2016 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 6,181
Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological and Ethnological Materials From the Plurinational State of Bolivia
This final rule amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect an extension of import restrictions on certain archaeological and ethnological materials from the Plurinational State of Bolivia (``Bolivia''). The restrictions, which were originally imposed by Treasury Decision (T.D.) 01-86 and last extended by CBP Dec. 11-24, are due to expire on December 4, 2016. The Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Department of State, has determined that conditions continue to warrant the imposition of import restrictions. Accordingly, these import restrictions will remain in effect for an additional five years, and the CBP regulations are being amended to reflect this extension through December 4, 2021. These restrictions are being extended pursuant to determinations of the United States Department of State made under the terms of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act in accordance with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. T.D. 01-86 contains the Designated List of archaeological and ethnological materials from Bolivia to which the restrictions apply.
Regulated Navigation Area; Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME and Portsmouth, NH
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary regulated navigation area (RNA) on the Piscataqua River near the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME between Henderson Point Light on Seavey Island and the Memorial Bridge. This RNA establishes speed restrictions to eliminate vessel wake which could endanger the lives of divers and support crews working at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The speed restrictions apply to all vessels transiting the regulated area unless authorized by the First Coast Guard District Commander or the Captain of the Port (COTP), Sector Northern New England.
Approval of Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Nevada; Infrastructure Requirements To Address Interstate Transport for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection on April 10, 2013, and supplemented on March 25, 2016. The SIP revision and supplement address the interstate transport requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA or ``Act'') section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) with respect to the 2008 ozone (O3) national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). The EPA's rationale for proposing to approve Nevada's April 10, 2013 SIP revision and March 25, 2016 supplement is described in this notice.
Delay of Discharge Requirements for U.S. Coast Guard Activities in Greater Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expanded the boundaries of Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (now renamed Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary or GFNMS) and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (CBNMS) to an area north and west of their previous boundaries with a final rule published on March 12, 2015. The final rule entered into effect on June 9, 2015. At that time, NOAA postponed the effectiveness of the discharge requirements in both sanctuaries' regulations in the areas added to GFNMS and CBNMS boundaries in 2015 with regard to U.S. Coast Guard activities for 6 months. Since then, NOAA published two notices to extend the postponement of the discharge requirements to provide adequate time for completion of an environmental assessment, and subsequent rulemaking, as appropriate. This extension would end on December 9, 2016. This document extends the postponement of the discharge requirements for these activities for another 6 months for the same reasons.
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs; Correction
On November 16, 2016, HUD published a final rule implementing in HUD's regulations the requirements of the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). After publication, HUD discovered an incorrect compliance date in the preamble and an incorrect paragraph designation in the regulatory text. The compliance date, with respect to completing an emergency transfer plan and providing emergency transfers, and associated recordkeeping and reporting requirements, was incorrectly listed as May 15, 2017, in the preamble. The regulatory text provided the correct date of June 14, 2017. This document makes the necessary correction to the preamble to reflect the compliance date in the regulatory text of June 14, 2017 and the paragraph designations in the regulatory text.
Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological Material From Egypt
This final rule amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect the imposition of import restrictions on certain archaeological material from the Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt). These restrictions are being imposed pursuant to an agreement between the United States and Egypt that has been entered into under the authority of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act in accordance with the 1970 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. The final rule amends CBP regulations by adding Egypt to the list of countries for which a bilateral agreement has been entered into for imposing cultural property import restrictions. The final rule also contains the designated list that describes the types of archaeological material to which the restrictions apply.
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Amendment 18 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan
The New England Fishery Management Council has submitted Amendment 18 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan. We are requesting comments from the public on this Amendment, which was developed to prevent excessive consolidation in the groundfish fishery, promote fleet diversity, and enhance sector management. Amendment 18 includes measures that would limit the number of permits and annual groundfish allocation that an entity could hold. This action would also remove several effort restrictions to increase operational flexibility for limited access handgear vessels.
Head Start Program
The Office of Head Start will delay the compliance date for background checks procedures described in the Head Start Program Performance Standards final rule that was published in the Federal Register on September 6, 2016. We are taking this action to afford programs more time to implement systems that meet the background checks procedures and to align with deadlines for states complying with background check requirements found in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014.
