October 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 251 - 300 of 2,744
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of Homeland Security proposes to add a new system of records to the Department's inventory, entitled ``the MaxHR e-Performance Management System.'' This system is an employee performance management e-tool that will standardize and automate related human resources functions that will support a portion of the Department's MaxHR program. This program will support the Department's ability to continue to attract, retain, and reward a robust and highly qualified workforce by transforming DHS human resources policies, processes, systems, streamlining business processes, and consolidating several disparate systems currently in operation. Implementation of the the MaxHR e-Performance Management System will provide greater flexibility and accountability in the way employees are paid, developed, and evaluated. Employees, through a password protected portal, can access the system to initiate each step in the performance cycle, including performance planning, quarterly reviews, and performance appraisals. Supervisors will utilize various features of the system to review employees' performance, determine completion of goals, and complete performance appraisals. Each step in the performance management cycle, as reflected in the automated system, will serve as a catalyst for increased communication between supervisor and employees to enhance performance and ensure that work is accomplished in an efficient and effective manner.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A318-100 and A319-100 Series Airplanes; Model A320-111 Airplanes; Model A320-200, A321-200, A330-200, A330-300, A340-200, and A340-300 Series Airplanes; Model A340-541 Airplanes; and Model A340-642 Airplanes; Equipped With Certain Sogerma-Services Powered Seats
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus airplane models identified above. This AD requires inspecting to determine if a certain actuator is installed in the pilot's or co-pilot's seat, and doing applicable corrective actions. For certain actuators, the AD also requires replacing rotors on both vertical and horizontal movements with new rotors, and replacing the clutch cap with a new cap. This AD results from a report of heavy wear at the driving gear of the rotor shaft end of the electrical driven motor on certain actuators of the pilot's and co-pilot's seats. We are issuing this AD to prevent uncommanded movement of the pilot's or co- pilot's seat during takeoff or landing, which could result in interference with the operation of the airplane and consequent temporary loss of airplane control.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier Model CL-600-2B16 (CL-604) Airplanes and Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) Airplanes
The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Bombardier Model CL-600-2B16 (CL-604) airplanes and Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) airplanes. These models may be referred to by their marketing designations as RJ100, RJ200, RJ440, CRJ100, CRJ200, CRJ440, and CL-65. The existing AD currently requires revising the Emergency Procedures section of the airplane flight manual (AFM) to advise the flightcrew of additional procedures to follow in the event of stabilizer trim runaway. For certain airplanes, the existing AD also requires revising the Abnormal Procedures section of the AFM to advise the flightcrew of procedures to follow in the event of MACH TRIM, STAB TRIM, and horizontal stabilizer trim malfunctions. This AD requires revising the same Emergency and Abnormal Procedures sections of the AFM to advise the flightcrew of revised/additional procedures. This AD also requires revising the Normal section of the AFM to require a review of the location of certain circuit breakers and a functional check of the stabilizer trim system. This AD also requires installing circuit breaker identification collars and provides an optional terminating action for the requirements of the AD. This AD also removes airplanes from the applicability of the existing AD. This AD results from reports of uncommanded horizontal stabilizer trim motion. We are issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew is advised of appropriate procedures to follow in the event of uncommanded movement or stabilizer trim runaway. Failure to follow these procedures could result in excessive uncommanded movement of the horizontal stabilizer trim actuator (HSTA) and loss of ability to use trim switches to override uncommanded movement or yoke disconnect switches to disconnect the HSTA, which could result in reduction of or loss of pitch control and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane.
Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Adoption of New Accessibility Standards
The Department is amending its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations to adopt, as its regulatory standards, the new Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) recently issued by the Access Board, including technical amendments the Access Board subsequently made to the new ADAAG. In adopting the new ADAAG as its standards, the Department is making minor modifications to some of the Guidelines and is providing further guidance concerning its newly-adopted standards.
