Western Technical College; Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment, 51993-52013 [2012-21176]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
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To paper-file, mail an original and
seven copies to: Kimberly D. Bose,
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
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Project No. 14368–000 to all comments.
For further information, contact
Shana Murray at (202) 502–8333 or by
email at shana.murray@ferc.gov.
Dated: August 21, 2012.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2012–21081 Filed 8–27–12; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 13417–002–WI]
Western Technical College; Notice of
Availability of Environmental
In accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s regulations, 18 CFR Part
380 (Order No. 486, 52 FR 47,897), the
Office of Energy Projects has reviewed
the application for an original license to
construct the Angelo Dam Hydropower
Project, and has prepared an
environmental assessment (EA). The
proposed 205-kilowatt project would be
located on the La Crosse River in the
Township of Angelo, Monroe County,
Wisconsin at an existing dam owned by
Monroe County. The project would not
occupy federal lands.
The EA includes staff’s analysis of the
potential environmental impacts of the
project and concludes that licensing the
project, with appropriate protective
measures, would not constitute a major
federal action that would significantly
affect the quality of the human
A copy of the EA is available for
review at the Commission in the Public
Reference Room or may be viewed on
the Commission’s Web site at https://
www.ferc.gov, using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number, excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field, to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or tollfree at (866) 208–3676, or for TTY, (202)
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pending projects. For assistance, contact
FERC Online Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or tollfree at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
(202) 502–8659.
Any comments should be filed within
30 days from the date of this notice.
Comments may be filed electronically
via the Internet. See 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site https://
Commenters can submit brief comments
up to 6,000 characters, without prior
registration, using the eComment system
at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/
ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end
of your comments. For assistance,
please contact Commission Online
Support. Although the Commission
strongly encourages electronic filing,
documents may also be paper-filed. To
paper-file, mail an original and seven
copies to: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
20426. Please affix Angelo Dam
Hydropower Project, P–13417–002 to all
Please contact Isis Johnson by
telephone at (202) 502–6346, or by
email at isis.johnson@ferc.gov, if you
have any questions.
Dated: August 22, 2012.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Environmental Assessment for
Hydropower License; Angelo Dam
Hydropower Project
FERC Project No. 13417–002; Wisconsin
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Energy Projects, Division of
Hydropower Licensing, 888 First Street
NE., Washington, DC 20426.
August 2012.
Table of Contents
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LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................................................................................
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................................................................................................................
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................................................
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................................................
1.1 APPLICATION ..........................................................................................................................................................................
1.2 PURPOSE OF ACTION AND NEED FOR POWER .................................................................................................................
1.2.1 Purpose of Action ...........................................................................................................................................................
1.2.2 Need for Power ...............................................................................................................................................................
1.3 STATUTORY AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................
1.3.1 Federal Power Act ..........................................................................................................................................................
1.3.2 Clean Water Act ..............................................................................................................................................................
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act .................................................................................................................................................
1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act ......................................................................................................................................
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation Act ................................................................................................................................
1.4 PUBLIC REVIEW AND CONSULTATION ...............................................................................................................................
1.4.1 Scoping ............................................................................................................................................................................
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1.4.2 Interventions and Comments .........................................................................................................................................
PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES .................................................................................................................................
2.1 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE ..................................................................................................................................................
2.2 PROPOSED ACTION ................................................................................................................................................................
2.2.1 Project Facilities .............................................................................................................................................................
2.2.2 Project Safety ..................................................................................................................................................................
2.2.3 Project Operation ............................................................................................................................................................
2.2.4 Environmental Measures ................................................................................................................................................
2.3 STAFF ALTERNATIVE ............................................................................................................................................................
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................................
3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RIVER BASIN .................................................................................................................
3.2 SCOPE OF CUMULATIVE EFFECTS ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................
3.3 PROPOSED ACTION AND ACTION ALTERNATIVES ..........................................................................................................
3.3.1 Geology and Soils ...........................................................................................................................................................
3.3.2. Aquatic Resources .........................................................................................................................................................
3.3.3. Terrestrial Resources .....................................................................................................................................................
3.3.4. Cultural Resources .........................................................................................................................................................
3.4 NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE 29 13≥≤4.0 DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS .......................................................................
4.1 POWER AND ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT .....................................................................................................
4.2 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES .........................................................................................................................................
4.2.1 No-Action Alternative ....................................................................................................................................................
4.2.2 Applicant’s Proposal ......................................................................................................................................................
4.2.3 Staff Alternative ..............................................................................................................................................................
4.3 COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES ............................................................................................................................
5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................................................................................................
5.1 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................................................................................
5.2 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT AND RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................
5.2.1. Measures Proposed by Western ....................................................................................................................................
5.2.2. Additional Measures Recommended By Staff .............................................................................................................
5.3 UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE EFFECTS .....................................................................................................................................
5.4 FISH AND WILDLIFE AGENCY RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................................
5.5 CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLANS ................................................................................................................
6.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNICANT IMPACT .........................................................................................................................................
7.0 LITERATURE CITED .......................................................................................................................................................................
8.0 LIST OF PREPARERS ......................................................................................................................................................................
Figure 1. Map of Bad Axe—La Crosse River Basin, showing the location of the project (Source: Wisconsin DNR, 2002a; as
modified by staff) ..................................................................................................................................................................................
Figure 2. Project features for the Angelo Dam Project, FERC No. 13417–002 (Source: License application, as modified by staff)
Figure 3. Map of the watersheds in the Bad Axe—La Crosse River Basin, divided by watershed boundaries (Source: Wisconsin
DNR, 2002a; modified by Staff) ...........................................................................................................................................................
Figure 4. Map of the La Crosse River and tributaries within the Upper, Little, and Lower La Crosse River watersheds (Source:
Staff) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Figure 5. Spring and summer water depth of the La Crosse River at USGS Gauge 05382325 ...........................................................
Table 1. Major statutory and regulatory requirements for the Angelo Dam Project ............................................................................
Table 2. Angelo Pond Specifications ......................................................................................................................................................
Table 3. Mean Monthly discharge rates at USGS Gauge 05382325 from 1992–2011 ..........................................................................
Table 4. Ambient Temperatures and Water Quality Criteria for cold water communities .................................................................
Table 5. Fish swim speed information for fish species in the project area (Source: Normandeau Associates, Inc., 2002) ..............
Table 6. Sustained and burst swimming speeds of brook and brown trout (Sources: Bell, 1986 and Montana Water Center,
2007) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Table 7. Minimum fish length protected by 1-inch trashrack spacing .................................................................................................
Table 8. Parameters for the economic analysis of the Angelo Dam Project (Source: Staff) ................................................................
Table 9. Summary of the annual cost of alternative power and annual project cost for three alternatives for the Angelo Dam
Project (Source: Staff) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Table 10. Comparison of effects for each alternative associated with the Angelo Dam Project (Source: Staff) ................................
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Acronyms and Abbreviations
APE area of potential effects
basin Bad Axe—La Crosse River Basin
BMP best management practice
cfs cubic feet per second
Commission Federal Energy Regulatory
CWA Clean Water Act
CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
DO dissolved oxygen
EA environmental assessment
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
ESA Endangered Species Act
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°F degrees Fahrenheit
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory
FPA Federal Power Act
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
fps feet per second
HCP Wisconsin Habitat Conservation Plan
HPMP historic properties management plan
Interior U.S. Department of the Interior
kV kilovolt
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
msl mean sea level
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
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Michigan SHPO Michigan State Historic
Preservation Officer
MRO Midwest Reliability Organization
MISO Midwest Independent System
National Register National Register of
Historic Places
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
of 1969
NERC North American Electric Reliability
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
PA Programmatic Agreement
project Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Project
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data
watershed Upper La Crosse River
Western Western Technical College
Wisconsin CMP Wisconsin Coastal
Management Program Office
Wisconsin DNR Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources
Wisconsin SHPO Wisconsin State Historic
Preservation Officer
WQC water quality certificate
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Executive Summary
On October 21, 2011, Western
Technical College (Western) filed an
application with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
for an original, minor license to
construct, operate, and maintain the
proposed 205-kilowatt (kW) Angelo
Dam Hydropower Project No. 13417–
002 (project). The project would be
located on the La Crosse River in the
Township of Angelo, Monroe County,
Wisconsin at the existing Angelo dam
owned by Monroe County. The project
would not occupy federal lands.
Existing Facilities and Operation
The Angelo dam was built by
Northern States Power in the 1920’s.
Northern States Power generated
electricity at the Angelo dam until 1969
and then removed the generating
equipment and transferred the dam and
associated reservoir (Angelo Pond) to
Monroe County. In 1998, Monroe
County rehabilitated the dam.
The Angelo dam has a total length of
615.5 feet and is composed of a left
earthen embankment, a concrete
spillway and non-overflow structure,
and a right earthen embankment. The
left earthen embankment has a length of
400 feet and a maximum height of
approximately 14 feet. The right earthen
embankment has a length of 124 feet
and a maximum height of
approximately 12 feet. The spillway and
non-overflow section are constructed of
reinforced concrete and have a total
length of 91.5 feet. The spillway is 72.42
feet long and 9.6 feet high from the
foundation level to its crest. The
spillway has four, 13.5-foot-wide by
11.4-foot-high bays each with 13.5-footwide by 6.9-foot-high steel tainter gates.
The non-overflow section is 19.08 feet
long, 20 feet high, and 19.7 feet wide.
The reservoir has a surface area of 52
acres at elevation 793 feet mean sea
level (msl). The reservoir’s storage
capacity is 450 acre-feet at the dam’s
crest elevation of 795 feet msl.
The dam and reservoir currently
provide recreational benefits to the
project area. There is no hydroelectric
generation at the dam. The dam is
operated manually in a run-of-river
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mode (i.e., an operating mode where
outflows from the dam and reservoir
approximate inflows to the reservoir).
state law) to be a general legal matter
rather than a specific environmental
Proposed Facilities and Operation
Western proposes to acquire the rights
to and utilize the Angelo dam and
reservoir for power generation. Western
would convert the dam’s non-overflow
section to serve as the project’s intake.
The conversion would involve removing
a concrete cap and plug that was poured
in 1998 when the dam was
rehabilitated. Western would also
construct, operate, and maintain the
following facilities at the dam and
reservoir: (1) A 22.84-foot-long by 16.08foot-wide trashrack with 2-inch-clear
bar spacing installed at the intake in the
non-overflow section; (2) a 20-foot by
20-foot by 20-foot reinforced concrete
box forebay; (3) a 26-foot-long by 24.5foot-wide by 40-foot-high powerhouse
located at the right abutment of the dam
and containing a 205-kW vertical,
double-regulated Kaplan turbine; (4) a
30-foot-long, 480-volt overhead
transmission line connecting the
powerhouse generator to a step-up
transformer that would be located on a
pole which is part of Northern States
Power’s 2.7-kilovolt (kV) distribution
line; and (5) appurtenant facilities.
The project would be operated in a
run-of-river mode using the natural flow
of the La Crosse River. The estimated
average annual project generation is
about 950 megawatt-hours (MWh).
Alternatives Considered
Proposed Environmental Measures
Western proposes the following
environmental measures to protect or
enhance resources in the vicinity of the
proposed project:
• An erosion and sediment control
plan with provisions for using best
management practices, including
installing a temporary inflatable
cofferdam, and placing hay bales and
siltation fabric at locations where
sediment-laden runoff could otherwise
enter project waters or adjacent nonproject lands;
• Operating the project in a run-ofthe-river mode to protect water quality
and quantity, and fish and aquatic
resources; and
• Implementing the Commission’s
statewide programmatic agreement (PA)
for projects in Wisconsin, and
implementing a Historic Properties
Management Plan (HPMP) for the
Western also proposes to comply with
all state water quality standards while
operating the project. In this
environmental assessment (EA), we
consider Western’s proposal to comply
with state water quality standards (i.e.,
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In addition to Western’s proposed
action, this EA considers Western’s
proposed action with staff’s
modifications (staff alternative), and a
no-action alternative. Under the staff
alternative, the project would be
constructed, operated, and maintained
as proposed by Western. The staff
alternative also includes a
recommendation for Western to develop
and implement an operation compliance
monitoring plan for proposed run-ofriver operations at the project. Under
the no-action alternative, a license
would be denied and Western would
not construct and operate the project.
Public Involvement
Before filing its license application,
Western conducted pre-filing
consultation under the traditional
licensing process. The intent of the
Commission’s pre-filing process is to
initiate public involvement early in the
project planning process and to
encourage citizens, governmental
entities, tribes, and other interested
parties to identify and resolve issues
prior to an application being formally
filed with the Commission.
Western filed its license application
on October 21, 2011. On April 24, 2012,
the Commission issued a notice
accepting the license application;
soliciting motions to intervene, protests,
comments, terms and conditions,
recommendations, and prescriptions;
stating that the application was ready
for environmental analysis; stating
staff’s intent to waive scoping; and
establishing an expedited schedule for
processing. The notice explained that
staff intended to waive scoping due to
the project’s use of an existing dam, the
limited scope of proposed construction
at the project site, the applicant’s close
coordination with federal and state
agencies during the preparation of the
application, and the completion of
studies during pre-filing consultation.
The United States Department of the
Interior (Interior) was the only entity
that filed a written response to the
notice. Interior stated that it had no
The primary issues associated with
licensing the project are the potential for
project effects on soil erosion and
sedimentation, water quality and fish
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
Project Effects
Environmental Assessment
Geology and Soils
Western conducted cultural resource
surveys, covering about 83 percent of
the land within the project’s area of
potential effects (APE). During the
surveys, Western found no
archaeological resources that would be
eligible for the National Register of
Historic Places (National Register). For
the unsurveyed areas, an executed PA
and HPMP contain protocols that would
be implemented if there are any
unanticipated discoveries. The HPMP
also contains provisions to lessen,
avoid, or mitigate for any adverse effects
if the discovered resources are eligible
for the National Register.
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing,
Washington, DC
Project construction would require
the excavation of approximately 135
cubic yards of bedrock during the
construction of the proposed
powerhouse and forebay. To minimize
the potential for erosion and
sedimentation related to the excavation,
under the applicant’s proposal and staff
alternative, Western would develop and
implement an erosion and sediment
control plan.
Aquatic Resources
Under the proposed action and the
staff alternative, developing and
implementing an erosion and sediment
control plan would limit erosion,
sedimentation, and increases in river
Under the proposed action and staff
alternative, fish could be entrained
through the project’s trashrack and
intake, and therefore, be subjected to
turbine mortality during operation of
the project. However, the amount of
entrainment and turbine mortality
would likely be small and result in an
overall minimal adverse effect on the
project reservoir’s (Angelo Pond’s) fish
Under both the proposed action and
staff alternative, run-of-river operation
would maintain current aquatic
resource habitats in Angelo Pond and in
the La Crosse River downstream of the
Angelo dam.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Terrestrial Resources
While some grassy areas may be
temporarily disturbed and soils slightly
compacted by the movement of
equipment and personnel during
construction, no long-term adverse
effects to terrestrial resources are
anticipated, as the construction area
would be relatively small, and occur in
an area that has been previously
disturbed. Also, the project site is fairly
developed and lacks quality habitat for
Two federally listed species are
known to occur in Monroe County,
namely the Karner blue butterfly
(Lycaeides melissa samuelis or Karners)
and northern wild monkshood
(Aconitum noveboracense). However,
both species have specialized habitat
requirements that do not exist in the
immediate vicinity of the project.
Therefore, project construction and
operation would have no effect on
federally listed threatened or
endangered species.
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No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, a
license would be denied, the project
would not be constructed,
environmental resources in the project
area would not be affected, and the
renewable energy that would be
produced by the project would not be
Based on our analysis, we recommend
licensing the project under the staff
In section 4.0 of the EA, we estimate
the likely cost of alternative power for
the two action alternatives identified
above. Our analysis shows that during
the first year of operation under the
proposed action alternative, project
power would cost $81,589 or $86.20/
MWh less than the likely alternative
cost of power. Under the staff
alternative, project power would cost
$81,297 or $85.47/MWh less than the
likely alternative cost of power.
We chose the staff alternative as the
preferred alternative because: (1) The
project would provide a dependable
source of electrical energy for the region
(about 950 MWh annually); (2) the 205
kW of electric capacity available comes
from a renewable resource which does
not contribute to atmospheric pollution;
and (3) the recommended
environmental measures proposed by
Western, as modified by staff, would
adequately protect and enhance
environmental resources affected by the
project. The overall benefits of the staff
alternative would be worth the cost of
the proposed and recommended
environmental measures.
We conclude that issuing an original
license for the project, with the
environmental measures we
recommend, would not constitute a
major federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human
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Angelo Dam Hydropower Project; FERC
Project No. 13417–002
On October 21, 2011, Western
Technical College (Western) filed an
application with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
for an original, minor license to
construct, operate, and maintain the
proposed 205-kilowatt (kW) Angelo
Dam Hydropower Project No. 13417–
002 (Angelo Dam Project or project).
The project would be located on the La
Crosse River in the Township of Angelo,
Monroe County, Wisconsin at an
existing dam (the Angelo dam) owned
by Monroe County and regulated by the
Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources (Wisconsin DNR). The
estimated average annual project
generation is 948.5 megawatt-hours
(MWh). The proposed project would not
occupy federal lands.
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need for
Purpose of Action
The purpose of the proposed Angelo
Dam Project is to provide a new source
of hydroelectric power. Therefore,
under the provisions of the Federal
Power Act (FPA), the Commission must
decide whether to issue a license to
Western for the Angelo Dam Project and
what conditions should be placed on
any license issued. In deciding whether
to issue a license for a hydroelectric
project, the Commission must determine
that the project will be best adapted to
a comprehensive plan for improving or
developing a waterway. In addition to
the power and developmental purposes
for which licenses are issued (such as
flood control, irrigation, or water
supply), the Commission must give
equal consideration to the purposes of:
(1) Energy conservation; (2) the
protection of, mitigation of damage to,
and enhancement of fish and wildlife
resources; (3) the protection of
recreational opportunities; and (4) the
preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality.
Issuing an original license for the
Angelo Dam Project would allow
Western to generate electricity for the
term of an original license, making
electric power from a renewable
resource available to its customers.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
This environmental assessment (EA)
assesses the effects associated with
Western’s proposed operation of the
project and alternatives to the proposed
project. The EA also makes
recommendations to the Commission on
whether to issue an original license, and
if so, what terms and conditions should
become a part of any license issued.
In this EA, we assess the
environmental and economic effects
associated with the construction and
operation of the project: (1) as proposed
by Western; and (2) with staff’s
additional recommended measures. We
also consider the effects of the no-action
alternative. Important issues that are
addressed include the potential for
project effects on geology and soils, and
aquatic, terrestrial, and cultural
1.2.2 Need for Power
The proposed Angelo Dam Project
would provide hydroelectric generation
to meet part of Wisconsin’s power
requirements, resource diversity, and
capacity needs. The project would have
an installed capacity of 205 kW and
generate about 950 MWh per year.
The North American Electric
Reliability Council (NERC) annually
forecasts electrical supply and demand
nationally and regionally for a 10-year
period. The Angelo Dam Project is
located in the Midwest Independent
System Operator (MISO) sub region of
the Midwest Reliability Organization
(MRO) region of the NERC. According to
NERC’s 2011 forecast, average annual
demand requirements for the MISO sub
region are projected to grow at a rate of
2.9 percent from 2011 through 2021.
MISO projects that resource capacity
margins (generating capacity in excess
of demand) will range between 15.2
percent and 23.2 percent of firm peak
demand during the 10-year forecast
period, including estimated new
capacity additions. Over the next 10
years, MRO estimates that about 4,894
megawatts (MW) of additional capacity
will be brought on line.
We conclude that power from the
Angelo Dam Project would help meet a
need for power in the MISO sub-region
in both the short and long-term. The
project would provide low-cost power
that displaces generation from nonrenewable sources. Displacing the
operation of non-renewable facilities
may avoid some power plant emissions,
thus creating an environmental benefit.
