2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 3,051 - 3,100 of 6,126
Revisions to Fitness for Duty Programs' Drug Testing Requirements
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is making available the regulatory basis for the ongoing proposed rulemaking effort to amend its regulations regarding drug testing requirements in NRC licensees' fitness for duty programs. The regulatory basis documents the reasoning upon which the NRC determined rulemaking was the appropriate course of action. In this regulatory basis, the NRC recommends developing a proposed rule that would enhance the ability of NRC licensees to detect and deter drug use and the alignment of the NRC's regulations with select drug testing provisions in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' ``Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs'' issued in 2008.
Petition for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding
In this document, Petitions for Reconsideration have been filed in the Commission's Rulemaking proceeding by Michael J. Marcus on behalf of Marcus Spectrum Solutions LLC, by Charles S. Farlow on behalf of Medtronic, Inc., and by James S. Blitz on behalf Sirius XM Radio Inc., and EchoStar Technologies Inc.
Petition for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding
In this document, a Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) has been filed in the Commission's Rulemaking proceeding by Glenn S. Richards, on behalf of the Voice on the Net (VON) Coalition.
Pacific Ocean Off the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands, Island of Kauai, Hawaii; Danger Zone
The Corps of Engineers is proposing to amend an existing danger zone in waters of the Pacific Ocean off the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands, Island of Kauai, Hawaii. The U.S. Navy conducts missile defense activities, test missile launches, and training activities at the Pacific Missile Range Facility. The proposed amendment is necessary to protect the public from hazards associated with missile launch operations, training activities, and increased threat conditions. The proposed amendment would expand the existing danger zone and would prohibit any activity by the public within the danger zone without first obtaining permission from the Commanding Officer, Pacific Missile Range Facility, to ensure public safety and/or installation good order during range operations, weapon system testing, training activities, increases in force protection and other mission essential evolutions. The expanded danger zone would extend along approximately seven miles of shoreline adjacent to the Pacific Missile Range Facility, with its seaward extent ranging between 2.96 and 4.16 nautical miles offshore.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a determination that certain special washers used in the retraction jack anchorage fitting bearing installation in the main landing gear (MLG) were incorrectly manufactured. This proposed AD would require an inspection of the left-hand (LH) and right-hand (RH) MLG retraction jack anchorage fitting bearing assemblies to verify that the special washer is seated correctly, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct installation of incorrectly manufactured special washers, which could lead to a local stress concentration resulting in possible reduction of the fatigue life of the jack fitting, and consequent reduction of the structural integrity of the affected MLG.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to all The Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. The existing AD currently requires repetitive inspections for discrepancies of each carriage spindle of the outboard mid-flaps; repetitive gap checks of the inboard and outboard carriages of the outboard mid-flaps to detect fractured carriage spindles; measuring to ensure that any new or serviceable carriage spindle meets minimum allowable diameter measurements taken at three locations; repetitive inspections, measurements, and overhaul of the carriage spindles; replacement of any carriage spindle when it has reached its maximum life limit; and corrective actions if necessary. Since we issued that AD, we received a report of failure of both flap carriages. This proposed AD would require reducing the life limit of the carriages, reducing the repetitive interval for certain inspections and gap checks for certain carriages. This proposed AD would also add an option, for certain replacements, of doing an inspection, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct cracked, corroded, or fractured carriage spindles, which could lead to severe flap asymmetry, and could result in reduced control or loss of controllability of the airplane.
Data Practices, Computer III Further Remand: BOC Provision of Enhanced Services
In this Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Further Notice), the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) seeks comment on how to streamline or eliminate legacy regulations contained in the Computer Inquiry proceedings and that are applicable to the Bell Operating Companies (BOCs). The FNPRM: Seeks data on the changing market for narrowband enhanced services, in particular, the extent to which enhanced service providers (ESPs) continue to need access to the BOCs' basic network transmission services offered through comparably efficient interconnection (CEI) and open network architecture (ONA) services; proposes eliminating CEI requirements and seeks comment on whether to retain only limited ONA inputs that ESPs require in areas where there are no competitive alternatives; and seeks comment on the need for the continuing application of the All-Carrier Rule that requires non-BOC incumbent local exchange carriers (LECs) to offer non- discriminatory access to basic network services for unaffiliated ESPs.
