February 20, 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 78
Sunshine Act Meeting Notice
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) will be meeting at the time and location listed above. The Board will vote on a consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the December 18, 2013 meeting and a resolution honoring the 10th anniversary of Alhurra. The BBG will also convene a panel to discuss how the U.S. is viewed through Arabic eyes and receive a presentation providing an overview of the Middle East Broadcasting Networks. This meeting will be available for public observation via streamed webcast, both live and on-demand, on the BBG's public Web site at www.bbg.gov. Information regarding this meeting, including any updates or adjustments to its starting time, can also be found on the Agency's public Web site. The public may also attend this meeting in person at the address listed above as seating capacity permits. Member of the public seeking to attend the meeting in person must register at https:// bbgboardmeetingfeb2014.eventbrite.com by 12:00 p.m. (EST) on February 24. For more information regarding viewing the meeting online or attending it in person, please contact BBG Public Affairs at (202) 203-4400 or by email at pubaff@bbg.gov.
Codex Alimentarius Commission: Meeting of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food
The Office of the Under Secretary for Food Safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are sponsoring a public meeting on February 27, 2014. The objective of the public meeting is to provide information and receive public comments on agenda items and draft U.S. positions that will be discussed at the 8th Session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food (CCCF) of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), which will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, March 31-April 4, 2014. The Under Secretary for Food Safety and FDA recognize the importance of providing interested parties the opportunity to obtain background information on the 8th Session of the CCCF and to address items on the agenda.
Change in Rates and Classes of General Applicability for Competitive Products
This notice sets forth changes in rates of general applicability for a competitive product.
Fisheries of the South Atlantic; South Atlantic Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold a meeting via webinar to peer review an assessment of the South Atlantic Wreckfish stock.
Notice of Receipt of an Application by Plains Pipeline, L.P. for Issuance of a Presidential Permit To Operate and Maintain Existing Pipeline Facilities on the Border of the United States and Canada
Notice is hereby given that on December 20, 2013, the Department of State (DOS) received from Plains Pipeline, L.P. (``Plains Pipeline'') notice that it has acquired the rights to operate and maintain a portion of the Poplar Pipeline (formerly the Wascana Pipeline) in Sheridan County, Montana that is currently permitted under a 2007 Presidential Permit issued in the name of two Plains Pipeline affiliates: PMC (Nova Scotia) Company and Plains Marketing Canada L.P., collectively (``PMC''). Plains Pipeline requests that a Presidential Permit be issued in its name with respect to the pipeline facilities. END SUMMARY Plains Pipeline is a subsidiary of Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (Plains), a publically traded master limited partnership with headquarters in Houston, Texas. Plains is engaged in the transportation, storage, and marketing of crude oil, refined products, and natural gas-related petroleum products. The current Permit, issued in 2007 to PMC (Nova Scotia) Company and Plains Marketing Canada L.P., covers the 56.8-mile long Poplar Pipeline, previously called the Wascana Pipeline, which extends from the Murphy Oil terminal northeast of Poplar, Montana, to the international border near Raymond, Montana, and which was constructed pursuant to authorization in a 1972 Permit issued to Wascana Pipeline Corp. Plains Pipeline has acquired an approximately 6.4-mile segment of the Poplar Pipeline extending from Raymond Station to the international border, repaired and replaced portions of the pipeline in that area, and installed two block valves. Plains Pipeline has submitted an application for a new Presidential Permit in its name and requests that the new Permit cover approximately 85 feet of pipeline facilities extending from a new block valve to the international border. Plains Pipeline has reported that it has separately constructed the Bakken North pipeline that extends from Trenton, North Dakota to Raymond Station, and that it intends to interconnect the Bakken North with the Poplar Pipeline in order to use the Poplar Pipeline border crossing to transport the Bakken North crude into Canada. Plains Pipeline has stated that, upon returning the upgraded pipeline facilities to service under the 2007 Presidential Permit, Plains Pipeline will continue to operate the acquired facilities for the same purpose of transporting crude oil between the United States and Canada. It has further stated that the acquired pipeline facilities and the operation and maintenance thereof authorized by the 2007 Permit will remain substantially the same as before the transfer of the facilities to Plains Pipeline. Plains Pipeline is not seeking authorization for new construction or a change in operations. Under E.O. 13337, the Secretary of State is designated and empowered to receive all applications for Presidential Permits for the construction, connection, operation, or maintenance at the borders of the United States of facilities for the exportation or importation of liquid petroleum, petroleum products, or other fuels (except natural gas) to or from a foreign country. The Department of State is circulating this application to concerned federal agencies for comment. The Department of State has the responsibility to determine whether issuance of a new Presidential Permit in light of Plains' acquisition and continued operation of the pipeline facilities would serve the U.S. national interest. Plains Pipeline's application is available at https://www.state.gov/ e/enr/applicant.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Control of Commercial Fuel Oil Sulfur Limits for Combustion Units