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory
A license for the proposed project is
subject to numerous requirements under
the Federal Power Act (FPA) and other
applicable statues. The major statutory
and regulatory requirements are
summarized in table 1 and described
Section 18 of the FPA—fishway
Section 10(j) of the FPA .................
U.S. Department of Interior (Interior).
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources (Wisconsin DNR).
Wisconsin DNR .............................
Clean Water Act (CWA)—section
401 water quality certification
Endangered Species Act (ESA) ......
Coastal Zone
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA).
FWS ...............................................
Wisconsin Department of Intergovernmental Relations, Coastal
Management Program Office
(Wisconsin CMP).
Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Officer (Wisconsin SHPO).
Federal Power Act
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Section 18 Fishway
Section 18 of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. 811,
states that the Commission is to require
construction, operation, and
maintenance by a licensee of such
fishways as may be prescribed by the
Secretaries of Commerce or the Interior.
No fishway prescriptions, or requests
for reservation of authority to prescribe
fishways under section 18 of the FPA,
have been filed.
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No prescriptions were filed.
No recommendations were filed.
Application for certification was received on January 24, 2011; action
on application was due by January 24, 2012; Wisconsin DNR did
not act on the request.
On August 18, 2009, Interior stated that no federally-listed threatened
or endangered species, or critical habitat, are present in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project. In the EA, staff makes a ‘‘no
effect’’ finding with regard to federally listed species; therefore, no
ESA consultation with FWS is necessary.
On April 12, 2012, the Wisconsin CMP determined that no federal
coastal consistency certification is required.
A programmatic agreement (PA) with the Wisconsin SHPO and
Michigan State Historic Preservation Officer (Michigan SHPO) is in
effect that encompasses all hydroelectric project licensing actions
in Wisconsin and adjacent portions of Michigan.
Section 10(j) Recommendations
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, 16
U.S.C. 803(j), each hydroelectric license
issued by the Commission must include
conditions based on recommendations
provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection,
mitigation, or enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources affected by the
project. The Commission is required to
include these conditions unless it
determines that they are inconsistent
with the purposes and requirements of
the FPA or other applicable law. Before
rejecting or modifying an agency
recommendation, the Commission is
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required to attempt to resolve any such
inconsistency with the agency, giving
due weight to the recommendations,
expertise, and statutory responsibilities
of such agency.
No federal or state fish and wildlife
agency filed recommendations pursuant
to section 10(j) of the FPA.
Clean Water Act
Under section 401(a) of the Clean
Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. 1341(a)(1)
a license applicant must obtain
certification from the appropriate state
pollution control agency verifying
compliance with the CWA. On January
20, 2011, Western applied to the
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
Wisconsin DNR for 401 WQC for the
Angelo Dam Project. The Wisconsin
DNR received this request on January
24, 2011. Because Wisconsin DNR has
not acted on the request within one year
from receipt of the request, the WQC is
considered waived.
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (ESA), 16 U.S.C.
1536(a), requires federal agencies to
ensure that their actions are not likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of
federally listed threatened and
endangered species, or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
their designated critical habitat. There
are no federally listed threatened and
endangered species or designated
critical habitat in the immediate project
area that would be affected by the
construction and operation of the
proposed project. Therefore, the
proposed project would have no effect
on federally listed species.
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1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act
The Coastal Zone Management Act
(CZMA) of 1972, as amended, requires
review of the project’s consistency with
a state’s Coastal Management Program
for projects within or that would affect
the coastal zone. Under section
307(c)(3)(A) of the CZMA, 16 U.S.C.
1456(3)(A), the Commission cannot
issue a license for a project within or
affecting a state’s coastal zone unless the
state’s coastal zone management agency
concurs with the license applicant’s
certification of consistency with the
state’s Coastal Management Program, or
the agency’s concurrence is
conclusively presumed by its failure to
act within 180 days of its receipt of the
applicant’s certification.
The project is not located within the
state-designated coastal management
zone, and the project would not affect
Wisconsin’s coastal resources.
Therefore, the project is not subject to
Wisconsin’s coastal zone program
review and no consistency certification
is needed for the action. By
correspondence dated April 12, 2012
(filed on April 13, 2012), Wisconsin’s
Department of Intergovernmental
Relations, Coastal Management Program
Office, concurred with this
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation
Section 106 of the NHPA, 16 U.S.C.
470, requires that every federal agency
‘‘take into account’’ how each of its
undertakings could affect historic
properties. Historic properties are
districts, sites, buildings, structures,
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traditional cultural properties, and
objects significant in American history,
architecture, engineering, and culture
that are eligible for inclusion in the
National Register of Historic Places
(National Register).
To meet the requirements of section
106 of the NHPA, on December 16,
1993, Commission staff executed a
Programmatic Agreement (PA) with the
Wisconsin SHPO and Michigan SHPO.
The PA contains principals and
procedures for the protection of historic
properties from the effects of the
proposed construction and operation of
hydroelectric projects in the state of
Wisconsin and adjacent portions of the
Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The terms
of the PA ensure that Western addresses
and treats all historic properties
identified within the project’s area of
potential effects (APE) through
implementation of the historic
properties management plan (HPMP)
entitled, Cultural Resource Management
Plan for the Proposed Licensing of the
Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Facility in
Angelo Township, Monroe County,
Wisconsin, FERC Project 13417, Report
of Investigations, No. 1865, June 2011
filed on October 21, 2011, and amended
by letter filed on June 14, 2012.
Public Review and Consultation
The Commission’s regulations, 18
CFR 4.38 and 16.8, require that
applicants consult with appropriate
resource agencies and other entities
before filing an application for a license.
This consultation is the first step in
complying with the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act, ESA, NHPA, and
other federal statutes. Pre-filing
consultation must be complete and
documented according to the
Commission’s regulations.
Due to the location of the proposed
project, the minor nature of
environmental effects, and the lack of
response to our public notice regarding
the project,1 we waived formal scoping.
Interventions and Comments
On April 24, 2012, the Commission
issued a notice accepting Western’s
license application and asking for
motions to intervene and protests. The
U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior)
was the only entity that filed a written
response to the notice. Interior filed a
letter with the Commission on June 20,
2012, stating that it had no comments.
No motions to intervene were filed.
1 The Commission issued a notice on April 24,
2012, stating that it intended to waive scoping for
this project.
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Proposed Action and Alternatives
No-Action Alternative
The no-action alternative is license
denial. Under the no-action alternative,
the project would not be built,
environmental resources in the project
area would not be affected, and the
renewable energy that would be
produced by the project would not be
Proposed Action
Project Facilities
The proposed hydropower project
would generate electricity using the
head created by the existing Angelo dam
which is currently owned by Monroe
The Angelo dam is an earthen
embankment with a maximum height of
14 feet and a spillway with a short nonoverflow section. The dam has a total
length of 615.5 feet. The spillway and a
short non-overflow section are
constructed of reinforced concrete and
have a total length of 91.5 feet. The
spillway is 72.42 feet long, 9.6 feet high
from the foundation level to its crest,
and contains four, 13.5-foot-wide by
11.4-foot-high bays each with 13.5-footwide by 6.9-foot-high steel tainter gates.
The non-overflow section is 19.08 feet
long, 20 feet high, and 19.7 feet wide
and would be converted to serve as the
project’s intake after removing the
concrete cap and plug that was poured
in 1998 when the dam was
In addition to the dam, the proposed
project would consist of the following
new elements: (1) A 22.84-foot-long by
16.08-foot-wide trashrack with 2-inchclear bar spacing installed at the intake
in the non-overflow section; (2) a 20foot by 20-foot by 20-foot reinforced
concrete box forebay; (3) a 26-foot-long
by 24.5-foot-wide by 40-foot-high
powerhouse located at the right
abutment of the dam containing a 205kW vertical, double-regulated Kaplan
turbine; (4) a 30-foot-long, 480-volt
overhead transmission line connecting
the powerhouse generator to a step-up
transformer that would be located on a
pole which is part of Northern States
Power’s 2.7-kilovolt distribution line;
and (5) appurtenant facilities. The
estimated annual project generation is
about 950 MWh.
The reservoir, referred to locally as
Angelo Pond, has a surface area of 52
acres and a gross storage of 450 acre-feet
at normal water elevation 793-feet mean
sea level (msl). The project boundary,
with a total area of 79.38 acres, includes
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
and Monroe County Board have a signed
agreement for the sale of the dam and
transfer of the necessary water rights by
Monroe County to the applicant. There
are no federal or tribal lands within the
project boundary.
2 See email communication record between staff
and the applicant filed on July 19, 2012.
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the pond up to elevation 795.0 msl,2 the
existing dam, the new forebay,
powerhouse, and the 30-foot-long
project transmission line. The applicant
Project Safety
As part of the licensing process, the
Commission would prepare a Safety and
Design Assessment covering the
adequacy of the project facilities.
Special articles would be included in
any license issued, as appropriate.
Operational inspections would focus on
the continued safety of the structures,
identification of unauthorized
modifications, efficiency and safety
operations, compliance with the terms
of the license, and proper maintenance.
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Project Operation
The dam and reservoir currently
provide recreational benefits to the
project area. There is currently no
hydroelectric generation at the dam. The
dam is operated manually in a run-ofriver mode (i.e., an operating mode
where outflows from the dam and
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reservoir approximate inflows to the
The proposed project would be
operated in an automatic, run-of-river
mode using the 17 feet of head created
by the existing Angelo dam. The
automatic mode would be achieved by
use of a head pond elevation gage that
would allow the project to operate
within a foot from the maximum pond
elevation of 793.6 msl. When the
reservoir elevation exceeds 793.6 msl,
the tainter gates would be opened to
release flow under the gates to maintain
a target pond elevation between 793.0
and 793.6 msl, the normal operating
elevation range for the project.
The headpond has a maximum
storage capacity of 450 acre-feet at
elevation 793.0 msl (top of the tainter
gates). The estimated plant hydraulic
capacity is 168 cubic feet per second
(cfs) at full load and 32 cfs at minimum
load. The water used for project
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generation would flow through the
proposed trashracks and the new
opening in the dam, continuing through
an old penstock and the proposed
forebay, into the powerhouse. The flow
out of the powerhouse would discharge
into the existing pool immediately
downstream of the dam. Flows that
exceed the project’s maximum
hydraulic capacity would be discharged
over or under the dam spillway tainter
gates. Currently, the spillway gates are
opened manually, but the applicant
would automate them to provide
opening information as part of the
proposed Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) system to be
installed prior to project operation.
SCADA would monitor and control the
powerplant from a central location. The
project would be run automatically with
the help of water surface elevation
controls. Maintenance staff would visit
the facility regularly, as well as during
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
alarm conditions based on the
automated call-in alarm to be built into
the station control system.
Environmental Measures
Western proposes to incorporate the
following environmental measures into
the design, operation, and maintenance
of the proposed project:
• Developing and implementing an
erosion and sediment control plan with
provisions for using best management
practices (BMP), including installing a
temporary inflatable cofferdam, and
placing hay bales and siltation fabric at
locations where sediment-laden runoff
could otherwise enter project waters or
adjacent non-project lands;
• Operating the project in a run-ofthe-river mode to minimize impacts on
water quality and quantity, and fish and
aquatic resources; and
• Implementing the PA, executed on
December 16, 1993, and the HPMP, filed
on October 21, 2011, and amended by
letter filed on June 14, 2012.
Western also proposes to comply with
all state water quality standards while
operating the project. We consider this
proposal to comply with state law to be
a general legal matter, rather than a
specific environmental measure.
Staff Alternative
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Under the staff alternative, the project
would include Western’s proposed
environmental measures. Because
Western’s proposal to comply with state
water quality laws is a general legal
matter, we do not adopt it as an
environmental measure under the staff
alternative. We note, however, that
below in section 3, we do assess the
effects of proposed project construction
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and operation on water quality,
including the need for specific
environmental measures to mitigate any
adverse water quality effects. The staff
alternative also includes a condition to
implement an operation compliance
monitoring plan, to verify proposed runof-river operations at the project.
Environmental Analysis
In this section, we present: (1) A
general description of the project
vicinity; (2) an explanation of the scope
of our cumulative effects analysis; and
(3) our analysis of Western’s proposed
actions and other recommended
environmental measures. Sections are
organized by resource area (e.g.,
aquatics, terrestrial, etc.). Under each
resource area, historic conditions are
first described. The existing condition is
the baseline against which the
environmental effects of Western’s
proposed actions and alternatives are
compared, including an assessment of
the effects of Western’s proposed
mitigation, protection, and
enhancement measures, and any
potential cumulative effects of
Western’s proposed actions and
alternatives. Staff conclusions and
recommended measures are discussed
in section 5.2, Comprehensive
Development and Recommended
Alternative of the EA.3
3.1 General Description of the River
The Angelo Dam Project would be
located on the La Crosse River, near
3 Unless noted otherwise, the sources of our
information are the license application (Western,
2011a) and additional information filed by Western
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Angelo Township, in Monroe County,
Wisconsin. The La Crosse River flows
from north central Monroe County in a
southwesterly direction for
approximately 64 miles before reaching
the Mississippi River. The La Crosse
River exists entirely within the Bad
Axe—La Crosse River Basin (basin), and
the project area is located more
specifically, in the Upper La Crosse
River Watershed (watershed) where
Silver Creek enters the La Crosse River
(figures 3 and 4). The watershed has a
drainage area of approximately 126
square miles, more than half of which
is located in the Fort McCoy Military
Reservation (Wisconsin DNR, 2002b).4
The surrounding land area in this region
is characterized by steep slopes, and
narrow stream valleys.5 Approximately
46 percent of the basin is forested,
although agriculture is another major
land use.
Several dams are located on the La
Crosse River, including: (1) Hazel Dell
dam, forming a 2-acre reservoir; (2)
Alderwood dam, forming an 11-acre
reservoir; (3) Angelo dam, the location
of the proposed project, forming a 52acre reservoir; (4) Perch Lake dam,
forming a 33-acre reservoir; and (5) the
Lake Neshonoc dam,6 forming a 600acre reservoir (Wisconsin DNR, 2002a).
4 Fort McCoy is used for military training and
contains firing ranges, classrooms, and airborne
drop zones.
5 These characteristics are typical of the Driftless
Area and Coulee Section ecoregions of Wisconsin
(EPA, 2012).
6 The Neshonoc dam and 600-acre reservoir are
project facilities of the Neshonoc Water Power
Project, FERC Project No. 6476.
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3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects
According to the Council on
Environmental Quality’s regulations for
implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 40
CFR 1508.7, a cumulative effect is the
effect on the environment which results
from adding the effects of a proposed
action to other past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable future actions
regardless of what agency (federal or
non-federal) or person undertakes such
other actions. Cumulative effects can
result from individually minor but
collectively significant actions taking
place over a period of time, including
hydropower and other land and water
development activities.
Based on our review of the license
application, no environmental resources
would be cumulatively affected by
licensing the Angelo Dam Project. The
project is located in a rural area, with
very little existing or planned future
developmental activity. While several
other dams, both with and without
hydropower facilities, are located on the
La Crosse River, the run-of-river
operating regime proposed by Western
would maintain reservoir levels and
flows consistent with existing
conditions. As such, operation of the
project would not affect reservoirs either
upstream or downstream of Angelo
3.3 Proposed Action and Action
In this section, we discuss the effects
of the project alternatives on
environmental resources. For each
resource, we first describe the affected
environment, which is the existing
condition and baseline against which
we measure effects. We then discuss
and analyze the site-specific
environmental issues.
Only the resources that would be
affected are addressed in this EA. Based
on this, we have determined that
geology and soils, and aquatic,
terrestrial, and cultural resources may
be affected by the proposed action and
action alternatives. We have not
identified any substantive issues related
to recreation, land use, aesthetics, or
socioeconomic resources. We present
our recommendations in section 5.1,
Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative.
Geology and Soils
Affected Environment
The proposed project is located in an
unglaciated region of Wisconsin
characterized by an upper layer of
limestone, eroded over time, followed
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by a layer of Potsdam sandstone surface
rock. The Potsdam sandstone layer of
this western upland region is about 800
to 900 feet thick, and is Cambrian to
Lower Silurian-aged. Below this layer is
Archaean-age basement rock, namely
highly metamorphic gneiss, granite, and
schists. The basin is mostly composed
of sand and clay deposits with a very
shallow, gradual slope. Soils in the
project area are poorly drained and
level, classified as sands of the Dawson
Peat and Newson sandy loam variety.
These soil types are potentially erodible,
although several areas along the river
are protected by concrete retaining walls
or rip rap.
Environmental Effects
Land-disturbing activities associated
with construction of the proposed
project primarily involve development
of the powerhouse and forebay. The
combined footprint of the powerhouse
and forebay is approximately 740 square
feet (20 feet by 37 feet), and would
require about 135 cubic yards of
excavation along the right (west)
embankment. This area is usually dry
and consists primarily of exposed
bedrock with little to no soil. Western
is not proposing to alter the slope or
drainage patterns at the project.
To minimize the potential for erosion
related to project construction, Western
proposes to: (1) Develop and implement
an erosion and sediment control plan;
(2) install an inflatable cofferdam; and
(3) use hay bales and siltation fabric.
Western would use excavated material
as riprap along the river embankments.
Western also states that Wisconsin DNR
and Monroe County’s shoreland zoning
program both require approval of
erosion control methods.
Heavy equipment would be limited to
cranes sitting on the right embankment,
and no access via the river bank is
anticipated. The embankment in this
area is also protected by a retaining
wall. Less than 0.5 acre of land adjacent
to the west side of the dam would be
used as a staging area, as equipment and
materials would generally be delivered
on site from storage buildings on the
Sparta Campus of the Technical College,
which is located across the street from
the construction area.
Our Analysis
Project construction would require
some ground-disturbance, though most
of this material would be rock, as
opposed to soil. The area of disturbance
is relatively small and the new
powerhouse would occupy roughly the
same footprint as the original one,
which was removed in 1968. The
staging area and heavy equipment use
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would be located on lands that are
paved, or covered with grass, reducing
the likelihood of significant soil
movement. Further, the control
measures and BMPs proposed by
Western would minimize any potential
erosion and sedimentation.
Consultation with the Wisconsin DNR
and Monroe County would further
ensure that proper control measures are
used, and any project effects would be
mitigated. As the project would be
operated run-of-river, and the reservoir
elevation would vary by less than 1 foot,
it is unlikely that the project’s operating
regime would affect the occurrence of
erosion or sedimentation over the
course of any license issued.
Aquatic Resources
Affected Environment
Water Quantity and Quality
The headwaters of the La Crosse River
originate in Monroe County northeast of
the proposed project near the Fort
McCoy Military Reservation. The La
Crosse River flows in a southwesterly
direction for about 64 miles through
Monroe and La Crosse counties before
reaching the Mississippi River. Five
dams on the La Crosse River create Lake
Neshonoc in West Salem, Perch Lake in
Sparta, Angelo Pond in the Town of
Angelo, and Alderwood Lake and Hazel
Dell Pond both of which lie within the
Fort McCoy Military Reservation. The
Angelo dam is located approximately 5
miles south of Fort McCoy’s main post
entrance. The drainage area of the dam
site is about 115 square miles.
The Angelo dam forms a 52-acre
reservoir known locally as Angelo Pond.
Table 2 details the specific physical
characteristics of Angelo Pond.
Pond surface area
Maximum volume ..............
Maximum depth .................
Mean depth ........................
Flushing rate ......................
Shoreline length .................
Composition .......................
52 acres
450 acre-ft.
8 ft.
4 ft.
121 hours.
2.62 miles.
Gravel, sand,
and mud.
Downstream of the Angelo dam, the
La Crosse River flows south 2.5 miles to
the city of Sparta, Wisconsin where the
USGS gauge station #05382325 is
located. The period of record for gauge
05382325 is from July 1992 to present.
Table 3 shows the mean monthly
discharge rate (cfs) for the La Crosse
River for the period of record. The La
Crosse River has a continuous, steady
discharge flow of 100–200 cfs
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
throughout the year, with the highest
flows occurring in June and the lowest
flows occurring in January.
Mean Monthly Discharge (cfs) .................
The La Crosse River in the area of the
proposed project is relatively shallow.
