2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 851 - 900 of 5,813
Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of the Treasury
Document Number: 2014-26173
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Department of the Treasury
The Department of the Treasury (the ``Department'' or ``Treasury''), with the concurrence of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), is amending the Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of the Treasury (the ``Supplemental Standards''). The Supplemental Standards apply only to Department personnel and augment the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (``OGE Standards''). This final rule amends the Supplemental Standards to account for current Department structure resulting from organizational changes that established new offices or bureaus within Treasury and transferred certain functions and/or bureaus from the Department. This final rule also amends the Supplemental Standards applicable to employees of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), which generally prohibit OCC employees from investing in or borrowing from OCC supervised institutions.
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2015 Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update; Home Health Quality Reporting Requirements; and Survey and Enforcement Requirements for Home Health Agencies
Document Number: 2014-26057
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services
This final rule updates Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) rates, including the national, standardized 60-day episode payment rates, the national per-visit rates, and the non-routine medical supply (NRS) conversion factor under the Medicare prospective payment system for home health agencies (HHAs), effective for episodes ending on or after January 1, 2015. As required by the Affordable Care Act, this rule implements the second year of the four-year phase-in of the rebasing adjustments to the HH PPS payment rates. This rule provides information on our efforts to monitor the potential impacts of the rebasing adjustments and the Affordable Care Act mandated face-to- face encounter requirement. This rule also implements: Changes to simplify the face-to-face encounter regulatory requirements; changes to the HH PPS case-mix weights; changes to the home health quality reporting program requirements; changes to simplify the therapy reassessment timeframes; a revision to the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) personnel qualifications; minor technical regulations text changes; and limitations on the reviewability of the civil monetary penalty provisions. Finally, this rule also discusses Medicare coverage of insulin injections under the HH PPS, the delay in the implementation of the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), and a HH value-based purchasing (HH VBP) model.
Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions
Document Number: 2014-26038
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
This document clarifies how the Commission intends to preserve the ``coverage area'' as well as the ``population served'' of eligible broadcasters in the repacking process associated with the broadcast television spectrum incentive auction. This action is taken in order to remove any uncertainty regarding the repacking approach the Commission adopted in the Incentive Auction R&O.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Document Number: 2014-24964
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-06
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013-10-06, for all Airbus Model A330-200 Freighter, A330-200, A330-300, A340-200, A340-300, A340-500, and A340-600 series airplanes. AD 2013-10-06 required an inspection to identify the installed windshields, and replacement of any affected windshield. This new AD requires expanding the inspection area to 15 additional windshields' serial numbers. This AD was prompted by several reports of a burning smell and/or smoke in the cockpit during cruise phase, leading in some cases, to diversion to alternate airports. We are issuing this AD to prevent significantly increased workload for the flightcrew, which could, under some flight phases and/or circumstances, constitute an unsafe condition.
Expanded Access to Non-VA Care Through the Veterans Choice Program
Document Number: 2014-26316
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) amends its medical regulations concerning its authority for eligible veterans to receive care from non-VA entities and providers. The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 directs VA to establish a program to furnish hospital care and medical services through non-VA health care providers to veterans who either cannot be seen within the wait-time goals of the Veterans Health Administration or who qualify based on their place of residence (hereafter referred to as the Veterans Choice Program, or the ``Program''). The law also requires VA to publish an interim final rule establishing this program. This interim final rule defines the parameters of the Veterans Choice Program, and clarifies aspects affecting veterans and the non-VA providers who will furnish hospital care and medical services through the Veterans Choice Program.
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Interim Rule
Document Number: 2014-26295
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Commodity Credit Corporation, Natural Resources Conservation Service
This interim rule with request for comment amends the existing Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) regulation for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) to incorporate programmatic changes as authorized by amendments in the Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Act).
