Administration for Children and Families 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 214
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation; Grant Award to Urban Family Council
Notice is hereby given that a noncompetitive grant award is being made to Urban Family Council, Pennsylvania, to provide Abstinence-Only Education and related services for adolescents in public school, age 12-19 and their parents and guardians, in Philadelphia, Center, Cumberland, and Lycoming Counties of Pennsylvania. The amount of the grant is $229,152. This noncompetitive award was recommended by the Congress.
Administration for Native Americans
The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) herein announces an urgent grant award to the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Red Lake, Minnesota, in the amount of $311,400 for a project period of 24 months. This urgent grant award will assist the Tribe in mitigating the effects of the tragic events of the school shooting in March 2005 that resulted in the death of students, faculty and staff. The shooting marked the highest death toll in U.S. school shootings since the Columbine High School massacre in April 1999. Due to the devastation created by the high school shooting, ANA is providing urgent financial assistance for minor renovations to the local community centers to support positive community development; funding to hire eleven volunteers to assist youth and members of the community in coping with this event; and building support systems, which will aid in preventing future tragedies.
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Notice is hereby given that it has been proposed that a noncompetitive single-source program expansion supplement to an ongoing competitive award be made to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in response to an unsolicited application. This application proposes to provide additional training and technical assistance to organizations implementing Refugee Marriage Enrichment projects. The application is not within the scope of any existing or expected to be issued program announcement for the Fiscal Year 2006. HIAS's application is expected to address issues critical to the development and implementation of marriage education programs for refugees by providing valuable on-site training and technical assistance to grantees and sub-grantees that offer marital communication training to refugee couples. In September of 2003, ORR awarded HIAS a grant of $200,000 to develop a Refugee Family Enrichment program which included technical assistance to subgrantees. Because of their success in the development of their marriage enrichment program, in 2004 HIAS was awarded a noncompetitive single source program expansion supplement to an ongoing competitive award to expand its Technical Assistance Services Program to Refugee Family Enrichment project sites specified by ORR. HIAS has since provided over 600 hours of technical assistance to project sites operated by organizations across the country. Their technical assistance primarily supports the work of small Mutual Assistance Associations, and without it, these agencies might struggle to provide refugee clients with the programs they need in order to achieve self sufficiency. The proposed project period is 9/30/2005-9/29/2006. Technical assistance to support grantees in developing better approaches to the delivery of services provided to refugees is authorized by section 412(c)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(c)(1)).
Administration on Children, Youth and Families; 2005 Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program; Notice of Correction for the Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program, HHS-2005-ACF-ACYF-YD-0064, CFDA # 93.600
This notice is to inform interested parties of a correction made to the Head Start Family Literacy program announcement that was published on July 25, 2005. The following correction should be noted: Under Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 1. Address to Request Application Package, please delete the following phone number for The Dixon Group: 1-800-351-2293. Please replace the deleted phone number with the following: 1-866- 796-1591. All other information in this notice of correction is accurate and replaces information specified in the July 25 notice. Applications are still due by the deadline date that was published in the July 25 notice (due date for applications is September 23, 2005).
Administration on Children, Youth and Families; 2005 Head Start Family Literacy Project; Notice of Correction for the FY 2005 Head Start Family Literacy Project Program Announcement, HHS-2005-ACF-ACYF-YL-0023, CFDA # 93.600
This notice is to inform interested parties of a correction made to the Head Start Family Literacy Project program announcement that was published on July 25, 2005. The following correction should be noted: Under Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 1. Address to Request Application Package, please delete the following phone number for The Dixon Group: 1-800-351-2293. Please replace the deleted phone number with the following: 1-866- 796-1591. All other information in this notice of correction is accurate and replaces information specified in the July 25 notice. Applications are still due by the deadline date that was published in the July 25 notice (due date for applications is September 8, 2005).
Head Start Family Literacy Program
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Head Start Bureau, under the authority of Sections 640(a)(2)(C) and 648(c)(4) (42 U.S.C. 9843), is making available $3 million annually for each of the next five years, to support a cooperative agreement to provide family literacy training and technical assistance to Head Start and Early Head Start programs based on proven effective practices substantiated by research findings. This project will help grantees and delegate agencies nationwide to improve the quality and positive outcomes of family literacy services they provide. This includes programs serving American Indians, Alaska Natives, migrant and seasonal workers, and English language learners.
