International Trade Administration July 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 53
Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate Products From the Republic of Korea: Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review in Part; 2016-2017
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is partially rescinding its administrative review on certain cut-to-length carbon- quality steel plate products (CTL plate) from the Republic of Korea (Korea) for the period of review (POR) February 1, 2016, through January 31, 2017.
Export Trade Certificate of Review
The Secretary of Commerce, through the Office of Trade and Economic Analysis (OTEA), issued an amended Export Trade Certificate of Review to FCE on July 17, 2017. A previous amended Export Trade Certificate of Review was issued to FCE on October 13, 2010, and a notice of its issuance was published in the Federal Register on October 25, 2010.
Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods From Taiwan: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Notice of Amended Final Determination and Revocation of Antidumping Duty Order
On July 12, 2017, the United States Court of International Trade (CIT) entered its final judgment sustaining the final results of remand redetermination pursuant to court order by the Department of Commerce (Department) pertaining to the less-than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation of certain oil country tubular goods (OCTG) from Taiwan. The Department is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with the Department's final determination in the LTFV investigation of OCTG from Taiwan. Pursuant to the CIT's final judgment, both mandatory respondents in the LTFV investigation of OCTG from Taiwan have received weighted-average dumping margins of zero and, therefore, the Department is hereby revoking this order.
Chlorinated Isocyanurates From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2015-2016
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on chlorinated isocyanurates (chlorinated isos) from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The period of review (POR) is June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2016. This administrative review covers three producers/exporters: (1) Heze Huayi Chemical Co. Ltd. (Heze Huayi); (2) Hebei Jiheng Chemical Co. Ltd. (Jiheng); and (3) Juancheng Kangtai Chemical Co. Ltd. (Kangtai). We preliminarily determine that Heze Huayi and Kangtai have demonstrated their eligibility for a separate rate, and have made sales in the United States at prices below normal value (NV). We also preliminarily determine that Jiheng has not demonstrated its eligibility for a separate rate. Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.
Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar From Taiwan: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value
The Department of Commerce (the Department) determines that imports of steel concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) from Taiwan are being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016. For information on the estimated weighted- average dumping margins of sales at LTFV, see the ``Final Determination'' section of this notice.
Aluminum Extrusions From the People's Republic of China: Affirmative Final Determination of Circumvention of the Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders and Rescission of Minor Alterations Anti-Circumvention Inquiry
The Department of Commerce (the Department) determines that heat-treated extruded aluminum products that meet the chemical specifications for 5050-grade aluminum alloy, regardless of producer, exporter, or importer, constitute later-developed merchandise, and are circumventing the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Department also rescinds its minor alterations anti-circumvention inquiry.
Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2015
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is conducting an administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain pasta from Italy. The period of review (POR) is January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015. We preliminarily find that the sole respondent under review, Liguori Pastificio dal 1820 S.p.A. (Liguori), received countervailable subsidies during the POR. Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.
Certain Steel Nails From Malaysia: Final Results of the Changed Circumstances Review
On December 6, 2016, the Department of Commerce (Department) published a notice of preliminary results of a changed circumstance review (CCR) of the antidumping duty order on certain steel nails (nails) from Malaysia. Based on our analysis of the comments from interested parties, we continue to find that Inmax Sdn. Bhd. (Inmax Sdn) and Inmax Industries Sdn. Bhd. (Inmax Industries) (collectively, Inmax Companies) should be collapsed. The combined entity's antidumping duty cash deposit rate is the current antidumping duty cash deposit rate assigned to Inmax Sdn for purposes of determining antidumping duty liability.
Fine Denier Polyester Staple Fiber From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Termination of Less-Than-Fair-Value Investigation
On June 27, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published its initiation of less-than-fair-value investigations of fine denier polyester staple fiber (fine denier PSF) from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. On June 29, 2017, DAK Americas LLC; Nan Ya Plastics Corporation, America; and Auriga Polymers Inc., (collectively, the petitioners), withdrew the antidumping duty (AD) petition with respect to Vietnam. Accordingly, we are terminating the AD investigation of fine denier PSF from Vietnam.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Article 1904 Binational Panel Review: Notice of Request for Panel Review
A Request for Panel Review was filed on behalf of Maquilacero S.A. de C.V. with the United States Section of the NAFTA Secretariat on July 12, 2017, pursuant to NAFTA Article 1904. Panel Review was requested of the Department of Commerce's final determination regarding Certain Circular Welded Non-Alloy Steel Pipe from Mexico. The final results of the antidumping duty administrative review and final determination of no shipments, 2014-2015, was published in the Federal Register on June 13, 2017 (82 FR 27039). The NAFTA Secretariat has assigned case number USA-MEX-2017-1904-01 to this request.
