2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 751 - 800 of 6,269
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Regulations; Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Regulations; and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Regulations
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is issuing final revised management plans and revised regulations for the Gulf of the Farallones, Cordell Bank, and Monterey Bay national marine sanctuaries (GFNMS, CBNMS, and MBNMS respectively). This final rule updates the existing regulations for these three sanctuaries and establishes new regulatory prohibitions for them. New prohibitions contained in this final rule include restrictions on: the introduction of introduced species; discharges from cruise ships and other vessels; attracting or approaching white sharks in GFNMS; anchoring vessels in seagrass in Tomales Bay; deserting vessels; motorized personal watercraft use in the MBNMS (definition revision); and, possessing, moving, or injuring historic resources. This final rule also codifies three dredge disposal sites in the MBNMS that existed prior to the MBNMS designation in 1992 and expands the boundaries of the MBNMS to include the Davidson Seamount and surrounding area.
BioRefinery Assistance Program
This Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) seeks comments for the development of a proposed rule to implement a BioRefinery Assistance guaranteed loan program. In conjunction with this ANPRM, USDA is publishing a separate notice in this Federal Register announcing a Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) for a BioRefinery Assistance Program to provide guaranteed loans for the development and construction of commercial-scale biorefineries or for the retrofitting of existing facilities using eligible technology for the development of advanced biofuels. The comments being sought under this ANPRM reference the biorefinery assistance program described in a separate notice published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register.
Rules Relating to Reparation Proceedings
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or ``CFTC'') is amending its regulations to clarify that post-judgment interest shall run on reparation awards in voluntary decisional proceedings and to provide that in all reparation proceedings resulting in a judgment for complainant post-judgment interest shall run whether or not expressly awarded.
Airworthiness Directives; Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Galaxy Airplanes and Gulfstream 200 Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 767-200, -300, and -400ER Series Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 767-200, -300, and -400ER series airplanes. This AD requires installing new relay(s), circuit breakers as applicable, and wiring to allow the flightcrew to turn off electrical power to the in- flight entertainment (IFE) systems and certain circuit breakers through a utility bus switch, and doing other specified actions. This AD results from an IFE systems review. We are issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew is able to turn off electrical power to IFE systems and other non-essential electrical systems through a switch in the flight compartment. The flightcrew's inability to turn off power to IFE systems and other non-essential electrical systems during a non-normal or emergency situation could result in the inability to control smoke or fumes in the airplane flight deck or cabin.
Airworthiness Directives; BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Revised National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regulation and Effluent Limitations Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations in Response to the Waterkeeper
Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act or CWA), EPA is revising the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements and Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards (ELGs) for concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in response to the order issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Waterkeeper Alliance et al. v. EPA, 399 F.3d 486 (2d Cir. 2005). This final rule responds to the court order while furthering the statutory goal of restoring and maintaining the nation's water quality by ensuring that CAFOs properly manage manure generated by their operations. This final rule revises several aspects of EPA's current regulations governing discharges from CAFOs. EPA is modifying the requirement to apply for a permit by specifying that an owner or operator of a CAFO that discharges or proposes to discharge must apply for an NPDES permit. The final rule also includes an option for an unpermitted CAFO to certify to the permitting authority that the CAFO does not discharge or propose to discharge. In addition, EPA is clarifying how the agricultural stormwater discharge exemption criteria are interpreted for unpermitted Large CAFOs. EPA is also requiring CAFOs seeking permit coverage to submit their nutrient management plans (NMPs) with their applications for individual permits or notices of intent to be authorized under general permits. Permitting authorities are required to review the NMPs and provide the public with an opportunity for meaningful public review and comment. Permitting authorities are also required to incorporate terms of NMPs as NPDES permit conditions. Additionally, this action removes the provision that allowed CAFOs to use a 100-year, 24-hour containment structure to fulfill the no discharge requirement for new source swine, poultry, and veal calf operations. Instead, this action authorizes permit writers, upon request by swine, poultry, and veal calf CAFOs that are new sources, to establish best management practice no discharge effluent limitations when the facility demonstrates that it has designed an open containment system that will comply with the no discharge requirements. This final rule also responds to the court's remand orders regarding water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) and pathogens. EPA is clarifying that WQBELs may be required in permits with respect to production area discharges and discharges from land application areas that are not exempt as agricultural stormwater. Finally, EPA is making the finding that the best conventional technology (BCT) limitations established in 2003 also apply to fecal coliform.
