Department of Transportation 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 2,101 - 2,150 of 3,086
Notice of Request for Extension of Currently Approved Information Collection
The FHWA has forwarded the information collection request described in this notice to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to renew an information collection. We published a Federal Register Notice with a 60-day public comment period on this information collection on February 13, 2007. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for New Information Collection
The FHWA has forwarded the information collection request described in this notice to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval of a new information collection. We published a Federal Register Notice with a 60-day public comment period on this information collection on February 12, 2005. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Aircraft Company Models 182H, 182J, 182K, 182L, 182M, 182N, 182P, 182Q, and 182R Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) Model 182 series airplanes that are equipped with Air Plains Services Corporation Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) SA00152WI. This AD requires you to disconnect or remove the electrical cable between the forward ground power relay and the starter relay, install a placard, inspect the fuel line between the auxiliary electric fuel pump and the engine-driven fuel pump for chafing, and replace the fuel line if chafing is found. This AD results from a report of an in-flight and post-landing engine compartment fire. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct interference between the ground power electrical cable, the fuel strainer cable, and the fuel line between the auxiliary electric fuel pump and the engine-driven fuel pump. This condition could lead to a fire in the engine compartment.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A310 series airplanes. This proposed AD would require revising the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness to incorporate new limitations for fuel tank systems. This proposed AD results from fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. We are proposing this AD to prevent the potential of ignition sources inside fuel tanks, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors caused by latent failures, alterations, repairs, or maintenance actions, could result in fuel tank explosions and consequent loss of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300 Series Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus A300 series airplanes. This proposed AD would require revising the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness to incorporate new limitations for fuel tank systems. This proposed AD results from fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. We are proposing this AD to prevent the potential of ignition sources inside fuel tanks, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors caused by latent failures, alterations, repairs, or maintenance actions, could result in fuel tank explosions and consequent loss of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300 Airplanes; and Airbus Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R Series Airplanes, and Model C4-605R Variant F Airplanes (Collectively Called A300-600 Series Airplanes)
The FAA proposes to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to all Airbus Model A300 B2 and B4 series airplanes; and Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R (collectively called A300-600) series airplanes. The existing AD currently requires repetitive inspections to detect cracking of the upper radius of the forward fitting of frame 47, and repair if necessary. This proposed AD would reduce inspection thresholds and repetitive intervals, and add related investigative and corrective actions. This proposed AD also would provide an optional terminating action for the repetitive inspections only for airplanes with cracking that is within certain limits. This proposed AD results from reports of additional cracking in airplanes that were inspected in accordance with the existing AD. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of the left and right upper radius at frame 47, which could propagate and result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
Pipeline Safety: Notice of Availability of a Study on Burial of Submerged Pipelines
This notice announces the availability of PHMSA's study titled ``Burial of Submerged Pipelines'', which addresses the hazards to navigation from offshore submerged pipelines. PHMSA requests comments on the study to assist in evaluating the need for further analysis due to anticipated changes in the offshore environment.
Airworthiness Directives; MD Helicopters Inc. (MDHI) Model MD600N Helicopters
This document publishes in the Federal Register an amendment adopting Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2007-05-51, which was sent previously to all known U.S. owners and operators of MDHI Model MD600N helicopters by individual letters. This AD requires, before further flight, a visual and eddy current inspection of each lateral mixer output link assembly (mixer link) and replacing any cracked mixer link. This AD also requires performing an eddy current inspection on each mixer link before installing it on any helicopter. This amendment is prompted by the discovery of 3 cracked mixer links. The actions specified by this AD are intended to detect a crack in the mixer link, which could result in failure of the mixer link and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
Airworthiness Directives; Raytheon Aircraft Company (The Beech Aircraft Company and BEECH previously held Type Certificate Nos. 3A15, 3A16, 5A3, and A-777) Models 35-33, 35-A33, 35-B33, 35-C33, E33, F33, G33, 35-C33A, E33A, F33A, E33C, F33C, 35, A35, B35, C35, D35, E35, F35, G35, H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35, S35, V35, V35A, V35B, 36, A36, A45 (T-34A, B45), D45 (T-34B), 95-55, 95-A55, 95-B55, 95-B55A, 95-B55B (T-42A), 95-C55, 95-C55A, D55, D55A, E55, E55A, 56TC, A56TC, 58, 95, B95, B95A, D95A, and E95 Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) that supersedes AD 72-22-01, which applies to certain Raytheon Aircraft Company (RAC) (The Beech Aircraft Company and BEECH previously held Type Certificate Nos. 3A15, 3A16, 5A3, and A-777) Models 33, 35, 36, 45, and 95 series airplanes. AD 72-22-01 currently requires you to determine if each uplock roller is of the greasible type (one having a drilled and grooved inner race), replace any nongreasible uplock roller (one having a solid inner race) with the greasible type before further flight, install hollow zerk-ended mounting bolts on the uplock rollers, and repetitively lubricate the uplock mechanism. Since we issued AD 72- 22-01, there was a recent incident involving a RAC Model 95-B55B (T- 42A) airplane where a seizure of the uplock rollers occurred. This malfunction of the uplock rollers is addressed in AD 72-22-01. Thus, the FAA has determined that the actions of AD 72-22-01 should also apply to certain serial numbers of the Model 95-B55B (T-42A) airplanes. Consequently, this AD retains all the actions of AD 72-22-01, adds those Model 95-B55B (T-42A) airplanes to the applicability of this AD, and lists the specific serial numbers. We are issuing this AD to decrease the possibility of gear-up landings caused by seizure of the uplock rollers.
