Western Area Power Administration – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 301 - 350 of 393
Request for Interest for Purchase of Renewable Energy Products
The Western Area Power Administration, DOE (Western), a Federal power marketing agency of the U.S. Department of Energy, announces the availability of a Request for Interest (RFI) for the Purchase of Renewable Energy Products. Western is seeking interest from any supplier regarding the long-term purchase (10 to 15 years) of renewable energy with or without Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The energy may be delivered to the Upper Great Plains Region, the Rocky Mountain Region's Loveland Area Projects, the Colorado River Storage Project, and/or the Desert Southwest Region. All available points of delivery are located within the Western Interconnection.
Solicitation of Interest for Transmission Line Projects Under EPAct05 Section 1222 Associated With Renewable Generation Sources
The United States Department of Energy (DOE or Department), acting through the Western Area Power Administration (Western), a power marketing administration within the Department, is seeking Statements of Interest (SOIs) from entities that are interested in providing contributed funds for Western's participation in the upgrade of Western's existing transmission facilities or the construction of new transmission line projects in the states in which Western operates. The purpose of the request for SOIs is to identify potential projects which would facilitate the transmission of wind generation or other renewable generation sources to load centers under the authority granted the Secretary of Energy in section 1222 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct05) (Pub. L. 109-58; 119 Stat. 952).
Post-2009 Resource Pool-Loveland Area Projects-Allocation Procedures and Call for Applications
Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), is publishing this notice of allocation procedures and call for applications from preference entities interested in an allocation of Federal electric power. Subpart C of the Energy Planning and Management Program (Program), which was developed in part to implement section 114 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, provides for establishing project-specific resource pools and allocating power from these pools to new preference customers and for other appropriate purposes as determined by Western. These allocation procedures and call for applications, in conjunction with the Loveland Area Projects (LAP) Final Post-1989 Marketing Plan (Post-1989 Marketing Plan), establish the framework for allocating power from the LAP resource pool.
Post-2010 Resource Pool, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division
Western Area Power Administration (Western), Upper Great Plains Region, a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), is seeking comments on proposed procedures and is calling for applications from preference entities interested in an allocation of Federal power. The Energy Planning and Management Program (Program) provides for establishing project-specific resource pools and allocating power from these pools to new preference customers and other appropriate purposes as determined by Western. Western, in accordance with the Program, proposes procedures for comment and consideration, and also calls for applications from entities interested in a Federal power resource pool allocation. This resource pool is comprised of up to 1 percent (approximately 20 megawatts) of the long-term marketable resource of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin ProgramEastern Division (P- SMBPED) that may become available January 1, 2011 (Post-2010 Resource Pool). Preference entities that wish to apply for an allocation of power from Western's Upper Great Plains Region must submit formal applications as outlined below.
Parker-Davis Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-138
The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-138 and Rate Schedules PD-F7, PD-FT7, PD-FCT7, and PD- NFT7 placing firm electric and transmission service formula rates for the Parker-Davis Project (P-DP) of the Western Area Power Administration (Western) into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis or until they are replaced by other rates. The provisional formula rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of investment, within the allowable periods.
Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects and Colorado River Storage Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-137
The Acting Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-137 and Rate Schedule SLIP-F9, placing firm power rates for the Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects (SLCA/IP) of the Western Area Power Administration (Western) into effect on an interim basis. The Acting Deputy Secretary also confirmed Rate Schedules SP- PTP7, SP-NW3, SP-NFT6, SP-SD3, SP-RS3, SP-EI3, SP-FR3, and SP-SSR3, placing firm and non-firm transmission rates and ancillary services rates on the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) transmission system into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis or until they are replaced by other rates. The provisional rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of power investment and irrigation aid, within the allowable periods.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement To Evaluate Wind Energy Development in Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota; Including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Landscape-Level Easement Program in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Eastern Montana; and To Conduct Public Scoping Meetings
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended; and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations; the U.S. Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration (Western), and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), will, as joint lead agencies, prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Programmatic EIS) to evaluate issues associated with wind energy development within Western's Upper Great Plains Customer Service Region (UGP Region), which encompasses all or parts of the States of Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota; and upon the Service's landscape-level grassland and wetland easements in North Dakota, South Dakota, and eastern Montana. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utility Services (RUS) plans to participate as a cooperating agency. Public scoping meetings will be held during the Programmatic EIS scoping period.