Grants and Cooperative Agreements; Availability, etc.: Child Development Associate Credentialing Program
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) announces the availability of $1,000,000 annually for each of five years to support staff development for all individuals employed in local Head Start, Early Head Start, and other child care programs to increase the understanding and skills necessary to carry out their jobs, as well as professional development leading to credentials and degrees. A cooperative agreement is a form of Federal financial assistance that allows substantial Federal involvement in the activities for which funds are awarded.
Administration on Children, Youth and Families; Family and Youth Services Bureau; Notice of the Availability of Financial Assistance and Request for Applications To Establish and Operate the National Domestic Violence Hotline
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) announces the availability of funds in fiscal year 2005 for the award of one grant on a competitive basis to operate a national, toll-free telephone hotline to provide information and assistance to victims of domestic violence.
Office of Community Services; Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) Program
The Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) Program is authorized under Section 505 of the Family Support Act of 1988, Public Law 100-485, as amended by Section 112 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law 104-193, as amended. The Act authorizes the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to enter into agreements with non-profit organizations (including faith-based organizations and community development corporations) for the purpose of conducting projects designed to create employment opportunities for certain low-income individuals (42 U.S.C. 9926).
Notice of Issuance of Final Policy Directive
The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) herein issues final interpretive rules, general statement of policy, and rules of agency procedure or practice in relation to the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) project SMART NA Communities (Strengthening Marriages and Relationships in Tribal and Native American Communities). For FY 2005, ANA reserved an amount of funding under the SEDS program to fund projects that are beneficial to the development of healthy Native American communities. ANA has decided to participate in ACF's Healthy Marriage Initiative, and intends to use the reserved SEDS funds to support projects that improve child well- being by removing barriers associated with forming and retaining healthy families and marriages in Native American communities. Under the statute, ANA is required to provide members of the public an opportunity to comment on proposed changes in interpretive rules, statements of general policy, and rules of agency procedure or practice, and to give notice of the final adoption of such changes at least 30 days before the changes become effective. The notice also provides additional information about ANA's plan for administering the programs.
Office of Community Services; CSBG T&TA Promoting Healthy Marriages
The Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces that competing applications will be accepted for a new grant pursuant to the Secretary's authority under section 678(A) of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Act, as amended, by the Community Opportunities, Accountability, and Training and Educational Services (COATES) Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105-285). These activities must fund training and technical assistance resources for the Community Services Network to ensure that the needs of eligible entities and programs relating to improving program quality (including quality of financial management practices) are addressed to the maximum extent feasible; and incorporate mechanisms to ensure responsiveness to local needs. The proposed grants will fund training and technical assistance resources for the Community Services Network focusing on improving the quality of programs carried out under the CSBG act and the delivery of healthy marriage strategies among low income people served by local community action agencies. Specifically, OCS will offer one-year grants to fund a one year project period for the creation and dissemination of ``best practice'' technical assistance materials from local community organizations, including those that are faith-based, that have demonstrated success in promoting or sustaining healthy marriages among clients as part of an overall strategy to help low-income people achieve family and child development, and/or self-sufficiency goals. Special emphasis is being placed on the development and dissemination of ``best practice'' materials that focus on a wide range of low-income populations, including racial and ethnic minorities.
Notice of Correction to Availability of Funds for the Projects To Establish Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) State Partnership Grants
This notice is to inform interested parties of changes made to the Funding Opportunity for Projects to Establish Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) State Partnership Grants published on Monday, April 25, 2005, with a due date for applications of June 24, 2005, which is now extended until August 8, 2005. 1. The following changes are made to Section I, ``Funding Opportunity Description'': a. There will be separate grants awarded to each Member and Partner State, such that a Member State will no longer have fiduciary responsibility for its Partner State [page 21222]; b. The following paragraph is struck: ``After evaluation of all grant applications, and if chosen for an award, the Member state will be awarded a grant under which it will act as a fiduciary agent to the Partner state. The Member state will be responsible for all funding that is provided to its Partner state and will reimburse funding provided hereunder, as costs are incurred, for specific items delineated in its approved grant application budget and in accordance with HHS fiscal and grants management requirements.'' [page 21222] and replaced with: ``Separate applications for a partnership agreement must be submitted by both the Member State and the Partner State with separate budget requests. An application from a Partner State must identify its Member State and an application from a Member State must identify its Partner State. As costs are incurred for specific items delineated in the approved grant application budgets, States must adhere to HHS fiscal and grants management requirements.''; c. The phrase ``Member State'' is struck and replaced with ``State'' in the paragraph that reads: ``This list is meant to be illustrative, not exhaustive of the type of issues the Member state should address when preparing the application.'' [page 21222]; 2. The following changes are made to Section I, ``Funding Opportunity Description,'' under the ``parameters'' list [page 21222]: a. In the first sentence in paragraph (3), the phrase ``the Member State'' is