Effluent Limitation Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Airport Deicing Category, 44676-44718 [E9-20291]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Part 449
[EPA–HQ–OW–2004–0038 FRL–8948–2]
RIN 2040–AE69
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and New
Source Performance Standards for the
Airport Deicing Category
AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is proposing technologybased effluent limitation guidelines
(ELGs) and new source performance
standards (NSPS) under the Clean Water
Act (CWA) for discharges from airport
deicing operations. The requirements
generally would apply to wastewater
associated with the deicing of aircraft
and airfield pavement at primary
commercial airports. The ELGs would
be incorporated into the NPDES permits
issued by EPA, states or tribes. EPA
expects compliance with this regulation
to reduce the discharge of deicingrelated pollutants by at least 44.6
million pounds per year. EPA estimates
the annual cost of the rule would be
$91.3 million.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before December 28, 2009. Under the
Paperwork Reduction Act, comments on
the information collection provisions
must be received by the Office of
Management and Budget on or before
September 28, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket No. EPA–HQ–OW–
2004–0038 by one of the following
• http:www.regulations.gov: Follow
the on-line instructions for submitting
• E-mail: OW–Docket@epa.gov,
Attention Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–
• Mail: Water Docket, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Mail
Code: 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC 20460. Attention
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2004–
0038. Please include a total of 3 copies.
In addition, please mail a copy of your
comments on the information collection
provisions to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Attn:
Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th St., NW.,
Washington, DC 20503.
• Hand Delivery: Water Docket, EPA
Docket Center, EPA West Building
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC, Attention Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2004–0038. Such
deliveries are only accepted during the
Docket’s normal hours of operation, and
special arrangements should be made
for deliveries of boxed information by
calling 202–566–2426.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket No EPA–HQ–OW–2004–0038.
EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through www.regulations.gov
or e-mail. The www.regulations.gov
Web site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’
system, which means EPA will not
know your identity or contact
information unless you provide it in the
body of your comment. If you send an
e-mail comment directly to EPA without
going through https://
www.regulations.gov your e-mail
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, EPA may not be
able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should avoid the use of
special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the https://
www.regulations.gov index. A detailed
record index, organized by subject, is
available on EPA’s Web site at https://
epa.gov/guide/airport. Although listed
in the index, some information is not
publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
will be publicly available only in hard
copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available either
electronically in https://
www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
the Water Docket in the EPA Docket
Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334,
1301 Constitution Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC. The Public Reading
Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The telephone number
for the Public Reading Room is 202–
566–1744, and the telephone number for
the Water Docket is 202–566–2426.
Strassler, Engineering and Analysis
Division, telephone: 202–566–1026;
e-mail: strassler.eric@epa.gov or Brian
D’Amico, Engineering and Analysis
Division, telephone: 202–566–1069;
e-mail: damico.brian@epa.gov.
Regulated Entities
Entities potentially regulated by this
action include:
North American Industry
System Code
Example of regulated entity
Industry .....................................................
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
Primary airports with over 1,000 annual jet departures that conduct deicing operations.
This section is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by this action. Other types of
entities that do not meet the above
criteria could also be regulated. To
determine whether your facility is
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regulated by this action, you should
carefully examine the applicability
criteria listed in § 449.01 and the
definitions in § 449.02 of the rule and
detailed further in Section IV of this
preamble. If you still have questions
regarding the applicability of this action
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to a particular entity, consult one of the
persons listed for technical information
in the preceding FOR FURTHER
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
How To Submit Comments
The public may submit comments in
written or electronic form. (See the
ADDRESSES section above.) Electronic
comments must be identified by the
docket no. EPA–HQ–OW–2004–0038
and must be submitted as a
WordPerfect, MS Word or ASCII text
file, avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption.
EPA requests that any graphics included
in electronic comments also be provided
in hard-copy form. EPA also will accept
comments and data on disks in the
aforementioned file formats. Electronic
comments received on this notice may
be filed online at many Federal
Depository Libraries. No confidential
business information (CBI) should be
sent by e-mail.
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Supporting Documentation
The rule proposed today is supported
by a number of documents including:
• Technical Development Document
for Proposed Effluent Limitation
Guidelines and Standards for the
Airport Deicing Category (TDD),
Document No. EPA–821–R–09–004;
• Economic Analysis for Proposed
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and
Standards for the Airport Deicing
Category (EA), Document No. EPA–821–
• Environmental Impact and Benefit
Assessment for Proposed Effluent
Limitation Guidelines and Standards for
the Airport Deicing Category (EIB),
Document No. EPA–821–R–09–003.
These documents are available in the
public record for this rule and on EPA’s
Web site at https://epa.gov/guide/airport.
They are available in hard copy from the
National Service Center for
Environmental Publications (NSCEP),
U.S. EPA/NSCEP, P.O. Box 42419,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242–2419, telephone
800–490–9198, https://epa.gov/
The preamble describes the terms,
acronyms, and abbreviations used in
this notice; the background documents
that support these proposed regulations;
the legal authority of these rules; a
summary of the proposal; background
information; and the technical and
economic methodologies used by the
Agency to develop these regulations.
This preamble also solicits comment
and data on specific areas of interest.
Table of Contents
I. Legal Authority
II. Purpose and Summary of Proposed Rule
III. Background
IV. Scope/Applicability of Proposed Rule
V. Industry Profile
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VI. Summary of Data Collection
VII. Technology Options, Costs, Wastewater
Characteristics, and Pollutant Reductions
VIII. Economic Analysis for Airports
IX. Airline Impacts
X. Environmental Assessment
XI. Non-Water Quality Environmental
XII. Regulatory Implementation
XIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
XIV. Solicitation of Data and Comments
XV. Guidelines for Submission of Analytical
Appendix A: Abbreviations and Definitions
Used in This Document
I. Legal Authority
EPA is proposing this regulation
under the authorities of sections 301,
304, 306, 308, 402 and 501 of the Clean
Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. 1311, 1314,
1316, 1318, 1342 and 1361 and pursuant
to the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990,
42 U.S.C. 13101 et seq.
II. Purpose and Summary of Proposed
Section 304(m) of the CWA, added by
the Water Quality Act of 1987, requires
EPA to establish schedules for (1)
reviewing and revising existing effluent
limitation guidelines and standards
(‘‘effluent guidelines’’) and (2)
promulgating new effluent guidelines.
On September 2, 2004, EPA published
an Effluent Guidelines Plan (69 FR
53705) that established schedules for
developing new and revised effluent
guidelines for several industry
categories. One of the industries for
which the Agency established a
schedule was the Airport Deicing
Category. Today EPA proposes to set
national standards for control of
wastewater discharges from deicing
operations at airports. Deicing
operations include removal of ice from
aircraft, application of chemicals to
prevent initial icing or further icing
(anti-icing), and removal of (and
preventing) ice from airfield pavement
(runways, taxiways, aprons and ramps).
Commercial airports and air carriers
conduct deicing operations as required
by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA). Airport discharges from deicing
operations may affect water quality,
including reductions in dissolved
oxygen, fish kills, reduced organism
abundance and species diversity,
contamination of drinking water sources
(both surface and groundwater), creation
of noxious odors and discolored water
in residential areas and parkland, and
other effects.
The proposed effluent guidelines and
standards address both the wastewater
collection practices used by airports,
and the treatment of those wastes.
Airports within the scope of this
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proposed rule would be required to
collect spent aircraft deicing fluid (ADF)
and treat the associated wastewater.
Additionally, airports performing
airfield pavement deicing would be
required to use non-urea-based deicers.
The requirements would be
implemented in CWA discharge
III. Background
A. Clean Water Act
Congress passed the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act Amendments of
1972, also known as the Clean Water
Act (CWA), to ‘‘restore and maintain the
chemical, physical, and biological
integrity of the nation’s waters.’’ (33
U.S.C. 1251(a)). The CWA establishes a
comprehensive program for protecting
our nation’s waters. Among its core
provisions, the CWA prohibits the
discharge of pollutants from a point
source to waters of the U.S. except as
authorized under the CWA. Under
section 402 of the CWA, EPA authorizes
discharges by a National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit. The CWA also authorizes EPA
to establish national technology-based
effluent limitation guidelines and
standards (effluent guidelines or ELGs)
for discharges from different categories
of point sources, such as industrial,
commercial and public sources.
Congress recognized that regulating
only those sources that discharge
effluent directly into the nation’s waters
would not be sufficient to achieve the
CWA’s goals. Consequently, the CWA
requires EPA to promulgate nationally
applicable pretreatment standards that
restrict pollutant discharges from
facilities that discharge wastewater
indirectly through sewers flowing to
publicly owned treatment works
(POTWs). See section 307(b) and (c), 33
U.S.C. 1317(b) and (c). National
pretreatment standards are established
for those pollutants in wastewater from
indirect dischargers that may pass
through, interfere with or are otherwise
incompatible with POTW operations.
Generally, pretreatment standards are
designed to ensure that wastewaters
from direct and indirect industrial
dischargers are subject to similar levels
of treatment. In addition, POTWs are
required to implement local treatment
limits applicable to their industrial
indirect dischargers to satisfy any local
requirements. See 40 CFR 403.5.
Direct dischargers must comply with
effluent limitations in NPDES permits.
