Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 60
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Chicago Area Waterway System Dredged Material Management Plan Study, Chicago, Illinois
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the Chicago Area Waterway System Dredged Material Management Plan Study. The study is sponsored by the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) on behalf of the City of Chicago. The purpose of the EIS is to assess the likely social, economic, and environmental effects of a range of potential alternative plans to ensure that maintenance dredging activities are performed in an environmentally acceptable manner, use sound engineering techniques, are economically warranted, and provide sufficient confined disposal capacity, as needed, for at least the next 20 years. Based on stakeholder and public concerns voiced throughout the process of preparing an Environmental Assessment, the Corps has determined that an EIS is warranted for the study.
Revised Definition of “Waters of the United States”
On December 11, 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of the Army (the agencies) signed a proposed rule revising the definition of ``waters of the United States'' to clarify the scope of waters federally regulated under the Clean Water Act. The agencies are announcing that a public hearing will be held in Kansas City, Kansas on January 23, 2019, to provide interested parties the opportunity to present data, views, or information concerning the proposed rule. The pre-publication version of this proposal can be found at
Notice of Availability of The Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study-Brandon Road Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement-Will County, Illinois
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Rock Island and Chicago Districts, are extending the comment period for the report ``The Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) Brandon Road Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)Will County, Illinois,'' (Final GLMRIS-Brandon Road Report & EIS) for 14 days in response to stakeholder requests for an extension, from December 24, 2018 to January 7, 2019.
Withdrawal of the Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Dam Safety Modification Study Report for Center Hill Dam, DeKalb County, Tennessee
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District (USACE), is issuing this notice to inform Federal, State, local governmental agencies, and the public that USACE is withdrawing the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to support the Dam Safety Modification Study Report (DSMSR) for Center Hill Dam.
Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Whittier Narrow Dam Safety Modification Study, Los Angeles County, California
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Whittier Narrows Dam Safety Modification Study, Los Angeles County, California for review and comment. Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Corps has prepared a Draft EIS for the Whittier Narrows Dam Safety Modification Study (DSMS). The Draft EIS evaluates risk management plans (alternatives) to remediate safety concerns such as overtopping and seepage. The Draft EIS describes and analyses the impacts of risk management plans (RMPs) that are formulated, evaluated and compared through the DSMS process in order to identify a recommended RMP that reduces risks to downstream life-safety and property associated with dam failure. Implementation of the recommended risk management plan would mitigate the intolerable Dam safety risk and allow the Dam to safely function as originally intended and authorized. Without this action, the Dam could fail resulting in life-threatening floods to downstream communities. The Proposed Action is needed to provide life-safety to the communities downstream of the Whittier Narrows Dam.
Military Ocean Terminal Concord, CA; Restricted Area
The U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) requested that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) change the name of a restricted area from ``Suisun Bay at Naval Weapons Station, Concord; restricted area'' to ``Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO); restricted area.'' The restricted area is located in Suisun Bay, north of the City of Concord, California. The request to change the name of the restricted area is due to a transfer of real estate from the U.S. Navy to the U.S. Army SDDC. A Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army for the interagency transfer of base closure property and all associated environmental programs for portions of the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Detachment Concord was signed on January 24, 2007. The SDDC officially accepted the former U.S. Navy real estate in Fall 2008 to Winter 2009.
Pacific Ocean at Naval Base Guam Telecommunication Site, Finegayan Small Arms Range, on the Northwestern Coast of Guam; Danger Zone
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is proposing to revise the existing regulations to establish a danger zone at the U.S. Naval Base Guam Telecommunication Site in the Pacific Ocean, Guam. The Navy requested establishment of a danger zone extending over the Pacific Ocean adjacent to the Finegayan Small Arms Range. Establishment of a danger zone would intermittently restrict commercial, public, and private vessels from entering or lingering in the restricted safety zone to ensure public safety during small arms training activities. This danger zone is necessary to minimize potential conflicts between local populace activities and ongoing military training in the subject area.