Extension of Period of Submission for Notices of Intent and Fungibility Plans in Accordance With HUD's Implementation Guidance for Section 901 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations To Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006
On July 28, 2006, HUD published a notice entitled, ``Implementation Guidance for Section 901 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006.'' This notice extends the period for eligible public housing agencies (PHAs) located within the most heavily impacted areas of Louisiana and Mississippi that are subject to a declaration by the President of a major disaster under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act in connection with Hurricanes Katrina or Rita to submit Notices of Intent and Fungibility Plans in accordance with the July 28, 2006, notice. Section 901 of the supplemental appropriations act authorizes PHAs to combine assistance provided under sections 9(d) and (e) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (Act) and assistance provided under section 8(o) of the Act, for the purpose of facilitating the prompt, flexible, and efficient use of funds provided under these sections of the Act to assist families who were receiving housing assistance under the Act immediately prior to Hurricane Katrina or Rita and were displaced from their housing by the hurricanes. In addition to extending the PHA submission deadline, this notice removes the restriction that the combined funding may not be spent for uses under the housing choice voucher (HCV) program. If approved by HUD, the combined funding may now be used for eligible purposes under the HCV program. Any use of combined funds under the HCV program must also be in accordance with the requirement to assist those families who were receiving housing assistance under the public housing or HCV program immediately prior to Hurricane Katrina or Rita and were displaced from their housing by the hurricane. A PHA that already has an approved Fungibility Plan may request HUD approval to change the Plan in order to use the combined funds for HCV program eligible purposes. As provided in the July 28, 2006 Federal Register notice, PHAs must submit to HUD requests for approval of any substantial deviations from the approved Fungibility Plan, and HUD will respond to such requests within 10 calendar days.
Allocations and Waivers Granted to and Alternative Requirements for CDBG Disaster Recovery Grantees Under Chapter 9 of Title II of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006
This Notice advises the public of the allocations for grant funds for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) disaster recovery grants for the purpose of assisting in the recovery in the most impacted and distressed areas related to the consequences of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico in 2005. As described in the Supplementary Information section of this notice, HUD is authorized by statute to waive statutory and regulatory requirements and specify alternative requirements for this purpose, upon the request of the State grantees. This notice also describes the application and reporting waivers and the common alternative requirements for the grants made under the subject appropriations act.
Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is making a minor amendment to its final rule governing occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium in general industry, which was promulgated on February 28, 2006. This amendment implements a settlement agreement (Agreement) entered into among OSHA, the Surface Finishing Industry Council (SFIC), Public Citizen Health Research Group (HRG), and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (Steelworkers) on October 25, 2006, to resolve SFIC's legal challenge to the standard.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection for 1029-0047 and 1029-0080
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) is announcing its intention to request renewed authority for two collections of information: 30 CFR parts 816 and 817 relating to the permanent program performance standardssurface mining activities and underground mining activities, and 30 CFR part 850 authorizing State regulatory authorities to develop blaster certification programs. These information collection activities were previously approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and assigned clearance numbers 1029-0047 and 1029-0080, respectively.
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
The Fish and Wildlife Service announces that a Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Finding of No Significant Impact for Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge are available for distribution. The plan was prepared pursuant to the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 and in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. It describes how the refuge will be managed for the next 15 years. The compatibility determinations for fishing, environmental education and interpretation, wildlife observation, wildlife photography, research, mosquito control, interim citrus grove management, and commercial ecotour operations are also available within the plan.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment for Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge Located Off the Coast of Darien, GA, in McIntosh County
The Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region, intends to gather information necessary to prepare a comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment for Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and its implementing regulations. The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, requires the Service to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for each national wildlife refuge. The purpose is developing a comprehensive conservation plan is to provide refuge managers with a 15-year strategy for achieving refuge purposes and contributing toward the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with sound principles of fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal mandates, and Service policies. In addition to outlining broad management direction on conserving wildlife and their habitats, plans identify wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities available to the public, including opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, wildlife photography, and environmental education and interpretation. The purpose of this notice is to achieve the following: (1) Advise other agencies and the public of our intentions, and (2) Obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to include in the environmental document.
