Fire Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Chiricahua National Monument, AZ, 53684-53685 [05-17852]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 174 / Friday, September 9, 2005 / Notices
Center, Reston, VA 20192, telephone:
(703) 648–4437, fax: (703) 648–5470.
H. Eligible Programs of the Office of the
Special Trustee for American Indians
The Department of the Interior has
responsibility for what may be the
largest land trust in the world,
approximately 56 million acres. OST
oversees the management of these trust
assets as well as maintains, invests,
disburses, and reports to individual
Indians and tribes on financial asset
transactions generated from leasing and
other commercial activities on these
lands. The mission of the OST is to
serve Indian communities by fulfilling
Indian fiduciary trust responsibilities.
This is to be accomplished through the
implementation of a Comprehensive
Trust Management Plan (CTM) that is
designed to improve trust beneficiary
services, ownership information,
management of trust fund assets, and
self-governance activities.
A tribe operating under selfgovernance may include the following
programs, services, functions, and
activities or portions thereof in a
funding agreement:
1. Financial Trust Services (Individual
Indian Monies Financial Services)
2. Appraisal Services
Responsibilities for the operation of
these programs have been shifted from
BIA to OST. Tribes/Consortia that
currently perform these programs under
a Self-Governance funding agreement
with the Indian Affairs, may negotiate a
separate Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with OST that
outlines the roles and responsibilities
for management of these programs. The
MOU between the Tribe/Consortium
and OST outlines the roles and
responsibilities for the performance of
the OST program by the Tribe/
Consortium. If those roles and
responsibilities are already fully
articulated in the existing SelfGovernance funding agreement, an
MOU is not required. To the extent that
any necessary elements are missing
from the funding agreement, however,
an MOU will be negotiated between the
Tribe/Consortium and OST.
Other Self-Governance Tribes/
Consortia that do not perform these
programs may be eligible to enter into
a self-governance funding agreement
with OST. In such cases, the Tribe/
Consortium would negotiate a funding
agreement with OST and the funding
would come from OST program dollars.
These funding agreements would
stipulate the roles and responsibilities
of the Tribe/Consortium and OST and
no separate MOU would be necessary.
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For questions regarding selfgovernance, contact Carrie Moore,
Director, Office of External Affairs,
Office of the Special Trustee for
American Indians (MS–5140 MIB), 1849
C Street NW., Washington, DC 20240–
0001, phone: (202) 208–4866, fax: (202)
IV. Programmatic Targets
During Fiscal Year 2006, upon request
of a self-governance tribe, each non-BIA
bureau will negotiate funding
agreements for its eligible programs
beyond those already negotiated.
Dated: August 24, 2005.
James E. Cason,
Associate Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 05–17914 Filed 9–8–05; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Availability of Record of
Decision for the California Coastal
National Monument Resource
Management Plan
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA), the Federal Land Policy and
Management Act (FLPMA), the Bureau
of Land Management (BLM)
management policies, and Presidential
Proclamation No. 7264, the BLM
announces the availability of the RMP/
ROD for the California Coastal National
Monument (CCNM) located off the coast
of California. The California State
Director has signed the RMP/ROD,
which becomes effective immediately.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Resource
Management Plan/Record of Decision
(RMP/ROD) are available upon request
from the Monument Manager, CCNM
Office, Bureau of Land Management,
299 Foam Street, Monterey, California
or via the Internet at https:// Copies may also be
obtained at: California State Office, 2800
Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA; Hollister
Field Office, 20 Hamilton Court,
Hollister, CA; Arcata Field Office, 1695
Heindon Road, Arcata, CA; Ukiah Field
Office, 2550 North State Street, Ukiah,
CA, Bakersfield Field Office, 3801
Pegasus Drive, Bakersfield, CA; Palm
Springs/South Coast Field Office, 690
W. Garnet Ave., North Palm Springs,
CA; and California Desert District
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Office, 22835 Calle San Juan de Los
Lagos, Moreno Valley, CA.
Hanks, (831) 372–6105.