Intent To Prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for the Haile Gold Mine in Lancaster County, South Carolina
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District intends to prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) to assess the likely social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed expansion of an existing gold mine with the potential to impact Waters of the United States near Kershaw in Lancaster County, South Carolina. The DSEIS will assess potential effects of a range of alternatives.
Withdrawal of the Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in Cooperation With the North Carolina Department of Transportation and South Carolina Department of Transportation for Extending SC 31 (Carolina Bays Parkway), in Horry County, South Carolina, To Connect to US 17, in Brunswick County, North Carolina
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Wilmington Regulatory Division and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District, Charleston Regulatory Division (collectively COE) are issuing this notice to advise the public that a State (North Carolina Department of Transportation [NCDOT] and South Carolina Department of Transportation [SCDOT]) funded Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) will no longer be prepared by the COE, while acting as lead federal agency, for improvements to SC 31 starting near Little River, Horry County, South Carolina and running northeast to US 17, in an area between Calabash and Shallotte, Brunswick County, North Carolina. On July 6, 2017 the COE issued a Notice of Intent to prepare a DEIS for the ``Carolina Bays Parkway Extension'', NCDOT Project 44604 and SCDOT Project P029554. Recent commitment of federal funds has altered various aspects of this project, including the designation of the lead federal agency. Due to these developments, the COE will no longer act in this capacity, but rather as a cooperating agency throughout the evaluation of the project. At the appropriate time, a separate notice will be issued within the Federal Register identifying the lead agency, describing the project, and detailing the evaluation process.
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (MRRMP-FEIS) published in the Federal Register on Friday, August 31, 2018. The USACE Northwestern Division Commander signed the ROD on November 20, 2018. Copies of the ROD along with the MRRMP-FEIS and other supporting documents are available for viewing on the Missouri River Recovery Program website at: mgmt-plan/.
Notice of Availability of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study-Brandon Road Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement-Will County, Illinois
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Rock Island and Chicago Districts, have developed ``The Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS)Brandon Road Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)Will County, Illinois,'' (Final GLMRIS-Brandon Road Report & EIS). The Final GLMRIS- Brandon Road Report & EIS presents a plan that could prevent aquatic nuisance species (ANS) transfer from the Mississippi River Basin to the Great Lakes Basin through an aquatic connection in the Chicago Area Waterway System. The purpose of this Study was to evaluate structural and nonstructural options and technologies near the Brandon Road Lock and Dam to prevent the upstream transfer of ANS while minimizing impacts to existing waterways uses and users. USACE analyzed and evaluated available controls to address ANS of concern and formulated alternatives specifically for the Brandon Road site.
Intent To Grant an Exclusive License for a U.S. Army Owned Invention to Integrated Composite Construction Systems, LLC
The Department of the Army announces that, unless there is an objection, after 15 days it intends to grant an exclusive license to Integrated Composite Construction Systems, LLC., a corporation having a place of business in Culpepper, VA on United States Patent No. 8,016,938 entitled ``Structures and Components Comprising Blast Resistant Concrete also Suitable for Limiting Penetration of Ballistic Fragments,'' issued September 13, 2011.
Inland Waterways Users Board; Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
The notice of an open meeting scheduled for November 28, 2018 published in the Federal Register on October 26, 2018 has a new date. The meeting will be held on November 29, 2018.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/DEIR) for Westminster, East Garden Grove, California Flood Risk Management Study
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in cooperation with Orange County Public Works, Orange County, CA announces the availability of a Draft Integrated Feasibility Report (Draft IFR) including Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Westminster, East Garden Grove, California Flood Risk Management Study for review and comment. The Draft IFR presents alternatives to address flood risk to the residents of the communities in the Westminster watershed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the flood risk within the Westminster watershed that is primarily attributable to drainage channels overwhelmed with having to collect and convey more surface runoff downstream towards eventual discharge into the Pacific Ocean than what they were designed for. USACE evaluated and analyzed various flood control measures and formulated alternatives specifically for the Westminster watershed. USACE also evaluated the potential impacts of the alternatives and ways to minimize such impacts. A Notice of Intent to prepare the Draft EIS was published on January 13, 2006. A public scoping meeting was conducted on January 25, 2006 in the City of Garden Grove, CA.
