Agencies and Commissions February 1, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 28 of 28
Farm Credit Administration Board; Sunshine Act Meeting
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Government in the Sunshine Act, of the regular meeting of the Farm Credit Administration Board (Board).
Open Commission Meeting, Tuesday, January 30, 2018
The Commission will consider a Second Report and Order and Second Order on Reconsideration to enhance the effectiveness of Wireless Emergency Alerts, including improving the geographic accuracy of these alerts. 3.................. WIRELINE COMPETITION.. Title: Connect America Fund (WC Docket No. 10-90); ETC Annual Reports and Certifications (WC Docket No. 14-58); Rural Broadband Experiments (WC Docket No. 14-259); Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (AU Docket No. 17-182). Summary: The Commission will consider an Order and Order on Reconsideration addressing the remaining issues raised by parties challenging the Commission's orders implementing the Connect America Phase II auction (Auction 903), in which service providers will compete to receive support of up to $1.98 billion to offer voice and broadband service in unserved high- cost areas. 4.................. WIRELINE COMPETITION Title: Connect America Fund AND WIRELESS TELE- Phase II Auction Scheduled COMMUNICATIONS. for July 24, 2018 Notice and Filing Requirements and Other Procedures for Auction 903; Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (AU Docket No. 17- 182); Connect America Fund (WC Docket No. 10-90). Summary: The Commission will consider a Public Notice establishing procedures for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction, which will award up to $1.98 billion over 10 years to service providers that commit to offer voice and broadband services to fixed locations in unserved high- cost areas. 5.................. WIRELINE COMPETITION Title: Establishment of the AND OFFICE OF Office of Economics and MANAGING DIRECTORY. Analytics (MD Docket No. 18-3). Summary: The Commission will consider an Order to establish an Office of Economics and Analytics. 6.................. MEDIA................. Title: Amendment of Section 73.3613 of the Commission's Rules Regarding Filing of Contracts (MB Docket No. 18-4); Modernization of Media Regulation Initiative (MB Docket No. 17-105). Summary: The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to eliminate the requirement that broadcast licensees and permittees routinely submit paper copies of contracts and other documents to the FCC as specified in Section 73.3613 of the Commission's rules. 7.................. MEDIA................. Title: Modernization of Media Regulation Initiative (MB Docket No. 17-105); Amendment of Parts 27, 54, 73, 74, and 76 of the Commission's Rules to Delete Rules Made Obsolete by the Digital Television Transition. Summary: The Commission will consider an Order deleting rules made obsolete by the Digital TV transition. 8.................. ENFORCEMENT........... Title: Enforcement Bureau Action. Summary: The Commission will consider an enforcement action.
Technology Advisory Committee
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC or Commission) announces that on Wednesday, February 14, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., the CFTC's Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) will hold a rescheduled public meeting at the CFTC's Washington, DC headquarters. The TAC meeting, previously scheduled for January 23, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., was canceled and is now being rescheduled with less than fifteen days' notice due to the lapse in appropriations that closed the Federal Government. At the rescheduled meeting, the TAC will: (1) Discuss the scope, plan, and approach for the Committee's efforts in 2018; (2) explore timely topics and issues involving financial technology in CFTC regulated markets, potentially including blockchain/DLT, data standardization and analytics, algorithmic trading, virtual currencies, cybersecurity, and RegTech; and (3) identify work streams and/or subcommittee groups that can help generate actionable recommendations to the Commission on select issues.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Application Package for the Day of Service Project Collection Tool
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, CNCS is proposing to renew an information collection for the Day of Service Project Collection Tool.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Under OMB Review
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is publishing this notice to comply with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA),which requires agencies to submit proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements to OMB for review and approval, and to publish a notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has made such a submission. This notice also allows an additional 30 days for public comments.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements under OMB Review
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is publishing this notice to comply with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), which requires agencies to submit proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements to OMB for review and approval, and to publish a notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has made such a submission. This notice also allows an additional 30 days for public comments.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Under OMB Review
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is publishing this notice to comply with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), which requires agencies to submit proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements to OMB for review and approval, and to publish a notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has made such a submission. This notice also allows an additional 30 days for public comments.