Petition for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding
A Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) has been filed in the Commission's rulemaking proceeding by Karen Brinkmann, on behalf of Alaska Communications.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, New Orleans, LA
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the L & N Railroad/Almonaster Road drawbridge across the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, mile 2.9 at New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana. The deviation is necessary to conduct repair and replacement of the lift rail assembly on the south end of the bridge. These repairs are essential for the continued safe operation of the bridge. This deviation allows the bridge to remain closed-to-navigation for ten hours with a scheduled one-hour opening to facilitate passage of vessel traffic.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands; 2017 and 2018 Harvest Specifications for Groundfish
NMFS proposes 2017 and 2018 harvest specifications, apportionments, and prohibited species catch allowances for the groundfish fisheries of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) management area. This action is necessary to establish harvest limits for groundfish during the 2017 and 2018 fishing years, and to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area. The intended effect of this action is to conserve and manage the groundfish resources in the BSAI in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska; 2017 and 2018 Harvest Specifications for Groundfish
NMFS proposes 2017 and 2018 harvest specifications, apportionments, and Pacific halibut prohibited species catch limits for the groundfish fishery of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). This action is necessary to establish harvest limits for groundfish during the 2017 and 2018 fishing years and to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska. The intended effect of this action is to conserve and manage the groundfish resources in the GOA in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-235 and V-293 in the Vicinity of Cedar City, Utah
This action amends the legal description of the Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal airways V-235 and V-293 in the vicinity of Cedar City, UT. The FAA is taking this action because the Cedar City VOR/DME, included as part of the V-235 and V-293 route structure, is being renamed the Enoch VOR/DME.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace, Weed, CA
This action proposes to establish Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface at Weed Airport, Weed, CA, to support the development of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations under standard instrument approach and departure procedures at the airport, and for the safety and management of IFR operations within the National Airspace System.
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Atlantic Bluefish Fishery; Commercial Quota Harvested for the State of New York
NMFS announces that the 2016 commercial Atlantic bluefish quota allocated to the State of New York has been harvested. Vessels issued a commercial Federal permit for this fishery may not land bluefish in New York for the remainder of calendar year 2016, unless additional quota becomes available through a transfer from another state. Regulations governing these fisheries require publication of this notice to advise New York that the quota has been harvested, and to advise Federal vessel and dealer permit holders that no Federal commercial quota is available to land bluefish in New York.
Fisheries Off West Coast States; Modifications of the West Coast Commercial and Recreational Salmon Fisheries; Inseason Actions #6 Through #21
NMFS announces 16 inseason actions in the ocean salmon fisheries. These inseason actions modified the commercial and recreational salmon fisheries in the area from the U.S./Canada border to the U.S./Mexico border.
Medical Devices; Neurological Devices; Classification of the Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid for Concussion
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is classifying the Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid for Concussion into class II (special controls). The special controls that will apply to the device are identified in this order and will be part of the codified language for the computerized cognitive assessment aid for concussion's classification. The Agency is classifying the device into class II (special controls) in order to provide a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness of the device.
Determination of Attainment by the Attainment Date for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making a final determination that the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley, Pennsylvania marginal ozone nonattainment area (the Pittsburgh Area) has attained the 2008 8- hour ozone national ambient air quality standards (the 2008 ozone NAAQS) by the July 20, 2016 attainment date. This determination is based on complete, certified, and quality assured ambient air quality monitoring data for the Pittsburgh Area for the 2013-2015 monitoring period. This determination does not constitute a redesignation to attainment. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Air Quality Plans; Kentucky; Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking final action to approve portions of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) submission, submitted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Energy and Environment Cabinet, Department for Environmental Protection, through the Kentucky Division for Air Quality (KDAQ), on April 26, 2013, for inclusion into the Kentucky SIP. This final action pertains to the infrastructure requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) for the 2010 1-hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). The CAA requires that each state adopt and submit a SIP for the implementation, maintenance and enforcement of each NAAQS promulgated by EPA, which is commonly referred to as an ``infrastructure SIP submission.'' KDAQ certified that the Kentucky SIP contains provisions that ensure the 2010 1-hour SO2 NAAQS is implemented, enforced, and maintained in Kentucky. EPA has determined that Kentucky's infrastructure SIP submission, provided to EPA on April 26, 2013, satisfies certain required infrastructure elements for the 2010 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
Air Plan Approval; Kentucky; Revisions to Louisville Definitions and Ambient Air Quality Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking final action to approve portions of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) submission submitted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, through the Kentucky Division for Air Quality (KDAQ), on behalf of the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District (District), on March 22, 2011, and May 3, 2012. The revisions to the regulatory portion of the SIP that EPA is taking final action to approve pertain to changes to the District's air quality standards for lead (Pb), particulate matter (both PM2.5 and PM10), ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) to reflect the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), definitional changes, and regulatory consolidation. EPA has determined that these portions of the March 22, 2011, and May 3, 2012, SIP revisions are consistent with the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act).
