Department of the Interior September 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 150 of 160
Notice of Availability of the Final Devils River Minnow Recovery Plan
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces the availability of the approved recovery plan for the Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli). The Devils River minnow is known to occur in streams in Kinney and Val Verde Counties, Texas, and Coahuila, Mexico. The threats facing the species include: Habitat loss due to declining surface water flows from springs, pollution to streams, and impacts from nonnative species. The recovery plan outlines the necessary criteria, objectives and tasks to reduce these threats and accomplish the goal of delisting the Devils River minnow.
Notice of Public Meeting, Western Montana Resource Advisory Council Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Western Montana Resource Advisory Council will meet as indicated below.
Arizona State Office Public Room Temporary Closure
This notice announces a temporary closure of the Bureau of Land Management Arizona State Office Public Room for October 5-12, 2005. The five-day closure is for the purpose of relocating the land and mineral records, office furniture and electronic equipment to a new location in the Phelps Dodge Tower at 1 North Central Avenue in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. The Public Room will be reopened to the public for regular business hours9 a.m. to 4 p.m., starting on Thursday, October 13, 2005. The phone number to the Public Room, (602) 417-9200, will remain the same in the new location.
Public Conduct on Bureau of Reclamation Facilities, Lands, and Waterbodies; and Procedure to Process and Recover the Value of Rights-of-Use and Administrative Costs Incurred in Permitting Such Use
The Bureau of Reclamation is issuing this proposed rulemaking to establish regulations regarding public access to and conduct on all Reclamation projects, waters, and real property subject to the jurisdiction or administration of Reclamation or in its custody. Reclamation is required by law to issue this rule in order to maintain law and order and protect persons and property on its projects. This proposed rule would supersede the existing Public Conduct rule, and amend provisions located elsewhere to ensure consistency.
2005-2006 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations
The Fish and Wildlife Service adds six refuges to the list of areas open for hunting and/or sport fishing programs and increases the activities available at seven other refuges. We also implement pertinent refuge-specific regulations for those activities and amend certain regulations on other refuges that pertain to migratory game bird hunting, upland game hunting, big game hunting, and sport fishing for the 2005-2006 season.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the Southern California Distinct Vertebrate Population Segment of the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana muscosa
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to designate critical habitat for the endangered southern California distinct vertebrate population segment (DPS) of the mountain yellow- legged frog (Rana muscosa) pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). We have determined that approximately 8,770 ac (3,549 ha) of land containing features essential to the conservation of the mountain yellow-legged frog exist in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, CA. We are proposing to designate approximately 8,283 acres (ac) (3,352 hectares (ha)) of streams and riparian areas as critical habitat within 3 units in southern California, further divided into subunits: Unit 1 (7 subunits) in the San Gabriel Mountains (Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties); Unit 2 (3 subunits) in San Bernardino Mountains (San Bernardino County); and Unit 3 (4 subunits) in the San Jacinto Mountains (Riverside County). Lands being proposed as critical habitat are under Federal, local/state, and private ownership; no tribal lands are included in this proposed designation. This proposed designation includes areas currently known to be occupied by the southern California DPS of the mountain yellow-legged frog, as well as several areas that were historically occupied, but are currently unoccupied. We are proposing to exclude critical habitat from approximately 487 ac (197 ha) of non-Federal lands within existing Public/Quasi Public (PQP) lands, proposed conceptual reserve design lands, and lands targeted for conservation within the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Area under section 4(b)(2) of the Act.
Notice of Intent To Establish and Call for Nominations for the North Slope Science Initiative Science Technical Group
This notice announces the establishment of the North Slope Science Initiative Science Technical Group by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) and calls for nominations to serve on the Science Technical Group in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) of 1972, 5 U.S.C. Appendix. A copy of the Science Technical Group charter will be filed with the appropriate committees of Congress and the Library of Congress in accordance with Section 9(c) of FACA.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 5-Year Review of Eight Southeastern Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces a 5- year review of the Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata), Puerto Rican plain pigeon (Columba (=Patagioenas) inornata wetmorei), red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Puerto Rican boa (Epicrates inornatus), Virgin Islands tree boa (Epicrates monensis granti), guaj[oacute]n (Eleutherodactylus cooki), Harrisia portoricensis (higo chumbo), and Adiantum vivesii (no common name), under section 4(c)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The purpose of reviews conducted under this section of the Act is to ensure that the classification of species as threatened or endangered on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12) is accurate. The 5-year review is an assessment of the best scientific and commercial data available at the time of the review.