Indirect dischargers, who discharge
through POTWs, must comply with
pretreatment standards. Technologybased effluent limitations in NPDES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
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permits are derived from effluent
limitation guidelines (CWA sections 301
and 304) and new source performance
standards (sec. 306) promulgated by
EPA, or based on best professional
judgment where EPA has not
promulgated an applicable effluent
guideline or new source performance
standard. Additional limitations based
on water quality standards (sec. 303)
may also be included in the permit in
certain circumstances. The ELGs are
established by regulation for categories
of industrial dischargers and are based
on the degree of control that can be
achieved using various levels of
pollution control technology.
EPA promulgates national effluent
limitation guidelines and standards of
performance for major industrial
categories for three classes of pollutants:
(1) Conventional pollutants (i.e., total
suspended solids, oil and grease,
biochemical oxygen demand, fecal
coliform, and pH); (2) toxic pollutants
(e.g., toxic metals such as chromium,
lead, nickel, and zinc; toxic organic
pollutants such as benzene, benzo-apyrene, phenol, and naphthalene); and
(3) non-conventional pollutants (e.g.,
ammonia-N, formaldehyde, and
B. NPDES Permits
Section 402 of the CWA requires
permits for discharges of pollutants to
waters of the United States. In most
states, the permits are issued by a state
agency that has been authorized by EPA.
Currently 46 states and 1 U.S. territory
are authorized to issue NPDES permits.
In the other states and territories, EPA
issues the permits.
Section 402(p) of the Act, added by
the Water Quality Act of 1987 (Pub. L.
100–4, February 4, 1987), requires
stormwater dischargers ‘‘associated with
industrial activity’’ to be covered under
an NPDES permit. In its initial
stormwater permit regulations, called
the ‘‘Phase I’’ stormwater regulations (55
FR 47990, November 16, 1990), EPA
designated air transportation facilities,
including both airlines and airports,
which have vehicle maintenance shops
(including vehicle rehabilitation,
mechanical repairs, painting, fueling,
and lubrication), equipment cleaning
operations, or airport deicing operations
as subject to NPDES stormwater
permitting requirements. See 40 CFR
Airport stormwater discharges may be
controlled under a general NPDES
permit, which covers multiple facilities
with similar types of operations and/or
wastestreams, or by an individual
permit. (An airport may have additional
NPDES permits for non-stormwater
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discharges, such as from equipment
repair and maintenance facilities. The
following discussion pertains only to
stormwater permits.)
1. General Permits
Currently most airport deicing
discharges are covered by a general
permit issued either by EPA or by an
NPDES-authorized state agency. In most
areas where EPA is the permit authority,
the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP)
covers airport deicing discharges (73 FR
56572, September 29, 2008). Many
NPDES-authorized state agencies have
issued general permits in their
respective jurisdictions with
requirements similar to the MSGP. An
airport seeking coverage under a general
permit submits a Notice of Intent (NOI)
to the permit authority rather than a
detailed permit application. By
submitting an NOI, the permittee is
agreeing to comply with the conditions
in the published permit.
For airports, the major requirements
of the MSGP are:
• Develop a stormwater pollution
prevention plan (SWPPP), including a
drainage area site map, documentation
of measures used for management of
runoff, an evaluation of runway and
aircraft deicing operations, and
implementation of a program to control
or manage contaminated runoff,
including consideration of various listed
control practices;
• Implement deicing source reduction
measures, including minimizing or
eliminating the use of urea and glycolbased deicing chemicals; minimizing
contamination of stormwater runoff
from runway and aircraft deicing
operations; evaluating whether overapplication of deicing chemicals occurs;
and consider use of various listed
source control measures;
• For airports using over 100,000 gal.
of glycol based deicing chemicals and/
or 100 tons or more of urea annually,
monitor discharges quarterly for the first
four quarters of the permit cycle, for the
following pollutants: biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), ammonia and
• If the average of the four monitoring
values for any parameter exceeds its
benchmark, implement additional
control measures where feasible, and
continue monitoring;
• Conduct an annual site inspection
during the deicing season, and during
periods of actual deicing operations if
possible; and routine facility
inspections at least monthly during the
deicing season.
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2. Individual Permits
Some EPA and state NPDESpermitting authorities have required
certain airports to obtain individual
permits. In these situations, an airport
must submit a detailed application and
the permit authority develops specific
requirements for the facility.
Some individual permits contain
specialized requirements for monitoring
and/or best management practices.
Some of these permits also contain
numeric water quality-based effluent
limitations (WQBELs). Information on
water quality-based permitting is
available on EPA’s Web site at https://
C. Effluent Guidelines and Standards
Effluent guidelines and new source
performance standards are technologybased regulations that are developed by
EPA for a category of dischargers. These
regulations are based on the
performance of control and treatment
technologies. The legislative history of
CWA section 304(b), which is the heart
of the effluent guidelines program,
describes the need to press toward
higher levels of control through research
and development of new processes,
modifications, replacement of obsolete
plans and processes, and other
improvements in technology, taking into
account the cost of controls. Congress
also directed that EPA not consider
water quality impacts on individual
water bodies as the guidelines are
developed. See Statement of Senator
Muskie (Oct. 4, 1972), reprinted in
Legislative History of the Water
Pollution Control Act Amendments of
1972, at 170. (U.S. Senate, Committee
on Public Works, Serial No. 93–1,
January 1973.)
There are four types of standards
applicable to direct dischargers
(dischargers to surface waters), and two
standards applicable to indirect
dischargers (discharges to publicly
owned treatment works or POTWs).
1. Best Practicable Control Technology
Currently Available (BPT)
Traditionally, EPA establishes BPT
effluent limitations based on the average
of the best performances of facilities
within the industry, grouped to reflect
various ages, sizes, processes, or other
common characteristics. EPA may
promulgate BPT effluent limits for
conventional, toxic, and nonconventional pollutants. In specifying
BPT, EPA looks at a number of factors.
EPA first considers the cost of achieving
effluent reductions in relation to the
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
effluent reduction benefits. The Agency
also considers the age of the equipment
and facilities, the processes employed,
engineering aspects of the control
technologies, any required process
changes, non-water quality
environmental impacts (including
energy requirements), and such other
factors as the Administrator deems
appropriate. See CWA sec. 304(b)(1)(B).
If, however, existing performance is
uniformly inadequate, EPA may
establish limitations based on higher
levels of control than currently in place
in an industrial category when based on
an Agency determination that the
technology is available in another
category or subcategory, and can be
practically applied.
2. Best Conventional Pollutant Control
Technology (BCT)
The 1977 amendments to the CWA
required EPA to identify additional
levels of effluent reduction for
conventional pollutants associated with
BCT technology for discharges from
existing industrial point sources. In
addition to other factors specified in
section 304(b)(4)(B), the CWA requires
that EPA establish BCT limitations after
consideration of a two part ‘‘costreasonableness’’ test. EPA explained its
methodology for the development of
BCT limitations in July 1986 (51 FR
24974). Section 304(a)(4) designates the
following as conventional pollutants:
biochemical oxygen demand measured
over five days (BOD5), total suspended
solids (TSS), fecal coliform, pH, and any
additional pollutants defined by the
Administrator as conventional. The
Administrator designated oil and grease
as an additional conventional pollutant
on July 30, 1979 (44 FR 44501; 40 CFR
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3. Best Available Technology
Economically Achievable (BAT)
BAT represents the second level of
stringency for controlling direct
discharge of toxic and nonconventional
pollutants. In general, BAT effluent
limitation guidelines represent the best
economically achievable performance of
facilities in the industrial subcategory or
category. The factors considered in
assessing BAT include the cost of
achieving BAT effluent reductions, the
age of equipment and facilities
involved, the process employed,
potential process changes, and nonwater quality environmental impacts
including energy requirements, and
such other factors as the Administrator
deems appropriate. The Agency retains
considerable discretion in assigning the
weight to be accorded these factors. An
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additional statutory factor considered in
setting BAT is economic achievability.
Generally, EPA determines economic
achievability on the basis of total costs
to the industry and the effect of
compliance with BAT limitations on
overall industry and subcategory
financial conditions. As with BPT,
where existing performance is
uniformly inadequate, BAT may reflect
a higher level of performance than is
currently being achieved based on
technology transferred from a different
subcategory or category. BAT may be
based upon process changes or internal
controls, even when these technologies
are not common industry practice.
4. New Source Performance Standards
New Source Performance Standards
reflect effluent reductions that are
achievable based on the best available
demonstrated control technology.
Owners of new facilities have the
opportunity to install the best and most
efficient production processes and
wastewater treatment technologies. As a
result, NSPS should represent the most
stringent controls attainable through the
application of the best available
demonstrated control technology for all
pollutants (that is, conventional,
nonconventional, and priority
pollutants). In establishing NSPS, EPA
is directed to take into consideration the
cost of achieving the effluent reduction
and any non-water quality
environmental impacts and energy
5. Pretreatment Standards for Existing
Sources (PSES)
Pretreatment standards apply to
discharges of pollutants to publicly
owned treatment works (POTW) rather
than to discharges to waters of the
United States. Pretreatment Standards
for Existing Sources are designed to
prevent the discharge of pollutants that
pass through, interfere with, or are
otherwise incompatible with the
operation of POTWs. Categorical
pretreatment standards are technologybased and are analogous to BAT effluent
limitation guidelines. The General
Pretreatment Regulations, which set
forth the framework for the
implementation of categorical
pretreatment standards, are found at 40
CFR part 403. These regulations
establish pretreatment standards that
apply to all non-domestic dischargers.
See 52 FR 1586 (Jan. 14, 1987).
