B&B Manufacturing Superfund Site; Mobile, Mobile County, AL; Notice of Settlements, 60847-60848 [E7-21094]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 207 / Friday, October 26, 2007 / Notices
Federal Correctional Complex, To
Address the Growing Federal Inmate
Population, Pickens County, AL.
Comment Period Ends: 12/10/2007.
Contact: Pamela J. Candler, 202–514–
EIS No. 20070440, Draft EIS, FHW, UT,
Mountain View Corridor (MVC)
Project, Proposed Transportation
Improvement 2030 Travel Demand in
Western Salt Lake County south of I–
80 and west of Bangerter Highway
and in northwestern Utah County of
I–15, south of the Salt Lake County
Line, and north of Utah Lake, Salt
Lake and Utah County, UT. Comment
Period Ends: 12/24/2007. Contact:
Edward Woolford, P.E. 801–963–
EIS No. 20070441, Draft Supplement,
Environmental Water Account (EWA)
Project, Updated Information to
Provide an Evaluation of 2004 Final
EIS/EIR Environmental Water
Account (EWA) and Effects
Associated with Extending the
Current EWA’s through 2011,
CALFED Bay-Delta Programs,
Endangered Species Act section 7 and
U.S. Army COE Section 10 Permit,
CA. Comment Period Ends: 12/10/
2007. Contact: Ms. Sammie Cervantes,
EIS No. 20070442, Final EIS, FHW, CA,
Interstate 5/Cosumnes River
Boulevard Interchange Project,
Extension of Cosumnes River
Boulevard from Franklin Boulevard to
Freeport Boulevard with an
Interchange at Interstate 5, South of
the Pocket/Meadowview Road
Interchange and North of the Laguna
Boulevard Interchange, City of
Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA.
Wait Period Ends: 11/26/2007.
Contact: Cesar E. Perez, 916–498–
EIS No. 20070443, Draft Supplement,
FTA, CA, Third Street Light Rail
Phase 2, Updated Information on the
Central Subway Project Area,
Funding, San Francisco Municipal
Transportation Agency, in the City
and County San Francisco, CA.
Comment Period Ends: 12/10/2007.
Contact: Ray Sukys, 415–744–3133.
EIS No. 20070444, Final EIS, USA, GA,
Fort Benning U.S. Army Infantry
Center, Base Realignment and Closure
(BRAC) 2005 and Transformation
Actions, Implementation,
Chattahoochee and Muscogee
Counties, GA. Wait Period Ends: 11/
26/2007. Contact: John Brent, 706–
EIS No. 20070445, Draft EIS, USN, 00,
Shock Trail of the MESA VERDE (LPD
19), San Antonio (LPD 17) Class Ship
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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designated as the Shock Ship for
Proposed Shock Trail, Possible
Offshore Locations are Naval Station
Norfolk, VA; Naval Station Mayport,
FL; and Naval Air Station Pensacola,
FL. Comment Period Ends: 12/10/
2007. Contact: Donald Shaver, 703–
EIS No. 20070446, Final EIS, FHW, IN,
I–69 Evansville to Indianapolis
Project, I–69 Tier 2 Section 1:
Evansville to Oakland City, from 1–64
to IN–64, Preferred Alternative is 4,
Gibson and Warrick Counties, IN.
Wait Period Ends: 11/26/2007.
Contact: Anthony DeSimone, 317–
EIS No. 20070447, Draft EIS, FHW, CA,
Marin-Sonoma Narrows (MSN) HOV
Widening Project, Propose to Relieve
Recurrent Congestion along U.S. 101
south of the Route 37 Interchange in
the City of Novato (Marin County) and
ends north of the Corona Road
Overcrossing in the City of Petaluma
(Sonoma County), Marin and Sonoma
Counties, CA. Comment Period Ends:
12/14/2007. Contact: Cesar E. Perez,
EIS No. 20070448, Final EIS, USA, 00,
and Force Structure Realignment,
Implementation, Nationwide. Wait
Period Ends: 11/26/2007. Contact:
Mike Ackerman, 410–436–2522.
EIS No. 20070449, Final EIS, BLM, ID,
Smoky Canyon Mine Panels F & G,
Proposed Mine Expansion, Caribou
County, ID. Wait Period Ends: 11/26/
2007. Contact: Bill Stout 208–478–
EIS No. 20070450, Draft Supplement,
WPA, 00, Big Stone II Power Plant and
Transmission Project, Addresses the
Impacts of Changes to the Proposed
Action relative to Cooling
Alternatives and the Use of
Groundwater as Backup Water
Source, U.S. Army COE Section 10
and 404 Permits, Grant County, SD
and Big Stone County, MN. Comment
Period Ends: 12/10/2007. Contact:
Nancy Werdel, 720–962–7251.
