Department of Transportation November 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 151 - 200 of 228
Airworthiness Directives; the Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26837
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all the Boeing Company Model 707 airplanes, and Model 720 and 720B series airplanes. This proposed AD is intended to complete certain mandated programs intended to support the airplane reaching its limit of validity (LOV) of the engineering data that support the established structural maintenance program. This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections for cracking of the inboard and outboard midspar fittings of the nacelle struts and of the torque bulkhead, midspar chords, drag fitting, and front spar support, and doing applicable related investigative and corrective actions; replacing the midspar fittings; and doing other specified actions. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct cracking in the midspar fittings of the inboard and outboard nacelle struts, which could result in the loss of the structural integrity of the midspar fitting. This condition could cause an unsafe separation of the engine and consequent wing fire.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH (Previously Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH) (Airbus Helicopters)
Document Number: 2014-26836
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Airbus Helicopters Model EC135P1, EC135P2, EC135P2+, EC135T1, EC135T2, and EC135T2+ helicopters. This proposed AD would require reducing the life limit of certain parts and removing each part that has reached its life limit. The proposed actions are intended to reduce the life limits of certain critical parts to prevent failure of a part and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
Norfolk Southern Railway Company-Discontinuance of Service Exemption-in Clermont, Brown and Adams Counties, Ohio
Document Number: 2014-26827
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
Notice of Memorandum of Agreement for Replacing the Griffin-Spalding County Airport (6A2), Griffin, GA
Document Number: 2014-26800
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement for replacing the GriffinSpalding County Airport (6A2), in Griffin, Georgia with the City of Griffin, Spalding County, and the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority. This Agreement sets forth the parties' obligations and commitments with regard to planning and constructing a replacement airport.
Pilot Age Limit Crew Pairing Requirement
Document Number: 2014-26783
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This document notifies the public of the Federal Aviation Administration's policy regarding enforcement of the pilot pairing requirement in the ``Part 121 Pilot Age Limit'' final rule. Currently, while the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards allow a person between the age of 60 and 65 to serve as pilot in command (PIC) of an airplane with two or more pilots, in international commercial air transport operations, the PIC must be paired with a pilot younger than 60 years of age. Parts 61 and 121 of title 14, of the Code of Federal Regulations contain similar limitations. However, a recent amendment to the ICAO standards would remove this pilot pairing requirement. Instead, all pilots serving on airplanes in international commercial air transport operations with more than one pilot may serve beyond 60 years of age (until age 65) without being paired with a pilot under 60 years of age. This ICAO amendment triggers the sunset of the statutory authority that provides the basis for the crew pairing limitations in title 14.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation for the I-20 East Transit Initiative Heavy Rail Transit Extension in DeKalb County, Georgia
Document Number: 2014-26769
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) intend to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and an evaluation per 49 U.S.C. 303 and 23 CFR part 774 (``Section 4(f)'') for MARTA's I-20 East Heavy Rail Transit (HRT) Extension project, which would extend the existing Blue Line from the Indian Creek MARTA Station to the Mall at Stonecrest in eastern DeKalb County. The EIS and Section 4(f) Evaluation will be prepared in accordance with regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 4(f), as well as FTA's regulations and guidance implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508 and 23 CFR 771.105). The extension of the existing MARTA Blue Line HRT was selected as a component of a multimodal Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) resulting from the I-20 East Transit Initiative Detailed Corridor Analysis (DCA) completed in April 2012. The LPA also includes new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service along I-20 between downtown Atlanta and a new station at Wesley Chapel Road, east of I-285 in DeKalb County. The NEPA analysis for the BRT project is being advanced separately in an Environmental Assessment (EA). The FTA originally published a NOI to perform federal environmental review for the entire I-20 East Transit Initiative LPA on August 28, 2012 (77 FR 52128). Project scoping activities for the I-20 East Transit Initiative LPA occurred in September 2012. In today's issue of the Federal Register, FTA is rescinding the August 28, 2012 NOI and issuing this notice to advise interested agencies and the public regarding updates to the Purpose and Need of the LPA that have occurred since the scoping activities. Specifically, the Purpose and Need for both the HRT Extension project and the BRT project have been revised to reflect their distinct and independent utility. The revised Purpose and Need for the HRT Extension project is presented later in this Notice.
