Office of Personnel Management 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Excepted Service
Document Number: 2014-30691
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-31
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from October 1, 2014, to October 31, 2014.
Submission for Review: DD 1918 Establishment Information Form, DD 1919 Wage Data Collection Form, DD 1919C Wage Data Collection Continuation Form
Document Number: 2014-30690
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-31
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an existing information collection request (ICR) 3206-0036, Establishment Information Form (DD 1918), Wage Data Collection Form (DD 1919), and Wage Data Collection Continuation Form (DD 1919C). As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104- 106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on September 25, 2014, at Volume 79 FR 57588 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments. The Office of Management and Budget is particularly interested in comments that: 1. Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; 2. Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; 3. Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 4. Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submissions of responses.
Veterans' Preference
Document Number: 2014-30295
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-12-29
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing an interim rule to implement statutory changes pertaining to veterans' preference. We are making this change in response to the Hubbard Act, which broadened the category of individuals eligible for veterans' preference; and to implement the VOW (Veterans Opportunity to Work) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, which requires Federal agencies to treat certain active duty service members as preference eligibles for purposes of an appointment to the competitive service, even though the service members have not been discharged or released from active duty and do not have a Department of Defense (DD) Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. In addition, OPM is updating its regulations to reference existing requirements for the order of consideration for traditional rating and ranking of candidates, as well as the alternative ranking and selection procedure called ``category rating;'' to more clearly state the existing requirements for order of consideration in excepted service hiring; and to add a reference to the end date of Operation Iraqi Freedom, which affected veteran status and preference eligibility. This action will align OPM's regulations with the existing statute.
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Advisory Committee: Closed Meeting
Document Number: 2014-29556
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The President's Commission on White House Fellowships (PCWHF) was established by an Executive Order in 1964. The PCWHF is an advisory committee composed of Special Government Employees appointed by the President. The Advisory Committee will meet in June to interview potential candidates for recommendation to become a White House Fellow. The meeting is closed. Name of Committee: President's Commission on White House Fellowships Mid-Year Meeting. Date: January 26, 2015. Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Place: TBD. Agenda: The Commission will talk to current Fellows on how their placements are going and discuss progress on strategic goals and recruiting efforts. Location: TBD.
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Miscellaneous Changes: Medically Underserved Areas
Document Number: 2014-29554
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-12-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a direct final rule to discontinue the annual determination of the Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program.
Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee; Open Committee Meetings; Correction
Document Number: 2014-29447
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) published a notice in the Federal Register on December 8, 2014, (79 FR 72714) announcing the 2015 meeting dates of the Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee. The notice incorrectly listed the year of the meetings. This document corrects this error.
Prevailing Rate Systems
Document Number: 2014-29465
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-12-16
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
Submission for Review: Certificate of Medical Examination, 3206-0250
Document Number: 2014-29448
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-16
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an extension without change of a currently approved collection, information collection request (ICR) 3206-0250, Certificate of Medical Examination. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
Request for Applications: Multi-State Plan Program Advisory Board, 3206-NEW
Document Number: 2014-29226
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-15
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
This notice announces that OPM is soliciting applications for membership for individuals to serve on the Multi-State Plan Program Advisory Board.
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: FEHB Plan Performance Assessment System
Document Number: 2014-29224
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-15
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a proposed rule to amend the system for assessing the annual performance of health plans contracted under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. The purpose of this rule is to measure and assess all FEHB plan performance (experience-rated and community- rated) through the use of a common, objective, and quantifiable performance assessment for the 2016 plan year.
Excepted Service; Consolidated Listing of Schedules A, B, and C Exceptions
Document Number: 2014-29223
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-15
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
This provides the consolidated notice of all agency specific excepted authorities, approved by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), under Schedule A, B, and C, as of June 30, 2014, as required by Civil Service Rule VI, Exceptions from the Competitive Service.
Managing Senior Executive Performance
Document Number: 2014-28887
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-10
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) proposes to amend subpart C of part 430 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, to help agencies design performance appraisal systems for senior executives that support a consistent approach for managing senior executive performance, incorporate OPM policies, and reorganize information for ease of reading. We are also amending part 534 to make technical corrections to the recently published final regulation on pay for senior level and scientific and professional positions.
