gear selection control to ``park'' (for vehicles with a ``park'' position), or exits a vehicle without first turning off the propulsion system.
Airworthiness Directives; Pratt & Whitney Corp. (PW) JT9D-7R4H1 Turbofan Engines
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all PW JT9D-7R4H1 turbofan engines. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks in five high-pressure compressor (HPC) shafts. This AD requires removing certain HPC shafts before their certified life limits and establishes a new, lower life-limit for these parts. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Updated Statements of Legal Authority To Reflect Continuation of Emergency Declared in Executive Order 12938
This rule updates the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) legal authority citations for the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to replace citations to the President's Notice of November 4, 2010, Continuation of Emergency Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, with citations to the President's Notice of November 9, 2011 on the same subject. BIS is making these changes to keep the CFR's legal authority citations for the EAR current.
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries
NMFS has determined that the Atlantic tunas General category daily retention limit of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) should be adjusted for the January 2012 subquota period, based on consideration of the regulatory determination criteria regarding inseason adjustments. This action applies to Atlantic tunas General category (commercial) permitted vessels and Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/Headboat category permitted vessels (when fishing commercially for BFT).
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Reallocation of Pacific Cod in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area
NMFS is reallocating the projected unused amounts of Pacific cod total allowable catch (TAC) from catcher vessels using trawl gear and jig gear sectors to American Fisheries Act (AFA) trawl catcher/ processors and catcher/processors using hook-and-line gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area (BSAI). This action is necessary to allow the 2011 TAC of Pacific cod to be harvested.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Sculpins in the Bering Sea Subarea of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area
NMFS apportions amounts of the non-specified reserve to the initial total allowable catch of sculpins in the Bering Sea subarea of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area. This action is necessary to allow fishing operations to continue. It is intended to promote the goals and objectives of the fishery management plan for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area.
Conduit Financing Arrangements
This document contains final regulations relating to conduit financing arrangements. The final regulations apply to multiple-party financing arrangements that are effected through disregarded entities, and are necessary in order to determine which of those arrangements should be recharacterized as a conduit financing arrangement.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Determinations of Attainment of the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Moderate Nonattainment Area and Withdrawal of Attainment Demonstration Proposed Disapprovals
EPA is proposing to make two determinations regarding the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE 8-hour ozone moderate nonattainment area (the Philadelphia Area). First, EPA is proposing to make a determination that the Philadelphia Area has attained the 1997 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). This proposed determination is based upon complete, quality assured, and certified ambient air monitoring data that show the area has monitored attainment of the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS for the 2008- 2010 monitoring period. If this proposal is made final, the requirement for the Philadelphia Area to submit certain planning requirements related to the attainment of the 1997 8-hours ozone NAAQS shall be suspended for so long as the area continues to attain the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Although these requirements are suspended, EPA is not precluded from acting upon these elements at any time if submitted to EPA for review and approval. Second, EPA is also proposing to determine that the Philadelphia Area has attained the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS by its attainment date of June 15, 2011. Finally, EPA is withdrawing the May 8, 2009 proposed disapprovals of the attainment demonstrations for the Philadelphia Area, based on the ambient air quality monitoring data demonstrating attainment. These actions are being taken under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Small Business Investment Companies-Early Stage SBICs
In this proposed rule, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is defining a new sub-category of small business investment companies (SBICs) which will focus on making equity investments in early stage small businesses. By licensing and providing SBA leverage to these ``Early Stage SBICs,'' SBA seeks to expand entrepreneurs' access to capital and encourage innovation as part of President Obama's Start-Up America Initiative launched on January 31, 2011. This proposed rule also sets forth regulations applicable to Early Stage SBICs with respect to licensing, capital requirements, non-SBA borrowing, examination fees, leverage eligibility, distributions, and capital impairment. In addition, this proposed rule makes certain technical changes to SBA regulations.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Correction
This document contains corrections to the final rule which was published in the Federal Register of Wednesday, November 2, 2011 (76 FR 68039). The final rule amended the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to revise the definitions of ``Caribbean Basin country'' and ``designated country'' due to the change in status of the islands that comprised the Netherlands Antilles.
Public Hearings for 2017 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards
EPA and NHTSA are announcing public hearings to be held for the joint proposed rules ``2017 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards,'' published in the Federal Register on December 1, 2011. The agencies will also accept comment on NHTSA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS), available on NHTSA's Web site at https:// www.nhtsa.gov/fuel-economy. Three hearings will be held, on January 17, January 19, and January 24, 2012. The agencies will assume that all oral comments presented at the hearing are addressed to the joint proposed rules only, unless speakers specifically reference NHTSA's Draft EIS in oral or written testimony.