Final Environmental Impact Statement/General Management Plan, Minidoka Internment National Monument, Jerome County, ID; Notice of Approval of Record of Decision
Pursuant to Section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91-190, as amended) and the implementing regulation promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR 1505.2), the Department of the Interior, National Park Service has prepared, and the Regional Director, Pacific West Region has approved, the Record of Decision for the General Management Plan for Minidoka Internment National Monument. The formal no-action period was officially initiated July 28, 2006, with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Federal Register notification of the filing of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Decision: As soon as practicable the monument will begin to implement as its new General Management Plan the Preferred Alternative (Alternative C) contained in the Draft and Final EIS. The selected plan features a deliberate, long-term strategy emphasizing on-site education and interpretation and the extensive treatment and use of cultural resources in telling the Minidoka story. A range or preservation techniques to protect and enhance historic resources will be employed, including delineation; stabilization, restoration, or rehabilitation; and limited reconstruction. A complete barracks block exhibit in its original location will be established. A visitor contact facility area will be developed by adaptively reusing existing historic buildings; there will be minimal new development. As document in the EIS, this course of action was also deemed to be the ``environmentally preferred'' alternative. The proposed plan and three alternatives were identified and analyzed in the Final EIS, and previously in the Draft EIS (the latter was distributed in June 2005). The full spectrum of foreseeable environmental consequences was assessed, and appropriation mitigation measures identified, for each alternative. Beginning with early scoping, through the preparation of the Draft and Final EIS, scores of public meetings were conducted and over 2000 interested individuals participated overall. Approximately 375 written comments were received during the scoping phase or in response to the Draft EIS (given the minor nature of comments received on the Draft EIS, an abbreviated format was used for the Final EIS). Key consultations or other contacts that aided in preparing the EIS involved (but were not limited to) the Jerome County Office of Planning and Zoning, Jerome County Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Offices in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, native American Tribes, Japanese American Citizens League, South Central Idaho Tourism Association, and adjoining land managing agencies. Local communities, county and city officials, and interested organizations were contacted extensively during initial scoping and throughout the GMP planning process. Copies: Interested parties desiring to review the Record of Decision may obtain a complete copy by contacting the Superintendent, Minidoka Internment National Monument, P.O. Box 570, Hagerman, Idaho 83332-0570; or via telephone request at (208) 837-4793.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan for Kings Mountain National Military Park, Blacksburg, SC
Pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, requirements of the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978, Public Law 95-625, and National Park Service Policy in Director's Order Number 2 (Park Planning) and Director's Order Number 12 (Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision- making) the National Park Service (NPS) will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan (EIS/GMP) for Kings Mountain National Military Park (KIMO) located near Blacksburg, South Carolina. The authority for publishing this notice is contained in 40 CFR 1501.7. The statement will assess potential environmental impacts associated with various types and levels of visitor use and resources management within KIMO. The NPS is currently accepting comments from interested parties on issues, concerns, and suggestions pertinent to the management of KIMO. Suggestions and ideas for managing the cultural and natural resources and visitor experiences at KIMO are encouraged. Comments may be submitted in writing to the address listed at the end of this notice or through the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) Web site, which is linked to the park's Web site at https://www.nps.gov/ kimo. The NPS will publish periodic newsletters on the PEPC Web site to present scoping issues and preliminary management concepts to the public as they are developed. Public meetings to present draft management concepts will be conducted in the local area. Specific locations, dates, and times will be announced in local media and on the PEPC Web site. If you wish to comment, you may submit your comments by any one of several methods. You may mail comments to Superintendent, Kings Mountain National Military Park, 2625 Park Road, Blacksburg, South Carolina 20702, telephone: 864-936-7921. You may also comment via the Internet to https://parkplanning.nps.gov/parkHome.cfm?parkId=390. Please submit internet comments as a plain text file, avoiding the use of special characters and any form of encryption. If you do not receive a confirmation from the system that we have received your internet message, contact us directly at 404-562-3124, extension 685. Finally, you may hand-deliver comments to Kings Mountain National Military Park, 2625 Park Road, Blacksburg, South Carolina 20702. Our practice is to make comments, including names, home addresses, home phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of respondents, available for public review. Individual respondents may request that we withhold their names and/or home addresses, etc., but if you wish us to consider withholding this information you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comments. In addition, you must present a rationale for withholding this information. This rationale must demonstrate that disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. Unsupported assertions will not meet this burden. In the absence of exceptional, documentable circumstances, this information will be released. We will always make submissions from organizations or businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives of or officials of organizations or businesses, available for public inspection in their entirety.
