November 4, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 51 - 100 of 131
Fee Rates
Document Number: 05-22063
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: National Indian Gaming Commission, Department of the Interior
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 25 CFR 514.1(a)(3), that the National Indian Gaming Commission has adopted final annual fee rates of 0.00% for tier 1 and 0.053% (.00053) for tier 2 for calendar year 2005. These rates shall apply to all assessable gross revenues from each gaming operation under the jurisdiction of the Commission. If a tribe has a certificate of self-regulation under 25 CFR part 518, the final fee rate on class II revenues for calendar year 2005 shall be one-half of the annual fee rate, which is 0.0265% (.000265)
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 05-22061
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has submitted the following information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission describes the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and includes the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use. Title: The National Flood Insurance ProgramBiennial Report. OMB Number: 1660-0003. Abstract: The NFIP Biennial Report enables FEMA to meet its regulatory requirement under 44 CFR 59.22(b)(2). It also enables FEMA to be more responsive to the ongoing changes that occur in each participating community's flood hazard area. These changes include, but are not limited to, new corporate boundaries, changes in flood hazard areas, new floodplain management measures, and changes in rate of floodplain development. It is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of the community's floodplain management activities. The evaluation is accomplished by analyzing information provided by the community, such as the number of variances and flood plain permits granted by each community in relationship to other information contained in the Biennial Report, as well as other data available in FEMA's Community Information System (CIS). The Biennial Report also provides an opportunity for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) participating communities to request technical assistance in implementing a floodplain management program. FEMA regional offices use this information as a means to know which communities need support and guidance. In addition, the NFIP Biennial Report is one of the tools used to assist FEMA in meeting its regulatory requirement under section 575 of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004. A ``yes'' answer to Items A-D in Section I of the report will provide the basis for FEMA to follow-up by contacting the community for clarification and/or elaboration regarding changes and activities occurring in a community's flood hazard area. This information will be used in ranking and prioritizing one community's mapping needs against all other communities in the NFIP and for determining how the limited flood hazard mapping funds are allocated for map updates. Affected Public: State, local and Tribal governments. Number of Respondents: 20,500 respondents. Estimated Time per Respondent: 2.49 hours. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 11,375. Frequency of Response: Every two years. Comments: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments on the proposed information collection to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA, Docket Library, Room 10102, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503, or facsimile number (202) 395-7285. Comments must be submitted on or before December 5, 2005.
Notice of Permit Applications Received Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-541)
Document Number: 05-22060
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is required to publish notice of permit applications received to conduct activities regulated under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978. NSF has published regulations under the Antarctic Conservation Act at Title 670 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This is the required notice of permit applications received.
Office of Management; Senior Executive Performance Review Board; Membership
Document Number: 05-22059
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of Education
The Secretary announces the members of the Performance Review Board (PRB) for the Department of Education for the Senior Executive Service (SES) performance cycle that ended September 30, 2005. Under 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(1) through (5), each agency is required to establish one or more PRBs.
Federal Transit Administration Cooperative Procurement Pilot Program
Document Number: 05-22058
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
This notice solicits proposals for consideration for the Cooperative Procurement Pilot Program (CPPP). Section 166 of the Transportation, Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004 directs the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to establish a pilot program to determine the benefits of encouraging cooperative procurement of major capital equipment. As specified in the Appropriations Act, three pilot projects were selected in November 2004. Section 167 of the Transportation Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2005 directs the FTA to continue the CPPP and to expand the program to five pilot projects. Under the CPPP, competitively selected grantees, consortiums of grantees, or members of the private sector acting as agents of grantees will develop cooperative specifications and conduct joint procurements. For this program, Congress has raised the Federal share to be provided from 80 percent to 90 percent.
Notice of Permits Issued Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
Document Number: 05-22055
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is required to publish notice of permits issued under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978. This is the required notice.
San Pedro Railroad Operating Company, LLC-Abandonment Exemption-in Cochise County, AZ
Document Number: 05-22053
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
Organization, Functions, and Procedures
Document Number: 05-22052
Type: Rule
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
This final rule will amend 49 CFR Part 601 to reflect modifications in the organization and distribution of functions within the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and to document its rulemaking procedures. This rule has not been amended since 1999, and recently there has been a restructuring of offices and duties within FTA. Additionally, many of FTA's regional offices have physically moved to different locations; thus, this rule revises the addresses and phone numbers of the regional offices. Further, the outdated internal delegations of authority have been removed, the means by which the public can access FTA information has been updated, and FTA's rulemaking procedures are provided.
