February 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 2,108
Advisory Committee on International Postal and Delivery Services
As required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463, the Department of State gives notice of a meeting of the Advisory Committee on International Postal and Delivery Services. This Committee has been formed in fulfillment of the provisions of the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (Pub. L. 109-435) and in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 11, 2010, was cancelled due to inclement weather.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Masterpieces of European Painting From Dulwich Picture Gallery”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Masterpieces of European Painting from Dulwich Picture Gallery,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owner or custodian. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Frick Collection, New York, NY, from on or about March 9, 2010, until on or about May 30, 2010, and at possible additional exhibitions or venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. I have ordered that Public Notice of these Determinations be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Leaves From an Austrian Mahzor”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Leaves from an Austrian Mahzor,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners or custodians. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Cloisters, New York, NY, from on or about June 1, 2010, until on or about June 1, 2012, and at possible additional exhibitions or venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Matisse: Radical Invention 1913-1917”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Matisse: Radical Invention 1913-1917,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners or custodians. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, from on or about March 20, 2010, until on or about June 20, 2010; at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, from on or about July 18, 2010, until on or about October 11, 2010; and at possible additional exhibitions or venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Agency Forms Submitted for OMB Review, Request for Comments
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will be sending an Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to request a revision to the following collection of information: 3220- 0042, Application for Spouse Annuity Under the Railroad Retirement Act, consisting of RRB Form(s) AA-3, Application for Spouse/Divorced Spouse Annuity and AA-3cert, Application Summary and Certification. Our ICR describes the information we seek to collect from the public. Review and approval by OIRA ensures that we impose appropriate paperwork burdens.
Agency Information Collection Activity Seeking OMB Approval
The FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) revision of a current information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on November 13, 2009, vol. 74, no. 218, page 58677. The FAA Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (AST) conducts this survey in order to obtain industry input on customer service standards which have been developed and distributed to industry customers.
Notice of a Regional Project Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
The EPA is hereby granting a waiver of the Buy America requirements of ARRA Section 1605 under the authority of Section 1605(b)(2) [manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality] to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (``MWRA'') for the purchase of a 1.5 megawatt (MW) foreign manufactured wind turbine for the DeLauri Pump Station Renewable Energy Project in Charlestown, Massachusetts. This is a project specific waiver and only applies to the use of the specified product for the ARRA project being proposed. Any other ARRA recipient that wishes to use the same product must apply for a separate waiver based on project specific circumstances. Based upon information submitted by the MWRA, it has been determined that there is currently no domestically manufactured wind turbine available or one that can be supplied to meet its proposed project specifications. The Regional Administrator is making this determination based on the review and recommendations of the Municipal Assistance Unit. The Assistant Administrator of the Office of Administration and Resources Management has concurred on this decision to make an exception to Section 1605 of ARRA. This action permits the purchase of a foreign manufactured 1.5 MW wind turbine by the MWRA, as specified in its November 19, 2009 request.
Control of Ergocristine, a Chemical Precursor Used in the Illicit Manufacture of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, as a List I Chemical
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is proposing to control the chemical precursor ergocristine as a List I chemical under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Clandestine laboratories are using this chemical as a substitute for the List I chemicals ergotamine and ergonovine to illicitly manufacture the schedule I controlled substance lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Confidentiality Rules (Renewal)
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that an Information Collection Request (ICR) has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. This is a request to renew an existing approved collection. The ICR, which is abstracted below, describes the nature of the information collection and its estimated burden and cost.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Renewal of Several Currently Approved Collections; Comment Request
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that EPA is planning to submit requests to renew several currently approved Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The ICRs are specifically identified in this document by their corresponding titles, EPA ICR numbers, OMB Control numbers, and related docket identification (ID) numbers. Before submitting these ICRs to OMB for review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the information collection activities.
Medicare Program; Meeting of the Practicing Physicians Advisory Council, March 8, 2010; Correction
This document corrects technical errors that appeared in the meeting notice published in the Federal Register on Friday, January 22, 2010 entitled ``Medicare Program; Meeting of the Practicing Physicians Advisory Council, March 8, 2010.''