Notice to Rescind Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Assessment for the I-20 East Transit Initiative in the City of Atlanta and DeKalb County, Georgia
Document Number: 2014-26768
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
The FTA in cooperation with the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is issuing this notice to advise the public that the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed public transportation improvement project in the City of Atlanta and DeKalb County, Georgia is being rescinded.
Notice of Availability of Guidance on Accelerated Decisionmaking in Environmental Reviews
Document Number: 2014-26731
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary of Transportation
DOT is announcing the availability of guidance implementing Section 1319 of MAP-21, on Accelerated Decisionmaking in Environmental Reviews. This section of MAP-21 provides for the use of errata sheets on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, in lieu of a Final EIS (FEIS), when the EIS has limited or factual changes. It also states that the lead agency under NEPA shall issue a combined FEIS and ROD unless circumstances exist to make it impracticable. This eliminates the 30-day wait period between the release of the FEIS and ROD. This guidance builds on the interim guidance that was released by FHWA and FTA in January 2013, but applies to the entire Department. The FHWA and FTA interim guidance is retained as a supplemental appendix specific to those agencies. The guidance is available at policy/transportation-policy/guidance-accelerated-decision-ma king- environmental-reviews.
Airworthiness Directives; Piper Aircraft, Inc.
Document Number: 2014-26706
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 76-06-09 for certain Piper Aircraft, Inc. Model PA-31P airplanes. AD 76-06-09 required repetitive inspection of certain exhaust system parts with replacement of parts mating with the turbocharger, as necessary, and allowed installation of a certain tailpipe v-band coupling as terminating action. This new AD requires the use of new service information and expands the scope of the inspections of the turbocharger exhaust system. This AD was prompted by reports of exhaust system failures, new service information, and the tailpipe v-band coupling used for terminating action is obsolete. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; PILATUS AIRCRAFT LTD. Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26704
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2012-26-16 for all PILATUS AIRCRAFT LTD. Models PC-12, PC-12/45, PC-12/47, and PC-12/ 47E airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as a need to incorporate new revisions into the Limitations section, Chapter 4, of the FAA-approved maintenance program (e.g., maintenance manual). We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Notice of Availability Regarding a Record of Decision for the Virginia Avenue Tunnel Reconstruction Project in Washington, DC
Document Number: 2014-26622
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-13
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) procedures, this notice announces the availability of the ROD regarding the Virginia Avenue Tunnel Reconstruction Project in Washington, DC The Division Administrator, FHWA-District of Columbia signed the ROD on November 4, 2014.
Delaware Lackawaxen & Stourbridge Railroad Company-Operation Exemption-Stourbridge Railroad Company
Document Number: 2014-26741
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
Wisconsin & Southern Railroad, L.L.C.-Acquisition and Operation Exemption-Union Pacific Railroad Company
Document Number: 2014-26740
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
The Board is granting an exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502 from the prior approval requirements of 49 U.S.C. 10902 for Wisconsin & Southern Railroad, L.L.C. (WSOR), a Class II rail carrier, to acquire from the Union Pacific Railroad Company (UP) and operate a permanent exclusive freight rail operating easement over approximately 69.62 miles of rail line (the Line) in the State of Wisconsin. Specifically, the Line includes: (a) The Reedsburg Line, between milepost 134.0 and milepost 191.90 near Reedsburg; (b) the Central Soya Industrial Lead, between milepost 83.78 and milepost 85.5 in Madison; and (c) the Cottage Grove Industrial Lead, between milepost 81.00 and milepost 71.00. WSOR has been the exclusive operator over the Line since 1996 pursuant to a lease with UP, and upon consummation of the transaction, will continue to operate the line. The exemption is subject to standard labor protective conditions. In the same decision, the Board is granting WSOR a waiver of the employee notice requirements of 49 CFR 1121.4(h).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice of Request for Approval of a New Information Collection
Document Number: 2014-26730
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval of a new information collection that is summarized below.
Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects
Document Number: 2014-26728
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
This notice announces final environmental actions taken by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for projects in San Diego, CA; Tarrant County, TX; and Washington, DC. The purpose of this notice is to announce publicly the environmental decisions by FTA on the subject projects and to activate the limitation on any claims that may challenge these final environmental actions.