replaced with ``each applicant'' so that the sentence reads, ``Each applicant must provide a proposed budget that includes the resources and associated costs it believes are necessary to participate in the match process.'' The second sentence is revised to read: ``The proposed budgets will be evaluated for adequacy, reasonableness, and to ensure that implementation of the partnership will be both operationally effective and successful''; b. The language in paragraph (5) is struck and replaced with: ``For Member States to be eligible for this funding opportunity they must have participated in at least two of the last six PARIS matches from (February 2004 through May 2005)''; c. The language in paragraph (6) is struck and replaced with: ``Applicants are cautioned that the ceiling for each grant award is $200,000 for a Partner State and $100,000 for a Member State. Applications exceeding the $200,000/$100,000 threshold will be considered non-responsive and will not be eligible for funding under this announcement''; d. The first sentence in paragraph (7) is struck and replaced with: ``Two applications must be submitted for each identified partnership One from a Member State and one from a Partner State.''; e. The language in paragraph (8) is struck and replaced with: ``The Partner State must enroll in the PARIS Project and provide a copy of the PARIS agreement to ACF prior to the grant award issuance in order to document the Partner State's consent to the project. The following link shows the PARIS Agreement: agreepar.html ''; f. The language in paragraph (10) is struck and replaced with: ``Besides the Interstate and Veterans matches, States are encouraged to participate in any additional matches available, such as the Federal match.''; 3. The following changes are made to Section II, ``Award Information'': The ``Ceiling on the Amount of Individual Awards Per Project Period'' and the ``Average Projected Award Amount Per Project Period'' are revised as follows: ``$200,000 for a Partner State and $100,000 for a Member State'' [page 21223]; 4. The following changes are made to Section III.1, ``Eligibility Information, Additional Information on Eligibility'' [page 21223]: a. The first sentence is struck and replaced with, ``In the context of this grant announcement, eligible applicants include both Member States of PARIS and proposed Partner States as defined in Section I, ``Funding Opportunity Description.'' To be considered an eligible Member State, the State must have participated in at least two of the last six quarterly matches from February 2004 through May 2005.''; b. The sentence reading: ``The following States meet this eligibility factor'' now includes Oregon in the list of eligible Member States; c. The sentence that reads ``* * * and only these Member States may submit applications under this grant'' is struck and replaced with ``only these eligible Member States may qualify to submit applications under this grant announcement as Member States defined in this grant announcement.''; d. The sentence reading, ``The application must include the Partnership agreement as well as the appropriate signed PARIS agreement for the Partner State,'' is struck and replaced with: ``The application need only identify the other State in the Partnership in lieu of attaching the actual agreement; however, a signed PARIS agreement and Partnership agreement must both be provided to ACF prior to the grant award issuance.'' 5. The following changes are made to Section III (3), ``Eligibility Information, Other, Disqualification Factors'' [page 21223]: a. The sentence stating, ``Applications that are not submitted by a Member state,'' is struck and replaced with: ``Applications that are not submitted by a State.'' ; b. The following sentence is struck: ``Applications that fail to include a written Partnership agreement between the Member state and Partner state.''; c. The following sentence is struck: ``Applications that fail to provide a signed PARIS agreement by the Partner state.''; d. In the sentence that reads, ``Applications that fail to specify at least two of the last six quarterly PARIS matches from November 2003 through February 2005 in which the Member state has participated,'' the dates are struck and replaced with ``February 2004'' and ``May 2005'' respectively. 6. The following changes are made to IV.2, ``Application and Submission Information, Content and Form of Application Submission'': a. The sentence, ``Applications must contain a partnership agreement from the Partner State indicating its agreement to team with the Member State for purposes of this grant'' is struck and replaced with: ``Applications should identify what other State, be they a Member State or a Partner State, they are teaming with. The teaming or partnership agreement must be submitted to ACF prior to grant award issuance.'' [page 21223]; b. The sentence, ``Note that the application requires proof of an agreement between the PARIS Member State and its Partner State as well as a signed PARIS agreement (available on the PARIS website)'' is struck and replaced with: ``The proof of agreement between the PARIS Member State and its Partner State, as well as a signed PARIS agreement (available on the PARIS website), must both be submitted to ACF prior to grant award issuance.'' [page 21224]; 7. The following changes are made to Section IV. 3, ``Submission Dates and Times, Due Date for Applications'': The due date for applications is extended from June 24, 2005 to August 8, 2005. [page 21224]; 8. The following changes are made to Section IV.3, the ``Checklist'': Under the ``When to Submit'' column, the language for the PARIS Agreement and Partnership Agreement is replaced with, ``By date of award.'' [page 21225]; 9. The following changes are made to Section V, ``Application Review Information, Evaluation Criteria'' [page 21228]: a. The paragraph under the criterion ``Approach'' is struck and replaced with: ``Applications will be evaluated in terms of the extent to which they include a plan that (1) reflects the understanding of the characteristics, needs and services that are available from the PARIS Project and the potential for a Partnership agreement achieving the provision of services that directly address the fulfillment of the PARIS Project; (2) is appropriate and feasible; (3) can be reliably evaluated; (4) if successfully implemented, can be sustained after Federal funding has ceased.''; b. The point value for the criterion ``Budget and Budget Justification'' is revised from 10 points to 15 points; c. The entire criterion ``Third-Party Agreements'' worth 5 points is struck. 10. The second full paragraph in Section V(2), ``Review and Selection Process'' is revised to read: ``If an insufficient number of acceptable applications, as determined by ACF, are received under this program announcement ACF has the option of negotiating and awarding grant amounts higher than the $200,000 award ceiling for Partner States and $100,000 award ceiling for Member States, set forth in this announcement among those applicants who have submitted acceptable applications.''
