Environmental Protection Agency October 26, 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 12 of 12
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List
EPA New England Region (EPA) announces the deletion of 61 source area sites on the Otis Air National Guard Base/Camp Edwards Superfund Site from the National Priorities List (NPL). All 61 source area sites as listed in Table 1 were originally proposed for deletion (72 FR 41976) August 1, 2007, and encompass a total acreage of 482.1 acres. A source area site is defined by: soil; structures, if present; and does not include any contaminated groundwater plume that may be below the site. Otis Air National Guard Base/Camp Edwards is a Federal Facility Superfund Site known locally as the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), so this notice will use MMR as the abbreviation to describe the entire Superfund Site. The United States Air Force is the lead agency at the MMR Superfund Site. This partial deletion pertains to only the surface area of sites investigated (and in some cases cleaned-up) for soil contamination, and does not pertain to any of the 12 groundwater plumes associated with MMR Superfund Site. All other sites (including all contaminated groundwater plumes on the Site) not included in this notice will remain on the NPL. In the northern half of the MMR, there are source area sites and groundwater plumes associated with an investigation and cleanup program known as the Impact Area Groundwater Study Program which is being conducted under the authority of Safe Drinking Water Act Administrative Orders. These sites and groundwater plumes are not the subject of this partial deletion.
B&B Manufacturing Superfund Site; Mobile, Mobile County, AL; Notice of Settlements
Under Section 122(h) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the United States Environmental Protection Agency has entered into three separate settlements for reimbursement of past response costs concerning the B&B Manufacturing Superfund Site located in Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama.
Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Request for Additional Expertise for the Science Advisory Board Asbestos Expert Panel
The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office is seeking public nominations of additional experts in the formation of the Asbestos Expert Panel in the areas of biostatistics, statistical modeling, epidemiology, meta-analysis, Bayesian analysis and toxicology of inhaled particles. Previous nominations of individuals for this asbestos panel need not be re-submitted, as they will still be considered.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA expressed environmental concerns because the preferred alternative may not represent the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative, as required under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. EPA also expressed environmental concerns about impacts to air quality and minority and low-income communities, and requested that the Final EIS discuss mitigation in more detail. Rating EC2.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Michigan; Consumer Products Rule
EPA is approving a request submitted by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) on February 13, 2007, to revise the Michigan State Implementation Plan (SIP). The state has requested approval of two rules in two areas of Part 6, Emission Limitations and Prohibitions-Existing Sources of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions by adding R 336.1660, Standards for VOC Emissions from Consumer Products, by adopting by reference the Ozone Transport Commission's Model Rule with some modifications, and adding R 336.1661, Definitions for Consumer Products, to define VOC.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Michigan; Consumer Products Rule
EPA is approving a request submitted by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) on February 13, 2007, to revise the Michigan State Implementation Plan (SIP). The state has requested approval of two rules in two areas of Part 6, Emission Limitations and ProhibitionsExisting Sources of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions by adding R 336.1660, Standards for VOC Emissions from Consumer Products, by adopting by reference the Ozone Transport Commission's Model Rule with some modifications and R 336.1661, Definitions for Consumer Products, to define VOC.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Michigan; Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Abnormal Conditions
The EPA is proposing to approve, as part of the Michigan State Implementation Plan (SIP), Michigan's June 29, 2007, request to revise recordkeeping and reporting requirements for abnormal conditions, start-up, shutdown, and malfunction of a source, process, or process equipment. The revised rule contains more specific and complete recordkeeping and reporting requirements than are currently approved into the SIP.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Michigan; Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Abnormal Conditions
The EPA is approving Michigan's June 29, 2007, request to revise recordkeeping and reporting requirements for abnormal conditions, start-up, shutdown, and malfunction of a source, process, or process equipment. The revised rule contains more specific and complete recordkeeping and reporting requirements than are currently approved into the Michigan State Implementation Plan (SIP). In the proposed rules section of this Federal Register, EPA is proposing approval of and soliciting public comment on this requested SIP revision. If adverse comments are received on this action, EPA will withdraw this final rule and address the comments received in response to this action in a final rule on the related proposed. A second public comment period will not be held. Parties interested in commenting on this action should do so at this time.
Pesticides; Data Requirements for Biochemical and Microbial Pesticides
This is the final rule for Biochemical and Microbial Pesticide Data Requirements. The Agency published a proposed rule on March 8, 2006, on the data requirements to support registration of biochemical and microbial pesticides and proposed to update definitions for both biochemical and microbial pesticides. The Agency received comments from 20 commenters, representing State and Federal agencies, industry, and private consultants.
Pesticide Data Requirements; Technical Amendments
This document makes technical changes and revises cross references in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to reflect changes in pesticide data requirements being promulgated elsewhere in today's Federal Register. These technical changes are solely to conform other parts of the CFR to the new rules, and have no substantive impact on any requirements. This regulation is a technical amendment which requires no opportunity for comment or public participation.
Pesticides; Data Requirements for Conventional Chemicals
EPA is updating its data requirements in part 158 of Title 40 in the Code of Federal Regulations for the registration of conventional pesticide products. As scientific understanding of potential hazards posed by pesticides has evolved, some data requirements have been imposed on a case-by-case basis but not codified since 1984. Besides providing the regulated community with clearer and more transparent information, the updated data requirements will enhance the development of health and environmental data to conduct scientifically sound chemical hazard/risk assessments to protect human health and the environment. In a companion final rule also being promulgated today, EPA is making technical changes arising from this final rule.
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