Figure 5 depicts the La Crosse River
depth at gauge 05382325, located 2.5
miles downstream of the Angelo dam.
River depths increase during periods of
high discharge (April–June).
The Wisconsin DNR has determined
the La Crosse River at the Angelo dam
to be a ‘‘Fish and Aquatic Life Use of a
Cold Water Community’’. The
Wisconsin DNR further breaks down
cold water communities, and recognizes
the La Crosse River as a ‘‘Coldwater
Category 5.’’ This coldwater category
includes inland trout waters with brook
and brown trout, but no whitefish,
cisco, or other trout or salmonid species.
The water classification and standards
for Wisconsin water quality parameters
are as follows: 7 (1) Dissolved oxygen
(DO) in classified trout streams shall not
be artificially lowered to less than 6.0
milligrams per liter (mg/L) at any time,
nor shall the DO be lowered to less than
7.0 mg/L during the spawning season;
(2) pH shall be within a range of 6.0 to
9.0; and (3) water temperature may not
exceed 86 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) while
maintaining natural daily and seasonal
temperature fluctuations. Additional
water temperature criteria are shown in
Table 4. The primary use of water in
Angelo Pond and around the Angelo
dam is for recreation.
Ambient temperature (°F)
January ......................................................................................................................
February .....................................................................................................................
Sub-lethal water
quality criteria
7 All water quality criteria for Wisconsin are
contained in four Administrative Code chapters, NR
102, 103, 104, and 105.
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Acute water quality criteria (°F)
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
Ambient temperature (°F)
March .........................................................................................................................
April ............................................................................................................................
May ............................................................................................................................
June ...........................................................................................................................
July .............................................................................................................................
August ........................................................................................................................
September .................................................................................................................
October ......................................................................................................................
November ..................................................................................................................
December ..................................................................................................................
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Fishery Resources
The existing fish and aquatic
communities include coldwater,
freshwater fish such as brook and
rainbow trout throughout the La Crosse
River. Trout are present in Angelo Pond;
however, no anadromous species
inhabit the La Crosse River or Angelo
Pond. Due to the size and shallow depth
of Angelo Pond, it is seasonally a warmwater surface source, with warm-water
fish species present during those times.
Angelo Pond has regularly been stocked
with largemouth bass and rainbow trout
since 1984, and is listed as an impaired
waterway on the Wisconsin Impaired
Water List.
Based on the Wisconsin DNR Trout
Stream Classification, the La Crosse
River upstream of Angelo Pond is a
Class II trout stream. A Class II trout
stream is categorized as having some
natural reproduction, but not enough to
utilize available food and space.
Therefore, stocking is required to
maintain a desirable sport fishery. These
streams have good survival and
carryover of adult trout, often producing
some fish larger than average size.
Angelo Pond is upstream 5 miles from
Perch Lake, and both surface water
bodies are connected by the La Crosse
River. The segment of the La Crosse
River between Angelo Pond and Perch
Lake is classified as a Class III trout
stream. Class III trout streams are
categorized by waters with marginal
trout habitat, and no natural
reproduction. Annual stocking of trout
is required to provide for trout fishing,
and there is generally no carryover of
trout from one year to the next.
According to the Wisconsin DNR,
Angelo Pond impounds the La Crosse
River where Silver Creek enters the
river. Both streams traverse Fort McCoy
Military Installation, for a significant
amount of their length. The La Crosse
River contains a sand bottom, which is
slowly filling Angelo Pond. This
reservoir also slows the river’s current
down enough to allow fine sediment to
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settle out. These fine sediments in
Angelo Pond maintain a robust aquatic
plant community.
Environmental Effects
Water Quality
Western proposes to operate the
proposed project in a run-of-river mode
to minimize the impacts on water
quality and quantity, and fish and
aquatic resources. Western also
proposes to operate the project to ensure
discharges from the project meet state
water quality standards during project
operation, construction, and
Our Analysis
DO, water temperature, and pH, 2.5
miles downstream of the proposed
project, are at levels in the La Crosse
River that are currently consistent with
the levels specified by Wisconsin state
water quality standards.8 USGS data
shows that DO concentrations were
measured six times from May 2002–
October 2002, and ranged from 8.9–11.9
mg/L. During the fall, when brown and
brook trout typically spawn, DO
concentrations never fell below 8.9 mg/
L, which is well above the state water
quality standard minimum
concentration of 7.0 mg/L. The pH was
also measured six times during the same
time period with values ranging from
7.2–7.7. Temperature measurements
were taken 29 times between July 1992
and October 2002. The temperatures
ranged from 32.9 degrees Fahrenheit
(°F) to 72.4 °F. November through
March typically experienced the coldest
water temperatures, with January 12,
1994 being the coldest day measured.
June through August typically
experienced the warmest water
temperatures with July 17, 2002 being
the warmest day measured. Of the 29
8 USGS Gauge 05382325 La Crosse River at
Sparta, WI, water quality samples from July 29,
1992–October 15, 2002.
PO 00000
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Sub-lethal water
quality criteria
Acute water quality criteria (°F)
measured observations, none exceeded
the state water quality standards.
The proposed project design and
operation would not interfere with the
flow of water downstream of the Angelo
dam since the proposed project will
operate run-of-river. Water will
continue to be discharged at the foot of
the dam or flow either over or under the
existing tainter gates. The run-of-river
operations proposed by Western should
ensure that project operation would not
change current DO, water temperature,
or pH levels in the La Crosse River.
However, with the construction
activities at the Angelo dam there is a
potential to temporarily increase river
turbidity, which would reduce water
quality relative to existing conditions.
Implementing a short-term erosion and
sediment control plan that incorporates,
at a minimum, the BMPs discussed in
section 3.3.1, Geology and Soils should
ensure that any degradation of water
quality would be temporary and
Operation Compliance Monitoring
Operation compliance monitoring is a
standard requirement in all
Commission-issued licenses.
Development and implementation of an
operation compliance monitoring plan
and schedule would be beneficial in this
instance in that it would document the
procedures Western Technical College
would employ to demonstrate
compliance with its proposed project
Entrainment and Impingement
Water intake structures at hydropower
projects can injure or kill fish that are
entrained through turbines. Typically,
fish injury or mortality is caused by fish
being struck by turbine blades, or being
exposed to pressure changes, sheer
forces in turbulent flows, and water
velocity accelerations (Knapp et al.,
1982). Fish vulnerability to entrainment
relates to powerhouse and spillway
operations, fish sizes, movement
patterns, swimming speeds, approach
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
velocities, trashrack bar spacing, and
intake configurations. The survival rate
of fish passing through turbines varies
for different sizes of fish and for
turbines with different design
characteristics. For example, Winchell
et al. (2000) reports mean survival rate
of fish less than 8 inches was 94.8
percent and 95.4 percent for fish less
than 4 inches. Aside from fish size (with
larger fish being more susceptible to
injury), species type (some fish species
are hardier than others and some
species are more susceptible to
entrainment), and behavior (migratory
species are more likely to be entrained)
along with the fish’s burst swim speed
could also influence percentages of fish
subjected to potential injury or mortality
from turbine entrainment.
[Source: Normandeau Associates, Inc., 2002]
Life stage
Size (inches)
Largemouth bass ....................................................
Largemouth bass ....................................................
Crappie ...................................................................
Juvenile ..................................................................
Juvenile ..................................................................
Juvenile ..................................................................
Burst swim speed
(feet/sec or fps)
[Sources: Bell, 1986 and Montana Water Center, 2007]
Life stage
Sustained swimming
speed (fps)
Prolonged swimming
speed (fps)
Brook Trout ........................
Brown Trout .......................
Juvenile .............................
Adult ..................................
Not documented ................
7.0–7.8 ..............................
2.0 .....................................
Not documented ................
Tables 5 and 6 show typical
sustained, prolonged, and burst swim
speeds for fish species commonly found
in the project area. Most juvenile and
adult game fish burst speeds exceed the
average approach velocity of 0.5 feet per
second (fps) that would occur in front
of the project’s intake, suggesting that
most life stages of most reservoir species
would be able to escape from velocities
near, and at, the intake face and thereby
avoid entrainment.
For smaller reservoir fish that would
pass through the intake, we expect
turbine mortality to be relatively minor.
We note that at Wisconsin hydroelectric
projects where entrainment studies have
been conducted, small fish (less than 4
inches long) accounted for 79 percent of
fish entrained during the field studies
(Electric Power Research Institute, or
EPRI, 1997). Due to their small size, the
vast majority of small fish from the
study survived turbine passage into
downstream aquatic habitats. The
survival of these smaller fish was
relatively high, because they were less
prone to mechanical injury from turbine
passage than larger fish. Smaller fish
also are less prone to injury resulting
from shear stresses and rapid pressure
changes. Therefore, it is likely that the
majority of the entrained fish would be
composed of the poorest swimmers (i.e.,
Burst swimming speed
Not documented
very small fish), and most of these fish
would survive turbine passage.
In addition to entrainment effects, fish
can become impinged on the bars of a
trashrack if they are not able to
overcome the approach velocity and are
not able to pass between the trashrack
bars due to their larger body size.
Lawler et. al. (1991) developed an
equation to determine minimum fish
length protected by a trashrack or
screen. The equation is
TL=10 caret;[log(w/a)/b], where TL is
total length, w is trashrack spacing, and
alpha and beta are standard values.
spacing (w)
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Black crappie ...................................................................................
Brown trout ......................................................................................
Rainbow trout ...................................................................................
Trout-perch ......................................................................................
White sucker ....................................................................................
Yellow perch ....................................................................................
Based on the results of the studies
conducted by Lawler et. al (1991), we
calculate that the trashrack’s 2-inch
spacing between the trashrack’s bars
would generally not allow passage of
brown trout greater than 15.4 inches
total length, black crappie greater than
20.3 inches total length, and yellow
perch greater than 22.4 inches total
length. The average velocity in front of
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alpha (a)
the trashrack would be approximately
0.5 fps. Brown trout larger than 15.4
inches, black crappie larger than 20.3
inches, yellow perch larger than 22.4
inches are in the adult life stage. Table
5 shows that a juvenile black crappie is
capable of a burst swim speed 1–2 fps.
Table 6 shows that an adult brown trout
is capable of a sustained swimming
speed of 7.0–7.8 fps with a burst swim
PO 00000
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Total length (TL)
speed of 12.2–12.8 fps. Since burst
speeds are typically short in duration
(1–3 seconds), a brown trout could burst
ahead of the trashrack’s influence and
swim at a sustained speed safely in front
of the trashrack. Therefore,
impingement at the project would not
be likely as most of the fish that are
large enough to be subject to
impingement, such as adult brown
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
trout, yellow perch, and black crappie,
would easily be able to escape the
intake’s approach velocity.
To summarize, we conclude that the
overall effect on the fishery due to
entrainment and turbine mortality
would be minimal. We also conclude
that impingement of fish on the project’s
trashrack would be unlikely.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
3.3.3. Terrestrial Resources
Affected Environment
The Bad Axe-La Crosse Basin is
characterized by steep slopes and
narrow river valleys, which is a
distinctive attribute of the Coulee
ecoregion. Much of the land in the basin
is used for agriculture, particularly for
beef and dairy farms. Outside of
agricultural lands, vegetation in the
basin consists of oak forest and savanna,
grassland prairie, and bottom
hardwoods (Wisconsin DNR, 2002a).
Most of the forests in the basin are oakhickory (56 percent), followed by elmash-cottonwood (16 percent), mapleash-basswood (16 percent), aspen-birch
(8 percent), and pine (4 percent). This
habitat supports a wide variety of
wildlife species including wild turkey,
Cooper’s hawk, ovenbird, blue jay,
brown snake, bull snake, gray tree frog,
white-tailed deer, gray squirrel, and gray
fox. Avian species known to occur
within the project site include: several
species of songbirds, waterfowl (e.g.,
geese, herons, and ducks), birds of prey
(i.e. hawks and owls), and other
common species (e.g., crows and black
Wetlands in the basin account for
approximately 2 percent of the total
land area, with about 4,000 acres in the
Upper La Crosse River watershed. While
no wetlands appear to be present
adjacent to the dam or project facilities,
palustrine scrub-shrub and palustrine
forested wetlands are located in the
vicinity of the project (1) to the north
and east of the upper half of the
reservoir, as well as (2) downstream of
the dam. Some freshwater emergent
(marsh) habitat is also located near the
northeastern section of Angelo Pond.
Upland vegetation in the immediate
vicinity of the proposed project includes
mostly grasses, sedges, and shrubs. As
several residential homes are located
around the reservoir, some of the
shoreline areas near and around Angelo
Pond are maintained as lawns.
Several species of invasive plants are
known to occur in Monroe County,
including Canada thistle, garlic
mustard, Japanese knotweed, common
reed, and purple loosestrife, to name a
few. The only species known to occur
in Angelo Pond according to the
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Wisconsin DNR, is curly-leaf pondweed
(Potamogeton crispus), though the
specific location and density of the
population is unclear. Curly-leaf
pondweed becomes invasive in some
areas due to its tolerance for low light
and low water temperatures, which
allows for the species to grow and
bloom earlier in the season and
outcompete native plants in the spring.
As the species begin to die off midsummer, it can contribute to a critical
loss of DO and increase nutrients to
encourage algal blooms. Curly-leaf
pondweed also forms surface mats that
interfere with aquatic recreation
(Wisconsin DNR, 2012a).
Staff review of the FWS (2012a)
endangered species list found that the
following threatened and endangered
(T&E) species are known to occur in
Monroe County: the Karner blue
butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis or
Karners) and northern wild monkshood
(Aconitum noveboracense). The Karner
blue butterfly is an endangered species
found in the northern part of wild
lupine’s range, and is most widespread
in Wisconsin. Habitat loss for the
Karners is the result of land
development, and lack of natural
disturbances (i.e, wildfires and large
mammal grazing) to discourage
encroaching forests. In May of 2009, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
issued a bulletin for the Karners, noting
that use of an insecticide called Intrepid
(methoxyfenozide) could cause
potential and actual harm to the species.
As such, Western noted that it would
not use Intrepid, for any reason, either
during or after construction.
Northern monkshood is a threatened
species found only in Iowa, Wisconsin,
Ohio, and New York. Northern
monkshood is often found on shaded to
partially shaded cliffs, algific talus
slopes,9 or along cool streamsides, as it
prefers cool soil, cold air drainage, and/
or cold groundwater flowage. In a letter
filed with the Commission on August
18, 2009, Interior stated that no
threatened or endangered species exist
in the project area.
Environment Effects
As discussed in section 3.3.1, Geology
and Soils, the total area of disturbance
is 875 square feet, including 135 square
feet for excavation for the draft tube and
740 square feet for the powerhouse and
forebay, which would only require
surface cleaning and concrete bonding.
The project would generate electricity
using a 205-kW, 480-volt generator. The
main power leads would leave the
9 Algific talus slopes are also called ‘‘cold air
PO 00000
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powerhouse overhead and connect to an
existing distribution line less than 30
feet away. No land-disturbing activities
are associated with the transmission
Access to the project works would be
from the existing cul-de-sac near the
west side of the dam and created during
the realignment of the old Highway 21.
The cul-de-sac is approximately 130 feet
west of the project works. Limited
staging of equipment during project
construction would occur on 0.5 acre of
land, with most of the necessary
equipment stored off-site.
While some grassy areas may be
temporarily disturbed and soils slightly
compacted by the movement of
equipment and personnel during the
construction of the proposed project, no
long-term adverse effects to terrestrial
resources are anticipated. The
construction area would be relatively
small, and would occur over an area
that has been previously disturbed, due
to changes in land use over time (e.g.,
sawmill, installation and subsequent
removal of the former powerhouse). The
dam is located in an area with a fair
amount of development, including
Highway 21, the Sparta Campus of
Western Technical College, some
residential development, and the Fort
McCoy Military Reservation. As such,
the project site is lacking in high quality
habitat for wildlife. While there may be
some noise associated with the grounddisturbing activities that could
temporarily deter some species, any
impacts would be minor and short-term.
While curly-leaf pondweed was found
in Angelo Pond in 2006, all grounddisturbing activities are happening in
the dry, away from the impoundment.
Further, the water levels in the reservoir
will not change and as such project
operations would likely have no effect
on any existing pondweed populations.
The wetlands in the vicinity of the
project are also located well outside of
the construction zone and would not be
otherwise affected by project operation
due to the proposed run-of-river
operating regime.
Karners rely primarily on the
presence of wild lupine (Lupinus
perennis), a perennial wildflower that
prefers sandy areas in open or partially
shaded landscapes. In Wisconsin, this
habitat is typically dry, sandy openings,
including openings in oak savannas,
jack pine stands, and dune or sandplain
communities. Other areas with wild
lupine may include utility, or road
rights-of-way, abandoned agricultural
fields, and military training areas and
bombing ranges (FWS, 2012b), as wild
lupine responds well to occasional
ground-disturbance. While these species
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
are known to occur in Monroe County,
it is unlikely that either species are
present in the area of disturbance.
Although the soils in the proposed area
of disturbance include sands and sandy
loams, the soils are poorly drained, and
therefore, unsuitable for wild lupine. In
addition, most of the construction area
is bedrock, with little to no soil.
The algific talus slopes required by
northern monkshood are rare
communities with steep, fractured
limestone slopes that retain ice
throughout the growing season. These
slopes support mountain maple (Acer
spicatum), extensive beds of bulbet fern
(Cystopteris bulbifera) and mosses
(Wisconsin DNR, 2012b). The project
area is not located on an algific talus
slope, which are more common further
west toward the Mississippi River, and
in Grant County Wisconsin. The project
area is relatively level, and, where
vegetation exists, is mainly composed of
To summarize, because there are no
Karners, northern monkshood, nor
habitat for either species within the
project area, project construction and
operation would have no effect on these
3.3.4. Cultural Resources
Affected Environment
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Area of Potential Effects
Under section 106 of the NHPA, the
Commission must take into account
whether any historic property within
the project’s APE could be affected by
the issuance of a license. The APE is
defined as the geographic area in which
an undertaking may directly or
indirectly cause alterations in the
character or use of a historic property,
if any such property exists. In this case,
the APE for the project is the proposed
project boundary.
Regional History
The earliest evidence of Native
American occupation in Wisconsin
dates to the Paleo-Indian period
(10,000–8500 B.C.). Occupation
continued through the Archaic (8,000–
1,000 B.C.), Woodland (1000–300 B.C.),
and Mississippian periods (A.D. 900–
1600). Upon European contact, much of
Wisconsin, including the project area,
was occupied by the Ho-Chunk.
Beginning in 1840, there were a series
of forcible relocations throughout the
state, which resulted in the Ho-Chunk
being moved to lands west of the
Mississippi River. The forcible
relocations continued until 1875, at
which time a majority of the remaining
Ho-Chunk were relocated to Monroe
and Jackson counties, Wisconsin.
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European settlement in Monroe
County occurred in 1842. Between 1852
and 1854, Dr. Seth Angle built a dam
and sawmill at the site of the current
Angelo dam. The sawmill prospered,
and the village of Athens was settled
around the mill and dam in 1856. The
village’s name was later changed to
Angelo. By the 1900’s, the population of
Angelo had declined because of the high
price of land and because the railroad
did not travel by the town.
In 1897, the sawmill was converted
into the Sparta Electric Plant. The
Wisconsin-Minnesota Light and Power
Company purchased the plant, and in
1920, rebuilt the dam. In 1947, Northern
States Power Company bought the
facility, and in 1968 refurbished the
dam and demolished the powerhouse.
In 1969, Northern States Power
Company ceased operation of the
facility. In 1998, the refurbished dam
was demolished, and Angelo dam was
constructed in its place (Salkin, 2011).
Archaeological and Historic Resources
A phase I survey of the APE,
conducted in 2010, revealed no surface
or sub-surface archaeological resources,
Euro-American artifacts, or buildings or
structures that would be eligible for the
National Register. The existing Angelo
dam is not eligible for the National
Register, because it is less than 50 years
A portion of the APE to be surveyed
was inaccessible during the initial
survey; therefore, a second phase I
survey was conducted in March and
April of 2012. No surface or sub-surface
archaeological resources were
discovered during the second survey. In
total, the two surveys covered about 87
percent of the APE. The Wisconsin
SHPO, in letters filed on October 21,
2011, and June 14, 2012, concurred with
the two surveys’ findings.