Notice of Cancellation of Environmental Impact Statement for the Eastern Plains Transmission Project (EPTP), Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas
The U.S. Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration (Western) is canceling the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposal by Western to participate with Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Incorporated (Tri-State), in the construction of the Eastern Plains Transmission Project (EPTP). Western would have obtained 275 megawatts of capacity rights on the proposed transmission lines by participating in the EPTP. The EIS would have addressed the construction, operation, and maintenance of approximately 1,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines and ancillary facilities, which included substations, fiber optic installation, access roads, and construction staging areas. Western issued a Notice of Intent to prepare an EIS for the EPTP in the Federal Register on August 2, 2006 (71 FR 43733), and conducted 10 public scoping meetings throughout the project area from August 28 through September 14, 2006. Additional public meetings were held in February 2007 (72 FR 2507), and in June 2007 (72 FR 30792). Western is canceling the preparation of the EIS due to anticipated changes in the EPTP scope. If Western decides to participate in the re- defined EPTP, a National Environmental Policy Act review will be initiated at that time. Tri-State may continue with development of the EPTP.
Loveland Area Projects-Rate Order No. WAPA-141
This action is being taken to extend the existing Loveland Area Projects (LAP) transmission and ancillary services formula rates through February 28, 2011. The existing LAP transmission and ancillary services formula rates will expire February 28, 2009, with the exception of the Regulation and Frequency Response service rate which expires May 31, 2011.
Central Valley Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-139
This action is to temporarily extend the existing formula rates for power, transmission, and ancillary services for the Central Valley Project (CVP), transmission service on the California-Oregon Transmission Project (COTP), transmission service on the Pacific Alternating Current Intertie (PACI), and third-party transmission service through September 30, 2011. This action also extends the Western Area Power Administration's (Western) recovery methodology of the Path 15 revenue requirement through September 30, 2011. Without this extension, formula rates for power, transmission, and ancillary services for the CVP, transmission service on the COTP, transmission service on the PACI, and third-party transmission service will expire September 30, 2009.
Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division-Rate Order No. WAPA-140
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing revised rates for Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin ProgramEastern Division (P-SMBPED) firm electric and firm peaking power service. Current rates, under Rate Schedules P-SED-F9 and P-SED-FP9, extend through December 31, 2012, but are not sufficient to meet the P-SMBPED revenue requirements. The proposed rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay required investments within the allowable periods. Western will prepare and make available a brochure that provides detailed information on the proposed rates. The proposed rates, under Rate Schedules P-SED-F10 and P-SED-FP10, are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2009, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2013, or until superseded. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rate adjustment.
Loveland Area Projects-Rate Order No. WAPA-142
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing revised rates for Loveland Area Projects (LAP) firm electric service. LAP consists of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project (Fry-Ark) and the Pick- Sloan Missouri Basin Program (Pick-Sloan)Western Division, which were integrated for marketing and rate-making purposes in 1989. Current rates, under Rate Schedule L-F7, expire on December 31, 2012, but are not sufficient to meet LAP revenue requirements. The proposed rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay the required investment within the allowable period. Western will prepare and make available a brochure that provides detailed information on the proposed rates. The proposed rates, under Rate Schedule L-F8, are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2009, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2013, or until superseded. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rate adjustment.
Boulder Canyon Project
The Deputy Secretary of Energy approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Base Charge and Rates (Rates) for Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) electric service provided by the Western Area Power Administration (Western). The Rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repay investments within the allowable period.
Washoe Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-136
The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-136 and Rate Schedule SNF-7, placing a non-firm power formula rate from the Stampede Powerplant (Stampede) of the Washoe Project of the Western Area Power Administration (Western) into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rate will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places it into effect on a final basis or until it is replaced by another rate. The provisional rate will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of power investment within allowable periods.