Airworthiness Directives; Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0100 Airplanes
We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as: * * * * * During recent inspections it was found that some * * * bolts, that connect the horizontal stabilizer control unit actuator with the dog-links, were broken. This condition, if not corrected, could lead to [the loss of the flight control input connection to the horizontal stabilizer and consequent] partial loss of control of the aircraft. * * * * * We are issuing this AD to require actions to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations
This interim rule lists communities where modification of the Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) is appropriate because of new scientific or technical data. New flood insurance premium rates will be calculated from the modified BFEs for new buildings and their contents.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Reallocation of Halibut in the Gulf of Alaska
NMFS is reallocating the projected unused amount of halibut prohibited species catch (PSC) from rockfish cooperatives in the Central Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Rockfish Pilot Program to vessels using trawl gear in the GOA. This action is necessary to provide the opportunity to vessels using trawl gear to harvest available GOA groundfish total allowable catch (TAC) under existing PSC limits.
Polyoxin D Zinc Salt; Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance
This regulation establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of the polyoxin D zinc salt (zinc 5-[[2- amino-5-o-(aminocarbonyl)-2-deoxy-L-xylonoyl]amino]-1-(5-carb oxy-3,4- dihydro-2,4-dioxo-1(2H)-pyrimidinyl)-1,5-dideoxy-[beta]-D- allofuranuronatein) on almonds, cucurbit vegetables, fruiting vegetables, ginseng, grapes, pistachios, pome fruits, potatoes and strawberries when applied/used as a biochemical pesticide to control and suppress fungal diseases. Arysta LifeScience North America Corporation submitted a petition to EPA under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), requesting an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of polyoxin D zinc salt (zinc 5- [[2-amino-5-o-(aminocarbonyl)-2-deoxy-L-xylonoyl]amino]-1-(5- carboxy- 3,4-dihydro-2,4-dioxo-1(2H)-pyrimidinyl)-1,5-dideoxy-[beta]-D - allofuranuronatein).
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
EPA is proposing to approve revisions to the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). These revisions concern the permitting of new or modified sources. We are proposing to approve local rules to regulate these procedures under the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 (CAA or the Act). We are taking comments on this proposal and plan to follow with a final action.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Trawl Gear in the Gulf of Alaska
NMFS is opening directed fishing for groundfish by vessels using trawl gear in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), effective 1200 hrs, Alaska local time, November 16, 2008. This action is necessary to fully use the 2008 Pacific halibut prohibited species catch (PSC) limit specified for vessels using trawl gear in the GOA.
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
Comments are requested on the proposed Base (1 percent annual- chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the communities listed in the table below. The purpose of this notice is to seek general information and comment regarding the proposed regulatory flood elevations for the reach described by the downstream and upstream locations in the table below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are a part of the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, these elevations, once finalized, will be used by insurance agents, and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents in those buildings.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles
The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) has placed in the docket and on its Web site for public review and comment a second draft of revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles. The second draft is being issued because the format has been significantly changed, provisions for over-the-road buses have been added, and changes have been made in response to comments on the first draft. The draft revisions cover only buses, over-the-road buses, and vans. Draft revisions to the guidelines for other modes will be issued later. Comments will be accepted on the second draft, and the Access Board will consider those comments prior to issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking to update the guidelines.
Revision to United States Marshals Service Fees for Services
This rule revises the United States Marshals Service fees to reflect current costs to the United States Marshals Service for personal service and execution of process in federal court proceedings. A proposed rule with request for comment was published in the Federal Register on June 16, 2008, at 73 FR 33955. No comments were received within the 60-day comment period. Accordingly, the proposed rule is finalized without change.