New York and New Jersey Harbor Anchorages General Reevaluation Study NEPA Scoping Meeting and Public Comment Period
In accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) plans to prepare a General Reevaluation Study (GRR) with an integrated Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate environmental impacts from reasonable project alternatives and to determine the potential for significant impacts related to the improvement of the anchorages included in the Federal navigation project to take into account changed conditions and/or assumptions since the original feasibility study was completed in 2000. The GRR will address the need for anchorage areas capable of safely accommodating the vessels navigating the anchorages at present and reasonably projected to be navigating them in the future; or find that no plan is currently justified.
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Nebraska Department of Transportation U.S. Highway 275 West Point to Scribner Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for U.S. Highway 275 (US-275) West Point to Scribner Project (Project) sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT). NDOT proposes to expand US-275 from a two-lane highway to a four-lane expressway along an approximately 20-mile segment from northwest of West Point to southeast of Scribner, including a bypass around Scribner (referred to as ``Scribner Bypass''), in Cuming and Dodge Counties, Nebraska. Construction of the Project is expected to impact jurisdictional waters of the United States, thereby requiring a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit. Additionally, NDOT is proposing to build segments of the Scribner Bypass on an existing federally authorized levee, which would require a Section 408 authorization. The Project may also affect Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) easements. Due to these requirements, the Corps has determined an EIS is necessary for the Project. The Corps has determined that the provisions of Executive Order 13807 (``One Federal Decision'') apply to this Project. One Federal Decision is intended to streamline federal permitting processes, including environmental reviews and authorization decisions, for major infrastructure projects.
Joint Notice of Availability for the Coastal Texas Protection and Restoration Study Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District (USACE) announces the release of the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (DIFR-EIS) for the Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) of the Coastal Texas Protection and Restoration Study, Texas. The DIFR-EIS documents the existing condition of environmental resources in and around areas considered for development, and potential impacts on those resources as a result of implementing the alternatives. This public notice is also issued for the purpose of advising all known interested parties that there is pending before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) a decision on water quality certification. A copy of the public notice, with a description of work, has been made available for review in the TCEQ's Austin office.
Inland Waterways Users Board Meeting Notice
The Department of the Army is publishing this notice to announce the following Federal advisory committee meeting of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Inland Waterways Users Board (Board). This meeting is open to the public. For additional information about the Board, please visit the committee's website at https:// InlandWaterwaysUsersBoard.aspx.
Notice of Availability of the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
The Notice of Availability for the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (MRRMP- FEIS) published in the Federal Register on Friday, August 31, 2018, stated the waiting period for signature of the MRRMP-FEIS Record of Decision would end on October 9, 2018. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers previously extended the waiting period through October 22, 2018 with a notice published in the Federal Register on Friday, September 28, 2018. Through this notice, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is extending the waiting period again through November 9, 2018.