Post-2009 Resource Pool-Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy, is publishing this response to letters of interest and comments resulting from Western's Notice of Request for Letters of Interest in the Federal Register (72 FR 34679), dated June 25, 2007. The notice provided an opportunity for potential new eligible customers to indicate an interest in receiving an allocation of Federal power, and for the public to comment on appropriate purposes for the Loveland Area Projects (LAP) Post-2009 proposed resource pool. This Federal Register notice summarizes the letters of interest and comments received by Western's Rocky Mountain Region (RMR), and Western's plans to proceed with Post-2009 resource pool allocations.
Energy Planning and Management Program; Integrated Resource Planning Rules
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is publishing this final rule to adopt revisions to current regulations that require customers to prepare integrated resource plans (IRP). These revisions are the result of a periodic review of IRP regulations. On August 21, 2007, Western published a Federal Register notice proposing three changes to its integrated resource planning rules. The first change proposed to eliminate the requirement that a member-based association's (MBA) members unanimously approve the MBA's IRP. Approval would only be required by the MBA's governing body. The second change proposed language to encourage customers to prepare regional IRPs even if a customer is not a member of an MBA. The third change proposed to make customer IRPs more readily available to the public by requiring customers to post their IRPs on a publicly available Web site.
Information Collection Request Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
This notice announces that Western Area Power Administration (Western), an agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), has sent an Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, comment and approval. Western submitted the ICR as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.\1\ The ICR described below identifies the proposal including the anticipated public burdens. On January 30, 2008, Western published a notice in the Federal Register inviting public comments on the ICR.\2\ That notice provided a 60 day comment period. Western has included a summary of the comments and Western's responses below. As described below, Western invites interested entities to submit comments to OMB.
Findings for the Sacramento Area Voltage Support Project (DOE/EIS-0323S1)
Western Area Power Administration (Western) plans to construct a new double-circuit, 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission line, approximately 31 miles long, between Western's O'Banion Substation and the area just south of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) Elverta Substation and reconstruct SMUD's existing 230 kV/115 kV transmission line between SMUD's Elverta and Natomas substations. The Sacramento Area Voltage Support (SVS) Project (Project) would be located in Sutter, Placer, and Sacramento counties in California. Western proposes to build the Project to provide needed transmission system additions and upgrades to maintain system voltage stability, reliability, and security. Western evaluated seven action alternatives and the No Action Alternative in its supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS). Of these, Alternative B was selected as both the Preferred Alternative and the Environmentally Preferred Action Alternative.
2015 Resource Pool
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal power marketing administration of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), published its 2004 Power Marketing Plan (Marketing Plan) for Western's Sierra Nevada Customer Service Region (SNR) in the Federal Register on June 25, 1999 (64 FR 34417). The Marketing Plan specifies the terms and conditions under which Western will market power from the Central Valley Project (CVP) and the Washoe Project beginning January 1, 2005, and continuing through December 31, 2024. The Marketing Plan provides for a 2015 Resource Pool of up to 2 percent of SNR's marketable power resources. The 2015 Resource Pool will be available for power allocations to preference entities that meet the Eligibility Criteria. This notice begins the public process to establish the resources available and to revise the Eligibility Criteria provided in the Marketing Plan for the 2015 Resource Pool. Once Western establishes the final amount of power to be made available under the 2015 Resource Pool and the associated Eligibility Criteria, preference entities who wish to apply for an allocation of power from SNR must submit formal applications in response to Western's Call for 2015 Resource Pool Applications to be published under a separate notice.