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This revision will implement low sulfur fuel oil provisions that will reduce the amount of sulfur in fuel oils used in combustion units which will aid in reducing sulfates that cause decreased visibility. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Idaho, Northern Ada County PM10
On March 11, 2013 the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) submitted a revised plan for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to ten micrometers (PM10) for Northern Ada County for the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). This revised Maintenance Plan addresses maintenance of the PM10 standard for a second ten-year period beyond redesignation, extends the horizon years, and contains revised transportation conformity budgets. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve this State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision. The EPA is also proposing to approve the February 15-16, 2011 high wind exceptional event at the Boise Fire Station monitor, as well as contingency measures for the Pinehurst PM10 Air Quality Improvement Plan. The EPA is proposing to approve the second ten-year PM10 Maintenance Plan for Northern Ada County and the Pinehurst PM10 contingency measures under section 110 of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The EPA is proposing to approve the February 2011 exceptional event pursuant to 40 CFR 50.14.
Federal Advisory Committee; Request for Nominations of Candidates to the Environmental Financial Advisory Board
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations of qualified candidates to be considered for appointments to fill vacancies on the Environmental Financial Advisory Board (the Board or EFAB). The Board seeks to maintain diverse representation across all workforce sectors and geographic locations. Nominees should demonstrate experience in any of the following areas: Environmental technology investments; commercial banking, local utility management and finance, green infrastructure financing, sustainable community partnerships; water and wastewater infrastructure and program financing; and public-private partnerships. Nominees are encouraged who live and work in the southeastern, southwestern, western, and mid- western parts of the United States. EPA values and welcomes diversity. In an effort to obtain a diverse pool of candidates, EPA encourages nominations of women and men of all racial and ethnic groups. In addition to this notice, other sources may be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. The deadline for receiving nominations is Friday, March 7, 2014. Appointments will be made by the Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and will be announced in April 2014. Nominee qualifications will be assessed under the mandates of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which requires Committees to maintain diversity across a broad range of constituencies, sectors, and groups.
Appraisal Subcommittee; Rules of Operation; Amendment
The Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council is amending the following section: Section 3.06(e) of the Rules of Operation, which addresses the scheduling of regular meetings of the ASC. As amended, the ASC will meet at least once every two months (bi-monthly) instead of monthly.
Notice of Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee Meeting
The Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee (DMICC) will hold a meeting on March 12, 2014 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Natcher Conference Center (Building 45) Conference Room E1/E2, on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD. The topic for this meeting will be ``Future Needs and Direction of Surveillance of Diabetes in Youth and Young Adults.'' The meeting is open to the public.
Southwest Idaho Resource Advisory Committee
The Southwest Idaho Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in Boise, Idaho. The committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 110-343) (the Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the committee is to improve collaborative relationships and to provide advice and recommendations to the Forest Service concerning projects and funding consistent with the title II of the Act. The meeting is open to the public. The purpose of the meeting is review and approval of project proposals, and is an open public forum.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska; Amendment 95 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish
NMFS issues regulations to implement Amendment 95 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (FMP). These regulations modify halibut prohibited species catch (PSC) management in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) by establishing halibut PSC limits for the GOA in Federal regulation and reducing the GOA halibut PSC limits for the trawl and hook-and-line gear sectors. The reduction to the trawl gear PSC limit also proportionately reduces a subset of trawl halibut PSC limits (also called sideboard limits) for American Fisheries Act, Amendment 80, and Central GOA Rockfish Program vessels. These regulations also incorporate three measures to minimize adverse economic impacts on fishing industry sectors. First, the reductions for these sectors will be phased-in over 3 years. Second, this action allows the Amendment 80 sector to roll over unused halibut PSC sideboard limits from one season to the subsequent season. Third, this action combines management of the deep-water and shallow-water halibut PSC limits from May 15 to June 30, which allows the aggregate halibut PSC limit to be used in either the deep-water or shallow-water fishery. This action is intended to promote the goals and objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the FMP, and other applicable laws.
