Department of the Navy September 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 19 of 19
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
In compliance with Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Naval Health Research Center (NHRC), Department of the Navy announces a proposed extension of a public information collection and seeks public comment on the provisions thereof. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
In compliance with Section 3502(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Chief of Naval Education and Training announces a proposed extension of a previously approved public information collection and seeks public comment on the provisions thereof. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Record of Decision for the Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Military Relocation: Relocating Marines from Okinawa, Visiting Aircraft Carrier Berthing, and Air and Missile Defense Task Force
The Department of the Navy (DoN) and the Department of the Army (Army), after carefully weighing the environmental consequences of the proposed action, as well as considering operational and training requirements, strategic requirements, obligations under treaties and other international agreements, and cost, announce their decision to proceed with Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Military Relocation. As a result of redefining the United States (U.S.) defense posture in the Pacific region and the U.S. alliance with Japan, a portion of U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) forces currently located in Okinawa, Japan will be relocated to Guam. This relocation of USMC forces will meet international agreement and treaty requirements and fulfill U.S. national security policy requirements to provide mutual defense, deter aggression, and dissuade coercion in the Western Pacific Region in response to the evolving security environment in the Pacific region, as identified through the Integrated Global Presence and Basing Strategy and the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). The redefining of the U.S. defense posture in the Pacific also calls for greater availability of aircraft carrier strike groups in the Pacific to support engagement, presence, and deterrence. Finally, in support of the proposed military relocation, the stationing of an Air and Missile Defense Task Force (AMDTF) is also being considered. A significant number of countries have ballistic missile capabilities which can deliver conventional, nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Other countries are working to establish these capabilities and missile systems. The effective strike range of defensive ballistic missile systems dictates that they must be located in the proximity of the protected assets. The need for the proposed AMDTF is to protect the territory of Guam, its citizens, U.S. and allied forces on Guam from the threat of harm from ballistic missile attacks from other countries and enemies of the U.S. Implementing the military relocation analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be a multi-agency, multi-year effort undertaken by the DoN, Army, Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Guam utilities, Guam agencies, and various private entities. Implementation includes several components: (1) Marine Corps: (a) Development and construction of facilities and infrastructure to support approximately 8,600 Marines and their 9,000 dependents being relocated from Okinawa to Guam. (b) Development and construction of facilities and infrastructure to support training and operations on Guam and Tinian (located in the CNMI). DoN has elected to defer selection of a specific site for the construction and operation of a live fire training range complex in the Route 15 area in Guam pending completion of the Section 106 consultation process under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Likewise, a selection regarding implementation of a roadway improvement project calling for a realignment of Route 15 is hereby deferred pending selection of a specific site for the construction. (2) Navy: Construction of a new deep-draft wharf with shoreside infrastructure improvements creating the capability in Apra Harbor, Guam to support a transient nuclear powered aircraft carrier. DoN has elected to defer selection of a specific site for the construction and operation of a transient aircraft carrier berth within Apra Harbor for the near term. However, the analysis presented in the EIS, including the marine resources impacts analysis, provides sufficient information to allow the DoN to fully consider the direct, indirect and cumulative environmental impacts of locating a transient aircraft carrier berth and make a programmatic decision to locate a transient aircraft carrier berth generally within Apra Harbor, which is the only deep draft harbor on the island of Guam that could support such a berth. (3) Army: Development of facilities and infrastructure on Guam to support relocating approximately 600 military personnel and their 900 dependents to establish and operate an Air and Missile Defense Task Force (AMDTF). As of the date of this Record of Decision (ROD), the Department of Defense (DoD) has not decided to construct and operate an AMDTF on Guam. The decision on whether to assign this mission to the Army will be made pending the results of the ongoing regional and global Ballistic Missile Defense architectural and capability studies. It will also be based in part on the EIS for this proposed action with Guam as one site that is under consideration for an AMDTF mission. The EIS was prepared noting that if the mission were assigned to Army, the alternatives presented in the EIS represent how Army could implement the action on Guam. Army has selected the preferred alternatives described in Volume 5 of the EIS as the appropriate manner to implement the proposed action if and when the mission is assigned. (4) Utilities: Renovation and development of additional capacity for power, water, and wastewater systems, both on base and off base, to support the increased demand from the new Marine Corps Base and associated growth in DoD and civilian population caused by the Relocation. (5) Off-base Roadways: Improvements to off base roads, bridges, and intersections to support increased traffic and offset significant impacts caused by