Availability of a Final Integrated Feasibility Report (Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement), Little Colorado River at Winslow, Navajo County, Arizona, Flood Risk Management Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), in cooperation with Navajo County Flood Control District, announces the availability of a Final Integrated Feasibility Report (Final IFR) including Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Little Colorado River at Winslow, Navajo County, Arizona Flood Risk Management Project for review and comment. The study evaluates alternatives to reduce the risk of damages and to reduce the life, safety, and health risks caused by flooding of the Little Colorado River (LCR) to the City of Winslow, surrounding community, and public and private infrastructure.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Lake Ralph Hall Regional Water Supply Reservoir Project, Fannin County, TX
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Fort Worth District has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the direct, indirect and cumulative effects of the construction of the Lake Ralph Hall Regional Water Supply Reservoir Project in Fannin County, TX, proposed by the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD). This action requires authorization from USACE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for construction and operation of the proposed project. The proposed project is a regional water supply project intended to provide approximately 34,050 acre-feet (AF) per year of new water for 20 water providers, special districts, and municipalities in Denton County and small portions of Dallas, Collin, Grayson, Wise and Cooke counties to the extent that Denton County Customers' service areas extend outside the County. Construction of the reservoir and support facilities would result in permanent direct impacts to waters of the U.S. of approximately 8 acres of wetlands and 384 acres of other waters including streams, impoundments, and ponds. The proposed project pipeline will cross 59 streams with 11,893 lineal feet of temporary impact as well as 0.4 acres of stock tanks.
Availability of the Final Integrated City of Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study Report/Environmental Impact Statement, Norfolk, VA
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Norfolk District, in cooperation with our non-federal sponsor, the City of Norfolk, announce the availability of a Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (Final IFR/EIS) and Draft Record of Decision (ROD) for the City of Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study, for review and comment. The study evaluates identified flood risks and develops and evaluates coastal storm risk management measures for the City of Norfolk. These measures were formulated to reduce flood risk to residents, industries and businesses which are critical to the Nation's economy in ways that support the long-term resilience due to sea level rise, local subsidence and storms, within the City of Norfolk. Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the USACE determined that the project has the potential to have significant environmental impacts, and developed the Final EIS and Draft ROD to examine and assess the impacts of all proposed action.
Notice of Availability of the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
The Notice of Availability for the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (MRRMP- FEIS) published in the Federal Register on Friday, August 31, 2018, stated the waiting period for signature of the MRRMP-FEIS Record of Decision would end on October 9, 2018. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is extending the waiting period through October 22, 2018.
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project Proposed by the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District, Lewis County, WA
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Seattle District received a permit application from the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District (applicant) for the construction of a flood retention structure on the upper Chehalis River and the raising of levees at the Centralia-Chehalis Airport. A Department of the Army (DA) permit is required for the project pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Corps has determined the proposed project may have significant individual and/or cumulative impacts on the human environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Preparation of the EIS will support the Corps' eventual decision to either issue, issue with modification or deny the DA permit for the proposed action. The EIS will assess the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts of the projects and is intended to be sufficient in scope to address Federal, State, and local requirements, environmental and socio-economic issues concerning the proposed action, and permit reviews. The EIS process begins with the publication of this Notice of Intent. The EIS will be prepared according to the Corps' procedures for implementing NEPA, and consistent with the Corps' policy to facilitate public understanding and review of agency proposals. The Corps will serve as the lead federal agency for this EIS pursuant to the requirements of NEPA. The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) will serve as the lead agency for the separate EIS pursuant to the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The Corps and Ecology have agreed to participate in joint scoping to simplify the public comment process for the two separate EISs.
Policy and Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests To Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has issued Engineer Circular (EC) 1165-2-220, Policy and Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to Section 408. This agency policy document provides the policies and procedures related to how USACE will process certain requests by others to alter a USACE Civil Works project under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (more commonly referred to as Section 408). The draft version of this EC was made available for public comment from February 5, 2018 to April 6, 2018. USACE reviewed and considered all comments received, and revised the EC to reflect those comments to the maximum extent possible. The final EC is available on the USACE publications website (https:// and via hyperlink on the USACE Section 408 website ( Section408/). The EC is effective beginning September 10, 2018.
