June 11, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 142
Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements
The EPA is announcing a public hearing to be held for the proposed rule ``Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements'' which published in the Federal Register on June 6, 2013. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in Washington, DC
Sodium Hexametaphosphate From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Expedited First Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order
On February 1, 2013, the Department of Commerce (the ``Department'') initiated the first five-year (``sunset'') review of the antidumping duty order on sodium hexametaphosphate from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'') pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the ``Act'').\1\ As a result of this sunset review, the Department finds that revocation of the antidumping duty order on sodium hexametaphosphate from the PRC would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping at the levels indicated in the ``Final Results of Review'' section of this notice.
Indoor Tanning Services; Excise Taxes
This document contains final regulations on the indoor tanning services excise tax imposed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. These final regulations affect persons that use, provide, or pay for indoor tanning services.
Aluminum Extrusions From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Scope Ruling and Notice of Amended Final Scope Ruling Pursuant to Court Decision
On May 23, 2013, the United States Court of International Trade (CIT) sustained the Department of Commerce's (the Department's) final results of remand redetermination in which it determined that certain drapery rail kits are outside of the scope of the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on aluminum extrusions,\1\ pursuant to the CIT's remand order in The Rowley Company v. United States Court No. 12-00055 (Ct. Int'l Trade November 30, 2012) (Remand Order). See Final Results of Redetermination Pursuant to Court Remand Rowley Company v. United States Court No. 12-00055 (February 27, 2013) (Remand Results). Consistent with the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Federal Circuit) in Timken Co. v. United States, 893 F.2d 337 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (Timken), as clarified by Diamond Sawblades Mfrs. Coalition v. United States, 626 F.3d 1374 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (Diamond Sawblades), the Department is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with the Department's Final Scope Ruling on Drapery Rail Kits \2\ and is amending its final scope ruling.
Revisions to Framework Adjustment 50 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan and Sector Annual Catch Entitlements; Updated Annual Catch Limits for Sectors and the Common Pool for Fishing Year 2013
Based on the final Northeast (NE) multispecies sector rosters submitted as of May 1, 2013, we are adjusting the fishing year (FY) 2013 specification of annual catch limits for commercial groundfish vessels, as well as sector annual catch entitlements for groundfish stocks. This revision to fishing year 2013 catch levels is necessary to account for changes in the number of participants electing to fish in either sectors or the common pool fishery.
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision will be issued by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to The Kuskokwim Corporation. The decision approves the surface estate in the lands described below for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq.). The subsurface estate in these lands will be conveyed to Calista Corporation when the surface estate is conveyed to The Kuskokwim Corporation. The lands are in the vicinity of Georgetown, Alaska, and are located in:
Final Priority; National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research-Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training Program
The Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services announces a priority for the Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) program under the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program administered by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The Assistant Secretary may use this priority for competitions in fiscal year (FY) 2013 and later years. We take this action to ensure that NIDRR's resources are appropriately allocated across the three outcome domainscommunity living and participation, employment, and health and function. We intend this priority to (1) strengthen the capacity of the disability and rehabilitation field to train qualified individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to conduct high- quality, advanced multidisciplinary rehabilitation research; and (2) improve outcomes for individuals with disabilities across the domains of community living and participation, employment, and health and function.
Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee: Intercessional Meeting
A working group of the Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee (MERPAC) will meet to work on Task Statement 78, entitled ``Consideration of the International Labor Organization's Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.'' This meeting will be open to the public.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Reynolds Channel, Lawrence, NY
The Commander, First Coast Guard District, has issued a temporary deviation from the regulations governing the operation of the Atlantic Beach Bridge, mile 0.4, across Reynolds Channel, at Lawrence, New York. This temporary deviation authorizes the Atlantic Beach Bridge to operate under an alternate schedule for 176 days, to facilitate electrical and structural rehabilitation at the bridge.