Homeless Management Information Systems Requirements
This proposed rule provides for the establishment of regulations for Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS), which are the local information technology systems that HUD recipients and subrecipients use for homeless assistance programs authorized by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (the McKinney-Vento Act). The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (HEARTH Act), enacted into law on May 20, 2009, in addition to consolidating and amending programs authorized by the McKinney-Vento Act, codifies in law the Continuum of Care planning process, as well as certain data collection requirements integral to HMIS. The HEARTH Act requires that HUD ensure operation of and consistent participation by recipients and subrecipients in HMIS. While Continuums of Care have been using HMIS for several years, this proposed rule would add a new part to the Code of Federal Regulations to regulate the administration of HMIS and collection of data using HMIS, as provided for by the HEARTH Act. In addition, this proposed rule would make corresponding changes to HUD's regulations for Consolidated Submissions for Community Planning and Development Programs, at 24 CFR part 91; the Emergency Solutions Grants program, at 24 CFR part 576; the Shelter Plus Care Program, at 24 CFR part 582; and the Supportive Housing Program, at 24 CFR part 583.
Nutrition Labeling of Single-Ingredient Products and Ground or Chopped Meat and Poultry Products; Delay of Effective Date and Correction
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is delaying the effective date of the final regulations that require nutrition labeling of the major cuts of single-ingredient, raw meat and poultry products and ground or chopped meat and poultry products that were published in the Federal Register on December 29, 2010. The original effective date of these regulations was January 1, 2012. FSIS is taking this action in response to a request from eight trade associations. The trade associations requested that FSIS exercise enforcement discretion for a six month period following the January 1, 2012, effective date of the final rule. However, FSIS has concluded that a two month delay in the effective date will allow industry sufficient time to comply with the requirements of the final rule. The new effective date of the final rule is March 1, 2012. FSIS is also making a correction to the final rule to clarify an amendatory instruction.
Implementation of Regulations Required Under Title XI of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008; Suspension of Delivery of Birds, Additional Capital Investment Criteria, Breach of Contract, and Arbitration
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) is amending the regulations issued under the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended and supplemented (P&S Act). GIPSA is amending the regulations to clarify conditions for industry compliance with the P&S Act pursuant to the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the 2008 Farm Bill). In response to comments and other public input received in response to the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on June 22, 2010, making necessary changes. The provisions finalized with this action will clarify conditions for industry compliance with the P&S Act. Other provisions listed in the June 22, 2010, proposed rule are not being finalized at this time.
New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tilmicosin
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly & Co. The supplemental NADA provides for use of tilmicosin Type C medicated feeds by veterinary feed directive for the control of bovine respiratory disease in groups of beef and nonlactating dairy cattle.
International Anti-Fouling System Certificate
The Coast Guard is amending its vessel inspection regulations to add the International Anti-fouling System (IAFS) Certificate to the list of certificates a recognized classification society may issue on behalf of the Coast Guard. This action is being taken in response to recently enacted legislation implementing the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001. This final rule will enable recognized classification societies to apply to the Coast Guard for authorization to issue IAFS Certificates to vessel owners on behalf of the Coast Guard.
Port Access Route Study: The Atlantic Coast From Maine to Florida
The U.S. Coast Guard is reopening the comment period to further its outreach efforts and solicit additional comments concerning its Port Access Route Study being conducted along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Florida.
Extension of Comment Period for Proposed Rulemaking on Substantially Underserved Trust Areas (SUTA)
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) is extending until January 17, 2012, the period for public comment on the proposal to issue regulations in order to provide loans and grants to facilitate the construction, acquisition, or improvement of infrastructure projects in Substantially Underserved Trust Areas (SUTA).
Alternatives to the Use of External Credit Ratings in the Regulations of the OCC
This notice of proposed rulemaking makes technical corrections to the notice of proposed rulemaking concerning alternatives to the use of external credit ratings that was published on November 29, 2011 to correct a mischaracterization of section 939(d) of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Personnel Appeals Board; Procedural Rules
The Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board (the Board or PAB) is amending its regulations to reflect a change in law concerning grievance procedures. The amended rule provides a choice of forum to employees with prohibited personnel practice claims. We are taking this opportunity to change some specific terms in the regulations to ones more commonly used throughout the government.