Changes to Reporting Requirements-Vegetable and Specialty Crop Import Regulations; and Other Clarifying Changes-Fruit, Vegetable, and Specialty Crop Import Regulations
This proposed rule would change the reporting requirements for certain Irish potatoes, tomatoes, and onions regulated under Sec. 608(e) of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 (section 8e of the Act) by requiring importers of those regulated commodities that have been certified by a designated governmental inspection service other than the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service as meeting 8e requirements to provide the inspection certificate number and a copy of the certificate to AMS (currently, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is the only entity so designated). In addition, the pistachio import regulations would be changed to provide for the electronic filing of aflatoxin test results and to eliminate a requirement to report the disposition of reworked or failed lots of pistachios. Other changes would be made to several of the 8e regulations to remove or replace outdated information. These changes would allow AMS to confirm that section 8e regulatory requirements are being met and would also support the International Trade Data System (ITDS), a key White House economic initiative that will automate the filing of import and export information by the trade.
Federal Acquisition Regulation: Set-Asides Under Multiple-Award Contracts
DoD, GSA, and NASA are proposing to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement regulatory changes made by the Small Business Administration, which provide Government-wide policy for partial set-asides and reserves, and setting aside orders for small business concerns under multiple-award contracts.
Dairy Tariff-Rate Quota Import Licensing Program
This final rule amends the Dairy Tariff-Rate Quota Import Licensing Program to clarify that for the purposes of the Dairy Tariff- Rate Quota Import Licensing Program, U.S. Customs and Border Protection import entries submitted electronically, as well as on paper, are acceptable.
Passenger Equipment Safety Standards; Standards for Alternative Compliance and High-Speed Trainsets
FRA is proposing to amend its regulations for passenger equipment safety standards, which currently provide for passenger rail service in a shared right-of-way under two separate tiers of safety standards: Tier I (speeds up to 125 miles per hour (mph)) and Tier II (speeds up to 150 mph). Consistent with the regulations' approach supporting interoperable passenger rail service by sharing the right- of-way, this proposed rulemaking would add a new tier of safety standards (Tier III) to facilitate the safe implementation of interoperable high-speed passenger rail service at speeds up to 220 mph. However, Tier III standards would require operations at speeds above 125 mph to be in an exclusive right-of-way without grade crossings. The proposal also would establish crashworthiness and occupant protection performance requirements in the alternative to those currently specified for Tier I passenger trainsets. Adopting the proposed alternative crashworthiness and occupant protection requirements would remove regulatory barriers, allowing a more open U.S. rail market, incorporating recent technological designs. In addition, the proposal would increase from 150 mph to 160 mph the maximum speed FRA's existing regulations allow for passenger equipment that complies with FRA's Tier II standards.
Ocean Disposal; Designation of a Dredged Material Disposal Site in Eastern Region of Long Island Sound; Connecticut
With the publication of this Final Rule, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is designating the Eastern Long Island Sound Disposal Site (ELDS), located offshore from New London, Connecticut, for the disposal of dredged material from harbors and navigation channels in eastern Long Island Sound and Little Narragansett Bay in the states of Connecticut, New York, and Rhode Island. This action is necessary to provide a long-term, open-water dredged material disposal site as an alternative for the possible future disposal of such material. This disposal site designation is subject to restrictions designed to support the goal of reducing or eliminating the disposal of dredged material in Long Island Sound. The basis for this action is described herein and in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) released by EPA on November 4, 2016 in conjunction with this Final Rule. The FSEIS identifies designation of the ELDS as the preferred alternative from the range of options considered.
United States Rail Service Issues-Performance Data Reporting
The Surface Transportation Board (STB or Board) is adopting a final rule to establish new regulations requiring all Class I railroads and the Chicago Transportation Coordination Office (CTCO), through its Class I members, to report certain service performance metrics on a weekly, semiannual, and occasional basis.
Notification of Submission to the Secretary of Agriculture; Pesticides; Removal of Obsolete Information
This document notifies the public as required by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) that the EPA Administrator has forwarded to the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) a draft regulatory document concerning removal of obsolete information. The draft regulatory document is not available to the public until after it has been signed and made available by EPA.
Tau-Fluvalinate; Pesticide Tolerance
This regulation establishes a tolerance for residues of tau- fluvalinate in or on wine grapes. Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc., d/b/a ADAMA requested this tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Special Local Regulation; Southern California Annual Marine Events for the San Diego Captain of the Port Zone-San Diego Parade of Lights
The Coast Guard will enforce the San Diego Parade of Lights special local regulations on the waters of San Diego Bay, California on December 11, 2016 and December 18, 2016. These special local regulations are necessary to provide for the safety of the participants, crew, spectators, sponsor vessels, and general users of the waterway. During the enforcement period, persons and vessels are prohibited from anchoring, blocking, loitering, or impeding within this regulated area unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, or his designated representative.