Notice of Availability of the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
The Kansas City and Omaha Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), have developed the Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (MRRMP-EIS). This document is a programmatic assessment of major federal actions necessary to avoid a finding of jeopardy to the pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus), interior least tern (Sterna antillarum athalassos), and the Northern Great Plains piping plover (Charadrius melodus) caused by operation of the Missouri River Mainstem System and the Kansas River Reservoir System and operation and maintenance of the Missouri River Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project (BSNP) in accordance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended. This programmatic document also assesses the Missouri River BSNP fish and wildlife mitigation project described in the 2003 Record of Decision (ROD) and authorized by the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, 1999, and 2007 as it relates to endangered species.
Notice of Intent To Prepare Supplement II to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levees and Channel Improvement
USACE is announcing the public scoping meeting dates, times, and locations and extending the scoping comment period for the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare Supplement II (SEIS II) to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levees and Channel Improvement of 1976 (1976 EIS), as updated and supplemented by Supplement No. 1, Mississippi River and Tributaries Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levee Enlargement and Seepage Control of 1998 (SEIS I) to the 1976 EIS. The NOI was published in the Federal Register on July 13, 2018. The public comment period on the NOI was scheduled to end on October 1, 2018. USACE is extending the comment period by 14 days and will now consider comments received through October 15, 2018.
Availability of the Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion Project and Associated Roadway Realignment Draft Environmental Assessment, Arlington, VA
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Norfolk District, on behalf of the Arlington National Cemetery (ANC), announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment (Draft EA) for the Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion Project and Associated Roadway Realignment project, for review and comment. The Draft EA evaluates the proposal to increase the cemetery's contiguous acreage, realign roadways, and maximize burial space by utilizing an area adjacent to the existing cemetery that includes the former Navy Annex site, located south of the existing cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia. The cemetery has been working with the owners and operators of the adjacent road network, Arlington County and the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration, on a roadway realignment that supports the short- and long-term multimodal transportation system for the Commonwealth of Virginia and Arlington County.
Inland Waterways Users Board; Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
The notice of an open meeting scheduled for August 30, 2018 published in the Federal Register on July 11, 2018 has a new date and time. The meeting will now be held on August 28, 2018 at 1:00 p.m.
Withdrawal of the Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the City of Abilene, TX, Cedar Ridge Reservoir Water Supply Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Regulatory Division is notifying interested parties that it has withdrawn the Notice of Intent (NOI) to develop an EIS for the proposed Cedar Ridge Reservoir. The original NOI to Prepare an EIS was published in the Federal Register on Friday, April 13, 2018.
Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Northern Integrated Supply Project, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado
The comment period for the Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Northern Integrated Supply Project, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado published in the Federal Register on Friday, July 20, 2018, and required comments be postmarked on or before September 4, 2018. The Corps is extending the deadline for submitting public comments to October 4, 2018.
Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Northern Integrated Supply Project, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Omaha District has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of a water supply project called the Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP or Project) in Larimer and Weld Counties, CO. The purpose of NISP is to provide the Participants, a group of 15 water providers and communities, with approximately 40,000 acre-feet (AF) per year of new, reliable municipal water supply through a regional project coordinated by the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (Northern Water). NISP would result in direct impacts to jurisdictional waters of the U.S., including wetlands. The placement of fill material into waters of the U.S. requires authorization from the Corps under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Northern Water is the applicant for the Section 404 permit, acting on behalf of the Participants. In accordance with Section 176 of the Clean Air Act a Draft General Conformity Determination has been prepared for the Project.
Public Scoping Meetings for the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Allatoona Lake Water Supply Storage Reallocation Study and Updates to Weiss and Logan Martin Reservoir Project Water Control Manuals in the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District, issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register (83 FR 18829) published on April 30, 2018, to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), to evaluate potential changes to the Water Control Manuals (WCMs) for three reservoirs in the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa (ACT) River Basin and to the Master WCM for the ACT River Basin. The Draft SEIS will be prepared as an integrated document with the reallocation study. The USACE will hold five public scoping meetings during the months of July and August as part of its preparation to conduct the water supply storage reallocation study and update the WCMs for the Alabama Power Company's Weiss and Logan Martin reservoirs in the ACT River Basin.