Special Conditions: Airbus Model A350-900 Series Airplane; Flight-Envelope Protection (Icing and Non-Icing Conditions); High-Incidence Protection and Alpha-Floor Systems
Document Number: 2014-26289
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
These special conditions are issued for Airbus Model A350-900 series airplanes. These airplanes will have novel or unusual design features, associated with flight-envelope protection in icing and non- icing conditions, that use low-speed incidence protection and an alpha- floor function that automatically advances throttles whenever the airplane angle of attack reaches a predetermined value. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for these design features. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Migratory Bird Permits; Removal of Yellow-billed Magpie and Other Revisions to Depredation Order
Document Number: 2014-26270
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), change the regulations governing control of depredating blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, crows, and magpies. The yellow-billed magpie (Pica nuttalli) is endemic to California and has suffered substantial population declines. It is a species of conservation concern. We remove the species from the depredation order. A depredation permit will be necessary to control the species. We also narrow the application of the regulation from protection of any wildlife to protection of species recognized by the Federal Government, a State, or a Tribe as an endangered, threatened, or candidate species, or a species of special concern. We add conditions for live trapping, which are new to the regulation. Finally, we refine the reporting requirement to gather data more useful in assessing actions under the order.
Definition of a Utilization Facility
Document Number: 2014-26254
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is correcting the docket identification number and Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) for a Direct Final Rule published in the Federal Register (FR) on October 17, 2014, to amend the NRC's regulations to add SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc.'s accelerator-driven subcritical operating assemblies, as described in the application assigned docket number 50- 608, to the definition of utilization facility.
Definition of a Utilization Facility
Document Number: 2014-26253
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is correcting the docket identification number and Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) for a Proposed Rule that was published in the Federal Register (FR) on October 17, 2014, to amend the NRC's regulations to add SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc.'s accelerator-driven subcritical operating assemblies, as described in the application assigned docket number 50- 608, to the definition of utilization facility.
Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps; Request for Information
Document Number: 2014-26247
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Department of Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating an effort to determine whether to amend the current energy conservation standards for residential central air conditioner and heat pump products. According to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act's 6-year review requirement (42 U.S.C. 6295(m)(1)), DOE must publish a notice of proposed rulemaking to propose new standards for residential central air conditioner and heat pump products or a notice of determination that the existing standards do not need to be amended by June 6, 2017. This RFI seeks to solicit information from the public to help DOE determine whether amended standards for residential central air conditioner and heat pump products would result in a significant amount of additional energy savings and whether those standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified.
Government Contractors, Requirement To Report Summary Compensation Data on Employee Compensation
Document Number: 2014-26223
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
On August 8, 2014, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register. This NPRM proposes amending one of the implementing regulations for Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity, which sets forth the reporting obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors. This NPRM proposes amending the regulation by adding a requirement that certain Federal contractors and subcontractors supplement their Employer Information Report (EEO-1 Report) with summary information on compensation paid to employees, as contained in the Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) forms, by sex, race, ethnicity, and specified job categories, as well as other relevant data points such as hours worked, and the number of employees. This document extends the comment period for the proposed rule for sixty (60) days. You do not need to resubmit your comment if you have already commented on the proposed rule. Should you choose to do so, you can submit additional or supplemental comments. OFCCP will consider all comments received from the date of publication of the proposed rule through the close of the extended comment period.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings
Document Number: 2014-26222
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Agencies and Commissions
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment proposed regulations governing the rates and terms for the digital performances of sound recordings by noncommercial educational webcasters and for the making of ephemeral recordings necessary for the facilitation of such transmissions for the period commencing January 1, 2016, and ending on December 31, 2020.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Clauses With Alternates-Special Contracting Methods, Major System Acquisition, and Service Contracting (DFARS Case 2014-D004)
Document Number: 2014-26179
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense
DoD is issuing a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to revise and update clauses and their prescriptions for special contracting methods, major system acquisition, and service contracting to create basic and alternate clauses structured in a manner to facilitate use of automated contract writing systems. The rule also includes the full text of each alternate, rather than only showing the paragraphs that differ from the basic clause.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maine; Volatile Organic Compound Regulations
Document Number: 2014-26174
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving four State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions submitted by the State of Maine. These revisions establish Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for two categories of volatile organic compound (VOC) sources and revise two existing VOC RACT regulations previously approved into Maine's SIP. The intended effect of this action is to approve these requirements into the Maine SIP. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule
Document Number: 2014-26164
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Due to the receipt of an adverse comment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the September 17, 2014, direct final rule approving a revision to provisions in Title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code, Article 4, Rule 1, Open Burning Rule.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Clauses With Alternates-Foreign Acquisition (DFARS Case 2013-D005)
Document Number: 2014-26161
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense
DoD is issuing a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to create separate prescriptions for the basic clause as well as each alternate in each set of foreign acquisition-related provisions/clauses with one or more alternates. In addition, the rule includes the full text of each provision or clause alternate.