Amendment of Federal Airways; Alaska
This action announces the effective date of a final rule published in the Federal Register of April 28, 2011 that amends Federal airways in Alaska. The FAA subsequently published a rule in the Federal Register of June 16, 2011 that delayed the effective date until further notice. An amendment, published in the Federal Register of October 20, 2011, further modified the rule. This action is the result of satisfactory flight inspections for the Federal airways affected by the relocation of the Anchorage VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR).
Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination Obligations of Contractors and Subcontractors Regarding Individuals With Disabilities
The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is proposing to revise the regulations implementing the non-discrimination and affirmative action regulations of section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Section 503 prohibits discrimination by covered Federal contractors and subcontractors against individuals on the basis of disability, and requires affirmative action on behalf of qualified individuals with disabilities. The proposed regulations would strengthen the affirmative action provisions, detailing specific actions a contractor must take to satisfy its obligations. They would also increase the contractor's data collection obligations, and establish a utilization goal for individuals with disabilities to assist in measuring the effectiveness of the contractor's affirmative action efforts. Revision of the non-discrimination provisions to implement changes necessitated by the passage of the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 is also proposed.
Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities
This document announces the Agency's receipt of several initial filings of pesticide petitions requesting the establishment or modification of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities.
Establishment of the Indian Oil Valuation Negotiated Rulemaking Committee
On January 31, 2011, the Department published a notice of intent to establish an Indian Oil Valuation Negotiated Rulemaking Committee. In that notice, we requested interested parties to nominate representatives for membership on the Committee and addressed many of the requirements of Section 564 of the Negotiated Rulemaking Act. On August 22, 2011, the Department published a second notice of intent to establish an Indian Oil Valuation Negotiated Rulemaking Committee to address the remaining requirements of Section 564 of the Negotiated Rulemaking Act and to inquire if all interests were represented by the proposed members. This notice establishes the Committee.
Sudanese Sanctions Regulations
The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is amending the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations by issuing two general licenses that authorize all activities and transactions relating to the petroleum and petrochemical industries in the Republic of South Sudan and related financial transactions and the transshipment of goods, technology, and services through Sudan to or from the Republic of South Sudan and related financial transactions. OFAC also is amending an existing general license to broaden its authorization with respect to the importation of certain Sudanese- origin services and to add an authorization for activities related to Sudanese persons' travel to the United States. Lastly, OFAC is making technical changes to the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, including changes to reflect the formation by Southern Sudan of the independent state of the Republic of South Sudan on July 9, 2011.
Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Exclusion
The Environmental Protection Agency (``EPA,'' ``the Agency'' or ``we'' in this preamble) is proposing to grant a petition submitted by the ConocoPhillips Billings, Montana Refinery (``ConocoPhillips'' or ``Petitioner'') to exclude or ``delist,'' from the list of hazardous wastes, residual solids from sludge removed from two storm water tanks at its Billings, Montana refinery and processed in accordance with the petition. The EPA used the Delisting Risk Assessment Software (DRAS) in the evaluation of the potential impact of the petitioned waste on human health and the environment. The EPA's proposed decision to grant the petition is based on an evaluation of waste-specific information provided by ConocoPhillips. This proposed decision, if finalized, would conditionally exclude the petitioned waste from the requirements of the hazardous waste regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This exclusion would be valid only when sludge from the two storm water tanks is dewatered and de-oiled using a filter press and/or portable centrifuge, and the resulting residual solids are disposed of in a RCRA Subtitle D landfill that is permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to manage industrial solid waste. If finalized, the EPA would conclude that ConocoPhillips' petitioned waste is nonhazardous with respect to the original listing criteria and that there are no other factors that would cause the waste to be hazardous.
Idaho: Tentative Approval of State Underground Storage Tank Program
The State of Idaho has applied for final approval of its Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). EPA has reviewed Idaho's application and made the tentative decision that the State's UST program satisfies all requirements necessary to qualify for final approval.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to the New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); General Definitions; Definition of Modification of Existing Facility
EPA is withdrawing a proposed disapproval proposed on September 23, 2009, regarding two provisions that have been superseded by later submitted revisions. EPA is taking these actions under section 110 of the Clean Air Act.
Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials; Denial of Petition for Rulemaking
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is denying a petition for rulemaking (PRM-32-6) submitted by the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO or the petitioner). The ASTSWMO requested that the NRC amend its regulations to improve the labeling and accountability of tritium exit signs. The ASTSWMO believes the majority of unaccounted tritium exit signs are disposed of in solid waste landfills where they become potential sources of groundwater and surface water contamination. The ASTSWMO requested that the NRC revise its regulations or guidance to require that: the labeling be in several locations on the sign and printed with larger font; an expiration date should be distinctly legible to a fire or building inspector without taking down the sign; and the radiation trefoil should be displayed on the front and back of advertisements. Although not a specific request for rulemaking, the petitioner recommended that a national collection effort with distinct milestones and goals be undertaken to consolidate all expired and disused tritium exit signs. The petitioner requested that the NRC organize a meeting with ASTSWMO and all interested stakeholders to set a new path forward on this issue. The NRC is denying PRM-32-6 for the reasons stated in this document.
Connect America Fund; Developing a Unified Intercarrier Compensation Regime
In this document, the Commission announces that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved, for a period of three years, the information collection associated with the Commission's Connect America Fund, Report and Order (Order)'s access stimulation rules. This notice is consistent with the Order, which stated that the Commission would publish a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective date of those rules. The Commission received OMB pre-approval for the proposed requirements on April 19, 2011 and final approval for the final requirements on December 1, 2011. Therefore, the information collection requirements were adopted as proposed.
Amendments to OMB Control Numbers and Certain Forms
On May 19, 2010, the Secretary of the Interior separated the responsibilities previously performed by the former Minerals Management Service (MMS) and reassigned those responsibilities to three separate organizations. As part of this reorganization, the Secretary renamed MMS's Minerals Revenue Management Program (MRM) the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) and directed that ONRR transition to the Office of the Assistant SecretaryPolicy, Management and Budget (PMB). This change required ONRR to reorganize its regulations and repromulgate them in chapter XII, title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This direct final rule amends the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control numbers for information collection requirements, certain form numbers, and corresponding technical corrections to part and position titles, agency names, and acronyms listed in chapter XII of 30 CFR.
Federal Management Regulation; Motor Vehicle Management
The General Services Administration is amending the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) by revising current policy on the definitions relating to the rental versus the lease of motor vehicles. The rule increases the less than 60 continuous day rental timeframe to less than 120 continuous days and adjust the definition of the term ``commercial lease or lease commercially'' accordingly to allow for the instances when agencies have a valid temporary mission requirement for a motor vehicle of 60 continuous days or more in duration but of significantly fewer days in duration than is typically available under commercial leases, which commonly require a minimum lease period of one year.
Implementation of Office of Management and Budget Guidance on Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is removing its regulation implementing the Governmentwide common rule on drug-free workplace requirements for financial assistance, currently located within part 3021 of Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and issuing a new regulation to adopt the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance at 2 CFR part 182. This regulatory action implements OMB's initiative to streamline and consolidate into one title of the CFR all Federal regulations on drug-free workplace requirements for financial assistance. These changes constitute an administrative simplification that would make no substantive change in USDA's policy or procedures for drug-free workplace.
Determination of Governmental Plan Status; Correction
This document contains corrections to advance notice of proposed rulemaking (REG-157714-06) that describes the rules that the Treasury Department and IRS are considering proposing relating to the determination of whether a plan is a governmental planwithin the meaning of section 414(d) and contains an appendix that includes a draft notice of proposed rulemaking on which the Treasury Department and IRS invite comments from the public. The document was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, November 8, 2011(76 FR 69172).
Indian Tribal Governmental Plans; Correction
This document contains corrections to advance notice of proposed rulemaking (REG-133223-08) that describes the rules the Treasury Department and IRS are considering proposing relating to the determination of whether a plan of an Indian Tribal government is a governmental plan within the meaning of section 414(d) and contains an appendix that includes a draft notice of proposed rulemaking on which the Treasury Department and IRS invite comments from the public. The document was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 (76 FR 69188).