Notice of Intent To Prepare Supplement II to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levees and Channel Improvement
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (``USACE''), Memphis District, Vicksburg District, and the New Orleans District, is announcing its intent to prepare Supplement II (SEIS II) to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levees and Channel Improvement of 1976 (1976 EIS), as updated and supplemented by Supplement No. 1, Mississippi River and Tributaries Project, Mississippi River Mainline Levee Enlargement and Seepage Control of 1998 (SEIS I) to the 1976 EIS, to cover construction of remaining authorized work on the Mississippi River mainline levees (MRL) feature. Over the past twenty years since the finalization of SEIS I, USACE has determined that various sections (reaches) of the mainline levee system are deficient in varying amounts, and that certain remedial measures need to be undertaken to control seepage and to raise and stabilize the deficient sections of the levee to protect the lower Mississippi River Valley against the Project Design Flood (PDF) and maintain the structural integrity of the MRL system. The Proposed Action of SEIS II is to supplement and, as necessary, augment the 1976 EIS and SEIS I using the primary MR&T goals of: (1) Providing flood protection from the PDF; and (2) developing an environmentally sustainable project; formulating alternatives; identifying significant resources; assessing the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to those resources; investigating and environmentally assessing potential borrow areas; developing mitigation measures; and evaluating and selecting a preferred method for the construction of necessary authorized MRL Project features, which may include but are not limited to, implementing seepage control measures and the construction of various remediation measures for deficient levee reaches to bring these reaches to the project design grade. SEIS II will evaluate the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts for an array of alternatives, including a No Action alternative.
Definition of “Waters of the United States”-Recodification of Preexisting Rule
The purpose of this supplemental notice is for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of the Army (agencies) to clarify, supplement and seek additional comment on an earlier proposal, published on July 27, 2017, to repeal the 2015 Rule Defining Waters of the United States (``2015 Rule''), which amended portions of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). As stated in the agencies' July 27, 2017 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the agencies propose to repeal the 2015 Rule and restore the regulatory text that existed prior to the 2015 Rule, as informed by guidance in effect at that time. If this proposal is finalized, the regulations defining the scope of federal Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction would be those portions of the CFR as they existed before the amendments promulgated in the 2015 Rule. Those preexisting regulatory definitions are the ones that the agencies are currently implementing in light of the agencies' final rule published on February 6, 2018, adding a February 6, 2020 applicability date to the 2015 Rule, as well as judicial decisions preliminarily enjoining and staying the 2015 Rule.
Inland Waterways Users Board; Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
The Department of Defense (DoD) is publishing this notice to announce that the following Federal Advisory Committee meeting of the Inland Waterways Users Board will take place.
Intent To Prepare a Draft NEPA Document for the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and Dam 1 Disposition Study, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota
The St. Paul District, Army Corps of Engineers (MVP) is conducting a study regarding the disposition of the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and Dam 1 located in the Upper Mississippi River, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota. The study will include an environmental assessment and consider opportunities regarding deauthorization and disposal of any or all of the three lock and dam sites. The study will evaluate two primary alternatives: (1) No action; and, (2) deauthorization by Congress of the Federal missions at the sites and disposal according to Federal law. Deauthorization would include portions of the Mississippi River 9-foot navigation channel and the lands and structures associated with each lock and dam site. It is anticipated that a draft report of the integrated Disposition Study and Environmental Assessment (EA) will be available for a 30-day public comment period in the Spring of 2019. The St. Paul District of the Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting public comments on the proposed study, potential interest in future ownership if disposal of the properties is warranted, and substantive issues that should be analyzed in the EA.
