June 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 1,101 - 1,150 of 2,711
Notification of the Next CAFTA-DR Environmental Affairs Council Meeting
Document Number: 2015-15003
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of State
The Department of State and the Office of the United States Trade Representative are providing notice that the parties to the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) intend to hold the ninth meeting of the Environmental Affairs Council (Council) established under Chapter 17 (Environment) of that agreement in Guatemala City, Guatemala on July 9-10. The Council will meet on July 9 to review implementation of Chapter 17 of CAFTA-DR and the CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation Agreement (ECA). All interested persons are invited to attend the Council's public session beginning at 9:30 a.m. on July 10 at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. During the Council meeting, Council Members will present the progress made and challenges in implementing Chapter 17 obligations and the impacts of environmental cooperation in their respective countries. The Council will also receive a presentation from the CAFTA-DR Secretariat for Environmental Matters (SEM). More information on the Council is included below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. All interested persons are invited to attend a public session where they will have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss implementation of Chapter 17 and the Environmental Cooperation Agreement with Council Members. At the public session, the Council hopes to receive input from the public on current environmental challenges and ideas for future cooperation. The Department of State and Office of the United States Trade Representative also invite written comments or suggestions regarding topics to be discussed at the meeting. In preparing comments, we encourage submitters to refer to Chapter 17 of the CAFTA-DR, the Final Environmental Review of the CAFTA-DR, and the Agreement among the CAFTA-DR countries on Environmental Cooperation (ECA) (all documents available at https://www.state.gov/e/oes/eqt/trade/caftadr/index.htm).
Ocean Dumping: Proposed Modification of Final Site Designation
Document Number: 2015-15002
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency EPA proposes to modify the use restrictions of the Galveston, TX Dredged Material Site, Freeport Harbor, TX, New Work (45 Foot Project), Freeport Harbor, TX, Maintenance (45 Foot Project), Matagorda Ship Channel, TX, Corpus Christi Ship Channel, TX, Port Mansfield, TX, Brazos Island Harbor, TX and Brazos Island Harbor (42-Foot Project), TX Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Sites (ODMDSs) located in the Gulf of Mexico offshore of Galveston, Freeport, Matagorda, Corpus Christi, Port Mansfield and Brownsville, Texas, respectively. These sites are EPA designated ocean dumping sites for the disposal of suitable dredged material. This proposed action is being taken because there are current restrictions in place with language that prevent disposal of suitable dredged material from locations other than the federal channels. The United States Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District has requested EPA amend the restrictions to allow disposal of suitable dredged material from the vicinity of federal navigation channels to alleviate pressure on the capacity of their upland dredged material placement areas, when necessary.
Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Room Air Conditioners; Request for Information
Document Number: 2015-15001
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to determine whether to amend the current energy conservation standards for room air conditioners (room ACs). According to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act's 6-year review requirement, DOE must publish by April 8, 2017 a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) to propose new standards for room ACs or a notice of determination that the existing standards do not need to be amended. This RFI seeks to solicit information from the public to help DOE determine whether amended standards for room ACs would result in a significant amount of additional energy savings and whether those standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified. In addition, DOE has identified several issues associated with the currently applicable test procedure for room ACs on which DOE is particularly interested in receiving comment.
MyVA Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2015-15000
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Advisory Committee on Disability Compensation, Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2015-14999
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Land Between The Lakes Advisory Board
Document Number: 2015-14997
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
The Land Between The Lakes Advisory Board (Board) will meet in Golden Pond, Kentucky. The Board is authorized under Section 450 of the Land Between The Lakes Protection Act of 1998 (Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Secretary of Agriculutre on the means of promoting public participation for the land and resource management plan for the recreation area; and environmental education. Additional Board information, including the meeting agenda and the meeting summary/minutes can be found at the following Web site: https:// www.landbetweenthelakes.us/about/working-together/.