Notice of Availability of Final Guidance on the Application of United States Code on Corridor Preservation
Document Number: 2014-26705
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
The FTA announces the availability of final guidance on the application of a provision of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) regarding corridor preservation for future transit projects. MAP-21 modified Federal transit law by amending a previously existing provision such that FTA can now, under certain conditions, assist in the acquisition of both non-railroad and railroad right-of- way (ROW) for corridor preservation before the environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is complete for any transit project that could eventually use that ROW or could later receive FTA financial assistance. The final guidance defines the type of ROW to which this MAP-21 provision applies and explains the conditions and requirements pertaining to its application. On December 11, 2013, FTA announced in the Federal Register under docket number FTA-2013-0019 the availability of draft guidance and requested public comment. FTA received six comment letters and presents its responses to those comments in this notice.
Americans With Disabilities Act: Proposed Circular Amendment 2
Document Number: 2014-26665
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has placed in the docket and on its Web site proposed guidance in the form of seven additional proposed circular chapters to assist transportation providers in meeting the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. These proposed circular chapters include Chapter 3 (Transportation Facilities), Chapter 6 (Fixed Route Service), Chapter 7 (Demand Responsive Service), Chapter 9 (ADA Paratransit Eligibility), Chapter 10 (Passenger Vessels), Chapter 11 (Other Modes), and Chapter 12 (Oversight, Complaints, and Monitoring). Also included is additional text on monitoring practices, published as addenda to Chapter 2 (General Requirements) and Chapter 8 (Complementary Paratransit Service). Along with the proposed Chapter 4 (Vehicle Acquisition) published on October 2, 2012, and Chapter 1 (Introduction and Applicability), Chapter 2 (General Requirements), Chapter 5 (Equivalent Facilitation), and Chapter 8 (Complementary Paratransit Service) published on February 19, 2014, these chapters are part of a series of 12 chapters that will compose a complete ADA circular. By this notice, FTA invites public comment on these seven additional proposed circular chapters and the addenda to two previously published chapters.
Disposition of Life Limited Aircraft Parts; Technical Amendment
Document Number: 2014-26626
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is correcting a final rule published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002 (67 FR 2110). In that rule, the FAA amended its regulations to require that all persons who remove any life-limited aircraft part safely control that part, to deter the installation of that part after it has reached its life limit. The rule reduced the risk of life-limited parts being used beyond their life limits. The rule also required that type certificate and design approval holders of life-limited parts provide instructions on how to mark a part indicating its current status, when requested by persons removing such a part. This document corrects error in the codified text of that document.
Airworthiness Directives; the Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26536
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2012-13-08 for certain the Boeing Company Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747-200F, 747-400F, 747SR, and 747SP series airplanes, without a stretched upper deck or stretched upper deck modification. AD 2012-13- 08 required inspections of tension ties and surrounding structure for cracking, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary; modification of tension tie structure or tension tie and frame structure at specified stations; and post-modification inspections of some modified and unmodified areas, and repair if necessary. This new AD adds inspections in unmodified center section tension ties, and repair if necessary; post-modification inspections of modified and unmodified areas, and repair if necessary; a new modification of tension tie and frame structures; and inspections of tension ties and surrounding structure, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. This new AD reduces an inspection interval. This AD was prompted by widespread fatigue damage analysis that resulted in a determination that more inspections are necessary. We are issuing this AD to prevent tension ties from becoming severed or disconnected from the frames, which could lead to reduced structural integrity and sudden decompression of the airplane in flight.
Airworthiness Directives; the Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26440
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all the Boeing Company Model 767 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report of a rotary actuator for the trailing edge (TE) flap that had slipped relative to its mating reaction ring, which is attached to the flap support rib. This AD requires repetitive inspections for corrosion of the fixed ring gear and reaction ring splines of the rotary actuator assembly for each support position, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct flap rotary actuator gear disengagement from its mating reaction ring. This disengagement with flaps extended could cause an uncommanded roll due to flap blowback, overload, or flap departure from the airplane, which could compromise safe flight and landing of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26436
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that more restrictive airworthiness limitations are necessary. This AD requires revising the maintenance or inspection program as applicable. We are issuing this AD to prevent a safety-significant latent failure (which is not annunciated) which, in combination with one or more other specific failures or events, would result in a hazardous or catastrophic failure condition.