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Technical Amendment To Update Data Management System Nomenclature
Document Number: 2014-26160
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Effective January 31, 2014 the EPA Superfund program decommissioned the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Information System (CERCLIS) and adopted a new, more comprehensive data management system. The new data management system, the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), serves as a more powerful, integrated platform. Consistent with this action, this direct final rule makes appropriate conforming terminological changes to our regulations. This direct final rule also adds a minor clarification to the description of the remedial preliminary assessment.
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Technical Amendment To Update Data Management System Nomenclature
Document Number: 2014-26159
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Effective January 31, 2014 the EPA Superfund program decommissioned the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Information System (CERCLIS) and adopted a new, more comprehensive data management system. The new data management system, the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), serves as a more powerful, integrated platform. Consistent with this action, this proposed rule proposes to make appropriate conforming terminological changes to our regulations. This proposed rule also proposes to add a minor clarification to the description of the remedial preliminary assessment.
Financial Market Utilities
Document Number: 2014-26090
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) is publishing a final rule revising the risk-management standards in its Regulation HH, Designated Financial Market Utilities. The Board is replacing the existing two sets of risk-management standards for payment systems and for central securities depositories and central counterparties with a common set of risk-management standards for all types of designated financial market utilities (FMUs) and making conforming changes to the definitions. The new common set of risk- management standards and the definitions are based on the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI), which were developed by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and published in April 2012.
Approval of American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Code Cases
Document Number: 2014-25491
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending its regulations to incorporate by reference the latest revisions of three NRC Regulatory Guides (RGs) approving new and revised Code Cases published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This action allows nuclear power plant licensees, and applicants for construction permits, operating licenses, combined licenses, standard design certifications, standard design approvals, and manufacturing licenses, to use the Code Cases listed in these RGs, as alternatives to engineering standards for the construction, inservice inspection, and inservice testing of nuclear power plant components. This final rule changes NRC's regulations to address a petition for rulemaking (PRM), PRM-50-89, submitted by Mr. Raymond West. The final rule also restructures the NRC's requirements governing Codes and standards to align with the Office of the Federal Register's guidelines for incorporating documents by reference. This final rule announces the availability of the final versions of the three RGs that are being incorporated by reference, and a related RG, not incorporated by reference into the NRC's regulations, that lists Code Cases that the NRC has not approved for use. For additional information on these RGs, see Section XVII, Availability of Regulatory Guides, of this document.
Procedures for Changes in Control Affecting Applications and Authorizations To Import or Export Natural Gas
Document Number: 2014-25143
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-05
Agency: Department of Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE or the Department) regulations require applications to export natural gas from the United States to identify ``all the participants in the transaction, including the parent company, if any, and identification of any corporate or other affiliations among the participants.'' In many cases, either before or after a final export authorization has been issued, ownership or management of the exporting entity changes hands, resulting in a change in control (CIC). This document sets forth procedures that will apply when applicants to import or export natural gas or those entities that have already received an import or export authorization undergo changes in control.