Environmental Effects
Proposed project construction and
operation may affect unknown historic
properties within the APE. The
executed PA requires that every
proposed hydroelectric project in
Wisconsin develop an HPMP to avoid,
lessen, or mitigate for any adverse
effects on both identified and
unidentified historic properties within
the APE. To address any potential
adverse effects on unidentified historic
properties,10 Western proposes to
implement its HPMP, filed on October
21, 2011 and amended by letter filed on
June 14, 2012. The HPMP contains
policies and procedures for: (1) The
10 There are no known historic properties within
the APE.
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completion of a phase I survey of the
unsurveyed areas within the APE; (2)
treatment of unanticipated
archaeological resource discoveries or
human remains; (3) the determination of
the National Register-eligibility of any
discovered archaeological resource; (4)
the treatment of any unknown historic
property over the term of any license
issued; and (5) the appointment of an
HPMP coordinator. In letters filed on
October 21, 2011 and June 14, 2012, the
Wisconsin SHPO accepted the proposed
HPMP with its amendments.11
Our Analysis
Western conducted two cultural
resource surveys, but was unable to
survey about 17 percent of the land
within the project’s APE. In these
unsurveyed areas, project operations
could adversely affect unknown
archaeological resources that could be
eligible for the National Register. Also
during project construction or
operation, unknown archaeological sites
or human remains may be discovered.
The proposed HPMP contains protocols
and procedures to adequately address
any unanticipated discoveries during
future surveys or proposed project
construction and operation. Also the
proposed HPMP contains provisions to
lessen, avoid, or mitigate for any
adverse effects if the discovered
properties are eligible for the National
Register or if human remains are
We anticipate that any effects on
unknown historic properties would be
taken into account through the executed
PA and the proposed HPMP. The
documents would ensure that any
adverse effects on historic properties
within the APE would be resolved.
3.4 No-Action Alternative
Under the no action alternative, a
license for the project would not be
issued and the Angelo Dam Project
would not be constructed. There would
be no changes to the physical,
biological, or cultural resources in the
area, and there would be no
hydroelectric generation at the dam to
contribute to the regional need for
4.0 Developmental Analysis
In this section, we look at Western’s
use of the La Crosse River for
hydropower purposes to see what
effects various environmental measures
would have on the projects’ costs and
11 Pursuant to section II.B., Historic Resources
Management Plan, of the executed PA, if the
Wisconsin SHPO agrees with the HPMP, then
Western shall implement the HPMP, if a license is
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
power generation. Under the
Commission’s approach to evaluating
the economics of hydropower projects,
as articulated in Mead Corp.,12 the
Commission compares the current
project cost to an estimate of the cost of
obtaining the same amount of energy
and capacity using a likely alternative
source of power for the region (cost of
alternative power). In keeping with
Commission policy as described in
Mead Corp, our economic analysis is
based on current electric power cost
conditions and does not consider future
escalation of fuel prices in valuing the
hydropower project’s power benefits.
For each of the licensing alternatives,
our analysis includes an estimate of: (1)
The cost of individual measures
considered in the EA for the protection,
mitigation and enhancement of
environmental resources affected by the
project; (2) the cost of alternative power;
(3) the total project cost (i.e., for
construction, operation, maintenance,
and environmental measures); and (4)
the difference between the cost of
alternative power and total project cost.
If the difference between the cost of
alternative power and total project cost
is positive, the project produces power
for less than the cost of alternative
power. If the difference between the cost
of alternative power and total project
cost is negative, the project produces
power for more than the cost of
alternative power. This estimate helps
to support an informed decision
concerning what is in the public interest
with respect to a proposed license.
However, project economics is only one
of many public interest factors the
Commission considers in determining
whether, and under what conditions, to
issue a license.
4.1 Power and Economic Benefits of
the Project
Table 8 summarizes the assumptions
and economic information we use in our
analysis. This information was provided
by Western in its license application
and subsequent submittal. We find that
the values provided by Western are
reasonable for the purposes of our
analysis. Cost items common to all
alternatives include: Taxes and
insurance costs; estimated capital
investment required to develop the
project; licensing costs; normal
operation and maintenance cost; and
Commission fees.
[Source: Staff]
Discount rate .............................
10 percent.c
a Western
was awarded $1,200,000 in public
funding. Staff assumes that the remainder of
the cost to develop the project would be financed.
b Western is a state entity, and therefore,
does not pay taxes.
c See license application at 7.
The Angelo Dam Project would have
an installed capacity of 205 kW and
would generate an average of 948.5
MWh annually. Table 8 includes an
energy value of $90/MWh which is the
price at which Western would sell the
project power to Northern States Power
as agreed in a Power Purchase
TABLE 8—PARAMETERS FOR THE ECO- Agreement between the two entities.13
NOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE ANGELO The capacity value of $159,000/MWyear (table 8) is based on the
amortization and fixed operation and
[Source: Staff]
maintenance cost for a simple-cycle
combustion turbine.
Period of analysis (years) .........
Term of financing (years) .........
Taxes (real estate, local, federal).
Project cost ...............................
Licensing cost, $ .......................
Operation and maintenance, $/
Energy value ($/MWh) ..............
Capacity value ($/MW-year) .....
Interest rate ...............................
10 percent.c
Comparison of Alternatives
Table 9 summarizes the installed
capacity, annual generation, cost of
alternative power, estimated total
project cost, and difference between the
cost of alternative power and total
project cost for each of the alternatives
considered in this EA: no-action, the
applicant’s proposal, and the staff
[Source: Staff]
No action
Installed capacity (kW) ................................................................................................
Annual generation MWh) .............................................................................................
Dependable Capacity (kW) ..........................................................................................
Annual cost of alternative power ($/MWh) ..................................................................
Annual project cost ($/MWh) .......................................................................................
Difference between the cost of alternative power and project cost ($/MWh) .............
a See
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
205 a
Staff alternative
license application at 23.
No-Action Alternative
Applicant’s Proposal
Under the no-action alternative, the
Angelo Dam Project would not be
constructed and there would be no
hydropower generation, costs, or
benefits at this site.
Western proposes to construct a new
hydropower facility at the existing
Angelo dam. Upon completion of the
construction, the proposed project
would have a total installed capacity of
205 kW, a dependable capacity of 205
kW, and an average annual generation of
12 See Mead Corporation, Publishing Paper
Division, 72 FERC ¶ 61,027 (July 13, 1995). In most
cases, electricity from hydropower would displace
some form of fossil-fueled generation, in which fuel
cost is the largest component of the cost of
electricity production.
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948.5 MWh. Additionally, Western
proposes to implement the executed PA
and an associated HPMP at a capital
cost of $27,000 and an annual cost of
$1,500, which is included in the total
project cost of $1,376,000. In addition,
Western proposes to develop and
implement an erosion and sediment
13 See
license application at 9.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
control plan, use BMPs, and operate the
project in run-of-river mode. The costs
of these measures are included in the
total project costs. The average annual
cost of alternative power would be
$118,432, or $124.86/MWh. The capital
cost of the project including protection,
mitigation, and enhancement measures
is estimated to be $1,376,000. In total,
the average annual project cost would
be $36,371, or $38.65/MWh. Overall, the
project as proposed would produce
power at a cost which is $81,589, or
$86.20 MWh less than the cost of
alternative power.
Staff Alternative
The staff alternative includes the
same developmental and environmental
measures as Western’s proposal and,
therefore, would have the same capacity
and energy attributes. In addition to
applicant’s environmental measures,
staff recommends that Western develop
and implement an operation compliance
monitoring plan and schedule, for
Angelo dam at a cost of $2,500 in capital
Based on a total installed capacity of
205 kW, a dependable capacity of 205
kW, and an average annual generation of
948.5 MWh, the cost of alternative
power would be $118,432, or about
$124.86/MWh. The average annual
project cost would be $36,663, or about
$38.65/MWh. Overall, the project would
produce power at a cost which is
$81,297, or $85.471/MWh, less than the
cost of alternative generation.
4.3 Cost of Environmental Measures
Western is proposing to implement
the executed PA and associated HPMP
at a capital cost of $27,000 and an
annual cost of $1,500 which is included
in the total project cost of $1,376,000.
The costs associated with Western’s
proposal to develop and implement an
erosion and sediment control plan, use
BMPs, and operate the project in run-ofriver mode, as stated above, are
included in the total project costs. Staff
is recommending that an operation
compliance monitoring plan and
schedule be developed at a capital cost
of $2,500, to ensure compliance with
the proposed run-of-river operating
regime. We convert all costs to equal
annual (levelized) values over a 30-year
period of analysis to give a uniform
basis for comparing the benefits of a
measure to its cost. Staff’s
recommended operation compliance
monitoring plan would add about $292
to the project cost, annually.
5.0 Conclusions and
Comparison of Alternatives
In this section, we compare the
developmental and non-developmental
effects of Western’s proposal, Western’s
proposal as modified by staff, and the
no-action alternative.
We estimate the annual generation of
the project under the three alternatives
identified above. Our analysis shows
that the annual generation would be
948.5 MWh for the proposed action,
948.5 MWh for the staff alternative, and
0 MWh for the no-action alternative.
[Source: Staff]
No action alternative
Proposed action
Staff recommended alternative
Generation .....................................
No hydroelectric generation .........
Geologic and Soils Resources ......
No changes to geology or soils at
or near the proposed project
948.5 MWh of electricity produced
Same as proposed action.
Aquatic Resources .........................
No changes to current water quality conditions where DO, water
temperature, and pH are at levels consistent with state water
quality standards.
No changes to existing terrestrial
948.5 MWh of electricity produced
Western would excavate approximately 135 cubic yards of bedrock to construct the proposed
powerhouse and forebay. To
ensure the protection of project
resources from sedimentation
and erosion, Western would develop, and implement (BMPs)
during project construction as
well as develop and implement
an erosion and sediment control plan. There would, nonetheless, be the potential for temporary and minor erosion and
sedimentation at the site.
There would be temporary, minor
increases in turbidity associated
with construction. Run-of-river
operation would maintain current water quality.
Project construction would cause
minor, short-term disturbance of
grassy areas, compaction of
soils, and generation of noise
associated with excavation activities.
Construction and operation of the
proposed project could adversely affect unknown historic
properties. Western proposes to
implement the HPMP filed on
October 21, 2011, and amended by letter filed on June 14,
2012, to mitigate for any adverse effects on newly discovered historic properties.
Terrestrial .......................................
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Cultural Resources ........................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:39 Aug 27, 2012
No changes to the current conditions where there are no known
historic properties. There would
be no potential for unknown historic properties to be affected
by the project.
Jkt 226001
PO 00000
Frm 00047
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Same as proposed action.
Same as proposed action.
Same as proposed action.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
5.2 Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative
Sections 4(e) and 10(a) of the FPA
require the Commission to give equal
consideration to the power development
purposes and to the purposes of energy
conservation; the protection, mitigation
of damage to, and enhancement of fish
and wildlife; the protection of
recreational opportunities; and the
preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality. Any license
issued shall be such as in the
Commission’s judgment will be best
adapted to a comprehensive plan for
improving or developing waterway or
waterways for all beneficial public uses.
This section contains the basis for, and
a summary of, our recommendations for
licensing the Angelo Dam Project. We
weigh the costs and benefits of our
recommended alternative against other
proposed measures.
Based on our independent review of
the environmental and economic effects
of the proposed project and its
alternatives, we selected Western’s
proposal with staff’s modifications as
the preferred alternative. We
recommend this alternative because: (1)
Issuance of an original hydropower
license by the Commission would allow
the applicant to construct and operate
the project as an economically
beneficial and dependable source of
electrical energy; (2) the 205 kW of
electric capacity would come from a
renewable resource which does not
contribute to atmospheric pollution; (3)
the public benefits of this alternative
would exceed those of the no-action
alternative; and (4) the recommended
measures would protect, mitigate, and
enhance environmental resources
affected by building, operating, and
maintaining the project.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
5.2.1. Measures Proposed by Western
Based on our environmental analysis
of Western’s proposal in section 3, and
the costs presented in section 4, we
conclude that the following
environmental measures proposed by
Western would protect and enhance
environmental resources and would be
worth the cost. Therefore, we
recommend including these measures in
any license issued for the project:
• Developing and implementing an
erosion and sediment control plan with
provisions for using BMPs, including
installing a temporary inflatable
cofferdam, and placing hay bales and
siltation fabric at locations where
sediment-laden runoff could otherwise
enter project waters or adjacent nonproject lands;
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:39 Aug 27, 2012
Jkt 226001
• Operating the project in a run-ofthe-river mode to minimize impacts on
water quality and quantity, and fish and
aquatic resources; and
• Implementing the PA, executed on
December 16, 1993, and the HPMP, filed
on October 21, 2011, and amended by
letter filed on June 14, 2012.
5.2.2. Additional Measures
Recommended By Staff
In addition to Western’s proposed
measures noted above, we recommend
that Western develop and implement an
operation compliance monitoring plan
and schedule to monitor compliance
with run-of-river operations. In section
3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, we
determined that such a plan would
ensure that Western would be able to
demonstrate compliance with its
proposed run-of-river operating regime.
In section 4, staff concluded that
developing and implementing an
operation compliance monitoring plan
would have an annualized cost of $292.
The benefits of the plan justify the
annualized cost of $292.
As noted in section 2.2.4, Western
also proposes to comply with all state
water quality standards while operating
the project. We consider this proposal to
comply with state law to be a general
legal matter rather than a specific
environmental measure, and therefore,
do not adopt it as an environmental
measure under the staff alternative.
Nevertheless, in section 3, we analyzed
the effects of proposed project
construction and operation on water
quality in the La Crosse River and
concluded that with the exception of the
potential for short-term, minor increases
in turbidity during construction,
Western’s proposal to operate the
project in a run-of-river mode would
ensure that there would be no long-term
adverse effects on water quality.
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects
As discussed in section 3.3.1, Geology
and Soils Resources, 135 cubic yards of
rock would be permanently excavated.
Also, any potential erosion or
sedimentation that would occur during
project construction would be
minimized through the development
and implementation of an erosion and
sediment control plan.
As discussed in section 3.3.2, Aquatic
Resources, construction activities may
cause minor, short-term adverse effects
on water turbidity, but developing and
implementing an erosion and sediment
control plan would limit the severity
and scope of these effects. The operation
of the proposed project would also
result in some entrainment and
mortality of resident fish. However,
PO 00000
Frm 00048
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
these effects would likely be minor as
most large fish would be able to escape
the intake’s approach velocity, and the
majority of small fish are more likely to
survive passage through the project
turbine. Therefore, any adverse effects
would be minimal and are unlikely to
negatively impact the project reservoir’s
(Angelo Pond’s) fish community as a
5.4 Fish and Wildlife Agency
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, 16
USC 803(j), each hydroelectric license
issued by the Commission must include
conditions based on recommendations
provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection,
mitigation, or enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources affected by the
No federal or state fish and wildlife
agency filed recommendations pursuant
to section 10(j) of the FPA.
5.5 Consistency With Comprehensive
Section 10(a)(2) of the FPA, 16 USC
803(a)(2)(A), requires the Commission to
consider the extent to which a project is
consistent with federal or state
comprehensive plans for improving,
developing, or conserving a waterway or
waterways affected by a project. We
reviewed three plans that are applicable
to the project and found no
6.0 Finding of No Signicant Impact
On the basis of our independent
analysis, the issuance of an original
license for the Angelo Dam Project, as
proposed, would not constitute a major
federal action significantly affecting the
quality of the human environment.
Literature Cited
Bell, Milo C. 1986. Fisheries handbook of
engineering requirements & biological
criteria. University of Michigan Library,
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
1997. Turbine survival and entrainment
database—field tests. EPRI Report No.
TR–108630. Prepared by Alden Research
Laboratory, Inc. Holden, MA.
Knapp, W.E., B. Kynard, and S.P. Gloss.
1982. Potential effects of Kaplan,
Ossberger, and Bulb turbines on
anadromous fishes of the northeast
United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Massachusetts.
Lawler, Matucky and Skelly Engineers. 1991.
14 (1) The Department of the Interior. 1993. The
Nationwide Rivers Inventory; (2) U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. Undated. Fisheries USA: The
recreational fisheries policy of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service; and (3) Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources. 1995. Wisconsin’s forestry best
management practices for water quality.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices
Length/width size estimation. In fish
entrainment monitoring program at
Hodenpyl Hydroelectric Project, FERC
No. 2599, Application. Jackson, MI:
Consumers Power Company, 1991.
Montana Water Center. February 2007. https://
Normandeau Associates, Inc., Tapoco
Hydroelectric Project—FERC No. 2169—
Fish and Aquatics Study 5, Fish
Entrainment Assessment, Draft, APGI
Tapoco Division, 2002.
Salkin, P. 2011. A Cultural Resources Study
of the Project Corridor for the Proposed
Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Project in
Angelo Township, Monroe County,
Wisconsin, FERC Project 13417, Report
of Investigations, No. 1851.
Archaeological Consulting and Services,
Inc., Verona, Wisconsin May 2011.
____ . 2012. An Addendum to the Cultural
Resources Study of the Project Corridor
for the Angelo Township, Monroe
County, Wisconsin and the Cultural
Resources Management Plan, Report of
Investigations, No. 1892. Archaeological
Consulting and Services, Inc., Verona,
Wisconsin. May 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
2012. Western Ecology Division:
Ecoregions of Wisconsin. Available at:
ecoregions/wi_eco.htm. Accessed June
15, 2012.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2012a.
Midwest Region: State and County
Lists—Wisconsin. https://www.fws.gov/
____ . 2012b. Midwest Region: Karner Blue
Butterfly—Wisconsin Statewide HCP
Questions and Answers. Available at:
Western Technical College (Western). 2012.
Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Project. FERC
Project No. 13417, Response to
Deficiency of License Application and
Request for Additional Information.
February 10, 2012.
____ . 2011a. Angelo Hydropower Project
Application, FERC Project No. 13417–
002. October 21, 2011.
____ . 2011b. Cultural Resource Management
Plan for the Proposed Licensing of the
Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Facility in
Angelo Township, Monroe County,
Wisconsin, FERC Project 13417 Report of
Investigations, No. 1865. Archaeological
Consulting and Services, Inc., Verona,
Wisconsin. June 2011.
Winchell, F., S. Amaral, and D. Dixon. 2000.
Hydroelectric turbine entrainment and
survival database: An alternative to field
studies, Hydrovision 2000—New
Realities, New Responses, CD–ROM,
Charlotte, North Carolina, August 8–11,
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
(Wisconsin DNR). 2012a. Invasive
Species: Curly-leaf Pondweed. Available
at: https://dnr.wi.gov/invasives/fact/
____ . 2012b. Topics—Endangered Resources:
Aligific Talus Slope. Available at: https://
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:39 Aug 27, 2012
Jkt 226001
____ . 2002a. State of the Bad Axe—La Crosse
River Basin. PUBL WT 557 2002. https://
Accessed June 29, 2012.
____ . 2002b. Wisconsin Watershed Database:
Watershed—Upper La Crosse River
(BLO6). https://dnr.wi.gov/water/
List of Preparers
Janet Hutzel—Cultural Resources (Outdoor
Recreation Planner; B.S., Environmental
Analysis and Planning; M.S.,Geography)
Isis Johnson—Project Coordinator, Geology
and Soils, Terrestrial Resources,
(Environmental Biologist; M.S.
Sustainable Development and
Conservation Biology, B.S Wildlife
Conservation and Entomology)
Bryan Roden-Reynolds—Aquatic Resources
(Fisheries Biologist; B.S., Wildlife and
Fisheries Science)
Sergiu Serban—Need for Power and
Developmental Analysis (Civil Engineer;
B.S. and M.S., Civil Engineering)
[FR Doc. 2012–21176 Filed 8–27–12; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP12–484–000]
East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC;
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Assessment for the
Proposed Wacker Polysilicon Project
and Request for Comments on
Environmental Issues
The staff of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC or
Commission) will prepare an
environmental assessment (EA) that will
discuss the environmental impacts of
the Wacker Polysilicon Project
involving construction and operation of
facilities proposed by East Tennessee
Natural Gas, LLC (ETNG) in Bradley and
Maury Counties, Tennessee. The
Commission will use this EA in its
decision-making process to determine
whether the project is in the public
convenience and necessity.