Airworthiness Directives; the Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26434
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-12
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2005-07-12, which applies to certain the Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. AD 2005-07-12 required detailed and eddy current inspections to detect cracking of the frame web around the cutout for the doorstop intercostal strap at the aft side of the station (STA) 291.5 frame at stringer 16R, and corrective action if necessary. Since we issued AD 2005-07-12, we received reports of new findings of cracking at various locations of the STA 277 to STA 291.5 frames and intercostals, including webs, chords, clips, and shear ties, between stringers 7R and 17R. This new AD requires inspections for cracking at the forward galley door cutout, and corrective actions if necessary. This new AD also reduces a certain inspection threshold required by AD 2005-07-12. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of the aft frame and frame support structure of the forward galley door, which could result in a severed fuselage frame web, rapid decompression of the airplane, and possible loss of the forward galley door.
Grand Canyon National Park Quiet Aircraft Technology Incentive: Seasonal Relief From Allocations in the Dragon and Zuni Point Corridors
Document Number: 2014-26668
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-10
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Department of the Interior, National Park Service
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) in section 35001(b)(2) directs the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Secretary of the Interior to provide quiet aircraft technology incentives for commercial air tour operators at Grand Canyon National Park. The FAA and the National Park Service (NPS) propose to implement this directive by giving effect to section 804(c) of the National Parks Air Tour Management Act (NPATMA) to provide seasonal relief from allocations in the Dragon and Zuni Point corridors for commercial air tour operators that convert or have converted to quiet aircraft technology. The FAA and the NPS will ensure that seasonal relief from allocations complies with statutory conditions that the cumulative impact of such operations does not increase noise at the Grand Canyon and that this incentive does not diminish the statutory mandate to achieve the substantial restoration of natural quiet. This incentive is proposed to be made available in the Dragon and Zuni Point corridors during the first quarter (January- March) beginning in 2015, may be extended to include part or all of the fourth quarter beginning in 2016, and will remain in effect unless it violates the statutory conditions or until a longer term approach for managing air tour noise is in place.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
Document Number: 2014-26592
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-10
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of the FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
Document Number: 2014-26591
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-10
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Repair Stations
Document Number: 2014-26590
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-10
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is correcting a final rule published in the Federal Register on August 12, 2014, (79 FR 46974). In that rule, the FAA removed a word to address what the agency perceived to be a previous oversight. After publication, and based on information in a petition for rulemaking, the FAA realized that the word should remain. Since the final rule's changes do not become effective until November 10, 2014, this correction will ensure that the word remains in the regulation.
Agency Information Collection Activities; New Information Collection Request: Entry Level Driver Training Survey for Commercial Drivers' Licenses
Document Number: 2014-26563
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FMCSA announces its plan to submit the Information Collection Request (ICR) described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this ICR is to examine, by a one-time collection of survey data, the relationship of commercial driver license (CDL) entry level driver training (ELDT), as influenced by any subsequent employer training that may have been received, to safety performance of the drivers. The goal of this research is to contribute to other related research being done evaluating the relationship of CDL ELDT to subsequent safety performance of the drivers. The results of this study, along with others, will provide FMCSA with information to support its consideration of the congressionally mandated requirement to establish enhanced minimum training requirements for CDL entry-level drivers from those currently required at 49 CFR 380.503. There is no national database that contains or collects data on the training received by drivers to enable them to qualify for a CDL. Recently licensed freight CDL drivers will be surveyed. (This will contain both drivers without hazardous material endorsements and drives with hazardous materials endorsements.) Motorcoach and bus drivers recently observed to have begun driving such vehicles in the most recent three years, as indicated by data in MCMIS, will be surveyed. The goal is to obtain a better understanding of the amount and type of total training they received, and its composition between that received before obtaining the CDL, and that received after obtaining the CDL. Type of training is divided into hours-based versus performance-based. Data on the amount and type of training received will be collected using a one-time survey effort. The data will be analyzed to describe the details of the driver training reported by the survey participants. Results of the training survey data will be analyzed in relation to the safety performance data of the responding drivers available from two databases: the State-operated Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS) and the Federally-operated Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Diabetes Mellitus
Document Number: 2014-26557
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from 52 individuals for exemption from the prohibition against persons with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (ITDM) operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce. If granted, the exemptions would enable these individuals with ITDM to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26534
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, and -900ER series airplanes, Model 757 airplanes, Model 767 airplanes, and Model 777 airplanes. This proposed AD results from fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. This proposed AD would require an inspection to determine if certain spar-mounted motor-operated valve actuators for the spar-mounted fuel valves are installed, and replacement of any affected actuators. We are proposing this AD to prevent electrical energy from lightning, hot shorts, or fault current from entering the fuel tank through the actuator shaft, which could result in fuel tank explosions and consequent loss of the airplane.