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Review of Native Species That Are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions; Correction
This document corrects language used to describe the candidate status of the Sierra Nevada Distinct Population Segment of Rana muscosa, in a notice published in the Federal Register on November 9, 2009, regarding the review of species that are candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act, as amended. The correction is to clarify that the Sierra Nevada Distinct Population Segment of Rana muscosa, as defined in the January 16, 2003 Federal Register, remains the candidate for listing.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Correction
On February 18, 2010, the Department of Education published a 30-day comment period notice in the Federal Register (Page 7264, Column 3) seeking public comment for an information collection entitled, ``Application for Grants under the Predominately Black Institutions Program''. This notice is hereby cancelled. Interested persons are invited to submit comments during the 60-day public comment period on or before March 8, 2010. Once the 60-day comment period ends, a 30-day public comment period notice will be published. The Acting Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, hereby issues a correction notice as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Price Index Adjustments for Expenditure Limitations and Lobbyist Bundling Disclosure Threshold
As mandated by provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (``FECA'' or ``the Act''), the Federal Election Commission (``FEC'' or ``the Commission'') is adjusting certain expenditure limitations and the lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold set forth in the Act, to index the amounts for inflation. Additional details appear in the supplemental information that follows.
Collection of Administrative Debts; Collection of Debts Arising From Enforcement and Administration of Campaign Finance Laws
The Federal Election Commission (``Commission'') requests comments on proposed rules implementing statutory provisions regarding the collection of debts owed to the United States Government. The Commission also proposes integrating its rules regarding the collection of debts arising solely from the Administrative Fines program into the new proposed rules.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Submission for OMB Review; Patents
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the Regulatory Secretariat will be submitting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve an extension of a previously approved information collection requirement concerning patents. A request for public comments was published in the Federal Register at 74 FR 65535, on December 10, 2009. No public comments were received.
Notice of a Regional Project Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to Mecklenburg County, NC, Land Use and Environmental Services Agency
The EPA is hereby granting a project waiver of the Buy American requirements of ARRA Section 1605 under the authority of Section1605(b)(2) [manufactured goods are not produced in the United States of a satisfactory quality] to the Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency, for the purchase of coconut fiber (coir) woven mats. This is a project-specific waiver and only applies to the use of the specified product for the ARRA funded project being proposed. Any other ARRA project that may wish to use the same product must apply for a separate waiver based on project-specific circumstances. These coconut fiber woven mats, which are supplied by HD Supply in Charlotte, NC, are manufactured in India and Sri Lanka, and meet Mecklenburg County's performance specifications and requirements. The Acting Regional Administrator is making this determination based on the review and recommendations of EPA Region 4. The County has provided sufficient documentation to support its request. The Assistant Administrator of the Office of Administration and Resources Management has concurred on this decision to make an exception to Section 1605 of ARRA. This action permits the purchase of coconut fiber woven mats for the Torrence Creek Stream Restoration Project being implemented by the Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency that may otherwise be prohibited under Section 1605(a) of the ARRA.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Compliance Assurance Monitoring Program; EPA ICR No. 1663.07, OMB Control No. 2060-0376
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that EPA is planning to submit a request to renew an existing approved Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This ICR is scheduled to expire on July 31, 2010. Before submitting the ICR to OMB for review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below.
Proposed CERCLA Administrative Settlement; Anderson-Calhoun Mine and Mill Site, Leadpoint, WA
In accordance with Section 122(i) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9622(i), notice is hereby given of a proposed administrative settlement for costs associated with a removal action at the Anderson-Calhoun Mine and Mill Site in Leadpoint, Washington, with settling party Blue Tee Corporation. The settlement requires the settling party to pay $1,362,800 to cover the estimated cost of the selected removal action, and to conduct all future post-removal site control including maintenance and repair of the removal action. The settlement includes a covenant not to sue or take administrative action against the settling party pursuant to Sections 106 or 107(a) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9606 or 9607(a), for recovery of past costs and for the performance of the selected removal action. For thirty (30) days following the date of publication of this notice the Agency will receive written comments relating to the settlement. The Agency will consider all comments received during the thirty day period, and may modify or withdraw its consent to the settlement if comments received disclose facts or considerations which indicate that the settlement is inappropriate, improper, or inadequate. The Agency's response to any comments received will be available for public inspection at the U.S. EPA Region 10 offices, located at 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101.