This notice announces the opening of
the scoping process the Commission
will use to gather input from the public
and interested agencies on the project.
Your input will help the Commission
staff determine what issues they need to
evaluate in the EA. Please note that the
scoping period will close on September
20, 2012. You may submit comments in
written form. Further details on how to
submit written comments are in the
PO 00000
Frm 00049
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Public Participation section of this
This notice is being sent to the
Commission’s current environmental
mailing list for this project. State and
local government representatives should
notify their constituents of this
proposed project and encourage them to
comment on their areas of concern.
If you are a landowner receiving this
notice, a pipeline company
representative may contact you about
the acquisition of an easement to
construct, operate, and maintain the
proposed facilities. The company would
seek to negotiate a mutually acceptable
agreement. However, if the Commission
approves the project, that approval
conveys with it the right of eminent
domain. Therefore, if easement
negotiations fail to produce an
agreement, the pipeline company could
initiate condemnation proceedings
where compensation would be
determined in accordance with state
ETNG provided landowners with a
fact sheet prepared by the FERC entitled
‘‘An Interstate Natural Gas Facility On
My Land? What Do I Need To Know?’’.
This fact sheet addresses a number of
typically-asked questions, including the
use of eminent domain and how to
participate in the Commission’s
proceedings. It is also available for
viewing on the FERC Web site
Summary of the Proposed Project
ETNG proposes to construct 2,800 feet
of 8-inch-diameter natural gas pipeline
that would extend from a new metering
facility located on ETNG’s existing 12inch-diameter pipeline (3200–1) to a
proposed new receiver station on the
Wacker Polysilicon Plant property in
Bradley County, Tennessee. The new
pipeline would supply 5,700
Dekatherms per day (Dth/d) of natural
gas to the Wacker Polysilicon facility
which is currently being built under
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) land
use and 26A approval (TVA 2008–74).
Also, in order to provide additional
pressure and flow capacity in Line
3200–1, ETNG would install piping
modifications and a pressure limiting
device (relief valve) on Line 3200–1 in
Maury County, Tennessee. The general
location of the project facilities are
shown in Appendix 1.1
1 The appendices referenced in this notice will
not appear in the Federal Register. Copies of
appendices were sent to all those receiving this
notice in the mail and are available at www.ferc.gov
using the link called ‘‘eLibrary’’ or from the
Commission’s Public Reference Room, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, or call (202)
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 167 (Tuesday, August 28, 2012)]
[Pages 51993-52013]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-21176]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 13417-002-WI]
Western Technical College; Notice of Availability of
Environmental Assessment
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's regulations, 18 CFR Part
380 (Order No. 486, 52 FR 47,897), the Office of Energy Projects has
reviewed the application for an original license to construct the
Angelo Dam Hydropower Project, and has prepared an environmental
assessment (EA). The proposed 205-kilowatt project would be located on
the La Crosse River in the Township of Angelo, Monroe County, Wisconsin
at an existing dam owned by Monroe County. The project would not occupy
federal lands.
The EA includes staff's analysis of the potential environmental
impacts of the project and concludes that licensing the project, with
appropriate protective measures, would not constitute a major federal
action that would significantly affect the quality of the human
A copy of the EA is available for review at the Commission in the
Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at
https://www.ferc.gov, using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket
number, excluding the last three digits in the docket number field, to
access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or toll-free at (866) 208-3676, or for TTY,
(202) 502-8659.
You may also register online at https://www.ferc.gov/esubscribenow.htm to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or toll-free at 1-866-208-
3676, or for TTY, (202) 502-8659.
Any comments should be filed within 30 days from the date of this
notice. Comments may be filed electronically via the Internet. See 18
CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions on the Commission's Web
site https://www.ferc.gov/doc-filing/efiling.asp. Commenters can submit
brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration,
using the eComment system at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/ecomment.asp. You must include your name and contact information at the
end of your comments. For assistance, please contact Commission Online
Support. Although the Commission strongly encourages electronic filing,
documents may also be paper-filed. To paper-file, mail an original and
seven copies to: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. Please affix
Angelo Dam Hydropower Project, P-13417-002 to all comments.
Please contact Isis Johnson by telephone at (202) 502-6346, or by
email at isis.johnson@ferc.gov, if you have any questions.
Dated: August 22, 2012.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Environmental Assessment for Hydropower License; Angelo Dam Hydropower
FERC Project No. 13417-002; Wisconsin
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
August 2012.
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES............................................. iv
LIST OF TABLES.............................................. iv
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.................................. v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................... vii
1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................ 1
1.1 APPLICATION......................................... 1
1.2.1 Purpose of Action............................. 1
1.2.2 Need for Power................................ 2
1.3.1 Federal Power Act............................. 4
1.3.2 Clean Water Act............................... 4
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act........................ 5
1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act................... 5
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation Act............ 5
1.4 PUBLIC REVIEW AND CONSULTATION...................... 6
1.4.1 Scoping....................................... 6
[[Page 51994]]
1.4.2 Interventions and Comments.................... 6
2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES........................ 6
2.1 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE............................... 6
2.2 PROPOSED ACTION..................................... 7
2.2.1 Project Facilities............................ 7
2.2.2 Project Safety................................ 9
2.2.3 Project Operation............................. 9
2.2.4 Environmental Measures........................ 10
2.3 STAFF ALTERNATIVE................................... 11
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS.................................. 11
3.3.1 Geology and Soils............................. 15
3.3.2. Aquatic Resources............................ 17
3.3.3. Terrestrial Resources........................ 24
3.3.4. Cultural Resources........................... 27
3.4 NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE 29 13>4.0 29
DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS.................................
4.2 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES.......................... 31
4.2.1 No-Action Alternative......................... 31
4.2.2 Applicant's Proposal.......................... 31
4.2.3 Staff Alternative............................. 32
4.3 COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES...................... 32
5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................... 32
5.1 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES.......................... 32
5.2.1. Measures Proposed by Western................. 35
5.2.2. Additional Measures Recommended By Staff..... 35
5.3 UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE EFFECTS......................... 36
6.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNICANT IMPACT.......................... 37
7.0 LITERATURE CITED........................................ 37
8.0 LIST OF PREPARERS....................................... 39
Figure 1. Map of Bad Axe--La Crosse River Basin, showing the 8
location of the project (Source: Wisconsin DNR, 2002a; as
modified by staff).........................................
Figure 2. Project features for the Angelo Dam Project, FERC 9
No. 13417-002 (Source: License application, as modified by
Figure 3. Map of the watersheds in the Bad Axe--La Crosse 13
River Basin, divided by watershed boundaries (Source:
Wisconsin DNR, 2002a; modified by Staff)...................
Figure 4. Map of the La Crosse River and tributaries within 14
the Upper, Little, and Lower La Crosse River watersheds
(Source: Staff)............................................
Figure 5. Spring and summer water depth of the La Crosse 18
River at USGS Gauge 05382325...............................
Table 1. Major statutory and regulatory requirements for the 3
Angelo Dam Project.........................................
Table 2. Angelo Pond Specifications......................... 17
Table 3. Mean Monthly discharge rates at USGS Gauge 05382325 18
from 1992-2011.............................................
Table 4. Ambient Temperatures and Water Quality Criteria for 19
cold water communities.....................................
Table 5. Fish swim speed information for fish species in the 22
project area (Source: Normandeau Associates, Inc., 2002)...
Table 6. Sustained and burst swimming speeds of brook and 22
brown trout (Sources: Bell, 1986 and Montana Water Center,
Table 7. Minimum fish length protected by 1-inch trashrack 23
Table 8. Parameters for the economic analysis of the Angelo 30
Dam Project (Source: Staff)................................
Table 9. Summary of the annual cost of alternative power and 31
annual project cost for three alternatives for the Angelo
Dam Project (Source: Staff)................................
Table 10. Comparison of effects for each alternative 33
associated with the Angelo Dam Project (Source: Staff).....
Acronyms and Abbreviations
APE area of potential effects
basin Bad Axe--La Crosse River Basin
BMP best management practice
cfs cubic feet per second
Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
CWA Clean Water Act
CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
DO dissolved oxygen
EA environmental assessment
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
ESA Endangered Species Act
[deg]F degrees Fahrenheit
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FPA Federal Power Act
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
fps feet per second
HCP Wisconsin Habitat Conservation Plan
HPMP historic properties management plan
Interior U.S. Department of the Interior
kV kilovolt
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
msl mean sea level
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
Michigan SHPO Michigan State Historic Preservation Officer
MRO Midwest Reliability Organization
MISO Midwest Independent System Operator
National Register National Register of Historic Places
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
PA Programmatic Agreement
project Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Project
[[Page 51995]]
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
watershed Upper La Crosse River Watershed
Western Western Technical College
Wisconsin CMP Wisconsin Coastal Management Program Office
Wisconsin DNR Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin SHPO Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Officer
WQC water quality certificate
Executive Summary
On October 21, 2011, Western Technical College (Western) filed an
application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission)
for an original, minor license to construct, operate, and maintain the
proposed 205-kilowatt (kW) Angelo Dam Hydropower Project No. 13417-002
(project). The project would be located on the La Crosse River in the
Township of Angelo, Monroe County, Wisconsin at the existing Angelo dam
owned by Monroe County. The project would not occupy federal lands.
Existing Facilities and Operation
The Angelo dam was built by Northern States Power in the 1920's.
Northern States Power generated electricity at the Angelo dam until
1969 and then removed the generating equipment and transferred the dam
and associated reservoir (Angelo Pond) to Monroe County. In 1998,
Monroe County rehabilitated the dam.
The Angelo dam has a total length of 615.5 feet and is composed of
a left earthen embankment, a concrete spillway and non-overflow
structure, and a right earthen embankment. The left earthen embankment
has a length of 400 feet and a maximum height of approximately 14 feet.
The right earthen embankment has a length of 124 feet and a maximum
height of approximately 12 feet. The spillway and non-overflow section
are constructed of reinforced concrete and have a total length of 91.5
feet. The spillway is 72.42 feet long and 9.6 feet high from the
foundation level to its crest. The spillway has four, 13.5-foot-wide by
11.4-foot-high bays each with 13.5-foot-wide by 6.9-foot-high steel
tainter gates. The non-overflow section is 19.08 feet long, 20 feet
high, and 19.7 feet wide.
The reservoir has a surface area of 52 acres at elevation 793 feet
mean sea level (msl). The reservoir's storage capacity is 450 acre-feet
at the dam's crest elevation of 795 feet msl.
The dam and reservoir currently provide recreational benefits to
the project area. There is no hydroelectric generation at the dam. The
dam is operated manually in a run-of-river mode (i.e., an operating
mode where outflows from the dam and reservoir approximate inflows to
the reservoir).
Proposed Facilities and Operation
Western proposes to acquire the rights to and utilize the Angelo
dam and reservoir for power generation. Western would convert the dam's
non-overflow section to serve as the project's intake. The conversion
would involve removing a concrete cap and plug that was poured in 1998
when the dam was rehabilitated. Western would also construct, operate,
and maintain the following facilities at the dam and reservoir: (1) A
22.84-foot-long by 16.08-foot-wide trashrack with 2-inch-clear bar
spacing installed at the intake in the non-overflow section; (2) a 20-
foot by 20-foot by 20-foot reinforced concrete box forebay; (3) a 26-
foot-long by 24.5-foot-wide by 40-foot-high powerhouse located at the
right abutment of the dam and containing a 205-kW vertical, double-
regulated Kaplan turbine; (4) a 30-foot-long, 480-volt overhead
transmission line connecting the powerhouse generator to a step-up
transformer that would be located on a pole which is part of Northern
States Power's 2.7-kilovolt (kV) distribution line; and (5) appurtenant
The project would be operated in a run-of-river mode using the
natural flow of the La Crosse River. The estimated average annual
project generation is about 950 megawatt-hours (MWh).
Proposed Environmental Measures
Western proposes the following environmental measures to protect or
enhance resources in the vicinity of the proposed project:
An erosion and sediment control plan with provisions for
using best management practices, including installing a temporary
inflatable cofferdam, and placing hay bales and siltation fabric at
locations where sediment-laden runoff could otherwise enter project
waters or adjacent non-project lands;
Operating the project in a run-of-the-river mode to
protect water quality and quantity, and fish and aquatic resources; and
Implementing the Commission's statewide programmatic
agreement (PA) for projects in Wisconsin, and implementing a Historic
Properties Management Plan (HPMP) for the project.
Western also proposes to comply with all state water quality
standards while operating the project. In this environmental assessment
(EA), we consider Western's proposal to comply with state water quality
standards (i.e., state law) to be a general legal matter rather than a
specific environmental measure.
Alternatives Considered
In addition to Western's proposed action, this EA considers
Western's proposed action with staff's modifications (staff
alternative), and a no-action alternative. Under the staff alternative,
the project would be constructed, operated, and maintained as proposed
by Western. The staff alternative also includes a recommendation for
Western to develop and implement an operation compliance monitoring
plan for proposed run-of-river operations at the project. Under the no-
action alternative, a license would be denied and Western would not
construct and operate the project.
Public Involvement
Before filing its license application, Western conducted pre-filing
consultation under the traditional licensing process. The intent of the
Commission's pre-filing process is to initiate public involvement early
in the project planning process and to encourage citizens, governmental
entities, tribes, and other interested parties to identify and resolve
issues prior to an application being formally filed with the
Western filed its license application on October 21, 2011. On April
24, 2012, the Commission issued a notice accepting the license
application; soliciting motions to intervene, protests, comments, terms
and conditions, recommendations, and prescriptions; stating that the
application was ready for environmental analysis; stating staff's
intent to waive scoping; and establishing an expedited schedule for
processing. The notice explained that staff intended to waive scoping
due to the project's use of an existing dam, the limited scope of
proposed construction at the project site, the applicant's close
coordination with federal and state agencies during the preparation of
the application, and the completion of studies during pre-filing
consultation. The United States Department of the Interior (Interior)
was the only entity that filed a written response to the notice.
Interior stated that it had no comments.
The primary issues associated with licensing the project are the
potential for project effects on soil erosion and sedimentation, water
quality and fish entrainment.
[[Page 51996]]
Project Effects
Geology and Soils
Project construction would require the excavation of approximately
135 cubic yards of bedrock during the construction of the proposed
powerhouse and forebay. To minimize the potential for erosion and
sedimentation related to the excavation, under the applicant's proposal
and staff alternative, Western would develop and implement an erosion
and sediment control plan.
Aquatic Resources
Under the proposed action and the staff alternative, developing and
implementing an erosion and sediment control plan would limit erosion,
sedimentation, and increases in river turbidity.
Under the proposed action and staff alternative, fish could be
entrained through the project's trashrack and intake, and therefore, be
subjected to turbine mortality during operation of the project.
However, the amount of entrainment and turbine mortality would likely
be small and result in an overall minimal adverse effect on the project
reservoir's (Angelo Pond's) fish community.
Under both the proposed action and staff alternative, run-of-river
operation would maintain current aquatic resource habitats in Angelo
Pond and in the La Crosse River downstream of the Angelo dam.
Terrestrial Resources
While some grassy areas may be temporarily disturbed and soils
slightly compacted by the movement of equipment and personnel during
construction, no long-term adverse effects to terrestrial resources are
anticipated, as the construction area would be relatively small, and
occur in an area that has been previously disturbed. Also, the project
site is fairly developed and lacks quality habitat for wildlife.
Two federally listed species are known to occur in Monroe County,
namely the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis or
Karners) and northern wild monkshood (Aconitum noveboracense). However,
both species have specialized habitat requirements that do not exist in
the immediate vicinity of the project. Therefore, project construction
and operation would have no effect on federally listed threatened or
endangered species.
Western conducted cultural resource surveys, covering about 83
percent of the land within the project's area of potential effects
(APE). During the surveys, Western found no archaeological resources
that would be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
(National Register). For the unsurveyed areas, an executed PA and HPMP
contain protocols that would be implemented if there are any
unanticipated discoveries. The HPMP also contains provisions to lessen,
avoid, or mitigate for any adverse effects if the discovered resources
are eligible for the National Register.
No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, a license would be denied, the
project would not be constructed, environmental resources in the
project area would not be affected, and the renewable energy that would
be produced by the project would not be developed.
Based on our analysis, we recommend licensing the project under the
staff alternative.
In section 4.0 of the EA, we estimate the likely cost of
alternative power for the two action alternatives identified above. Our
analysis shows that during the first year of operation under the
proposed action alternative, project power would cost $81,589 or
$86.20/MWh less than the likely alternative cost of power. Under the
staff alternative, project power would cost $81,297 or $85.47/MWh less
than the likely alternative cost of power.
We chose the staff alternative as the preferred alternative
because: (1) The project would provide a dependable source of
electrical energy for the region (about 950 MWh annually); (2) the 205
kW of electric capacity available comes from a renewable resource which
does not contribute to atmospheric pollution; and (3) the recommended
environmental measures proposed by Western, as modified by staff, would
adequately protect and enhance environmental resources affected by the
project. The overall benefits of the staff alternative would be worth
the cost of the proposed and recommended environmental measures.
We conclude that issuing an original license for the project, with
the environmental measures we recommend, would not constitute a major
federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human
Environmental Assessment
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing, Washington, DC
Angelo Dam Hydropower Project; FERC Project No. 13417-002
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Application
On October 21, 2011, Western Technical College (Western) filed an
application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission)
for an original, minor license to construct, operate, and maintain the
proposed 205-kilowatt (kW) Angelo Dam Hydropower Project No. 13417-002
(Angelo Dam Project or project). The project would be located on the La
Crosse River in the Township of Angelo, Monroe County, Wisconsin at an
existing dam (the Angelo dam) owned by Monroe County and regulated by
the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Wisconsin DNR). The
estimated average annual project generation is 948.5 megawatt-hours
(MWh). The proposed project would not occupy federal lands.
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need for Power
1.2.1 Purpose of Action
The purpose of the proposed Angelo Dam Project is to provide a new
source of hydroelectric power. Therefore, under the provisions of the
Federal Power Act (FPA), the Commission must decide whether to issue a
license to Western for the Angelo Dam Project and what conditions
should be placed on any license issued. In deciding whether to issue a
license for a hydroelectric project, the Commission must determine that
the project will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving
or developing a waterway. In addition to the power and developmental
purposes for which licenses are issued (such as flood control,
irrigation, or water supply), the Commission must give equal
consideration to the purposes of: (1) Energy conservation; (2) the
protection of, mitigation of damage to, and enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources; (3) the protection of recreational opportunities;
and (4) the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality.
Issuing an original license for the Angelo Dam Project would allow
Western to generate electricity for the term of an original license,
making electric power from a renewable resource available to its
[[Page 51997]]
This environmental assessment (EA) assesses the effects associated
with Western's proposed operation of the project and alternatives to
the proposed project. The EA also makes recommendations to the
Commission on whether to issue an original license, and if so, what
terms and conditions should become a part of any license issued.
In this EA, we assess the environmental and economic effects
associated with the construction and operation of the project: (1) as
proposed by Western; and (2) with staff's additional recommended
measures. We also consider the effects of the no-action alternative.
Important issues that are addressed include the potential for project
effects on geology and soils, and aquatic, terrestrial, and cultural
1.2.2 Need for Power
The proposed Angelo Dam Project would provide hydroelectric
generation to meet part of Wisconsin's power requirements, resource
diversity, and capacity needs. The project would have an installed
capacity of 205 kW and generate about 950 MWh per year.