Shasta County Resource Advisory Committee
The Shasta County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in Redding, California. The committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 110-343) (the Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the committee is to improve collaborative relationships and to provide advice and recommendations to the Forest Service concerning projects and funding consistent with the title II of the Act. The meetings are open to the public. The purpose of the meeting is a general session to exchange information to assist the committee with the 2014 title proposal and funding process; future meetings will be held to review and vote on proposals for project funding.
Notice of Public Hearings and Extension of Comment Period on the Proposed Changes To Require Identification of Attributable Owner
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office) published a notice on January 24, 2014, proposing changes to the rules of practice to require that the attributable owner, including the ultimate parent entity, be identified during the pendency of a patent application and at specified times during the life of a patent, and seeking written comments on the proposed changes. This initiative is one of a number of executive actions issued by the Administration that are designed to ensure issuance of the highest-quality patents, enhance competition by providing the public with more complete information about the competitive environment in which innovators operate, improve market efficiency for patent rights by making patent ownership information more readily and easily available, reduce abusive patent litigation by helping the public defend itself against frivolous litigation, and level the playing field for innovators. The Office is conducting two public hearings to discuss these proposed changes. The public hearings are an additional way for the Office to introduce the proposed changes and directly receive feedback from the public. The Office also is extending the period for public comment on the proposed changes until April 24, 2014, to provide interested members of the public with additional time to submit written comments.
Information Collection Activities: Open and Nondiscriminatory Access to Oil and Gas Pipelines Under the OCS Lands Act; Submitted for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request
To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), we are notifying the public that we have submitted to OMB an information collection request (ICR) to renew approval of the paperwork requirements in the regulations under Open and Nondiscriminatory Access to Oil and Gas Pipelines Under the OCS Lands Act. This notice also provides the public a second opportunity to comment on the paperwork burden of these regulatory requirements.
Trinity County Resource Advisory Committee
The Trinity County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in Weaverville, California. The committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 110- 343) (the Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the committee is to improve collaborative relationships and to provide advice and recommendations to the Forest Service concerning projects and funding consistent with the title II of the Act. The meetings are open to the public. The purpose of the first meeting is to conduct a general session to exchange information to assist the committee with the 2014 Title proposal and funding process; the following meetings are to review and vote on proposals for project funding.
Southwest Idaho Resource Advisory Committee
The Southwest Idaho Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in Boise, Idaho. The committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 110-343) (the Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the committee is to improve collaborative relationships and to provide advice and recommendations to the Forest Service concerning projects and funding consistent with the title II of the Act. The meeting is open to the public. The purpose of the meeting is review, approval, and presentation of project proposals, and is an open public forum.
Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group; Public Meeting and Teleconference
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce a public meeting and teleconference of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group (TAMWG). The TAMWG is a Federal advisory committee that affords stakeholders the opportunity to give policy, management, and technical input concerning Trinity River (California) restoration efforts to the Trinity Management Council (TMC). The TMC interprets and recommends policy, coordinates and reviews management actions, and provides organizational budget oversight.
Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Financial Assistance and Social Services
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs is seeking comments on the renewal of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for the collection of information for the ``Financial Assistance and Social Services'' authorized by OMB Control Number 1076-0017. This information collection expires May 31, 2014.
Notice of Cancellation of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Shu'luuk Wind Project on the Campo Indian Reservation, San Diego County, CA
This notice announces that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) as lead agency, in cooperation with the Campo Band of Mission Indians (Campo Band), Campo Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), intends to cancel all work on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Proposed Shu'luuk Wind Project on the Campo Indian Reservation, San Diego County, CA.
Notice of Public Meeting for the Coos Bay Resource Advisory Council: Cancellation
The Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/Washington, published a document in the Federal Register on February 6, 2014, regarding a public meeting of the Coos Bay Resource Advisory Council which was scheduled for March 13, 2014. The meeting has been cancelled.
Notice of Public Meetings, Coos Bay Resource Advisory Committee
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Coos Bay District Resource Advisory Committee will meet as indicated below.
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