Notice of Availability of a Technical Agency Draft Recovery Plan for the Endangered Spring Creek Bladderpod (Lesquerella perforata
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of the technical agency draft recovery plan for the Spring Creek bladderpod (Lesquerella perforata). This species is endemic to the Central Basin in Tennessee. It is currently known from only three watersheds (Spring Creek, Bartons Creek, and Cedar Creek) in Wilson County, Tennessee. The technical agency draft recovery plan includes specific recovery objectives and criteria to be met in order to downlist this species to threatened status and delist it under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act) (16 U.S.C. 1533 et seq.). We solicit review and comment on this technical agency draft recovery plan from local, State, and Federal agencies, and the public.
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM-Eastern States, Springfield, Virginia, 30 calendar days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM-Eastern States, Springfield, Virginia, 30 calendar days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM-Eastern States, Springfield, Virginia, 30 calendar days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.
Proposed Agency Information Collection: Indian Reservation Roads Program; Comment Request
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is seeking comments on information collected for the Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) Program pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. When the rule was approved and published 3 years ago, the information collection was also approved for 3 years. We now must renew that approval so that we can continue to operate the IRR Program. This renewal is necessary for tribal participation in the IRR Program and for the allocation of funding for the IRR Program to federally-recognized tribal governments for transportation assistance.
Notice of Public Meeting, Southwest Resource Advisory Council Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Southwest Colorado Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Availability of Record of Decision for the California Coastal National Monument Resource Management Plan
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) management policies, and Presidential Proclamation No. 7264, the BLM announces the availability of the RMP/ ROD for the California Coastal National Monument (CCNM) located off the coast of California. The California State Director has signed the RMP/ ROD, which becomes effective immediately.
List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Fiscal Year 2006 Funding Agreements To Be Negotiated With Self-Governance Tribes by Interior Bureaus Other Than the Bureau of Indian Affairs
This notice lists programs or portions of programs that are eligible for inclusion in Fiscal Year 2006 funding agreements with self-governance tribes and lists programmatic targets for each of the non-BIA bureaus, pursuant to section 405(c)(4) of the Tribal Self- Governance Act.
Environmental Impact Statement; Notice of Availability
Pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of the stream management plan draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, Iowa.
Utah Museum of Natural History, Environmental Impact Statement, University of Utah and National Park Service and as Joint Lead Agencies, Salt Lake County, UT
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4332 (C) and (D) (NEPA), the University of Utah and the National Park Service as Joint Lead Agencies, are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the construction and operation of a proposed new Utah Museum of Natural History museum facility at the University of Utah, Salt Lake County, Utah. The NEPA process is being followed because federal funds, as grants through the National Park Service, are contributing to the design and construction costs of the new museum facility. The EIS will identify potential environmental effects of construction and operation of the proposed 169,000 square foot museum building, parking, and related appurtenances and mitigation measures to minimize adverse environmental impacts on the 17-acre site provided to the Museum by the University of Utah. This site is near the University of Utah's Research Park, south of Red Butte Gardens and Arboretum in Salt Lake County, Utah. The Utah Public Lands Artifact Preservation Act, Pub. L. 107-329, enacted in 2002, authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to make a grant to the University of Utah to pay the Federal share of the costs of construction of a new facility including design, planning, furnishing, and equipping of the Museum. Seventy-five percent of the Museum's collection is material recovered from federally managed public lands including lands administered by the National Park Service. In January 2005, the Museum initiated an Environmental Assessment on the proposed project. After completion of public scoping and the identification of issues, the agencies decided to prepare an EIS. The EIS will analyze the proposed action, a no action alternative, alternative approaches to site and facilities design and placement, and other reasonable alternatives, if any, identified during the NEPA process. The EIS will also consider mitigation measures to minimize potential adverse environmental effects. Based on current information it is not expected that the EIS alternatives will include alternative sites for the museum facility, for several reasons. (1) The University of Utah and the Museum concluded a site selection process in 1995, and in 1997 the University of Utah Board of Trustees reserved the Research Park site for use by the Museum. Since that time considerable resources have been devoted to site planning, and substantial private, state and federal financial commitments have been received for design, construction and operation of a museum on the designated site. It would not be practical or economically feasible for the Museum to abandon this site for an alternative location. (2) Congress, in enacting the 2002 Utah Public Lands Artifact Preservation Act and in making subsequent appropriations, contemplated that the new museum would be located at the 17-acre Research Park site and it authorized and has since appropriated funding for a facility at that site. (3) If the new museum were built at an alternative location, the Research Park site would nonetheless still be developed, meaning that there would not likely be a decrease