6. Pretreatment Standards for New
Sources (PSNS)
Section 307(c) of the Act calls for EPA
to promulgate pretreatment standards
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for new sources at the same time it
promulgates new source performance
standards. Such pretreatment standards
must prevent the discharge of any
pollutant into a POTW that may
interfere with, pass through, or may
otherwise be incompatible with the
POTW. EPA promulgates categorical
pretreatment standards for existing
sources based principally on BAT
technology for existing sources. EPA
promulgates pretreatment standards for
new sources based on best available
demonstrated technology for new
sources. New indirect dischargers have
the opportunity to incorporate into their
facilities the best available
demonstrated technologies. The Agency
typically considers the same factors in
promulgating PSNS as it considers in
promulgating NSPS.
IV. Scope/Applicability of Proposed
EPA solicits comments on various
issues specifically identified in this
preamble as well as any other issues
related to this rule that are not
specifically addressed in today’s notice.
A. Facilities Subject to 40 CFR Part 449
EPA is proposing to establish effluent
limitation guidelines and standards for
primary commercial airports that
conduct deicing operations and have
more than 1,000 annual departures of
scheduled commercial jet aircraft.
Further information on the rationale for
the proposed scope is provided in
Section VII.D.1 of this preamble and in
both the TDD and the EA.
B. Overview of Technology
The proposed rule would require an
airport subject to this Part to:
• Collect at least a specified
proportion (either 20 or 60 percent) of
available ADF after it is sprayed on
• Meet a specified numeric effluent
limit for ADF wastewater collected and
discharged on site; and
• Certify that it uses airfield
pavement deicers that do not contain
All references to ADF in today’s
proposed rule are for normalized ADF,
which is ADF less any water added by
the manufacturer or customer before
ADF application.
The technologies that serve as the
basis for the proposed ELGs are
summarized in Table IV–1 and Figure
IV–1. These provisions are explained in
Section VII of this preamble.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
Technical components
BAT ............
Technology basis
1. 60% or 20% ADF
2. Biological treatment ...
NSPS .........
3. Pavement deicer
product substitution.
1. 60% ADF capture ......
2. Biological treatment ...
3. Pavement deicer
product substitution.
Airports > 1,000 annual jet departures and
>= 10,000 annual departures
Airports > 1,000 annual jet departures and
< 10,000 annual departures
1. Capture 60% of available ADF (for airports
having >= 460,000 gal. ADF usage) or capture
20% (for airports < 460,000 gal. ADF usage).
2. Treat wastewater to meet effluent limit for
chemical oxygen demand (COD).
3. Certify use of non-urea-based pavement deicers or Meet effluent limit for ammonia.
1. Capture 60% of available ADF ..........................
1. Certify use of non-urea-based pavement deicers or Meet effluent limit for ammonia.
1. Certify use of non-urea-based pavement deicers or Meet effluent limit for ammonia.
2. Treat wastewater to meet effluent limit for
chemical oxygen demand (COD).
3. Certify use of non-urea-based pavement deicers or Meet effluent limit for ammonia.
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Note: All references to ADF are for normalized ADF, which is ADF less any water added by the manufacturer or customer before ADF
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V. Industry Profile
A. Airport Population
The Airport and Airway Improvement
Act (AAIA), 49 U.S.C. Chapter 471,
defines airports by categories of airport
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activities, including Commercial Service
(Primary and Non-Primary), Cargo
Service, and Reliever. These categories
are not mutually exclusive; an airport
may be classified in more than one of
these categories. Another group of
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generally smaller airports, not
specifically defined by AAIA, is
commonly known as ‘‘general aviation’’
airports. EPA estimates that there are
approximately 500 commercial service
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
Commercial service airports are
publicly owned airports that have at
least 2,500 passenger boardings each
calendar year and receive scheduled
passenger service. Passenger boardings
refer to revenue passenger boardings on
an aircraft in service in air commerce,
whether or not in scheduled service.
The definition also includes passengers
who continue on an aircraft in
international flight that stops at an
airport in any of the 50 States for a nontraffic purpose, such as refueling or
aircraft maintenance rather than
passenger activity. Passenger boardings
at airports that receive scheduled
passenger service are also referred to as
Primary commercial service airports
(primary airports) have more than
10,000 passenger boardings each year.
Primary airports are further subdivided
into Large Hub, Medium Hub, Small
Hub and Non-Hub classifications, based
on the percentage of total passenger
boardings within the United States in
the most current calendar year ending
before the start of the current fiscal year.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
B. FAA Deicing Requirements
The Federal Aviation Administration
requires airlines to deice aircraft and
airfield pavement to protect the safety of
passenger and cargo operations. FAA
regulations in 14 CFR Part 121 require
a complete deicing/anti-icing program.
The regulations in 14 CFR Parts 121,
125 and 135 regulate takeoff when
snow, ice, or frost is adhering to wings,
propellers, control surfaces, engine
inlets, and other critical surfaces of the
aircraft. FAA does not require airlines to
use a specific technology when deicing
aircraft. In fact, airlines develop their
own deicing protocols to meet the
requirements of 14 CFR 125.221.
Additionally, FAA has released
Advisory Circulars (AC) which provide
guidance for aircraft and airfield
deicing, including AC 20–73A (Aircraft
Ice Protection), AC 135–16 (Ground
Deicing & Anti-icing Training &
Checking), AC 120–58 (Pilot Guide:
Large Aircraft Ground Deicing) and AC
150/5300–14B (Design of Aircraft
Deicing Facilities). Advisory Circulars
are available on FAA’s Web site at
C. Description of Deicing Operations
A major concern for the safety of
passengers is the clearing of ice and
snow buildup on runways, taxiways,
roadways, gate areas, and aircraft. Two
basic types of deicing/anti-icing
operations are generally performed at an
airport: the deicing/anti-icing of aircraft,
and the deicing/anti-icing of paved
areas, including runways, taxiways,
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roadways, and gate areas. The most
common technique for the deicing/antiicing of aircraft is the application of
chemical deicing/anti-icing agents.
Deicing of runways, taxiways, and
roadways is most commonly performed
using mechanical means, but may also
be performed using chemical agents.
The anti-icing of paved areas is typically
conducted with anti-icing chemicals.
1. Aircraft Deicing
Aircraft deicing involves the removal
of frost, snow, or ice from an aircraft.
Aircraft anti-icing generally refers to the
prevention of the accumulation of frost,
snow, or ice. The responsibility for
performing deicing/anti-icing varies
between airports, but it is usually
performed by a combination of
individual airlines and support
contractors, commonly called fixed-base
operators (FBOs) or ground service
providers. Airlines typically select
procedures for deicing/anti-icing their
aircraft, which are then approved by the
a. Chemical Deicing Practices
In the deicing/anti-icing process,
aircraft are usually sprayed with
deicing/anti-icing fluids (ADF) that
contain chemical deicing agents;
however, non-chemical methods are
also performed. Deicing/anti-icing
occurs when the weather conditions are
such that ice or snow accumulates on an
aircraft. During snowstorms, freezing
rain, or cold weather that causes frost to
accumulate on aircraft surfaces
including the wings, deicing is
necessary to ensure the safe operation of
aircraft. Studies have concluded that
even a small amount of ice, if located on
critical aircraft surfaces (e.g., leading
edge of the wing), can cause significant
decreases in lift.
The typical deicing season runs from
October through April for most airports
in the northern U.S. In colder areas, the
deicing season may extend over a longer
period. In warmer climates, the deicing
season may be shorter or deicing may
rarely occur. However, it is important to
note that deicing may be needed in hot,
humid areas at any time. Some aircraft
may experience frost build-up after
landing at an airport in a hot, humid
area. (The phenomenon is similar to
frost forming on a cold glass of water
exposed to hot, humid air and occurs for
the same reason that the cold glass
developed frost. Fuel chills when a
plane operates at high altitudes where
the temperature is very cold. When the
plane lands in a hot, humid area, the
cold fuel chills the fuel tank. If the tank
is very close to the surface of the wing,
it causes frost to form on the wing.)
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ADF works by adhering to aircraft
surfaces to remove and/or prevent snow
and ice accumulation. Non-chemical
methods include the use of mechanical
or thermal means (e.g., infrared heating)
to prevent, remove, or melt ice and
snow. Two types of deicing are
performed: Wet-weather and dryweather deicing, depending on a
number of climatic and operational
factors. Wet-weather deicing is
performed during storm events that
include precipitation such as snow,
sleet, or freezing rain. Dry-weather
deicing is performed when changes in
the ambient temperature cause frost or
ice to form on aircraft but no
precipitation is present. Dry-weather
deicing may also be performed on some
types of aircraft whose fuel tanks
become super-cooled during highaltitude flight, resulting in ice formation
at lower altitudes and after landing. Dryweather deicing may occur at
temperatures up to 55° Fahrenheit (F),
but generally requires a significantly
smaller volume of deicing fluid than
wet-weather deicing.
During typical wet-weather
conditions, 150 to 1,000 gallons of ADF
may be used on a single commercial jet,
while as little as 10 gallons may be used
on a small corporate jet. An estimated
1,000 to 4,000 gallons may be needed to
deice a larger commercial jet during
severe weather conditions. Aircraft antiicing fluids are applied in much smaller
volumes than their deicing counterparts
are. A commercial jet requires
approximately 35 gallons of fluid for
anti-icing after deicing. Generally, dryweather deicing requires 20 to 50
gallons of deicing fluid, depending on
the size of the aircraft.