Rights-of-Way on Indian Land
Document Number: 2014-26264
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
This document announces that the Department will accept comments on the proposed rule governing rights-of-way on Indian land until November 28, 2014. The proposed rule would comprehensively update and streamline the process for obtaining BIA grants of rights-of-way on Indian land, while supporting tribal self-determination and self- governance.
Advisory Circular for Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP)
Document Number: 2014-26212
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action extends the comment period for the Notice of availability of proposed revision to Advisory Circular for Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) that was published on September 5, 2014. In that document, the FAA proposed to clarify FAA policy, facilitate achievement of an ASAP's safety goals, and encourage wider participation in the program. Multiple industry groups have requested that the FAA extend the comment period closing date to allow time to prepare comments.
Anchorage Regulations: Special Anchorage Areas, Marina del Rey Harbor, California
Document Number: 2014-26185
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
The Coast Guard announces a November 20, 2014 public meeting to receive comments on a notice of proposed rulemaking entitled ``Anchorage Regulations: Subpart ASpecial Anchorage Areas, Marina del Rey Harbor, California '' that was published in the Federal Register on May 28, 2014. As stated in that document, the Coast Guard proposes to disestablish the special anchorage area at the north end of the main channel in Marina del Rey Harbor, California. This proposed action would remove the anchorage area from Coast Guard regulations. This proposed rule would not prevent vessels from anchoring in the harbor during storms, stress, or other emergency situations. We have reopened the comment period which will now end November 28, 2014.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Alaska: Nonattainment New Source Review
Document Number: 2014-26181
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve revisions to the Alaska State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Conservation (ADEC) on December 11, 2009, November 29, 2010, December 10, 2012, January 28, 2013, July 1, 2014, and October 24, 2014. These revisions update the State of Alaska's adoption by reference of the Federal preconstruction permitting regulations for large industrial (major source) facilities located in designated nonattainment areas, referred to as the Nonattainment New Source Review (major NNSR) program. The major NNSR program is designed to ensure that major stationary sources of air pollution are constructed or modified in a manner that is consistent with attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
Marine Mammals; Subsistence Taking of Northern Fur Seals; St. George Island, Alaska
Document Number: 2014-26177
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This final rule modifies the subsistence harvest regulations for the Eastern Pacific stock of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) based on a petition from the Pribilof Island Aleut Community of St. George Island, Traditional Council (Council). The final rule authorizes Pribilovians of St. George Island to harvest up to 150 male young of the year fur seals annually during a new autumn harvest season from all breeding and hauling grounds, consistent with traditional practices, to meet the community's nutritional and cultural needs. Harvests of sub-adult male fur seals will continue to be authorized during the summer season as under existing regulations, and will be allowed at additional locations. The total number of fur seals harvested annually will remain within the range of 300-500 male animals that has been in place since 1997. Harvests will be coordinated between NMFS and the Council under an existing co-management agreement.
Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Wyoming; Revisions to Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations; Nonattainment Permitting Requirements and Chapter 3, General Emission Standards
Document Number: 2014-26172
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is proposing to disapprove a portion of State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions submitted by the State of Wyoming on May 10, 2011. This submittal revises the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations (WAQSR) that pertain to the issuance of Wyoming air quality permits for major sources in nonattainment areas. Also in this action, EPA is proposing to approve SIP revisions submitted by the State of Wyoming on February 13, 2013, and on February 10, 2014. These submittals revise the WAQSR with respect to sulfur dioxide (SO2) limits and dates of incorporation by reference (IBR). This action is being taken under section 110 of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for External Power Supplies
Document Number: 2014-26166
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Department of Energy
On October 9, 2014, the U.S. Department of Energy proposed to revise its test procedure for external power supplies and noted that it would hold a public meeting to discuss the proposal at the request of interested parties. DOE has since received such a request and is holding a public meeting on November 21, 2014.