Final Priorities; National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research-Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program-Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers
The Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services announces priorities under the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program administered by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Specifically, we announce priorities for a Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions (Priority 1), Information and Communication Technologies Access (Priority 2), Individual Mobility and Manipulation (Priority 3), and Physical Access and Transportation (Priority 4). The Assistant Secretary may use one or more of these priorities for competitions in fiscal year (FY) 2013 and later years. We take this action to focus research attention on areas of national need. We intend these priorities to improve community living and participation, health and function, and employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities.
Special Local Regulations for Marine Events, Atlantic City Offshore Race, Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic City, NJ
The Coast Guard is temporarily changing the enforcement date of a special local regulation for one specific recurring marine event in the Fifth Coast Guard District. This regulation applies to only one recurring marine event, held on the Atlantic Ocean, offshore of Atlantic City, New Jersey. The marine event formerly originated on the third Sunday in July, but now is on the fourth Sunday in June; the special local regulation is necessary to provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the event. This action is intended to temporarily restrict vessel traffic in a portion of the Atlantic Ocean near Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the event.
American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program; Proposed Waivers and Extensions of the Project Periods
These proposed waivers and extensions of project periods would affect two sets of grantees under the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) Program in the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA): eight grantees with 60-month projects initially funded in fiscal year (FY) 2007 (72 FR 11851) and twenty-four grantees with 60-month projects initially funded in FY 2008 (73 FR 6491). For FY 2013, the Secretary proposes to waive the regulations that generally limit project periods to 60 months and that restrict project period extensions involving the obligation of additional Federal funds. The Secretary proposes these actions in order to extend the 60-month projects for the grants initially funded in FY 2007 for a seventh year, and the grants initially funded in FY 2008 for a sixth year. The 32 AIVRS grants would be extended through September 30, 2014. The proposed waivers and extensions would enable the 32 grantees to request funds and continue to receive Federal funding beyond September 30, 2013, when the project period ends. The grantees must meet all of the AIVRS program and other applicable requirements while receiving funds under this program. Further, if the proposed waivers and extensions are made final, RSA would not announce a new competition in FY 2013 or make new awards in FY 2013.
Regulated Navigation Area, Gulf of Mexico: Mississippi Canyon Block 20, South of New Orleans, LA; Correction
The Coast Guard published an interim rule with request for comments in the Federal Register on April 29, 2013 (78 FR 24987), establishing a regulated navigation area in the Gulf of Mexico. That document mistakenly listed incorrect coordinates for the center of that area. This document corrects those coordinates.
Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review; Reports, Forms and Recordkeeping Requirements
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The nature of the information collection is described as well as its expected burden. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on March 26, 2013. No comments were received.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel LIVERNANO; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel HOT ROD; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Proposed Information Collection Request; Comment Request; See Item Specific ICR Titles Provided in the Text
The Environmental Protection Agency is planning to submit an information collection request (ICR) (See item specific ICR title, EPA ICR Number, and OMB Control Number provided in the text) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Before doing so, EPA is soliciting public comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below. This is a proposed extension of the ICR, see expiration date for each ICR provided in the text. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel BAD INFLUENCE; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel EYE DOC; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel BEAR BOAT; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel ANGLER'S BOUNTY; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
National Biodefense Science Board; Call for Nominees
The Office of the Secretary is accepting application submissions from qualified individuals who wish to be considered for membership on the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB). Six members have membership expiration dates of December 31, 2013; therefore six new voting members will be selected for the Board. Nominees are being accepted in the following categories: Industry, Academia, Healthcare Consumer Organizations, and Organizations Representing Other Appropriate Stakeholders. Please visit the NBSB Web site at www.phe.gov/nbsb for all application submission information and instructions. The deadline for all application submissions is July 7, 2013, at 11:59 p.m.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel LIVERNANO; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Request for Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection With Additional Merge of Additional Collection: Regulations Governing Inspection and Certification of Fresh and Processed Fruits, Vegetables and other Products
The Agricultural Marketing Service published a document in the Federal Register on May 13, 2013 [78 FR 32030] concerning request for approval from the Office of Management and Budget for an Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection With Additional Merge of Additional Collection: Regulations Governing Inspection and Certification of Fresh and Processed Fruits, Vegetables and other Products. The document contained errors.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Wisconsin; Removal of Gasoline Vapor Recovery From Southeast Wisconsin
EPA is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) on November 12, 2012, concerning the state's Stage II vapor recovery (Stage II) program in southeast Wisconsin. The revision removes Stage II requirements as a component of the Wisconsin ozone SIP. The submittal also includes a demonstration under section 110(l) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) that addresses emissions impacts associated with the removal of the program.