Notice of Correction for Demonstration Projects That Improve Child Well-Being by Fostering Healthy Marriages Within Underserved Communities
This notice is to inform interested parties of corrections made to the Demonstration Projects that Improve Child Well-Being by Fostering Healthy Marriages Within Underserved Communities program announcement that published on June 8, 2005. The following corrections should be noted: Under Section III. 1 Eligible Applicants, following `Non-profits that do not have 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education please add the following eligible applicants: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) and Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments). The final list of eligible applicants for this announcement should read: ``1. Eligible Applicants:
Notice of Correction for Services to Unaccompanied Alien Children Services (UAC) Program To Provide Temporary Shelter Care and Other Related Services to Children in Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Custody
This notice is to inform interested parties of a clarification made to Services to Unaccompanied Alien Children funding announcement published on Monday, June 17, 2005. The following clarifications should be noted: Section I, Group I, Chart I on Page 32345:
Administration on Developmental Disabilities; Family Support Initiative 2005
Objectives: To provide funds to States to create or expand statewide systems change for Family Support. To allow for the award of competitive grants to conduct training, technical assistance, and other activities designed to address the problems that impede the self-sufficiency of individuals with developmental disabilities and families of children with developmental disabilities. This program announcement will provide funds for the development phase of the Family Support Initiative. This is the last program announcement related to statewide systems change begun in 1999. This is not a funding opportunity related to Family Support 360. Eligible States and territorial entities under this announcement are: Alabama, Iowa, California and Puerto Rico. States and territories not listed above are not eligible to apply. I. Funding Opportunity Description
Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau; Consortium for Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN)
The purpose of these grants is to support a fourth implementation phase of the Consortium for Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect, which is conducting and coordinating prospective studies of young children who are at risk or who have already experienced maltreatment. These studies are expected to contribute to the knowledge of the etiology and consequences of child maltreatment, and provide new insights into the prevention, identification and treatment of maltreatment.
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation; Grant Awards to Multiple Organizations
Notice is hereby given that noncompetitive grant awards are being made to multiple organizations to conduct demonstration and implement service provision projects on a wide range of issues relating to social services. The number of grants is 114 for a total amount of $20,083,653. These noncompetitive awards were recommended by the Congress and were listed in the FY 2005 Senate-House conference agreement.
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation; Secondary Analysis of Data From the National Survey of Child Abuse and Neglect
Funds are available to support grants for secondary analysis of data available from the National Survey on Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW). NSCAW provides longitudinal data from multiple informants on the functioning, well-being, and services provided to a national probability sample of children and families who come into contact with the child welfare system through an investigation of child maltreatment. Data are available through licensing agreements from the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect at Cornell University ( Applicants' planned analyses should be designed to advance the state of knowledge in child maltreatment, child welfare services, child and family services, and/or child development for high risk children.
