Department of Transportation 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 1,601 - 1,650 of 2,457
Agency Information Collection; Activity Under OMB Review; Reporting Required for International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Document Number: 2024-10265
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for extension of currently approved collections. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. A Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on March 19, 2024. No comments were received.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Agency Request for Reinstatement of Previously Approved Collections: Traveling by Air With Service Animals-U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form and U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Relief Attestation Form
Document Number: 2024-10199
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
The U.S. Department of Transportation (Department or DOT) published a notice for comment that confirms the Department's intention to renew Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 2105- 0576, concerning Traveling by Air with Service AnimalsU.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form, and U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Relief Attestation Form. The purpose of this addendum is to notify the public that an accessible version of the notice is available for view on DOT's Office of Aviation Consumer Protection website.
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
Document Number: 2024-10214
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and its implementing regulations, this notice announces that FRA is forwarding the Information Collection Request (ICR) summarized below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the information collection and its expected burden. On February 21, 2024, FRA published a notice providing a 60- day period for public comment on the ICR.
Notice of Availability, Notice of Public Comment Period, Notice of Public Meeting, and Request for Comment on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Drone Package Delivery in North Carolina
Document Number: 2024-10232
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces the availability of the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Drone Package Delivery in North Carolina for public review and comment.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice of Request for Reinstatement of a Previously Approved Information Collection
Document Number: 2024-10227
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval for reinstatement of an existing information collection that is summarized below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Hazardous Materials: Information Collection Activities
Document Number: 2024-10241
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, PHMSA invites comments on three Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control numbers pertaining to hazardous materials transportation. PHMSA intends to request renewal and extension for these three control numbers from OMB.
Office of Commercial Space Transportation; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Open a Public Scoping Period, and Hold Public Scoping Meetings
Document Number: 2024-10149
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-10
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This Notice provides information to Federal, State, and local agencies; Native American tribes; and other interested persons regarding the FAA's intent to prepare an EIS to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of issuing a commercial launch Vehicle Operator License to SpaceX for the Starship-Super Heavy launch vehicle at Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. SpaceX proposes to construct launch, landing, and other associated infrastructure at and in proximity to LC-39A. The proposal would also include Starship-Super Heavy launches at LC-39A; recoverable Super Heavy booster and Starship landings at LC-39A or on a droneship; and expendable Super Heavy booster and Starship landings in the ocean. The FAA will prepare the EIS in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA, and FAA Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, as part of its licensing process. Additional information is available online at: hip_ksc.
Petition for Extension of Waiver of Compliance
Document Number: 2024-10179
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
Document Number: 2024-10178
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Petition for Extension of Waiver of Compliance
Document Number: 2024-10177
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Commercial Driver's License Standards: Application for Exemption; Pitt Ohio Express, LLC
Document Number: 2024-10077
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
FMCSA announces its denial of the application from Pitt Ohio Express, LLC (Pitt Ohio) to exempt its drivers from one of the requirements in the Agency's Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot (SDAP) program. Pitt Ohio requests an exemption allowing it to use drivers under the age 21, who hold a Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce, to participate in the SDAP program. FMCSA analyzed the application and determined that there is insufficient basis to conclude that the exemption would likely achieve a level of safety that is equivalent to, or greater than, the level that would be achieved absent such exemption.