The Ticket To Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel Meeting
Document Number: 05-22048
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Social Security Administration, Agencies and Commissions
Walnuts Grown in California; Increased Assessment Rate
Document Number: 05-22047
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture
This rule would increase the assessment rate established for the Walnut Marketing Board (Board) for the 2005-06 and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.0094 to $0.0096 per kernelweight pound of assessable walnuts. The Board locally administers the marketing order which regulates the handling of walnuts grown in California. Assessments upon walnut handlers are used by the Board to fund reasonable and necessary expenses of the program. The marketing year began August 1 and ends July 31. The assessment rate would remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
Domestic Dates Produced or Packed in Riverside County, CA; Increased Assessment Rate
Document Number: 05-22046
Type: Rule
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture
This rule increases the assessment rate established for the California Date Administrative Committee (committee) for the 2005-06 and subsequent crop years from $0.85 to $0.95 per hundredweight of dates handled. The committee locally administers the marketing order which regulates the handling of dates produced or packed in Riverside County, California. Assessments upon date handlers are used by the committee to fund reasonable and necessary expenses of the program. The committee recommended increasing the assessment rate because additional revenues are needed to fund program operations and build up its financial reserve to a more satisfactory level. The crop year began October 1 and ends September 30. The assessment rate will remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
Endangered and Threatened Species: Request for Comment on Alternative Approach to Delineating 10 Evolutionarily Significant Units of West Coast Oncorhynchus mykiss
Document Number: 05-22043
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
In June 2004, we (NMFS) proposed that 10 Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) of West Coast Oncorhynchus mykiss be listed as endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We have reconsidered the preliminary decision to apply the Pacific salmon ESU Policy to these stocks and seek comment on our proposed application of the joint NMFS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) ``Policy Regarding the Recognition of Distinct Vertebrate Population Segments under the ESA'' (DPS Policy) to the delineation of Oncorhynchus mykiss distinct population segments (DPSs).
Endangered Species; File No. 1553 and File No. 1555
Document Number: 05-22042
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NMFS has received applications from the following entities for permits for scientific research on shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum): Michael Mangold, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Maryland Fishery Resources Office, 177 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401 (File No. 1553); and David J. Stier, Springfield Science Museum, 220 State Street, Springfield, MA 01103 (File No. 1555).
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
Document Number: 05-22041
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA has environmental objections about the proposed project primarily related to the adequacy of the ecological connectivity options presented. EPA notes that no preferred alternative was selected and the most substantial environmental issues relate to the No Action Alternative and Ecological Connectivity Improvement Package C. Rating EO2.
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Document Number: 05-22040
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Phenothrin and s-Methoprene; Product Cancellation Order
Document Number: 05-22039
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
This notice announces EPA's order for the cancellation, voluntarily requested by the registrant and accepted by the Agency, of a product containing the pesticides phenothrin and s-methoprene, pursuant to section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended. This cancellation order follows a July 15, 2005 (corrected August 3, 2005) Federal Register Notice of Receipt of a Request from the registrant Hartz Mountain Corporation to voluntarily cancel their product Hartz Ref 117, a product labeled for use as a spot-on for cats and kittens. In the July 15, 2005 Notice, EPA indicated that it would issue an order implementing the cancellation no earlier than October 31, 2005. EPA further indicated that the request for cancellation was irrevocable. The Agency did not receive any comments on the Notice during the 30-day comment period. Accordingly, EPA hereby issues in this Notice a cancellation order granting the requested cancellation. Any distribution, sale, or use of the product Hartz Ref 117 is permitted only in accordance with the terms of this order, including any existing stocks provisions.
Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease CACA 42933
Document Number: 05-22038
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Land Management Bureau
Under the provisions of Public Law 97-451, Hamar Associates timely filed a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease CACA 42933 for lands in San Luis Obispo County, California, and it was accompanied by all required rentals and royalties accruing from June 1, 2005, the date of termination.
Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument Resource Management Plan (RMP)
Document Number: 05-22037
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Land Management Bureau
In accordance with Section 202 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the BLM announces the availability of the DEIS for the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument RMP. The DEIS documents the direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts of three alternative management plans for BLM-administered public lands within the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument. When completed, the RMP will fulfill the obligations set forth by NEPA, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, and associated Federal regulations.
Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Notice of Data Availability; Information Concerning the Current and Predicted Use of HCFC-22 and HCFC-142b
Document Number: 05-22036
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making available to the public information concerning the current and projected use of HCFC-22 and HCFC-142b, substances known to deplete stratospheric ozone and scheduled to be phased out. As a Party to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (``Montreal Protocol'') and consistent with the requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (``CAAA of 1990''), the United States will meet its obligations to protect stratospheric ozone, including the phasing out of all hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The next major milestone for the HCFC phaseout occurs on January 1, 2010, when, pursuant to EPA regulations, no person may produce HCFC-22 or HCFC-142b except: for use in a process that results in the transformation or the destruction of the HCFCs; for use in equipment manufactured before January 1, 2010; or for export using either Article 5 allowances or export production allowances. In addition, no person may import HCFC-22 or HCFC-142b other than transshipments, heels, or used HCFC-22 or HCFC- 142b except: for use in a process that results in the transformation or destruction of the HCFCs; or for use in equipment manufactured prior to January 1, 2010. EPA plans to issue regulations before January 1, 2010, to set the level of the cap on production and import of HCFC-22 and HCFC-142b that would go into effect on that date. Comments submitted in response to today's Notice of Data Availability (NODA) may be used as the Agency prepares that rulemaking. Today, EPA is making available the report The U.S. Phaseout of HCFCs: Projected Servicing Needs in the U.S. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Sector, prepared by ICF Consulting. The information gathered and presented in the report concerns air-conditioning end uses, refrigeration end-uses, HCFC refrigerants, projected HCFC-22 scenarios, equipment beyond 2010, servicing needs beyond 2010, and factors that affect projections. Because EPA plans to use this information in the future when developing regulations, EPA wants to provide the public with an opportunity to review the information and submit comments. Readers should note that EPA will only consider comments about the information presented in The U.S. Phaseout of HCFCs: Projected Servicing Needs in the U.S. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Sector and is not soliciting comments on any other topic. In particular, EPA is not soliciting comments on the HCFC phaseout established in EPA's December 10, 1993, rulemaking (58 FR 65018).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Focus Groups as Used by EPA for Economics Projects, EPA ICR Number 2205.01
Document Number: 05-22035
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that EPA is planning to submit a proposed Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This is a request for a new collection. Before submitting the ICR to OMB for review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below.
National Drinking Water Advisory Council's Working Group on Public Education Requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule Meeting Announcement
Document Number: 05-22034
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the second public meeting of the Working Group of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC) on the Public Education Requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule (WGPE). The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for the WGPE members to continue discussions on the public education requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Allegations of Significant Adverse Reactions to Human Health or the Environment (TSCA Section 8(c)); EPA ICR No. 1031.08, OMB No. 2070-0017
Document Number: 05-22033
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that the following Information Collection Request (ICR) has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval: Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Allegations of Significant Adverse Reactions to Human Health or the Environment (TSCA Section 8(c)); EPA ICR No. 1031.08, OMB No. 2070-0017. The ICR, which is abstracted below, describes the nature of the information collection activity and its expected burden and costs.
Underground Injection Control Program; Hazardous Waste Injection Restrictions; Petition for Exemption-Class I Hazardous Waste Injection; Lyondell Chemical Company
Document Number: 05-22032
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Notice is hereby given that an exemption to the land disposal restrictions under the 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act has been granted to Lyondell Industries, Inc. (Lyondell) for two Class I injection wells located at Channelview, Texas. As required by 40 CFR Part 148, the company has adequately demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Protection Agency by the petition and supporting documentation that, to a reasonable degree of certainty, there will be no migration of hazardous constituents from the injection zone for as long as the waste remains hazardous. This final decision allows the continued underground injection by Lyondell, of the specific restricted hazardous wastes identified in the exemption, into Class I hazardous waste injection wells WDW-148 and WDW-162, until December 31, 2020, unless EPA moves to terminate the exemption under provisions of 40 CFR 148.24. Additional conditions included in this final decision may be reviewed by contacting the Region 6 Ground Water/UIC Section. As required by 40 CFR 148.22(b) and 124.10, a public notice was issued August 18, 2005. The public comment period closed on October 3, 2005. No comments were received. This decision constitutes final Agency action.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Redesignation of the Shenandoah National Park Ozone Nonattainment Area To Attainment and Approval of the Area's Maintenance Plan
Document Number: 05-22031
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is proposing to approve a redesignation request and a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ) is requesting that the Shenandoah National Park area (the SNP area) be redesignated as attainment for the 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). In conjunction with its redesignation request, the VADEQ submitted a SIP revision consisting of a maintenance plan for the SNP area that provides for continued attainment of the 8- hour ozone NAAQS for the next 10 years. EPA is proposing to make a determination that the SNP area has attained the 8-hour ozone NAAQS based upon three years of complete, quality-assured ambient air quality ozone monitoring data for 2002-2004. EPA's proposed approval of the 8- hour ozone redesignation request is based on its determination that the SNP area has met the criteria for redesignation to attainment specified in the Clean Air Act (CAA). EPA is providing information on the status of its adequacy determination for the motor vehicle emission budgets (MVEBs) that are identified in the maintenance plan for the SNP area for purposes of transportation conformity, and is also proposing to approve those MVEBs. EPA is proposing approval of the redesignation request and of the maintenance plan revision to the Virginia SIP in accordance with the requirements of the CAA.
