Department of Energy August 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 215
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Savannah River Site
This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Savannah River Site. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Northern New Mexico
This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Northern New Mexico. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Idaho National Laboratory
This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Idaho National Laboratory. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Unconventional Resources Technology Advisory Committee
This notice announces a meeting of the Unconventional Resources Technology Advisory Committee. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee
This notice announces a meeting of the Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery
As part of a Federal Government-wide effort to streamline the process to seek feedback from the public on service delivery, the Bonneville Power Administration has submitted a Generic Information Collection request (Generic ICR): ``Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. et seq.).
Request to Revise a Currently-Approved Data Collection
EIA has submitted a request to revise a currently-approved data collection under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). EIA proposes changes to the data collection requirements for the Forms EIA-861, ``Annual Electric Power Industry Report,'' EIA-923, ``Power Plant Operations Report,'' and the proposed creation of the Form EIA-861S, ``Annual Electric Power Industry Report (Short).'' All collection instruments are under OMB Control Number 1905-0129. The Form EIA-861 proposal is to modify the survey frame from a census of approximately 3,300 entities to a sample of approximately 2,200 entities and to estimate the total sales, revenues, and customer counts by sector. The Form EIA-861S proposal will collect data from the approximately 1,100 respondents that will no longer report on the Form EIA-861. The Form EIA-861S will collect a limited amount of sales, revenue, and customer count data and, for certain respondents, data on time-based rate customers and advanced meter reading (Advanced Metering Infrastructure/Automatic Meter Reading). Once every 5 years, the Form EIA-861S respondents will be asked to complete the Form EIA-861 in lieu of Form EIA-861S for sampling methodology purposes. The Form EIA-923 proposal involves modifying the reporting requirements for only Schedule 2, which collects cost and quality data of fossil fuel purchases at electricity generating plants. The proposal is to raise the reporting threshold to 200 megawatts (MW) of nameplate capacity for power plants primarily fueled by natural gas, petroleum coke, distillate fuel oil, and residual fuel oil. EIA will remove the reporting requirement for self-produced and minor fuels, i.e., blast furnace gas, other manufactured gases, kerosene, jet fuel, propoane, and waste oils. The reporting threshold for coal plants will remain at 50 MW of nameplate capacity.
Notice of Cancellation of Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Interconnection of the Buffalo Ridge III Wind Project, Brookings and Deuel Counties, SD (DOE/EIS-0437)
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Western Area Power Administration (Western) is issuing this notice to advise the public that it is cancelling the preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) on an interconnection request by Heartland Wind, LLC (Heartland), a wholly owned subsidiary of Iberdrola Renewables, Inc.
Availability of Department of Energy EV Everywhere Grand Challenge Initial Framing Document and Request for Public Comment
The EV Everywhere Grand Challenge is a U.S. Department of Energy ``Clean Energy Grand Challenge'' with the goal of enabling U.S. companies to be the first in the world to produce plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) that are as affordable and convenient for the average American family as today's gasoline-powered vehicles within the next 10 years. President Obama announced the EV Everywhere Challenge on March 7, 2012. The EV Everywhere Initial Framing Document (framing document) has been developed as a principal means of facilitating stakeholder engagement in the planning process. The framing document describes three potential combinations of PEVs and charging infrastructures, among other possible scenarios, and identifies preliminary technical targets for each of these vehicle and infrastructure scenarios. The framing document is intended to serve as the common framework for stakeholder engagement through public information exchanges and public comment.
Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Dehumidifiers: Public Meeting and Availability of the Framework Document
This document announces that the period for submitting comments on the dehumidifier framework document is extended to October 17, 2012.
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