Office of New Reactors: Interim Staff Guidance on Assessing Ground Water Flow and Transport of Accidental Radionuclide Releases; Solicitation of Public Comment
The NRC is soliciting public comment on its Proposed Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) DC/COL-ISG-014 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML091320560). The purpose of this ISG is to provide Combined License (COL) and Design Certification (DC) applicants additional clarity and guidance for the application of Sections 2.4.12 and 2.4.13 of the Standard Review Plan (SRP), NUREG 0800 ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants.'' Specifically, this ISG would revise the staff guidance in SRP Sections 2.4.12 and 2.4.13 regarding the assessment of ground water flow and transport of accidental radionuclide releases necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 100 (10 CFR 100) and Appendix B to 10 CFR part 20 on effluent concentration limits. The NRC staff issues DC/COL-ISGs to facilitate timely implementation of current staff guidance and to facilitate activities associated with review of applications for DCs and COLs by the Office of New Reactors. The NRC staff will also incorporate the approved DC/ COL-ISG-014 into the next revision of the SRP and related guidance documents.
Adequacy Status of the Cincinnati, Ohio/Indiana Submitted 8-Hour Ozone Redesignation and Maintenance Plans for Transportation Conformity Purposes
In this notice, EPA is notifying the public that we have found that the motor vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) as precursors to ozone in the Ohio and Indiana portions of the Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH/KY/IN ozone nonattainment area are adequate for use in transportation conformity determinations. Ohio submitted a redesignation request and maintenance plan for Cincinnati, Ohio on December 14, 2009. The MVEBs in the submittal include emissions for the Ohio portion and also the Indiana portion of the Cincinnati area. Indiana submitted a redesignation request and maintenance plan for Lawrenceburg Township in Dearborn County, Indiana, which is part of the Cincinnati 8-hour ozone nonattainment area, on January 21, 2010. Indiana and Ohio submitted identical MVEBs for the combined Ohio and Indiana portions of the Cincinnati area.
Maneb; Product Cancellation Order of a Certain Pesticide Registration
This notice announces EPA's order for the cancellation, voluntarily requested by the registrant and accepted by the Agency, of a product containing the pesticide maneb, pursuant to section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended. This cancellation order follows a January 6, 2010 Federal Register Notice of Receipt of Request from the registrant, Drexel Chemical Company, to voluntarily cancel their product registration. This is not the last product containing this pesticide registered for use in the United States. In the January 6, 2010 notice, EPA indicated that it would issue an order implementing the cancellation, unless the Agency received substantive comments within the 30-day comment period that would merit its further review of these requests, or unless the registrant withdrew their request within this period. The Agency did not receive any comments on the notice. Further, the registrant did not withdraw their request. Accordingly, EPA hereby issues in this notice a cancellation order granting the requested cancellation. Any distribution, sale, or use of the product subject to this cancellation order is permitted only in accordance with the terms of this order, including any existing stocks provisions.
Office of New Reactors: Interim Staff Guidance on Assessing the Consequences of an Accidental Release of Radioactive Materials From Liquid Waste Tanks; Reopening of Comment Period
The NRC published a request for public comment in the Federal Register on May 4, 2009, on proposed Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) DC/ COL-ISG-013, ``Assessing the Consequences of an Accidental Release of Radioactive Materials from Liquid Waste Tanks'' (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML090830488). The NRC has completed a related ISG, DC/COL-ISG-014, ``Assessing Ground Water Flow and Transport of Accidental Radionuclide Releases,'' and is making it available for public comment by separate document published today in the Federal Register. The NRC believes that the public will be better served by being able to review and comment on both documents at this time. This action is necessary to reopen the comment period for ISG DC/COL-ISG-013.