Oxathiapiprolin; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes tolerances for residues of oxathiapiprolin in or on multiple commodities which are identified and discussed later in this document. In addition, this regulation amends the established tolerance for vegetable, tuberous and corm, subgroup 1C; and removes existing tolerances for Brassica, head and stem, subgroup 5A, and leafy greens subgroup 4A that are superseded by this action. Interregional Research Project Number 4 (IR-4), E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (DuPont), and Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC (Syngenta) requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces
On September 23, 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNOPR) and announcement of public meeting pertaining to proposed energy conservation standards for residential furnaces in the Federal Register. The notice provided an opportunity for submitting written comments, data, and information by November 22, 2016. This document announces a reopening of the public comment period for submitting comments and data on the SNOPR or any other aspect of the rulemaking for residential furnaces. The comment period is reopened until January 6, 2017.
Amendment to the Export Administration Regulations: Removal of Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation From the List of Validated End-Users in the People's Republic of China
In this rule, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to remove one end-user from the list of validated end-users in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Specifically, BIS amends Supplement Number 7 to part 748 of the EAR to remove the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) as a validated end-user in the PRC. BIS makes this change at the company's request, and not in response to activities of concern.
Amendment to the Export Administration Regulations: Removal of Special Iraq Reconstruction License
In this final rule, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by removing the Special Iraq Reconstruction License (SIRL) from the EAR. This action furthers the objectives of the Retrospective Regulatory Review Initiative that directs BIS and other federal agencies to streamline regulations and reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens on the public. Specifically, the SIRL is outdated and seldom used by exporters, who now have more efficient options for exports and reexports to Iraq and transfers (in-country) in Iraq. This rule also makes conforming changes.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Findings on Three Petitions; Correction
On November 30, 2016, we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), published a document in the Federal Register announcing 90- day findings on three petitions to list or reclassify wildlife or plants under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). That document included a not-substantial finding for Tetraneuris verdiensis (Verde four-nerve daisy). In the finding, we mistakenly attributed the petition to list Tetraneuris verdiensis as endangered or threatened and to designate critical habitat for this plant to the Center for Biological Diversity; however Glenn Rink submitted that petition to us. With this document, we correct that error. If you sent a comment previously, you need not resend the comment.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; York River, Yorktown, VA
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the Coleman Memorial (US 17) Swing Bridge across the York River, mile 7.0, Yorktown, VA. The deviation is necessary to accommodate maintenance to the bridge's hydraulic motors, pumps, and hoses. This deviation allows the bridge to remain in the closed-to-navigation position.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal), Chesapeake, VA
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the S168 (Battlefield Blvd. S/SR 168 BUS) Bridge across the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal, mile 12.0, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Chesapeake (Great Bridge), VA. The deviation is necessary to accommodate the 32nd Annual Chesapeake Rotary Christmas Parade. This deviation allows the bridge to remain in the closed-to-navigation position.
Suspension of Community Eligibility
This rule identifies communities where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date. Also, information identifying the current participation status of a community can be obtained from FEMA's Community Status Book (CSB). The CSB is available at https:// www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program-community-statu s-book.
Suspension of Community Eligibility
This rule identifies communities where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date. Also, information identifying the current participation status of a community can be obtained from FEMA's Community Status Book (CSB). The CSB is available at https:// www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program-community-statu s-book.
National Security Education Program (NSEP) and NSEP Service Agreement
This final rule implements the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense for administering the National Security Education Program (NSEP) and explains the responsibilities of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) for policy and funding oversight for NSEP. It discusses requirements for administering and executing the NSEP service agreement and; and assigns oversight of NSEP to the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO).
Changes to Reporting and Notification Requirements and Other Clarifying Changes for Imported Fruits, Vegetables, and Specialty Crops
This rule updates reporting and notification requirements associated with, and makes clarifying changes to, the fruit, vegetable, and specialty crop import regulations for certain commodities regulated under section 608(e) (hereinafter referred to as ``8e'') of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937. The updates include shifting the exempt reporting requirement for imported tomatoes destined for noncommercial outlets for experimental purposes from the tomato import regulations to the safeguard procedures section of the vegetable import regulations. In addition, the pistachio import regulations will be updated by removing reference to a paper-based notification of entry process. Other administrative changes will be made to several of the 8e regulations to replace outdated information. These changes to the import regulations support the International Trade Data System (ITDS), a key White House economic initiative that will streamline and automate the filing of import and export information by the trade.