Telecommunications Act Accessibility Guidelines; Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards
The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) is issuing this second Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) to continue the process of updating its standards for electronic and information technology, which apply to federal agencies, and its guidelines for telecommunications accessibility, which apply to telecommunications manufacturers. The text of the proposed standards and guidelines under consideration by the Board is available on the Board's Web site (https://www.access-board.gov/ 508.htm). The Board invites the public to review and comment on all aspects of this notice and the proposed text, including the advantages and disadvantages of provisions, the organizational approach to presenting the standards and guidelines, alternative policies to those presented, and information on benefits and costs. After reviewing the comments received in response to this advance notice, the Board plans to issue a proposed rule seeking further public comment followed by a final rule.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Saginaw River, Bay City, MI
The Coast Guard proposes to revise the drawbridge opening schedule for the Lake State Railway Bridge at mile 3.10, the Independence Bridge at mile 3.88, the Central Michigan Railroad Bridge at mile 4.94, the Liberty Street Bridge at mile 4.99, the Veterans Memorial Bridge at mile 5.60, and the Lafayette Street Bridge at mile 6.78, all over the Saginaw River at Bay City, MI. The current regulation is confusing, outdated, and unnecessarily restrictive for both commercial and recreational vessels. The proposed regulation will simplify the regulatory language, increase access through the drawbridges for all vessels, and provide for the reasonable needs of all traffic.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Blackwater River, South Quay, VA
The Coast Guard proposes to change the regulations that govern the operation of the S189 Bridge over Blackwater River, mile 9.2, at South Quay, VA. The proposed rule would change the current regulation requiring a 24-hour advance notice and allow the bridge to remain in the closed position for the passage of vessels. There have been no requests for openings in 11 years.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Algiers Alternate Route), Belle Chasse, LA
In the Federal Register published on December 2, 2011, the Coast Guard placed the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Algiers Alternate Route), Belle Chasse, LA. That publication contained an error in the ``Discussion of Proposed Rule'' section stating an incorrect date of the Test Deviation issued in conjunction with the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The Test Deviation is scheduled to commence on December 15, 2011 vice the December 19, 2011 date published in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking should reflect the correct date of December 15, 2011. This error does not impact the Test Deviation.
Interference With a Crewmember via Laser
On June 1, 2011, the Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations, Federal Aviation Administration (``FAA''), issued an interpretation of 14 CFR 91.11. Section 91.11 provides that ``[n]o person may assault, threaten, intimidate, or interfere with a crewmember in the performance of the crewmember's duties aboard an aircraft being operated.'' The FAA is aware of an increasing number of incidents involving the use of lasers being directed toward aircraft operating on the ground or in the air. Such conduct has the potential to adversely affect safety by interfering with flight crewmembers in the performance of their duties. The FAA considers a situation in which a laser beam is aimed at an aircraft by a person on the ground or from any other location including from another aircraft so that it interferes with a crewmember in the performance of the crewmember's duties as a violation of 14 CFR 91.11.
Notification and Reporting of Aircraft Accidents or Incidents and Overdue Aircraft, and Preservation of Aircraft Wreckage, Mail, Cargo, and Records
The NTSB is proposing to amend its regulations concerning notification and reporting requirements with regard to aircraft accidents or incidents, found at paragraph (a)(10) of section 830.5, entitled, ``Immediate notification.'' Currently, 49 CFR 830.5(a)(10) requires reports of Airborne Collision and Avoidance System (ACAS) advisories issued under certain specific circumstances. The NTSB now proposes to narrow the ACAS reporting requirement in section 830.5(a)(10).
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; South Dakota; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
EPA is proposing to approve a revision to the South Dakota State Implementation Plan (SIP) addressing regional haze submitted by the State of South Dakota on January 21, 2011, as amended by a submittal received on September 19, 2011. This SIP revision was submitted to address the requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) and our rules that require states to prevent any future and remedy any existing man-made impairment of visibility in mandatory Class I areas caused by emissions of air pollutants from numerous sources located over a wide geographic area (also referred to as the ``regional haze program'').
International Mail: New Prices and Fee Changes-Mailing Services
The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM[supreg]) throughout various Individual Country Listings (ICLs) to reflect price adjustments for First-Class Mail International[supreg] and extra services.
Disclosure of Certain Credit Card Complaint Data
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (the ``CFPB'') is requesting comment on a proposed policy statement (the ``Policy Statement'') that addresses the CFPB's proactive disclosure of credit card complaint data. The CFPB receives credit card complaints from consumers under the terms of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010. The proposed Policy Statement sets forth the CFPB's proposed initial disclosure of credit card complaint data. It also identifies additional ways that the CFPB may disclose credit card complaint data but as to which the CFPB will conduct further study before finalizing its position. The proposed Policy Statement does not address complaint data about any other consumer financial product or service. The CFPB invites comment on all aspects of the proposed Policy Statement.
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