The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) annually
forecasts electrical supply and demand nationally and regionally for a
10-year period. The Angelo Dam Project is located in the Midwest
Independent System Operator (MISO) sub region of the Midwest
Reliability Organization (MRO) region of the NERC. According to NERC's
2011 forecast, average annual demand requirements for the MISO sub
region are projected to grow at a rate of 2.9 percent from 2011 through
2021. MISO projects that resource capacity margins (generating capacity
in excess of demand) will range between 15.2 percent and 23.2 percent
of firm peak demand during the 10-year forecast period, including
estimated new capacity additions. Over the next 10 years, MRO estimates
that about 4,894 megawatts (MW) of additional capacity will be brought
on line.
We conclude that power from the Angelo Dam Project would help meet
a need for power in the MISO sub-region in both the short and long-
term. The project would provide low-cost power that displaces
generation from non-renewable sources. Displacing the operation of non-
renewable facilities may avoid some power plant emissions, thus
creating an environmental benefit.
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
A license for the proposed project is subject to numerous
requirements under the Federal Power Act (FPA) and other applicable
statues. The major statutory and regulatory requirements are summarized
in table 1 and described below.
Table 1--Major Statutory and Regulatory Requirements for the Angelo Dam
Requirement Agency Status
Section 18 of the FPA--fishway U.S. Department No prescriptions were
prescriptions. of Interior filed.
Section 10(j) of the FPA...... U.S. Fish and No recommendations
Wildlife Service were filed.
Department of
(Wisconsin DNR).
Clean Water Act (CWA)--section Wisconsin DNR.... Application for
401 water quality certification was
certification (WQC). received on January
24, 2011; action on
application was due
by January 24, 2012;
Wisconsin DNR did
not act on the
Endangered Species Act (ESA).. FWS.............. On August 18, 2009,
Interior stated that
no federally-listed
threatened or
endangered species,
or critical habitat,
are present in the
immediate vicinity
of the proposed
project. In the EA,
staff makes a ``no
effect'' finding
with regard to
federally listed
species; therefore,
no ESA consultation
with FWS is
Coastal Zone Management Act Wisconsin On April 12, 2012,
(CZMA). Department of the Wisconsin CMP
Intergovernmenta determined that no
l Relations, federal coastal
Coastal consistency
Management certification is
Program Office required.
(Wisconsin CMP).
Section 106 of the National Wisconsin State A programmatic
Historic Preservation Act Historic agreement (PA) with
(NHPA). Preservation the Wisconsin SHPO
Officer and Michigan State
(Wisconsin SHPO). Historic
Preservation Officer
(Michigan SHPO) is
in effect that
encompasses all
project licensing
actions in Wisconsin
and adjacent
portions of
1.3.1 Federal Power Act Section 18 Fishway Prescriptions
Section 18 of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. 811, states that the Commission is
to require construction, operation, and maintenance by a licensee of
such fishways as may be prescribed by the Secretaries of Commerce or
the Interior.
No fishway prescriptions, or requests for reservation of authority
to prescribe fishways under section 18 of the FPA, have been filed. Section 10(j) Recommendations
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. 803(j), each
hydroelectric license issued by the Commission must include conditions
based on recommendations provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection, mitigation, or enhancement of
fish and wildlife resources affected by the project. The Commission is
required to include these conditions unless it determines that they are
inconsistent with the purposes and requirements of the FPA or other
applicable law. Before rejecting or modifying an agency recommendation,
the Commission is required to attempt to resolve any such inconsistency
with the agency, giving due weight to the recommendations, expertise,
and statutory responsibilities of such agency.
No federal or state fish and wildlife agency filed recommendations
pursuant to section 10(j) of the FPA.
1.3.2 Clean Water Act
Under section 401(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C.
1341(a)(1) a license applicant must obtain certification from the
appropriate state pollution control agency verifying compliance with
the CWA. On January 20, 2011, Western applied to the
[[Page 51998]]
Wisconsin DNR for 401 WQC for the Angelo Dam Project. The Wisconsin DNR
received this request on January 24, 2011. Because Wisconsin DNR has
not acted on the request within one year from receipt of the request,
the WQC is considered waived.
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), 16
U.S.C. 1536(a), requires federal agencies to ensure that their actions
are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of federally
listed threatened and endangered species, or result in the destruction
or adverse modification of their designated critical habitat. There are
no federally listed threatened and endangered species or designated
critical habitat in the immediate project area that would be affected
by the construction and operation of the proposed project. Therefore,
the proposed project would have no effect on federally listed species.
1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) of 1972, as amended,
requires review of the project's consistency with a state's Coastal
Management Program for projects within or that would affect the coastal
zone. Under section 307(c)(3)(A) of the CZMA, 16 U.S.C. 1456(3)(A), the
Commission cannot issue a license for a project within or affecting a
state's coastal zone unless the state's coastal zone management agency
concurs with the license applicant's certification of consistency with
the state's Coastal Management Program, or the agency's concurrence is
conclusively presumed by its failure to act within 180 days of its
receipt of the applicant's certification.
The project is not located within the state-designated coastal
management zone, and the project would not affect Wisconsin's coastal
resources. Therefore, the project is not subject to Wisconsin's coastal
zone program review and no consistency certification is needed for the
action. By correspondence dated April 12, 2012 (filed on April 13,
2012), Wisconsin's Department of Intergovernmental Relations, Coastal
Management Program Office, concurred with this determination.
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation Act
Section 106 of the NHPA, 16 U.S.C. 470, requires that every federal
agency ``take into account'' how each of its undertakings could affect
historic properties. Historic properties are districts, sites,
buildings, structures, traditional cultural properties, and objects
significant in American history, architecture, engineering, and culture
that are eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic
Places (National Register).
To meet the requirements of section 106 of the NHPA, on December
16, 1993, Commission staff executed a Programmatic Agreement (PA) with
the Wisconsin SHPO and Michigan SHPO. The PA contains principals and
procedures for the protection of historic properties from the effects
of the proposed construction and operation of hydroelectric projects in
the state of Wisconsin and adjacent portions of the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan. The terms of the PA ensure that Western addresses and treats
all historic properties identified within the project's area of
potential effects (APE) through implementation of the historic
properties management plan (HPMP) entitled, Cultural Resource
Management Plan for the Proposed Licensing of the Angelo Dam
Hydroelectric Facility in Angelo Township, Monroe County, Wisconsin,
FERC Project 13417, Report of Investigations, No. 1865, June 2011 filed
on October 21, 2011, and amended by letter filed on June 14, 2012.
1.4 Public Review and Consultation
The Commission's regulations, 18 CFR 4.38 and 16.8, require that
applicants consult with appropriate resource agencies and other
entities before filing an application for a license. This consultation
is the first step in complying with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination
Act, ESA, NHPA, and other federal statutes. Pre-filing consultation
must be complete and documented according to the Commission's
1.4.1 Scoping
Due to the location of the proposed project, the minor nature of
environmental effects, and the lack of response to our public notice
regarding the project,\1\ we waived formal scoping.
\1\ The Commission issued a notice on April 24, 2012, stating
that it intended to waive scoping for this project.
1.4.2 Interventions and Comments
On April 24, 2012, the Commission issued a notice accepting
Western's license application and asking for motions to intervene and
protests. The U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior) was the only
entity that filed a written response to the notice. Interior filed a
letter with the Commission on June 20, 2012, stating that it had no
comments. No motions to intervene were filed.
2.0 Proposed Action and Alternatives
2.1 No-Action Alternative
The no-action alternative is license denial. Under the no-action
alternative, the project would not be built, environmental resources in
the project area would not be affected, and the renewable energy that
would be produced by the project would not be developed.
2.2 Proposed Action
2.2.1 Project Facilities
The proposed hydropower project would generate electricity using
the head created by the existing Angelo dam which is currently owned by
Monroe County.
The Angelo dam is an earthen embankment with a maximum height of 14
feet and a spillway with a short non-overflow section. The dam has a
total length of 615.5 feet. The spillway and a short non-overflow
section are constructed of reinforced concrete and have a total length
of 91.5 feet. The spillway is 72.42 feet long, 9.6 feet high from the
foundation level to its crest, and contains four, 13.5-foot-wide by
11.4-foot-high bays each with 13.5-foot-wide by 6.9-foot-high steel
tainter gates. The non-overflow section is 19.08 feet long, 20 feet
high, and 19.7 feet wide and would be converted to serve as the
project's intake after removing the concrete cap and plug that was
poured in 1998 when the dam was rehabilitated.
In addition to the dam, the proposed project would consist of the
following new elements: (1) A 22.84-foot-long by 16.08-foot-wide
trashrack with 2-inch-clear bar spacing installed at the intake in the
non-overflow section; (2) a 20-foot by 20-foot by 20-foot reinforced
concrete box forebay; (3) a 26-foot-long by 24.5-foot-wide by 40-foot-
high powerhouse located at the right abutment of the dam containing a
205-kW vertical, double-regulated Kaplan turbine; (4) a 30-foot-long,
480-volt overhead transmission line connecting the powerhouse generator
to a step-up transformer that would be located on a pole which is part
of Northern States Power's 2.7-kilovolt distribution line; and (5)
appurtenant facilities. The estimated annual project generation is
about 950 MWh.
The reservoir, referred to locally as Angelo Pond, has a surface
area of 52 acres and a gross storage of 450 acre-feet at normal water
elevation 793-feet mean sea level (msl). The project boundary, with a
total area of 79.38 acres, includes
[[Page 51999]]
the pond up to elevation 795.0 msl,\2\ the existing dam, the new
forebay, powerhouse, and the 30-foot-long project transmission line.
The applicant and Monroe County Board have a signed agreement for the
sale of the dam and transfer of the necessary water rights by Monroe
County to the applicant. There are no federal or tribal lands within
the project boundary.
\2\ See email communication record between staff and the
applicant filed on July 19, 2012.
[[Page 52000]]
2.2.2 Project Safety
As part of the licensing process, the Commission would prepare a
Safety and Design Assessment covering the adequacy of the project
facilities. Special articles would be included in any license issued,
as appropriate. Operational inspections would focus on the continued
safety of the structures, identification of unauthorized modifications,
efficiency and safety operations, compliance with the terms of the
license, and proper maintenance.
2.2.3 Project Operation
The dam and reservoir currently provide recreational benefits to
the project area. There is currently no hydroelectric generation at the
dam. The dam is operated manually in a run-of-river mode (i.e., an
operating mode where outflows from the dam and reservoir approximate
inflows to the reservoir).
The proposed project would be operated in an automatic, run-of-
river mode using the 17 feet of head created by the existing Angelo
dam. The automatic mode would be achieved by use of a head pond
elevation gage that would allow the project to operate within a foot
from the maximum pond elevation of 793.6 msl. When the reservoir
elevation exceeds 793.6 msl, the tainter gates would be opened to
release flow under the gates to maintain a target pond elevation
between 793.0 and 793.6 msl, the normal operating elevation range for
the project.
The headpond has a maximum storage capacity of 450 acre-feet at
elevation 793.0 msl (top of the tainter gates). The estimated plant
hydraulic capacity is 168 cubic feet per second (cfs) at full load and
32 cfs at minimum load. The water used for project generation would
flow through the proposed trashracks and the new opening in the dam,
continuing through an old penstock and the proposed forebay, into the
powerhouse. The flow out of the powerhouse would discharge into the
existing pool immediately downstream of the dam. Flows that exceed the
project's maximum hydraulic capacity would be discharged over or under
the dam spillway tainter gates. Currently, the spillway gates are
opened manually, but the applicant would automate them to provide
opening information as part of the proposed Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to be installed prior to project
operation. SCADA would monitor and control the powerplant from a
central location. The project would be run automatically with the help
of water surface elevation controls. Maintenance staff would visit the
facility regularly, as well as during
[[Page 52001]]
alarm conditions based on the automated call-in alarm to be built into
the station control system.
2.2.4 Environmental Measures
Western proposes to incorporate the following environmental
measures into the design, operation, and maintenance of the proposed
Developing and implementing an erosion and sediment
control plan with provisions for using best management practices (BMP),
including installing a temporary inflatable cofferdam, and placing hay
bales and siltation fabric at locations where sediment-laden runoff
could otherwise enter project waters or adjacent non-project lands;
Operating the project in a run-of-the-river mode to
minimize impacts on water quality and quantity, and fish and aquatic
resources; and
Implementing the PA, executed on December 16, 1993, and
the HPMP, filed on October 21, 2011, and amended by letter filed on
June 14, 2012.
Western also proposes to comply with all state water quality
standards while operating the project. We consider this proposal to
comply with state law to be a general legal matter, rather than a
specific environmental measure.
2.3 Staff Alternative
Under the staff alternative, the project would include Western's
proposed environmental measures. Because Western's proposal to comply
with state water quality laws is a general legal matter, we do not
adopt it as an environmental measure under the staff alternative. We
note, however, that below in section 3, we do assess the effects of
proposed project construction and operation on water quality, including
the need for specific environmental measures to mitigate any adverse
water quality effects. The staff alternative also includes a condition
to implement an operation compliance monitoring plan, to verify
proposed run-of-river operations at the project.
3.0 Environmental Analysis
In this section, we present: (1) A general description of the
project vicinity; (2) an explanation of the scope of our cumulative
effects analysis; and (3) our analysis of Western's proposed actions
and other recommended environmental measures. Sections are organized by
resource area (e.g., aquatics, terrestrial, etc.). Under each resource
area, historic conditions are first described. The existing condition
is the baseline against which the environmental effects of Western's
proposed actions and alternatives are compared, including an assessment
of the effects of Western's proposed mitigation, protection, and
enhancement measures, and any potential cumulative effects of Western's
proposed actions and alternatives. Staff conclusions and recommended
measures are discussed in section 5.2, Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative of the EA.\3\
\3\ Unless noted otherwise, the sources of our information are
the license application (Western, 2011a) and additional information
filed by Western (2012).
3.1 General Description of the River Basin
The Angelo Dam Project would be located on the La Crosse River,
near Angelo Township, in Monroe County, Wisconsin. The La Crosse River
flows from north central Monroe County in a southwesterly direction for
approximately 64 miles before reaching the Mississippi River. The La
Crosse River exists entirely within the Bad Axe--La Crosse River Basin
(basin), and the project area is located more specifically, in the
Upper La Crosse River Watershed (watershed) where Silver Creek enters
the La Crosse River (figures 3 and 4). The watershed has a drainage
area of approximately 126 square miles, more than half of which is
located in the Fort McCoy Military Reservation (Wisconsin DNR,
2002b).\4\ The surrounding land area in this region is characterized by
steep slopes, and narrow stream valleys.\5\ Approximately 46 percent of
the basin is forested, although agriculture is another major land use.
\4\ Fort McCoy is used for military training and contains firing
ranges, classrooms, and airborne drop zones.
\5\ These characteristics are typical of the Driftless Area and
Coulee Section ecoregions of Wisconsin (EPA, 2012).
\6\ The Neshonoc dam and 600-acre reservoir are project
facilities of the Neshonoc Water Power Project, FERC Project No.
Several dams are located on the La Crosse River, including: (1)
Hazel Dell dam, forming a 2-acre reservoir; (2) Alderwood dam, forming
an 11-acre reservoir; (3) Angelo dam, the location of the proposed
project, forming a 52-acre reservoir; (4) Perch Lake dam, forming a 33-
acre reservoir; and (5) the Lake Neshonoc dam,\6\ forming a 600-acre
reservoir (Wisconsin DNR, 2002a).
[[Page 52002]]
[[Page 52003]]
[[Page 52004]]
3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects Analysis
According to the Council on Environmental Quality's regulations for
implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 40 CFR
1508.7, a cumulative effect is the effect on the environment which
results from adding the effects of a proposed action to other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what
agency (federal or non-federal) or person undertakes such other
actions. Cumulative effects can result from individually minor but
collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time,
including hydropower and other land and water development activities.
Based on our review of the license application, no environmental
resources would be cumulatively affected by licensing the Angelo Dam
Project. The project is located in a rural area, with very little
existing or planned future developmental activity. While several other
dams, both with and without hydropower facilities, are located on the
La Crosse River, the run-of-river operating regime proposed by Western
would maintain reservoir levels and flows consistent with existing
conditions. As such, operation of the project would not affect
reservoirs either upstream or downstream of Angelo dam.
3.3 Proposed Action and Action Alternatives
In this section, we discuss the effects of the project alternatives
on environmental resources. For each resource, we first describe the
affected environment, which is the existing condition and baseline
against which we measure effects. We then discuss and analyze the site-
specific environmental issues.
Only the resources that would be affected are addressed in this EA.
Based on this, we have determined that geology and soils, and aquatic,
terrestrial, and cultural resources may be affected by the proposed
action and action alternatives. We have not identified any substantive
issues related to recreation, land use, aesthetics, or socioeconomic
resources. We present our recommendations in section 5.1, Comprehensive
Development and Recommended Alternative.
3.3.1 Geology and Soils
Affected Environment
The proposed project is located in an unglaciated region of
Wisconsin characterized by an upper layer of limestone, eroded over
time, followed by a layer of Potsdam sandstone surface rock. The
Potsdam sandstone layer of this western upland region is about 800 to
900 feet thick, and is Cambrian to Lower Silurian-aged. Below this
layer is Archaean-age basement rock, namely highly metamorphic gneiss,
granite, and schists. The basin is mostly composed of sand and clay
deposits with a very shallow, gradual slope. Soils in the project area
are poorly drained and level, classified as sands of the Dawson Peat
and Newson sandy loam variety. These soil types are potentially
erodible, although several areas along the river are protected by
concrete retaining walls or rip rap.
Environmental Effects
Land-disturbing activities associated with construction of the
proposed project primarily involve development of the powerhouse and
forebay. The combined footprint of the powerhouse and forebay is
approximately 740 square feet (20 feet by 37 feet), and would require
about 135 cubic yards of excavation along the right (west) embankment.
This area is usually dry and consists primarily of exposed bedrock with
little to no soil. Western is not proposing to alter the slope or
drainage patterns at the project.
To minimize the potential for erosion related to project
construction, Western proposes to: (1) Develop and implement an erosion
and sediment control plan; (2) install an inflatable cofferdam; and (3)
use hay bales and siltation fabric. Western would use excavated
material as riprap along the river embankments. Western also states
that Wisconsin DNR and Monroe County's shoreland zoning program both
require approval of erosion control methods.
Heavy equipment would be limited to cranes sitting on the right
embankment, and no access via the river bank is anticipated. The
embankment in this area is also protected by a retaining wall. Less
than 0.5 acre of land adjacent to the west side of the dam would be
used as a staging area, as equipment and materials would generally be
delivered on site from storage buildings on the Sparta Campus of the
Technical College, which is located across the street from the
construction area.
Our Analysis
Project construction would require some ground-disturbance, though
most of this material would be rock, as opposed to soil. The area of
disturbance is relatively small and the new powerhouse would occupy
roughly the same footprint as the original one, which was removed in
1968. The staging area and heavy equipment use would be located on
lands that are paved, or covered with grass, reducing the likelihood of
significant soil movement. Further, the control measures and BMPs
proposed by Western would minimize any potential erosion and
Consultation with the Wisconsin DNR and Monroe County would further
ensure that proper control measures are used, and any project effects
would be mitigated. As the project would be operated run-of-river, and
the reservoir elevation would vary by less than 1 foot, it is unlikely
that the project's operating regime would affect the occurrence of
erosion or sedimentation over the course of any license issued.
3.3.2. Aquatic Resources
Affected Environment
Water Quantity and Quality
The headwaters of the La Crosse River originate in Monroe County
northeast of the proposed project near the Fort McCoy Military
Reservation. The La Crosse River flows in a southwesterly direction for
about 64 miles through Monroe and La Crosse counties before reaching
the Mississippi River. Five dams on the La Crosse River create Lake
Neshonoc in West Salem, Perch Lake in Sparta, Angelo Pond in the Town
of Angelo, and Alderwood Lake and Hazel Dell Pond both of which lie
within the Fort McCoy Military Reservation. The Angelo dam is located
approximately 5 miles south of Fort McCoy's main post entrance. The
drainage area of the dam site is about 115 square miles.
The Angelo dam forms a 52-acre reservoir known locally as Angelo
Pond. Table 2 details the specific physical characteristics of Angelo
Table 2--Angelo Pond Specifications
Pond surface area 52 acres
Maximum volume......................... 450 acre-ft.