South Mountain Freeway Project FEIS Comment Consideration
Document Number: 2014-26533
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA is issuing this notice of omission to advise the public that 10 comments submitted by email during the comment period for the South Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) Interstate 10 (Papago Freeway) to Interstate 10 (Maricopa Freeway) Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation were inadvertently omitted from the South Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) Interstate 10 (Papago Freeway) to Interstate 10 (Maricopa Freeway) Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation.
AD&A Railway, LLC-Acquisition and Operation Exemption-V & S Railway, LLC
Document Number: 2014-26516
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26437
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013-16-08 for certain Bombardier, Inc. Model CL-600-2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700, 701, & 702) airplanes, Model CL-600-2D15 (Regional Jet Series 705) airplanes, and Model CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900) airplanes. AD 2013-16-08 required inspection of the main landing gear (MLG) retraction actuator components; corrective actions if necessary; and, for certain retraction actuators, installation of a new jam nut. This new AD continues to require those actions. This AD was prompted by a determination that a certain part was incorrectly identified in a certain section of AD 2013-16-08. We are issuing this AD to prevent disconnection of the MLG retraction actuator, which could result in extension of the MLG without damping, and consequent structural damage and collapse of the MLG during landing.
Policy and Procedures Concerning the Use of Airport Revenue; Proceeds From Taxes on Aviation Fuel
Document Number: 2014-26408
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action adopts an amendment to the FAA Policy and Procedures Concerning the Use of Airport Revenue published in the Federal Register at 64 FR 7696 on February 16, 1999 (``Revenue Use Policy''). This action confirms FAA's long-standing policy on Federal requirements for the use of proceeds from taxes on aviation fuel. Under Federal law, airport operators that have accepted Federal assistance generally may use airport revenues only for airport-related purposes. Local taxes on aviation fuel are subject to airport revenue use requirements. State taxes on aviation fuel (imposed by either an airport sponsor or a non-sponsor) are subject to use either for a State aviation program or for airport- related purposes. The statutory revenue use requirements apply to certain State and local government taxes on aviation fuel, as well as to revenues received directly by an airport operator. This document formally adopts, through an amendment to the Revenue Use Policy, FAA's interpretation of the Federal requirements for use of revenue derived from taxes on aviation fuel.
Training, Qualification, and Oversight for Safety-Related Railroad Employees
Document Number: 2014-26290
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-07
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
FRA is establishing minimum training standards for all safety- related railroad employees, as required by the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA). The final rule requires each railroad or contractor that employs one or more safety-related railroad employee to develop and submit a training program to FRA for approval and to designate the minimum training qualifications for each occupational category of employee. The rule also requires most employers to conduct periodic oversight of their own employees and annual written reviews of their training programs to close performance gaps. The rule also contains specific training and qualification requirements for operators of roadway maintenance machines that can hoist, lower, and horizontally move a suspended load. Finally, the rule clarifies the existing training requirements for railroad and contractor employees that perform brake system inspections, tests, or maintenance.
Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors
Document Number: 2014-26519
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Malfunction or Defect Report
Document Number: 2014-26400
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 3, 2014, vol. 79, no. 170, pages 52406-52407. The information collected allows the FAA to evaluate its certification standards, maintenance programs, and regulatory requirements. It is also the basis for issuance of Airworthiness Directives designed to prevent unsafe conditions and accidents.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection(s): Flight Engineers and Flight Navigators
Document Number: 2014-26399
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 3, 2014, vol. 79, no. 170, pages 52404-52405. Information collected is used to determine certification eligibility of Flight Engineers and Flight Navigators.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Aircraft Registration
Document Number: 2014-26395
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 3, 2014, vol. 79, no. 170, page 52404. The information collected is used by the FAA to register aircraft or hold an aircraft in trust. The information required to register and prove ownership of an aircraft is required by any person wishing to register an aircraft.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Rotorcraft External Load Operator Certificate Application
Document Number: 2014-26393
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 3, 2009, vol. 79, no. 170, page 52406. Information required from the public by 14 CFR part 133 is used by the FAA to process the operating certificate as a record of aircraft authorized for use, and to monitor Rotorcraft External-Load Operations.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: General Aviation Awards Program
Document Number: 2014-26387
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 3, 2014, vol. 79, no. 170, page 52405. The collection is used to nominate private citizens for recognition of their significant voluntary contribution to aviation education and flight safety.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Commercial Space Transportation Licensing Regulations
Document Number: 2014-26386
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 3, 2014, vol. 79, no. 170, pages 52405-52406. The information will determine if applicant proposals for conducting commercial space launches can be accomplished according to regulations issued by the Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
Document Number: 2014-26385
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. Aircraft operators seeking operational approval to conduct RVSM operations within the 48 contiguous United States (U.S.), Alaska and a portion of the Gulf of Mexico must submit an application to the Certificate Holding District Office.