Notice of Meeting of the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Park Service (NPS), in accordance with the National Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000, announce the next meeting of the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ANPOAG ARC). This notice informs the public of the date, location, and agenda for the meeting. Date and Location: The NPOAG ARC will meet from November 28-30, 2006, at the Zion National Park Lodge, Zion National Park, Springdale, Utah 84767, phone number (435) 772-0211. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, November 28, 2006.
Environmental Impact Statement/General Management Plan; Ross Lake National Recreation Area, North Cascades National Park Complex, Skagit and Whatcom Counties, WA; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
In accord with Sec. 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321, et seq.), the National Park Service is undertaking a conservation planning and environmental impact analysis process for updating the General Management Plan (General Management Plan) for the Ross Lake National Recreation Area, in northwestern Washington. Ross Lake National Recreation Area is administratively managed as part of the North Cascades National Park Service Complex; however, this GMP will specifically address the Ross Lake unit of the part complex. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared concurrently with the GMP. The GMP is intended to set forth the basic management philosophy for this unit of the National Park System and provide the strategies for addressing issues and achieving identified management objectives for that unit. Thus, the GMP will serve as a blueprint to guide management of natural and cultural resources and visitor use during the next 15-20 years. One or more Development Concept Plans, which guide more detailed, site-specific preservation and development actions, may be included with the GMP. Consistent with NPS Planning Program Standards, the update GMP will: (1) Describe the Ross Lake National Recreation Area's (Ross Lake NRA) purpose, significance, and primary interpretive themes; (2) identify the fundamental resources and values of Ross Lake NRA, its other important resources and values, and describe the condition of these resources; (3) describe desired conditions for cultural and natural resources and visitor experiences throughout the Ross Lake NRA; (4) develop management zoning to support these desired conditions; (5) develop alternative applications of these management zones to the Ross Lake NRA's landscape (i.e., zoning alternatives); (6) address user capacity; (7) analyze potential boundary modifications; (8) ensure that management recommendations are developed in conclusion with interested stakeholders and the public and adopted by NPS after a thorough analysis of the benefits, potential environmental consequences, and economic costs of alternative courses of action; (9) develop cost estimates implementing each of the alternatives; and (10) identify and prioritize subsequent detailed studies, plans and actions that may be needed to implement the updated GMP. Scoping Process: A comprehensive scoping outreach effort is planned so as to elicit early public comment regarding issues and concerns, the nature and extent of potential environmental impacts (and as appropriate, mitigation measures), and possible alternatives that should be addressed in the preparing of the Draft EIS and proposed update to the GMP. Through the various scoping outreach activities planned, the NPS welcomes information and suggestions from the public regarding resource protection, visitor use, and land management. This notice formally initiates the public scoping comment phase for the EIS process. All written scoping comments must be postmarked not later than December 30, 2006. All comments should be addressed to: General Management Plan, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Attn: Bill Paleck, Superintendent, North Cascades National Park Service Complex, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, WA 92884-1289. At this time, it is expected that public workshops will be hosted in towns near Ross Lake NRA, and the metropolitan area of Seattle, Washington the week of October 16, 2006, and the week of October 23, 2006. Detailed information regarding these meetings will be posted on the GMP Web site (https:// parkplanning.nps.gov/rola). All participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments to the planning team. The GMP Web site will provide the most up-to-date information regarding the project, including project description, planning process updates, meeting notices, reports and documents, and useful links associated with the project; direct mailings will also be made periodically. Please note that our practice is to make comments, including names, home addresses, home phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of respondents, available for public review. Individual respondents may request that we withhold their names and/or home addresses, etc., but if you wish us to consider withholding this information you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comments. In addition, you must present a rationale for withholding this information. This rationale must demonstrate that disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. Unsupported assertions will not meet this burden. In the absence of exceptional, documentable circumstances, this information will be released. We will always make submissions from organizations or businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives of or officials of organizations or businesses, available for public inspection in their