Special Conditions: The Boeing Model 737-8 Airplane; Dynamic Test Requirements for Single-Occupant Oblique Seats With 3-Point Seat Belt With Pretensioner
Document Number: 2024-10075
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
These special conditions are issued for The Boeing Company (Boeing) Model 737-8 series airplane. This airplane, as modified by HAECO Cabin Solutions, LLC. (HAECO), will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport-category airplanes. This design feature is single-occupant oblique (side-facing) seats equipped with a 3-point seat belt with pretensioner. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for a New Information Collection
Document Number: 2024-10150
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval for a new information collection, which is summarized below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for a New Information Collection
Document Number: 2024-10140
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval for a new information collection, which is summarized below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards; Correction
Document Number: 2024-10098
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is correcting a final rule that was published in the Federal Register on April 10, 2024. The final rule was published to maintain alignment with international regulations and standards by adopting various amendments, including changes to proper shipping names, hazard classes, packing groups, special provisions, packaging authorizations, air transport quantity limitations, and vessel stowage requirements. The corrections address several errors to the hazardous material entries in the hazardous materials table.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Automatic Emergency Braking Systems for Light Vehicles
Document Number: 2024-09054
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-09
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
This final rule adopts a new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard to require automatic emergency braking (AEB), including pedestrian AEB (PAEB), systems on light vehicles. An AEB system uses various sensor technologies and sub-systems that work together to detect when the vehicle is in a crash imminent situation, to automatically apply the vehicle brakes if the driver has not done so, or to apply more braking force to supplement the driver's braking. This final rule specifies that an AEB system must detect and react to an imminent crash with both a lead vehicle or a pedestrian. This final rule fulfills a mandate under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) directing the Department to promulgate a rule to require that all passenger vehicles be equipped with an AEB system. The purpose of this final rule is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries that result from crashes in which drivers do not apply the brakes or fail to apply sufficient braking power to avoid or mitigate a crash, and to reduce the consequences of such crashes.
Volvo Bus Corporation, Receipt of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance
Document Number: 2024-10062
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-08
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
Volvo Bus Corporation (VBC) has determined that certain model year (MY) 2009-2023 Volvo 9700 buses do not fully comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 108, Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment. VBC filed a noncompliance report dated November 15, 2022, and subsequently petitioned NHTSA (the "Agency") on December 13, 2022, for a decision that the subject noncompliance is inconsequential as it relates to motor vehicle safety. This document announces receipt of VBC's petition.
Emergency Temporary Closure of a Segment of Interstate 695, Including the Francis Scott Key Bridge, in Baltimore, Maryland; Deletion From the National Network
Document Number: 2024-10025
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-08
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) closed Interstate 695 (I-695) in both directions over the Patapsco River, which provides access to the Baltimore Harbor and the Port of Baltimore, on March 26, 2024, due to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The MDTA is the owner of the bridge. It is a modal administration under the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). The MDTA is continuing the temporary closure of this segment of I-695 for an indefinite period of time until the damaged bridge can be reconstructed. The FHWA is providing notice in the Federal Register that the FHWA is approving an emergency deletion of this segment of I-695 from the National Network (NN), in accordance with applicable regulations, due to safety considerations and the emergency closure resulting from the bridge and other infrastructure damage, as discussed in this notice. The FHWA is also requesting comments from the public for 30 days on the alternate routes selected by MDTA due to the closure.
Airworthiness Directives; Bell Textron Inc., Helicopters
Document Number: 2024-09573
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-08
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bell Textron Inc., Model 212, 412, 412CF, and 412EP helicopters. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of cracked tail boom attachment barrel nuts (barrel nuts). This proposed AD would require replacing all steel alloy barrel nuts with nickel alloy barrel nuts and, replacing or inspecting other tail boom attachment point hardware and depending on the results, replacing hardware, stabilizing torque, and applying torque stripes. This proposed AD would also require repetitively inspecting torque and, depending on the results, corrective action. This proposed AD would require repetitively replacing the upper left-hand (LH) tail boom attachment bolt (bolt) and repetitively inspecting the other tail boom attachment point bolts. Lastly, this proposed AD would prohibit installing steel alloy barrel nuts. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Bell Textron Inc., Helicopters
Document Number: 2024-09572
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-08
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is revising a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would have applied to all Bell Textron Inc., Model 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, and 210 helicopters. This AD was prompted by an accident and incidents involving failure of the tail boom attachment structure. This action revises the NPRM by changing the proposed required actions and adding a special flight permit limitation. The FAA is proposing this airworthiness directive (AD) to address the unsafe condition on these products. Since these actions would impose an additional burden over those in the NPRM, the agency is requesting comments on this SNPRM.