Prevailing Rate Systems; Abolishment of the Portland, ME, Appropriated Fund Federal Wage System Wage Area
Document Number: 2014-28619
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-09
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a proposed rule that would abolish the Portland, ME, appropriated fund Federal Wage System (FWS) wage area and redefine Androscoggin, Cumberland, and Sagadahoc Counties, ME, to the Portsmouth, NH survey area and Franklin and Oxford Counties, ME, and Coos County, NH, to the Portsmouth area of application. These changes are necessary because the closure of the Naval Air Station (NAS) Brunswick left the Portland wage area without an activity having the capability to conduct a local wage survey.
Excepted Service
Document Number: 2014-28622
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from September 1, 2014, to September 30, 2014.
Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee; Open Committee Meetings
Document Number: 2014-28616
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
According to the provisions of section 10 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463), notice is hereby given that meetings of the Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee will be held on
Hispanic Council on Federal Employment; Meeting
Document Number: 2014-28615
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Hispanic Council on Federal Employment (Council) is updating the time of the Friday, December 19, 2014 meeting and will hold the next Council meeting at the location shown below at the following time: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The Council is an advisory committee composed of representatives from Hispanic organizations and senior government officials. Along with its other responsibilities, the Council shall advise the Director of the Office of Personnel Management on matters involving the recruitment, hiring, and advancement of Hispanics in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA). The meeting is open to the public. Please contact the Office of Personnel Management at the address shown below if you wish to present material to the Council at any of the meetings. The manner and time prescribed for presentations may be limited, depending upon the number of parties that express interest in presenting information. Location: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St. NW., Washington, DC 20415.
Submission for Review: Application for Death Benefits Under the Federal Employees Retirement System SF 3104; and Documentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits When Deceased Was an Employee at the Time of Death SF 3104B, 3206-0172
Document Number: 2014-28613
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Retirement Services, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an extension, without change, of a currently approved information collection (ICR) 3206-0172, Application for Death Benefits Under the Federal Employees Retirement System and Documentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits When Deceased Was an Employee at the Time of Death. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
Submission for Review: (1) Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits, Life Insurance and Retirement (Standard Form 2812); (2) Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits By Enrollment Code (Standard Form 2812-A); (3) Supplemental Semiannual Headcount Report (OPM Form 1523), 3206-0262
Document Number: 2014-28612
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
Trust Funds Group of the Office of Chief Financial Officer, Office of Personnel Management (OPM), offers the general public and other federal agencies the opportunity to comment on changes to the existing information collection 3206-0262, Standard Form 2812, Standard Form 2812-A, and OPM Form 1523. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35), as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Self Plus One Enrollment Type
Document Number: 2014-28429
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-12-03
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a proposed rule to amend the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program regulations to add an additional enrollment type called ``self plus one'' for premium rating and family member eligibility purposes.
Submission for Review: Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery 3206-0257
Document Number: 2014-27953
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-25
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of the Chief Information Officer, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an information collection request (ICR) 3206-0257, Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on September 12, 2014 (79 FR 54753) allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
Public Availability of FY 2013 Service Contract Inventories
Document Number: 2014-27951
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-25
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
In accordance with Section 743 of Division C of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117), the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is publishing this notice to advise the public of the availability of the FY 2013 Service Contract Inventory. This inventory provides information on FY 2013 service contract actions over $25,000. The information is organized by function to show how contracted resources are distributed throughout the agency. The inventory has been developed in accordance with guidance issued on November 5, 2010, by the Office of Management and Budget's Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP). OFPP's guidance is available at /memo/ service-contract-inventories-guidance-11052010.pdf. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management has posted its inventory and a summary of the inventory on the Office of Personnel Management's homepage at the following link: contracting-opportunities/#url=Business-Opportunities.
Senior Executive Service-Performance Review Board
Document Number: 2014-27950
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-25
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
Notice is hereby given of the appointment of members of the OPM Performance Review Board.
Excepted Service
Document Number: 2014-27934
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-25
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from August 1, 2014, to August 31, 2014.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Establishment of the Multi-State Plan Program for the Affordable Insurance Exchanges
Document Number: 2014-27793
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-24
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a proposed rule to implement modifications to the Multi-State Plan (MSP) Program based on the experience of the Program to date. OPM established the MSP Program pursuant to section 1334 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, referred to collectively as the Affordable Care Act. This proposed rule clarifies the approach used to enforce the applicable requirements of the Affordable Care Act with respect to health insurance issuers that contract with OPM to offer MSP options. This proposed rule amends MSP standards related to coverage area, benefits, and certain contracting provisions under section 1334 of the Affordable Care Act. This document also makes non-substantive technical changes.