in overall impacts. Issues that were identified by the public during scoping for the EA and that will be addressed in the EIS include: vegetation and wildlife; recreation and trail use; open space, visual quality and aesthetics; traffic, transportation and parking; socioeconomics/cultural; air quality; soils, geological and seismic concerns; surface and groundwater quality and management; consideration of alternative sites; hazardous materials; and archaeological, cultural, historic and paleontological resources. Scoping for the EA was conducted February 15 through March 16, 2005 with a scoping meeting on March 8. The meeting was widely publicized and was attended by over 90 members of the public. Approximately 350 comments were received by letter or email. A scoping brochure has been prepared that details the issues identified to date. Copies of the brochure may be obtained from the project's NEPA contractor, Bear West, 145 South 400 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, phone (801) 355-8816. The scoping brochure along with a request for any additional scoping comments is being mailed to the project mailing list including those who attended the initial scoping meeting or submitted written comments. One or more workshops, open houses or similar meetings may be conducted during preparation of the EIS. Because there was a well attended public meeting during scoping for the EA, no additional public meetings are planned as part of the EIS scoping process. For questions regarding the proposed action, contact Utah Museum of Natural History, Sarah George, Director, 1390 E. Presidents Circle, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0050. For questions regarding NEPA compliance, contact National Park Service, Cordell Roy, Utah State Coordinator, 324 South State Street, Suite 200, Box 30, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
Fire Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Chiricahua National Monument, AZ
Pursuant to Sec. 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 83 Stat. 852, 853, codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C), the National Park Service announces the availability of the Record of Decision for the Fire Management Plan, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona. On August 2, 2005 the Director, Intermountain Region approved the Record of Decision for the project. As soon as practicable, the National Park Service will begin to implement the Preferred Alternative contained in the FEIS issued on July 1, 2005. The following course of action will occur under the preferred alternative, the Watershed Alternative. This course of action and 2 alternatives were analyzed in the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements. The full range of foreseeable environmental consequences was assessed, and appropriate mitigating measures were identified. The Record of Decision includes a statement of the decision made, synopses of other alternatives considered, the basis for the decision, a description of the environmentally preferable alternative, a finding on impairment of park resources and values, a listing of measures to minimize environmental harm, and an overview of public involvement in the decision-making process.
Fire Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Saguaro National Park, AZ
Pursuant to National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4332(C), the National Park Service announces the availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Fire Management Plan, Saguaro National Park, Arizona.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Creston/Blue Gap II Natural Gas Project, Carbon and Sweetwater Counties, WY
Under Section 102 (2) (C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Rawlins Field Office, announces its intent to prepare an EIS on the potential impacts of a proposed natural gas development project consisting primarily of conventional gas well development, but also including approximately 100 coal bed natural gas wells. In April 2005, the BLM received a proposal from Devon Energy Corporation representing themselves and other lease holders in the area, to drill and develop up to 1,250 wells from an estimated 1000 well pad sites and install and operate associated facilities. The proposed project area encompasses approximately 184,000 acres of mixed Federal, State, and private land, and overlies a natural gas field analyzed under the Creston/Blue Gap Natural Gas Project Final EIS (1994). Project development and the operational period is expected to have a 30 to 40 year life. The project area is located approximately 40 air miles southwest of the city of Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming.
Indian Reservation Roads Program Coordinating Committee
The Secretary of the Interior is appointing tribal regional representatives to the Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) Program Coordinating Committee (Committee) as outlined under 25 CFR 170. The IRR final rules amending 25 CFR 170 include establishing a Committee to provide input and recommendations to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in developing IRR Program policies and procedures and to coordinate with and obtain input from tribes, BIA, and FHWA. The Secretary announced on February 13, 2005, the request for nominations from tribal governments for representatives and alternates to serve on the Committee. Based on review of those nominations, the Secretary is announcing the representatives who will serve on the Committee in each of the 12 BIA regions.
Migratory Bird Hunting; Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service or we) is issuing this notice to advise the public that we are initiating efforts to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds under the authority of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The EIS will consider a range of management alternatives for addressing sport hunting of migratory birds under the authority of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The Service seeks suggestions and comments on the scope and substance of this supplemental EIS, options or alternatives to be considered, and important management issues. Federal and State agencies and the public are invited to present their views on the subject to the Service. While we have yet to determine potential sites of public scoping meetings, we will publish a notice of any such public meetings with the locations, dates, and times in the Federal Register.
