Environmental Protection Agency August 28, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 12 of 12
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
EPA is proposing to approve revisions to the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). These revisions concern volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from leaking components at industrial facilities such as petroleum refineries and chemical manufacturing plants. We are proposing to approve a local rule to regulate these emission sources under the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 (CAA or the Act). At the same time, we are also approving a Negative Declaration and removing rules from the SIP.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
EPA is taking direct final action to approve revisions to the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). These revisions concern volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from leaking components at facilities such as oil refineries and chemical manufacturing plants. We are approving a local rule that regulates these emission sources under the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 (CAA or the Act). At the same time, we are also approving an AVAQMD Negative Declaration and removing rules from the SIP.
Assessment of Anticipated Visibility Improvements at Surrounding Class I Areas and Cost Effectiveness of Best Available Retrofit Technology for Four Corners Power Plant and Navajo Generating Station: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
The Environmental Protection Agency is providing an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) concerning the anticipated visibility improvements and the cost effectiveness for different levels of air pollution controls as Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) for two coal-fired power plants, Four Corners Power Plant (FCPP) and Navajo Generating Station (NGS), located on the Navajo Nation. This ANPR briefly describes the provisions in Part C, Subpart II of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act), EPA's implementing regulations, and the Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) for promulgating Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) to protect visibility in national parks and wilderness areas known as Class I Federal areas.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA does not object to the proposed project. Rating LO.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District and Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
EPA is proposing to approve revisions to the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) and the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control (SBCAPCD) portions of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). We are proposing to approve
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District and Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
EPA is taking direct final action to approve revisions to the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) and Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (SBCAPCD) portions of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). Under authority of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 (CAA or the Act), we
Notice of a Project Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American Requirement) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to the Bristol Family Center Water System in Bristol, VT, the Kids in the Country School Water System in Dover, VT, and the Otter Valley Union High School Water System in Brandon, VT
The EPA is hereby granting a project waiver of the Buy American requirements of ARRA Section 1605 under the authority of Section 1605(b)(2) [manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality] to the Bristol Family Center Water System in Bristol, Vermont, the Kids in the Country Water System in Dover, Vermont, and the Otter Valley Union High School in Brandon, Vermont (the ``Systems'') for the purchase of NSF-55 Class A certified Ultra Violet (UV) disinfection equipment. This is a project specific waiver and only applies to the use of the specified product for the ARRA funded projects being proposed. Any other ARRA project that may wish to use the same product must apply for a separate waiver based on project specific circumstances. The UV disinfection equipment under consideration is manufactured outside of the United States by a company based in Canada and meets the water systems' technical specifications and requirements. The Acting Regional Administrator is making this determination based on the review and recommendations of the Municipal Assistance Unit. The Systems have provided sufficient documentation to support each individual request. The Assistant Administrator of the Office of Administration and Resources Management has concurred on this decision to make an exception to Section 1605 of the ARRA. This action permits the purchase of specific UV disinfection equipment for the proposed projects being implemented by the Bristol Family Center Water System in Bristol, Vermont, Kids in the Country Water System in Dover, Vermont, and Otter Valley Union High School Water System in Brandon, Vermont.
Notice of a Regional Project Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to the Plymouth Village Water & Sewer District, New Hampshire
The EPA is hereby granting a waiver of the Buy America requirements of ARRA Section 1605 under the authority of Section 1605(b)(2) [manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality] to the Plymouth Village Water & Sewer District, New Hampshire (``District'') for the purchase of a foreign manufactured rotary sludge dewatering press. This is a project specific waiver and only applies to the use of the specified product for the ARRA project being proposed. Any other ARRA recipient that wishes to use the same product must apply for a separate waiver based on project specific circumstances. The District's proposed wastewater treatment facility improvements will include a replacement of the existing belt filter press for sludge generated at the plant. Based upon information submitted by the District and its consultants, it was determined that a 6 channel rotary press sludge dewatering unit, manufactured by Fournier Industries of Quebec, Canada, will meet the District's design and performance specifications. The Acting Regional Administrator is making this determination based on the review and recommendations of the Municipal Assistance Unit. The District through its design engineer, has provided sufficient documentation to support their request. The Assistant Administrator of the Office of Administration and Resources Management has concurred on this decision to make an exception to Section 1605 of ARRA. This action permits the purchase of a 6 channel rotary press sludge dewatering unit, manufactured by Fournier Industries, by the District, as specified in its June 26, 2009 waiver request, as part of the improvements to the wastewater treatment facility.
Access to Confidential Business Information by Industrial Economics, Inc.
EPA has authorized its contractor, Industrial Economics, Inc. of Cambridge, MA, to access information which has been submitted to EPA under all sections of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Some of the information may be claimed or determined to be Confidential Business Information (CBI).
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Airport Deicing Category
EPA is proposing technology-based effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) and new source performance standards (NSPS) under the Clean Water Act (CWA) for discharges from airport deicing operations. The requirements generally would apply to wastewater associated with the deicing of aircraft and airfield pavement at primary commercial airports. The ELGs would be incorporated into the NPDES permits issued by EPA, states or tribes. EPA expects compliance with this regulation to reduce the discharge of deicing-related pollutants by at least 44.6 million pounds per year. EPA estimates the annual cost of the rule would be $91.3 million.
Control of Emissions From New Marine Compression-Ignition Engines at or Above 30 Liters per Cylinder
EPA is proposing emission standards for new marine diesel engines with per cylinder displacement at or above 30 liters (called Category 3 marine diesel engines) installed on U.S. vessels, under section 213 of the Clean Air Act (CAA or ``the Act''). The proposed engine standards are equivalent to the nitrogen oxides (NOX) limits recently adopted in the amendments to Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Annex VI) and are based on the position advanced by the United States Government as part of those international negotiations. The near-term standards for newly-built engines would apply beginning in 2011. Long-term standards would begin in 2016 and are based on the application of high-efficiency aftertreatment technology. We are also proposing a change to our diesel fuel program that would forbid the production and sale of marine fuel oil above 1,000 ppm sulfur for use in the waters within the proposed U.S. ECA and internal U.S. waters and allow for the production and sale of 1,000 ppm sulfur fuel for use in Category 3 marine vessels.
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