entirety. Supplementary Information: As noted above, Ross Lake NRA is managed as one unit of the North Cascades National Park Complex (North Cascades), which also includes North Cascades National Park (north and south units), and Lake Chelan National Recreation Area (which adjoins the park on the south). North Cascades is located deep in the northernmost reaches of the Cascades Range in Washington State and borders British Columbia, Canada. Management guidance for Ross Lake NRA was included in the North Cascades GMP (now 18 years old) and has become inadequate to address the policy and operational issues now facing park management for Ross Lake NRA. Since the completion of the North Cascades GMP, many changes have occurred that affect NRA management. Seattle City Light's three dam facilities have been re-licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The mitigation package approved as part of the relicensing agreement included several large-scale changes and improvements for Ross Lake NRA that were not included or fully envisioned in the 1988 North Cascades GMP. It is timely to update the GMP to address these large scale changes that are occurring in Ross Lake NRA and to address resource protection, visitor use, and management issues surrounding these enhancements. Additionally, Ross Lake NRA also faces other broad natural and cultural resource protection issuesthese include bioregional management strategies for grizzly bear recovery, control of invasive species, local climate change effects, changing lake levels, air quality, archeology, and American Indian traditional uses. Complementary management strategies will be pursued for these resource challenges. Visitor use within Ross Lake NRA has diversified and significantly increased since the 1988 North Cascades GMP, due in part to the enhanced recreational facilities. Boating on Diablo and Ross Lakes has intensified. Use of Washington State's North Cascades Highway 20 (which bisects approximately 25 miles of Ross Lake NRA) has increased dramatically and is the most popular motorcycle touring route in the region. The GMP update is needed to adequately provide management guidance for visitor use, boats, and motor vehicles within the Ross Lake NRA and address carrying capacity for visitor experience and resource protection. Following the completion of the 1988 North Cascades GMP, the Stephen Mather Wilderness within the North Cascades National Park Complex was designated by Congress in November 1988. This act brought 93% of the park complex under the provisions of the 1964 Wilderness Act, and 69% of Ross Lake NRA is designated wilderness (4% is designated potential wilderness). The new GMP is needed to adequately update zoning for the management of wilderness lands within Ross Lake NRA, and will ratify the current management contained in the Wilderness Management Plan. Trans-boundary ecosystem and recreation management is also a significant issue for Ross Lake NRA, which borders British Columbia provincial parks for five miles along its northern border. Hozomeen, at the US-Canada border, is the most developed access point onto Ross Lake. Ross Lake NRA is within a large extended watershed that begins in Canada, continues through the North Cascades and lower river valley, and then drains into the Pacific Ocean. An effort by Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission (SEE), an endowed organization established by international treaty, is underway to manage the upper Skagit watershed more holistically between Canada and the United States. The new GMP will address trans-boundary resource management issues as well as partnership opportunities with U.S. and Canadian entities. In addition, SEE has provided funding to the province of British Columbia to complete a managment plan for its provincial park units adjacent to Ross Lake NRA and within the upper Skagit watershed. Decision Process: Following the scoping phase and consideration of public concerns and other agency comments, a Draft EIS and proposed GMP will be prepared and released for public review. Availability of the forthcoming Draft EIS for public review and written comment will be formally announced with publication of a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register, as well as through local and regional news media, direct mailings, and via Web site postings. Following due consideration of all agency and public comment, a Final EIS will be prepared; it is anticipated that the final GMP proposal will be available in September 2009. As a delegated EIS, the official responsible for the decision on the proposed GMP is the Regional Director, Pacific West Region, National Park Service. Subsequently, the official responsible for implementation of the approved GMP would be the Superintendent, North Cascades National Park Service Complex.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; State of California; PM-10; Determination of Attainment for the San Joaquin Valley Nonattainment Area; Determination Regarding Applicability of Certain Clean Air Act Requirements
EPA is finalizing its determination that the San Joaquin Valley nonattainment area (SJV or the Valley) in California has attained the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (PM-10). This determination is based upon monitored air quality data for the PM-10 NAAQS during the years 2003- 2005. The SJV continues to attain the PM-10 NAAQS in 2006 based on the latest available quality assured data. EPA is also finalizing its determination that, because the SJV has attained the PM-10 NAAQS, certain Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act) requirements are not applicable for as long as the SJV continues to attain the PM-10 NAAQS.