Privacy Act, Exempt Record System; Implementation
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or Department) is exempting a system of records from certain requirements of the Privacy Act to protect the integrity of FDA's scientific research misconduct proceedings and to protect the identity of confidential sources in such proceedings.
Privacy Act; Implementation
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or Department), through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is exempting a system of records from certain requirements of the Privacy Act to protect the integrity of NIH research misconduct proceedings and to protect the identity of confidential sources in such proceedings.
Federal Earth Stations-Non-Federal Fixed Satellite Service Space Stations; Spectrum for Non-Federal Space Launch Operations
This document proposes to make spectrum allocation proposals for three different space related purposes. The Commission makes two alternative proposals to modify the Allocation Table to provide interference protection for Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) and Mobile- Satellite Service (MSS) earth stations operated by Federal agencies under authorizations granted by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in certain frequency bands. The Commission also proposes to amend a footnote to the Allocation Table to permit a Federal MSS system to operate in the 399.9-400.05 MHz band; also makes alternative proposals to modify the Allocation Table to provide access to spectrum on an interference protected basis to Commission licensees for use during the launch of launch vehicles (i.e. rockets). The Commission also seeks comment broadly on the future spectrum needs of the commercial space sector. The Commission expects that, if adopted, these proposals would advance the commercial space industry and the important role it will play in our nation's economy and technological innovation now and in the future.
Certification of Compliance With Meal Requirements for the National School Lunch Program Under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010; Approval of Information Collection Request
The Food and Nutrition Service published an interim final rule entitled ``Certification of Compliance with Meal Requirements for the National School Lunch Program under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010'' on April 27, 2012. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) cleared the associated information collection requirements (ICR) on June 20, 2012. This document announces approval of the ICR.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Exchange Functions: Eligibility for Exemptions; Miscellaneous Minimum Essential Coverage Provisions
This final rule implements certain functions of the Affordable Insurance Exchanges (``Exchanges''). These specific statutory functions include determining eligibility for and granting certificates of exemption from the individual shared responsibility payment described in section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code. Additionally, this final rule implements the responsibilities of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in coordination with the Secretary of the Treasury, to designate other health benefits coverage as minimum essential coverage by providing that certain coverage be designated as minimum essential coverage. It also outlines substantive and procedural requirements that other types of individual coverage must fulfill in order to be certified as minimum essential coverage.
Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2013
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending the licensing, inspection, and annual fees charged to its applicants and licensees. The amendments are necessary to implement the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA-90), as amended, which requires the NRC to recover through fees approximately 90 percent of its budget authority in Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, not including amounts appropriated for Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) and amounts appropriated for generic homeland security activities. The President signed the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013 on March 26, 2013, giving the NRC a total appropriation of $985.6 million for FY 2013. The NRC's required fee recovery amount for the FY 2013 budget is approximately $864.0 million. After accounting for billing adjustments, the total amount to be billed as fees is approximately $859.6 million.
Navigation and Navigable Waters; Technical, Organizational, and Conforming Amendments
This rule makes non-substantive changes throughout Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The purpose of this rule is to make conforming amendments and technical corrections to Coast Guard navigation and navigable waters regulations. These changes will have no substantive effect on the regulated public. This rule is provided to coincide with the annual recodification of Title 33 on July 1, 2013.
Kraft Pulp Mills NSPS Review
The EPA is announcing that the period for providing public comments on the May 23, 2013, proposed rule titled, ``Kraft Pulp Mills NSPS Review'' is being extended by 15 days.
Final Priority-National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research-Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers
The Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services announces a priority for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program administered by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Specifically, we announce a priority for a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Disability in Rural Areas. The Assistant Secretary may use this priority for competitions in fiscal year (FY) 2013 and later years. We take this action to focus research attention on areas of national need. We intend this priority to improve outcomes among individuals with disabilities in rural areas.
Safety Zone: City of Vallejo Fourth of July Fireworks Display, Mare Island Strait, Vallejo, CA
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone in the navigable waters of Mare Island Strait near Vallejo, CA in support of the City of Vallejo Fourth of July Fireworks Display on July 4, 2013. This safety zone is established to ensure the safety of participants and spectators from the dangers associated with the pyrotechnics. Unauthorized persons or vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or remaining in the safety zone without permission of the Captain of the Port or their designated representative.
