National Archives and Records Administration – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Review Board; Members
Notice is hereby given of the appointment of members of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Performance Review Board (PRB). The members of the PRB for the National Archives and Records Administration are: William J. Bosanko, Deputy Archivist; Valorie F. Findlater, Chief Management and Administration; and Ovnelle Millwood, acting Chief Human Capital Officer. These appointments supersede all previous appointments.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
We have submitted a request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval to continue to use three currently approved information collections. People use the first information collection to request permission to film, photograph, or videotape at a NARA facility for news purposes. People use the second information collection to request permission to use NARA facilities for events in the Washington, DC, area, at a Federal records center, or at a Presidential library. People use the third information collection to request their name be placed on a list of independent researchers who perform freelance research for hire in the Washington, DC, area. We invite you to comment on the proposed information collections.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Policy Advisory Committee (SLTPS-PAC); Meeting
We are announcing an upcoming meeting of the State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Policy Advisory Committee (SLTPS-PAC) in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and implementing regulations.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meeting; Correction
We published a notice in the Federal Register on November 6, 2024, concerning a notice of our December 5, 2024, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee. The notice contains an incorrect link required to view the meeting on the National Archives YouTube channel.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) Meeting
We are announcing an upcoming National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) meeting in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and implementing regulations.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meeting
We are announcing an upcoming Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee meeting in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and the second United States Open Government National Action Plan.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
We are proposing to request an extension from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of three currently approved information collections. People use the first information collection to request permission to film, photograph, or videotape at a NARA facility for news purposes. People use the second information collection to request permission to use NARA facilities for events in the Washington, DC, area, at a federal records center, or at a Presidential library. The third information collection, Independent Researcher Listing Application, NA Form 14115, is used by independent researchers to provide their contact information. We invite you to comment on these proposed information collections pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress; Meeting
We are announcing an upcoming meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The committee advises NARA on the full range of programs, policies, and plans for the Center for Legislative Archives in the Office of Public Museum Engagement and Legislative Archives.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Meeting Announcement; Chief Freedom of Information Act Officers Council
We are announcing a meeting of the Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers Council, co-chaired by the Director of OGIS and the Director of OIP.
Records Schedules; Notice of Withdrawal
On October 1, 2024, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) published a Federal Register notice to allow public comment on the records schedules listed at the end of this notice. The notice is hereby withdrawn.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Review Board; Members
Notice is hereby given of the appointment of members of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Performance Review Board (PRB). The members of the PRB for the National Archives and Records Administration are: William J. Bosanko, Deputy Archivist; Valorie F. Findlater, Chief Human Capital Officer, and Colleen Murphy, Chief Financial Officer and Acting Chief, Management and Administration. These appointments supersede all previous appointments.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meetings
We are announcing two upcoming Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee meetings in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and the second United States Open Government National Action Plan.
Records Management; General Records Schedule (GRS); GRS Transmittal 36
NARA is issuing revisions to the General Records Schedule (GRS). The GRS provides mandatory disposition instructions for records common to several or all Federal agencies. Transmittal 36 includes only changes we have made to the GRS since we published Transmittal 35 in June 2024. All other GRS remain in effect.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
We have submitted a request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval to continue to collect information used by registrants or other authorized individuals to request information from or copies of Selective Service System (SSS) records. We invite you to comment on this proposed information collection.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
We have submitted a request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval to continue to collect information from people who participate in the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) grant programs. Organizations requesting a grant from the NHPRC must submit certain information the NHPRC staff, reviewers, and the Commission use to determine if the applicant and proposed project are eligible for an NHPRC grant; if the request is recommended for approval, the prospective grantee provides additional information acknowledging the offer of the grant and regulatory requirements; and, grantees must respond to an accounting questionnaire designed to identify potential recipients with limited experience managing Federal funds and provide appropriate training or additional safeguards for Federal funds. We invite you to comment on the proposed information collections.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
NARA is giving public notice that it has submitted to OMB for approval the information collection described in this notice. We invite you to comment on the proposed information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
We have submitted a request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval to continue to use a currently approved information collection, 3095-0060, Volunteer Service Application (NA Form 6045), used by individuals who wish to volunteer at the National Archives Building, the National Archives at College Park, regional records services facilities, and Presidential libraries and a new form, Voluntary Internship Application (NA Form 3060A), used by individuals who wish to intern at the National Archives Building, the National Archives at College Park, regional records services facilities, and Presidential libraries. We invite you to comment on this proposed information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Office of Government Information Services Annual Meeting
We are announcing OGIS's annual meeting, open to the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The purpose of the meeting is to discuss OGIS's reviews and reports, and allow interested people to appear and present oral or written statements.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Policy Advisory Committee (SLTPS-PAC); Meeting
We are announcing an upcoming meeting of the State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Policy Advisory Committee (SLTPS-PAC) in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and implementing regulations.