Final Clarification for Chemical Identification Describing Activated Phosphors for TSCA Inventory Purposes
This is a clarification under which certain activated phosphors that are not on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(b) Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory) will be considered to be new chemical substances under TSCA section 5, and thus will be subject to applicable notification requirements under TSCA section 5. In certain letters and other statements issued by EPA from 1978 to 2003, the Agency erroneously indicated that activated phosphors (otherwise known as doped phosphors) constitute mixtures of phosphors and dopants for purposes of the TSCA Inventory, and thus that they were not separately reportable as chemical substances under TSCA section 5(a) new chemical notification requirements. This clarification is necessary because EPA's statements in this area have not been consistent.
Nicosulfuron; Pesticide Tolerances for Emergency Exemptions
This regulation establishes time-limited tolerances for residues of nicosulfuron, [3-pyridinecarboxamide, 2-((((4,6- dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl) aminocarbonyl) aminosulfonyl))-N,N-dimethyl]; in or on Bermudagrass, forage and Bermudagrass, hay. This action is in response to EPA granting crisis exemptions to the Texas Department of Agriculture and the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture under section 18 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) authorizing use of the pesticide on Bermudagrass, forage and Bermudagrass, hay. This regulation establishes maximum permissible levels for residues of nicosulfuron in Bermudagrass and hay. The time- limited tolerances expire and are revoked on December 31, 2011.
Laminarin; Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance
This regulation establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of laminarin in or on all food commodities when applied preharvest as a biochemical pesticide to stimulate natural defense mechanisms in plants. Laboratoires Go[euml]mar SA c/o SciReg, Inc. submitted a petition to EPA under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), requesting an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of laminarin.
Access to Confidential Business Information by Eastern Research Group
EPA has authorized contractor, Eastern Research Group (ERG) of Lexington, MA, to access information which has been submitted to EPA under all sections of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Some of the information may be claimed or determined to be Confidential Business Information (CBI).
Meeting of the National Biodefense Science Board
As stipulated by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is hereby giving notice that the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) will be holding a public meeting. The meeting is open to the public.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Department of the Air Force proposes to alter a system of records to its inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended.
Federal Advisory Committee; Transformation Advisory Group; Closed Meeting
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C. App 2, Section 1), the Sunshine in the Government Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the Transformation Advisory Group will hold a closed meeting on March 11, 2010.
Federal Advisory Committee; Military Leadership Diversity Commission (MLDC); Meetings
Under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the Government in the Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the Military Leadership Diversity Commission (MLDC) will meet March 16 to 18, 2010. Subject to the availability of space, the March 17 and 18 meetings are open to the public. The March 16 meeting is closed to the public.
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of a Computer Matching Program
Subsection (e)(12) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, (5 U.S.C. 552a) requires agencies to publish advance notice of any proposed or revised computer matching program by the matching agency for public comment. The DoD, as the matching agency under the Privacy Act is hereby giving notice to the record subjects of a computer matching program between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and DoD that their records are being matched by computer. The purpose of this agreement is to verify an individual's eligibility for receipt of benefits under programs administered by the Veterans Benefits Administration.
In the Matter of Certain Wireless Communications System Server Software, Wireless Handheld Devices and Battery Packs; Notice of Investigation
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on January 22, 2010, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, on behalf of Motorola, Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain wireless communications system server software, wireless handheld devices and battery packs by reason of infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 5,319,712; 5,359,317; 5,569,550; 6,232,970; and 6,272,333. The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337.
In the Matter of Certain Notebook Computer Products and Components Thereof; Notice of Investigation
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on January 19, 2010, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, on behalf of Toshiba Corporation of Japan. A supplement to the complaint was filed on February 5, 2010. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain notebook computer products and components thereof by reason of infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 7,156,693 and 5,430,867. The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337.
