2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 6,126
Establishment of Class E Airspace; McConnellsburg, PA
This action establishes Class E Airspace at McConnellsburg, PA, to accommodate a new Area Navigation (RNAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) special Standard Instrument Approach Procedure (SIAP) serving Fulton County Medical Center Heliport. This action enhances the safety and airspace management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations within the National Airspace System.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Danville, VA
This action amends Class E Airspace at Danville Regional Airport, Danville, VA, to accommodate new landing and departure procedures, and by removing the operating hours established by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). This enhances the safety and management of aircraft operations at the airport. This action also updates the geographic coordinates of the airport.
Rules and Regulations Under the Wool Products Labeling Act
The Commission grants an eight (8) day extension until December 3, 2013 for filing public comments in response to the Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published on September 20, 2013 (``NPRM'').
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New York; Determination of Clean Data for the 1987 PM10
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is determining that the New York County nonattainment area in New York is attaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to a nominal ten micrometers (PM10) based on certified, quality-assured ambient air monitoring data for the years 2010 through 2012. EPA is also determining that New York's obligation to make submissions to meet certain Clean Air Act requirements related to attainment of the NAAQS is not applicable for as long as the New York County nonattainment area continues to attain the NAAQS.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Florida: General Requirements and Gasoline Vapor Control; Correcting Amendment
On June 1, 2009, EPA published a final rule in the Federal Register approving a Florida State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision, submitted through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), related to the State's gasoline vapor recovery program. This correcting amendment corrects errors in the regulatory language in paragraph (c) of EPA's June 1, 2009, final rule.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 747-8 and 747-8F series airplanes. This AD requires repetitive ultrasonic or dye penetrant inspections for cracking of the barrel nuts and bolts, as applicable, on each forward engine mount, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. This AD was prompted by a report of cracked barrel nuts found on a forward engine mount. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracked barrel nuts on a forward engine mount, which could result in reduced load capacity of the forward engine mount, and could result in separation of an engine under power from the airplane, and consequent loss of control of the airplane.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2015
This proposed rule sets forth payment parameters and oversight provisions related to the risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridors programs; cost-sharing parameters and cost-sharing reductions; and user fees for Federally-facilitated Exchanges. It also proposes additional standards with respect to composite rating, privacy and security of personally identifiable information, the annual open enrollment period for 2015, the actuarial value calculator, the annual limitation in cost sharing for stand-alone dental plans, the meaningful difference standard for qualified health plans offered through a Federally-facilitated Exchange, patient safety standards for issuers of qualified health plans, and the Small Business Health Options Program.
Establishment of Class D Airspace and Class E Airspace; Laguna AAF, AZ
This action establishes Class D airspace and Class E airspace at Laguna Army Air Field (AAF), (Yuma Proving Ground), Yuma, AZ. The establishment of an air traffic control tower has made this action necessary for the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update for CY 2014, Home Health Quality Reporting Requirements, and Cost Allocation of Home Health Survey Expenses
This final rule will update the Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) rates, including the national, standardized 60- day episode payment rates, the national per-visit rates, the low- utilization payment adjustment (LUPA) add-on, and the non-routine medical supply (NRS) conversion factor under the Medicare prospective payment system for home health agencies (HHAs), effective January 1, 2014. As required by the Affordable Care Act, this rule establishes rebasing adjustments, with a 4-year phase-in, to the national, standardized 60-day episode payment rates; the national per-visit rates; and the NRS conversion factor. In addition, this final rule will remove 170 diagnosis codes from assignment to diagnosis groups within the HH PPS Grouper, effective January 1, 2014. Finally, this rule will establish home health quality reporting requirements for CY 2014 payment and subsequent years and will clarify that a state Medicaid program must provide that, in certifying HHAs, the state's designated survey agency carry out certain other responsibilities that already apply to surveys of nursing facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-IID), including sharing in the cost of HHA surveys. For that portion of costs attributable to Medicare and Medicaid, we will assign 50 percent to Medicare and 50 percent to Medicaid, the standard method that CMS and states use in the allocation of expenses related to surveys of nursing homes.