Fresh Garlic From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Rescission and Notice of Amended Final Results
On May 26, 2017, the Court of International Trade (the CIT) sustained the Department of Commerce's (the Department) final remand results pertaining to the new shipper review of the antidumping duty order on fresh garlic from the People's Republic of China (PRC) for Shijiazhuang Goodman Trading Co., Ltd. (Goodman). The Department is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with the final rescission of the new shipper review and that the Department has found Goodman eligible for a new shipper review resulting in an individually-determined dumping margin of $0.08/kg.
Narrow Woven Ribbon With Woven Selvedge From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Administrative Review and Preliminary Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2015-2016
The Department of Commerce (Department) is conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on narrow woven ribbons with woven selvedge (woven ribbons) from the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the period of review (POR) September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016. This review covers two PRC companies: Huzhou Kingdom Coating Industry Co., Ltd. (Huzhou Kingdom) and Huzhou Unifull Label Fabric Co., Ltd. (Huzhou Unifull). The Department preliminarily finds that neither Huzhou Unifull nor Huzhou Kingdom established eligibility for a separate rate, as Huzhou Unifull had no entries of subject merchandise during the POR and Huzhou Kingdom failed to participate in the proceeding. Furthermore, the Department is rescinding administrative review with respect to Huzhou BeiHeng Textile Co., Ltd. (Huzhou BeiHeng) and Huzhou Siny Label Material Co., Ltd. (Huzhou Siny). Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.
Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene Rubber From Brazil: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Final Negative Determination of Critical Circumstances
The Department of Commerce (Department) determines that emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (ESB rubber) from Brazil is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene Rubber From Poland: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value
The Department of Commerce (the Department) determines that emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (ESB rubber) from Poland is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene Rubber From Mexico: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value
The Department of Commerce (Department) determines that emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (ESB rubber) from Mexico is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene Rubber From the Republic of Korea: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, and Final Affirmative Determination of Critical Circumstances, in Part
The Department of Commerce (the Department) determines that emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (ESB rubber) from the Republic of Korea (Korea) is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV).
Aluminum Extrusions From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Second Amended Final Scope Ruling Pursuant to Court Decision
On March 28, 2017, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Federal Circuit) reversed the Court of International Trade (CIT) and sustained the Department of Commerce's (Department) original scope ruling in which it found that Meridian Products LLC's (Meridian) refrigerator/freezer trim kits did not satisfy the finished goods kit exclusion under the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders covering aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Department is therefore issuing a second amended final scope ruling.
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Assembled Into Modules, From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review, and Partial Rescission of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2014
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has completed its administrative review of the countervailing duty order (CVD) on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells, whether or not assembled into modules (solar cells), from the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, period of review (POR). We have determined that the mandatory respondents Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Changshu) Inc. and its cross-owned affiliates (collectively, Canadian Solar) and Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co., Ltd. and its cross-owned affiliates (collectively, Trina Solar), received countervailable subsidies during the POR. The final net subsidy rates are listed below in the section, ``Final Results of Administrative Review.'' We are also rescinding the review for 20 companies for which all review requests were timely withdrawn or for which we have concluded that there were no entries, exports, or sales of the subject merchandise during the POR.
Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker From Japan: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order
As a result of the determination by the Department of Commerce (Department) and the International Trade Commission (ITC) that revocation of the antidumping duty (AD) order on gray portland cement and cement clinker (cement and clinker) from Japan would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and material injury to an industry in the United States, the Department is publishing a notice of continuation of this antidumping duty order.
Amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods From Ukraine
The Department of Commerce (the Department) and a representative of the Ukrainian signatory producer/exporter of certain oil country tubular goods (OCTG) from Ukraine, Interpipe, have signed an amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods from Ukraine (Agreement). The amendment to the Agreement extends the Agreement for one additional year, specifying that the Agreement shall terminate four years after the effective date of the original agreement, on July 10, 2018.
Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar From the Republic of Turkey: Amended Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Countervailing Duty Order
Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (the Department) and the International Trade Administration (ITC), the Department is issuing a countervailing duty (CVD) order on steel concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) from the Republic of Turkey (Turkey). In addition, the Department is amending its final determination to correct ministerial errors.
Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar From the Republic of Turkey and Japan: Amended Final Affirmative Antidumping Duty Determination for the Republic of Turkey and Antidumping Duty Orders
Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (the Department) and the International Trade Administration (ITC), the Department is issuing antidumping duty (AD) orders on steel concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) from the Republic of Turkey (Turkey) and Japan. In addition, the Department is amending its affirmative final determination for Turkey to correct ministerial errors.