Announcement of Grant Application Deadlines
The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) announces its Community Connect Grant Program application window for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013. In addition, RUS announces the minimum and maximum amounts for Community Connect grants applicable for the fiscal year. The Community Connect Grant Program regulations can be found at 7 CFR 1739, subpart A.
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision Approval, State of Nevada
This notice announces EPA's approval of the State of Nevada's request to revise its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System EPA-authorized program to allow electronic reporting.
Response Systems to Adult Sexual Assault Crimes Panel (Response Systems Panel); Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
Under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the Government in the Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense (DoD) announces the following federal advisory committee meeting of the Response Systems to Adult Sexual Assault Crimes Panel.
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP)
HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment.
Aluminum Extrusions From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Rescission, in Part, 2010/12
The Department of Commerce (``the Department'') is conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'').\1\ The period of review (``POR'') is November 12, 2010, through April 30, 2012. The review covers two exporters of subject merchandise who are mandatory respondents: Kromet International, Inc. (``Kromet''); and a single entity comprised of Guang Ya Aluminum Industrial Co., Ltd. (``Guang Ya''), Foshan Guangcheng Aluminum Co., Ltd. (``Guangcheng'') (collectively ``Guang Ya Group''); Guangdong Zhongya Aluminum Co., Ltd., (``Zhongya''); and Foshan Nanhai Xinya (``Xinya'') (collectively ``Guang Ya Group/Zhongya/Xinya''). The Department preliminarily finds that Kromet did not make sales of subject merchandise at less than normal value and that Guang Ya Group/New Zhongya/Xinya failed to demonstrate that it was eligible for a separate rate and thus is part of the PRC-wide entity. Furthermore, the Department received separate rate applications from 33 additional exporters, of which only four have been preliminarily found to be eligible for a separate rate: Gold Mountain International Development Limited; Shenzhen Jiuyuan Co., Ltd.; Sincere Profit Limited; and Skyline Exhibit Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Human Studies Review Board Advisory Committee
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates with expertise in bioethics, biostatistics and human health risk assessment to be considered for appointment to its Human Studies Review Board (HSRB) advisory committee. Anticipated vacancies will be filled by September 1, 2013. Sources in addition to this Federal Register Notice may also be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. Background: On February 6, 2006, the Agency published a final rule for the protection of human subjects in research that called for creating a new, independent human studies review board (i.e., HSRB). The HSRB is a federal advisory committee operating in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) 5 U.S.C. App. 2 Sec. 9 (Pub. L. 92-463). The HSRB provides advice, information, and recommendations to EPA on issues related to scientific and ethical aspects of human subjects research. The major objectives of the HSRB are to provide advice and recommendations on: (1) Research proposals and protocols that include human subjects; (2) reports of completed research with human subjects; and (3) how to strengthen EPA's programs for protection of human subjects of research. The HSRB reports to the EPA Administrator through EPA's Science Advisor. General information concerning the HSRB, including its charter, current membership, and activities can be found on the EPA Web site at https://www.epa.gov/osa/ hsrb/. HSRB members serve as special government employees or regular government employees. Members are appointed by the EPA Administrator for either two or three year terms with the possibility of reappointment for additional terms, with a maximum of six years of service. The HSRB usually meets up to four times a year and the typical workload for HSRB members is approximately 40 to 50 hours per meeting, including the time spent at the meeting. Responsibilities of HSRB members include reviewing extensive background materials prior to meetings of the Board, preparing draft responses to Agency charge questions, attending Board meetings, participating in the discussion and deliberations at these meetings, drafting assigned sections of meeting reports, and helping to finalize Board