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program Eligibility Changes
Document Number: 2014-26779
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is proposing to amend the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) regulation to expand eligibility to apply for coverage under the Program. Under the proposed regulation, the definition of ``qualified relative'' is expanded to cover all individuals who are domestic partners (both same-sex and opposite-sex) of Federal and U.S. Postal Service employees, annuitants, members of the uniformed services, and retired members of the uniformed services. In addition, the proposed regulation provides that adult children of domestic partners will be considered one of the types of individuals comprising the statutory term ``qualified relative'' who may apply for FLTCIP coverage.
Federal Employees' Retirement System; Present Value Conversion Factors for Spouses of Deceased Separated Employees
Document Number: 2014-26469
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is adopting its proposed rule to revise the table of reduction factors for early commencing dates of survivor annuities for spouses of separated employees who die before the date on which they would be eligible for unreduced deferred annuities, and to revise the annuity factor for spouses of deceased employees who die in service when those spouses elect to receive the basic employee death benefit in 36 installments under the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS) Act of 1986. These rules are necessary to ensure that the tables conform to the economic and demographic assumptions adopted by the Board of Actuaries and published in the Federal Register on May 21, 2014, as required by 5 U.S.C. 8461(i).
Submission for Review: OPM Online Form 1417, Combined Federal Campaign Results Report
Document Number: 2014-26468
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of Combined Federal Campaign, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an information collection request (ICR) 3206-0193, OPM 1417, the Combined Federal Campaign Results Report. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104- 106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on July, 16, 2014 at 79 FR 41600 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
Prevailing Rate Systems; Redefinition of Certain Appropriated Fund Federal Wage System Wage Areas
Document Number: 2014-25903
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-10-31
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a proposed rule that would redefine the geographic boundaries of several appropriated fund Federal Wage System (FWS) wage areas for pay-setting purposes. Based on recent reviews of Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) boundaries in a number of wage areas, OPM proposes redefinitions affecting the following wage areas: Washington, DC; Hagerstown- Martinsburg-Chambersburg, MD; Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Charlotte, NC; Columbia, SC, and Southwestern Wisconsin. In addition, this proposed rule would make three minor corrections to the Miami, FL; Columbus, GA, and Kansas City, MO, wage areas.
Office of Personnel Management Criteria for Internal Revenue Service Broadbanding Systems
Document Number: 2014-25902
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-10-31
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hereby withdraws a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the criteria governing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) broadbanding systems, published in the Federal Register April 17, 2007. OPM has determined withdrawal of the NPRM is appropriate as it would be impractical to issue this rule at this time.
Submission for Review: OPM 1655, Application for Senior Administrative Law Judge, and OPM 1655-A, Geographic Preference Statement for Senior Administrative Law Judge Applicant
Document Number: 2014-25688
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-10-29
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Administrative Law Judge Program Office, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an information collection request (ICR) 3206-0248, OPM 1655, Application for Senior Administrative Law Judge, and OPM 1655-A, Geographic Preference Statement for Senior Administrative Law Judge Applicant. OPM is soliciting comments for this collection under 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D) and 5 CFR 1320.5(a)(1)(iv) and 1320.10(a). The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on August 1, 2014 at 79 FR 44872 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations Meeting
Document Number: 2014-25291
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-10-23
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations plans to meet on Wednesday, November 19, 2014. The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. EST and will be held in the Main Conference Room (3102), U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, 810 Seventh Street NW., Washington, DC 20531. Visitors can enter on either the 7th Street or 9th Street side of the building. Interested parties should consult the Council Web site at for the latest information on Council activities, including changes in meeting dates. The Council is an advisory body composed of representatives of Federal employee organizations, Federal management organizations, and senior Government officials. The Council was established by Executive Order 13522, entitled, ``Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services,'' which was signed by the President on December 9, 2009. Along with its other responsibilities, the Council assists in the implementation of Labor Management Forums throughout the Government and makes recommendations to the President on innovative ways to improve delivery of services and products to the public while cutting costs and advancing employee interests. The Council is co- chaired by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget. At its meetings, the Council will continue its work in promoting cooperative and productive relationships between labor and management in the executive branch, by carrying out the responsibilities and functions listed in Section 1(b) of the Executive Order. The meetings are open to the public. Please contact the Office of Personnel Management at the address shown below if you wish to present material to the Council at the meeting. The manner and time prescribed for presentations may be limited, depending upon the number of parties that express interest in presenting information.