Medicare Program; End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System, Quality Incentive Program, and Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies
This rule updates and makes revisions to the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) prospective payment system (PPS) for calendar year (CY) 2014. This rule also sets forth requirements for the ESRD quality incentive program (QIP), including for payment year (PY) 2016 and beyond. In addition, this rule clarifies the grandfathering provision related to the 3-year minimum lifetime requirement (MLR) for Durable Medical Equipment (DME), and provides clarification of the definition of routinely purchased DME. This rule also implements budget-neutral fee schedules for splints and casts, and intraocular lenses (IOLs) inserted in a physician's office. Finally, this rule makes a few technical amendments and corrections to existing regulations related to payment for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) items and services.
Net Investment Income Tax
This document contains final regulations under section 1411 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). These regulations provide guidance on the general application of the Net Investment Income Tax and the computation of Net Investment Income. The regulations affect individuals, estates, and trusts whose incomes meet certain income thresholds.
Net Investment Income Tax
This document contains proposed regulations under section 1411 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). These regulations provide guidance on the computation of net investment income. The regulations affect individuals, estates, and trusts whose incomes meet certain income thresholds.
Interpretation Concerning Involvement of NASA Astronauts During a Licensed Launch or Reentry
This interpretation responds to a request from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) regarding whether the space transportation regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would restrict NASA astronauts from performing operational functions during a commercial space launch or reentry under license from the FAA.
Programs for Specific Positions and Examinations (Miscellaneous)
The U. S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a final rule to eliminate the licensure requirement for incumbent administrative law judges.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We are superseding airworthiness directive (AD) 2006-06-14 for certain Airbus Model A318-100 and A319-100 series airplanes, A320-111 airplanes, A320-200 series airplanes, and A321-100 and A321-200 series airplanes. AD 2006-06-14 required operators to review the airplane's maintenance records to determine the part numbers of the magnetic fuel level indicators (MFLIs) of the wing fuel tanks, and perform related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. This new AD also requires an inspection (improved method) to determine the part numbers of the MFLIs, and, if necessary, replacement of the MFLI or repair. This AD was prompted by information that the related investigative actions of AD 2006-06-14 are not fully effective and that an affected MFLI could still be installed on airplanes on which the related investigative actions were accomplished. We are issuing this AD to prevent an ignition source in the wing fuel tank in the event of a lightning strike, which could result in a fire or explosion.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-115, A319-132, and A319-133 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report that a fastener, which connects the cargo door keel beam foot to the circumferential butt-strap and the section 13-14 lower shell panel, was not installed on airplanes during production. This AD requires inspecting forward fuselage frame 24, stringer 39, right hand, to determine if the fastener is missing; measuring the hole dimensions of the five holes surrounding the missing fastener if necessary; and doing related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct the missing fastener, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Georgia; Redesignation of the Atlanta 1997 8-Hour Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Area to Attainment
EPA is taking final action to approve a request submitted on April 4, 2012, from the State of Georgia, through the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD), to redesignate the Atlanta, Georgia, ozone nonattainment area (hereafter referred to as the ``Atlanta Area,'' or ``Area'') to attainment for the 1997 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The Atlanta Area consists of Barrow, Bartow, Carroll, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Newton, Paulding, Rockdale, Spalding and Walton Counties in their entireties. EPA's approval of the redesignation request is based on the determination that Georgia has met the criteria for redesignation to attainment set forth in the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act). Additionally, EPA is approving, as a revision to the Georgia State Implementation Plan (SIP) a maintenance plan for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard for the Atlanta Area, including new 2024 motor vehicle emission budgets (MVEBs) for nitrogen oxides (NOX) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). In this final notice, EPA also responds to comments received on EPA's February 4, 2013, proposed rulemaking.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc. Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of fractured rudder pedal tubes installed on the pilot-side rudder bar assembly. This AD requires repetitive inspections for cracking and damage of both pilot-side rudder pedal tubes, and replacement of affected pilot-side rudder bar assemblies if necessary. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracking of both pilot-side rudder pedal tubes, which could result in loss of pilot rudder pedal input causing reduced yaw controllability or a runway excursion.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; North Carolina; Redesignation of the Charlotte; 1997 8-Hour Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Area to Attainment
EPA is taking final action to redesignate the portion of North Carolina that is within the bi-state Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, North Carolina-South Carolina 8-hour ozone nonattainment area (hereafter referred to as the ``Area,'' ``North Carolina portion of the bi-state Charlotte Area,'' ``North Carolina portion of the Area,'' or ``Metrolina nonattainment area'') to attainment for the 1997 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS), and to approve the maintenance plan for the Area. The State of North Carolina, through the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Air Quality (NC DAQ), submitted the redesignation request and maintenance plan on November 2, 2011. The State supplemented the redesignation request and maintenance plan on March 28, 2013, extending the maintenance plan to the year 2025 and updating the sub-area motor vehicle emission budgets (MVEBs) for nitrogen oxides (NOX) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) for the years 2013 and 2025 for the North Carolina portion of the Area. EPA's approval of NC DAQ's redesignation request is based on the determination that North Carolina has met the criteria for redesignation to attainment set forth in the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act). EPA finalized action to redesignate the South Carolina portion of the Area, including approval of South Carolina's maintenance plan for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS, in a separate action.