reports. EPA compensates special government employees for their time and provides reimbursement for travel and other incidental expenses associated with official government business. EPA values and welcomes diversity. In an effort to obtain nominations of diverse candidates, EPA encourages nominations of women and men of all racial and ethnic groups. The qualifications of nominees for membership on the HSRB will be assessed in terms of the specific expertise sought for the HSRB. Qualified nominees who agree to be considered further will be included in a ``Short List''. The Short List of nominee names and biographical sketches will be posted for 14 calendar days for public comment on the HSRB Web site: https://www.epa.gov/osa/hsrb/index.htm. The public will be encouraged to provide additional information about the nominees that EPA should consider. At the completion of the comment period, EPA will select new Board members from the Short List. Candidates not selected for HSRB membership at this time may be considered for HSRB membership as vacancies arise in the future or for service as consultants to the HSRB. The Agency estimates that the names of Short List candidates will be posted in July 2013. However, please be advised that this is an approximate time frame and the date is subject to change. If you have any questions concerning posting of Short List candidates on the HSRB Web site, please consult the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Members of the HSRB are subject to the provisions of 5 CFR part 2634, Executive Branch Financial Disclosure, as supplemented by the EPA in 5 CFR part 6401. In anticipation of this requirement, each nominee will be asked to submit confidential financial information that fully discloses, among other financial interests, the candidate's employment, stocks and bonds, and where applicable, sources of research support. The information provided is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to the public. Before a candidate is considered further for service on the HSRB, EPA will evaluate each candidate to assess whether there is any conflict of financial interest, appearance of a lack of impartiality, or prior involvement with matters likely to be reviewed by the Board. Nominations will be evaluated on the basis of several criteria, including: the professional background, expertise and experience that would contribute to the diversity of perspectives of the committee; interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills and other attributes that would contribute to the HSRB's collaborative process; consensus building skills; absence of any financial conflicts of interest or the appearance of a lack of impartiality, or lack of independence, or bias; and the availability to attend meetings and administrative sessions, participate in teleconferences, develop policy recommendations to the Administrator, and prepare recommendations and advice in reports. Nominations should include a resume or curriculum vitae providing the nominee's educational background, qualifications, leadership positions in national associations or professional societies, relevant research experience and publications along with a short (one page) biography describing how the nominee meets the above criteria and other information that may be helpful in evaluating the nomination, as well as the nominee's current business address, email address, and daytime telephone number. Interested candidates may self-nominate. To help the Agency in evaluating the effectiveness of its outreach efforts, nominees are requested to inform the Agency of how you learned of this opportunity. Final selection of HSRB members is a discretionary function of the Agency and will be announced on the HSRB Web site at https:// www.epa.gov/osa/hsrb/index.htm as soon as selections are made.
Office of Commercial Space Transportation; Notice of Extension of Comment Period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the SpaceX Texas Launch Site
A Notice of Availability (NOA) for the FAA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the SpaceX Texas Launch Site (Draft EIS) was published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on April 19, 2013 (78 FR 23558). The FAA also published an NOA of the Draft EIS in the Federal Register on the same day (78 FR 23629). The comment period for the Draft EIS was to end on June 3, 2013 (45 days after publication of the proposal in the Federal Register). This notice extends the comment period to June 24, 2013 to allow the public additional time to comment on the Draft EIS.
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of an Updated System of Records
GSA proposes to update a system of records subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a.
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