Flight Simulation Training Device Initial and Continuing Qualification and Use
The FAA is amending the regulations to establish a new part to set forth qualification requirements for flight simulation training devices (FSTD). The new part consolidates and updates FSTD requirements that currently exist in different parts of the FAA's regulations and in advisory circulars. In addition, the FAA is requiring that sponsors of FSTDs have a Quality Management System. These changes are necessary to promote standardization and accountability for FSTD qualification, maintenance, and evaluation. The intended effect of the new part is to ensure that users of FSTDs receive training in devices that closely match the performance and handling characteristics of the aircraft being simulated.
Notice of Availability of Model Safety Evaluation on Technical Specification Improvement To Modify Requirements Regarding LCO 3.10.1, Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic Testing Operation Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process
Notice is hereby given that the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has prepared a model safety evaluation (SE) relating to the modification of shutdown testing requirements in technical specifications (TS) for Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). The NRC staff has also prepared a model no-significant-hazards-consideration (NSHC) determination relating to this matter. The purpose of these models is to permit the NRC to efficiently process amendments that propose to modify LCO 3.10.1. The proposed changes would revise LCO 3.10.1, and the associated Bases, to expand its scope to include provisions for temperature excursions greater than [200] [deg]F as a consequence of inservice leak and hydrostatic testing, and as a consequence of scram time testing initiated in conjunction with an inservice leak or hydrostatic test, while considering operational conditions to be in Mode 4. Licensees of nuclear power reactors to which the models apply could then request amendments, confirming the applicability of the SE and NSHC determination to their reactors.
Coal Lease Exploration License, WY; Notice of Invitation for Coal Exploration License Application, Powder River Coal, LLC, WYW173369, Wyoming
Pursuant to Section 2(b) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended by Section 4 of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, 90 Stat. 1083, 30 U.S.C. 201 (b), and to the regulations adopted as 43 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3410, all interested qualified parties, as provided in 43 CFR 3472.1, are hereby invited to participate with Powder River Coal, LLC on a pro rata cost sharing basis in its program for the exploration of coal deposits owned by the United States of America in the following-described lands in Campbell County, WY:
VA Directive and Handbook 5021, Employee/Management Relations
The Department of Veterans Affairs is making a technical amendment to VA Handbook 5021, Employee/Management Relations, dated April 15, 2002, to correct the citation for the Secretary's authority to issue regulations. Section 7421 of Title 38 provides the authority for the Secretary to prescribe by regulation the hours and conditions of employment and leaves of absence of employees appointed under any provisions of this chapter in positions in the Veterans Health Administration listed in subsection (b). Section 7304 of Title 38 provides the authority for the Under Secretary for Health to prescribe all regulations necessary to the administration of the Veterans Health Administration. VA Directive and Handbook 5021 was issued pursuant to the Secretary's authority under Section 7421. Two technical amendments are needed in VA Handbook 5021 to properly reflect the authority of the Secretary to issue regulations under 38 U.S.C. 7421. The first revision in Part II, Chapter 1, section 2, will replace the citation to 38 U.S.C. 7304 with the citation to 38 U.S.C. 7421 as the Secretary's authority to issue these regulations. The second revision in Part II, Chapter 2, section 2, will add the citation to the Secretary's authority. The current citation to 38 U.S.C. 7304 remains appropriate and unchanged as this Chapter issues delegations of authority by the Under Secretary for Health. The words or phrases that are proposed to be added to the regulations are shown in brackets. Only those sections of the existing regulations that contain proposed changes are included in this notice.
Medicare Program; Meeting of the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee-December 13, 2006
This notice announces a public meeting of the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee (``MCAC'' or ``the Committee''). MCAC provides guidance and advice to CMS on specific clinical topics under review for Medicare coverage. This meeting concerns reconsideration of the Medicare clinical trial policy. Notice of this meeting is given under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2, section 10(a)).