Parker-Davis Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-138
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing modifications to the rate methodology used to develop Parker-Davis Project (P-DP) firm electric and transmission service formula rates. The modifications to the rate methodology will change the allocation factors used to apportion certain expenses between generation and transmission revenue requirements. The firm electric and transmission service rates resulting from the rate methodology modifications are equal to current rates and will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of required investment within the allowable period. Western is also proposing changes to the current billing practices for P-DP long-term firm transmission service. Under the proposed billing changes, customers will be required to pay for long-term firm transmission service one month in advance of service. Western will prepare a brochure that provides detailed information on the modifications and proposed firm electric and transmission service formula rates. Current formula rates under Rate Schedules PD-F6, PD-FT6, PD-FCT6, and PD-NFT6 expire September 30, 2008. The proposed formula rates under Rate Schedules PD- F7, PD-FT7, PD-FCT7, and PD-NFT7 are scheduled to become effective on October 1, 2008, and will remain in effect through September 30, 2013. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed formula rates.
Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects Firm Power, Colorado River Storage Project Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates-Rate Order No. WAPA-137
Western initiated a public process to modify the Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects (SLCA/IP) firm power rates and extend the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) transmission and ancillary services rates by publishing a notice in the Federal Register on January 4, 2008. Western held a Public Information Forum on February 5, 2008, and a Public Comment Forum on March 4, 2008. Western is extending the comment and consultation period to allow sufficient time to finalize the 2010 Work Program Review (WPR), which forms the basis of the operation, maintenance and replacement (OM&R) expenses, to propose a two-step increase and to add clarification to the Spinning and Supplement Reserves (SP-SSR-3) rates. In conjunction with extending the comment and consultation period, Western will hold an additional public information forum and public comment forum on April 10, 2008. Information will be provided at this public information forum and also on the CRSP Management Center Web site under the ``FY 2009 SLCA/IP Rate Adjustment'' section located at: https://www.wapa.gov/ CRSP/ratescrsp/default.htm. Western mailed a brochure on January 11, 2008, that provided detailed information about the rates to all interested parties. The proposed rates in Rate Order No. WAPA-137 under Rate Schedules SLIP-F9, SP-PTP7, SP-NW3, SP-NFT6, SP-CF1, SP-SD3, SP-RS3, SP-EI3, SP-FR3, and SP-SSR3 are scheduled to go into effect on October 1, 2008.
Washoe Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-136
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing a minor rate adjustment for non-firm energy from the Stampede Powerplant (Stampede), of the Washoe Project, located in Sierra County, California. The current rate expires September 30, 2010. The proposed formula rate will provide sufficient revenue to repay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of required investment within the allowable period. Western will prepare a brochure that provides detailed information on the formula rate to all interested parties. The proposed formula rate, under Rate Schedule SNF-7, is scheduled to go into effect August 1, 2008, and will remain in effect through July 31, 2013. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rate.
Boulder Canyon Project
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing an adjustment to the Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) electric service base charge and rates. The current base charge and rates expire September 30, 2008, under Rate Schedule BCP-F7. The current base charge is not sufficient to cover all annual costs including operation, maintenance, replacements, and interest expense, and to repay investment obligations within the required period. The proposed base charge will provide sufficient revenue to cover all annual costs and to repay investment obligations within the allowable period. A detailed rate package that identifies the reasons for the base charge and rates adjustment will be available in March 2008. The proposed base charge and rates are scheduled to become effective on October 1, 2008, and will remain in effect through September 30, 2009. This Federal Register notice initiates the formal process for the proposed base charge and rates.
Proposed Information Collection To Be Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) invites public comment on a proposed collection of information that Western is developing for submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.\1\ Western invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Record of Decision and Floodplain Statement of Findings for the Trinity Public Utilities District Direct Interconnection Project (DOE/EIS-0389)
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) intends to construct the Trinity Public Utilities District (PUD) Direct Interconnection Project (Project) in Trinity County, California. Consumers in the Trinity PUD service area routinely experience nearly 20,000 consumer hours per year in outages, according to the Trinity PUD. In the winter, many of the outages last three to four days before power can be restored. Western's Project would improve power system reliability in the area by providing a direct interconnection between Trinity PUD and Western's transmission system at the Trinity Power Plant. Western proposes to remove about 5.3 miles of existing 12- kilovolt (kV) distribution line, and construct, operate, and maintain about 16 miles of new 60-kV transmission line, a three-way switching structure and associated equipment, and a new switchyard. The Project would connect to Trinity PUD's system at its Lewiston Substation and at the new Weaverville Switchyard. Western is the lead Federal agency, and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) are cooperating agencies that participated in the preparation of the environmental impact statement (EIS). Full implementation of the decision to construct this Project is contingent upon obtaining all applicable permits and approvals.
Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects Firm Power, Colorado River Storage Project Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates-Rate Order No. WAPA-137
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing adjustments to the Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects (SLCA/IP) firm power rates and the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates. The SLCA/IP consists of the CRSP, Collbran, and Rio Grande projects, which were integrated for marketing and ratemaking purposes on October 1, 1987, and two participating projects of the CRSP that have power facilities, the Dolores and Seedskadee projects. The current rates, under Rate Schedule SLIP-F8, expire September 30, 2010, but are not sufficient to meet the SLCA/IP revenue requirements. The proposed rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including operation, maintenance, and replacements (OM&R), interest expenses, and the required repayment of investment within the allowable period. The only proposed changes to the CRSP Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates are to change the expiration dates to September 30, 2010, in alignment with the SLCA/IP firm power rates. Western will prepare a brochure that provides detailed information on the rates to all interested parties. The proposed rates under Rate Schedules SLIP-F9, SP-PTP7, SP-NW3, SP-NFT6, SP-CF1, SP-SD3, SP-RS3, SP-EI3, SP-FR3, and SP-SSR3 are scheduled to go into effect on October 1, 2008. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rates.
Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division-Rate Order No. WAPA-135
The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-135 and Rate Schedules P-SED-F9 and P-SED-FP9, placing firm power and firm peaking power rates from the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin ProgramEastern Division (P-SMBPED) of the Western Area Power Administration (Western) into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis or until they are replaced by other rates. The provisional rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repay power investment and irrigation aid within the allowable periods.
Loveland Area Projects-Rate Order No. WAPA-134
The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-134 and Rate Schedule L-F7, placing firm electric service rates from the Loveland Area Projects (LAP) of the Western Area Power Administration (Western) into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis or until they are replaced by other rates. The provisional rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expenses, and repay power investment and irrigation aid within the allowable periods.
Big Stone II Power Plant and Transmission Project Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0377)
Western Area Power Administration (Western) announces the availability of the Supplemental Draft Big Stone II Power Plant and Transmission Project (Project) Environmental Impact Statement (Supplemental Draft EIS) for public review and comment. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), are participating as cooperating agencies in the EIS process. The Supplemental Draft EIS addresses the environmental impacts of a different back-up water supply plan that uses groundwater instead of surface water along with associated cooling alternatives for the proposed Big Stone II power plant's back-up water supply. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires Western to make the Supplemental Draft EIS available to interested members of the public, groups, and Federal, State, local, and tribal agencies for review and comment to assure they have an opportunity to provide input to the Federal decision making process. Comments on the Supplemental Draft EIS may be provided in writing or at the hearing scheduled during the review period.
San Luis Rio Colorado Project (DOE/EIS-0395)
The Department of Energy (DOE) received applications from North Branch Resources, LLC (NBR) and Generadora del Desierto, S.A. de C.V. (GDD) to construct the proposed San Luis Rio Colorado Project in Yuma County, Arizona. NBR and GDD (collectively termed the Applicants) are each wholly owned subsidiaries of North Branch Holding, LLC. GDD applied to Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), an organizational unit within DOE, for a Presidential permit to construct, connect, operate, and maintain a double-circuit 500,000-volt (500-kilovolt [kV]) electric transmission line across the United States-Mexico international border. NBR submitted a request to Western Area Power Administration (Western), another organizational unit within DOE, to interconnect the double-circuit 500-kV electric transmission line to Western's existing Gila Substation. The Applicants proposed that Western construct, own, operate, and maintain the transmission components within the United States at the Applicants' expense. Western's decision is to allow the Applicants to interconnect with its transmission system at Gila Substation, and to construct the Agency Preferred Alternative upon completion of Western's Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP) process. Accordingly, Western intends to enter into interconnection and construction agreements with NBR, and to construct, own, operate, and maintain the transmission system additions in the United States that would allow the interconnection.
Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-130
The Deputy Secretary of Energy confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-130 and Rate Schedules INT-FT4 and INT-NFT3, placing firm and nonfirm transmission service rates for the Pacific Northwest- Pacific Southwest Intertie Project (Intertie) of the Western Area Power Administration (Western) into effect on an interim basis. The provisional rates will be in effect until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) confirms, approves, and places them into effect on a final basis, or until they are replaced by other rates. The provisional rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repay required investment within the allowable periods.
Wind Hydropower Integration Feasibility Study
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is publishing this notice to inform interested parties of the draft Study Work Plan for performing the Wind Hydropower Integration Feasibility Study (WHFS). The WHFS involves a study on the integration of wind energy generated by Indian tribes and hydropower generated by the Army Corps of Engineers on the Missouri River to supply power to Western. This study applies only to Western's Upper Great Plains Region (UGPR).
Boulder Canyon Project
The Deputy Secretary of Energy has approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Base Charge and Rates (Rates) for Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) electric service provided by the Western Area Power Administration (Western). The Rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repay investments, within the allowable period.
Energy Planning and Management Program; Integrated Resource Planning Approval Criteria
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing changes to current regulations that require customers to prepare integrated resource plans (IRP). Western is proposing to facilitate public review of customer IRPs by making them more readily available, such as by posting customer IRPs on Western's external Web site. Western is also proposing language to encourage participation in regional IRPs by customers who may not be members of a member-based association (MBA). Finally, Western proposes to modify the requirement that each member of an MBA approve the IRP. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed regulation revisions.
Granby Pumping Plant-Windy Gap Transmission Line Rebuild Project, Grand County, CO
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for rebuilding the Granby Pumping Plant-Windy Gap transmission line in Grand County, Colorado. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) will participate in the preparation of the EIS, which will address the proposed removal of about 12 miles of 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line, the construction and operation of about 12 miles of new 138-kV double-circuit transmission line (operated at 69/138-kV), and adding a second power transformer. Input for the scope of the EIS may be provided in writing or at an open-house scoping meeting in the project area.
Load in the California Independent System Operator Corporation's Balancing Authority Area
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) announces its Final Resource Adequacy (RA) Plan for load in the California Independent System Operator Corporation's (CAISO) Balancing Authority Area. This notice responds to the comments received on the proposed Final Resource Adequacy Plan (Final RA Plan) and sets forth the Final RA Plan. Western developed the Final RA Plan as a Local Regulatory Authority (LRA). The Final RA Plan will be submitted to the CAISO and will be utilized by Western when Western, in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, is acting as a Load Serving Entity (LSE) as defined under the CAISO's Conformed Simplified and Reorganized Tariff incorporating the Interim Reliability Requirements Program (CAISO Tariff) and under the CAISO's proposed Market Redesign and Technology Upgrade (MRTU) Tariff.
Construction and Operation of the Proposed NextGen Energy Facility, South Dakota
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), an agency of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) intends to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the construction and operation of the proposed NextGen Energy Facility (Project) in South Dakota. Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric) has applied to interconnect the proposed Project to Western's electric power transmission system. The EIS will address the construction and operation of the proposed Project, which includes a 500 to 700 megawatt (MW) (net) coal-fired generation facility and ancillary equipment and facilities east of the Missouri River in South Dakota. Portions of the proposed Project may affect floodplains and wetlands in the area. Western will hold public scoping meetings near the Project area during the public scoping period to share information and receive comments and suggestions on the scope of the EIS.
Colorado River Storage Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-132
This action is to temporarily extend the existing Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) transmission and ancillary services rates through September 30, 2010. The existing transmission and ancillary services rates will expire September 30, 2007.
Consideration of Certain Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act Standards Set Forth in the Energy Policy Act of 2005
As a non-regulated electric utility, the Western Area Power Administration (Western) must consider and determine whether to implement certain standards under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct of 2005), which amended the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Western considered five standards: Net metering, fuel source diversity, fossil fuel generation efficiency, smart metering, and consumer interconnections. After considering the comments received, Western will not adopt the EPAct of 2005 standards for PURPA at this time.