EIS No. 20070451, Draft EIS, AFS, UT,
Indian Springs Road Realignment,
Reducing Adverse Impacts to
Watershed and Fisheries, U.S. Army
COE Section 404 Permit, Uinta
National Forest, Heber Ranger
District, Wasatch County, UT.
Comment Period Ends: 12/10/2007.
Contact: Jim Percy, 435–654–0470.
Dated: October 23, 2007.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E7–21102 Filed 10–25–07; 8:45 am]
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[Docket# EPA–RO4–SFUND–2007–1052;
B&B Manufacturing Superfund Site;
Mobile, Mobile County, AL; Notice of
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of settlements.
SUMMARY: Under Section 122(h) of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability
Act (CERCLA), the United States
Environmental Protection Agency has
entered into three separate settlements
for reimbursement of past response
costs concerning the B&B
Manufacturing Superfund Site located
in Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama.
DATES: The Agency will consider public
comments on the settlements until
November 26, 2007. The Agency will
consider all comments received and
may modify or withdraw its consent to
the settlements if comments received
disclose facts or considerations which
indicate that the settlements are
inappropriate, improper, or inadequate.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the settlements
are available from Ms. Paula V.
Batchelor. Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–RO4–
SFUND–2007–1052 or Site name B&B
Manufacturing Superfund Site by one of
the following methods:
• https://www.regulations.gov: Follow
the on-line instructions for submitting
• E-mail: Batchelor.Paula@epa.gov.
• Fax: 404/562–8842/Attn: Paula V.
Mail: Ms. Paula V. Batchelor, U.S.
EPA Region 4, SD–SEIMB, 61 Forsyth
Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia 30303. ‘‘In
addition, please mail a copy of your
comments on the information collection
provisions to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Attn:
Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th St., NW.,
Washington, DC 20503.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–RO4–SFUND–2007–
1052. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 207 / Friday, October 26, 2007 / Notices
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through www.regulations.gov
or e-mail. The www.regulations.gov Web
site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system,
which means EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an e-mail
comment directly to EPA without going
through www.regulations.gov your email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public
docket and made available on the
Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you
include your name and other contact
information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD–ROM
you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form
of encryption, and be free of any defects
or viruses. For additional information
about EPA’s public docket visit the EPA
Docket Center homepage at https://
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the www.regulations.gov
index. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
either electronically in
www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
the U.S. EPA Region 4 office located at
61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia
30303. Regional office is open from 7
a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays.
Written comments may be submitted
to Ms. Batchelor within 30 calendar
days of the date of this publication.
Paula V. Batchelor at 404/562–8887.
Dated: October 11, 2007.
Rosalind H. Brown,
Chief, Superfund Enforcement & Information
Management Branch, Superfund Division.
[FR Doc. E7–21094 Filed 10–25–07; 8:45 am]
rmajette on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES
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Jkt 214001
Protection of Human Subjects:
Categories of Research That May Be
Reviewed by the Institutional Review
Board Through an Expedited Review
Department of Health and
Human Services, Office of the Secretary.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Office for Human
Research Protections (OHRP) is
requesting written comments on a
proposed amendment to item 5 of the
categories of research that may be
reviewed by the institutional review
board (IRB) through an expedited
review procedure, last published in the
Federal Register on November 9, 1998
(63 FR 60364). On that date, the Office
for Protection from Research Risks
(OPRR), now OHRP, and the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA)
simultaneously published identical lists
of categories of research activities
involving human subjects which may be
reviewed by the IRB through an
expedited review procedure. It has come
to OHRP’s attention that there has been
confusion in the research community
about expedited review category 5.
OHRP is proposing to amend expedited
review category 5 to clarify that the
category includes research involving
materials that were previously collected
for either nonresearch or research
purposes, provided that any materials
collected for research were not collected
for the currently proposed research.
Expedited review category 5 also
includes research involving materials
that will be collected solely for
nonresearch purposes.
In addition, OHRP is requesting
comments on the entire expedited
review list that was last published in the
Federal Register on November 9, 1998
(63 FR 60364) to determine if other
changes are needed.