Safety Zone: City of Martinez Fourth of July Fireworks Display, Carquinez Strait, Martinez, CA
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone in the navigable waters of Carquinez Strait near Martinez, CA in support of the City of Martinez Fourth of July Fireworks Display on July 4, 2013. This safety zone is established to ensure the safety of participants and spectators from the dangers associated with the pyrotechnics. Unauthorized persons or vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or remaining in the safety zone without permission of the Captain of the Port or their designated representative.
Potato Research and Promotion Plan; Amend the Administrative Committee Structure and Delete the Board's Mailing Address
This proposal invites comments on amending the structure of the Administrative Committee (Committee) of the U.S. Potato Board (Board) and deleting the Board's mailing address from the Potato Research and Promotion Plan. The Plan is administered by the Board with oversight by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Under the Plan, there are seven Committee Vice-Chairperson positions. The Board has recommended that these positions be increased to nine. This proposed change is intended to facilitate increased involvement in the Board's leadership opportunities. Further, the Board's office is being relocated and the address must be changed in the Plan. The deletion of the Board's mailing address from the Plan would require no further amendment to the Plan if the Board's office is relocated again.
Single Application Option
The U.S. Copyright Office is amending its regulations on an interim basis in order to establish a new registration option called the ``single application.'' This application is being introduced in order to provide an additional option for individual authors/claimants registering a single (one) work that is not a work made for hire via the Copyright Office's electronic registration system (``eCO''). Such applications are the most administratively simple for the Copyright Office to process and may make copyright registration more attractive to individual authors of single works. This application option will be available on June 28, 2013, and the Copyright Office is inviting public comments during the first 60 days of its implementation. The single application option will cost the same$35as a standard electronic application.
Pacific Halibut Fisheries; Catch Sharing Plan for Guided Sport and Commercial Fisheries in Alaska
NMFS proposes regulations that would implement a catch sharing plan for the guided sport (charter) and commercial fisheries for Pacific halibut in waters of International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) Regulatory Areas 2C (Southeast Alaska) and 3A (Central Gulf of Alaska). If approved, this catch sharing plan will replace the Guideline Harvest Level program, define an annual process for allocating halibut between the charter and commercial fisheries in Area 2C and Area 3A, and establish allocations for each fishery. The commercial fishery will continue to be managed under the Individual Fishing Quota system. To allow flexibility for individual commercial and charter fishery participants, the proposed catch sharing plan also will authorize annual transfers of commercial halibut quota to charter halibut permit holders for harvest in the charter fishery. This action is necessary to achieve the halibut fishery management goals of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
Organization and Delegation of Powers and Duties; Correction
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board is issuing a correction to fix a duplicate section designation published in a final rule in the Federal Register on June 5, 2013.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status and Designation of Critical Habitat for Eriogonum codium
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce notice of two public hearings associated with the recent reopening of the comment period on our May 15, 2012, proposed listing and designation of critical habitat for Eriogonum codium (Umtanum desert buckwheat) and Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis (White Bluffs bladderpod) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
Gastroenterology-Urology Devices; Reclassification of Implanted Blood Access Devices
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing a proposed administrative order to reclassify the implanted blood access device preamendments class III device into class II (special controls) and subject to premarket notification, and to further clarify the identification. FDA is proposing this reclassification under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) based on new information pertaining to the device. This action implements certain statutory requirements.
Safety Zone; Execpro Services Fireworks Display, Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, NV
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone in the navigable waters of Lake Tahoe near Incline Village, NV in support of the Execpro Services Fireworks Display on July 5, 2013. This safety zone is established to ensure the safety of participants and spectators from the dangers associated with the pyrotechnics. Unauthorized persons or vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or remaining in the safety zone without permission of the Captain of the Port or their designated representative.
Special Local Regulations; Seattle Seafair Hydroplane Race, Lake Washington, WA
The Coast Guard will enforce the Seattle Seafair Unlimited Hydroplane Race Special Local Regulation on Lake Washington, WA from 8 a.m. on August 2, 2013, through 11:59 p.m. on August 4, 2013, during hydroplane race times. This action is necessary to ensure public safety from the inherent dangers associated with high-speed races while allowing access for rescue personnel in the event of an emergency. During the enforcement period, no person or vessel will be allowed to enter the regulated area without the permission of the Captain of the Port, on-scene Patrol Commander or Designated Representative.