Receipt of Enhancement of Survival Permit Applications Developed in Accordance With the Template Safe Harbor Agreement for the Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit
Document Number: 2015-14996
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces the receipt of nine Enhancement of Survival Permit applications that were developed in accordance with the Template Safe Harbor Agreement (Template SHA) for the Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) and pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The nine permit applicants are: (1) Morris Farms; (2) Overen Living Trust; (3) North Ranches, LLC; (4) Baird Springs Environmental; (5) Buster Boruff, LLC; (6) Ms. Susan Chace; (7) Mr. Garey Clements; (8) Mr. Greg Lehr and Ms. Christine Lehr; and (9) Sandygren Properties Limited Partnership. Issuance of permits to these applicants would exempt incidental take of the Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit, which would otherwise be prohibited by section 9 of the Act, that is above the baseline conditions of properties enrolled under the Template SHA and that may result from the permittees' otherwise lawful land-use activities. The Service requests comments from the public regarding the proposed issuance of permits to these nine applicants.
Conservation Reserve Program
Document Number: 2015-14988
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Commodity Credit Corporation, Farm Service Agency
This notice presents a summary of the Record of Decision (ROD) regarding the alternative selected for implementation from the Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (SPEIS) for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). CRP is a voluntary program that supports the implementation of long-term conservation measures designed to improve the quality of ground and surface waters, control soil erosion, and enhance wildlife habitat on environmentally sensitive agricultural land. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) administers CRP on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). The ROD was signed on April 17, 2015, but will not be implemented for at least 30 days following publication of this notice.
Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Document Number: 2015-14987
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Lip Balm Products, Containers for Lip Balm, and Components Thereof, DN 3071; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing under section 210.8(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 210.8(b)).
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
Document Number: 2015-14985
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
Non-Microbial Biomarkers of Infection for In Vitro Diagnostic Device Use; Public Workshop; Request for Comments
Document Number: 2015-14983
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the following public workshop entitled ``Non-Microbial Biomarkers of Infection for In Vitro Diagnostic Device Use.'' The purpose of this workshop is to receive input from stakeholders and discuss approaches to the study of non-microbial biomarkers for differentiating viral from bacterial infections and for diagnosis and assessment of sepsis. Comments and suggestions generated through this workshop will facilitate further development of regulatory science for establishing appropriate comparator methods and clinically relevant performance standards for non-microbial based in vitro diagnostics for infection.
Factors To Consider When Making Benefit-Risk Determinations for Medical Device Investigational Device Exemptions; Draft Guidance for Investigational Device Exemption Sponsors, Sponsor-Investigators, and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Availability
Document Number: 2015-14982
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of the draft guidance entitled ``Factors to Consider When Making Benefit-Risk Determinations for Medical Device Investigational Device Exemptions (IDEs).'' The purpose of this draft guidance is to provide greater clarity for FDA staff and IDE sponsors and sponsor- investigators regarding the principal factors that FDA considers when assessing the benefits and risks of IDE applications for human clinical study. The draft guidance also characterizes benefits in the context of investigational research, which includes direct benefits to the subjects and benefits to others (to the extent they are indirect benefits to subjects or reflect the importance of knowledge to be gained). This draft guidance is not final nor is it in effect at this time.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2015-14981
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
Document Number: 2015-14979
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Oklahoma (FEMA-4222-DR), dated May 26, 2015, and related determinations.
Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
Document Number: 2015-14978
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Oklahoma (FEMA-4222-DR), dated May 26, 2015, and related determinations.
Guam; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
Document Number: 2015-14977
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Territory of Guam (FEMA-4224-DR), dated June 5, 2015, and related determinations.