Improving 9-1-1 Reliability; Reliability and Continuity of Communications Networks, Including Broadband Technologies
Document Number: 2014-26117
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
In this document, the Commission announces that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved, for a period of three years, an information collection associated with the Commission's Report and Order, FCC 13-158, published at 79 FR 3123 on January 17, 2014, and at 79 FR 7589 on February 10, 2014. This document is consistent with the Report and Order, which stated that the Commission would publish a document in the Federal Register announcing OMB approval and the effective date of requirements subject to OMB approval. Specifically, this document announces the effective date of rules requiring Covered 911 Service Providers to notify Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and other ``911 special facilities'' of major disruptions in 911 service within time limits established by the Commission.
Petitions for Reconsideration of Action in a Rulemaking Proceeding; Correction
Document Number: 2014-26116
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Federal Communications Commission published a document in the Federal Register of October 27, 2014 (79 FR 63883), regarding Petitions for Reconsideration filed of Action in a rulemaking proceeding. The document contained the incorrect deadline for filing replies to an opposition to the Petition. This document revises the deadline for replies to an opposition to the Petition.
Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: EGUs in Indian Country and U.S. Territories; Multi-Jurisdictional Partnerships
Document Number: 2014-26112
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
On June 18, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed emission guidelines for states to follow in developing plans to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing fossil fuel- fired electric generating units (EGUs). In this supplemental action, the EPA is proposing emission guidelines for U.S. territories and areas of Indian country with existing fossil fuel-fired EGUs. Specifically, the EPA is proposing rate-based goals for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for U.S. territories and areas of Indian country with existing fossil fuel-fired EGUs, as well as guidelines for plans to achieve those goals. The EPA is also soliciting comment on authorizing jurisdictions (including any states, territories and areas of Indian country) without existing fossil fuel-fired EGUs subject to the proposed emission guidelines to partner with jurisdictions (including any states) that do have existing fossil-fuel fired EGUs subject to the proposed emission guidelines in developing multi- jurisdictional plans. The EPA is also soliciting comment on the treatment of renewable energy, demand-side energy efficiency and other new low- or non-emitting electricity generation across international boundaries in a state plan. This supplemental proposed rule would continue progress already underway to reduce CO2 emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States.
Purchasing of Property and Services; Supplier Debarment, Suspension, and Ineligibility
Document Number: 2014-26111
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service is revising its regulations governing supplier debarment, suspension, and ineligibility to reflect that the Postal Service has eliminated its separate list of debarred, suspended, or ineligible suppliers, and now uses the list maintained by the General Services Administration (GSA) under its System for Award Management (SAM).
Safety Zone; Pier Removal, WI Central Railroad Bridge, Fox River, Green Bay, WI
Document Number: 2014-26094
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on the Fox River in Green Bay, Wisconsin. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of the Fox River due to demolition work on a railroad bridge. This temporary safety zone is necessary to protect the surrounding public and vessels from the hazards associated with the demolition work on the railroad bridge.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Housatonic River, Stratford, CT
Document Number: 2014-26093
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the Metro North (Devon) Bridge, across the Housatonic River, mile 3.9, at Stratford, Connecticut. This deviation is necessary to facilitate repairs to the miter plates and headlocks at the bridge. This deviation allows the bridge to remain in the closed position for 45 days to facilitate the repairs.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Missouri, Controlling Emissions During Episodes of High Air Pollution Potential
Document Number: 2014-26080
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking direct final action to approve a revision submitted by the State of Missouri and received by EPA on December 17, 2013, pertaining to Missouri's rule ``Controlling Emissions During Episodes of High Air Pollution Potential.'' This rule specifies conditions that establish air pollution alerts and emergency alert levels, and associated procedures and emission reduction objectives statewide. This action revises the SIP by amending an existing table in the rule, clarifying requirements of the rule related to emission reduction plans and other rule provisions, and makes administrative and format changes all consistent with Federal regulations.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Missouri, Controlling Emissions During Episodes of High Air Pollution Potential
Document Number: 2014-26079
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking direct final action to approve a revision submitted by the State of Missouri and received by EPA on December 17, 2013, pertaining to Missouri's rule ``Controlling Emissions During Episodes of High Air Pollution Potential.'' This rule specifies conditions that establish air pollution alerts and emergency alert levels, and associated procedures and emission reduction objectives statewide. This action revises the SIP by amending an existing table in the rule, clarifying requirements of the rule related to emission reduction plans and other rule provisions, and makes administrative and format changes all consistent with Federal regulations.