Security Zones; Naval Base Point Loma; Naval Mine Anti Submarine Warfare Command; San Diego Bay, San Diego, CA
The Coast Guard is increasing a portion of an existing San Diego Bay security zone at Naval Base Point Loma to support the construction of a new Naval fuel pier. Concurrent with the construction of the new pier, the Coast Guard is also establishing a new security zone at the Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command to protect the relocated marine mammal program throughout the temporary construction process. The security zone modifications are intended to restrict vessels from portions of the San Diego Bay in order to ensure the safety and security of Naval assets. Both security zones will safeguard Naval assets, such as vessels, property and waterfront facilities from destruction, loss or injury from sabotage or other subversive acts. No persons or vessel may enter or remain in the security zones without permission of the Captain of the Port, the Commander of Naval Base Point Loma, the Commander of the Naval Mine Anti Submarine Warfare Command, and the Commander of Naval Region Southwest, or a designated representative of those individuals.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Passaic River, Kearney and Newark, NJ
The Coast Guard is temporarily modifying the operating schedule that governs the operation of the Route 1 & 9 (Lincoln Highway) Bridge across the Passaic River, mile 1.8, between Kearny and Newark, New Jersey. The bridge owner, New Jersey Department of Transportation, submitted a request to restrict bridge openings during the morning and afternoon rush hour periods to alleviate traffic congestion resulting from area roadway closures. It is expected that this change to the regulations would provide relief to vehicular traffic while continuing to meet the reasonable needs of navigation.
Derivatives Clearing Organizations and International Standards
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'') is adopting final regulations to establish additional standards for compliance with the derivatives clearing organization (``DCO'') core principles set forth in the Commodity Exchange Act (``CEA'') for systemically important DCOs (``SIDCOs'') and DCOs that elect to opt-in to the SIDCO regulatory requirements (``Subpart C DCOs''). Pursuant to the new regulations, SIDCOs and Subpart C DCOs are required to comply with the requirements applicable to all DCOs, which are set forth in the Commission's DCO regulations on compliance with core principles, to the extent those requirements are not inconsistent with the new requirements set forth herein. The new regulations include provisions concerning: procedural requirements for opting in to the regulatory regime as well as substantive requirements relating to governance, financial resources, system safeguards, special default rules and procedures for uncovered losses or shortfalls, risk management, additional disclosure requirements, efficiency, and recovery and wind- down procedures. These additional requirements are consistent with the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (``PFMIs'') published by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (``CPSS-IOSCO''). In addition, the Commission is adopting certain delegation provisions and certain technical clarifications.
Copyright Office Fees: Cable and Satellite Statement of Account Fees
The U.S. Copyright Office (``Office'') is publishing a final rule establishing a fee schedule for filing cable and satellite statements of account pursuant to Sections 112, 119, and 122 of Title 17 of the United States Code (``SOAs'') in accordance with the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010 (``STELA''). The Office is establishing these SOA fees after taking into account public comments received in response to the Office's March 28, 2012 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and December 6, 2012 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Amendments to Material Control and Accounting Regulations and Proposed Guidance for Fuel Cycle Facility Material Control and Accounting Plans and Completing the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Form 327
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) plans to hold a public meeting on its proposed rule to amend its regulations for material control and accounting (MC&A) of special nuclear material (SNM) and the proposed guidance documents that discuss acceptable methods that licensees may use to prepare and implement their MC&A plans and how the NRC will review and inspect these plans.
Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities
On September, 18, 2013, we published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding local maintenance of effort to clarify existing policy and make other related changes. This notice established a December 2, 2013, deadline for the submission of written comments. We are extending the comment period to December 10, 2013.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Colorado Second Ten-Year PM10
EPA is proposing to approve State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions submitted by the State of Colorado. On March 31, 2010, the Governor of Colorado's designee submitted to EPA a revised maintenance plan for the Telluride area for the 24-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10), which was adopted on November 19, 2009. As required by Clean Air Act (CAA) section 175A(b), this revised maintenance plan addresses maintenance of the PM10 standard for a second 10-year period beyond the area's original redesignation to attainment for the PM10 NAAQS. In addition, EPA is proposing to approve the revised maintenance plan's 2021 transportation conformity motor vehicle emissions budget for PM10. Also, we are proposing to exclude from use in determining that Telluride continues to attain the PM10 NAAQS exceedances of the PM10 NAAQS that were recorded at the Telluride PM10 monitor on April 5, 2010 and April 16, 2013, because they meet the criteria for exceptional events caused by high wind natural events. This action is being taken under sections 110 and 175A of the CAA.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 2013 Commercial Accountability Measure and Closure for South Atlantic Vermilion Snapper
NMFS implements accountability measures (AMs) for the commercial sector for vermilion snapper in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the South Atlantic. Commercial landings for vermilion snapper, as estimated by the Science Research Director (SRD), are projected to reach the commercial annual catch limit (ACL) for the July 1 through December 31, 2013, fishing period on December 2, 2013. Therefore, NMFS closes the commercial sector for vermilion snapper in the South Atlantic EEZ on December 2, 2013, and it will remain closed until the start of the January 1 through June 30, 2014, fishing period. This closure is necessary to protect the vermilion snapper resource.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 2013 Commercial Accountability Measure and Closure for South Atlantic Red Porgy
NMFS implements accountability measures (AMs) for the commercial sector for red porgy in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the South Atlantic. Commercial landings for red porgy, as estimated by the Science Research Director (SRD), are projected to reach the commercial annual catch limit (ACL) on December 2, 2013. Therefore, NMFS closes the commercial sector for red porgy in the South Atlantic EEZ on December 2, 2013, and it will remain closed through December 31, 2013. This closure is necessary to protect the red porgy resource.
Quinclorac; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes tolerances for residues of quinclorac in or on rapeseed, subgroup 20A. BASF Corporation requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Cost of Living Adjustment for Performance of Musical Compositions by Colleges and Universities
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 2% in the royalty rates that colleges, universities, and other educational institutions not affiliated with National Public Radio pay for the use of published nondramatic musical compositions in the SESAC repertory for the statutory license under the Copyright Act for noncommercial broadcasting.
Cost of Living Adjustment to Satellite Carrier Compulsory License Royalty Rates
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 1% in the royalty rates satellite carriers pay for a compulsory license under the Copyright Act. The COLA is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index from October 2012 to October 2013.
Regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2-Contingency Reserve
Under section 215 of the Federal Power Act, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) approves regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-2 (Contingency Reserve). The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) submitted the regional Reliability Standard to the Commission for approval. The regional Reliability Standard applies to balancing authorities and reserve sharing groups in the WECC Region and is meant to specify the quantity and types of contingency reserve required to ensure reliability under normal and abnormal conditions.