Physical Protection of Byproduct Material
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is making available preliminary draft proposed rule language to amend its regulations to add a new part 37 to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This new Part 37 will contain the security (physical protection) requirements that are designed to provide reasonable assurance of preventing the theft or diversion of Category 1 and Category 2 quantities of radioactive material as designated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The new provisions will address background checks, fingerprinting, access control, physical security during use, and physical security during any transport of category 1 and category 2 quantities of material. At this time, the staff is only posting the preliminary draft language for the physical protection of the material while it is being transported. These requirements will be contained in subpart D of the new part 37. Draft preliminary language for other aspects of the proposed new part 37 will be posted and noticed in the future. The availability of the preliminary draft rule language is intended to inform stakeholders of the current status of the NRC's activities and solicit public comments on the information at this time. Comments may be provided as indicated under the ADDRESSES heading. The NRC may post updates periodically under Docket NRC-2008-0120 on the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https://www.regulations.gov that may be of interest to stakeholders.
Parachute Equipment and Packing
The FAA is amending the regulations governing the packing interval for certain types of parachutes. Currently, the FAA prohibits most parachutes from being used or carried aboard an aircraft and available for emergency use unless they have been packed within the previous 120 days. New reliability data from the parachute industry and other sources indicate that the packing interval should be increased; therefore, we are lengthening the interval from 120 to 180 days. This final rule revises the parachute packing interval and ensures safe use.
Schedule for Rating Disabilities; Evaluation of Residuals of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI); Correction
This document contains a minor correction to the final rulemaking that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published at 73 FR 54693 on September 23, 2008. The rulemaking relates to a revision of the portion of VA's Schedule for Rating Disabilities that addresses neurological conditions and convulsive disorders to provide detailed and updated criteria for evaluating residuals of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee for Off-Road Vehicle Management for Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770, 5 U.S.C. App 1, section 10), of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth meetings of the Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee for Off-Road Vehicle Management at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. (See DATES section.)
Hours of Service of Drivers
FMCSA adopts as final the provisions of the Agency's December 17, 2007, interim final rule concerning hours of service (HOS) for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. This final rule allows CMV drivers to continue to drive up to 11 hours within a 14-hour, non- extendable window from the start of the workday, following at least 10 consecutive hours off duty (11-hour rule). The rule also allows motor carriers and drivers to continue to restart calculations of the weekly on-duty limits after the driver has at least 34 consecutive hours off duty (34-hour restart).
Use of Ozone-Depleting Substances; Removal of Essential-Use Designation (Epinephrine)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is amending FDA's regulation on the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) in self- pressurized containers to remove the essential-use designation for epinephrine used in oral pressurized metered-dose inhalers (MDIs). The Clean Air Act requires FDA, in consultation with the EPA, to determine whether an FDA-regulated product that releases an ODS is an essential use of the ODS. FDA has concluded that there are no substantial technical barriers to formulating epinephrine as a product that does not release ODSs, and therefore epinephrine would no longer be an essential use of ODSs as of December 31, 2011. Epinephrine MDIs containing an ODS cannot be marketed after this date.
Delegation of Authority to the Director of the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations and the Secretary of the Commission
The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') is amending Rules 30-18 \1\ and 30-7 \2\ to delegate to the Director of the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (``OCIE'') and the Secretary of the Commission, respectively, functions currently delegated to the Associate Executive Director of the Office of Filings and Information Services (``OFIS''). This re-delegation reflects the transfer to OCIE and the Office of the Secretary of functions previously performed by OFIS, which was fully dissolved in May 2007. The Commission is delegating to the Director of OCIE functions relating to, among other things, the granting and cancellation of the registrations of brokers, dealers, municipal securities dealers, government securities brokers or government securities dealers for which the Commission is the appropriate regulatory agency, transfer agents, and investment advisers. The Commission is delegating to the Secretary of the Commission the function of authenticating all Commission documents produced for administrative and judicial proceedings.