Decision to Evaluate a Petition To Designate a Class of Employees at the Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, TN, To Be Included in the Special Exposure Cohort
Document Number: 05-22030
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gives notice as required by 42 CFR 83.12(e) of a decision to evaluate a petition to designate a class of employees at the Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to be included in the Special Exposure Cohort under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. The initial proposed definition for the class being evaluated, subject to revision as warranted by the evaluation, is as follows:
Designation of a Class of Employees for Addition to the Special Exposure Cohort
Document Number: 05-22029
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gives notice of a decision to designate a class of employees at the Mallinckrodt Chemical Company, Destrehan Street Plant, in Saint Louis, Missouri as an addition to the Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. On October 14, 2005, the Secretary of HHS designated the following class of employees as an addition to the SEC:
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification
Document Number: 05-22028
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Office of the Secretary, Department of Defense
The Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This is published to fulfill the requirements of section 155 of Public Law 104-164 dated 21 July 1996.
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification
Document Number: 05-22027
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Office of the Secretary, Department of Defense
The Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This is published to fulfill the requirements of section 155 of Public Law 104-164 dated 21 July 1996.
Lake Berryessa Visitor Services Plan, Napa County, CA
Document Number: 05-22025
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Reclamation Bureau
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Bureau of Reclamation has prepared a Final EIS for the Lake Berryessa Visitor Services Plan (VSP). The Final EIS outlines the proposed project alternatives that seek to address issues related to the VSP, including the type and level of facilities and services that are appropriate for future uses on Federal land. Of the seven concession contracts at Lake Berryessa, six contracts expire in 2008/ 2009 and one interim contract expires in 2007. The VSP will be used as a basis for future concession contracts.
Renewal of a Currently Approved Information Collection With Revisions; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 05-22023
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Corporation for National and Community Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Corporation for National and Community Service (hereinafter the Corporation'') has submitted a public information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Copies of this ICR, with applicable supporting documentation, may be obtained by calling the Corporation for National and Community Service, Tim McManus, Director of Marketing at (202) 606-6723. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY-TDD) may call (800) 833- 3722 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern standard time, Monday through Friday.
Aviation Proceedings, Agreements Filed the Week Ending October 21, 2005
Document Number: 05-22021
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation
Structural Steel Beams from Japan and Korea
Document Number: 05-22020
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Certain Weather Stations and Components Thereof; Notice of Commission Decision Not To Review an Initial Determination Terminating the Investigation in Its Entirety Based on Withdrawal of the Complaint
Document Number: 05-22019
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review the presiding administrative law judge's (``ALJ'') initial determination (``ID'') terminating the above-captioned investigation as to all the respondents on the basis of withdrawal of the complaint.
Certain Voltage Regulator Circuits, Components Thereof and Products Containing Same; Notice of a Commission Determination Not to Review an Initial Determination Terminating the Investigation on the Basis of a Consent Order and Settlement Agreement; Issuance of Consent Order
Document Number: 05-22018
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review an initial determination (``ID'') of the presiding administrative law judge (``ALJ'') granting the joint motion of complainant Linear Technology Corporation and respondent Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. to terminate the above- captioned investigation on the basis of a settlement agreement and consent order.
Certain Flash Memory Devices and Components Thereof, and Products Containing Such Devices and Components; Notice of Investigation
Document Number: 05-22017
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on September 29, 2005, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, on behalf of Toshiba Corporation of Tokyo, Japan. A supplemental letter was filed on October 20, 2005. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 in the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain flash memory devices and components thereof, and products containing such devices and components, by reason of infringement of claims 1-4 of U.S. Patent No. 5,150,178, claims 1 and 6-7 of U.S. Patent No. 5,270,969, and claims 1 and 4 of U.S. Patent No. 5,517,449. The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337. The complainant requests that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue a permanent exclusion order and permanent cease and desist orders.