White Wind Farm Project (DOE/ EIS-0376)
White Wind Farm, LLC (Applicant), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Navitas Energy, Inc., has applied to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Western Area Power Administration (Western), to interconnect its proposed White Wind Farm Project (Project) to Western's transmission system at the existing White Substation, near Brookings, South Dakota. The project would involve building up to 103 2-megawatt (MW) wind turbine generators (WTG or Turbine) with a net capacity of up to 200 MW. Western considered the environmental impacts of the Project and has decided to grant the Applicant's request to interconnect to the White Substation. Taking into consideration the mitigation measures the Applicant has incorporated into the Project, Western expects no significant long-term or short-term impacts to resources from construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed Project.
Post-2010 Resource Pool, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), Upper Great Plains Region, a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), is publishing this notice of Request for Letters of Interest from entities interested in an allocation of Federal power, to gather information to aid Western in determining the appropriate purposes for this proposed resource pool, and/or to provide comments regarding a proposed resource pool. A Federal power resource pool increment of up to 1 percent of the long-term marketable resource of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin ProgramEastern Division (P-SMBPED), up to approximately 20 megawatts, may become available January 1, 2011, under the Energy Planning and Management Program (Program). This Federal Register notice initiates the process for the proposed resource pool.
Post-2009 Resource Pool, Loveland Area Projects
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), Rocky Mountain Region, a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), is publishing this notice of Request for Letters of Interest to determine which eligible new customers may be interested in an allocation of Federal power, and to gather information and comments to aid Western in determining the appropriate purposes for a proposed Loveland Area Projects (LAP) resource pool. Under the Energy Planning and Management Program (Program), a Federal power resource pool of up to 1 percent (not to exceed 7 megawatts) of the LAP's long-term marketable resource may become available October 1, 2009, within the LAP marketing area. This Federal Register notice initiates the process for the proposed resource pool.
Eastern Plains Transmission Project, Colorado and Kansas
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Western Area Power Administration (Western) issued a notice of intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on August 2, 2006, for the Eastern Plains Transmission Project (EPTP or Transmission Project). This notice announces an additional public meeting to provide the public opportunity to review and comment on additional and revised transmission line routes and the scope of the EIS. A summary of comments previously received during the scoping meetings held in August and September 2006, and meetings held in February 2007, is available upon request or at https://www.wapa.gov/transmission/eptp.htm. Western is proposing to participate with Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Incorporated (Tri-State) in the construction of the EPTP. Western's participation would be in exchange for 275 megawatts (MW) of capacity rights on the proposed transmission lines. The EIS will address the construction, operation, and maintenance of approximately 1,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines and ancillary facilities, which include substations, fiber optic installations, access roads, and construction staging areas. The EIS will discuss alternatives such as Western's system alternatives and the no action alternative (no Federal action). The EIS will analyze and present environmental impacts compared to the existing baseline condition in which no Transmission Project facilities exist. The EIS also will include analyses of the environmental impacts of Tri-State's proposed generation and other past, present and reasonably foreseeable projects in the EPTP area. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and DOE NEPA Implementing Procedures.
Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program-Eastern Division-Rate Order No. WAPA-135
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing revised rates for Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin ProgramEastern Division (P-SMBPED) firm electric and firm peaking power service. Current rates, under Rate Schedules P-SED-F8 and P-SED-FP8, extend through December 31, 2010, but are not sufficient to meet the P-SMBPED revenue requirements. The proposed rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of required investment within the allowable period. Western will prepare a brochure that provides detailed information on the proposed rates. The proposed rates, under Rate Schedules P-SED-F9 and P-SED-FP9, are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2008, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2012. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rate adjustment.