Extension of Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Flight Training for Aliens and Other Designated Individuals; Security Awareness Training for Flight School Employees
Document Number: 2015-14976
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration
This notice announces that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has forwarded the Information Collection Request (ICR), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 1652-0021, abstracted below to OMB for review and approval of an extension of the currently approved collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. TSA published a Federal Register notice, with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments, of the following collection of information on March 10, 2015, 80 FR 12647. The collection involves the submission of identifying information for background checks for all aliens and other designated individuals seeking flight instruction (``candidates'') from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)- certificated flight training providers. Through the information collected, TSA will determine whether a candidate is a threat to aviation or national security, and thus prohibited from receiving flight training. Additionally, flight training providers are required to conduct a security awareness program for their employees and contract employees and to maintain records associated with this training.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Asbestos in Construction Standard
Document Number: 2015-14974
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Labor, Office of the Secretary
The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sponsored information collection request (ICR) titled, ``Asbestos in Construction Standard,'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval for continued use, without change, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. Public comments on the ICR are invited.
Melamine From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value
Document Number: 2015-14973
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (``Department'') preliminarily determines that melamine from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'') is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (``LTFV''), as provided in section 733 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (``the Act''). The period of investigation (``POI'') is April 1, 2014, through September 30, 2014. The estimated margin of sales at LTFV is shown in the ``Preliminary Determination'' section of this notice. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination.
Notice of Submission for Approval: Information Collection 3206-0106; Interview Survey Form, INV 10
Document Number: 2015-14972
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Office of Personnel Management
Federal Investigative Services (FIS), U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is notifying the general public and other Federal agencies that OPM is seeking Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval of a revised information collection control number 3206-0106, Interview Survey Form, INV 10. OPM is soliciting comments for this collection as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35), as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104-106). The Office of Management and Budget is particularly interested in comments that: 1. Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; 2. Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; 3. Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 4. Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submissions of responses.
New York Alaska ETF Management LLC, et al.; Notice of Application
Document Number: 2015-14969
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Summary of Application: Applicants request an order that permits: (a) Actively-managed series of certain open-end management investment companies to issue shares (``Shares'') redeemable in large aggregations only (``Creation Units''); (b) secondary market transactions in Shares to occur at negotiated market prices; (c) certain series to pay redemption proceeds, under certain circumstances, more than seven days from the tender of Shares for redemption; (d) certain affiliated persons of the series to deposit securities into, and receive securities from, the series in connection with the purchase and redemption of Creation Units; and (e) certain registered management investment companies and unit investment trusts outside of the same group of investment companies as the series to acquire Shares.
Notice of Opportunity and Procedures To Request Assistance on Tariff Classification and Customs Valuation Treatment by Other Customs Administrations Affecting United States Exports
Document Number: 2015-14968
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
This document describes opportunities available to U.S. exporters to obtain assistance from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to resolve matters concerning the tariff classification and customs valuation applied to U.S. exports by other governments. By publication of this notice, CBP invites U.S. exporters to submit requests for such assistance.
Rate Adjustment Remand
Document Number: 2015-14965
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Postal Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Commission is noticing a proceeding to address the methodological approach for accounting for volume losses in calculating the exigent surcharge, as well as other relevant issues. This notice informs the public of the filing, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps.
Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs; Request for Information Regarding Specific Issues Related to the Use of the Hair Specimen for Drug Testing
Document Number: 2015-14964
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
This document is a request for information regarding specific aspects of the regulatory policies and standards that may be applied to the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (hair specimen). The original comment close date was June 29, 2015. We are extending the date to July 29, 2015 to allow for additional comments.
Incorporation by Reference; North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria; Hazardous Materials Safety Permits
Document Number: 2015-14961
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
FMCSA amends its Hazardous Materials Safety Permits rules to update the current incorporation by reference of the ``North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria and Level VI Inspection Procedures and Out-of-Service Criteria for Commercial Highway Vehicles Transporting Transuranics and Highway Route Controlled Quantities of Radioactive Materials as defined in 49 CFR part 173.403.'' Currently the rules reference the April 1, 2014, edition of the out-of-service criteria and, through this final rule, FMCSA incorporates the April 1, 2015, edition.
Delegations of Authority: Office of Regulation Policy and Management (ORPM)
Document Number: 2015-14959
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veterans Affairs is amending its regulations delegating rulemaking authority within the Office of the General Counsel. The amendments reflect current management structure and titles.
Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Document Number: 2015-14957
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Toner Supply Containers and Components Thereof, DN 3070; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing under Sec. 210.8(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 210.8(b)).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
Document Number: 2015-14954
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Export-Import Bank, Agencies and Commissions
The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This collection of information is necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 635(a)(1), to determine eligibility of the export sales for insurance coverage. The Report of Premiums Payable for Financial Institutions Only is used to determine the eligibility of the shipment(s) and to calculate the premium due to Ex-Im Bank for its support of the shipment(s) under its insurance program. Export-Import Bank customers will be able to submit this form on paper or electronically. The Export-Import Bank has made a change to the report to have the insured financial institution provide the industry code (NAICS) associated with each specific export as well as specific information needed to make a determination as to whether or not the exporter meets the SBA's definition of a small business. The insured financial institution already provides a short description of the goods and/or services being exported and the name and address of the exporter. These additional pieces of information will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track what exports it is covering with its insurance policy and the extent to which its support assists U.S. small businesses. The other change that Ex-Im Bank has made is to require the insured financial institution to indicate whether the exporter is a minority- owned business, women-owned business and/or veteran-owned business. Although answers to the question are mandatory, the company may choose any one of the three answers: Yes/No/Decline to Answer. The option of ``Decline to Answer'' allows a company to consciously decline to answer the specific question should they not wish to answer. The information collection tool can be reviewed at: https:// www.exim.gov/pub/pending/eib92-30.pdf
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
Document Number: 2015-14952
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Export-Import Bank, Agencies and Commissions
The Export-Import Banks of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This collection of information is necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 635(a)(1), to determine eligibility of the applicant for Ex-Im Bank assistance. The Export-Import Bank has made a change to the report to have the financial institution provide specific information (industry code, number of employees and annual sales volume) needed to make a determination as to whether or not the exporter meets the SBA's definition of a small business. The financial institution already provides the exporter's name and address. These additional pieces of information will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track the extent to which its support assists U.S. small businesses. The other change that Ex-Im Bank has made is to require the financial institution to indicate whether the exporter is a minority- owned business, women-owned business and/or veteran-owned business. Although answers to the questions are mandatory, the company may choose any one of the three answers: Yes/No/Decline to Answer. The option of ``Decline to Answer'' allows a company to consciously decline to answer the specific question should they not wish to provide that information. The application tool can be reviewed at: https://www.exim.gov/pub/ pending/eib92-36.pdf.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
Document Number: 2015-14951
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Export-Import Bank, Agencies and Commissions
The Export-Import Banks of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This collection of information is necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. Sec. 635(a)(1), to determine eligibility of the underlying export transaction for Ex-Im Bank insurance coverage. The Export-Import Bank has made a change to the report to have the insured financial institution provide specific information (industry code, number of employees and annual sales volume) needed to make a determination as to whether or not the exporter meets the SBA's definition of a small business. The insured financial institution already provides a short description of the goods and/or services being exported and the name and address of the exporter. These additional pieces of information will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track the extent to which its support assists U.S. small businesses. The other change that Ex-Im Bank has made is to require the insured financial institution to indicate whether the exporter is a minority- owned business, women-owned business and/or veteran-owned business. Although answers to the questions are mandatory, the company may choose any one of the three answers: Yes/No/Decline to Answer. The option of ``Decline to Answer'' allows a company to consciously decline to answer the specific question should they not wish to answer. The information collection tool can be reviewed at: https:// www.exim.gov/pub/pending/EIB92-41.pdf.
Announcement of an Open Public Meeting
Document Number: 2015-14947
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Education
This notice sets forth the schedule of an upcoming public meeting conducted by the National Advisory Council on Indian Education (NACIE). Notice of the meeting is required by section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and intended to notify the public of its opportunity to attend.