Cotton Board Rules and Regulations: Adjusting Supplemental Assessment on Imports (2008 Amendments)
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is amending the Cotton Board Rules and Regulations by increasing the value assigned to imported cotton for calculating supplemental assessments collected for use by the Cotton Research and Promotion Program. An amendment is required to adjust the assessments collected on imported cotton and the cotton content of imported products to be the same as those paid on domestically produced cotton. In addition, AMS is removing Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) numbers that were absorbed into other HTS categories since the last assessment adjustment.
Kiwifruit Grown in California; Hearing on Proposed Amendment of Marketing Order No. 920
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to receive evidence on proposed amendments to Marketing Order No. 920 (order), which regulates the handling of kiwifruit grown in California. The amendments are proposed by the Kiwifruit Administrative Committee (committee), which is responsible for local administration of the order. The proposed amendments would redefine the districts into which the production area is divided, and provide for reallocation of committee membership; revise the committee selection and nomination processes; add authority for the committee to recommend and conduct research and market development programs; and revise committee meeting and voting procedures. In addition, the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) proposes to make any such changes as may be necessary to the order to conform to any amendment that may result from the hearing. The proposals are intended to provide additional flexibility in administration of the order and provide the industry with additional tools to aid in the marketing of kiwifruit.
Ipconazole; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes tolerances for residues of ipconazole from seed treatment in or on cotton, peanut, soybean, dry shelled pea and bean (Subgroup 6C), cereal grains (Group 15) except rice, and forage, fodder, and straw of cereal grains (Group 16) except rice. Chemtura Corporation requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Commercial Availability of Navigation Devices
In this document, the Commission announces that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the information collection 3060- 0849 associated with Subpart P of Part 76. These revised rules will take effect as of the date of this notice. On July 15, 1998, the Commission published the summary document of the Report and Order, In the Matter of Commercial Availability of Navigation Devices, CS Docket No. 97-80; FCC 98-116, at 63 FR 38089.
Medicare Program; Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2009; E-Prescribing Exemption for Computer-Generated Facsimile Transmissions; and Payment for Certain Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS)
This final rule with comment period implements changes to the physician fee schedule and other Medicare Part B payment policies to ensure that our payment systems are updated to reflect changes in medical practice and the relative value of services. It also finalizes the calendar year (CY) 2008 interim relative value units (RVUs) and issues interim RVUs for new and revised codes for CY 2009. In addition, as required by the statute, it announces that the physician fee schedule update is 1.1 percent for CY 2009, the preliminary estimate for the sustainable growth rate for CY 2009 is 7.4 percent, and the conversion factor (CF) for CY 2009 is $36.0666. This final rule with comment period also implements or discusses certain provisions of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA). (See the Table of Contents for a listing of the specific issues addressed in this rule.)
New Mexico Regulatory Program
We are approving an amendment to the New Mexico regulatory program (the ``New Mexico program'') under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA or the Act). New Mexico is proposing additions to and revisions of the New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) to improve and clarify the public notification process during permitting actions, to correct outdated citations, and to comply with formatting requirements for New Mexico administrative law. The revisions also include non-substantive editorial changes. New Mexico revised its program to provide additional safeguards, clarify ambiguities, and achieve stylistic consistency.
Certificates of Compliance
The Consumer Product Safety Act (``CPSA''), at section 14(a) as amended by section 102(a) of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (``CPSIA''), Public Law 110-314, requires that, for products manufactured on or after November 12, 2008, manufacturers (including importers) and private labelers of the products certify that the products comply with all applicable CPSA consumer product safety rules and similar rules, bans, standards and regulations under any other laws administered by the Commission by issuing a certificate that accompanies the product and can be furnished to certain parties. The certificate must specify each such rule, ban, standard, or regulation with which the product must comply. In general, the certification must be based on a test of each product or upon a reasonable testing program. Certificates and certification for certain children's products must be based on testing by third party laboratories whose accreditation to do so has been accepted by the Commission. The third party testing requirements become effective on a rolling schedule as the Commission issues specific laboratory accreditation requirements. Section 14(a)(4) of the CPSA gives the Commission the authority where there is more than one manufacturer, importer, or private labeler to designate one or more of such entities as the person(s) who shall issue the required certificate and to relieve all others of that responsibility. The final rule published today limits the parties who must certify to the U.S. importer and, in the case of domestically produced products, the U.S. manufacturer. It also specifies the requirements that an electronic certificate must meet.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Revisions to Allowable Bycatch Reduction Devices
In accordance with the framework procedures for adjusting management measures of the Fishery Management Plan for the Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico (FMP), NMFS issues this final rule to decertify the expanded mesh bycatch reduction device (BRD), the ``Gulf fisheye'' BRD, and the ``fisheye'' BRD, as currently specified, for use in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) shrimp fishery. NMFS is also certifying a new specification for the fisheye device to be used in the Gulf. In addition, this final rule incorporates a number of minor revisions to remove outdated regulatory text and revise references within regulatory text. The intended effect of this final rule is to improve bycatch reduction in the shrimp fishery and better meet the requirements of national standard 9.