Certain In-Shell (Raw) Pistachios From the Islamic Republic of Iran: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order
The Department of Commerce (the Department) and the International Trade Commission (the ITC) have determined that revocation of the antidumping duty order on certain in-shell (raw) pistachios (pistachios) from the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) would likely lead to a continuation or recurrence of dumping and material injury to an industry in the United States. Therefore, the Department is publishing a notice of continuation of this order.
Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final Determination of No Shipments; 2014-2016
On March 7, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the first administrative review (AR) of the antidumping duty (AD) order on certain crystalline silicon photovoltaic products from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The period of review (POR) for the AR is July 31, 2014, through January 31, 2016. The AR covers nine companies including one mandatory respondent. We received comments from interested parties on our preliminary results. Based on our analysis of the comments received, we made changes to the margin calculations for the final results of this AR. The final weighted-average dumping margins are listed below in the ``Final Results of Review'' section of this notice.
Large Residential Washers From Mexico: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2015-2016
On March 6, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the third administrative review of the antidumping duty (AD) order on large residential washers (LRWs) from Mexico. The period of review (POR) is February 1, 2015, to January 31, 2016. Based on our analysis of the comments received and our verification findings, we made certain changes in the margin calculations. Therefore, the final results differ from the preliminary results. The final weighted-average dumping margin for the respondent, Electrolux Home Products Corp. N.V. and Electrolux Home Products de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (collectively, Electrolux \1\), is listed below in the section entitled ``Final Results of the Review.''
Sugar From Mexico: Amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Countervailing Duty Investigation
The Department of Commerce (the Department) and a representative of the Government of Mexico (GOM) have signed an amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Countervailing Duty Investigation on Sugar from Mexico (CVD Suspension Agreement). The amendment to the CVD Suspension Agreement modifies the definitions for sugar from Mexico, modifies the restrictions of the volume of direct or indirect exports to the United States of sugar from all Mexican producers/exporters, and provides for enhanced monitoring and enforcement mechanisms.
Sugar From Mexico: Amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation
The Department of Commerce (the Department) and a representative of the signatory sugar producers/exporters accounting for substantially all imports of sugar from Mexico have signed an amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Sugar from Mexico (AD Suspension Agreement). The amendment to the AD Suspension Agreement modified the definitions for sugar from Mexico, revises the reference prices for the applicable sugar from Mexico, and provides for enhanced monitoring and enforcement mechanisms.
Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods From the Republic of Korea: Amended Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014-2015
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is amending its final results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain oil country tubular goods (OCTG) from the Republic of Korea (Korea). The period of review (POR) is July 18, 2014 through August 31, 2015. The amended final weighted-average dumping margins are listed below in the section entitled, ``Amended Final Results.''
Fresh Garlic From the People's Republic of China: Initiation of Semiannual Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review; 2016-2017
On May 19, 2017, the Department received a timely request for a semiannual new shipper review (NSR) from Qingdao Doo Won Foods Co., Ltd. (Doo Won). The Department of Commerce (Department) has determined that the request for a NSR of the antidumping duty order on Fresh Garlic from the People's Republic of China (PRC) meets the statutory and regulatory requirements for initiation. The period of review (POR) is November 1, 2016, through April 30, 2017.
User Fees for Export and Investment Promotion Services/Events
The International Trade Administration (ITA) solicited public feedback on its proposal to adjust export and investment promotion user fees in light of an independent cost study which concluded that ITA is not fully covering its costs for providing services under the current fee structure. Federal agencies are directed by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-25 to ensure they recoup their costs when providing certain services. ITA provides a wide range of export and investment promotion information and services to U.S. individuals and entities. The services announced here assist U.S. individuals and entities with their exporting needs and help attract foreign direct investment. These services are a subset of ITA activities that involve relatively more intensive time engagements with particular client firms. ITA will continue to provide information and services that are less intensive and/or benefit the general public without charge. In response to public feedback, amendments have been made to the proposed adjusted user fees. As part of this announcement, ITA announces the final user fees schedule and revised standards related to company size for determining the fees to be charged.
Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products From Taiwan: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014-2016
On March 7, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain crystalline silicon photovoltaic products (solar products) from Taiwan. The period of review (POR) is July 31, 2014, through January 31, 2016. Based on our analysis of the comments received, we have made certain changes to the margin calculations with respect to Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. and Solartech Energy Corp., and, therefore, the final results differ from the preliminary results. We made no changes to the preliminary results with respect to Motech Industries, Inc. The final weighted-average dumping margins are listed below in the section ``Final Results of Review.''