Notice of Intent To Grant Partially Exclusive License
This notice is issued in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209(c)(1) and 37 CFR 404.7(a)(1)(i). NASA hereby gives notice of its intent to grant a partially exclusive, worldwide license to practice the inventions described in NASA Case Numbers LAR-16383-1-NP entitled ``Electrically Conductive, Optically Transparent Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Composites and Process for Preparation Thereof,'' LAR-17126-1 entitled ``A Method for Producing Stable Dispersions of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Matrices Using Noncovalent Interactions,'' and LAR-17366-1 entitled ``A Method for Producing Stable Dispersions of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Matrices Using Dispersion Interaction,'' to Kolon Industries, Inc., having its principal place of business in Gwacheon City, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. The fields of use may be limited to laser printers and copiers. The patent rights in these inventions have been or will be assigned to the United States of America as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or jointly to the National Institute of Aerospace Associates and the United States of America as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The prospective partially exclusive license will comply with the terms and conditions of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR 404.7.
Canned Pineapple Fruit from Thailand: Preliminary Results of the Full Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order
On April 3, 2006, the Department of Commerce (the ``Department'') initiated a sunset review of the antidumping duty order on canned pineapple fruit (``CPF'') from Thailand pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the ``Act''). On the basis of substantive responses filed by domestic and respondent interested parties, the Department determined to conduct a full sunset review. As a result of this review, the Department preliminarily finds that revocation of the antidumping duty order would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping at the levels indicated in the Preliminary Results of Review section of this notice.
Notice of Information Collection
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Glycine From the People's Republic of China: Extension of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
The Department of Commerce (``the Department'') is extending the time limit for the preliminary results of the review of glycine from the People's Republic of China (``PRC''). This review covers the period March 1, 2005, through February 28, 2006.
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Reapproval of Deeming Authority of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. for Medicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organizations and Local Preferred Provider Organizations
This notice announces our proposal to reapprove Medicare Advantage Deeming Authority of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. for health maintenance organizations and local preferred provider organizations for a term of 6 years. This new term of approval begins July 12, 2006, and ends July 11, 2012. This notice also announces a 30-day period for public comments on renewal of the application.
Notice of Request for Extension of Approval of an Information Collection; Plum Pox Compensation
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's intention to request an extension of approval of an information collection associated with regulations that provide for the payment of compensation to owners of commercial stone fruit orchards and fruit tree nurseries whose trees or nursery stock were destroyed to eradicate plum pox.
Peanut Standards Board
The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 requires the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a Peanut Standards Board (Board) for the purpose of advising the Secretary on quality and handling standards for domestically produced and imported peanuts. The initial Board was appointed by the Secretary and announced on December 5, 2002. USDA seeks nominations for individuals to be considered for selection to the Board to fill a vacant Board position for the remainder of a term of office ending June 30, 2009. The Board consists of 18 members representing producers and industry representatives.
Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) Inviting Applications for the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP); Notice of Request for Emergency Review and Approval of a New Information Collection
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announces the availability of approximately $1.3 million in competitive grant funds for fiscal year 2007 to enable States to explore new market opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S. marketing system. Eligible applicants include State departments of agriculture, State agricultural experiment stations, and other appropriate State Agencies. Applicants are encouraged to involve industry groups, academia, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders in developing proposals and conducting projects. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), AMS is requesting emergency review and approval of a new information collection.