Information Required in Notices and Petitions Containing Interchange Commitments
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 35013519 (PRA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations at 5 CFR 1320.11, the Surface Transportation Board has obtained OMB approval for the collection of information adopted by the Board in Information Required in Notices and Petitions Containing Interchange Commitments, STB Ex Parte No. 714 (STB served Sept. 5, 2013). See also 78 FR 54589 (Sept. 5, 2013). This collection, which is codified at 49 CFR Parts 1121, 1150, and 1180, has been assigned OMB Control No. 2140-0016. Unless renewed, OMB approval expires on November 30, 2016. The display of a currently valid OMB control number for this collection is required by law. Under the PRA and 5 CFR 1320.8, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Regulated Navigation Area; Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Piscataqua River, Portsmouth, NH
The Coast Guard is establishing a regulated navigation area (RNA) on the Piscataqua River near Portsmouth, NH. This temporary final rule places speed restrictions on all vessels transiting the navigable waters of the Piscataqua River, Portsmouth, NH near the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard between Henderson Point Light on Seavey Island and Badgers Island Buoy 14. This rule is necessary to provide for the safety of life on the navigable waters during ongoing dive operations.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG Turbofan Engines
We propose to supersede airworthiness directive (AD) 2007-03- 02 for all Rolls-Royce Deutschland (RRD) Tay 620-15, Tay 650-15, and Tay 651-54 turbofan engines. AD 2007-03-02 requires an ultrasonic inspection (UI) of low-pressure (LP) compressor fan blades for cracks on certain serial number (S/N) Tay 650-15 engines. AD 2007-03-02 also requires, for all Tay 611-8, 620-15, Tay 650-15, and Tay 651-54 engines, initial and repetitive UIs of LP compressor fan blades. AD 2007-03-02 also requires, for Tay 650-15 and Tay 651-54 engines, UIs of LP compressor fan blades whenever the blade set is removed from one engine and installed on a different engine. Since we issued AD 2007-03- 02, we received a report of an additional engine failure due to multiple fan blade separation. This proposed AD would require additional inspections for the affected engines and removal of the Tay 611-8 engine from the applicability of this AD. We are proposing this AD to prevent failure of the LP compressor fan blade, engine failure, and damage to the airplane.
Insurance Cost Information Regulation
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is seeking comment on the most useful data, format and method for reporting simple and understandable motor vehicle damage susceptibility information to consumers. NHTSA plans to use this information to meet a requirement by Congress that it study and report its findings, including the possibility that no damage susceptibility data is useful to consumers or that no useful format or method exists for reporting damage susceptibility information to consumers.
Safety Zone; Belt Parkway Bridge Construction, Gerritsen Inlet, Brooklyn, NY
The Coast Guard proposes to establish a safety zone on the navigable waters of Gerritsen Inlet surrounding the Belt Parkway Bridge. This proposed rule would allow the Coast Guard to prohibit all vessel traffic through the safety zone during bridge replacement operations, both planned and unforeseen, that could pose an imminent hazard to persons and vessels operating in the area. This rule is necessary to provide for the safety of life in the regulated area during the construction of the Bridge.
Special Local Regulation; Lake Havasu City Christmas Boat Parade of Lights; Colorado River; Lake Havasu, AZ
The Coast Guard is temporarily modifying the dates for the special local regulation in support of the Lake Havasu City Christmas Boat Parade of Lights on the Colorado River. This modification is necessary to reflect the actual dates of the event for this year which are December 6th and December 7th, 2013. Additionally, this temporary final rule adds a third evening, December 14th, 2013. This rule is necessary to provide for the safety of the participants, crew, spectators, participating vessels, and other vessels and users of the waterway. Persons and vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or anchoring within this zone unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, or his designated representative.
Special Local Regulation; Tavares Winter Thunder Vintage Race Boat Regatta, Lake Dora; Tavares, FL
The Coast Guard is proposing to establish a special local regulation on the waters of Lake Dora in Tavares, Florida during the Tavares Winter Thunder Vintage Race Regatta, a series of high-speed boat races. The event is scheduled for January 17 through 19, 2014. Approximately 60 vessels are anticipated to participate in the races. This proposed special local regulation is necessary to ensure the safety of life on navigable waters of the United States during the races. The special local regulation would establish two areas: A race area, where all persons and vessels, except those participating in the races, are prohibited from entering, transiting, anchoring, or remaining; and a buffer zone around the race area, where all persons and vessels, except those enforcing the buffer zone or authorized participants and vessels transiting to the race area, are prohibited from entering, transiting, anchoring, or remaining, unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Jacksonville or a designated representative.
Federal Management Regulation (FMR); Transportation Payment and Audit
GSA is amending the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) to update the name and contact information of the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) from the previously named General Services Board of Contract Appeals (GSBCA).