Notice of Intent To Adopt U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's December 2015 Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement, Prepare Corps Record of Decision, and Reimburse the Sponsor for the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project, City of South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County, CA
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District, intends to adopt the Bureau of Reclamation's (BOR) December 2015 Final Environment Impact Report (FEIR)/Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)/Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project and prepare its own Record of Decision (ROD) after the public review period for this Notice of Intent ends. The Corps will use its Tahoe Section 108 program authorization for participation in the restoration activities by reimbursing the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC), the local sponsor, for final design, construction, and other applicable activities falling under the authorization. During final design and construction, the Corps will serve as the lead Federal agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and CTC will serve as the lead agency for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) during the final design and construction activities if designs need to be modified or the river moves from its current alignment prior to design and construction. In the December 2015 Final EIR/EIS/EIS, the analysis for this ecosystem restoration project evaluated five alternatives to restore aquatic and riparian values and functions on the Upper Truckee River's marsh area near its terminus at Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County, CA with selection of a preferred alternative to be constructed. The Corps has reviewed the draft and Final EIR/EIS/EIS to ensure that all NEPA requirements have been met.
Little Creek Harbor, Fisherman's Cove, Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Little Creek, Virginia, Restricted Areas
The Corps of Engineers is proposing to establish a restricted area in the waters of Fisherman's Cove and Little Creek Harbor at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Little Creek (JEBLCFS) in Virginia Beach, Virginia. JEBLCFS is the homeport of numerous ships, small boats and special operational units. The proposed amendment is necessary to better protect vessels and personnel assigned to JEBLCFS by implementing a waterside security program. The proposed amendment establishes the restricted area waters within the boundaries of the existing installation and in the entry channel into the harbor.
James River, Skiffes Creek and Warwick River Surrounding Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE-Eustis), Virginia; Restricted Areas and Danger Zones
The Corps of Engineers is proposing to amend an existing permanent danger zone in the waters of the James River, Skiffes Creek and Warwick River in Newport News, Virginia. JBLE-Eustis contains a military port berthing numerous Army vessels and conducts exercises to include small craft testing and live fire training activities. The proposed amendment is necessary to protect the public from hazards associated with training and mission operations, and to protect government assets, missions, and the base population in general. The proposed amendment increases the restricted areas and creates danger zones surrounding the existing installation and firing ranges.
Joint Notice of Availability for the Draft Matagorda Ship Channel Project Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District (USACE) announces the release of the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (DIFR-EIS) for the Tentatively Selected Plan of the Matagorda Ship Channel Improvement Project, Calhoun and Matagorda Counties, TX. The DIFR-EIS documents the existing condition of environmental resources in and around areas considered for development, and potential impacts on those resources as a result of implementing the alternatives.
Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment Rule
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is issuing this final rule to adjust its civil monetary penalties under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the National Fishing Enhancement Act to account for inflation. This action is mandated by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 (Inflation Adjustment Act), which requires agencies to adjust the levels of civil monetary penalties with an initial ``catch-up'' adjustment followed by annual adjustments for inflation. The Inflation Adjustment Act prescribes a formula for adjusting statutory civil penalties to reflect inflation, maintain the deterrent effect of statutory civil penalties, and promote compliance with the law. Using the adjustment criteria provided in the December 15, 2017, Office of Management and Budget Memorandum regarding the ``Implementation of Penalty Inflation Adjustments for 2018, Pursuant to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015'', the 2018 annual adjustment for inflation will increase the Class I civil penalty under Section 309 of the Clean Water Act to $21,394 per violation, and the maximum civil penalty increases to $53,484. The judicial civil penalty under Section 404(s) of the Clean Water Act increases to $53,484 per day for each violation. Under the National Fishing Enhancement Act, the Class I civil penalty increases to $23,426 per violation.