Ensuring Safe Accommodations for Air Travelers With Disabilities Using Wheelchairs
Document Number: 2024-09976
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-08
Agency: Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
The Department is extending through June 12, 2024, the period for interested persons to submit comments to its proposed rule on Ensuring Safe Accommodations for Air Travelers with Disabilities Using Wheelchairs.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Renewal of an Approved Information Collection: Licensing Applications for Motor Carrier Operating Authority
Document Number: 2024-09893
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FMCSA announces its plan to submit the Information Collection Request (ICR) described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requesting a renewal of an approved information collection for review and approval. This ICR applies to: Existing registrants (i.e., entities that already have a USDOT number and/or operating authority) that are subject to FMCSA's licensing, registration, and certification regulations that wish to apply for additional authorities; and Mexico- domiciled carriers that wish to operate beyond the U.S. municipalities on the U.S.-Mexico border and their commercial zones. Existing registrants seeking additional authorities must use forms OP-1, OP- 1(P), OP-1(FF), and OP-1(NNA), to apply for such authority. Mexico- domiciled carriers seeking the authority described above must apply for such authority using Form OP-1(MX).
Rescinding the Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement: Shelby County, Tennessee
Document Number: 2024-09916
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA is issuing this notice to advise the public that it is rescinding its Notice of Intent (NOI) and will not be preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed highway project in Shelby County, Tennessee. A NOI to prepare an EIS was published in the Federal Register on February 9, 2009.
Control of Non-Volatile Particulate Matter From Aircraft Engines: Emission Standards and Test Procedures; Correction
Document Number: 2024-09904
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is correcting a final rule published on April 24, 2024. In that document the FAA adopts standards for measuring non- volatile particulate matter (nvPM) exhaust emissions from aircraft engines. With this rulemaking, the FAA implements the nvPM emissions standards adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), allowing manufacturers to certificate engines to the new nvPM emissions standards in the United States and fulfilling the statutory obligations of the FAA under the Clean Air Act. This document corrects errors in the preamble and regulatory text of that document.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Renewal of an Approved Information Collection Request: Motor Carrier Records Change Form
Document Number: 2024-09894
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FMCSA announces its plan to submit the Information Collection Request (ICR) described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The information collected is required by the Office of Registration to process name changes, address changes, and reinstatements of operating authority for motor carriers, freight forwarders, and brokers. On December 14, 2023, FMCSA published a notice in the Federal Register with a 60-day comment period to announce its intention to submit this ICR to OMB for renewal. FMCSA received no comments in response to the published notice.
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
Document Number: 2024-09867
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Special Conditions: Airbus Helicopters Model H160-B Helicopter; Extended Duration of Flight After Loss of Main Gearbox Lubrication
Document Number: 2024-09825
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
These special conditions are issued for the Airbus Helicopters (Airbus) Model H160-B helicopter. This helicopter has a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for helicopters. This design feature is the extended duration of continued safe flight and landing beyond 30 minutes after indication to the flightcrew of the loss of main gearbox lubrication. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Airbus Model A321neo Extra-Long Range (XLR) Airplane; Cabin Evacuation-Protection From Fuel Tank Explosion Due to External Fuel-Fed Ground Fire
Document Number: 2024-09660
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action proposes special conditions for the Airbus Model A321neoXLR airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the technology envisaged by the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. This design feature is an integral rear center tank (RCT). The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for fire-safety performance of fuel-tank skin or structure in a post-crash external fuel-fed ground fire. These proposed special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Reciprocal Switching for Inadequate Service
Document Number: 2024-09483
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-07
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
The Board adopts new regulations that provide for the prescription of reciprocal switching agreements as a means to promote adequate rail service through access to an additional line haul carrier. Under the new regulations, eligibility for prescription of a reciprocal switching agreement will be determined in part using objective performance standards that address reliability in time of arrival, consistency in transit time, and reliability in providing first-mile and last-mile service. The Board will also consider, in determining whether to prescribe a reciprocal switching agreement, certain affirmative defenses and the practicability of a reciprocal switching agreement. To help implement the new regulations, the Board will require all Class I railroads to submit certain service data on an ongoing and standardized basis, which will be generalized and publicly accessible. Railroads will also be required to provide individualized, machine-readable service data to a customer upon a written request from that customer.