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Advisory Committee; Call for Nominations
BLM is publishing this notice under section 9(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The notice requests the public to submit nominations for membership on the Committee. The Committee is necessary to advise the Secretary and BLM on resource management issues associated with Canyons of the Ancients National Monument.
Big Game Guiding on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is soliciting proposals to conduct commercial big game guide services in six guide use areas on five national wildlife refuges in Alaska.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Rule To Remove the Arizona Distinct Population Segment of the Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; Proposal To Withdraw the Proposed Rule To Designate Critical Habitat
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce that we will hold a public hearing (see DATES and ADDRESSES sections) on our proposed rule to remove the Arizona distinct population segment (DPS) of the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum) (pygmy-owl) from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, eliminate its currently designated critical habitat, and to withdraw its proposed new critical habitat. This public hearing will allow all interested parties an opportunity to comment on our proposed actions.
Availability of an Environmental Assessment and Receipt of an Application for an Incidental Take Permit for Beach Driving and Related Activities in St. Johns County, FL
St. Johns County (Applicant) is seeking an incidental take permit (ITP) from the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) pursuant to Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended. The Applicant anticipates that authorization of beach driving and related activities, over a requested permit term of 20 years, will result in the incidental taking of the endangered Anastasia Island beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus phasma), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempi), and hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), as well as the threatened loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). The anticipated taking of these federally listed species is incidental to otherwise legal vehicle operation on the beaches of St. Johns County, pursuant to the Beach and Shore Preservation Act of 1998, section 161.36, Florida Statutes. A description of the mitigation and minimization measures outlined in the Applicant's Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to address the effects of the beach access and beach access-related activities on federally listed species is described further in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. The Service has made a preliminary determination that the issuance of the Permit is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of section 102(2)(C) of NEPA. This preliminary information may be revised due to public comment received in response to this notice and is based on information contained in the Environmental Assessment (EA) and HCP. Copies of the HCP and EA may be obtained by making a request to the Regional Office (see ADDRESSES). Requests must be in writing to be processed. This Notice is provided pursuant to section 10 of the Endangered Species Act and NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).
Receipt of Four Applications for Incidental Take Permits for Construction of Single-Family Homes in Brevard County, FL
Eugene T. Butler, Carlos E. Gauthier, Robert Moren, and Kheino A. Phidd (Applicants) individually request an incidental take permit (ITP) pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), as amended (Act). The Applicants anticipate taking a combined total of about 1.03 acres of Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) (scrub-jay) foraging, sheltering, and possibly nesting habitat incidental to lot preparation for the construction of single-family homes and supporting infrastructure in Brevard County, Florida (Projects). Requested permit duration is one year for all applicants, except for Moren, who requests a 10-year permit term. The destruction of 1.03 acre of foraging, sheltering, and possibly nesting habitat is expected to result in the take of three families of scrub-jays. Each of the Applicants' Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) describe the mitigation and minimization measures proposed to address the effects of the proposed Project to the Florida scrub-jay. These measures are outlined in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. We have determined that each Applicant's proposal, including the proposed mitigation and minimization measures, will individually and cumulatively have a minor or negligible effect on the species covered in the HCPs. Therefore, the ITPs are ``low-effect'' projects and qualify as categorical exclusions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as provided by the Department of Interior Manual (516 DM 2, Appendix 1 and 516 DM 6, Appendix 1). We announce the availability of the HCPs for the incidental take applications. Copies of the HCPs may be obtained by making a request to the Regional Office (see ADDRESSES). Requests must be in writing to be processed. This notice is provided pursuant to Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act and NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Notice of Receipt of an Application for an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) and Availability and Opening of Comment Period for a Draft Environment Assessment (EA) Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for the West Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel in Association With Snowshoe Mountain, Incorporated, Pocahontas County, WV
This notice advises the public that Snowshoe Mountain, Incorporated (SMI) has applied to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for an ITP pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), as amended. The application has been assigned permit number TE-102380. The proposed permit would authorize the incidental take of a federally endangered species, the West Virginia northern flying squirrel (WVNFS) (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus), known to occur throughout the property owned by the applicant at Snowshoe Mountain Resort, Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The proposed taking is incidental to a planned recreation and infrastructure expansion project on approximately 43 acres owned by SMI. The permit would be in effect for up to 10 years depending on completion of the proposed activities. The Service announces the receipt of the SMI ITP application and the availability of the proposed Recreation and Infrastructure Expansion at Snowshoe Mountain HCP which accompanies the ITP application, for public comment. In addition, the Service also announces the availability of a draft EA for the proposed issuance of the ITP. This notice is provided pursuant to the section 10(c) of the ESA and National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) regulations (40 CFR 1506.6). The Service will evaluate the application, associated documents, and comments submitted thereon to determine whether the application meets the requirements of NEPA regulations and section 10(a) of the ESA. If it is determined that the requirements are met, a permit will be issued for the incidental take of the WVNFS. The final NEPA and permit determinations will not be completed until after the end of the 60-day comment period and will fully consider all public comments received during the comment period.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; New Mexico
The plats of survey described below are scheduled to be officially filed in the New Mexico State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Santa Fe, New Mexico, (30) thirty calendar days from the date of this publication.