Chemical aircraft deicers are
categorized into four classes. Not all
types are currently used. Fluid types
vary by composition and allowed
holdover time (the estimated time for
which deicing/anti-icing fluid will
prevent the formation of frost or ice and
the accumulation of snow on the treated
surfaces of an aircraft). Type I is the
most commonly used fluid and is used
primarily for aircraft deicing. These
types of fluids typically contain glycol
as the active ingredient (usually
ethylene glycol or propylene glycol),
along with water and additives, and
remove accumulated ice and snow from
aircraft surfaces. Types II, III, and IV
were developed for anti-icing. These
fluids form a protective anti-icing film
on aircraft surfaces to prevent the
accumulation of ice and snow. Antiicing fluids are composed of either
ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, a
small amount of thickener, water, and
additives. The additives in aircraft
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
deicing and anti-icing fluids may
include corrosion inhibitors, flame
retardants, wetting agents, identifying
dyes, and foam suppressors. Type IV
fluids can provide up to a 70 minute
holdover time, depending on
atmospheric conditions. (Holdover time
is the amount of time a given aircraft
treatment by ground anti-icing fluid
remains effective. Holdover time
effectively runs out when frozen
deposits start to form or accumulate on
treated aircraft surfaces.) Most large
airlines use both Type I and Type IV
Aircraft deicing and anti-icing
operations usually occur at terminal
gates, gate aprons, taxiways, or
centralized deicing pads. Centralized
deicing pads may be located near
terminals and gates, along taxiways
serving departure runways, or near the
departure end of runways. Each airport
may use only one or a combination of
all of these locations for deicing/antiicing. The amount and type of deicing
performed at each location may vary.
For example, an airport with deicing
pads may allow air carriers to perform
minimal deicing at gates, at a level
sufficient to move the aircraft safely,
and require all other deicing operations
to be conducted at a pad.
If deicing is not conducted at the gate,
then, prior to takeoff, an aircraft will
taxi to an airport-approved deicing/antiicing location. Depending on the deicing
location design, several aircraft may be
deiced simultaneously on a single
deicing pad. Deicing trucks and/or spray
equipment mounted on fixed booms
apply the appropriate ADF. One to four
deicer trucks may be used for deicing a
single aircraft, depending on its size and
weather conditions. When holdover
times are exceeded prior to takeoff,
secondary deicing/anti-icing is
necessary. If an aircraft must return to
the gate or another designated location
for secondary deicing/anti-icing, its
departure may be substantially delayed.
The need for secondary deicing will
likely decrease as more airlines use
Type IV fluids to extend the allowable
holdover time.
While the FAA has issued regulations
and guidance on conducting deicing/
anti-icing operations, the aircraft pilot is
ultimately responsible for determining
whether the deicing performed is
adequate. The pilot may inspect the
aircraft after deicing and order
additional deicing or anti-icing.
Dry-weather deicing, also referred to
as clear ice deicing, may be performed
whenever ambient temperatures are
cold enough to form ice on aircraft
wings (below 55° F). Dry-weather
deicing is also used to defrost
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windshields and wingtips on commuter
planes and is usually conducted
throughout the entire deicing/anti-icing
b. Non-Chemical Deicing Practices
Non-chemical deicing methods
involve mechanical or thermal means to
remove ice and snow from aircraft
surfaces. Dry, powdery snow can be
swept from aircraft using brooms or
brushes. Hot air blowers can also be
used to remove snow mechanically with
forced air and to melt ice and snow. In
addition, some smaller aircraft are
equipped with inflatable pneumatic or
hydraulic boots that can expand to
break ice off the leading edges of wings
and elevators.
Mechanical snow removal methods
(e.g., using nylon brooms and ropes to
remove snow from parked aircraft) are
typically only used in the early morning
because they are time-intensive and
labor-intensive, and would be too
disruptive to airline schedules during
the day. Mechanical methods are
typically also used in conjunction with
fluid application and are dependent on
climate and operational variables.
Personnel must be properly trained and
provided with appropriate equipment so
as not to damage navigational
equipment mounted on aircraft. Airlines
typically use brooms to remove as much
snow and ice as possible before
applying conventional aircraft deicing
Other non-chemical deicing
practices—infrared heating, forced air
and hot air systems—are being used at
several airports throughout the U.S.
These technologies are described in
Section VII.B.3, Pollution Prevention
2. Airfield Pavement Deicing
Pavement snow removal and deicing/
anti-icing removes or prevents the
accumulation of frost, snow, or ice on
runways, taxiways, aprons, gates, and
ramps. A combination of mechanical
methods and chemical deicing/antiicing agents is used for pavement
deicing at airports. Runway deicing/
anti-icing is typically performed by
airport personnel or a contractor hired
by the authority. Some ramp, apron,
gate, and taxiway deicing/anti-icing may
be performed by other entities, such as
airlines and FBOs that operate on those
areas. Pavement deicing typically occurs
during the same season as aircraft
deicing, but may be shorter or longer
than the aircraft deicing season.
a. Mechanical Methods
Mechanical methods, such as plows,
brushes, blowers, and shovels for snow
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removal, are the most common form of
runway deicing, and may be used in
combination with chemical methods.
Airports generally own multiple pieces
of snow removal equipment and have
employees trained to operate them.
Sand may be used to increase the
friction of icy paved areas. Because
winter storm events can be
unpredictable, personnel trained in
pavement deicing/anti-icing may be
available at an airport 24 hours a day
during the winter season.
b. Chemical Methods
Because ice, sleet, and snow may be
difficult to remove by mechanical
methods alone, most airports use a
combination of mechanical methods
and chemical deicing agents. Common
pavement deicing and anti-icing agents
include potassium acetate, sodium
acetate, urea, ethylene glycol-based
fluids, propylene glycol-based fluids,
and sodium formate. Road salt (i.e.,
sodium chloride or potassium chloride)
may be used to deice/anti-ice paved
areas that are not used by aircraft (e.g.,
automobile roadways and parking areas)
but are not considered suitable for
deicing/anti-icing taxiways, runways,
aprons, and ramps because of their
corrosive effects on aircraft.
Many airports perform deicing of
heavy accumulations of snow and ice
using mechanical equipment followed
by chemical applications. Pavement
anti-icing may be performed based on
predicted weather conditions and
pavement temperature. Deicing and
anti-icing solutions are applied using
either truck-mounted spray equipment
or manual methods.
3. Estimates of Deicing Activity
a. Aircraft Deicing Chemical Usage
Airlines use approximately 25 million
gallons of ADF annually, consisting of
22.1 million gallons of propylene glycolbased deicers and almost 3 million
gallons of ethylene glycol-based deicers.
EPA estimates that approximately 320
primary airports conduct deicing
operations annually and that
approximately 85 percent of this ADF
(21.6 million gallons) is used at 110 of
the 320 airports.
b. Airfield Pavement Deicing Chemical
Primary airports use approximately 71
million pounds of chemical deicers on
airfield pavement (runways, taxiways
and ramps) annually. The six most
frequently used deicers, with estimated
percentages by weight, are as follows:
potassium acetate (63 percent); urea (12
percent); propylene glycol-based fluids
(11 percent); sodium acetate (9 percent);
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
sodium formate (3 percent); and
ethylene glycol-based fluids (2 percent).
VI. Summary of Data Collection
A. Previous EPA Data Collection
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
1. 1993 Screener Questionnaire
In 1992, EPA began developing
effluent guidelines and standards for the
Transportation Equipment Cleaning
(TEC) category (40 CFR Part 442). The
scope of the TEC regulation at that time
included facilities that clean the
interiors of tank trucks, rail tank cars,
and tank barges; facilities that clean
aircraft exteriors; and facilities that
deice/anti-ice aircraft and/or airport
pavement. Initial data collection efforts
for this project related to airport deicing
operations included development and
administration of a ‘‘screener’’
questionnaire that was administered in
1993. The screener questionnaire was
developed, in part, to enable EPA to: (1)
Identify facilities that perform TEC
aircraft operations; (2) evaluate facilities
based on wastewater, economic, and
operational characteristics; and (3)
develop technical and economic profiles
of the industry. Subsequent to
distribution of the screener
questionnaire, EPA decided not to
include the aircraft segment as part of
the TEC effluent guidelines that were
promulgated in 2000 (65 FR 49665,
August 14, 2000). The Agency indicated
that its recently-issued stormwater
regulations and permits under the
NPDES program imposed new
requirements for airport discharges, and
that aircraft cleaning and airport deicing
operations were significantly different
from other portions of the TEC category.
EPA mailed the screener
questionnaire to 760 entities that
potentially perform aircraft exterior
cleaning and/or aircraft or pavement
deicing/anti-icing operations. Following
the screener questionnaire mail-out and
analyses of responses, EPA estimated
that, in 1993, there were 588 entities
(i.e., airlines and FBOs) that perform
deicing/anti-icing operations.
2. 1998–99 Preliminary Data Summary
EPA conducted a study of airport
deicing practices in 1998–99 and
published a report in 2000. (Preliminary
Data Summary: Airport Deicing
Operations (Revised), Document No.
821–R–00–016, August 2000). The study
described deicing operations in the
industry, wastewater characteristics and
procedures for its collection and
treatment. The study was conducted to
comply with CWA sec. 304(m), which
requires the Agency to publish a
biennial Effluent Guidelines Plan, and a
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consent decree in Natural Resources
Defense Council and Public Citizen, Inc.
v. Browner (D.D.C. 89–2980, as modified
February 4, 1997). As part of the study,
EPA distributed short questionnaires to
several aviation sectors, including those
involved in deicing; conducted site
visits to airports; and conducted
wastewater sampling episodes.
a. Questionnaires
In 1999, EPA sent questionnaires to
airports, an airline industry association,
equipment vendors, and publicly owned
treatment works (POTW), and requested
data about the 1998–99 deicing season.