Commission Suspends Expiration Dates and Construction Deadlines for New Digital Low Power Television and TV Translator Stations
Document Number: 2014-26064
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Commission announced that, effective immediately, it is suspending the expiration dates and construction deadlines for all outstanding construction permits for new digital low power television (LPTV) and TV translator stations. The Commission will decide on a new construction deadline for these permittees in the rulemaking proceeding in MB Docket No. 03-185. Until a decision is reached in the rulemaking decision and the Commission can determine the effect of the future incentive auction and repacking, permittees of new digital LPTV and TV translator stations may delay completing construction of their digital facilities.
World Trade Center Health Program; Petition 005-Acoustic Neuroma; Finding of Insufficient Evidence
Document Number: 2014-26043
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
On September 2, 2014, the Administrator of the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program received a petition to add acoustic neuroma (Petition 005) to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions (List). The Administrator has not found sufficient scientific evidence to conduct an analysis of whether to add acoustic neuroma to the List. Accordingly, the Administrator finds that insufficient evidence exists to request a recommendation of the WTC Health Program Scientific/ Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), to publish a proposed rule, or to publish a determination not to publish a proposed rule.
Airplane and Engine Certification Requirements in Supercooled Large Drop, Mixed Phase, and Ice Crystal Icing Conditions
Document Number: 2014-25789
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The Federal Aviation Administration is amending the airworthiness standards applicable to certain transport category airplanes certified for flight in icing conditions and the icing airworthiness standards applicable to certain aircraft engines. The regulations will improve safety by addressing supercooled large drop icing conditions for transport category airplanes most affected by these icing conditions; mixed phase and ice crystal conditions for all transport category airplanes; and supercooled large drop, mixed phase, and ice crystal icing conditions for all turbojet, turbofan, and turboprop engines.
Corporate Credit Unions
Document Number: 2014-25743
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-04
Agency: National Credit Union Administration, Agencies and Commissions
The NCUA Board (Board) is issuing proposed amendments to its regulations governing corporate credit unions (Corporates) and the scope of their activities. The proposed amendments clarify the mechanics of a number of substantive regulatory provisions and also make several non-substantive, technical corrections to various provisions.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Cerritos Channel, Long Beach, CA
Document Number: 2014-26088
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the Henry Ford Avenue railroad drawbridge across Cerritos Channel, mile 4.8, at Long Beach, CA. The deviation is necessary to allow the bridge owner to make necessary bridge maintenance repairs. This deviation allows the bridge to remain in the closed-to-navigation position during the deviation period.
Local Lodging Expenses; Correction
Document Number: 2014-26068
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
This document contains corrections to final regulations (TD 9696) that were published in the Federal Register on October 1, 2014 (79 FR 59112). The final regulations are relating to the deductibility of expenses for lodging when an individual is not travelling away from home (local lodging).
Departing IFR/VFR When Weather Reporting Is Not Available; Confirmation of Effective Date
Document Number: 2014-26052
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action confirms the effective date of the direct final rule published on July 28, 2014, and responds to the comments received on that direct final rule. The rule permits the pilot in command of a helicopter air ambulance to assess the weather at a departure point where current weather observations are not available and allows the pilot to depart if the observed ceiling and visibility is greater than certain weather minimums. This action will allow a pilot to utilize the minimum takeoff visibilities depicted in a published obstacle departure procedure, or in the absence of such a procedure, when the pilot observed ceiling and visibility is greater than the minimum ceiling and visibility limitations required by specific helicopter air ambulance rules. This change to the current regulation will permit helicopter air ambulance flights to enter the National Airspace System (NAS) under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) when visibilities and ceilings are below Visual Flight Rules (VFR), thus increasing the safety of the flight.