Muscle Shoals Reservation Redevelopment, Colbert County, Alabama
Document Number: 2015-14943
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Tennessee Valley Authority, Agencies and Commissions
This notice is provided in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality's regulations (40 CFR 1500 to 1508) and TVA's procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). On November 15, 2012, the TVA Board of Directors declared 1,000 acres of the Muscle Shoals Reservation (MSR) in Colbert County, Alabama, to be surplus to TVA's needs and authorized the sale of such acreage at public auction, thereby adopting the preferred alternative in TVA's final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the redevelopment of a portion of the MSR. The ROD documenting this decision was published on September 16, 2013 (78 FR 56980). The notice of availability (NOA) of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Muscle Shoals Reservation Redevelopment was published in the Federal Register on November 18, 2011. A component of the preferred alternative was the publication of a Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) to guide development of the surplus MSR property. On March 26, 2015, TVA's Senior Vice President of Economic Development approved the CMP contemplated in TVA's final EIS.
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; Possession Limit Adjustments for the Common Pool Fishery
Document Number: 2015-14942
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This action decreases the possession and landing limit for Gulf of Maine cod to zero for Northeast multispecies common pool vessels for the remainder of the 2015 fishing year. NMFS is taking this action because the common pool has caught 44.5 percent of its Trimester 1 Total Allowable Catch Gulf of Maine cod quota in the first month of the trimester. This action is intended to prevent the overharvest of the common pool's fishing year 2015 allocation of Gulf of Maine cod and prevent the closure of the Gulf of Maine to all common pool vessels before the end of the Trimester.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for New Information Collection
Document Number: 2015-14933
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation
The FHWA has forwarded the information collection request described in this notice to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval of a new information collection. We published a Federal Register Notice with a 60-day public comment period on this information collection on August 1, 2014. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
Document Number: 2015-14932
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Export-Import Bank, Agencies and Commissions
The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as a part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The ``Application for Exporter Short Term Single Buyer Insurance'' form will be used by entities involved in the export of U.S. goods and services, to provide Ex-Im Bank with the information necessary to obtain legislatively required assurance of repayment and fulfills other statutory requirements. Export-Import Bank customers will be able to submit this form on paper or electronically. The Export-Import Bank has made a change to the report to have the applicant provide the number of employees or annual sales volume. That information is needed to determine whether or not they meet the SBA's definition of a small business. The applicant already provides their name, address and industry code (NAICS). These additional pieces of information will allow Ex-Im Bank to better track the extent to which its support assists U.S. small businesses. The other change that Ex-Im Bank has made is to require the applicant to indicate whether it is a minority-owned business, women- owned business and/or veteran-owned business. Although answers to the questions are mandatory, the company may choose any one of the three answers: Yes/No/Decline to Answer. The option of ``Decline to Answer'' allows a company to consciously decline to answer the specific question should they not wish to provide that information. The application can be reviewed at: www.exim.gov/pub/pending/EIB92- 64.pdf.
Recreational Boating Safety Projects, Programs, and Activities Funded Under Provisions of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century; Fiscal Year 2014
Document Number: 2015-14924
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
In 1999, the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century made $5 million per year available for the payment of Coast Guard expenses for personnel and activities directly related to coordinating and carrying out the national recreational boating safety program. In 2005, the law was amended, and the amount was increased to $5.5 million. The Coast Guard is publishing this notice to satisfy a requirement of the Act that a detailed accounting of the projects, programs, and activities funded under the national recreational boating safety program provision of the Act be published annually in the Federal Register. This notice specifies the funding amounts the Coast Guard has committed, obligated, or expended during fiscal year 2014, as of September 30, 2014.
Hearing on Definition of the Term “Fiduciary”; Conflict of Interest Rule-Retirement Investment Advice and Related Proposed Prohibited Transaction Exemptions
Document Number: 2015-14921
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor
Notice is hereby given that the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will hold a public hearing on August 10, 11, and 12, and continuing through August 13, 2015 (if necessary) to consider issues attendant to adopting a regulation concerning its proposed conflict of interest rule and related proposed prohibited transaction exemptions. The Department also is extending the date by which comments may be submitted on the proposed rule and proposed new and amended exemptions. Public comments on the proposals may now be submitted to the Department on or before July 21, 2015.