As part of its charge to provide expert
advice and recommendations to the
Secretary of Health and Human Services
(the Secretary) and the Assistant
Secretary for Health on issues and
topics pertaining to or associated with
the protection of human research
subjects, the Secretary’s Advisory
Committee on Human Research
Protections (SACHRP), through its
Subcommittee on Subpart A, considered
whether the current expedited review
categories should be modified. On
March 14, 2007, SACHRP submitted
recommendations regarding expedited
review to the Secretary, and on June 18,
2007, the Secretary sent a letter to the
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SACHRP chairperson, stating that HHS
would give serious consideration to
these recommendations. In regard to the
current expedited review categories,
SACHRP recommended that expedited
review category 7 should be revised as
described in Section V below.
Therefore, in addition to requesting
comments on the entire expedited
review list that was published in the
Federal Register on November 9, 1998
(63 FR 60364), OHRP is also specifically
requesting comments on SACHRP’s
recommended revision of expedited
review category 7.
As required under 21 CFR 56.110(a),
FDA also will publish in the Federal
Register a list of categories of research
that may be reviewed by the IRB
through an expedited review procedure.
FDA intends to issue the list
concurrently with OHRP’s issuance of
its final notice, and in compliance with
21 CFR 10.115 (good guidance practice
regulations). This approach maintains
FDA’s practice of moving in tandem on
this issue with OHRP.
DATES: Submit written or electronic
comments by December 26, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
Human Research Protections, The
Tower Building, 1101 Wootton
Parkway, Suite 200, Rockville, MD
20852. Comments also may be sent via
e-mail to expeditedreviewohrp@hhs.gov,
or via facsimile at 301–402–2071.
Comments received within the comment
period, including any personal
information provided, will be made
available to the public upon request.
Glen Drew, Office for Human Research
Protections, The Tower Building, 1101
Wootton Parkway, Suite 200, Rockville,
MD 20852, 1–866–447–4777 or by email to: glen.drew@hhs.gov.
I. Expedited Review Procedures
The Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) human subjects
protection regulations at 45 CFR 46.110
permit expedited review procedures for
certain kinds of human subjects
research that have been found by an IRB
to involve no more than minimal risk to
research subjects, or for minor changes
in previously IRB-approved research
during the period (of one year or less)
for which approval is authorized. An
expedited review procedure consists of
a review of research involving human
subjects by the IRB chairperson or by
one or more experienced reviewers
designated by the chairperson from
among members of the IRB, in
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 207 (Friday, October 26, 2007)]
[Pages 60847-60848]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-21094]
[Docket EPA-RO4-SFUND-2007-1052; FRL-8487-9]
B&B Manufacturing Superfund Site; Mobile, Mobile County, AL;
Notice of Settlements
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of settlements.
SUMMARY: Under Section 122(h) of the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the United States
Environmental Protection Agency has entered into three separate
settlements for reimbursement of past response costs concerning the B&B
Manufacturing Superfund Site located in Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama.
DATES: The Agency will consider public comments on the settlements
until November 26, 2007. The Agency will consider all comments received
and may modify or withdraw its consent to the settlements if comments
received disclose facts or considerations which indicate that the
settlements are inappropriate, improper, or inadequate.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the settlements are available from Ms. Paula V.
Batchelor. Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-RO4-
SFUND-2007-1052 or Site name B&B Manufacturing Superfund Site by one of
the following methods:
https://www.regulations.gov: Follow the on-line
instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Batchelor.Paula@epa.gov.
Fax: 404/562-8842/Attn: Paula V. Batchelor.
Mail: Ms. Paula V. Batchelor, U.S. EPA Region 4, SD-SEIMB, 61
Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia 30303. ``In addition, please mail
a copy of your comments on the information collection provisions to the
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), Attn: Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th St., NW.,
Washington, DC 20503.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-RO4-SFUND-
2007-1052. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included
in the public docket without change and may be made available online at
www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you
[[Page 60848]]
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through www.regulations.gov
or e-mail. The www.regulations.gov Web site is an ``anonymous access''
system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact
information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you
send an e-mail comment directly to EPA without going through
www.regulations.gov your e-mail address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket
and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact
information in the body of your comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you
submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA may not be able to
consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special
characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information about EPA's public docket visit the
EPA Docket Center homepage at https://www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the
www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically
in www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the U.S. EPA Region 4 office
located at 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Regional
office is open from 7 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays.
Written comments may be submitted to Ms. Batchelor within 30
calendar days of the date of this publication.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paula V. Batchelor at 404/562-8887.
Dated: October 11, 2007.
Rosalind H. Brown,
Chief, Superfund Enforcement & Information Management Branch, Superfund
[FR Doc. E7-21094 Filed 10-25-07; 8:45 am]