Maximum depth.......................... 8 ft.
Mean depth............................. 4 ft.
Flushing rate.......................... 121 hours.
Shoreline length....................... 2.62 miles.
Composition............................ Gravel, sand, and mud.
Downstream of the Angelo dam, the La Crosse River flows south 2.5
miles to the city of Sparta, Wisconsin where the USGS gauge station
05382325 is located. The period of record for gauge 05382325
is from July 1992 to present. Table 3 shows the mean monthly discharge
rate (cfs) for the La Crosse River for the period of record. The La
Crosse River has a continuous, steady discharge flow of 100-200 cfs
[[Page 52005]]
throughout the year, with the highest flows occurring in June and the
lowest flows occurring in January.
Table 3--Mean Monthly Discharge Rates at USGS Gauge 05382325 From 1992-2011
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Mean Monthly Discharge (cfs)................ 131 142 171 185 178 205 166 150 151 152 149 138
The La Crosse River in the area of the proposed project is
relatively shallow. Figure 5 depicts the La Crosse River depth at gauge
05382325, located 2.5 miles downstream of the Angelo dam. River depths
increase during periods of high discharge (April-June).
The Wisconsin DNR has determined the La Crosse River at the Angelo
dam to be a ``Fish and Aquatic Life Use of a Cold Water Community''.
The Wisconsin DNR further breaks down cold water communities, and
recognizes the La Crosse River as a ``Coldwater Category 5.'' This
coldwater category includes inland trout waters with brook and brown
trout, but no whitefish, cisco, or other trout or salmonid species. The
water classification and standards for Wisconsin water quality
parameters are as follows: \7\ (1) Dissolved oxygen (DO) in classified
trout streams shall not be artificially lowered to less than 6.0
milligrams per liter (mg/L) at any time, nor shall the DO be lowered to
less than 7.0 mg/L during the spawning season; (2) pH shall be within a
range of 6.0 to 9.0; and (3) water temperature may not exceed 86
degrees Fahrenheit ([deg]F) while maintaining natural daily and
seasonal temperature fluctuations. Additional water temperature
criteria are shown in Table 4. The primary use of water in Angelo Pond
and around the Angelo dam is for recreation.
\7\ All water quality criteria for Wisconsin are contained in
four Administrative Code chapters, NR 102, 103, 104, and 105.
Table 4--Ambient Temperatures and Water Quality Criteria for Cold Water Communities
Ambient Acute water
Month temperature Sub-lethal water quality criteria
([deg]F) quality criteria ([deg]F)
January................................................ 35 47 68
February............................................... 36 47 68
[[Page 52006]]
March.................................................. 39 51 69
April.................................................. 47 57 70
May.................................................... 56 63 72
June................................................... 62 67 72
July................................................... 64 67 73
August................................................. 63 65 73
September.............................................. 57 60 72
October................................................ 49 53 70
November............................................... 41 48 69
December............................................... 37 47 69
Fishery Resources
The existing fish and aquatic communities include coldwater,
freshwater fish such as brook and rainbow trout throughout the La
Crosse River. Trout are present in Angelo Pond; however, no anadromous
species inhabit the La Crosse River or Angelo Pond. Due to the size and
shallow depth of Angelo Pond, it is seasonally a warm-water surface
source, with warm-water fish species present during those times. Angelo
Pond has regularly been stocked with largemouth bass and rainbow trout
since 1984, and is listed as an impaired waterway on the Wisconsin
Impaired Water List.
Based on the Wisconsin DNR Trout Stream Classification, the La
Crosse River upstream of Angelo Pond is a Class II trout stream. A
Class II trout stream is categorized as having some natural
reproduction, but not enough to utilize available food and space.
Therefore, stocking is required to maintain a desirable sport fishery.
These streams have good survival and carryover of adult trout, often
producing some fish larger than average size. Angelo Pond is upstream 5
miles from Perch Lake, and both surface water bodies are connected by
the La Crosse River. The segment of the La Crosse River between Angelo
Pond and Perch Lake is classified as a Class III trout stream. Class
III trout streams are categorized by waters with marginal trout
habitat, and no natural reproduction. Annual stocking of trout is
required to provide for trout fishing, and there is generally no
carryover of trout from one year to the next.
According to the Wisconsin DNR, Angelo Pond impounds the La Crosse
River where Silver Creek enters the river. Both streams traverse Fort
McCoy Military Installation, for a significant amount of their length.
The La Crosse River contains a sand bottom, which is slowly filling
Angelo Pond. This reservoir also slows the river's current down enough
to allow fine sediment to settle out. These fine sediments in Angelo
Pond maintain a robust aquatic plant community.
Environmental Effects
Water Quality
Western proposes to operate the proposed project in a run-of-river
mode to minimize the impacts on water quality and quantity, and fish
and aquatic resources. Western also proposes to operate the project to
ensure discharges from the project meet state water quality standards
during project operation, construction, and maintenance.
Our Analysis
DO, water temperature, and pH, 2.5 miles downstream of the proposed
project, are at levels in the La Crosse River that are currently
consistent with the levels specified by Wisconsin state water quality
standards.\8\ USGS data shows that DO concentrations were measured six
times from May 2002-October 2002, and ranged from 8.9-11.9 mg/L. During
the fall, when brown and brook trout typically spawn, DO concentrations
never fell below 8.9 mg/L, which is well above the state water quality
standard minimum concentration of 7.0 mg/L. The pH was also measured
six times during the same time period with values ranging from 7.2-7.7.
Temperature measurements were taken 29 times between July 1992 and
October 2002. The temperatures ranged from 32.9 degrees Fahrenheit
([deg]F) to 72.4[emsp14][deg]F. November through March typically
experienced the coldest water temperatures, with January 12, 1994 being
the coldest day measured. June through August typically experienced the
warmest water temperatures with July 17, 2002 being the warmest day
measured. Of the 29 measured observations, none exceeded the state
water quality standards.
\8\ USGS Gauge 05382325 La Crosse River at Sparta, WI, water
quality samples from July 29, 1992-October 15, 2002.
The proposed project design and operation would not interfere with
the flow of water downstream of the Angelo dam since the proposed
project will operate run-of-river. Water will continue to be discharged
at the foot of the dam or flow either over or under the existing
tainter gates. The run-of-river operations proposed by Western should
ensure that project operation would not change current DO, water
temperature, or pH levels in the La Crosse River.
However, with the construction activities at the Angelo dam there
is a potential to temporarily increase river turbidity, which would
reduce water quality relative to existing conditions. Implementing a
short-term erosion and sediment control plan that incorporates, at a
minimum, the BMPs discussed in section 3.3.1, Geology and Soils should
ensure that any degradation of water quality would be temporary and
Operation Compliance Monitoring
Operation compliance monitoring is a standard requirement in all
Commission-issued licenses. Development and implementation of an
operation compliance monitoring plan and schedule would be beneficial
in this instance in that it would document the procedures Western
Technical College would employ to demonstrate compliance with its
proposed project operations.
Entrainment and Impingement
Water intake structures at hydropower projects can injure or kill
fish that are entrained through turbines. Typically, fish injury or
mortality is caused by fish being struck by turbine blades, or being
exposed to pressure changes, sheer forces in turbulent flows, and water
velocity accelerations (Knapp et al., 1982). Fish vulnerability to
entrainment relates to powerhouse and spillway operations, fish sizes,
movement patterns, swimming speeds, approach
[[Page 52007]]
velocities, trashrack bar spacing, and intake configurations. The
survival rate of fish passing through turbines varies for different
sizes of fish and for turbines with different design characteristics.
For example, Winchell et al. (2000) reports mean survival rate of fish
less than 8 inches was 94.8 percent and 95.4 percent for fish less than
4 inches. Aside from fish size (with larger fish being more susceptible
to injury), species type (some fish species are hardier than others and
some species are more susceptible to entrainment), and behavior
(migratory species are more likely to be entrained) along with the
fish's burst swim speed could also influence percentages of fish
subjected to potential injury or mortality from turbine entrainment.
Table 5--Fish Swim Speed Information for Fish Species in the Project Area
[Source: Normandeau Associates, Inc., 2002]
Burst swim speed
Species Life stage Size (inches) (feet/sec or fps)
Largemouth bass............................ Juvenile..................... 2-4 3.2
Largemouth bass............................ Juvenile..................... 5.9-10.6 4.3
Crappie.................................... Juvenile..................... 3 1-2
Table 6--Sustained and Burst Swimming Speeds of Brook and Brown Trout
[Sources: Bell, 1986 and Montana Water Center, 2007]
Sustained swimming Prolonged swimming Burst swimming
Species Life stage speed (fps) speed (fps) speed (fps)
Brook Trout..................... Juvenile.......... Not documented.... 2.0............... Not documented
Brown Trout..................... Adult............. 7.0-7.8........... Not documented.... 12.2-12.8
Tables 5 and 6 show typical sustained, prolonged, and burst swim
speeds for fish species commonly found in the project area. Most
juvenile and adult game fish burst speeds exceed the average approach
velocity of 0.5 feet per second (fps) that would occur in front of the
project's intake, suggesting that most life stages of most reservoir
species would be able to escape from velocities near, and at, the
intake face and thereby avoid entrainment.
For smaller reservoir fish that would pass through the intake, we
expect turbine mortality to be relatively minor. We note that at
Wisconsin hydroelectric projects where entrainment studies have been
conducted, small fish (less than 4 inches long) accounted for 79
percent of fish entrained during the field studies (Electric Power
Research Institute, or EPRI, 1997). Due to their small size, the vast
majority of small fish from the study survived turbine passage into
downstream aquatic habitats. The survival of these smaller fish was
relatively high, because they were less prone to mechanical injury from
turbine passage than larger fish. Smaller fish also are less prone to
injury resulting from shear stresses and rapid pressure changes.
Therefore, it is likely that the majority of the entrained fish would
be composed of the poorest swimmers (i.e., very small fish), and most
of these fish would survive turbine passage.
In addition to entrainment effects, fish can become impinged on the
bars of a trashrack if they are not able to overcome the approach
velocity and are not able to pass between the trashrack bars due to
their larger body size. Lawler et. al. (1991) developed an equation to
determine minimum fish length protected by a trashrack or screen. The
equation is TL=10\[caret]\[log(w/[alpha])/[beta]], where TL is total
length, w is trashrack spacing, and alpha and beta are standard values.
Table 7--Minimum Fish Length Protected by 1-Inch Trashrack Spacing
Trashrack Total length
Species spacing (w) alpha ([alpha]) beta([beta]) (TL)
Black crappie........................... 2.0 0.059347 1.166856 20.3
Brown trout............................. 2.0 0.129648 1.000168 15.4
Rainbow trout........................... 2.0 0.028369 1.287580 27.2
Trout-perch............................. 2.0 0.032855 1.388542 19.2
White sucker............................ 2.0 0.055538 1.187414 20.4
Yellow perch............................ 2.0 0.034100 1.307944 22.4
Based on the results of the studies conducted by Lawler et. al
(1991), we calculate that the trashrack's 2-inch spacing between the
trashrack's bars would generally not allow passage of brown trout
greater than 15.4 inches total length, black crappie greater than 20.3
inches total length, and yellow perch greater than 22.4 inches total
length. The average velocity in front of the trashrack would be
approximately 0.5 fps. Brown trout larger than 15.4 inches, black
crappie larger than 20.3 inches, yellow perch larger than 22.4 inches
are in the adult life stage. Table 5 shows that a juvenile black
crappie is capable of a burst swim speed 1-2 fps. Table 6 shows that an
adult brown trout is capable of a sustained swimming speed of 7.0-7.8
fps with a burst swim speed of 12.2-12.8 fps. Since burst speeds are
typically short in duration (1-3 seconds), a brown trout could burst
ahead of the trashrack's influence and swim at a sustained speed safely
in front of the trashrack. Therefore, impingement at the project would
not be likely as most of the fish that are large enough to be subject
to impingement, such as adult brown
[[Page 52008]]
trout, yellow perch, and black crappie, would easily be able to escape
the intake's approach velocity.
To summarize, we conclude that the overall effect on the fishery
due to entrainment and turbine mortality would be minimal. We also
conclude that impingement of fish on the project's trashrack would be
3.3.3. Terrestrial Resources
Affected Environment
The Bad Axe-La Crosse Basin is characterized by steep slopes and
narrow river valleys, which is a distinctive attribute of the Coulee
ecoregion. Much of the land in the basin is used for agriculture,
particularly for beef and dairy farms. Outside of agricultural lands,
vegetation in the basin consists of oak forest and savanna, grassland
prairie, and bottom hardwoods (Wisconsin DNR, 2002a). Most of the
forests in the basin are oak-hickory (56 percent), followed by elm-ash-
cottonwood (16 percent), maple-ash-basswood (16 percent), aspen-birch
(8 percent), and pine (4 percent). This habitat supports a wide variety
of wildlife species including wild turkey, Cooper's hawk, ovenbird,
blue jay, brown snake, bull snake, gray tree frog, white-tailed deer,
gray squirrel, and gray fox. Avian species known to occur within the
project site include: several species of songbirds, waterfowl (e.g.,
geese, herons, and ducks), birds of prey (i.e. hawks and owls), and
other common species (e.g., crows and black birds).
Wetlands in the basin account for approximately 2 percent of the
total land area, with about 4,000 acres in the Upper La Crosse River
watershed. While no wetlands appear to be present adjacent to the dam
or project facilities, palustrine scrub-shrub and palustrine forested
wetlands are located in the vicinity of the project (1) to the north
and east of the upper half of the reservoir, as well as (2) downstream
of the dam. Some freshwater emergent (marsh) habitat is also located
near the northeastern section of Angelo Pond. Upland vegetation in the
immediate vicinity of the proposed project includes mostly grasses,
sedges, and shrubs. As several residential homes are located around the
reservoir, some of the shoreline areas near and around Angelo Pond are
maintained as lawns.
Several species of invasive plants are known to occur in Monroe
County, including Canada thistle, garlic mustard, Japanese knotweed,
common reed, and purple loosestrife, to name a few. The only species
known to occur in Angelo Pond according to the Wisconsin DNR, is curly-
leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), though the specific location and
density of the population is unclear. Curly-leaf pondweed becomes
invasive in some areas due to its tolerance for low light and low water
temperatures, which allows for the species to grow and bloom earlier in
the season and outcompete native plants in the spring. As the species
begin to die off mid-summer, it can contribute to a critical loss of DO
and increase nutrients to encourage algal blooms. Curly-leaf pondweed
also forms surface mats that interfere with aquatic recreation
(Wisconsin DNR, 2012a).
Staff review of the FWS (2012a) endangered species list found that
the following threatened and endangered (T&E) species are known to
occur in Monroe County: the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa
samuelis or Karners) and northern wild monkshood (Aconitum
noveboracense). The Karner blue butterfly is an endangered species
found in the northern part of wild lupine's range, and is most
widespread in Wisconsin. Habitat loss for the Karners is the result of
land development, and lack of natural disturbances (i.e, wildfires and
large mammal grazing) to discourage encroaching forests. In May of
2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a bulletin for
the Karners, noting that use of an insecticide called Intrepid
(methoxyfenozide) could cause potential and actual harm to the species.
As such, Western noted that it would not use Intrepid, for any reason,
either during or after construction.
Northern monkshood is a threatened species found only in Iowa,
Wisconsin, Ohio, and New York. Northern monkshood is often found on
shaded to partially shaded cliffs, algific talus slopes,\9\ or along
cool streamsides, as it prefers cool soil, cold air drainage, and/or
cold groundwater flowage. In a letter filed with the Commission on
August 18, 2009, Interior stated that no threatened or endangered
species exist in the project area.
\9\ Algific talus slopes are also called ``cold air slopes.''
Environment Effects
As discussed in section 3.3.1, Geology and Soils, the total area of
disturbance is 875 square feet, including 135 square feet for
excavation for the draft tube and 740 square feet for the powerhouse
and forebay, which would only require surface cleaning and concrete
bonding. The project would generate electricity using a 205-kW, 480-
volt generator. The main power leads would leave the powerhouse
overhead and connect to an existing distribution line less than 30 feet
away. No land-disturbing activities are associated with the
transmission line.
Access to the project works would be from the existing cul-de-sac
near the west side of the dam and created during the realignment of the
old Highway 21. The cul-de-sac is approximately 130 feet west of the
project works. Limited staging of equipment during project construction
would occur on 0.5 acre of land, with most of the necessary equipment
stored off-site.
While some grassy areas may be temporarily disturbed and soils
slightly compacted by the movement of equipment and personnel during
the construction of the proposed project, no long-term adverse effects
to terrestrial resources are anticipated. The construction area would
be relatively small, and would occur over an area that has been
previously disturbed, due to changes in land use over time (e.g.,
sawmill, installation and subsequent removal of the former powerhouse).
The dam is located in an area with a fair amount of development,
including Highway 21, the Sparta Campus of Western Technical College,
some residential development, and the Fort McCoy Military Reservation.
As such, the project site is lacking in high quality habitat for
wildlife. While there may be some noise associated with the ground-
disturbing activities that could temporarily deter some species, any
impacts would be minor and short-term.
While curly-leaf pondweed was found in Angelo Pond in 2006, all
ground-disturbing activities are happening in the dry, away from the
impoundment. Further, the water levels in the reservoir will not change
and as such project operations would likely have no effect on any
existing pondweed populations. The wetlands in the vicinity of the
project are also located well outside of the construction zone and
would not be otherwise affected by project operation due to the
proposed run-of-river operating regime.
Karners rely primarily on the presence of wild lupine (Lupinus
perennis), a perennial wildflower that prefers sandy areas in open or
partially shaded landscapes. In Wisconsin, this habitat is typically
dry, sandy openings, including openings in oak savannas, jack pine
stands, and dune or sandplain communities. Other areas with wild lupine
may include utility, or road rights-of-way, abandoned agricultural
fields, and military training areas and bombing ranges (FWS, 2012b), as
wild lupine responds well to occasional ground-disturbance. While these
[[Page 52009]]
are known to occur in Monroe County, it is unlikely that either species
are present in the area of disturbance. Although the soils in the
proposed area of disturbance include sands and sandy loams, the soils
are poorly drained, and therefore, unsuitable for wild lupine. In
addition, most of the construction area is bedrock, with little to no
The algific talus slopes required by northern monkshood are rare
communities with steep, fractured limestone slopes that retain ice
throughout the growing season. These slopes support mountain maple
(Acer spicatum), extensive beds of bulbet fern (Cystopteris bulbifera)
and mosses (Wisconsin DNR, 2012b). The project area is not located on
an algific talus slope, which are more common further west toward the
Mississippi River, and in Grant County Wisconsin. The project area is
relatively level, and, where vegetation exists, is mainly composed of
To summarize, because there are no Karners, northern monkshood, nor
habitat for either species within the project area, project
construction and operation would have no effect on these species.
3.3.4. Cultural Resources
Affected Environment
Area of Potential Effects
Under section 106 of the NHPA, the Commission must take into
account whether any historic property within the project's APE could be
affected by the issuance of a license. The APE is defined as the
geographic area in which an undertaking may directly or indirectly
cause alterations in the character or use of a historic property, if
any such property exists. In this case, the APE for the project is the
proposed project boundary.
Regional History
The earliest evidence of Native American occupation in Wisconsin
dates to the Paleo-Indian period (10,000-8500 B.C.). Occupation
continued through the Archaic (8,000-1,000 B.C.), Woodland (1000-300
B.C.), and Mississippian periods (A.D. 900-1600). Upon European
contact, much of Wisconsin, including the project area, was occupied by
the Ho-Chunk. Beginning in 1840, there were a series of forcible
relocations throughout the state, which resulted in the Ho-Chunk being
moved to lands west of the Mississippi River. The forcible relocations
continued until 1875, at which time a majority of the remaining Ho-
Chunk were relocated to Monroe and Jackson counties, Wisconsin.
European settlement in Monroe County occurred in 1842. Between 1852
and 1854, Dr. Seth Angle built a dam and sawmill at the site of the
current Angelo dam. The sawmill prospered, and the village of Athens
was settled around the mill and dam in 1856. The village's name was
later changed to Angelo. By the 1900's, the population of Angelo had
declined because of the high price of land and because the railroad did
not travel by the town.