Safety Zone; Fifth Coast Guard District Fireworks Displays, Barnegat Bay; Barnegat Township, NJ
The Coast Guard is temporarily changing the enforcement date of a safety zone for one recurring fireworks display in the Fifth Coast Guard District. This regulation applies to only one recurring fireworks event held in Barnegat Bay in Barnegat Township, New Jersey. The fireworks display is normally held on July 4th, but this year it will be held on July 5th. The safety zone is necessary to provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the event. This action is intended to restrict vessel traffic in a portion of Barnegat Bay near Barnegat Township, New Jersey, during the event.
Special Local Regulations; Recurring Marine Events in the Seventh Coast Guard District
The Coast Guard will enforce the special local regulation for the St. John 4th of July Carnival Fireworks Display from 8 p.m. until 10 p.m. on July 4, 2013. This action is necessary to ensure safety of life on navigable waters of the United States. During the enforcement period, a regulated area will exclude the presence of all vessels not associated with the show. All vessels not associated with the show will be prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring in, or remaining within the area unless authorized by the Captain of the Port San Juan or a designated representative.
Re-establishing the Sanctuary Nomination Process
NOAA's ONMS is announcing that it is re-establishing the sanctuary nomination process and is proposing to amend its regulations governing the process for nominating and evaluating sites for eligibility as a national marine sanctuary. This action would replace the currently inactive Sanctuary Evaluation List (SEL) with a new process for local communities and other interested parties to provide NOAA with robust, criteria-driven proposals for new national marine sanctuaries. To implement this process, NOAA is seeking public comment on proposed changes to the sanctuary nomination and designation procedures, and on the criteria by which the agency would analyze nominations for potential new national marine sanctuaries. Once these criteria have been made final, NOAA intends to solicit nominations for areas of the marine and Great Lakes environments that satisfy those criteria for possible designation as a national marine sanctuary.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for Arctostaphylos franciscana
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the reopening of the public comment period on the September 5, 2012, proposed designation of critical habitat for Arctostaphylos franciscana (Franciscan manzanita) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). We also announce the availability of the draft economic analysis (DEA) for the proposed critical habitat designation and an amended required determinations section of the proposal. In addition, in this document, we have corrected the acreage calculations for our September 5, 2012, proposal due to a mapping error. We also propose to increase the September 5, 2012, proposed designation of critical habitat for A. franciscana by approximately 73 acres (30 hectares) by adding two additional units in the City and County of San Francisco, California. We are reopening the comment period on the September 5, 2012, proposed rule for an additional 30 days to allow all interested parties an opportunity to comment simultaneously on that proposed critical habitat, the revisions to proposed critical habitat described in this document, the associated DEA, and the amended required determinations section. Comments previously submitted need not be resubmitted and will be fully considered in preparation of the final rule.
Definition of a Ski Area
The Forest Service is amending the definition of a ski area in its regulations to make it consistent with the authority in section 3 of the Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act (SAROEA) of 2011 to allow authorization of other snow sports besides Nordic and alpine skiing and, in appropriate circumstances, other seasonal and year-round natural resource-based recreation activities and associated facilities at ski areas on National Forest System (NFS) lands, provided that authorization of these other activities and facilities would not change the primary purpose of the ski areas to a purpose other than skiing and other snow sports.
American Jobs Creation Act Modifications to Section 6708, Failure To Maintain List of Advisees With Respect to Reportable Transactions; Hearing Cancellation
This document cancels a public hearing on proposed regulations relating to the penalty under section 6708 of the Internal Revenue Code for failing to make available lists of advisees with respect to reportable transactions.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Idaho Amalgamated Sugar Company Nampa BART Alternative
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a revised BART determination and an alternate control measure for The Amalgamated Sugar Company, LLC. (TASCO) plant located in Nampa, Canyon County, Idaho, to meet the requirements of Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) for regional haze. The EPA previously approved the State's BART determination for TASCO as meeting the requirements for the regional haze provisions in the Clean Air Act (CAA) on June 22, 2011. On June 29, 2012, the State of Idaho submitted revisions to its Regional Haze State Implementation Plan that included a revised BART determination for the TASCO facility, a revised emission limitation for particulate matter (PM), and an alternative control measure for TASCO to replace the Federally approved sulfur dioxide (SO2) BART determination. The EPA proposes to vacate the previously approved SO2 BART determination for TASCO, approve the revised BART determination, the revised emission limitation, and the alternative control measure at TASCO.