Certain Hot-Rolled Flat-Rolled Carbon-Quality Steel Products From the Russian Federation: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014-2015
On January 5, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published in the Federal Register the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain hot-rolled flat-rolled carbon-quality steel products from the Russian Federation (Russia). The review covers one producer/exporter of the subject merchandise, Severstal PAO and Severstal Export (collectively, Severstal). The period of review (POR) is December 19, 2014, through November 30, 2015. After our analysis of the comments and information received, these final results do not change from the preliminary results of review. For the final weighted-average dumping margins, see the ``Final Results of Review'' section below.
Honey From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Rescission of the New Shipper Review and Preliminary Results of the Administrative Review; 2015-2016
The Department of Commerce (the Department) aligned the 2015- 2016 new shipper review of the antidumping duty order on honey from the People's Republic of China (PRC) with the 2015-2016 administrative review of the same order covering the same period of review (POR), and is therefore conducting the reviews concurrently. The POR for the administrative review and the new shipper review is December 1, 2015, through November 30, 2016. As discussed below, the Department is preliminarily rescinding the new shipper with respect to Jiangsu Runchen Agricultural/Sideline Foodstuff Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Runchen) and has preliminarily found that Shanghai Sunbeauty Trading Co., Ltd. (Sunbeauty) is not eligible to receive a separate rate.
Tapered Roller Bearings and Parts Thereof, Finished and Unfinished, From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results and Preliminary Rescission of New Shipper Review; 2015-2016
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is conducting an administrative review (AR) and a new shipper review (NSR) of the antidumping duty order on tapered roller bearings and parts thereof, finished and unfinished (TRBs), from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The AR covers six exporters, of which the Department selected two mandatory respondents for individual examination (i.e., Zhejiang Zhaofeng Mechanical & Electronic Co, Ltd. (Zhaofeng); and Zhejiang Zhengda Bearing Co., Ltd. (Zhengda)). The NSR covers Zhejiang Jingli Bearing Technology Co., Ltd. (Zhejiang Jingli). The period of review (POR) is June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2016. We preliminarily determine that sales of subject merchandise have been made below normal value (NV). In addition, we preliminarily determine that Zhejiang Jingli's sale to the United States is not bona fide. Therefore, we are preliminarily rescinding this NSR. If these preliminary results are adopted in the final results of this review, we will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to assess antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.
Welded ASTM A-312 Stainless Steel Pipe From the Republic of Korea: Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2015-2016
The Department of Commerce is rescinding the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on welded ASTM A-312 stainless steel pipe from the Republic of Korea (Korea). The period of review is December 1, 2015, through November 30, 2016.
Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has received requests to conduct administrative reviews of various antidumping and countervailing duty orders and findings with May anniversary dates. In accordance with the Department's regulations, we are initiating those administrative reviews.
Brass Sheet and Strip From France, Germany, Italy, and Japan: Final Results of the Expedited Fourth Sunset Reviews of the Antidumping Duty Orders
As a result of these sunset reviews, the Department of Commerce (the Department) finds that revocation of the antidumping duty (AD) orders on brass sheet and strip from France, Germany, Italy and Japan would likely lead to a continuation or recurrence of dumping. Further, the magnitude of the margins of dumping that are likely to prevail is identified in the ``Final Results of Review'' section of this notice.
Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From Thailand: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; Final Determination of No Shipments; 2015-2016
On March 6, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the 2015-2016 administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Thailand. The review covers 160 producers/exporters of the subject merchandise. The period of review (POR) is February 1, 2015, through January 31, 2016. We gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the preliminary results. After analyzing the comments received, our final results remain unchanged from the preliminary results. Finally, we find that four companies had no shipments of subject merchandise during the POR.
Silicon Metal From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of the Expedited Fourth Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order
As a result of this fourth sunset review, the Department of Commerce (the Department) finds that revocation of the antidumping duty order on silicon metal from the People's Republic of China (PRC) would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping, at the level indicated in the ``Final Results of Sunset Review'' section of this notice, infra.
Certain Preserved Mushrooms From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final Determination of No Shipments; 2015-2016
On March 6, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain preserved mushrooms from the People's Republic of China (PRC) covering the period of review (POR) February 1, 2015, through January 31, 2016. We invited interested parties to comment on the preliminary results. We received comments from Dezhou Kaihang Agricultural Science Technology Co., Ltd. (Dezhou Kaihang) agreeing with the preliminary results. No other party submitted comments. Accordingly, the final results remain unchanged from the preliminary results.
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