Notice To Rescind the Record of Decision (ROD) for the North Metro Corridor Project in the City of Denver, Commerce City, Thornton, Northglenn, and Adams County, Colorado
Document Number: 2014-26370
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), in cooperation with the Regional Transportation District (RTD), is issuing this notice to advise the public that the Record of Decision (ROD) for the proposed North Metro Corridor project in Denver, Colorado is being rescinded.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
Document Number: 2014-26358
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26356
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2005-23-08 for certain Airbus Model A300 B4-605R and B4-622R airplanes; Model A300 F4- 605R airplanes; and Model A300 C4-605R Variant F airplanes. AD 2005-23- 08 required repetitive inspections to detect cracks of certain attachment holes, installation of new fasteners, follow-on inspections or repair if necessary, and modification of the angle fittings of fuselage frame FR47. This new AD adds new repetitive ultrasonic inspections for cracks of the center wing box lower panel; and repair if necessary. This new AD also removes certain airplanes from the applicability. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks found on the horizontal flange of the Frame 47 internal corner angle fitting while accomplishing the modification required by AD 2005-23-08. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of the forward fitting of fuselage frame FR47, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the frame.
Special Conditions: Airbus A350-900 Series Airplane; Interaction of Systems and Structures
Document Number: 2014-26341
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This document corrects errors that appeared in final special conditions docket no. FAA-2013-0894, which was published in the Federal Register on December 20, 2013 (78 FR 76980). The errors are in the document's special conditions stage (notice vs. final) and special conditions number.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26331
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model DC-9-10, DC-9-20, DC-9-30, DC-9-40, and DC-9- 50 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) indicating that the bulkhead dome tees, which connect the bulkhead web to the fuselage, are subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This AD requires repetitive inspections of the improved ventral aft pressure bulkhead tees, and replacement if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of the bulkhead dome tees, which could result in reduced structural integrity and rapid decompression of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-26330
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model DC-9-10, DC-9-20, and DC-9-30 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) indicating that the improved (shot-peened) aft fuselage non-ventral pressure bulkhead tee is subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This AD requires repetitive inspections for cracking of the improved (shot-peened) non-ventral aft pressure bulkhead tees, and replacement if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking of the improved (shot-peened) non-ventral aft pressure bulkhead tees connecting the bulkhead web to the fuselage, which could result in reduced structural integrity and rapid decompression of the airplane.
Establishment and Amendment of Class D and E Airspace; Santa Rosa, CA
Document Number: 2014-26283
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action establishes Class E airspace and modifies Class D and E airspace at Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport, Santa Rosa, CA. This action, initiated by the FAAs biennial review of the airspace area, enhances the safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport. Class D and E airspace is amended to reflect the airport's name change. Also, a minor adjustment is made to the geographic coordinates of the airport.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-24964
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013-10-06, for all Airbus Model A330-200 Freighter, A330-200, A330-300, A340-200, A340-300, A340-500, and A340-600 series airplanes. AD 2013-10-06 required an inspection to identify the installed windshields, and replacement of any affected windshield. This new AD requires expanding the inspection area to 15 additional windshields' serial numbers. This AD was prompted by several reports of a burning smell and/or smoke in the cockpit during cruise phase, leading in some cases, to diversion to alternate airports. We are issuing this AD to prevent significantly increased workload for the flightcrew, which could, under some flight phases and/or circumstances, constitute an unsafe condition.
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