Radio Broadcasting Services; Tohatchi, New Mexico
This document requests comments on a petition for rulemaking filed by the Navajo Nation to amend the FM Table of Allotments, Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, by allotting FM Channel 268C2, Tohatchi, New Mexico, as a first local service under the Tribal Priority. A staff engineering analysis indicates that Channel 268C2 can be allotted to Tohatchi consistent with the minimum distance separation requirements of the Rules without the imposition of a site restriction. The reference coordinates are 35-54-37 NL and 108-46-26 WL.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Hampshire; Transportation Conformity and Conformity of General Federal Actions
EPA is approving a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of New Hampshire. This revision establishes transportation conformity criteria and procedures related to interagency consultation and enforceability of certain transportation- related control measures and mitigation measures. In addition, the revision relies on the Federal rule for General Conformity. The intended effect of this action is to approve State criteria and procedures to govern conformity determinations. This action is being taken in accordance with the Clean Air Act.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Hampshire; Transportation Conformity and Conformity of General Federal Actions
The EPA is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of New Hampshire. This revision establishes transportation conformity criteria and procedures related to interagency consultation and enforceability of certain transportation-related control measures and mitigation measures. In addition, the revision relies on the Federal rule for General Conformity. The intended effect of this action is to approve State criteria and procedures to govern conformity determinations. This action is being taken in accordance with the Clean Air Act.
Authority for Voluntary Withholding on Other Payments
This document contains proposed regulations under the Internal Revenue Code (Code) relating to voluntary withholding agreements. In the Rules and Regulations of this issue of the Federal Register, the IRS is also issuing temporary regulations to allow the Secretary to issue guidance in the Internal Revenue Bulletin to describe payments for which the Secretary finds that income tax withholding under a voluntary withholding agreement would be appropriate. The text of those temporary regulations also generally serves as the text of these proposed regulations. The regulations affect persons making and persons receiving payments for which the IRS issues subsequent guidance authorizing the parties to enter into voluntary withholding agreements.
Authority for Voluntary Withholding on Other Payments
This document contains temporary regulations under the Internal Revenue Code (Code) relating to voluntary withholding agreements. The regulations allow the Secretary to issue guidance in the Internal Revenue Bulletin to describe payments for which the Secretary finds that income tax withholding under a voluntary withholding agreement would be appropriate. The text of these temporary regulations also serves as the text of the proposed regulations set forth in the notice of proposed rulemaking on this subject in the Proposed Rules section in this issue of the Federal Register. These temporary regulations affect persons making and persons receiving payments for which the IRS issues subsequent guidance authorizing the parties to enter into voluntary withholding agreements.
Medicare Program; Town Hall Meeting on FY 2015 Applications for New Medical Services and Technology Add-On Payments
This notice announces a Town Hall meeting in accordance with the Social Security Act (the Act) to discuss fiscal year (FY) 2015 applications for add-on payments for new medical services and technologies under the hospital inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS). Interested parties are invited to this meeting to present their comments, recommendations, and data regarding whether the FY 2015 new medical services and technologies applications meet the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
Guidance for Tax-Exempt Social Welfare Organizations on Candidate-Related Political Activities
This document contains proposed regulations that provide guidance to tax-exempt social welfare organizations on political activities related to candidates that will not be considered to promote social welfare. These regulations will affect tax-exempt social welfare organizations and organizations seeking such status. This document requests comments from the public regarding these proposed regulations. This document also requests comments from the public regarding the standard under current regulations that considers a tax-exempt social welfare organization to be operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare if it is ``primarily'' engaged in activities that promote the common good and general welfare of the people of the community, including how this standard should be measured and whether this standard should be changed.
Food Additive Regulations; Incorporation by Reference of the Food Chemicals Codex, 7th Edition
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is amending select food additive regulations that incorporate by reference food- grade specifications from prior editions of the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) to incorporate by reference food-grade specifications from the FCC 7th Edition (FCC 7). We are taking this action in response to a petition filed by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (U.S.P. or petitioner).
Health Insurance Providers Fee
This document contains final regulations relating to the annual fee imposed on covered entities engaged in the business of providing health insurance for United States health risks. This fee is imposed by section 9010 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended. The regulations affect persons engaged in the business of providing health insurance for United States health risks.
Rules Relating to Additional Medicare Tax
This document contains final regulations relating to Additional Hospital Insurance Tax on income above threshold amounts (``Additional Medicare Tax''), as added by the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, these final regulations provide guidance for employers and individuals relating to the implementation of Additional Medicare Tax, including the requirement to withhold Additional Medicare Tax on certain wages and compensation, the requirement to file a return reporting Additional Medicare Tax, the employer process for adjusting underpayments and overpayments of Additional Medicare Tax, and the employer and individual processes for filing a claim for refund for an overpayment of Additional Medicare Tax.
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