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Modification of Eligibility to Certain Employees on Temporary Appointments and Certain Employees on Seasonal and Intermittent Schedules
Document Number: 2014-24652
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-10-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a final rule to modify eligibility for enrollment under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program to certain temporary, seasonal, and intermittent employees who are identified as full-time employees. This final rule follows a notice of proposed rulemaking published July 29, 2014. This regulation will allow newly eligible Federal employees to enroll no later than January 2015.
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program: Providing Option C Coverage for Children of Same-Sex Domestic Partners
Document Number: 2014-24488
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-10-15
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a proposed rule to amend the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) regulations to allow children of same-sex domestic partners living in states that do not allow same-sex couples to marry to be covered as family members under an eligible individual's FEGLI Option C enrollment. This rule expands the circumstances under which an employee experiencing a change in family circumstances may include eligible children of a same-sex domestic partner.
Human Resources Management Reporting Requirements
Document Number: 2014-23295
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-10-10
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing proposed regulations that would remove regulatory requirements for Federal agencies to submit reports to OPM relating to their implementation of certain human resources management programs and authorities.
Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employees Retirement System; Notice to Surviving Same-Sex Spouses of Deceased Federal Annuitants, Employees, or Former Employees Who Died Prior to June 26, 2013
Document Number: 2014-22895
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-25
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
On August 2, 2013, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) published notice in the Federal Register informing annuitants that they had an extended opportunity (until June 26, 2015), to elect survivor annuity benefits for their same-sex spouses if they had been married prior to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675 (2013), on June 26, 2013, and were prevented by the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 1 U.S.C. 7(3)(1996), from making a timely election. See 78 FR 47018 (Aug. 2, 2013). Similarly, because annuitants, employees, or former employees in same-sex marriages may have died prior to the Windsor decision (i.e. prior to June 26, 2013), and because the same-sex spouses of those deceased annuitants, employees, and former employees may not have applied for death benefits because of DOMA, or may have applied for death benefits but were denied benefits because of DOMA, OPM is publishing this notice to inform those surviving same-sex spouses that they may apply (or re-apply) for death benefits so that OPM can evaluate whether or not those same-sex spouses may now be entitled to survivor annuity or lump-sum death benefits.
Submission for Review: Establishment Information Form, DD 1918, Wage Data Collection Form, DD 1919, Wage Data Collection Continuation Form, DD 1919C, 3206-0036
Document Number: 2014-22888
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-25
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an existing information collection request (ICR) 3206-0036, Establishment Information Form (DD 1918), Wage Data Collection Form (DD 1919), and Wage Data Collection Continuation Form (DD 1919C). As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104- 106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
Submission for Review: Financial Resources Questionnaire, RI 34-1, RI 34-17/Notice of Amount Due Because of Annuity Overpayment, RI 34-3, RI 34-19, 3206-0167
Document Number: 2014-22112
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Retirement Services, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an extension, without change, of a currently approved information collection request (ICR) 3206-0167, Financial Resources Questionnaire and Notice of Debt Due Because of Annuity Overpayment. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104- 106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
Submission for Review: Verification of Full-Time School Attendance, RI 25-49, 3206-0215
Document Number: 2014-22111
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Retirement Services, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an extension, without change, of a currently approved information collection request (ICR) 3206-0215, Verification of Full- Time School Attendance. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger- Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on May 25, 2014 at Volume 79 FR 23020 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
Submission for Review: Evidence To Prove Dependency of a Child, RI 25-37, 3206-0206
Document Number: 2014-22109
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Retirement Services, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an extension, without change, of a currently approved information collection request (ICR) 3206-0206, Evidence to Prove Dependency of a Child. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger- Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on February 24, 2014 at Volume FR 10203 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
Excepted Service; July 2014
Document Number: 2014-22106
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-17
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from July 1, 2014, to July 31, 2014.
Submission for Review: Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery
Document Number: 2014-21712
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-12
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of Chief Information Officer, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an information collection request (ICR) 3206-0257, ``Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery.'' As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
Flag Recognition Benefit for Fallen Federal Civilian Employees
Document Number: 2014-21587
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-09-10
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing final regulations to implement the Civilian Service Recognition Act of 2011. The final regulations will assist agencies in administering a United States flag recognition benefit for fallen Federal civilian employees, and describe the eligibility requirements and procedures to request a flag.