Airworthiness Directives; CFM International, S.A. Engines
Document Number: 2024-09564
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for CFM International, S.A. (CFM) Model LEAP-1A23, LEAP-1A24, LEAP-1A24E1, LEAP-1A26, LEAP-1A26CJ, LEAP-1A26E1, LEAP-1A29, LEAP-1A29CJ, LEAP-1A30, LEAP-1A32, LEAP-1A33, LEAP-1A33B2, and LEAP-1A35A engines. This AD was prompted by detection of melt-related freckles in the billet, which may reduce the life of certain high-pressure turbine (HPT) rotor interstage seals. This AD requires removing the affected HPT rotor interstage seals from service and replacing with a part eligible for installation. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
Document Number: 2024-09555
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG (RRD) Model Trent 1000-A, Trent 1000-A2, Trent 1000-AE, Trent 1000-AE2, Trent 1000-C, Trent 1000-C2, Trent 1000-CE, Trent 1000-CE2, Trent 1000-D, Trent 1000-D2, Trent 1000- E, Trent 1000-E2, Trent 1000-G, Trent 1000-G2, Trent 1000-H, Trent 1000-H2, Trent 1000-J2, Trent 1000-K2, and Trent 1000-L2 engines. This AD was prompted by reports of wear in the combining spill valve (CSV) assembly of certain hydro-mechanical units (HMUs). This AD requires removing certain HMUs from service and replacing with a serviceable part. This AD also prohibits the installation of certain HMUs unless the HMU is a serviceable part or the CSV assembly has been replaced, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes
Document Number: 2024-09508
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus SAS Model A330-243, -302, -343, and -941 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a determination that a certain aft bulkhead cover panel may have been made with a non-conforming material. This proposed AD would require replacing the aft bulkhead cover panel and prohibit the installation of affected parts, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference (IBR). The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Canada Limited Partnership (Type Certificate Previously Held by C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP); Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes
Document Number: 2024-09506
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Canada Limited Partnership Model BD-500-1A10 and BD- 500-1A11 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report that at various lavatory and galley locations within the airplane, incorrect terminal lugs were installed which are not compatible with the associated wire gauge. This proposed AD would require removing and replacing existing lug terminals at various lavatory and galley locations, as specified in a Transport Canada AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference (IBR). The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Examining Distraction and Driver Monitoring Systems To Improve Driver Safety
Document Number: 2024-09776
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) summarized below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. This document describes a new collection of information for which NHTSA intends to seek OMB approval titled Examining Distraction and Driver Monitoring Systems to Improve Driver Safety. A Federal Register Notice with a 60- day comment period soliciting comments on the following information collection was published on July 14, 2023. Four comments were received during the comment period. This 30-day notice includes a summary of those comments, responses to the comments (no changes to the study are expected as a result of the comments), and an update to the estimated burden hours from the 60-day notice.
Decommissioning and Disposition of the National Historic Landmark Nuclear Ship Savannah; Notice of Public Meeting
Document Number: 2024-09769
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Maritime Administration (MARAD) announces a public meeting of the Peer Review Group (PRG). The PRG was established pursuant to the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and its implementing regulations to plan for the decommissioning and disposition of the Nuclear Ship Savannah (NSS). PRG membership is comprised of officials from the U.S. Department of Transportation, MARAD, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and other consulting parties. The public meeting affords the public an opportunity to participate in PRG activities, including reviewing and providing comments on draft deliverables. MARAD encourages public participation and provides the PRG meeting information below.
