Department of Energy July 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 150 of 190
Filing Requirements for Electric Utility Service Agreements; Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220 of the Federal Power Act; Revisions to Electric Quarterly Report Filing Process; Electric Quarterly Reports
The Commission revises its Electric Quarterly Report (EQR) reporting requirements to require time zone information to be reported in connection with transmission capacity reassignments. The Commission declines to adopt proposals to require transmission providers to report ancillary services transaction data in the EQR or to require filers to submit certain information currently submitted into the eTariff system in the EQR. However, the Commission clarifies the information that should be reported in the EQR with respect to ancillary services, including black start service, and tariff-related information. Finally, with respect to booked out transactions, the Commission declines to adopt the proposal to require filers to distinguish between booked out energy and booked out capacity.
Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division-Rate Order No. WAPA-188
The Assistant Secretary for Electricity confirms, approves, and places into effect, on an interim basis, the formula rates for the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin ProgramEastern Division (P-SMBPED) transmission and ancillary services (Provisional Formula Rates). These rates will be used by Western Area Power Administration's (WAPA) Upper Great Plains Region (UGP) to provide rate data to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP), the Regional Transmission Organization of which UGP is a member. These new formula rates replace the existing transmission and ancillary services formula rates under Rate Order No. WAPA-170 that expire on September 30, 2020.
Jordan Cove Energy Project L.P.; Final Opinion and Order Granting Long-Term Authorization To Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations
The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of a Record of Decision (ROD) published under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and implementing regulations. This ROD supports DOE/FE's decision in DOE/FE Order No. 3413-A, an opinion and order authorizing Jordan Cove Energy Project L.P. to export domestically-produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement countries under section 3(a) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA).
Application To Export Electric Energy; CFE International LLC
CFE International LLC (Applicant or CFE International LLC) has applied for authorization to transmit electric energy from the United States to Mexico pursuant to the Federal Power Act.
Proposed Subsequent Arrangement
This document is being issued under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. The Department is providing notice of a proposed subsequent arrangement under the Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of Atomic Energy between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada, as amended.
Proposed Subsequent Arrangement
This document is being issued under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. The Department is providing notice of a proposed subsequent arrangement under the Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of Atomic Energy between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada, as amended.
Proposed Subsequent Arrangement
This document is being issued under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. The Department of Energy is providing notice of a proposed subsequent arrangement under the Agreement for Cooperation between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.
Proposed Subsequent Arrangement
This document is being issued under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. The Department is providing notice of a proposed subsequent arrangement under the Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of Atomic Energy between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada, as amended.
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Northern New Mexico
This notice announces a conference call of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Northern New Mexico. The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that public notice of this conference call be announced in the Federal Register.
Securing the United States Bulk-Power System
Pursuant to Executive Order 13920 (E.O. 13920) issued May 1, 2020, titled ``Securing the United States Bulk-Power System,'' the Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is seeking information to understand the energy industry's current practices to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in the supply chain for components of the bulk-power system (BPS).
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