The Airport Questionnaire was sent to
nine airports and asked for information
on aircraft and airfield deicing
activities; wastewater handling and
treatment; and airport structure,
finances and operations. A
questionnaire requesting financial data
was sent to an airline industry
association, which provided
information about the deicing
operations of 12 of its members, and
eight regional airlines also received
questionnaires. The Vendor
Questionnaire was sent to nine
businesses and requested information
about equipment used to collect,
control, recycle/recover, treat or reduce
the generation of glycol-contaminated
wastewater from aircraft and airfield
deicing operations. The POTW
Questionnaire was sent to nine facilities
and requested information about
potential pollutants in wastewater
discharges from airports, and the
potential environmental impacts
stemming from POTWs’ acceptance of
these wastes.
b. Wastewater Sampling
EPA conducted six sampling episodes
for the study. Two of these episodes
obtained data on ADF, and four
episodes obtained data on ADFcontaminated wastewater and final
effluent data from airports with various
collection and treatment systems.
c. Airport Site Visits
EPA visited 16 airports between 1997
and 1999 (including one visit before the
formal commencement of the study).
Information gathered included deicing
operations, names and quantities of
deicing chemical products used,
wastewater characterization, treatment
technologies and costs, and financial
data. The Agency obtained effluent selfmonitoring data from some of the
airports that were visited.
d. Other Data Sources
EPA collected data on NPDES permits
and from the Toxic Release Inventory
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database, which have wastewater
discharge information. EPA also
collected data from state, local, and
other federal agencies, including the
FAA, Department of Transportation and
the United States Geological Survey
(USGS); and Canadian federal agencies
involved with airport environmental
issues. These included interviews
conducted during site visits, airport
effluent monitoring data, airline
operations data (i.e., departures and
enplanement statistics), and economic
and financial information about the
industry. All of the collected data are
available in the record for this proposed
B. 2006–07 Industry Surveys
For this proposed rule, EPA
developed a series of survey
questionnaires to compile a complete
profile of the industry with regard to
type and amounts of deicing chemicals
used, collection systems, and
wastewater treatment systems. These
questionnaires expanded on the
Agency’s earlier survey efforts by the
design of a scientific national statistical
sample of airports and development of
a reasonable national estimate of deicing
activity by major airlines. A
comprehensive set of questions and data
tables was also developed. In designing
the questionnaires, EPA consulted with
airport and airline industry
representatives, including the American
Association of Airport Executives
(AAAE), Airports Council
International—North America (ACI–NA)
and the Air Transport Association
(ATA). The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approved the
questionnaires on January 13, 2006, and
EPA distributed the questionnaires
during 2006 and 2007.
1. Airline Screener
EPA designed a short ‘‘screener’’
questionnaire to obtain basic
information from air carriers on which
organizations actually performed
deicing services for a particular carrier,
at specified airport locations (i.e., the
airline conducted its own deicing, it
contracted with another airline, or it
used an FBO). EPA used the results of
this questionnaire to select respondents
for the Detailed Airline Questionnaire.
The screener was distributed to 72
airlines and requested information on
deicing activities at 149 airports. EPA
distributed the screener to the industry
in April 2006.
2. Airport Questionnaire
EPA designed the Airport Deicing
Questionnaire to serve as the Agency’s
primary data source for airport-specific
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
information. The questionnaire
requested information on a number of
topics including, general airport
information, deicing operations, deicing
stormwater collection and conveyance,
deicing stormwater treatment, sampling
data, pollution prevention, receiving
waters, and airport financial
EPA distributed the Airport Deicing
Questionnaire to the industry in April
2006. The questionnaire was sent to 153
airports, including a census of all large
and medium hub airports, as well as a
sample survey of all Small and Non-Hub
Airports. (General aviation airports were
not included in the survey, except for a
few with large cargo operations, because
these airports are used mainly by small
private airplanes that typically do not
fly during icing conditions, and
therefore are sites where little or no
ADF use occurs.)
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
3. Detailed Airline Questionnaire
EPA designed the Detailed Airline
Questionnaire in order to learn more
about the airlines’ role in deicing
operations, as well as to get information
that is more precise on ADF usage. This
questionnaire was EPA’s primary data
source for airline-specific information.
The questionnaire asked questions on
topics including deicing operations,
ADF purchase and usage, pollution
prevention practices, and operational
costs. The questionnaire was sent in
March 2007 to 58 air carriers, covering
deicing operations at 57 airports. This
questionnaire requested information on
a number of topics including: General
airline information, airline deicing
practices, pollution prevention practices
and deicing costs.
C. Site Visits
In order to become familiar with the
day-to-day operations at airports, as
well as learn some of the more sitespecific issues that arise with deicing,
EPA conducted site visits at more than
20 airports. EPA visited airports that
had specific treatment technologies in
place, in order to learn more about these
technologies. Some of the airports
included were Denver, Pittsburgh and
General Mitchell (Milwaukee). All site
visits were documented with Site Visit
Reports (SVRs), which are in the record
for today’s proposed rule (Record Index,
Section 2.3).
D. Wastewater Sampling Episodes
EPA collected several wastewater
samples for chemical analysis during
sampling episodes at six airports to
characterize pollutants found in ADFcontaminated runoff, and to assess the
performance of treatment systems. The
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Agency conducted episodes at these six
airports in 2005 and 2006: Minneapolis/
St. Paul International Airport, Detroit
Metropolitan Wayne County
International Airport, Albany
International Airport, Denver
International Airport, Greater Rockford
(Illinois) Airport, and Pittsburgh
International Airport. At the first two
airports, EPA conducted one-day
sampling episodes, to provide a general
characterization of wastewater from
deicing operations. The subsequent four
events were multiple-day performance
sampling episodes, which were
designed to document the performance
of wastewater treatment systems.
For each analytical chemical class or
parameter, EPA collected 24-hour
composite samples when possible, in
order to capture the variability in the
waste streams containing ADF generated
throughout the day. EPA used the data
from the laboratory analyses of these
samples to develop a list of pollutants
of concern, and characterize the raw
wastewater at airports. EPA used the
data collected from the influent,
intermediate, and effluent points to
analyze the efficacy of treatment at the
facilities, and to develop current
discharge concentrations, loadings, and
the treatment technology options for the
Airport Deicing effluent guideline. EPA
used effluent data, along with data
provided by industry in the
questionnaires and other sources, to
calculate the long-term averages and
limitations for each of the proposed
regulatory options. During each
sampling episode, EPA collected flow
rate data corresponding to each sample
collected and production information
from each associated production system
for use in calculating pollutant loadings.
EPA has included in the public record
all information collected for which a
facility has not asserted a claim of
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or which would indirectly reveal
information claimed to be CBI.
After conducting the sampling
episodes, EPA prepared sampling
episode reports for each facility. These
reports included descriptions of the
wastewater treatment processes,
sampling procedures, and analytical
results. EPA documented all data
collected during sampling episodes in
the sampling episode report for each
sampled site. Non-confidential business
information from these reports is
available in the public record for this
proposal. For detailed information on
sampling and preservation procedures,
analytical methods, and quality
assurance/quality control procedures
see the Quality Assurance Project Plans
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and the Sampling and Analysis Plans
(Record Index, Section 2.4).
E. Other Data Collection
EPA collected other information from
various other data sources including:
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permits for
information on current permit
requirements; industry correspondence
on technology costs and long-term
wastewater monitoring data; and
searches of technical and scientific
literature, covering current deicing
practices and treatment technologies,
current airport deicing runoff data,
chemical information and
environmental impact studies, and
current stormwater regulations in the
United States and other countries.
F. Summary of Public Participation
EPA has met or corresponded with
many airport and airline
representatives, citizen and
environmental groups, vendors of
deicing chemicals and equipment, state
permit agencies, other Federal agencies
and engineering consulting firms. The
Agency has attended conferences on
airport deicing and has given
presentations at several of those
conferences. Correspondence from these
organizations about the proposed rule is
in the Record for the proposed rule.
VII. Technology Options, Costs,
Wastewater Characteristics, and
Pollutant Reductions
A. Wastewater Sources and Wastewater
1. Aircraft Deicing
Most ADF is applied to aircraft
through pressurized spraying systems,
mounted either on trucks that move
around an aircraft, or on large fixed
boom devices located at a pad dedicated
to deicing. Airlines typically purchase
ADF in concentrated form (normalized)
and dilute it with water prior to
Most of the aircraft deicing fluid is
Type I fluid, which is not designed to
adhere to aircraft surfaces. Consequently
the majority of Type I ADF is available
for discharge due to dripping,
overspraying, tires rolling through or
sprayed with fluid, and shearing during
takeoff. Once the ADF has reached the
ground, it will then mix with
precipitation, as well as other chemicals
found on airport pavements. (These
chemicals typically include aircraft fuel,
lubricants and solvents, and metals from
aircraft, ground support and utility
vehicles.) Water containing these
substances enters an airport’s storm
drain system. At many airports, the
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
storm drains discharge directly to
waters of the United States with no
Type IV fluid, an anti-icing chemical,
is designed to adhere to the aircraft.
Because of this adherence characteristic,
EPA estimated that the majority of Type
IV fluid is not available for discharge.