CCNM RMP provides direction for
managing the approximate 1000 acres of
offshore rocks, small islands, exposed
reefs, and pinnacles that comprise the
Monument. The Monument was
established by Presidential
Proclamation No. 7264 on January 11,
2000, under the authority of the
Antiquities Act of 1906. The Monument
lies within the jurisdiction of 15
California counties and five BLM field
offices, and at least 25% of the coastal
portion of the mainland adjacent to the
Monument is contained within the
California State Parks System. Planning
for the Monument officially began with
a Federal Register notice on April 24,
2002 initiating scoping. The California
Department of Fish and Game, the
California Department of Parks and
Recreation, the United States Air Force,
and the Cher-Ae Heights Indian
Community of the Trinidad Rancheria,
a federally recognized tribe, are
cooperating agencies in the
development of this RMP. BLM sought
public and governmental participation
in the development of this RMP and
will continue to pursue partnerships in
the management of the Monument.
Because of the unique nature of the
CCNM, many governmental entities
have jurisdiction over resources
immediately adjacent to the monument
and are integrally important to meeting
the goals and objectives for the
Monument, as established in the RMP.
Dated: August 5, 2005.
Mike Pool,
State Director.
[FR Doc. 05–17921 Filed 9–8–05; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Fire Management Plan, Final
Environmental Impact Statement,
Chiricahua National Monument, AZ
National Park Service,
Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of a
Record of Decision on the Final
Environmental Impact Statement for the
Fire Management Plan, Chiricahua
National Monument.
Pursuant to § 102(2)(C) of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, 83 Stat. 852, 853, codified as
amended at 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C), the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 174 / Friday, September 9, 2005 / Notices
National Park Service announces the
availability of the Record of Decision for
the Fire Management Plan, Chiricahua
National Monument, Arizona. On
August 2, 2005 the Director,
Intermountain Region approved the
Record of Decision for the project. As
soon as practicable, the National Park
Service will begin to implement the
Preferred Alternative contained in the
FEIS issued on July 1, 2005. The
following course of action will occur
under the preferred alternative, the
Watershed Alternative. This course of
action and 2 alternatives were analyzed
in the Draft and Final Environmental
Impact Statements. The full range of
foreseeable environmental
consequences was assessed, and
appropriate mitigating measures were
The Record of Decision includes a
statement of the decision made,
synopses of other alternatives
considered, the basis for the decision, a
description of the environmentally
preferable alternative, a finding on
impairment of park resources and
values, a listing of measures to
minimize environmental harm, and an
overview of public involvement in the
decision-making process.
Carrie Dennett, 13063 E. Bonita Canyon
Road, Willcox, AZ 85643, (520) 824–
the Record of Decision may be obtained
from the contact listed above or online
Dated: August 2, 2005.
Kate Cannon,
Acting Deputy, Intermountain Region,
National Park Service.
[FR Doc. 05–17852 Filed 9–8–05; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Environmental Impact Statement;
Notice of Availability
National Park Service, Interior.
Notice of availability of the
Stream Management Plan, draft
environmental impact statement,
Herbert Hoover National Historic Site,
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(C)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969, the National Park Service
(NPS) announces the availability of the
stream management plan draft
environmental impact statement (EIS)
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for Herbert Hoover National Historic
Site, Iowa.
DATES: There will be a 60-day public
review period for comments on this
document. Comments on the EIS must
be received no later than 60 days after
the Environmental Protection Agency
publishes its notice of availability in the
Federal Register. A public open house
for information about, or to make
comment on, the draft EIS will be
announced in the local media and the
Herbert Hoover National Historic Site’s
(Park) Web site when it is scheduled.
Information about meeting time and
place will be available by contacting the
Park at 319–643–2541, visiting the
Park’s Web site at:
heho/creek.htm, and at the NPS
Planning, Environment, and Public
Comment (PEPC) Web site https:// The document
will also be available for review at each
of these Web sites; the latter Web site
allows the public to review and
comment directly on this document.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the draft EIS are
available by request by writing to the
Superintendent, Stream Management
Plan Draft EIS, Herbert Hoover National
Historic Site, P.O. Box 607, West
Branch, Iowa 52358, by phone 319–643–
2541, at the Web site addresses
mentioned above, and by e-mail
message at
The document can be picked-up in
person at park headquarters at 110
Parkside Drive, West Branch, Iowa.