Disclosure of Termination Information
This is a final rule to implement section 506 of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109-280) which amends sections 4041 and 4042 of ERISA. These amendments require that a plan administrator disclose information it has submitted to PBGC in connection with a distress termination filing, and that a plan administrator or plan sponsor disclose information it has submitted to PBGC in connection with a PBGC-initiated termination. The new provisions also require PBGC to disclose the administrative record in a PBGC-initiated termination. The disclosures must be made to an affected party upon request.
Sea Turtle Conservation; Fishing Gear Inspection Program
NMFS establishes an inspection program for modified pound net leaders in the Virginia waters of the mainstem Chesapeake Bay. Current regulations require modified pound net leaders, as defined in the regulations, in a portion of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay while also allowing them to be used in a different portion of the Chesapeake Bay. This action would help ensure that leaders used in those areas do in fact meet the definition of a modified pound net leader. This action, taken under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), as amended, is intended to facilitate compliance with the existing regulation, which is designed to help protect threatened and endangered sea turtles.
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Swordfish Quotas
This proposed rule would adjust the North and South Atlantic swordfish quotas for the 2008 fishing year (January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008) to account for underharvests, and to transfer 18.8 metric tons (mt) dressed weight (dw) to Canada per the 2006 International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) recommendations 06-02 and 06-03. The North Atlantic 2008 directed baseline quotas plus the 2007 underharvest would be divided equally between the semiannual periods of January through May and June through December. In addition, NMFS proposes to modify the vessel chartering regulations to potentially allow Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) limited access permit (LAP) holders to charter foreign vessels under a chartering arrangement where catches taken would count against U.S. Atlantic HMS quotas or entitlements.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Amendment 30B
NMFS issues this proposed rule to implement Amendment 30B to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (FMP) prepared by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council). This proposed rule would establish annual catch limits (ACLs) and accountability measures (AMs) for commercial and recreational gag, red grouper, and shallow-water grouper (SWG); establish a commercial quota for gag; adjust the commercial quotas for red grouper and shallow-water grouper; establish an incidental bycatch allowance trip limit for commercial gag and red grouper; reduce the commercial minimum size limit for red grouper; reduce the gag bag limit and the aggregate grouper bag limit; increase the red grouper bag limit; extend the closed season for recreational shallow-water grouper; establish a new reef fish seasonal-area closure; eliminate the end date for the Madison-Swanson and Steamboat Lumps marine reserves; and require that federally permitted reef fish vessels comply with the more restrictive of Federal or state reef fish regulations when fishing in state waters. In addition, Amendment 30B would establish management targets and thresholds for gag consistent with the requirements of the Sustainable Fisheries Act; set the gag and red grouper total allowable catch (TAC); and establish interim allocations for the commercial and recreational gag and red grouper fisheries. This proposed rule is intended to end overfishing of gag and maintain catch levels of red grouper consistent with achieving optimum yield.
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Inseason Action to Close the Commercial Porbeagle Shark Fishery
NMFS is closing the commercial fishery for porbeagle sharks in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. This action is necessary because the porbeagle shark quotas for the 2008 fishing season have reached or are projected to have reached at least 80 percent of the available quota.