Electric Reliability Organization Proposal To Retire Requirements in Reliability Standards
Pursuant to section 215 of the Federal Power Act, the Commission proposes to approve the retirement of 34 requirements within 19 Reliability Standards identified by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Commission-certified Electric Reliability Organization. The requirements proposed for retirement either: Provide little protection for Bulk-Power System reliability or are redundant with other aspects of the Reliability Standards. In addition, the Commission proposes to withdraw 41 outstanding Commission directives that NERC develop modifications to Reliability Standards. The Commission believes that the identified outstanding directives have either been addressed in some other manner, are redundant with another directive or provide general guidance as opposed to a specific directive and, therefore, that withdrawal of these outstanding directives will have little impact the reliability of the Bulk-Power System. This proposal is part of the Commission's ongoing effort to review its requirements and reduce unnecessary burdens by eliminating requirements that are not necessary to the performance of the Commission's regulatory responsibilities.
Small Business Size and Status Integrity
This rule implements provisions of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (Jobs Act) pertaining to small business size and status integrity. This rule amends the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA or Agency) program regulations to implement statutory provisions establishing that there a presumption of loss equal to the value of the contract or other instrument when a concern willfully seeks and receives an award by misrepresentation. The rule implements statutory provisions that provide that: The submission of an offer or application for an award intended for small business concerns will be deemed a size or status certification or representation in certain circumstances; an authorized official must sign in connection with a size or status certification or representation for a contract or other instrument; and concerns that fail to update their size or status in the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) database or a successor thereto (such as the System for Award Management (SAM) database) at least annually shall no longer be identified in the database as small or some other socioeconomic status, until the representation is updated. The rule also amends SBA's regulations to clarify when size is determined for purposes of entry into the 8(a) Business Development, HUBZone and Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) programs.
Critical Incident Stress Plans
FRA issues this proposed rule in accordance with a statutory mandate that the Secretary of Transportation require certain major railroads to develop, and submit to the Secretary for approval, critical incident stress plans that provide for appropriate support services to be offered to their employees who are affected by a ``critical incident'' as defined by the Secretary. The NPRM proposes a definition of the term ``critical incident,'' the elements appropriate for the rail environment to be included in a railroad's critical incident stress plan, the type of employees to be covered by the plan, a requirement that a covered railroad submit its plan to FRA for approval, and a requirement that a railroad adopt and comply with its FRA-approved plan.
Establishment of Class E Airspace; Captiva, FL
This action changes the effective date of a final rule, published in the Federal Register on June 6, 2013, establishing controlled airspace at Upper Captiva Island Heliport, Captiva, FL, to allow additional time for en route charting.
National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
This interim final rule amends the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program regulations to establish nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools, other than food sold under the lunch and breakfast programs. Amendments made by Section 208 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) require the Secretary to establish nutrition standards for such foods, consistent with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and directs the Secretary to consider authoritative scientific recommendations for nutrition standards; existing school nutrition standards, including voluntary standards for beverages and snack foods; current State and local standards; the practical application of the nutrition standards; and special exemptions for infrequent school-sponsored fundraisers (other than fundraising through vending machines, school stores, snack bars, [agrave] la carte sales and any other exclusions determined by the Secretary). In addition, this interim final rule requires schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program to make potable water available to children at no charge in the place where lunches are served during the meal service, consistent with amendments made by section 203 of the HHFKA, and in the cafeteria during breakfast meal service. This interim final rule is expected to improve the health and well-being of the Nation's children, increase consumption of healthful foods during the school day, and create an environment that reinforces the development of healthy eating habits.
Airworthiness Directives; Various Helicopter Models
We are publishing a new airworthiness directive (AD) for various model helicopters with certain part-numbered and serial- numbered Goodrich externally-mounted hoists installed. This AD requires performing a cable conditioning lift and a load inspection test, deactivating or replacing any hoist that fails the load inspection test, and recording the results of the load inspection test. This AD is prompted by a report of a failure of the overload clutch resulting in an in-flight failure of a hoist containing a dummy load during a maintenance flight. These actions are intended to detect conditions that may result in failure of the hoist and injury to persons being lifted.