Suspension of Community Eligibility
Document Number: 2014-25986
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
This rule identifies communities where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date. Also, information identifying the current participation status of a community can be obtained from FEMA's Community Status Book (CSB). The CSB is available at https:// www.fema.gov/fema/csb.shtm.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Commonwealth of Kentucky: New Source Review for Fine Particulate Matter
Document Number: 2014-25950
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking final action to approve a revision to the Kentucky State Implementation Plan (SIP), submitted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, through the Kentucky Division for Air Quality (KDAQ) to EPA on January 31, 2013. The SIP revision modifies the Commonwealth's New Source Review (NSR), Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) regulations to adopt into the Kentucky SIP Federal NSR permitting requirements for the implementation of the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). The approved changes in Kentucky's January 31, 2013, SIP submission are necessary to comply with Federal requirements. EPA is approving the Commonwealth's January 31, 2013, revision to the Kentucky SIP because the Agency has determined that the changes are consistent with the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act). Additionally, EPA is converting two conditional approvals related to the PSD infrastructure requirements for the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5, and 2008 8-hour Ozone NAAQS to full approval under the CAA.
Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage Rules Under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z)
Document Number: 2014-25503
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is amending certain mortgage rules issued in 2013. The final rule provides an alternative small servicer definition for nonprofit entities that meet certain requirements and amends the existing exemption from the ability-to-repay rule for nonprofit entities that meet certain requirements. The final rule also provides a cure mechanism for the points and fees limit that applies to qualified mortgages.
HUD's Qualified Mortgage Rule: Announcement of Intention To Adopt Changes Pertaining to Exempted Transaction List
Document Number: 2014-25492
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is issuing a final rule being published concurrently with this document, and it can be found elsewhere in this Federal Register, entitled ``Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage Rules under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z),'' amending certain terms in CFPB's definition of ``qualified mortgage'' which HUD cross-referenced in HUD's qualified mortgage definition. In accordance with the procedures incorporated in HUD's definition of ``qualified mortgage,'' this document advises of HUD's intention to adopt, for HUD's qualified mortgage rule, CFPB's changes to the exemption for non-profit transactions from the qualified mortgage standards. HUD is not, however, adopting the new points and fees cure provision adopted by CFPB for the reasons stated in this document, but is providing guidance to mortgagees on curing points and fees errors prior to insurance endorsement.
Certain Distributions Treated as Sales or Exchanges
Document Number: 2014-25487
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-11-03
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
This document contains proposed regulations that prescribe how a partner should measure its interest in a partnership's unrealized receivables and inventory items, and that provide guidance regarding the tax consequences of a distribution that causes a reduction in that interest. The proposed regulations take into account statutory changes that have occurred subsequent to the issuance of the existing regulations. The proposed regulations affect partners in partnerships that own unrealized receivables and inventory items and that make a distribution to one or more partners.
Procedures and General Definitions
Document Number: 2014-25973
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-10-31
Agency: Federal Housing Finance Board, Agencies and Commissions, Federal Housing Finance Agency
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is amending its regulations by relocating to the FHFA chapter of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) a Federal Housing Finance Board (Finance Board) regulation relating to procedures under which the Federal Home Loan Banks (Banks) and the Office of Finance (OF) may request waivers, approvals, no-action letters, and regulatory interpretations. The final rule modifies these regulations to make them also applicable to the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (collectively, Enterprises) and repeals provisions relating to the procedures for requesting case-by-case determinations. The final rule also relocates a definition to the general definitions section of the FHFA regulations.
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