Administrative Practice and Procedure, Postal Service
The Commission is adding Priority Mail Contract 3 (MC2009-4 and CP2009-5) to the Competitive Product List. It is also noticing a related contract. These actions are consistent with changes in a recent law governing postal operations and a related Postal Service request. Republication of the lists of market dominant and competitive products is also consistent with new requirements in the law.
Anthony R. Pietrangelo, Nuclear Energy Institute; Consideration of Petition in the Rulemaking Process; Correction
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is correcting a document that appeared in the Federal Register on November 6, 2008 (73 FR 66000). The NRC is considering the issues raised in a petition for rulemaking submitted by Anthony R. Pietrangelo, on behalf of the Nuclear Energy Institute, in the ongoing ``Risk-Informed Redefinition of Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Requirements'' rulemaking. This document corrects an erroneous NRC docket number and date.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District, Kern County Air Pollution Control District, Mohave Desert Air Quality Management District
EPA is proposing a disapproval of revisions to the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District (GBUAPCD) portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP), and limited approval and limited disapproval of revisions to the Kern County Air Pollution Control District (KCAPCD) and Mohave Desert Air Quality Management District (MDAQMD) portions of the SIP. These revisions concern particulate matter (PM) emissions from fugitive dust sources. We are proposing action on local rules that regulate these emission sources under the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 (CAA or the Act). We are taking comments on this proposal and plan to follow with a final action.
Establishment and Revocation of Class E Airspace; Lake Havasu, AZ
This action will establish Class E airspace at Lake Havasu, AZ. Additional controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate aircraft using VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range/Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME) Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Instrument Approach Procedure (SIAP) at Lake Havasu City Airport, Lake Havasu, AZ. This action also will revoke Class E airspace at the old Lake Havasu Airport, Lake Havasu, AZ, as that airport has been abandoned. This will improve the safety and management of aircraft operations at Lake Havasu City Airport, Lake Havasu, AZ.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; FAR Case 2008-019, Authentic Information Technology Products
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) are seeking comments from both Government and industry on whether the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) should be revised to include a requirement that contractors selling information technology (IT) products (including computer hardware and software) represent that such products are authentic. The Councils are also interested in comments regarding contractor liability if IT products sold to the Government, by contractors, are not authentic. Additionally, the Councils are seeking comments on whether contractors who are resellers or distributors of computer hardware and software should represent to the Government that they are authorized by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to sell the information technology products to the Government. Finally, the Councils invite comments on (1) whether the measures contemplated above should be extended to other items purchased by the Government; and (2) whether the rule should apply when information technology is a component of a system or assembled product.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Elizabeth River-Eastern Branch, at Norfolk, VA, Maintenance
The Commander, Fifth Coast Guard District, has approved a temporary deviation from the regulations governing the operation of the Norfolk Southern Railroad (NS V2.8) Bridge, at mile 2.7, across the Elizabeth RiverEastern Branch at Norfolk, VA. Under this temporary deviation, the drawbridge may remain in the closed position on specific dates and times to facilitate mechanical repairs.
National Tunnel Inspection Standards
The FHWA is soliciting comments concerning the creation of a regulation establishing National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS). The FHWA is considering the establishment of NTIS by adding Subpart E to 23 CFR Part 650. The NTIS would set minimum tunnel inspection standards that apply to all Federal-aid highway tunnels on public roads. The FHWA anticipates that NTIS could be modeled after the existing National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) regulation, found at 23 CFR Part 650, Subpart C, as applicable. The NTIS likely would include requirements for inspection procedures for structural, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and ventilation systems, and other major elements specific to tunnels such as tunnel finishes; the qualification and training of inspectors; and a National Tunnel Inventory.
Exceptions or Alternatives to Labeling Requirements for Products Held by the Strategic National Stockpile; Technical Amendment
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the biologics regulations to reincorporate a regulation that was inadvertently removed. This action is being taken to correct the regulations.