For the purposes of this proposed
rule, the pollutant loadings are
discussed in terms of applied ADF and
how much of that is expected to be
discharged. A more detailed discussion
of loadings estimates is presented later
in this section. Given the highly variable
nature of storm events, it is difficult to
estimate flows or concentrations of
ADF-contaminated stormwater
generated at an airport. Those factors are
greatly dependent on the size of the
storm event associated with the
discharge, drainage characteristics, ADF
collection systems (if present), and
airport operations. Additionally, due to
the design of drainage systems at some
airports, their discharges may occur
well after a storm event has completed.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
2. Airfield Pavement Deicing
Most solid airfield deicing chemical
products are composed of an active
deicing ingredient (e.g., potassium
acetate, sodium acetate) and a small
amount of additives (e.g., corrosion
inhibitors). Liquid airfield deicing
chemical products are composed of an
active ingredient (e.g., potassium
acetate, propylene glycol), water, and
minimal additives. The airfield deicing
products that include salts (i.e.,
potassium acetate, sodium acetate, and
sodium formate) will all ionize in water,
creating positive salt ions (K+, Na+),
BOD5 and COD load as the acetate or
formate ion degrades into carbon
dioxide (CO2) and water. Pavement
deicers containing urea will degrade to
ammonia, and generate BOD5 and COD
load as well.
Most of EPA’s sampling data does not
include airfield pavement deicers.
However, EPA collected samples from a
few locations at Detroit Metro Airport
that contain airfield deicing stormwater.
Large hub airports, both Detroit Metro
and Pittsburgh, provided sampling data
associated with stormwater
contaminated by airfield pavement
deicers. More information on these
sampling activities is provided in the
TDD. As with the aircraft deicers, the
variablity of storm events and drainage
systems make it difficult to estimate
flows or concentrations of pavement
deicing waste streams generated at an
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B. Control and Treatment Technologies
in the Aviation Industry
The ADF application process has
presented a challenge for airports
attempting to manage their
contaminated stormwater streams. The
airlines’ process of applying ADF to
aircraft through high pressure spraying,
combined with their typical practices of
spraying the aircraft outdoors in
multiple, large unconfined (but usually
designated) spaces, results in pollutants
being dispersed over a wide area and
entering storm drains at multiple
locations. This process contrasts sharply
with many other industries where
pollutants are generated in confined
areas, managed through a piping system,
and not commingled with precipitation.
EPA has identified several
technologies that are available to collect
and manage portions of the ADF
wastestream. Some of these collection
technologies are more effective than
others; however, EPA has not identified
any single technology that is capable of
collecting all applied ADF. Typically,
ADF that is not captured becomes
available for discharge, either through
an airport’s drainage system, or from
shearing off the aircraft during takeoff.
Once the ADF wastestream is
collected, it can be treated, and this
process is similar to many other
industries that generate wastewater.
EPA identified four technologies
available for treating ADF wastewater.
EPA also examined pollution
prevention technologies, which can
reduce or eliminate use of ADF
chemicals and urea for pavement
1. Aircraft Deicing Fluid Collection
a. Glycol Recovery Vehicle
A glycol recovery vehicle (GRV) is a
truck that utilizes a vacuum mechanism
to gather stormwater contaminated with
ADF resulting from deicing operations.
A GRV is a modular technology, in that
collection capacity can be increased by
using additional units, without the
complicating factors of in-ground
construction associated with some other
technologies. An airport may increase
its overall ADF collection capacity by
purchasing or leasing larger units and/
or additional units.
GRV trucks are typically stationed
near the ADF spraying trucks and are
deployed either during aircraft deicing
activities or, after the aircraft deicing
activity has completed. The truck then
transports the ADF-contaminated
stormwater to an on-site storage facility,
after which the material is either treated
at the airport or sent off site for
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treatment. EPA estimates that GRVs
typically capture approximately 20
percent of the available ADF when
properly operated and maintained.
b. Plug and Pump
The plug-and-pump collection system
involves simple alterations to an
airport’s existing storm drain system,
typically the insertion of blocking plugs
or similar devices in storm drains,
combined with use of GRVs, to contain
and collect ADF-contaminated
stormwater. Drainage system
modifications involve the placement of
temporary blocking devices at storm
drain inlets, and/or installation of
shutoff valves at one or more points in
the storm sewer system. Before a deicing
event begins, airport personnel activate
the blocking devices, which trap the
ADF-contaminated stormwater in the
collection system. After the deicing
activity ceases, the vacuum trucks pump
the contaminated stormwater from the
storm sewer system and transport the
liquid to on-site storage and subsequent
treatment. EPA estimates that plug-andpump systems, which incorporate
GRVs, may capture approximately 40
percent of the available ADF when
properly operated and maintained.
c. Centralized Deicing Pads
A centralized deicing pad is a facility
on an airfield built specifically for
aircraft deicing operations. It is typically
a paved area adjacent to a gate area,
taxiway, or runway, and constructed
with a drainage system separate from
the airport’s main storm drain system. It
is usually constructed of concrete with
sealed joints to prevent the loss of
sprayed ADF through the joints. The
pad’s collection system is typically
connected to a wastewater storage
facility, which then may send the
wastewater to an on-site or off-site
treatment facility.
Some airports use GRVs in
combination with centralized deicing
pads in order to maximize collection
and containment of ADF-contaminated
stormwater. Airports typically locate the
pads near the gate areas or at the
threshold of a runway to minimize
delays in aircraft takeoff and to enhance
the effectiveness of the ADF applied by
limiting time between application and
Centralized deicing pads reduce the
volume of deicing wastewater by
restricting deicing to very small areas,
and managing the captured wastewater
through a dedicated drain system. EPA
estimates that central deicing pads
allow airports to capture about 60
percent of the available ADF.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
In addition, although the name
implies a small collection area, central
pads designed to accommodate more
than one commercial aircraft generally
encompass several acres. A deicing pad
is specially graded and designed to
capture highly contaminated runoff,
which can then be sent to storage ponds,
tanks or directly to treatment. By
capturing high concentrations of spent
ADF, the feasibility of recycling
increases. Recovered glycol is typically
sold to chemical manufacturers for use
in a variety of products, including
coatings, paints, plastics and polyester
d. Summary of ADF Collection
Technology Usage
EPA estimates the number of airports
that use each of the above collection
technologies in Table VII–1. Some
airports use more than one technology,
and some of the airports in the estimate
use the technology for only a portion of
their ADF-contaminated stormwater.
Collection technology
Number of
Glycol Recovery Vehicle ..........
Plug and Pump .........................
Centralized Deicing Pad ...........
See the Technical Development
Document for further explanation of
EPA’s estimates of the ADF capture
rates for the fluid collection
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
2. Wastewater Treatment and Recycling
EPA identified four potential BAT
wastewater technologies. Two of these
technologies are biological in that they
use microorganisms to break down the
glycol. The other two technologies are
mechanical and produce two
wastestreams, one a high concentrated
glycol stream, and one that is primarily
water for discharge. The high glycol
stream can, in some instances, be
recycled and used for a variety of
products. There have been limited
instances in the U.S. of recycled glycol
used for ADF formulation.
a. Anaerobic Fluidized Bed
An Anaerobic Fluidized Bed (AFB)
treatment system uses a vertical,
cylindrical tank in which the ADFcontaminated stormwater is pumped
upwards through a bed of granular
activated carbon at a velocity sufficient
to fluidize, or suspend, the media. A
thin film of microorganisms grows on
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and coats each granular activated carbon
particle, providing a vast surface area
for biological growth. These
microorganisms provide treatment of
the ADF-contaminated stormwater.
Byproducts from the AFB treatment
system include methane, carbon dioxide
and new biomass (animal material, e.g.
Treating wastes using an anaerobic
biological system as compared to an
aerobic system offers several
advantages. The anaerobic system
requires much less energy since aeration
is not required and the anaerobic system
produces less than 10 percent of the
sludge of an aerobic process. In
addition, because the biological process
is contained in a sealed reactor, odors
are eliminated. Based on EPA sampling
results, the AFB treatment system
successfully removed over 98 percent of
BOD5, over 97 percent of COD, and over
99 percent of propylene glycol from the
wastestream. This reduced the BOD5
and COD loads discharged to receiving
waters by over 98 and 97 percent,
respectively. Two airports in the United
States use the AFB technology: Albany
County Airport in Albany, New York,
and Akron-Canton Regional Airport,
Akron, Ohio.
b. Ultrafiltration/Reverse Osmosis
Ultrafiltration/Reverse Osmosis
(UF/RO) technology filters ADFcontaminated stormwater at a high
temperature (75 °C) using an
ultrafiltration membrane as its first
stage. Next, the deicing fluid (filtrate)
can be dewatered using a reverse
osmosis membrane as a second stage.
Since the ultrafiltration membrane is
effective at removing contaminants, the
RO stage is used for dewatering and
glycol separation. This process produces
a glycol-laden stream that can be
distilled in an additional stage to
increase its glycol concentration.
Concentrated glycol streams can be
recycled as a feedstock in chemical
manufacturing. The effluent from the
UF/RO system contains small amounts
of glycol, carbonaceous BOD (cBOD)
and COD, and can either be discharged
to surface water, or sent to a POTW for
further treatment.
Based on EPA sampling results, the
RO treatment system successfully
removed over 99 percent of BOD5, over
99 percent of COD, and over 99 percent
of propylene glycol. UF/RO technology
is used at Pittsburgh International
c. Mechanical Vapor Recompression
and Distillation
Mechanical Vapor Recompression
(MVR) followed by distillation is
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typically used when glycol
concentrations in ADF-contaminated
stormwater are greater than 5 percent.