Safe Harbor Agreement and Receipt of Application for an Enhancement of Survival Permit Associated With the Restoration of Habitat and Reintroduction of Utah Prairie Dogs on Private Land in Sevier County, UT
Mr. Mitchel Pace (Applicant/Cooperator) has applied to the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for an Enhancement of Survival Permit (ESP) for the Utah prairie dog pursuant to section 10(a)1(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), as amended (Act). This permit application includes a proposed Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA) between the Applicant and the Service. The proposed SHA and permit would become effective upon signature of the SHA and would remain in effect for 25 years. This notice is provided pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), section 10 of the Act, and the Service's Safe Harbor Policy (64 FR 32717). The Service requests information, views, and opinions from the public via this notice. Further, the Service is soliciting information regarding the adequacy of the SHA as measured against the Service's Safe Harbor Policy and the regulations that implement it.
Notice to the Public of Temporary Public Lands Closures and Prohibition of Certain Activities on Public Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Winnemucca Field Office, Nevada
Notice is hereby given that certain lands located in northwestern Nevada partly within the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area will be temporarily closed or restricted and certain activities will be temporarily prohibited in and around the Burning Man event site administered by the BLM Winnemucca Field Office in Pershing and Washoe Counties, Nevada. The specified closures, restrictions and prohibitions are made in the interest of public safety at and around the public lands location of an event known as the Burning Man Festival. This event is authorized on public lands under a special recreation permit and is expected to attract approximately 35,000 participants this year. These lands will be closed or restricted as follows: August 15, 2005 through September 19, 2005 inclusive: Discharge of firearms, possession of weapons, waste water disposal, and closed or restricted to camping. August 26, 2005 through September 5, 2005 inclusive: Aircraft landing, possession of fireworks, possession of alcohol by minors, and closed to all public uses. August 29, 2005 through September 5, 2005 inclusive: Closed or restricted to vehicle use. Public camping and vehicle use that creates dust plumes higher than the top of the vehicle are prohibited from August 29, 2005 through September 5, 2005 inclusive in the following legally described locations outside the permit area (defined by a temporary event perimeter fence):
Notice of Intent To Prepare Resource Management Plan Revisions and an Associated Environmental Impact Statement for Six Western Oregon Districts of the Bureau of Land Management
This document provides notice that the BLM intends to revise six Resource Management Plans (RMP) with a single associated Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Coos Bay District, Eugene District, Medford District, Roseburg District, Salem District, and the Klamath Falls Resource Area of the Lakeview District (planning area).
Oil and Gas Leasing: Onshore Oil and Gas Operations-Fees, Rentals and Royalty Stripper Well Royalty Reductions Retention of Records
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is revising the regulations to require that records supporting a stripper well royalty reduction be retained for seven years from the last date that an operator claims the reduction.
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force-Joint Meeting of the Western Regional Panel and the Mississippi River Basin Regional Panel
This notice announces a joint meeting of the Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force Western Regional Panel and Mississippi River Basin Regional Panel. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting topics are identified in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
Pennsylvania Regulatory Program
The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) is clarifying its decision with respect to one section of an amendment to the Pennsylvania regulatory program (Pennsylvania program) under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The amendment concerned revisions to the Pennsylvania Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (PASMCRA) and implementing regulations at 25 Pa. Code Chapters 86-90 with regard to various issues including bonding, remining and reclamation, postmining discharges, and water supply protection/replacement. We approved this amendment, with certain exceptions, in a final rule published in the Federal Register on May 13, 2005 (70 FR 25472-25491). This clarification supplements a previous finding made in Section III. OSM's Findings. However, it does not change or otherwise affect our decision made in Section V. OSM's Decision.
