Joint Board for Enrollment of Actuaries September 8, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Quality Assurance Program Description-Design Certification, Early Site Permit and New License Applicants
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing a final revision to NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition,'' Section 17.5, ``Quality Assurance Program DescriptionDesign Certification, Early Site Permit and New License Applicants.''
Entergy Operations, Inc.; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering issuance of an amendment to Facility Operating License No. NPF-038, issued to Entergy Operations, Inc. (the licensee), for operation of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3. The proposed amendment will modify Technical Specification (TS), ``Control Element Assembly [CEA] Drop Time,'' and the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Chapter 15, ``Accident Analyses.'' Specifically, the amendment would change TS to revise the arithmetic average of all CEA drop times to be less than or equal to 3.5 seconds.
Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes: Meeting Notice
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will convene a teleconference meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) on October 28, 2015, to discuss the ACMUI subcommittee's report on the ACMUI review and comments of Petitions for Rulemaking (PRM)-20-28, 20-29, and 20-30, ``Linear No-Threshold Model and Standards for Protection Against Radiation.'' Meeting information, including a copy of the agenda and handouts, will be available at 2015.html. The agenda and handouts may also be obtained by contacting Ms. Sophie Holiday using the information below.
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: Holtec International HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System, Certificate of Compliance No. 1040, Amendment No. 1
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is confirming the effective date of September 8, 2015, for the direct final rule that was published in the Federal Register on June 23, 2015. This direct final rule amended the NRC's spent fuel storage regulations by revising the Holtec International, Inc. (Holtec), HI-STORM (Holtec International Storage Module) Underground Maximum Capacity (UMAX) Canister Storage System listing within the ``List of approved spent fuel storage casks'' to add Amendment No. 1 to Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1040. Amendment No. 1 provides a seismically enhanced version of the HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System, identified as the ``Most Severe Earthquake (MSE)'' version that could be used in areas with higher seismic demands than those analyzed previously. Amendment No. 1 also includes minor physical design changes to help ensure structural integrity of the amended system. These are the addition of a hold-down system to the closure lid; replacing the fill material in the interstitial spaces between the cavity enclosure containers (CECs) surrounding the casks with 3000 psi concrete; strengthening the multi- purpose canister (MPC) guides, and engineering the guides' nominal gap with the MPC to be tighter than the original HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System design.
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received and is considering approval of one amendment request. The amendment request is for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. For this amendment request, the NRC proposes to determine that it involves no significant hazards consideration. In addition, the amendment request contains sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information (SUNSI).
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