This type of a system is not generally
practical for lower concentration glycol
contaminated stormwater, which would
typically be discharged directly to a
POTW for treatment. The MVR/
distillation technology generates a
concentrated glycol stream (containing
greater than 99 percent glycol) that can
be sold as a chemical feedstock. The
effluent from the MVR/distillation
system contains propylene glycol, cBOD
and COD and it must be discharged to
a POTW for further treatment.
MVR and distillation is used at
Denver International Airport for recycle
and recovery of spent ADF. The system
first treats ADF-contaminated
stormwater using the MVRs, which
increase the glycol concentration to
approximately 40 percent. Effluent from
the MVRs is then treated by distillation
to increase the glycol concentration to
approximately 99 percent. The glycol
product is passed through polishing
filters to remove residual contaminants
allowing for resale of the product as a
chemical feedstock. Overheads
(distillate) from both the MVRs and
distillation columns contain propylene
glycol and they are sent to a POTW for
additional treatment.
Based on EPA sampling results, the
MVR/Distillation treatment system
successfully removed over 93 percent of
BOD5, over 97 percent of COD, and over
98 percent of propylene glycol.
d. Aerated Pond
An aerated pond uses mechanical
aerators either to inject air into the
wastewater or to cause violent agitation
of wastewater and air in order to
achieve oxygen transfer to the
wastewater. Bacteria are suspended in
the wastewater, and aid in the
biodegradation of glycol. Contaminated
stormwater is retained in the detention
pond during the deicing season and
discharged later, after microorganisms
present in the pond have biodegraded
the glycols. The detention pond is
monitored and nutrients are added, pH
is adjusted, and anti-foaming agents are
added as needed. The biodegradation of
glycol is temperature-dependant and
predominantly occurs during the spring
and early summer months when
ambient temperatures are higher. When
the BOD5 concentration has been
sufficiently reduced, the volume is
discharged to surface waters.
Based on EPA sampling results, the
aerated pond treatment system
successfully removed 100 percent of
BOD5, and over 93 percent of COD. An
aerated pond system is currently in use
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
at Greater Rockford Airport, in
Rockford, Illinois.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
3. Pollution Prevention Technologies
EPA has identified several
technologies that reduce ADF usage to
some extent while safely deicing
aircraft, and one applicable to airfield
pavement deicing, that are in use at
airports across the United States.
However, there are limited data on the
actual pollutant reductions that these
technologies may achieve. While the
effectiveness or cost-effectiveness of
these technologies has not been
documented, these technologies can
reduce the amount of deicing chemicals
required to deicing aircraft and airfields.
The reduction of chemicals will not
only have a positive environmental
effect, but may also be cost-effective, as
the decrease in costs of purchased
deicing chemicals may offset the cost of
the technology itself.
a. Infrared Deicing Systems
A few U.S. airports have used infrared
(IR) heating systems for several years.
The systems have been demonstrated to
deice aircraft effectively, which
substantially reduces ADF usage. One
type of IR system consists of an openended hangar-type structure with IR
generators mounted inside, suspended
from the ceiling. The IR equipment is
designed to use specific wavelengths
that heat ice and snow, and minimize
heating of aircraft components. The IR
energy level and wavelength may be
adjusted to suit the type of aircraft.
Although the system can deice an
aircraft, it cannot provide aircraft with
anti-icing protection. Consequently,
when the ambient temperature is below
freezing, anti-icing fluid is typically
applied to the aircraft after it leaves the
hangar. Since the aircraft surfaces are
dry, the volume of anti-icing fluid
required is less than for typical antiicing operations. In addition, a small
amount of deicing fluid may be required
for deicing areas of the aircraft not
reached by the IR radiation, such as the
flap tracks and elevators. The system,
therefore, does not completely replace
glycol-based fluids, but greatly reduces
the volume required.
Documents provided by a vendor
describe use of an IR system that
reduces the amount of Type I ADF
required by up to 90 percent. Two large
hub airports, Newark Liberty
International, Newark, New Jersey, and
John F. Kennedy International Airport,
New York, use IR systems for some of
their flights. If this technology can be
applied widely, it may prove to be a
highly effective means of reducing ADF
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EPA has not obtained substantial data
documenting the amount of reduced
glycol usage from use of IR systems, nor
information on the availability of the
technology for broader or industry-wide
installation. EPA is interested in
receiving any available data on those
topics to documenting IR costs
including (e.g., the capital costs of
installing an IR facility, operating and
maintenance costs, especially energy
costs, glycol used during deicing and
siting/sizing requirements for an IR
facility). Because IR is not widely
available or used, EPA does not propose
to identify IR as an available technology
for purposes of establishing ELGs.
However, the Agency may reconsider
this technology, if sufficient data
support a conclusion that this
technology is available. Specifically,
EPA would require information proving
that IR is an available technology for a
sufficient percentage of an airports total
deicing activity, as well as information
on the amount of time required for
deicing, as well as any sizing and siting
requirements for placing an IR facility.
b. Forced Air/Hot Air Deicing Systems
Forced air/hot air deicing systems are
currently in operation at a few U.S.
airports. These systems use forced air to
blow snow and ice from aircraft
surfaces. Some systems allow deicing
fluids to be added to the forced air
stream at different flow settings (e.g., 9
and 20 gpm), while other systems
require separate application of deicing
fluid. Several vendors are currently
developing self-contained, truckmounted versions of these forced-air
systems, and most systems can be
retrofitted onto existing deicing trucks.
A similar method to truck-mounted
forced-air systems is the double gantry
forced-air spray system. The gantries
support a set of high- and low-pressure
nozzles, which blast the aircraft surfaces
with heated air at a pressure of 40 to 500
pounds per square inch. When weather
conditions are severe, a small volume of
water and glycol may be added to the
air stream to remove dense coverings of
snow and ice. Airfield use of the gantry
system has been limited perhaps
because it is a permanently mounted
system that has been known to cause
delays in aircraft departures.
c. Product Substitution
Another solution to environmental
problems associated with deicing
chemicals is to replace chemical deicers
with more environment-friendly
products. In the ADF products category,
initially the predominant deicers were
based on ethylene glycol, whereas in
recent years propylene glycol-based
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deicers, which are less toxic to
mammals, have become more widely
used. Chemical manufacturers, the
aviation industry and the U.S. Air Force
are continuing to explore development
of deicers that could generate lower
levels of pollutants compared to the
glycol-based products.
In the field of airfield pavement
deicers, several types of products are
available as alternatives to glycol-based
and urea-based deicers, such as
potassium acetate, sodium formate and
sodium acetate.
d. Transportation Research Board
The Transportation Research Board
(TRB), a division of the National
Academies of Science, established a
research panel to develop fact sheets on
deicing practices to assist airports in
reducing their deicing chemical usage
and discharges. A report was prepared
in 2009 under TRB’s Airport
Cooperative Research Program (ACRP),
titled ‘‘Deicing Planning Guidelines and
Practices for Stormwater Management
Systems.’’ This report (DCN AD01191)
and the fact sheets (DCN AD01192) are
in the docket for today’s proposed rule.
C. Pollutants of Concern
Airport deicing stormwater is
generated when airfield and aircraft
deicing/anti-icing chemicals mix with
snow, freezing precipitation or
rainwater. In addition, other airportrelated activities, including aircraft
fueling and maintenance activities, may
contribute pollutants to stormwater.
Because of the difficulties in
characterizing airport deicing
stormwater, EPA evaluated pollutants
detected in the stormwater, pollutants
present in source water (i.e., prior to
contamination with ADF), and
pollutants that are present in ADF prior
to use to determine which pollutants are
present in deicing stormwater. The
primary source of information used to
identify potential pollutants of concern
from deicing stormwater was EPA’s
sampling episodes, detailed in Section
VI, as well as information presented in
available NPDES permits and the
Airport Questionnaire.
1. Aircraft Deicers
EPA, through its review of sampling
data, discussions with experts in the
field of chemical deicers, and review of
NPDES permits, identified over 90
pollutants associated with ADFcontaminated stormwater.
EPA shortened the list of pollutants to
those that were directly associated with
aircraft deicing. This was done by
reviewing information provided by
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
experts and excluding pollutants that
were thought to be associated with one
of the following sources; source water,
aircraft and vehicle fueling operations,
maintenance-related operations, or
runoff from building roofs.
Having identified pollutants that are
present in airport deicing stormwater,
the Agency next needed to consider
which pollutants should be controlled.
EPA did not consider a pollutant as a
potential pollutant of concern if it
possesses the following characteristics:
• The pollutant is present in the
deicing stormwater from a source other
than deicing chemical use;
• The pollutant is discharged in
relatively small amounts and is neither
causing nor likely to cause toxic effects;
• The pollutant is detected in the
effluent from only a small number of
airports and is uniquely related to those
facilities; or
• The pollutant cannot be analyzed
by EPA-approved or other established
2. Airfield Deicers
While field information on the
constituents of airfield deicing and antiicing chemicals is scarce, EPA
determined which chemicals are
commonly used based on the Airport
Questionnaire responses. EPA did not
identify an available technology to
collect and treat pavement deicing
pollutants, and therefore did not collect
wastewater samples from pavement
deicing discharges. Some of the most
common airfield deicing and anti-icing
chemicals include potassium acetate,
sodium acetate, urea, sodium formate,
and glycols.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
3. Summary
After reviewing these criteria, EPA
identified 21 chemicals or parameters as
pollutants of concern. Based on our
knowledge of usage volumes, and
known effects, EPA focused on the
glycols in ADF fluids, and the ammonia
in urea-based pavement deicers. Section
VII.D.2 below discusses how EPA
determined which of these pollutants of
concern should become regulated
pollutants in today’s proposed rule. See
the TDD and the EIB for further
discussion of pollutants of concern.