Superintendent, Stream Management
Plan Draft EIS, Herbert Hoover National
Historic Site, P.O. Box 607, West
Branch, Iowa 52358, or by calling 319–
Herbert Hoover’s early childhood, a
small meandering stream ran near his
birthplace cottage. This tributary of the
west branch of the Wapsinonoc River
has no official name and for ease of
reference, it will be called Hoover Creek
throughout the plan. Hoover Creek runs
through the center of the historic site
and has overflowed its banks and
flooded park facilities 18 times in 11
years. These facilities include all of the
prime historic structures associated
with President Hoover as well as the
visitor center and maintenance facility.
Hoover Creek bank erosion and stream
migration threaten to destabilize historic
structures identified in the enabling
legislation and the foundation of the
Hoover Presidential Library and
Museum. Slippery mud banks rise
vertically 8 to 10 feet above the water
level and present a safety hazard to
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visitors and employees. The Cultural
Landscape Report (1995) states: ‘‘* * *
the stream is a degraded, yet character
defining feature of the site * * *’’ and
recommends the restoration of the
natural characteristics of the stream.
Stream rehabilitation would restore
stream and riparian function and protect
critical resources.
Therefore, the Park is proposing to
restore the riparian area and proper
functioning condition of the stream to
allow for reduction of the power of the
stream and create greater holding
capacity with a meandering stream and
floodplain. The draft EIS describes and
analyzes the environmental impacts of
alternatives and their associated
impacts. In the Park’s Preferred
Alternative (Alternative 5—Provide 50year protection), this alternative would
include changes to the stream channel
dimensions, re-meandering and channel
relocation, and installation of a grade
control structure to control down
cutting. This alternative would also
include construction of a detention
basin in the upstream reaches of Hoover
Creek. Three additional action
alternatives and a no action alternative
are evaluated in this EIS.
Persons wishing to comment may do
so by any one of several methods. They
may attend the public hearing or open
house noted above. They may mail
comments to the Superintendent,
Stream Management Plan Draft EIS,
Herbert Hoover National Historic Site,
P.O. Box 607, West Branch, Iowa 52358.
They also may comment via e-mail to
(please include name and return address
in the e-mail message). They may
review and comment on the document
directly at the PEPC Web site https:// Finally, they
may hand-deliver comments to the
Superintendent, Stream Management
Plan Draft EIS, Herbert Hoover National
Historic Site, 110 Parkside Drive, West
Branch, Iowa.
It is the practice of the NPS to make
comments, including names and home
addresses of respondents, available for
public review during regular business
hours. Individual respondents may
request that we withhold their home
address from the record, which we will
honor to the extent allowable by law.
There also may be circumstances in
which we would withhold from the
record a respondent’s identity, as
allowable by law. If you wish us to
withhold your name and/or address,
you must state this prominently at the
beginning of your comment. However,
we will not consider anonymous
comments. We will make all
submissions from organizations or
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 174 (Friday, September 9, 2005)]
[Pages 53684-53685]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-17852]
National Park Service
Fire Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement,
Chiricahua National Monument, AZ
AGENCY: National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of a Record of Decision on the Final
Environmental Impact Statement for the Fire Management Plan, Chiricahua
National Monument.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Sec. 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969, 83 Stat. 852, 853, codified as amended at 42 U.S.C.
4332(2)(C), the
[[Page 53685]]
National Park Service announces the availability of the Record of
Decision for the Fire Management Plan, Chiricahua National Monument,
Arizona. On August 2, 2005 the Director, Intermountain Region approved
the Record of Decision for the project. As soon as practicable, the
National Park Service will begin to implement the Preferred Alternative
contained in the FEIS issued on July 1, 2005. The following course of
action will occur under the preferred alternative, the Watershed
Alternative. This course of action and 2 alternatives were analyzed in
the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements. The full range of
foreseeable environmental consequences was assessed, and appropriate
mitigating measures were identified.
The Record of Decision includes a statement of the decision made,
synopses of other alternatives considered, the basis for the decision,
a description of the environmentally preferable alternative, a finding
on impairment of park resources and values, a listing of measures to
minimize environmental harm, and an overview of public involvement in
the decision-making process.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carrie Dennett, 13063 E. Bonita Canyon
Road, Willcox, AZ 85643, (520) 824-3560
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Copies of the Record of Decision may be
obtained from the contact listed above or online at
Dated: August 2, 2005.
Kate Cannon,
Acting Deputy, Intermountain Region, National Park Service.
[FR Doc. 05-17852 Filed 9-8-05; 8:45 am]