Uniform Procedures for State Highway Safety Grant Programs
Document Number: 2024-09732
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
This final rule amends the uniform procedures implementing the State Highway Safety Grant Program to waive, for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025, the requirement that targets for the common performance measures be identical to targets in the State Highway Safety Improvement Program. This final rule makes a corresponding change to a similar requirement in the FHWA's performance management regulation.
Pipeline Safety: Information Collection Activities: Mitigation of Ruptures on Onshore Gas Transmission and Gathering, Hazardous Liquid, and Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Segments Using Rupture-Mitigation Valves or Alternative Equivalent Technologies and Blending of Hydrogen Gas and Natural Gas within Gas Pipelines
Document Number: 2024-09742
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
On March 25, 2024, PHMSA published a notice in the Federal Register inviting public comments on its intent to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval of changes to PHMSA forms to collect data on the use of rupture mitigation valves, or alternative equivalent technologies, and the blending of hydrogen gas with other natural gases within gas pipelines. In response to a petition, PHMSA is extending the deadline to submit comments.
Notice of Intent To Initiate a Deactivation Request for Tallahassee Commercial (68J), a Privately Owned Airport for Public Use Located in Tallahassee, FL
Document Number: 2024-07887
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This notice announces that the FAA intends to file a Deactivation request for Tallahassee Commercial Airport (68J), a privately owned for public use airport.
Portland & Western Railroad, Inc.-Abandonment Exemption-in Washington County, Or.
Document Number: 2024-09708
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
Incorporation by Reference; North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria; Hazardous Materials Safety Permits
Document Number: 2024-09357
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
FMCSA proposes amendments to its Hazardous Materials Safety Permits (HMSPs) regulations to incorporate by reference the updated Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) handbook containing inspection procedures and Out-of-Service Criteria (OOSC) for inspections of shipments of transuranic waste and highway route- controlled quantities (HRCQs) of radioactive material (RAM). The OOSC provide enforcement personnel nationwide, including FMCSA's State partners, with uniform enforcement tolerances for inspections. Currently, the regulations reference the April 1, 2023, edition of the handbook. Through this notice, FMCSA proposes to incorporate by reference the April 1, 2024, edition.
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs
Document Number: 2024-08736
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
This final rule amends the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act) regulations. The revisions are prompted by enactment of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), which increased statutory relocation benefits and reduced length of occupancy requirements. This final rule updates existing regulations on the use of those provisions. The FHWA is also updating the Uniform Act regulations in response to comments received during this rulemaking's public comment period and to reflect the agency's experience with the Federal-aid highway program since the last comprehensive rulemaking for the part, which occurred in 2005. The updates include streamlining processes to better meet current Uniform Act implementation needs and eliminating duplicative and outdated regulatory language.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: TODAY'S OFFICE (MOTOR); Invitation for Public Comments
Document Number: 2024-09653
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: PROXIMITY (SAIL); Invitation for Public Comments
Document Number: 2024-09652
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: LEAF CHASER (SAIL); Invitation for Public Comments
Document Number: 2024-09651
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: FANTASEA (MOTOR); Invitation for Public Comments
Document Number: 2024-09650
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: E.G.A. (MOTOR); Invitation for Public Comments
Document Number: 2024-09649
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: BLUE WAVES (MOTOR); Invitation for Public Comments
Document Number: 2024-09648
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Transportation; Request for Information
Document Number: 2024-09645
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-03
Agency: Department of Transportation
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Advanced Research Projects AgencyInfrastructure (ARPA-I) is seeking input from interested parties on the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in transportation, as well as emerging challenges and opportunities in creating and deploying AI technologies in applications across all modes of transportation. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to obtain input from a broad array of stakeholders on AI opportunities, challenges and related issues in transportation pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14110 of October 30, 2023 entitled "Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence".
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