Notice of Availability of Government-Owned Inventions; Available for Licensing
The inventions listed below are assigned to the United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Navy and are available for licensing by the Department of the Navy. U.S. Patent Application Number 12/606,218 filed on October 27, 2009, Navy Case Number 96899 entitled ``Oxygen monitor''; U.S. Patent Application Number 11/482,303 filed on July 11, 2006, Navy Case Number 97495 entitled ``Hoisting harness assembly tool''; U.S. Patent Application Number 12/432,019 filed on April 29, 2009, Navy Case Number PAX06 entitled ``Method for producing Nanoparticles''; U.S. Patent Application Number 12/471,607 filed on May 26, 2009, Navy Case Number PAX11 entitled ``Embedded ground proximity warning system for helicopters''; U.S. Patent Application Number 12/469,197 filed on May 20, 2009, Navy Case Number PAX14 entitled ``Fast rope''; U.S. Patent Application Number 12/433,142 filed on April 30, 2009, Navy Case Number PAX21 entitled ``Improved aircraft pod store separation characteristics''; U.S. Patent Application Number 12/639,476 filed on December 16, 2009, Navy Case Number PAX42 entitled ``Siloxane solvent compositions''; U.S. Patent Number 7,380,467 entitled ``Bond integrity tool'' issued on June 3, 2008; U.S. Patent Number 7,494,670 entitled ``Composition and process for removing and preventing mildew and fungal growth'' issued on February 24, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,523,876 entitled ``Adjustable liquid atomization nozzle'' issued on April 28, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,524,516 entitled ``Corrosion inhibiting mildew remover kit'' issued on April 28, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,548,801 entitled ``Just in time wiring information system'' issued on June 16, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,564,455 entitled ``Global visualization process for personal computer platforms (GVP+)'' issued on July 21, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,568,418 entitled ``Radically compressive rope assembly'' issued on August 4, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,606,411 entitled ``Robotic gesture recognition system'' issued on October 20, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,606,642 entitled ``Just in time wiring information system'' issued on October 20, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,618,580 entitled ``Method for fabrication of a polymeric conductive optical transparency'' issued on November 17, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,626,398 entitled ``Systems for isolating faults between electrical equipment'' issued on December 1, 2009; U.S. Patent Number 7,629,004 entitled ``Composition and process for removing and preventing mildew and fungal growth'' issued on December 8, 2009.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement; Determination of Regulated Status of Alfalfa Genetically Engineered for Tolerance to the Herbicide Glyphosate
We are extending the comment period for our notice of availability of a draft environmental impact statement in connection with making a determination on the status of the Monsanto Company and Forage Genetics International alfalfa lines designated as events J101 and J163 as regulated articles. This notice also provides notice that a public meeting scheduled for February 9, 2010, has been rescheduled for February 24, 2010.
In the Matter of Certain Mobile Communications and Computer Devices and Components Thereof; Notice of Investigation
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on January 15, 2010, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, on behalf of Apple Inc., f/k/a Apple Computer, Inc. of Cupertino, California. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain mobile communications and computer devices and components thereof by reason of infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 5,379,431; 5,455,599; 5,519,867; 5,915,131; 5,920,726; 5,969,705; 6,343,263; 6,424,354; and RE 39,486. The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337.
St. Croix River Aids to Navigation
The Coast Guard announces a public meeting to receive comments on the aids to navigation in the St. Croix River.
Reports, Forms, and Record Keeping Requirements
Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from the public, it must receive approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Under procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), before seeking OMB approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed collections of information, including extensions and reinstatements of previously approved collections.
Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in Foreign Countries and Efforts by Certain Countries To Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor
This notice is two related requests for information to be used by the Department of Labor (DOL) in preparation of its reporting under Congressional mandates and Presidential directive. The first request seeks information on the use of forced labor, child labor, and/or forced or indentured child labor in the production of goods internationally, as well as information on government, industry, or
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