In 1897, the sawmill was converted into the Sparta Electric Plant.
The Wisconsin-Minnesota Light and Power Company purchased the plant,
and in 1920, rebuilt the dam. In 1947, Northern States Power Company
bought the facility, and in 1968 refurbished the dam and demolished the
powerhouse. In 1969, Northern States Power Company ceased operation of
the facility. In 1998, the refurbished dam was demolished, and Angelo
dam was constructed in its place (Salkin, 2011).
Archaeological and Historic Resources
A phase I survey of the APE, conducted in 2010, revealed no surface
or sub-surface archaeological resources, Euro-American artifacts, or
buildings or structures that would be eligible for the National
Register. The existing Angelo dam is not eligible for the National
Register, because it is less than 50 years old.
A portion of the APE to be surveyed was inaccessible during the
initial survey; therefore, a second phase I survey was conducted in
March and April of 2012. No surface or sub-surface archaeological
resources were discovered during the second survey. In total, the two
surveys covered about 87 percent of the APE. The Wisconsin SHPO, in
letters filed on October 21, 2011, and June 14, 2012, concurred with
the two surveys' findings.
Environmental Effects
Proposed project construction and operation may affect unknown
historic properties within the APE. The executed PA requires that every
proposed hydroelectric project in Wisconsin develop an HPMP to avoid,
lessen, or mitigate for any adverse effects on both identified and
unidentified historic properties within the APE. To address any
potential adverse effects on unidentified historic properties,\10\
Western proposes to implement its HPMP, filed on October 21, 2011 and
amended by letter filed on June 14, 2012. The HPMP contains policies
and procedures for: (1) The completion of a phase I survey of the
unsurveyed areas within the APE; (2) treatment of unanticipated
archaeological resource discoveries or human remains; (3) the
determination of the National Register-eligibility of any discovered
archaeological resource; (4) the treatment of any unknown historic
property over the term of any license issued; and (5) the appointment
of an HPMP coordinator. In letters filed on October 21, 2011 and June
14, 2012, the Wisconsin SHPO accepted the proposed HPMP with its
\10\ There are no known historic properties within the APE.
\11\ Pursuant to section II.B., Historic Resources Management
Plan, of the executed PA, if the Wisconsin SHPO agrees with the
HPMP, then Western shall implement the HPMP, if a license is issued.
Our Analysis
Western conducted two cultural resource surveys, but was unable to
survey about 17 percent of the land within the project's APE. In these
unsurveyed areas, project operations could adversely affect unknown
archaeological resources that could be eligible for the National
Register. Also during project construction or operation, unknown
archaeological sites or human remains may be discovered. The proposed
HPMP contains protocols and procedures to adequately address any
unanticipated discoveries during future surveys or proposed project
construction and operation. Also the proposed HPMP contains provisions
to lessen, avoid, or mitigate for any adverse effects if the discovered
properties are eligible for the National Register or if human remains
are discovered.
We anticipate that any effects on unknown historic properties would
be taken into account through the executed PA and the proposed HPMP.
The documents would ensure that any adverse effects on historic
properties within the APE would be resolved.
3.4 No-Action Alternative
Under the no action alternative, a license for the project would
not be issued and the Angelo Dam Project would not be constructed.
There would be no changes to the physical, biological, or cultural
resources in the area, and there would be no hydroelectric generation
at the dam to contribute to the regional need for power.
4.0 Developmental Analysis
In this section, we look at Western's use of the La Crosse River
for hydropower purposes to see what effects various environmental
measures would have on the projects' costs and
[[Page 52010]]
power generation. Under the Commission's approach to evaluating the
economics of hydropower projects, as articulated in Mead Corp.,\12\ the
Commission compares the current project cost to an estimate of the cost
of obtaining the same amount of energy and capacity using a likely
alternative source of power for the region (cost of alternative power).
In keeping with Commission policy as described in Mead Corp, our
economic analysis is based on current electric power cost conditions
and does not consider future escalation of fuel prices in valuing the
hydropower project's power benefits.
\12\ See Mead Corporation, Publishing Paper Division, 72 FERC ]
61,027 (July 13, 1995). In most cases, electricity from hydropower
would displace some form of fossil-fueled generation, in which fuel
cost is the largest component of the cost of electricity production.
For each of the licensing alternatives, our analysis includes an
estimate of: (1) The cost of individual measures considered in the EA
for the protection, mitigation and enhancement of environmental
resources affected by the project; (2) the cost of alternative power;
(3) the total project cost (i.e., for construction, operation,
maintenance, and environmental measures); and (4) the difference
between the cost of alternative power and total project cost. If the
difference between the cost of alternative power and total project cost
is positive, the project produces power for less than the cost of
alternative power. If the difference between the cost of alternative
power and total project cost is negative, the project produces power
for more than the cost of alternative power. This estimate helps to
support an informed decision concerning what is in the public interest
with respect to a proposed license. However, project economics is only
one of many public interest factors the Commission considers in
determining whether, and under what conditions, to issue a license.
4.1 Power and Economic Benefits of the Project
Table 8 summarizes the assumptions and economic information we use
in our analysis. This information was provided by Western in its
license application and subsequent submittal. We find that the values
provided by Western are reasonable for the purposes of our analysis.
Cost items common to all alternatives include: Taxes and insurance
costs; estimated capital investment required to develop the project;
licensing costs; normal operation and maintenance cost; and Commission
Table 8--Parameters for the Economic Analysis of the Angelo Dam Project
[Source: Staff]
Parameter Value
Period of analysis (years)................ 30.
Term of financing (years)................. 20.\a\
Taxes (real estate, local, federal)....... $0.\b\
Project cost.............................. $1,376,000.
Licensing cost, $......................... $50,000.
Operation and maintenance, $/year......... $10,000.
Energy value ($/MWh)...................... $90.
Capacity value ($/MW-year)................ $159,000.
Interest rate............................. 10 percent.\c\
Discount rate............................. 10 percent.\c\
\a\ Western was awarded $1,200,000 in public funding. Staff assumes that
the remainder of the cost to develop the project would be financed.
\b\ Western is a state entity, and therefore, does not pay taxes.
\c\ See license application at 7.
The Angelo Dam Project would have an installed capacity of 205 kW
and would generate an average of 948.5 MWh annually. Table 8 includes
an energy value of $90/MWh which is the price at which Western would
sell the project power to Northern States Power as agreed in a Power
Purchase Agreement between the two entities.\13\ The capacity value of
$159,000/MW-year (table 8) is based on the amortization and fixed
operation and maintenance cost for a simple-cycle combustion turbine.
\13\ See license application at 9.
4.2 Comparison of Alternatives
Table 9 summarizes the installed capacity, annual generation, cost
of alternative power, estimated total project cost, and difference
between the cost of alternative power and total project cost for each
of the alternatives considered in this EA: no-action, the applicant's
proposal, and the staff alternative.
Table 9--Summary of the Annual Cost of Alternative Power and Annual Project Cost for Three Alternatives for the
Angelo Dam Project
[Source: Staff]
No action proposal Staff alternative
Installed capacity (kW)................................. 0 205 205
Annual generation MWh).................................. 0 948.5 948.5
Dependable Capacity (kW)................................ 0 205 \a\ 205
Annual cost of alternative power ($/MWh)................ 0 124.86 124.86
Annual project cost ($/MWh)............................. 0 38.35 38.65
Difference between the cost of alternative power and 0 86.20 80.71
project cost ($/MWh)...................................
\a\ See license application at 23.
4.2.1 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, the Angelo Dam Project would not
be constructed and there would be no hydropower generation, costs, or
benefits at this site.
4.2.2 Applicant's Proposal
Western proposes to construct a new hydropower facility at the
existing Angelo dam. Upon completion of the construction, the proposed
project would have a total installed capacity of 205 kW, a dependable
capacity of 205 kW, and an average annual generation of 948.5 MWh.
Additionally, Western proposes to implement the executed PA and an
associated HPMP at a capital cost of $27,000 and an annual cost of
$1,500, which is included in the total project cost of $1,376,000. In
addition, Western proposes to develop and implement an erosion and
[[Page 52011]]
control plan, use BMPs, and operate the project in run-of-river mode.
The costs of these measures are included in the total project costs.
The average annual cost of alternative power would be $118,432, or
$124.86/MWh. The capital cost of the project including protection,
mitigation, and enhancement measures is estimated to be $1,376,000. In
total, the average annual project cost would be $36,371, or $38.65/MWh.
Overall, the project as proposed would produce power at a cost which is
$81,589, or $86.20 MWh less than the cost of alternative power.
4.2.3 Staff Alternative
The staff alternative includes the same developmental and
environmental measures as Western's proposal and, therefore, would have
the same capacity and energy attributes. In addition to applicant's
environmental measures, staff recommends that Western develop and
implement an operation compliance monitoring plan and schedule, for
Angelo dam at a cost of $2,500 in capital expenditure.
Based on a total installed capacity of 205 kW, a dependable
capacity of 205 kW, and an average annual generation of 948.5 MWh, the
cost of alternative power would be $118,432, or about $124.86/MWh. The
average annual project cost would be $36,663, or about $38.65/MWh.
Overall, the project would produce power at a cost which is $81,297, or
$85.471/MWh, less than the cost of alternative generation.
4.3 Cost of Environmental Measures
Western is proposing to implement the executed PA and associated
HPMP at a capital cost of $27,000 and an annual cost of $1,500 which is
included in the total project cost of $1,376,000. The costs associated
with Western's proposal to develop and implement an erosion and
sediment control plan, use BMPs, and operate the project in run-of-
river mode, as stated above, are included in the total project costs.
Staff is recommending that an operation compliance monitoring plan and
schedule be developed at a capital cost of $2,500, to ensure compliance
with the proposed run-of-river operating regime. We convert all costs
to equal annual (levelized) values over a 30-year period of analysis to
give a uniform basis for comparing the benefits of a measure to its
cost. Staff's recommended operation compliance monitoring plan would
add about $292 to the project cost, annually.
5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Comparison of Alternatives
In this section, we compare the developmental and non-developmental
effects of Western's proposal, Western's proposal as modified by staff,
and the no-action alternative.
We estimate the annual generation of the project under the three
alternatives identified above. Our analysis shows that the annual
generation would be 948.5 MWh for the proposed action, 948.5 MWh for
the staff alternative, and 0 MWh for the no-action alternative.
Table 10--Comparison of Effects for Each Alternative Associated With the Angelo Dam Project
[Source: Staff]
Staff recommended
Resource No action alternative Proposed action alternative
Generation........................... No hydroelectric 948.5 MWh of 948.5 MWh of
generation. electricity produced electricity produced
annually. annually.
Geologic and Soils Resources......... No changes to geology Western would excavate Same as proposed
or soils at or near approximately 135 action.
the proposed project cubic yards of bedrock
site. to construct the
proposed powerhouse
and forebay. To ensure
the protection of
project resources from
sedimentation and
erosion, Western would
develop, and implement
(BMPs) during project
construction as well
as develop and
implement an erosion
and sediment control
plan. There would,
nonetheless, be the
potential for
temporary and minor
erosion and
sedimentation at the
Aquatic Resources.................... No changes to current There would be Same as proposed
water quality temporary, minor action.
conditions where DO, increases in turbidity
water temperature, and associated with
pH are at levels construction. Run-of-
consistent with state river operation would
water quality maintain current water
standards. quality.
Terrestrial.......................... No changes to existing Project construction Same as proposed
terrestrial resources. would cause minor, action.
short-term disturbance
of grassy areas,
compaction of soils,
and generation of
noise associated with
excavation activities.
Cultural Resources................... No changes to the Construction and Same as proposed
current conditions operation of the action.
where there are no proposed project could
known historic adversely affect
properties. There unknown historic
would be no potential properties. Western
for unknown historic proposes to implement
properties to be the HPMP filed on
affected by the October 21, 2011, and
project. amended by letter
filed on June 14,
2012, to mitigate for
any adverse effects on
newly discovered
historic properties.
[[Page 52012]]
5.2 Comprehensive Development and Recommended Alternative
Sections 4(e) and 10(a) of the FPA require the Commission to give
equal consideration to the power development purposes and to the
purposes of energy conservation; the protection, mitigation of damage
to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife; the protection of
recreational opportunities; and the preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality. Any license issued shall be such as in the
Commission's judgment will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for
improving or developing waterway or waterways for all beneficial public
uses. This section contains the basis for, and a summary of, our
recommendations for licensing the Angelo Dam Project. We weigh the
costs and benefits of our recommended alternative against other
proposed measures.
Based on our independent review of the environmental and economic
effects of the proposed project and its alternatives, we selected
Western's proposal with staff's modifications as the preferred
alternative. We recommend this alternative because: (1) Issuance of an
original hydropower license by the Commission would allow the applicant
to construct and operate the project as an economically beneficial and
dependable source of electrical energy; (2) the 205 kW of electric
capacity would come from a renewable resource which does not contribute
to atmospheric pollution; (3) the public benefits of this alternative
would exceed those of the no-action alternative; and (4) the
recommended measures would protect, mitigate, and enhance environmental
resources affected by building, operating, and maintaining the project.
5.2.1. Measures Proposed by Western
Based on our environmental analysis of Western's proposal in
section 3, and the costs presented in section 4, we conclude that the
following environmental measures proposed by Western would protect and
enhance environmental resources and would be worth the cost. Therefore,
we recommend including these measures in any license issued for the
Developing and implementing an erosion and sediment
control plan with provisions for using BMPs, including installing a
temporary inflatable cofferdam, and placing hay bales and siltation
fabric at locations where sediment-laden runoff could otherwise enter
project waters or adjacent non-project lands;
Operating the project in a run-of-the-river mode to
minimize impacts on water quality and quantity, and fish and aquatic
resources; and
Implementing the PA, executed on December 16, 1993, and
the HPMP, filed on October 21, 2011, and amended by letter filed on
June 14, 2012.
5.2.2. Additional Measures Recommended By Staff
In addition to Western's proposed measures noted above, we
recommend that Western develop and implement an operation compliance
monitoring plan and schedule to monitor compliance with run-of-river
operations. In section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, we determined that
such a plan would ensure that Western would be able to demonstrate
compliance with its proposed run-of-river operating regime. In section
4, staff concluded that developing and implementing an operation
compliance monitoring plan would have an annualized cost of $292. The
benefits of the plan justify the annualized cost of $292.
As noted in section 2.2.4, Western also proposes to comply with all
state water quality standards while operating the project. We consider
this proposal to comply with state law to be a general legal matter
rather than a specific environmental measure, and therefore, do not
adopt it as an environmental measure under the staff alternative.
Nevertheless, in section 3, we analyzed the effects of proposed project
construction and operation on water quality in the La Crosse River and
concluded that with the exception of the potential for short-term,
minor increases in turbidity during construction, Western's proposal to
operate the project in a run-of-river mode would ensure that there
would be no long-term adverse effects on water quality.
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects
As discussed in section 3.3.1, Geology and Soils Resources, 135
cubic yards of rock would be permanently excavated. Also, any potential
erosion or sedimentation that would occur during project construction
would be minimized through the development and implementation of an
erosion and sediment control plan.
As discussed in section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, construction
activities may cause minor, short-term adverse effects on water
turbidity, but developing and implementing an erosion and sediment
control plan would limit the severity and scope of these effects. The
operation of the proposed project would also result in some entrainment
and mortality of resident fish. However, these effects would likely be
minor as most large fish would be able to escape the intake's approach
velocity, and the majority of small fish are more likely to survive
passage through the project turbine. Therefore, any adverse effects
would be minimal and are unlikely to negatively impact the project
reservoir's (Angelo Pond's) fish community as a whole.
5.4 Fish and Wildlife Agency Recommendations
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, 16 USC 803(j), each hydroelectric
license issued by the Commission must include conditions based on
recommendations provided by federal and state fish and wildlife
agencies for the protection, mitigation, or enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources affected by the project.
No federal or state fish and wildlife agency filed recommendations
pursuant to section 10(j) of the FPA.
5.5 Consistency With Comprehensive Plans
Section 10(a)(2) of the FPA, 16 USC 803(a)(2)(A), requires the
Commission to consider the extent to which a project is consistent with
federal or state comprehensive plans for improving, developing, or
conserving a waterway or waterways affected by a project. We reviewed
three plans that are applicable to the project and found no
\14\ (1) The Department of the Interior. 1993. The Nationwide
Rivers Inventory; (2) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Undated.
Fisheries USA: The recreational fisheries policy of the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service; and (3) Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources. 1995. Wisconsin's forestry best management practices for
water quality.
6.0 Finding of No Signicant Impact
On the basis of our independent analysis, the issuance of an
original license for the Angelo Dam Project, as proposed, would not
constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality
of the human environment.
7.0 Literature Cited
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Knapp, W.E., B. Kynard, and S.P. Gloss. 1982. Potential effects of
Kaplan, Ossberger, and Bulb turbines on anadromous fishes of the
northeast United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Lawler, Matucky and Skelly Engineers. 1991.
[[Page 52013]]
Length/width size estimation. In fish entrainment monitoring program
at Hodenpyl Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2599, Application.
Jackson, MI: Consumers Power Company, 1991.
Montana Water Center. February 2007. https://wildfish.montana.edu
Normandeau Associates, Inc., Tapoco Hydroelectric Project--FERC No.
2169--Fish and Aquatics Study 5, Fish Entrainment Assessment, Draft,
APGI Tapoco Division, 2002.
Salkin, P. 2011. A Cultural Resources Study of the Project Corridor
for the Proposed Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Project in Angelo
Township, Monroe County, Wisconsin, FERC Project 13417, Report of
Investigations, No. 1851. Archaeological Consulting and Services,
Inc., Verona, Wisconsin May 2011.
-------- . 2012. An Addendum to the Cultural Resources Study of the
Project Corridor for the Angelo Township, Monroe County, Wisconsin
and the Cultural Resources Management Plan, Report of
Investigations, No. 1892. Archaeological Consulting and Services,
Inc., Verona, Wisconsin. May 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012. Western Ecology
Division: Ecoregions of Wisconsin. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/ecoregions/wi_eco.htm. Accessed June 15, 2012.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2012a. Midwest Region: State
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-------- . 2012b. Midwest Region: Karner Blue Butterfly--Wisconsin
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Western Technical College (Western). 2012. Angelo Dam Hydroelectric
Project. FERC Project No. 13417, Response to Deficiency of License
Application and Request for Additional Information. February 10,
-------- . 2011a. Angelo Hydropower Project Application, FERC
Project No. 13417-002. October 21, 2011.
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Licensing of the Angelo Dam Hydroelectric Facility in Angelo
Township, Monroe County, Wisconsin, FERC Project 13417 Report of
Investigations, No. 1865. Archaeological Consulting and Services,
Inc., Verona, Wisconsin. June 2011.
Winchell, F., S. Amaral, and D. Dixon. 2000. Hydroelectric turbine
entrainment and survival database: An alternative to field studies,
Hydrovision 2000--New Realities, New Responses, CD-ROM, Charlotte,
North Carolina, August 8-11, 2000.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Wisconsin DNR). 2012a.
Invasive Species: Curly-leaf Pondweed. Available at: https://dnr.wi.gov/invasives/fact/curlyleaf_pondweed.htm
-------- . 2012b. Topics--Endangered Resources: Aligific Talus
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8.0 List of Preparers
Janet Hutzel--Cultural Resources (Outdoor Recreation Planner; B.S.,
Environmental Analysis and Planning; M.S.,Geography)
Isis Johnson--Project Coordinator, Geology and Soils, Terrestrial
Resources, (Environmental Biologist; M.S. Sustainable Development
and Conservation Biology, B.S Wildlife Conservation and Entomology)
Bryan Roden-Reynolds--Aquatic Resources (Fisheries Biologist; B.S.,
Wildlife and Fisheries Science)
Sergiu Serban--Need for Power and Developmental Analysis (Civil
Engineer; B.S. and M.S., Civil Engineering)
[FR Doc. 2012-21176 Filed 8-27-12; 8:45 am]