Pediatric Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 05-22014
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; ZOMETA; Correction
Document Number: 05-22012
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is correcting a notice that appeared in the Federal Register of February 28, 2003 (68 FR 9690). The document announced that FDA had determined the regulatory review period for ZOMETA. A Request for Revision of Regulatory Review Period was filed for the product on May 4, 2005. FDA reviewed its records and found that the effective date of the investigational new drug application (IND) was incorrect due to a clerical error. Therefore, FDA is revising the determination of the regulatory review period to reflect the correct effective date for the IND.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
Document Number: 05-22011
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of Education
The Leader, Information Management Case Services Team, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Bird Banding Laboratory Advisory Committee
Document Number: 05-22010
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
The inaugural meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Bird Banding Laboratory (Committee) will be November 29-30, 2005, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day at the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 11510 American Holy Drive, Laurel, Maryland 20708-4017. The meeting will take place in the conference room of the Gabrielson Building. A map and directions to the Center may be found at The purpose of the Advisory Committee, which is co-chaired by the USGS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is to represent the interests of the bird banding community, including both game and non-game and non-game birds, in advising the U.S. Department of the Interior, USGS, on current and future management of the Bird Banding Laboratory. The agenda for the inaugural meeting includes a tour of the Bird Banding Laboratory to familiarize members of the Committee with its operations, functions, and key personnel. In addition, the Committee will identify, prioritize, and begin discussions of the important issues it will address over the two-year period of its current Charter (May 2005-May 2007). The meeting is open to all members of the interested public; however, it will be temporarily closed to the public on November 29 during the Committee tour due to space limitations at the Laboratory. Time on the agenda has been reserved in the afternoon of November 30 for the Committee to receive verbal comments (limited to 5 minutes per person) from the public. To speak before the Committee you must register in advance with Mr. Daniel James (see contact information below), the USGS Designated Federal Official for the Committee. The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center is a gated, secure federal installation with no general public access. You must register with Patuxent personnel in advance of the Committee meeting dates to ensure that you are permitted access to the Center when you arrive. Please contact Ms. Regina Lanning, the Center's Communication Assistant, telephone: (301) 497-5509; e-mail:, to inform her that you will be attending the BBL Advisory Committee Meeting, and provide her with the following information: Full name (for each person if more than one), Company name (if applicable), Vehicle description, Approximate time of arrival dates: November 29-30, 2005.
Notice of Meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group
Document Number: 05-22009
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Pursuant to section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.), this notice announces a meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group (TAMWG). The TAMWG affords stakeholders the opportunity to give policy, management, and technical input concerning Trinity River restoration efforts to the Trinity Management Council. Primary objectives of the meeting will include: Technical team/subgroup organization; Budget process and FY07 budget; Science Framework and draft monitoring plan; Trinity River Restoration Program attention to (non-fish) wildlife; 50% vs 90% ``exceedence criteria'' in water-year- type forecasting; 2005 fish returns; and TAMWG member presentations. Completion of the agenda is dependent on the amount of time each item takes. The meeting could end early if the agenda has been completed. The meeting is open to the public.
Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Loudon, Anderson, and Knox Counties, TN
Document Number: 05-22008
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is issuing this notice to advise the public of its intent to prepare a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for Route 475 (Knoxville Parkway) in Loudon, Knox, and Anderson Counties, Tennessee. This project is intended to improve regional and national transportation needs.
Airworthiness Directives; Turbomeca Arriel 1B, 1D and 1D1 Turboshaft Engines
Document Number: 05-22007
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Turbomeca Arriel 1B, 1D and 1D1 turboshaft engines. This proposed AD would require inspecting the 2nd stage nozzle guide vanes (NGV2) for wall thickness. This proposed AD results from one instance of a fractured 2nd stage turbine blade followed by an uncommanded engine shutdown. We are proposing this AD to detect and prevent perforation of the NGV2 that could cause fracture of a turbine blade that could result in an uncommanded engine in-flight shutdown.
Florida; Amendment No. 2 To Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
Document Number: 05-22006
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-1609-DR), dated October 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
Document Number: 05-22005
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-1609-DR), dated October 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
Document Number: 05-22004
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Florida (FEMA-1609-DR), dated October 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 9 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
Document Number: 05-22003
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1604-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Notice of Closed Meeting
Document Number: 05-22001
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute; Notice of Meetings
Document Number: 05-22000
Type: Notice
Date: 2005-11-04
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
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