Annual Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties To Reflect Inflation
The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 (the 2015 Inflation Adjustment Act) requires the Federal Communications Commission to amend its forfeiture penalty rules to reflect annual adjustments for inflation in order to improve their effectiveness and maintain their deterrent effect. The 2015 Inflation Adjustment Act provides that the new penalty levels shall apply to penalties assessed after the effective date of the increase, including when the penalties whose associated violation predate the increase.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has submitted the following information collection requirement to OMB for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This is the second notice for public comment; the first was published in the Federal Register on November 30, 2017, and no comments were received. NSF is forwarding the proposed renewal submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for clearance simultaneously with the publication of this second notice. The full submission may be found at: https:// Comments: Comments are invited on (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the NSF, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the NSF's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program
In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, as amended, this notice announces a new matching program with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA). This computer matching agreement sets forth the terms, conditions, and safeguards under which VA/VBA will provide SSA with compensation and pension payment data. This disclosure will provide SSA with information necessary to verify an individual's self-certification of eligibility for the Medicare Prescription Drug (Medicare Part D) subsidy (Extra Help). It will also enable SSA to identify individuals who may qualify for Extra Help as part of the agency's Medicare outreach efforts.
Cast Iron Soil Pipe From China; Institution of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations and Scheduling of Preliminary Phase Investigations
The Commission hereby gives notice of the institution of investigations and commencement of preliminary phase antidumping and countervailing duty investigation Nos. 701-TA-597 and 731-TA-1407 (Preliminary) pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act'') to determine whether there is a reasonable indication that an industry in the United States is materially injured or threatened with material injury, or the establishment of an industry in the United States is materially retarded, by reason of imports of cast iron soil pipe from the China, provided for in statistical reporting number 7303.00.0030 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, that are alleged to be sold in the United States at less than fair value and alleged to be subsidized by the Government of China. Unless the Department of Commerce extends the time for initiation, the Commission must reach a preliminary determination in antidumping and countervailing duty investigations in 45 days, or in this case by March 12, 2018. The Commission's views must be transmitted to Commerce within five business days thereafter, or by March 19, 2018.
Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board Membership
Notice is given of the appointment of members to the Performance Review Board (PRB) of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.
Mail Preparation Changes
The Commission adopts a final rule concerning mail preparation changes. This Order amends an existing Commission rule.
State Advisory Councils
This proposed rulemaking would remove the Legal Services Corporation's (LSC) regulation on state advisory councils. LSC believes this action is appropriate because the state advisory councils are no longer active and their oversight functions have been replaced adequately by other offices and processes established by Congress or LSC. Executive Orders 13563, ``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,'' and 13771, ``Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs,'' direct agencies to review their existing regulations and repeal or revise any that are obsolete or unnecessarily burdensome. Although LSC is not an agency of the Federal government subject to either executive order, LSC regularly reviews its regulations and has determined that this regulation can be eliminated.
Requests for Documents and Testimony
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) proposes to create a rule governing subpoenas and requests for LSC documents and testimony by non-federal litigants in cases in which LSC is not a party. Currently, LSC has no internal or external procedures in place to process such requests. This rule provides the public with guidance on where to send requests and establishes procedures by which those requests will be processed.
CPSC Acceptance of Third Party Laboratories: Revision to the Notice of Requirements for Prohibitions of Children's Toys and Child Care Articles Containing Specified Phthalates
This final rule updates the notice of requirements (NOR) for the accreditation of third party laboratories to assess conformity with the prohibitions of children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates. The NOR provides the criteria and process for Commission acceptance of accreditation under the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA). This rule makes the NOR consistent with the regulated phthalates in children's toys and child care articles in the phthalates final rule published in the Federal Register on October 27, 2017.
Fresh Tomatoes From Mexico; Institution of a Five-Year Review
The Commission hereby gives notice that it has instituted a review pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act''), as amended, to determine whether termination of the suspended investigation on fresh tomatoes from Mexico would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury. Pursuant to the Act, interested parties are requested to respond to this notice by submitting the information specified below to the Commission.
Folding Gift Boxes From China; Institution of a Five-Year Review
The Commission hereby gives notice that it has instituted a review pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act''), as amended, to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty order on folding gift boxes from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury. Pursuant to the Act, interested parties are requested to respond to this notice by submitting the information specified below to the Commission.
Certain Activated Carbon From China; Institution of a Five-Year Review
The Commission hereby gives notice that it has instituted a review pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act''), as amended, to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty order on certain activated carbon from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury. Pursuant to the Act, interested parties are requested to respond to this notice by submitting the information specified below to the Commission.
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