Idaho: Filing of Plats of Survey
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has officially filed the plats of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Idaho State Office, Boise, Idaho, effective 9 a.m., on the dates specified.
Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)-Plans and Information-Protection of Marine Mammals and Threatened and Endangered Species
This proposed rule would require lessees of federal oil and gas leases in the OCS to provide information on how they will meet the requirements of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). It identifies environmental, monitoring, and mitigation information that lessees must submit with plans for exploration and development and production. This rulemaking clarifies our regulations about what information MMS needs to ensure compliance with the ESA and MMPA requirements. The proposed rule would assure that lessees conduct their activities in a manner consistent with the provisions of the ESA and MMPA.
Wekiva River System Advisory Management Committee Meeting
This notice announces a September 20, 2005, meeting of the Wekiva River System Advisory Management Committee.
Establishment of Special Recreation Management Special Recreation Permit Fee Area, and Interim Final Supplementary Rules on Public Lands Within the Knolls Special Recreation Management Area Managed by the Salt Lake Field Office, UT
In accordance with the Knolls Recreation Area Management Plan, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Salt Lake Field Office, is establishing a special recreation permit fee area, and issuing interim final supplementary rules and requesting comments. These interim final supplementary rules will apply to public lands within the Knolls Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) and will be effective until the publication of a final supplementary rule. The BLM has determined these interim final supplementary rules are necessary to enhance the safety of visitors, protect natural resources, improve recreation opportunities, and protect public health.
Floating Permit To Change at Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area
The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) requires that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) change its fee collection at the Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area (RNCA) from Recreation Use Permits to Special Recreation Permits. This change will only affect the Gila River floatboat put-in facility along the Gila River. The fee remains the same.
Notice of Intent To Prepare the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area and Tucson Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Field Office, Tucson, Arizona intends to prepare a Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/EIS) for the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area and Tucson planning effort. When approved, the RMP will replace those portions of the existing Phoenix Resource Management Plan (1989) and Safford District Resource Management Plan (1992, 1994) within the Tucson Field Office administrative boundary.
Final Supplementary Rules Regarding Operation of Motorized Vehicles and Bicycles and Closure of Public Lands to Recreational Target Shooting
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM)'s Royal Gorge Field Office is implementing supplementary rules. These supplementary rules implement three decisions from the Gold Belt Travel Management Plan, approved August 18, 2004. The rules apply to the public lands within the Gold Belt Travel Management Plan area under the management of the Royal Gorge Field Office, in El Paso, Fremont, Park, and Teller Counties, Colorado. The rules are needed in order to protect the area's natural resources and provide for public health and safety.
Notice of Availability of Coal Lease Final Environmental Impact Statement, North Dakota
Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); provisions in the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.); implementing regulations and other applicable statutes the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Federal coal leasing FEIS. The FEIS analyzes the impacts of issuing a Federal coal lease within the West Mine Area of the Freedom Mine, located in Mercer County, North Dakota, and includes 5571 acres of Federal coal.
60-Day Notice of Intention To Request Clearance of Collection of Information; Opportunity for Public Comment
The National Park Service (NPS) Volunteers-In-Parks (VIP) program (Pub. L. 91-357) is collecting information from volunteers in the form of a survey for the purposes of evaluating the program and its effectiveness. In order to effectively manage the increasing trend of volunteerism in the NPS, it is imperative that the agency assess its strengths and weaknesses and determine methods for improved efficiency. A servicewide volunteer program assessment has not been conducted to date. Current VIPs will be surveyed (mail-back/Internet-based questionnaire) during this process to collect information about the current status and needs of the program. In addition, follow-up focus groups (3 with up to 20 participants each) and telephone interviews (up to 40) will be conducted to acquire detailed data expanding on questionnaire results). Recommendations for improvements will be made based on the findings. This process will not only aid in creating an improved, streamlined program, but may also serve as a model for other Federal agencies.
Plan of Operations, Categorical Exclusion, Big Thicket National Preserve, TX
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Sec. 9.52(b) of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 9, Subpart B, that the National Park Service (NPS) has received from Century Exploration Houston, Inc., a Plan of Operations to conduct the JASPO 3-D ``Cable- Only'' Seismic Survey of the Lower Neches River Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve, within Hardin, Jasper, and Orange Counties, Texas. The NPS has prepared a Categorical Exclusion on this proposal.
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