Petitions for Exemption; Summary of Petitions Received
This notice contains a summary of a certain petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion of omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of any petition or its final disposition.
Change in Extinguishing Agent Container Requirements
This action aligns the operational and certification safety requirements regarding over-pressurization of airplane extinguishing agent containers or fire bottles to prevent bursting; and it removes an obsolete section reference from part 135. This action eliminates the requirement for an over-pressurized fire bottle to discharge extinguishing agent outside an airplane to prevent bursting, because newer non-corrosive extinguishing agents can now be discharged inside an airplane without degrading an airframe.
Changes to the Definition of Certain Light-Sport Aircraft
This action corrects an unintended consequence created when we adopted the original Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) Rule; we did not have sufficient information at that time to foresee this difficulty. This action amends the definition of an LSA in two areas. The changes will (1) permit development of lighter-than-air (LTA) LSA, and (2) allow retractable landing gear for LSA intended for operation on water. The LTA change will result in a common land-based LSA maximum takeoff weight limit and allow the LTA LSA industry to design and build safe, functional LTA aircraft. Allowing retractable landing gear for LSA intended for operation on water recognizes the realities of the operation of these LSA and will also enhance the growth of that industry.
Advisory Committee on Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Transportation Systems and Infrastructure-Gulf Coast Case Study
This document announces the second meeting of the Advisory Committee on Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Transportation Systems and InfrastructureGulf Coast Case Study to the U.S. Department of Transportation (the ``Advisory Committee''). The purpose of this meeting is to advise the Secretary of Transportation on the design, implementation and final report of Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.7, which examines how a changing climate might affect transportation infrastructure and services in the Gulf Coast. This research is being conducted under the Climate Change Science Program.
Pipeline Safety: Grant of Waiver; Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline, LLC
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is granting Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline, LLC (KMLP) a waiver of compliance from the Federal pipeline safety regulations for a new natural gas transmission pipeline. The regulations establish the maximum stress level and overpressure protection limits for natural gas pipelines.
Notice of Request for Comments on Renewal of a Currently Approved Information Collection: FMCSA COMPASS Portal Customer Satisfaction Assessment
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FMCSA announces its plan to submit the new Information Collection Request (ICR) described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. This information collection involves the assessment of FMCSA's strategic decision to integrate its Information Technology (IT) with its business processes using portal technology to consolidate its systems and databases and launch a modernization initiative to create the FMCSA COMPASS Portal. The information to be collected will be used to assess the satisfaction of Federal, State and industry customers with the FMCSA COMPASS Portal. The Agency published a Federal Register notice allowing for a 60-day comment period on the ICR in October 2006 (71 FR 61824, Oct. 19, 2006). The Agency did not receive any comments from the public that were responsive to this notice.
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety; Notice of Applications for Modification of Special Permit.
In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107, subpart B), notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has received the application described herein. This notice is abbreviated to expedite docketing and public notice. Because the sections affected, modes of transportation, and the nature of application have been shown in earlier Federal Register publications, they are not repeated here. Request of modifications of special permits (e.g., to provide for additional hazardous materials, packaging design changes, additional mode of transportation, etc.) are described in footnotes to the application number. Application numbers with the suffix ``M'' denote a modification request. There applications have been separated from the new application for special permits to facilitate processing.
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety; Notice of Delays in Processing of Special Permits Applications
In accordance with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5117(c), PHMSA is publishing the following list of special permit applications that have been in process for 180 days or more. The reason(s) for delay and the expected completion date for action on each application is provided in association with each identified application.
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety; Notice of Application for Special Permits
In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107, subpart B), notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has received the application described herein. Each mode of transportation for which a particular special permit is requested is indicated by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' portion of the table below as follows: 1Motor vehicle, 2Rail freight, 3Cargo vessel, 4Cargo aircraft only, 5Passenger-carrying aircraft.