Airworthiness Directives; Eurocopter France Helicopters
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Eurocopter France Model EC 155B, EC155B1, SA-366G1, SA-365N, SA-365N1, AS-365N2, and AS 365 N3 helicopters, which requires modifying the fuel tank draining system. This AD is prompted by a closed fuel tank drain that, in the event of a fuel leak, could result in fuel accumulating in an area containing electrical equipment. The actions are intended to prevent accumulation of fuel in an area with electrical equipment or another ignition source, which may lead to a fire.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc. Model DHC-8-400 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of chafing found on the main landing gear (MLG) yoke. The chafing was attributed to contact between the nacelle fire detection wires and the MLG yoke. This AD requires inspections of the nacelle fire detection wires and the MLG yoke for damage; replacing nacelle fire detection wires, if necessary; repairing the MLG yoke, if necessary; and installing brackets and associated hardware to secure the fire detection wires. We are issuing this AD to prevent chafing between the nacelle fire detection wires and the MLG yoke. Chafing could lead to cracking and subsequent failure of the MLG yoke, which could adversely affect the safe landing of the airplane. In addition, chafing of the nacelle fire detection wires could cause them to fail and prevent the detection of a fire in the nacelle assembly.
Safety Zone; San Diego Symphony Summer POPS Fireworks 2013 Season, San Diego, CA
The Coast Guard is establishing a safety zone on the navigable waters of San Diego Bay in support of the San Diego Symphony Summer POPS Fireworks 2013 season. This safety zone is necessary to provide for the safety of the participants, crew, spectators, participating vessels, and other vessels and users of the waterway. Persons and vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or anchoring within this safety zone unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, or his designated representative.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation Revision: Removal of the Pesticide Discharge Permitting Exemption in Response to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision
The EPA is amending its regulations to remove language added by the EPA's 2006 NPDES Pesticides Rule which exempted the application of pesticides from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements in two circumstances: When the application of the pesticide is made directly to waters of the United States to control pests that are present in the water, and when the application of the pesticide is made to control pests that are over, including near, waters of the United States. This rulemaking is in response to the 2009 Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that vacated the EPA's 2006 NPDES Pesticides Rule.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of cracks in stringer splices at body station STA 360 and STA 908, between stringer (S) S-10L and S-10R; cracks in butt straps between S-5L and S- 3L, and S-3R and S-5R; vertical chem-mill fuselage skin cracks at certain butt joints; and an instance of cracking that occurred in all those three structural elements on one airplane. This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections for any cracking of stringer splices and butt straps, and related corrective and investigative actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct cracking in the three structural elements, which could result in the airplane not being able to sustain limit load requirements and possibly result in uncontrolled decompression.
Technical Amendments to Counter-Terrorism Sanctions Regulations Implemented by OFAC
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') of the U.S. Department of the Treasury is amending the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations and the Terrorism Sanctions Regulations (the ``TSR'') to clarify the scope of prohibitions on the making of donations contained in the underlying Executive orders and that a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to those programs has an interest in all property and interests in property of an entity in which it owns, directly or indirectly, a 50 percent or greater interest. In addition, OFAC is amending the TSR to add a definition of the term ``financial, material, or technological support'' and to set at 180 days the maximum term of maturity for instruments in which funds may be invested or held within a blocked interest-bearing account. Finally, OFAC is correcting a clerical error within the Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations.
Special Local Regulation; Tall Ships Celebration Bay City, Bay City, MI
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary special local regulation for a tall ships parade located in the Captain of the Port Detroit Zone. This action is necessary and intended to ensure safety of life and property on navigable waters during this event. This special local regulation will establish restrictions upon, and control movement of, vessels in a portion of the Captain of the Port Detroit Zone. During the enforcement period, no person or vessel may enter the regulated area without permission of the Captain of the Port.
Special Local Regulations; Red Bull Flugtag National Harbor Event, Potomac River; National Harbor Access Channel, MD
The Coast Guard is establishing special local regulations during the ``Red Bull Flugtag National Harbor event'', to be held on the waters of the Potomac River on September 21, 2013. These special local regulations are necessary to provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the event. These special local regulations will establish an event area, where all persons and vessels, except those persons and vessels participating in the Flugtag event, are prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring in or remaining within, and a spectator area, where all vessels are prohibited from transiting in excess of wake speed, unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Baltimore or his designated representative. This action is intended to temporarily restrict vessel traffic in a portion of the Potomac River during the event.
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