Loveland Area Projects-Rate Order No. WAPA-134
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing revised rates for Loveland Area Projects (LAP) firm electric service. LAP consists of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project (Fry-Ark) and the Pick- Sloan Missouri Basin Program (Pick-Sloan)Western Division, which were integrated for marketing and rate-making purposes in 1989. The current rates, under Rate Schedule L-F6, expire on December 31, 2010, but are not sufficient to meet the LAP revenue requirements. The proposed rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repay required investment within the allowable period. Western will prepare a brochure that provides detailed information on the proposed rates. The proposed rates, under Rate Schedule L-F7, are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2008, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2012. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed rate adjustment.
Notice of Proposed Final Resource Adequacy Plan for Transactions in the California Independent System Operator Corporation's Balancing Authority Area
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is conducting a public process to propose a Final Resource Adequacy (RA) Plan for transactions in the California Independent System Operator Corporation's (CAISO) Balancing Authority Area. Pending the development of this Final RA Plan, Western has established interim RA Plans to facilitate its transactions in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. Western is developing this proposed Final RA Plan as a Local Regulatory Authority (LRA). The Final RA Plan implemented by Western will be submitted to the CAISO and will be utilized by Western when Western is acting as a Load Serving Entity (LSE) in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. Western's Current RA Plan became effective on September 30, 2006, and will remain in effect until superseded by the Final RA Plan developed in this process.
Boulder Canyon Project
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing an adjustment to the Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) electric service base charge and rates. The current base charge and rates expire September 30, 2007. The current base charge is not sufficient to pay all annual costs including operation, maintenance, replacements, and interest expense, and to repay investment obligations within the required period. The proposed base charge will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs and to repay investment obligations within the allowable period. A detailed rate package that identifies the reasons for the base charge and rates adjustment will be available in March 2007. The proposed base charge and rates are scheduled to become effective on October 1, 2007, and will remain in effect through September 30, 2008. This Federal Register notice initiates the formal process for the proposed base charge and rates.
Eastern Plains Transmission Project, Colorado and Kansas
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Western Area Power Administration (Western) issued a notice of intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on August 2, 2006, for the Eastern Plains Transmission Project (EPTP or Transmission Project). This notice announces additional public meetings to provide the public opportunity to review and comment on additional transmission line routes and revised routes; the scope of the EIS; and review comments previously received during the scoping meetings held in August and September 2006. Western is proposing to participate with Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Incorporated (Tri-State) in the construction of the EPTP. Western's participation would be in exchange for 275 megawatts (MW) of capacity rights on the proposed transmission lines. The EIS will address the construction, operation, and maintenance of approximately 1,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines and ancillary facilities, which include substations, fiber optic installation, access roads, and construction staging areas. The EIS will discuss alternatives such as Western's system alternatives and the no action alternative (no Federal action). The EIS will analyze and present environmental impacts compared to the existing baseline condition in which no Transmission Project facilities exist. The EIS also will include analyses of the environmental impacts of Tri-State's proposed generation projects, and other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects in the EPTP area. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and DOE NEPA Implementing Procedures.
Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-133
This action is to extend the existing Pacific Northwest- Pacific Southwest Intertie Project (Intertie) transmission service rates through December 31, 2007. Simultaneously, the Western Area Power Administration (Western) is extending the public process for a rate adjustment that was initiated in July 2006 under Rate Order No. WAPA- 130. Without this action, the existing transmission service rates will expire December 31, 2006, and no rates will be in effect for these services. Western initiated a public process to modify the transmission service rates for the Intertie, via a notice published in the Federal Register on July 12, 2006. Western is extending the comment and consultation period to allow sufficient time to evaluate additional alternatives to the proposed rates. In conjunction with extending the comment and consultation period, Western will hold an additional public information forum and public comment forum.
Parker-Davis Project-Post-2008 Resource Pool
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), announces the Parker-Davis Project (P-DP) Post-2008 Resource Pool Final Allocation of Power (Resource Pool Final Power Allocation), developed under the requirements of the Energy Planning and Management Program (EPAMP). This notice also includes Western's responses to public comments on the proposed allocations published July 17, 2006. The Resource Pool Final Power Allocation documents Western's decisions prior to beginning the contractual phase of the process. Firm electric service contracts, with the allottees in this notice, will extend from October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2028.
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