Intent To Prepare Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Allatoona Lake Water Supply Storage Reallocation Study and Updates to Weiss and Logan Martin Reservoir Project Water Control Manuals in the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District, intends to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to evaluate potential changes to the Water Control Manuals (WCMs) for three reservoirs in the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa (ACT) River Basin and to the Master WCM for the ACT River Basin. The USACE intends to conduct a water supply storage reallocation study to evaluate a March 30, 2018 request by Georgia and Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority (CCMWA) for increased water supply usage at Allatoona Lake and changed storage accounting methodology. The Draft SEIS will be prepared as an integrated document with the reallocation study. The reallocation study with the integrated Draft SEIS will address the water supply storage request and updated operating criteria and guidelines for managing the water storage and release actions of Federal water managers and will evaluate the associated environmental impacts of the proposed federal action, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The USACE also intends to update the WCMs for the Alabama Power Company's Weiss and Logan Martin Reservoirs in the ACT River Basin.
Inland Waterways Users Board Meeting Notice
The Department of the Army is publishing this notice to announce the following Federal advisory committee meeting of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Inland Waterways Users Board (Board). This meeting is open to the public. For additional information about the Board, please visit the committee's website at https:// InlandWaterwaysUsersBoard.aspx.
Proposals by Non-Federal Interests, for Feasibility Studies and for Modifications to an Authorized Water Resources Development Project or Feasibility Study, for Inclusion in the Annual Report to Congress on Future Water Resources Development
Section 7001 of Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) 2014 requires that the Secretary of the Army annually submit to the Congress a report (Annual Report) that identifies feasibility reports, proposed feasibility studies submitted by non-Federal interests, and proposed modifications to an authorized water resources development project or feasibility study that meet certain criteria. The Annual Report is to be based, in part, upon requests for proposals submitted by non-Federal interests.
Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Dam Safety Modification Study Report for Center Hill Dam, DeKalb County, Tennessee
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District (USACE) is preparing a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to support the Dam Safety Modification Study Report (DSMSR) for Center Hill Dam. The study would evaluate the main dam spillway gate operability, the saddle dam fuse plug operation, and spillway additions to the new Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) berm structure at the saddle dam, all for the purpose of lowering risk at Center Hill Dam, DeKalb County, Tennessee.
United States Air Force 81st Security Forces Anti-Terrorism Office, Restricted Area, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is establishing a no anchorage restricted area within waters along the Back Bay of Biloxi shoreline of the Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) located in Biloxi, Mississippi, on behalf of a request by the United States Air Force (USAF) 81st Security Forces Anti-Terrorism Office. The no anchorage restricted area will be established by placing 12 buoys to demarcate the approximately 10,000 feet of shoreline east to west and extend approximately 150 feet from the shoreline of the base. The restricted area is essential to address a major anti-terrorism and safety concern due to the lack of perimeter fencing or physical denial system.
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Abilene, Texas, Cedar Ridge Reservoir Water Supply Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of a proposed water supply project, the Cedar Ridge Reservoir, proposed by the City of Abilene, TX. A Clean Water Act Section 404 permit would be required for the construction and operation of the proposed Project since it would result in permanent and temporary impacts to waters of the United States. The Project, as proposed by the applicant, is intended to provide approximately 34,400 acre-feet of new reliable water supply to address additional water supply needs. The Cedar Ridge Project would be a non-federal project constructed, owned, and operated by the City of Abilene.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environment Impact Statement for the Proposed Alamo Dam Water Control Plan Update; Alamo Lake, Mojave and La Paz Counties, Arizona
This notice advises the public that the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE-SPL), as lead agency, is gathering information necessary to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) in connection with the update proposed for Alamo Dam's Water Control Plan. This notice opens the public scoping phase and invites interested parties to identify potential issues, concerns, and reasonable alternatives that should be considered in an EIS.
Withdrawal of Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the North Branch Ecorse Creek, Flood Risk Management General Reevaluation Study, Wayne County, MI
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Detroit District, is issuing this notice to advise Federal, state, and local government agencies and the public that the USACE is withdrawing its Notice of Intent to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the reevaluation study of flood risk management alternatives for the North Branch Ecorse Creek, Wayne County, Michigan.
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