Records Management; General Records Schedule (GRS); GRS Transmittal 35
NARA is issuing revisions to the General Records Schedule (GRS). The GRS provides mandatory disposition instructions for records common to several or all Federal agencies. Transmittal 35 includes only changes we have made to the GRS since we published Transmittal 34 in June 2023. All other GRS remain in effect.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) seeks member nominations for the sixth term of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee (Committee) (2024-2026 term). The Committee serves as a deliberative body to study the FOIA landscape across the executive branch and advise the Archivist of the United States on improvements to the administration of FOIA.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Federal Records Management: GAO Concurrence; Correction
NARA is correcting a direct final rule that appeared in the Federal Register on May 1, 2024, amending our records management regulations to limit the role of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in approving certain deviations in agency records schedules. This document is correcting the DATES section to add the effective date of the rule, and it is correcting the amendatory instruction to the rule.
Federal Records Management: Digitizing Temporary Records
In June 2023, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) issued GRS Transmittal 34, which introduced GRS 4.5 Digitizing Records. NARA is updating the regulations to incorporate GRS 4.5 and ensure agencies use the proper authorization for disposing of temporary records that have been digitized. We added guidance directing agencies to manage temporary digital records according to the requirements. We also clarified language regarding when agencies may dispose of the scheduled source records. Additionally, we are harmonizing language in existing regulations with the new amendments.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
NARA proposes to request an extension from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of a currently approved information collection used by used by registrants or other authorized individuals to request information from or copies of Selective Service System (SSS) records. We invite you to comment on this proposed information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
NARA is giving public notice that the agency proposes to request an extension to use the two information collections described in this notice, which the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) uses in its grant program. NARA invites the public to comment on the proposed information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
We are requesting that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) renew its approval for us to engage in the following generic information collection request (generic ICR), and we invite you to comment on it: Generic Clearance for NARA Public and Education Program Registration. Under this information collection, we request registration and attendance information from people requesting to attend an education or other program at NARA.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
NARA proposes to request an extension from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of a currently approved information collection used by the public and other Federal agencies to use its official seal(s) and/or logo(s). We invite you to comment on this proposed information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Federal Records Management: GAO Concurrence
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is amending our records management regulations to limit the role of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in approving certain deviations in agency records schedules. Under the updated regulation, Federal agencies will only require GAO approval for records schedules that propose retention periods for accountable officer records that are shorter than the retention periods provided in the General Records Schedule (GRS). 1.1, item 010 for Accountable Officer records. GAO approval will no longer be required for other deviations from the GRS. GAO approval will also not be required for records schedules that dispose of program records less than three years old. GAO has concurred with this change.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
We are proposing to request an extension from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of a currently approved information collection, 3095-0060, Volunteer Service Application (NA Form 6045), used by individuals who wish to volunteer at the National Archives Building, the National Archives at College Park, regional records services facilities, and Presidential libraries and a new form, Voluntary Internship Application (NA Form 3060A), used by individuals who wish to intern at the National Archives Building, the National Archives at College Park, regional records services facilities, and Presidential libraries. We invite you to comment on this proposed information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC); Meeting
We are announcing an upcoming National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) meeting in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and implementing regulations.
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). We publish notice in the Federal Register and on for records schedules in which agencies propose to dispose of records they no longer need to conduct agency business. We invite public comments on such records schedules.
Federal Records Management: Digital Photographs
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is removing provisions in established regulations that cover special concerns for digital photographs. This revision is necessary because recent amendments create new and more specific requirements for digitizing permanent photographic prints. The recent amendments do not address digitized negatives and slides, therefore requirements for managing these formats have been revised and retained in the existing regulations.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Meetings
We are announcing three upcoming Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee meetings in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and the second United States Open Government National Action Plan.
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