Federal Salary Council
Document Number: 2014-21294
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-09-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Federal Salary Council will meet on October 17, 2014, at the time and location shown below. The Council is an advisory body composed of representatives of Federal employee organizations and experts in the fields of labor relations and pay policy. The Council makes recommendations to the President's Pay Agent (the Secretary of Labor and the Directors of the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Personnel Management) about the locality pay program for General Schedule employees under section 5304 of title 5, United States Code. The Council's recommendations cover the establishment or modification of locality pay areas, the coverage of salary surveys, the process of comparing Federal and non-Federal rates of pay, and the level of comparability payments that should be paid. The Council will hear public testimony about the locality pay program, review the results of pay comparisons, and formulate its recommendations to the President's Pay Agent on pay comparison methods, locality pay rates, and locality pay areas and boundaries for 2016. The meeting is open to the public. Please contact the Office of Personnel Management at the address shown below if you wish to submit testimony or present material to the Council at the meeting.
Submission for Review: Life Insurance Election, SF 2817
Document Number: 2014-20629
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-08-29
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Healthcare & Insurance/Federal Employee Insurance Operations (FEIO), Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a revised information collection request (ICR) 3206-0230, Life Insurance Election. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on April 25, 2014 at Volume 79 FR 23021 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
Hispanic Council on Federal Employment Meeting
Document Number: 2014-20628
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-08-29
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Hispanic Council on Federal Employment (Council) is cancelling the October 16, 2014 Council meeting and will hold the next Council meetings at the location shown below on the following dates and times: September 30 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. October 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The Council is an advisory committee composed of representatives from Hispanic organizations and senior government officials. Along with its other responsibilities, the Council shall advise the Director of the Office of Personnel Management on matters involving the recruitment, hiring, and advancement of Hispanics in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA). The meeting is open to the public. Please contact the Office of Personnel Management at the address shown below if you wish to present material to the Council at any of the meetings. The manner and time prescribed for presentations may be limited, depending upon the number of parties that express interest in presenting information. Location: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St. NW., Washington, DC 20415.
Submission for Review: Health Benefits Election Form, SF 2809, 3206-0160
Document Number: 2014-20514
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-08-28
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Healthcare & Insurance/Federal Employee Insurance Operations (FEIO), Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a revised information collection request (ICR) 3206-0160, Health Benefits Election Form. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger- Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on April 25, 2014 at Volume 79 FR 23020 allowing for a 60-day public comment period. No comments were received for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments.
Submission for Renewal: Information Collection 3206-0182; Declaration for Federal Employment, Optional Form (OF) 306
Document Number: 2014-19221
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-08-14
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
Federal Investigative Services (FIS), U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an expiring information collection request (ICR), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control No. 3206- 0182, for the Declaration for Federal Employment, Optional Form (OF) 306. OPM is soliciting comments for this collection under 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is particularly interested in comments that: 1. Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; 2. Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; 3. Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 4. Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submissions of responses.
Phased Retirement
Document Number: 2014-18681
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-08-08
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is adopting its proposed phased retirement regulations with four minor changes. Phased retirement is a human resources tool that will allow full-time employees to work a part-time schedule and draw partial retirement benefits during employment. The ``Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act,'' or ``MAP-21,'' requires OPM to publish regulations implementing phased retirement under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS). The final rule informs agencies and employees about who may elect phased retirement, what benefits are provided during phased retirement, how OPM intends to compute the annuity payable during and after phased retirement, and how employees may fully retire after a period of phased retirement. The final rule does not address every administrative detail of the phased retirement process. OPM will be issuing separate guidance to assist agencies and employees with administrative and procedural matters that do not need to be addressed in this rule. Employees may not enter phased retirement or submit applications for phased retirement to OPM until 90 days after publication of this final rule.
Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Document Number: 2014-18732
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-08-07
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Hispanic Council on Federal Employment (Council) is cancelling the August 21, 2014 Council meeting. The Council is an advisory committee composed of representatives from Hispanic organizations and senior government officials. Along with its other responsibilities, the Council shall advise the Director of the Office of Personnel Management on matters involving the recruitment, hiring, and advancement of Hispanics in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA). The meeting is open to the public. Please contact the Office of Personnel Management at the address shown below if you wish to present material to the Council at any of the meetings. The manner and time prescribed for presentations may be limited, depending upon the number of parties that express interest in presenting information. Location: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St. NW., Washington, DC 20415.
Submission for Review: Assignment, Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program
Document Number: 2014-18491
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-08-05
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
The Retirement Services, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an existing collection in use without an OMB control number, Assignment, Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program, RI 76-10. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection.
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