Notice of Agreements Filed
Document Number: 2015-14920
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Maritime Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Chambers Creek, Steilacoom, WA
Document Number: 2015-14882
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Chambers Creek Railway Bridge across Chambers Creek, mile 0.0, at Steilacoom, Washington. The deviation is necessary to minimize the effects of train noise on the 2015 U.S. Golf Association Championship held at Chambers Bay Golf Course. This deviation allows the bridge to open only upon 1 hour notice from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 14, 2015 and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day from June 15, 2015 to June 22, 2015. At all other times the bridge will open on signal in accordance with its normal operating regulation.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH (Previously Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH) (Airbus Helicopters)
Document Number: 2015-14852
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Airbus Helicopters Model EC135P1, EC135T1, EC135P2, EC135T2, EC135P2+, EC135T2+, and MBB-BK 117 C-2 helicopters. This AD requires inspecting certain washers for movement and making appropriate repairs if the washers move. This AD was prompted by play found between the Smart Electro Mechanical Actuator (SEMA) and the control rod during installation work on a helicopter. The actions of this AD are intended to prevent loss of concerned control axis and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; El Paso, TX
Document Number: 2015-14810
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace at El Paso, TX. The closure of West Texas Airport has made this action necessary for continued safety and management within the National Airspace System. Additionally, the geographic coordinates for El Paso International Airport and Biggs Army Airfield (AAF) would be adjusted.
Prize Purchases
Document Number: 2015-14730
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This notice sets forth the intention of the Communication and Education (CommEd) Division of CPO to purchase and distribute prizes (1 t-shirt and 1 mug per month) to the monthly winners of the Climate Challengethe social media game with a purpose.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
Document Number: 2015-14703
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model and 777 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of uncommanded door closure of a large lower lobe cargo door. This AD requires inspecting for part numbers and serial numbers of the rotary actuators of the forward and aft large lower lobe cargo doors, as applicable, and corrective action if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct rotary actuators made with a material having poor actuator gear wear characteristics, which could result in failure of the rotary actuators for the forward or aft large lower lobe cargo doors and subsequent uncommanded door closure, which could possibly result in fatal injury to people on the ground.
Organization and Functions of the Board and Delegations of Authority
Document Number: 2015-14517
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: National Transportation Safety Board, Agencies and Commissions
The NTSB proposes a new subpart within part 800 of its regulations to outline the NTSB's rulemaking procedures.
Spring 2015 Semiannual Agenda of Regulations
Document Number: 2015-14504
Type: Unknown
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Commerce, Office of the Secretary
In compliance with Executive Order 12866, entitled ``Regulatory Planning and Review,'' and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as amended, the Department of Commerce (Commerce), in the spring and fall of each year, publishes in the Federal Register an agenda of regulations under development or review over the next 12 months. Rulemaking actions are grouped according to prerulemaking, proposed rules, final rules, long-term actions, and rulemaking actions completed since the fall 2014 agenda. The purpose of the Agenda is to provide information to the public on regulations that are currently under review, being proposed, or issued by Commerce. The agenda is intended to facilitate comments and views by interested members of the public. Commerce's spring 2015 regulatory agenda includes regulatory activities that are expected to be conducted during the period April 1, 2015, through March 31, 2016.
Qualifying Income From Activities of Publicly Traded Partnerships With Respect to Minerals or Natural Resources; Correction
Document Number: 2015-14467
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
This document contains corrections to a notice of proposed rulemaking (REG-132634-14) that was published in the Federal Register on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 (80 FR 25970). The proposed rules provide guidance on qualifying income from exploration, development, mining or production, processing, refining, transportation, and marketing of minerals or natural resources.
Removal of Obsolete Provisions
Document Number: 2015-14424
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-06-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
Much of the information set out in certain regulations regarding HHS's programs and activities is obsolete. Also, electronic resources are now available that did not exist when this part was first codified. This rule removes these obsolete regulations.
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