Proposed Notice for FY 2005 Formula Allocation for Targeted Assistance Grants to States for Services to Refugees
This proposed notice announces the availability of funds and award procedures for FY 2005 Targeted Assistance Program (TAP) grants to States for services to refugees under the Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP). These grants are for service provision in localities with large refugee populations, high refugee concentrations, and where specific needs exist for supplementation of currently available resources. Qualification of counties for eligibility for targeted assistance program grants is determined once every three years as stated in the FY 1999 Notice of Proposed Availability of Targeted Assistance Allocations to States which was published in the Federal Register on March 10, 1999 (64 FR 11927). The FY 2002-FY 2004 three-year project cycle has expired. FY 2005 is the year for the re-qualification of counties for the three-year project cycle, FY 2005, FY 2006, and FY 2007 for TAP funds. This notice proposes that the qualification of counties be based on the arrivals of refugees (see Footnote 1, eligible population) during the 5-year period from FY 2000 through FY 2004, and on the concentration of the arrivals population as a percentage of the general population. Counties that could potentially qualify for TAP FY 2005 funds on the basis of the most current 5-year population are listed in this proposed notice in Table 1, Table 2, Table 4, and Table 6. Under this qualification proposal, a total of 47 counties (Table 1) would qualify for targeted assistance grants. Of these, 6 new counties (Table 2) would qualify for targeted assistance grants, and 11 counties (Table 3) which previously received targeted assistance grants would no longer qualify for targeted assistance program funding.
Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau
The Children's Bureau announces the availability of funds and requests applications to develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate a training curriculum for public child welfare agency supervisors. This curriculum will strengthen supervision of staff interventions with older youth who are in foster care and/or in independent living programs. These youth, mostly ages 16 to 21, need assistance in making a successful transition to adulthood, as well as achieving self-sufficiency to avoid long-term dependency on the social welfare system. These youth often face decisions with regard to personal housing, transportation, employment and education. They need workers who can guide them and who understand these challenges. The target youth also need workers who have a working knowledge of adolescent transition programs. ``In the continuing work of the Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine and National Resource Center for Youth Services, College of Continuing Education University of Oklahoma, four core principles have emerged as essential in order for adolescent transitional living programs to be successful.'' It is the thinking of current experts in the field that programs for youth are more likely to be successful when these four principles are incorporated into the program design regardless of the type of services provided. The principles are: (1) Positive youth development; (2) Collaboration; (3) Cultural competence; and (4) Permanent connections.
Notice of Correction for the Discretionary Funds for Projects To Establish Individual Development Account (IDA) Programs for Refugees
This notice is to inform interested parties of clarifications made to the Discretionary Funds for Projects to Establish Individual Development Account (IDA) Programs for Refugees published on Monday, June 6, 2005. The following clarifications should be noted: Section IV.3 stated the following: ``3. Submission Dates and Times Due Date for Applications: August 5, 2005.'' The language in section IV.3 is replaced with: ``3. Submission Dates and Times Due Date for Applications: July 21, 2005.'' Executive Summary: A footnote was omitted in relation to the word ``refugee''. The omitted footnote in the Executive Summary should state: Refugee [1] [1] Eligibility for refugee social services includes: (1) Refugees; (2) asylees; (3) Cuban and Haitian entrants under section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-422); (4) certain Amerasians from Vietnam who are admitted to the U.S. as immigrants under section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, as included in the FY 1988 Continuing Resolution (Pub. L. 100-202); (5) certain Amerasians from Vietnam who are U.S. citizens under Title II of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1989 (Pub. L. 100-461), 1990 (Pub. L. 101-167), and 1991 (Pub. L. 101-513); and (6) victims of a severe form of trafficking who receive certification or eligibility letters from ORR (see 45 CFR 400.43 and ORR State Letters Number 01-13 as modified by Number 02-01 and Number 04-12 on trafficking victims). For convenience, the term ``refugee'' is used in this notice to encompass all such eligible persons. Additional information on eligibility is available at: programs /orr/policy/sl01-13.htm and / orr/policy/sl02-01.htm.
Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Child Care Bureau; Early Learning Opportunities Act (ELOA) Discretionary Grants
The Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Child Care Bureau (CCB) announces the availability of funds and request for applications for its FY 2005 Early Learning Opportunities Act (ELOA) grants. Funds will be awarded to eligible Local Councils that have been designated as the Local Council for the purposes of applying for an ELOA grant, as evidenced in a letter of designation, signed by an entity of local government, an Indian Tribe, Regional Corporation, or Native Hawaiian entity.
Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau; Grants and Cooperative Agreements; Availability etc: Abandoned Infants Comprehensive Service Demonstration Projects
The purposes of this funding announcement are as follows: (1) To develop and implement programs of comprehensive community-based support services for the target population as described in Public Law 100-505, as amended; (2) to evaluate the implementation and outcomes of these comprehensive support services; and (3) to develop these programs as identifiable sites that other States/locales seeking to implement comprehensive support services for this population can look to for guidance, insight, and possible replication.
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