Conforming Changes to Certain End-User/End-Use Based Controls in the EAR; Clarification of the Term “Transfer” and Related Terms as Used in the EAR
In this final rule, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by making conforming changes in certain end-user/end-use controls in the EAR to ensure that the terminology used to describe each type of end-user/end- use control is consistent, to the fullest extent possible, with the terminology in other such controls in the EAR. The amendments in this rule clarify that a party cannot proceed with an export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) that is in transit at the time the party is informed by BIS that a license is required (in accordance with certain end-user/end-use controls in the EAR), unless that party first obtains a license from BIS authorizing the completion of the transaction. These changes are intended to enhance the ability of BIS to stop items subject to the EAR, including items not on the Commerce Control List, from being exported, reexported or transferred (in-country) when there is an unacceptable risk that such items will be used in, or diverted to, any of the proliferation activities specified in certain sections of the EAR. This rule also amends the EAR by revising the definition of the term ``transfer'' and certain related terms, to provide greater clarity regarding these provisions. BIS published these amendments in proposed form in the Federal Register with a request for comments.
Fisheries Off West Coast States; Coastal Pelagic Species Fisheries; Annual Specifications
NMFS issues this final rule to implement the annual harvest guideline (HG) for Pacific mackerel in the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the Pacific coast for the fishing season of July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009. This HG has been calculated according to the regulations implementing the Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and establishes allowable harvest levels for Pacific mackerel off the Pacific coast. The HG for the 2008-2009 fishing season is 40,000 metric tons (mt). If this total is reached, Pacific mackerel fishing will be closed to directed harvest and only incidental harvest will be allowed at a 45 percent by weight incidental catch rate when landed with other CPS, except that up to one mt of Pacific mackerel can be landed without landing any other CPS.
Privacy Act of 1974: Implementation of Exemptions; Customs and Border Protection Advanced Passenger Information System
The Department of Homeland Security is issuing a final rule to amend its regulations to exempt portions of the system of records entitled the Advanced Passenger Information System from certain provisions of the Privacy Act. Specifically, the Department proposes to exempt portions of the Advanced Passenger Information System from one or more provisions of the Privacy Act because of criminal, civil, and administrative enforcement requirements.
Prohibition on Funding of Unlawful Internet Gambling
This final rule with comment period revises the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system to implement applicable statutory requirements and changes arising from our continuing experience with this system, and to implement a number of changes made by the Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act of 2008. In this final rule with comment period, we describe the changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the payment rates for Medicare hospital outpatient services paid under the prospective payment system. These changes are applicable to services furnished on or after January 1, 2009. In addition, this final rule with comment period updates the revised Medicare ambulatory surgical center (ASC) payment system to implement applicable statutory requirements and changes arising from our continuing experience with this system. In this final rule with comment period, we set forth the applicable relative payment weights and amounts for services furnished in ASCs, specific HCPCS codes to which these changes apply, and other pertinent ratesetting information for the CY 2009 ASC payment system. These changes are applicable to services furnished on or after January 1, 2009. In this document, we are responding to public comments on a proposed rule and finalizing updates to the ASC Conditions for Coverage to reflect current ASC practices and new requirements in the conditions to promote and protect patient health and safety. Further, this final rule also clarifies policy statements included in responses to public comments set forth in the preamble of the March 30, 2007 final rule regarding the Secretary's ability to terminate Medicare providers and suppliers (that is, transplant centers) during an appeal of a determination that affects participation in the Medicare program.
Modification of Jet Route J-522 in the Vicinity of Rochester, NY
This action modifies the published description of jet route J- 522 to reflect the relocation of one of the navigation aids used to form a portion of the route.
Oil Shale Management-General
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is finalizing regulations to set out the policies and procedures for the implementation of a commercial leasing program for the management of federally-owned oil shale and any associated minerals located on Federal lands. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EP Act) directs the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to: Make public lands available for conducting oil shale research and development activities; Complete a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for a commercial leasing program for both oil shale and tar sands resources on the BLM-administered lands in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming; and Issue regulations establishing a commercial oil shale leasing program. These final regulations incorporate specific provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA) and the EP Act relating to: Oil shale lease size; Acreage limitations; Rental; and Lease diligence. These regulations also address the diligent development requirements of the EP Act by establishing work requirements and milestones to ensure diligent development of leases. The rule also provides for other standard components of a BLM mineral leasing program, including lease administration and operations.
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