Notice of the Availability of the Record of Decision for Proposed Federal Correctional Institution-Berlin, NH
The U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) concerning the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed development of a Federal Correctional Institution to be located in Berlin, Coos County, New Hampshire. Background Information: Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the Council of Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508), BOP has prepared Draft and Final EISs for the development of a medium-security Federal Correctional Institution to house approximately 1,230 adult male inmates, a satellite work camp to house approximately 128 minimum- security inmates, staff training facilities, and ancillary facilities in Berlin, New Hampshire. Project Information: The BOP is responsible for carrying out judgements of the Federal courts whenever a period of confinement is ordered. Subsequently, the mission of the BOP is to protect society by confining offenders in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure, and that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens. Approximately 162,200 inmates are currently housed within the 114 federal correctional institutions that have levels of security ranging from minimum to maximum; a number exceeding the combined rated capacities of all federal correctional facilities. Measures being taken to manage the growth of the federal inmate population include construction of new institutions, acquisition and adaptation of facilities originally intended for other purposes, expansion and improvement of existing correctional facilities, and expanded use of contract beds. Adding capacity through these various means allows the BOP to work toward the long-term goal of reduced system-wide crowding. The proposed action in Berlin, New Hampshire, is part of the BOP's comprehensive expansion effort and would consist of construction and operation of a medium-security Federal Correctional Institution, a satellite work camp to house minimum-security inmates, staff training facilities, along with ancillary facilities. The principal function of the correctional facility would be to provide a safe, secure and humane environment for the care and custody of federal inmates, primarily from the Northeast region of the country. Upon activation, the facility would have a staff of approximately 300 to 350 full-time employees who would provide 24-hour supervision. Development of the proposed facility will necessitate the acquisition of approximately 700 acres of land by the BOP exclusive of lands which may be acquired for mitigation purposes. The BOP evaluated alternatives as part of the EIS including the No Action Alternative, development of the proposed project at alternative locations nationwide, development of the proposed project at alternative locations within the Northeast United States, and development of the proposed project at one of four alternative sites located in Berlin, New Hampshire. Each of the four alternative sites located in Berlin, New Hampshire, is examined in detail in the Draft and Final EISs with development of the proposed project at Site A1 located northeast of downtown Berlin identified by the Draft and Final EISs as the Preferred Alternative. The BOP issued a Draft EIS in March 2006 with publication of the Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register on March 24, 2006. The NOA provided for a 45-day public comment period which began on March 24, 2006, and ended on May 8, 2006. During the public comment period, the BOP held a public hearing concerning the proposed action and the Draft EIS on April 19, 2006. Approximately 200 individuals attended the public hearing which was held in Berlin, New Hampshire. The Final EIS addressed comments received on the Draft EIS and publication of the NOA in the Federal Register concerning the Final EIS occurred on August 11, 2006. The 30-day review period for receipt of public comments concerning the Final EIS ended on September 11, 2006. Approximately 500 comment letters, post cards, and other forms of communication were received by the BOP during the Final EIS public review period. The comment letters received on the Final EIS are similar to comments received by the BOP on the Draft EIS and were considered in the decision presented in the ROD. BOP provided written notices of the availability of the Draft EIS and Final EIS in the Federal Register, two newspapers with local and regional circulations, and through three local public libraries. The BOP also distributed approximately 175 copies (each) of the Draft EIS and Final EIS to federal and state agencies, state and local governments, elected officials, interested organizations, and individuals. Availability of Record of Decision: The Record of Decision and other information regarding this project are available upon request. To request a copy of the Record of Decision, please contact: Pamela J. Chandler, Chief, or Issac J. Gaston, Site Selection Specialist, Site Selection and Environmental Review Branch, Federal Bureau of Prisons, 320 First Street, NW., Washington, DC 20534 Tel: 202-514-6470 Fax: 202- 616-6024 / E-mail: pchandler@bop.govigaston@bop.gov
Membership of the Merit Systems Protection Board's Senior Executive Service; Performance Review Board
Notice is hereby given of the members of the Performance Review Board.
FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel; Notice of Public Meeting
There will be a 4-day meeting of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel FIFRA SAP to consider and review Worker Exposure Assessment Methods.
Organic Arsenical Herbicides (MSMA, DSMA, CAMA, and Cacodylic Acid), Reregistration Eligibility Decision; Extension of Comment Period
EPA issued a notice in the Federal Register of August 9, 2006, concerning the availability of the reregistration eligibility decision (RED) for the organic arsenical herbicides MSMA, DSMA, DAMA, and cacodylic acid. EPA also issued a notice in the Federal Register of October 4, 2006, announcing the extension of the original comment period by 30 days. This document is extending the comment period until December 13, 2006.
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