National Air Tour Safety Standards
This notice announces the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval of the information collection requirement in the final rule published on February 13, 2007 (72 FR 6884). The sections of the final rule pending approval of this information collection request are effective upon publication of this notice.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 777 Airplanes
The FAA is revising an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to all Boeing Model 777 airplanes. That AD currently requires a one-time inspection to determine the part number of the left and right air supply and cabin pressure controllers (ASCPCs), and installation of new ASCPC software if necessary. This AD requires those same actions. This AD also revises the existing AD to allow installation of an ASCPC with additional versions of software installed and to correct a part number reference. This AD results from a report of an ASCPC failure during flight. We are issuing this AD to prevent an ASCPC failure that could stop airflow into the airplane, inhibit the cabin altitude warning message, and cause an incorrect display of cabin altitude. These failures could result in depressurization of the airplane without warning.
Request for Public Comments and Office of Management and Budget Approval of an Existing Information Collection (2137-0614)
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, PHMSA published a notice with request for comments in the Federal Register on February 12, 2007 (72 FR 6664) and received no comments. PHMSA is now forwarding the information collection request to the OMB and providing an additional 30 days for comments.
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in Virginia
This notice announces actions taken by the FHWA that are final within the meaning of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). The actions relate to a proposed highway project, Interstate 73 between Interstate 81 near the City of Roanoke and the Virginia/North Carolina State line south of the Town of Martinsville, in Roanoke, Franklin, and Henry Counties and the City of Roanoke, State of Virginia. Those actions grant approvals for the project.
FAA Approval of Noise Compatibility Program 14 CFR Part 150; Spirit of St. Louis Airport, Chesterfield, MO
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its findings on the noise compatibility program submitted by St. Louis County under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. (the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act, hereinafter referred to as ``the Act'') and 14 CFR part 150. These findings are made in recognition of the description of Federal and nonfederal responsibilities in Senate Report No. 96-52 (1980). On December 12, 2006, the FAA determined that the noise exposure maps submitted by St. Louis County under Part 150 were in compliance with applicable requirements. On April 6, 2007, the FAA approved the Spirit of St. Louis Airport noise compatibility program. All but one of the recommendations of the program was approved.
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in Indiana
This notice announces actions taken by the FHWA and the USFWS that are final within the meaning of 23 U.S.C. Sec. 139(l)(1). The actions relate to a proposed highway project, I-69, Evansville to Indianapolis, Indiana, in the Counties of Vanderburgh, Warrick, Gibson, Pike, Daviess, Greene, Monroe, Morgan, Johnson and Marion, State of Indiana. The Federal actions, taken as a result of a tiered environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4351 (NEPA), and implementing regulations on tiering, 40 CFR 1502.20, 40 CFR 1508.28, and 23 CFR Part 771, determined certain issues relating to the proposed project. Those decisions will be used by Federal agencies in subsequent proceedings, including decisions whether to grant licenses, permits, and approvals for the highway project. The decisions also may be relied upon by State and local agencies in proceedings on the proposed project.
Airworthiness Directives; Turbomeca S.A. Arriel 2B Turboshaft Engines
The FAA is revising an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Turbomeca S.A. Arriel 2B turboshaft engines with Modification TU62A incorporated. That AD currently requires initial and repetitive inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and checks for proper operation of the HMU acceleration controller axle. This AD requires the same actions, but removes engines incorporating TU132 from the applicability and adds an optional terminating action for the repetitive actions required in AD 2005-13-25. This AD results from the engine manufacturer releasing a service bulletin to introduce modification TU132. We are issuing this AD to prevent loss of control of engine fuel flow in manual control mode or mixed control mode, which can lead to engine overspeed, and in-flight engine shutdown resulting in a forced autorotation landing or accident.
Notice and Request for Comments
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. The Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on February 6, 2007 (72 FR 5493).
Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Aircraft Company Models 150 and 152 Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) Models 150 and 152 airplanes. This proposed AD would require replacing the rudder stop, rudder stop bumper, and attachment hardware with a new rudder stop modification kit. This proposed AD also requires replacing the safety wire with jamnuts. This proposed AD results from two accidents where the rudder was found in the over-travel position with the stop plate hooked over the stop bolt heads. We are proposing this AD to prevent the rudder from traveling past the normal travel limit and becoming jammed in the over-travel position. This condition could result in loss of control.
Information Collection Available for Public Comments and Recommendations
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Maritime Administration's (MARAD) intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval for a new information collection related to the availability of mariners.
