Notice of Availability of the Final Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, 49077 [2018-21155]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 189 / Friday, September 28, 2018 / Notices
wetland and riparian habitat and
wildlife; climate change; transportation;
recreation; land use; Tribal resources,
including Tribal treaty rights;
environmental health and safety, and
public services and utilities.
c. The Corps will serve as the lead
agency for compliance with NEPA. The
Corps has invited the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, the
Chehalis Tribe, and the Quinault Indian
Nation to serve as cooperating agencies
under NEPA. The Corps will consult
with the Washington State Historic
Preservation Officer and applicable
Tribes to comply with the National
Historic Preservation Act; and
applicable Tribes to comply with treaty
d. Development of the draft EIS will
begin after the close of the scoping
period. The draft EIS is currently
scheduled to be available for public
review and comment in early 2020.
e. A 31-day public review period will
be provided for all interested parties,
individuals, and agencies to review and
comment on the draft EIS. All interested
parties are encouraged to respond to this
notice and provide a current address if
they wish to be notified when the draft
EIS is issued.
f. All comments received will become
part of the administrative record and are
subject to public release, as appropriate,
in their entirety, including any
personally identifiable information such
as names, phone numbers, and
addresses if included in the comment.
Dated: September 19, 2018.
Ryan A. Baum,
Major, Corps of Engineers, Acting
[FR Doc. 2018–21154 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 a.m.]
Department of the Army, Corps of
Notice of Availability of the Final
Missouri River Recovery Management
Plan and Environmental Impact
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice; extension of final EIS
waiting period.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
The Notice of Availability for
the Final Missouri River Recovery
Management Plan and Environmental
Impact Statement (MRRMP–FEIS)
published in the Federal Register on
Friday, August 31, 2018, stated the
waiting period for signature of the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:22 Sep 27, 2018
Jkt 244001
MRRMP–FEIS Record of Decision
would end on October 9, 2018. The U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers is extending
the waiting period through October 22,
Tiffany Vanosdall, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers at (402) 995–2695 or by email
MRRMP–FEIS can be downloaded
online at: https://www.nwo. or at:
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–21155 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. EL18–203–000]
Notice of Complaint; Owensboro
Municipal Utilities v. Louisville Gas
and Electric Company, Kentucky
Utilities Company
Take notice that on September 21,
2018, pursuant to sections 206, 306,
309, and 316 1 of the Federal Power Act
and Rule 206 of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission’s (Commission)
Rules of Practice and Procedure,2
Owensboro Municipal Utilities
(Complainant) filed a formal complaint
against Louisville Gas and Electric
Company and Kentucky Utilities
Company, (Respondents) alleging that,
from February 1, 2018 forward,
Respondents violated and continue to
violate its joint obligation, under First
Revised Rate Schedule No. 402 to
reimburse Complainant for pancaked
transmission service charges incurred to
Drive-Out from the Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, all as
more fully explained in the complaint.
The Complainants certify that copies
of the Complaint were served on
contacts for Respondents.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest this filing must file in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
Protests will be considered by the
Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will
not serve to make protestants parties to
the proceeding. Any person wishing to
become a party must file a notice of
1 16
2 18
PO 00000
U.S.C. 825e, 824e, 825h, and 825o.
CFR 385.206.
Frm 00030
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. The Respondent’s answer
and all interventions, or protests must
be filed on or before the comment date.
The Respondent’s answer, motions to
intervene, and protests must be served
on the Complainants.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper using the
eFiling link at
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 5 copies
of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
This filing is accessible on-line at, using the eLibrary
link and is available for electronic
review in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC.
There is an eSubscription link on the
website that enables subscribers to
receive email notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please email, or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Time on October 11, 2018.
Dated: September 24, 2018.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–21129 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings
Take notice that the Commission has
received the following Natural Gas
Pipeline Rate and Refund Report filings:
Filings Instituting Proceedings
Docket Number: PR18–82–000.
Applicants: Banquete Hub LLC.
Description: Tariff filing per
284.123(b),(e)/: Baseline Filing—
Banquete Hub SOC and the Errata to be
effective 10/1/2018.
Filed Date: 9/19/18.
Accession Number: 201809195092.
Comments/Protests Due: 5 p.m. ET
Docket Numbers: RP18–1192–000.
Applicants: Texas Eastern
Transmission, LP.
Description: Compliance filing TETLP
OFO September 2018 Penalty
Disbursement Report.
Filed Date: 9/20/18.
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)]
[Page 49077]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-21155]
Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Notice of Availability of the Final Missouri River Recovery
Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice; extension of final EIS waiting period.
SUMMARY: The Notice of Availability for the Final Missouri River
Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (MRRMP-
FEIS) published in the Federal Register on Friday, August 31, 2018,
stated the waiting period for signature of the MRRMP-FEIS Record of
Decision would end on October 9, 2018. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
is extending the waiting period through October 22, 2018.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tiffany Vanosdall, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers at (402) 995-2695 or by email at
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The MRRMP-FEIS can be downloaded online at: or at:
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-21155 Filed 9-27-18; 8:45 am]