the Relocation. Each of the major actions noted above encompasses several construction projects to provide required facilities and infrastructure. Most of the major actions and their supporting projects have alternative sites located throughout the island of Guam. This ROD will document and demonstrate why DoD has chosen to implement the preferred alternatives for each of the actions described in the EIS, except as noted above. Because DoN and Army are preparing this ROD as a joint effort, both concur and support the decisions expressed within it. The ROD includes descriptions and discussions of the proposed actions and their impacts. It also includes descriptions and discussions of all related actions and their impacts. Combined, these two elementsproposed and related actions, with associated impactsprovide the context for consideration of the collective and cumulative impacts associated with all actions addressed in the EIS. While this ROD represents the decisions of DoN and Army regarding the proposed actions, Federal agencies have greatly contributed to formulating and refining the approach to implementing actions and associated mitigation measures. Led by Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) facilitated discussions, DoD reached major agreements with various Federal regulatory agencies regarding key issues, refined action alternatives for Guam's potable water and wastewater systems, committed to the use of force flow reduction and Adaptive Program Management (APM) as mitigation measures, and established a Civil- Military Coordination Council (CMCC) to implement APM. All of these actions are discussed with greater detail within the ROD. DoN would like to recognize the efforts of CEQ, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Interior (DOI), the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Government of Guam Agencies and thank them for their participation and assistance in seeking resolution to the many challenges confronting DoD in the completion of the NEPA process for this proposed action. It is also recognized that as the military construction projects necessary to implement the actions move forward, each of these agencies will have a continuing role through either a regulatory, permitting, or advisory capacity and will continue to partner in the implementation of the actions. This ROD was prepared in accordance with CEQ Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA 40 CFR parts 1500 to 1508 and specifically, 40 CFR 1505.2Record of decision in cases requiring environmental impact statements.
Record of Decision for the United States Marine Corps Basewide Utilities Infrastructure Project at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, CA
Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 4332(2)(c), the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] parts 1500-1508), the Department of the Navy (DoN) NEPA regulations (32 CFR part 775), and the Marine Corps Environmental Compliance and Protection Manual, which is Marine Corps Order P5090.2A w/change 2 (MCO P5090.2A), the DoN announces its decision to upgrade and improve the Basewide water, wastewater, electrical, communication, and natural gas systems at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (MCBCP), California as described in Alternative 1, the Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative best meets the purpose and need for the proposed action in terms of the screening criteria applied, including having the least number of impacts to the environment of the action alternatives and the least impacts to base operations and training. The proposed action will include the construction, operation, and maintenance of utility infrastructure upgrades, expansions, and improvements within MCBCP. These improvements will include a new tertiary wastewater treatment plant and associated facilities serving the northern portion of MCBCP; upgrades to the Base electrical distribution systems and associated facilities, including replacement of existing 4.16kV and 12kV electrical distribution systems; upgrades to the Basewide communication systems; upgrades to the Basewide natural gas systems; and new water and wastewater facilities and road improvements to Range 130. All practical means to avoid or minimize environmental harm from the selected alternative have been adopted.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The U.S. Marine Corps proposes to reinstate a system of records to its inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended. After review, it has been determined that the records covered under this previously deleted notice (see 75 FR 43502, July 26, 2010) are not covered elsewhere as stated; therefore this notice is being reinstated.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Legislative Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Extension of the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range Land Withdrawal
Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and regulations implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500- 1508), the Department of the Navy (DoN) and the United States Marine Corps (USMC), with the cooperation of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), intends to prepare a Legislative Environmental Impact Statement (L-EIS) and conduct public scoping meetings for the proposed extension of the withdrawal of approximately 226,711 acres of public land in Imperial and Riverside counties, California, for continued military use of the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range (CMAGR). The California Military Lands Withdrawal and Overflights Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-433) withdrew 226,711 acres of public land to DoN, reserving these lands for defense-related purposes for a period of 20 years (until October 31, 2014). The Act provides that the DoN may seek extension of the CMAGR withdrawal. As part of the withdrawal process, the Secretary of the Navy is required to publish a Draft L-EIS addressing legislative alternatives and the effects of continued withdrawal. The CMAGR Draft L-EIS will evaluate the environmental effects of the proposal to extend the land withdrawal for an additional 25 years (through 2039) and will evaluate alternative actions to restructure the existing range boundary for improved efficiency in the management of the CMAGR and adjacent lands.
Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive Patent License; DQE, Inc.
The invention listed below is assigned to the United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Navy. The Department of the Navy hereby gives notice of its intent to grant to DQE, Inc. a revocable, nonassignable, exclusive license to practice in the United States, the Government-owned invention described below: U.S. Patent 6,895,871 (Navy Case 84072): Issued May 24, 2005, entitled ``HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DECONTAMINATION PLATFORM''.
Certifications and Exemptions Under the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
The Department of the Navy (DoN) is amending its certifications and exemptions under the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS), to reflect that the Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General (DAJAG) (Admiralty and Maritime Law) has determined that certain vessels of the PC-1 Class are vessels of the Navy which, due to their special construction and purpose, cannot fully comply with certain provisions of the 72 COLREGS without interfering with their special functions as naval ships. The intended effect of this rule is to warn mariners in waters where 72 COLREGS apply.
Meeting of the Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel
The Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel (SECNAV Advisory Panel) will deliberate the findings and recommendations for the Department of the Navy's Energy program and Asia/Pacific Engagement topic.
Meeting of the Independent Panel To Review the Judge Advocate Requirements of the Department of the Navy
The Independent Panel to Review the Judge Advocate Requirements of the Department of the Navy (DoN) (hereinafter referred to as the Panel) will hold two open meetings on two separate dates. The Panel will meet in order to hear testimony from civilian and military witnesses and to conduct deliberations concerning the judge advocate requirements of the DoN. These sessions will be open to the public, subject to the availability of space. In keeping with the spirit of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the Panel welcomes written comments concerning its work from the public at any time. Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the sessions.
Information on Surplus Land at a Military Installation Designated for Disposal: NASJRB Willow Grove, PA
This notice provides information on the surplus property at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base (NASJRB) Willow Grove located in Horsham Township, Montgomery County, PA.
Meeting of the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Executive Panel will deliberate on the findings and proposed recommendations of the Technical Diversity Subcommittee to the CNO. The meeting will consist of discussions of current and future Navy strategy, plans, and policies regarding the utilization of technically diverse systems, primarily associated with information management systems.
Meeting of the Board of Advisors to the Presidents of the Naval Postgraduate School and the Naval War College
Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, as amended), notice is hereby given that the following meeting of the Board of Advisors (BOA) to the Presidents of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and the Naval War College (NWC) will be held. This meeting will be open to the public.
Meeting of the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Executive Panel will deliberate on the findings and proposed recommendations of the Navy Personnel Costs Subcommittee to the CNO. The meeting will consist of discussions of means by which the CNO can reduce the rising costs of employing military and civilian personnel.
Meeting of the Board of Visitors of Marine Corps University
The Board of Visitors of the Marine Corps University (BOV MCU) will meet to review, develop and provide recommendations on all aspects of the academic and administrative policies of the University; examine all aspects of professional military education operations; and provide such oversight and advice, as is necessary, to facilitate high educational standards and cost effective operations. The Board will be focusing primarily on the internal procedures of Marine Corps University. All sessions of the meeting will be open to the public.
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