Cost of Living Adjustment to Royalty Rates for Webcaster Statutory License
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (COLA) in the royalty rates that commercial and noncommercial noninteractive webcasters pay for eligible transmissions pursuant to the statutory licenses for the public performance of and for the making of ephemeral reproductions of sound recordings.
Regulations Issued Under Authority of the Export Apple Act and Export Grapes and Plums; Changes to Export Reporting Requirements
This proposed rule would change the reporting of export certificate information under regulations issued pursuant to the Export Apple Act (7 CFR part 33) and the Export Grape and Plum Act (7 CFR part 35). This change would require shippers of apples and grapes exported from the United States to electronically enter an Export Form Certificate number or a USDA-defined exemption code into the Automated Export System (AES). This rule would also define ``shipper,'' shift the current file retention requirement from carriers to shippers, and require shippers to provide, upon request, copies of the certificates to the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). These changes would enable AMS to track exported apple and grape shipments to ensure that exports meet inspection and certification requirements. This action is also required to support the International Trade Data System (ITDS), a key White House economic initiative that will automate the filing of export and import information by the trade. This proposal would also remove obsolete regulations and make clarifying changes. It also announces AMS' intention to request revision to a currently approved information collection for exported apples and grapes.
Tax Return Preparer Due Diligence Penalty Under Section 6695(g)
In the Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the Federal Register, the IRS is issuing temporary regulations that will modify the existing regulations related to the penalty under section 6695(g) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) relating to tax return preparer due diligence. The temporary regulations implement recent law changes that expand the tax return preparer due diligence penalty under section 6695(g) so that it applies to the child tax credit (CTC), additional child tax credit (ACTC), and the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), in addition to the earned income credit (EIC). The text of those regulations also serves as the text of these proposed regulations.
Tax Return Preparer Due Diligence Penalty Under Section 6695(g)
This document contains temporary regulations that modify existing regulations related to the penalty under section 6695(g) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) relating to tax return preparer due diligence. These temporary regulations implement recent law changes that expand the tax return preparer due diligence penalty under section 6695(g) so that it applies to the child tax credit (CTC), additional child tax credit (ACTC), and the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), in addition to the earned income credit (EIC). The temporary regulations affect tax return preparers. The substance of the temporary regulations is included in the proposed regulations set forth in the notice of proposed rulemaking on this subject in the Proposed Rules section in this issue of the Federal Register.
Instituting Smoke-Free Public Housing
This rule requires each public housing agency (PHA) administering public housing to implement a smoke-free policy. Specifically, no later than 18 months from the effective date of the rule, each PHA must implement a ``smoke-free'' policy banning the use of prohibited tobacco products in all public housing living units, indoor common areas in public housing, and in PHA administrative office buildings. The smoke-free policy must also extend to all outdoor areas up to 25 feet from the public housing and administrative office buildings. This rule improves indoor air quality in the housing; benefits the health of public housing residents, visitors, and PHA staff; reduces the risk of catastrophic fires; and lowers overall maintenance costs.
Air Plan Disapproval; AL; Prong 4 Visibility for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to disapprove the visibility transport (prong 4) portion of a revision to the Alabama State Implementation Plan (SIP), submitted by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM), addressing the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) infrastructure SIP requirements for the 2008 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The CAA requires that each state adopt and submit a SIP for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of each NAAQS promulgated by EPA, commonly referred to as an ``infrastructure SIP.'' Specifically, EPA is proposing to disapprove the prong 4 portion of Alabama's August 20, 2012, 2008 8-hour ozone infrastructure SIP submission. All other applicable infrastructure requirements for this SIP submission have been addressed in separate rulemakings.
Probate Regulation Updates
On June 20, 2016, the Bureau of Indian Affairs announced Tribal consultation on potential updates to probate regulations and announced that it would accept written comments until August 1, 2016. We are reopening the comment period to allow additional time for Tribal and public comment and will accept all comments received before January 4, 2017.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model MD-90-30 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of cracking in a horizontal stabilizer rear spar cap. This proposed AD would require repetitive open hole eddy current high frequency (ETHF) or surface eddy current low frequency (ETLF) inspections for any crack in the left and right side horizontal stabilizer rear spar upper caps, and repair or replacement if necessary. We are proposing this AD to prevent the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, and -900 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) indicating that the web lap splices in the aft pressure bulkhead are subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the web lap splices in the aft pressure bulkhead for cracking of the fastener holes, and repair if necessary. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-800, -900, and -900ER series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports indicating in- flight valve failure of the left temperature control valve and control cabin trim air modulating valve. This proposed AD would require replacing the left temperature control valve and control cabin trim air modulating valve. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
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