Reports, Forms and Recordkeeping Requirements; Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The nature of the information collection is described as well as its expected burden. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on January 18, 2007, and comments were due by March 19, 2007. No comments were received.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, Weather Takeoff Minimums; Miscellaneous Amendments
This amendment establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and/or Weather Takeoff Minimums for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, addition of new obstacles, or changes in air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This amendment amends Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, addition of new obstacles, or changes in air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Series Turbofan Engines
The FAA is revising an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211-22B series, RB211-524B, -524C2, -524D4, -524G2, -524G3, and -524H series, and RB211-535C and -535E series turbofan engines with high pressure compressor (HPC) stage 3 disc assemblies, part numbers (P/Ns) LK46210, LK58278, LK67634, LK76036, UL11706, UL15358, UL22577, UL22578, and UL24738 installed. That AD currently requires removing from service certain disc assemblies before they reach their full published life if not modified with anticorrosion protection. This AD requires the same actions but relaxes the removal compliance time for certain disc assemblies that have a record of detailed inspection. This AD results from the FAA allowing certain affected disc assemblies that entered into service before 1990 that have a record of detailed inspections, to remain in service for a longer period than the previous AD allowed. We are issuing this AD to relax the compliance time for certain disc assemblies and track the disc life based on a detailed inspection rather than by its entry into service date, while continuing to prevent corrosion-induced uncontained disc assembly failure, resulting in damage to the airplane.
Notice of Submission Deadline for International Arrival Authorizations at Chicago O'Hare International Airport for the Winter 2007 Scheduling Season
The FAA announces May 3, 2007, as the deadline for submitting requests for the allocation of international Arrival Authorizations at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD). The FAA deadline coincides with the submission deadline established by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for the Winter 2007 Schedule Coordination Conference. The conference covers the period of October 28, 2007 through March 29, 2008. The FAA limits scheduled arrivals at ORD from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday, and 12 p.m. to 9 p.m., on Sunday, based on runway capacity.
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 787-8 Airplane; Systems and Data Networks Security-Protection of Airplane Systems and Data Networks From Unauthorized External Access
This notice proposes special conditions for the Boeing Model 787-8 airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. The architecture of the Boeing Model 787-8 systems and networks allows access to external systems and networks, including the public Internet. On-board wired and wireless devices may also have access to parts of the airplane's digital systems that provide flight critical functions. These new connectivity capabilities may result in security vulnerabilities to the airplane's critical systems. For these design features, the applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for protection and security of airplane systems and data networks against unauthorized access. These proposed special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. Additional special conditions will be issued for other novel or unusual design features of the Boeing Model 787-8 airplanes.
Notice of Intent To Release Certain Properties From All Terms, Conditions, Reservations, and Restrictions of a FAAP Grant Agreement Between the County of Miami-Dade and the Federal Aviation Administration for the Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport, Miami, FL
The FAA hereby provides notice of intent to release certain airport properties 3,063s.f. (0.070acre) at the Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport, Miami, FL from the conditions, reservations, and restrictions as contained in a FAAP agreement between the FAA and the County of Miami-Dade, dated June 4, 1965. The release of property will allow the County of Miami-Dade to dispose of the property for other than aeronautical purposes. The property is located in the Northeast \1/4\ of Section 15, Township 55 South, Range 39 East, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The parcel is currently designated as non-aeronautical use. The property will be disposed of for the purpose of constructing a new right turn lane along the sought side of SW. 120th Street at its intersection with SW. 137th Ave. The fair market value of the property has been determined by appraisal to be $75,000. The airport will receive fair market value for the property, which will be subsequently reinvested in another eligible airport improvement project or used for operation and maintenance of the Kendall Miami Executive Airport. Documents reflecting the Sponsor's request are available, by appointment only, for inspection at the Miami Dade Aviation Department Offices and the FAA Airports District Office.
Notice of Intent To Release Certain Properties From All Terms, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions of a FAAP Grant Agreement Between the County of Miami-Dade and the Federal Aviation Administration for the Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport, Miami, FL
The FAA hereby provides notice of intent to release certain airport properties 7.742 acres at the Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport, Miami, FL from the conditions, reservations, and restrictions as contained in a FAAP agreement between the FAA and the County of Miami-Dade, dated June 4, 1965. The release of property will allow the County of Miami-Dade to dispose of the property for other than aeronautical purposes. The property is located in the South 35ft. of Section 16, Township 55 South, Range 39 East, Miami-Dade County, Florida; less the West 185ft. thereof and the South 35ft. of the West \1/4\ of Section 15, Township 55 South, Range 39 East, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The parcel is currently designated as non-aeronautical use. The property will be disposed of for the purpose of constructing the realignment of proposed SW. 157th Ave. The fair market value of the property has been determined by appraisal to be $4,350,000. The airport will receive fair market value for the property, which will be subsequently reinvested in another eligible airport improvement project or used for operation and maintenance of the Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport. Documents reflecting the Sponsor's request are available, by appointment only, for inspection at the Miami Dade Aviation Department Offices and the FAA Airports District Office.
Special Conditions: Dassault Aviation, Model Falcon 7X; Design Roll Maneuvering Conditions
These special conditions are issued for the Dassault Aviation Falcon 7X airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature associated with an electronic fly-by-wire flight control system. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
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