D. Options Considered for Proposal
Current airport deicing operations
involve application of chemicals to both
aircraft and airfield pavement. ADF may
be dispersed over a large area due to the
high-pressure spraying process used
with aircraft as well as shearing during
aircraft taxiing and takeoff. Pavement
chemicals, while not sprayed at high
pressure, are nonetheless similarly
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dispersed over a large area, namely
runways, taxiways and aprons. The
deicing chemicals mix with stormwater
and are conveyed through a
combination of overland flow and
conveyance structures (ditches and
pipes). At some airports, the
contaminated stormwater is discharged
untreated directly to waters of the
United States. At other airports, the
wastewater is treated before discharge,
sent to a POTW or off-site waste
contractor, and/or discharged to
In order to reduce discharges of
untreated ADF wastewater for this
industry, EPA concluded that the best
available technology would need to
include two basic components. The first
component is a requirement to capture
(collect) a certain percentage of
available ADF. The second component
is a requirement to treat the collected
ADF to meet specified end-of-pipe
discharge limitations. In many other
industrial sectors, wastewater is
typically generated and handled in
confined systems such as reactors, pipes
and pumps. Wastewater flows are
carefully managed in these systems, and
under normal operations all wastewater
is directed to the facility’s treatment
system or to a POTW. In aircraft deicing
operations, the chemicals are sprayed
outdoors in a comparatively
unconfined, usually designated setting,
and there is a high likelihood that some
pollutants will bypass the treatment
system. Setting a minimum collection
rate in the proposed rule, based on
available technology, will require an
airport to reduce significantly its level
of uncontrolled discharges in an
economically achievable manner.
technologies. This included a review of
the relative sizes of various airports
(based on annual departures), the levels
of deicing activity, traffic characteristics
(i.e., passenger vs. cargo operations), the
extent of pollution controls and
treatment in place, and the costs of
various technologies. EPA further
classified airports based on the number
of annual jet departures. EPA found that
there were some primary airports,
typically smaller airports, with high
percentages of non-jet traffic, and so it
excluded airports with 1,000 or fewer
annual jet departures from the scope of
the proposed rule. These airports have
a higher proportion of propeller-aircraft
flights, which are typically delayed or
cancelled during icing conditions (i.e.,
far less deicing takes place at these
airports, and far less deicing fluid is
used, than at airports serving more jets).
The Agency estimated that the
remaining 218 largest primary airports
account for approximately 85 percent of
the deicing fluid used nationally, and
including these airports in the scope of
today’s proposed rule is economically
achievable. Moreover, not applying the
1,000 annual jet departure cutoff would
only increase the volume of deicing
fluid that is within the scope of today’s
proposed rule by 1 to 2 percent yet
would potentially result in high costs to
smaller airports that have minimal
pollutant contributions. Accordingly, it
is appropriate to establish this exclusion
because it avoids projected significant
adverse economic impacts on this
segment of the industry without
excluding from the national standards a
significant pollutant load.
1. Regulated Facilities
Early in the regulatory development
process, EPA focused on deicing
activities at primary airports,
particularly those with extensive jet
traffic. Operators of general aviation
aircraft, as well as smaller commercial
non-jet aircraft, typically suspend flights
during icing conditions, whereas
commercial airlines operating at
primary airports are much more likely
to deice their jets in order to meet
customer demands.
Based on the survey results, EPA
estimated that 320 primary commercial
airports conduct deicing operations.
Any effluent guidelines that EPA might
develop for these airports must be
‘‘economically achievable’’ as required
by the CWA, so the Agency proceeded
to analyze various industry
characteristics that would be an
indicator of affordability for the
candidate control and treatment
As described in Section VII.C, EPA
identified 21 pollutants of concern that
stem directly from airport deicing
operations. EPA estimates, however,
that many of these pollutants, such as
metals, are generally present in airport
stormwater discharges irrespective of
deicing activities that are taking place.
These pollutants would be also present
in discharges at airports where no
deicing takes place and as such are
beyond the scope of today’s proposed
EPA determined that pollutants
directly associated with aircraft deicing
chemicals could be associated with an
indicator pollutant. Initially, both COD
and BOD5 were identified as possible
indicator parameters. The Agency
determined that COD is the best
indicator for the following reasons:
• COD captures the oxygen demand
from nitrogen and other organic
components of the contaminated
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2. Regulated Pollutants
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
stormwater that may not be represented
in a BOD5 analytical result.
• Toxic aircraft deicing fluid additive
compounds in deicing stormwater may
have a negative and variable impact on
the acclimation of the active cultures
used in BOD5 analysis, making that
method less accurate than a COD
• COD analyses are simple to conduct
and can be measured in real time,
compared to the 5-day test required by
the BOD5 analytical method.
• The COD analytical method does
not require measurement of the
receiving water temperature.
Further discussion of analytical
methods is provided in a memorandum,
‘‘Regulation of COD for Airport Deicing
Operations’’ (DCN AD00845) in the
docket for today’s proposed rule.
While EPA has an understanding
generally of ADF composition—i.e.,
each product is a glycol-based
compound with several additives—
deicing fluid manufacturers did not
provide us with information on specific
ADF formulations. These manufacturers
declined several requests to provide
information on formulations, citing
concerns about confidential business
information. EPA has learned about a
number of the additives, but not
necessarily their concentration, from
other sources. Because of incomplete
information on these ADF additives,
EPA is not proposing numeric effluent
limits for any of these additives.
Ammonia is the principal pollutant
generated by urea-based pavement
deicers, and EPA determined that
ammonia is an appropriate indicator
pollutant for urea-based airfield
pavement deicers.
See the TDD and EIB for further
information on regulated pollutants.
3. Technology Options Considered for
Basis of Regulation
The effluent limitations that EPA is
proposing to establish today are based
on well-designed, well-operated
collection and treatment systems. Below
is a summary of the technology basis for
the proposed limitations and the
alternative options considered by the
Agency. As is the case for any effluent
guideline containing numeric effluent
limitations, a facility would be able to
use any combination of wastewater
treatment technologies and pollution
prevention strategies at the facility to
meet effluent limitations.
subcategorizing this point source
a. Subcategorization
EPA may divide a point source
category into groupings called
‘‘subcategories’’ to provide a method for
addressing variations among products,
processes, and other factors, which
result in distinctly different effluent
characteristics. See Texas Oil & Gas
Ass’n. v. US EPA, 161 F.3d 923, 939–40
(5th Cir. 1998). Regulation of a category
by subcategories provides that each
subcategory has a uniform set of effluent
limitations that take into account
technological achievability and
economic impacts unique to that
subcategory. In some cases, effluent
limitations within a subcategory may be
different based on consideration of these
same factors, which are identified in
CWA section 304(b)(2)(B). The CWA
requires EPA, in developing effluent
guidelines, to consider a number of
different factors, which are also relevant
for subcategorization. The CWA also
authorizes EPA to take into account
other factors that the Agency deems
In developing the proposed rule, EPA
considered whether subcategorizing the
aviation industry was warranted. EPA
evaluated a number of factors and
potential subcategorization approaches,
including the presence of an on-site
glycol reclamation facility, amount of
ADF applied, number of departures,
availability of land to install collection
systems, and FAA airport
Establishing formal subcategories is
not necessary for the Airport Deicing
category because the proposed rule is
structured to address the relevant
factors (i.e., amount of ADF applied and
number of departures) and establish a
set of requirements that encompasses
the range of situations that an airport
may encounter during deicing
operations. Both the aircraft deicing and
pavement deicing requirements include
an airport size threshold, which
excludes smaller facilities. The use of a
performance standard, as compared to a
technology specification, provides
flexibility for airports in meeting the
requirements. EPA is proposing to
establish a set of effluent limitations
that take into account the factors that
EPA determined are relevant for
b. Aircraft Deicing
EPA is proposing capture and
treatment requirements for spent ADF.
EPA is not aware of an available and
economically achievable technology
that is capable of capturing 100 percent
of the spent ADF, and therefore the
Agency is focusing on collection
technologies and their efficacy.
i. ADF Collection
The available technologies for
collecting ADF—glycol recovery
vehicles, plug-and-pump equipment,
and deicing pads—are described above.
EPA evaluated various different
combinations of these collection
technologies for different-sized airports.
See Table VII–2. These various options
were developed to represent a wide
range of collection requirements and
corresponding costs. EPA’s objective
was to find a combination of
requirements that would result in the
greatest level of pollutant removals
while still being economically
Specifically, EPA finds that the
number of aircraft departures is an
appropriate criterion for grouping
airports by size and applying different
collection requirements to the various
size groups. EPA’s review of airline and
airport deicing practices revealed that
the amount of ADF required to deice a
single aircraft varies widely. This is
primarily due to the type of weather
conditions to which an aircraft is
exposed, or aircraft size. However, the
Agency has concluded that an airport’s
overall ADF usage level directly
correlates to the amount of wastewater
generated and pollutant loadings.
Because direct ADF usage data were not
available for every airport, EPA
determined that the annual number of
aircraft departures at an airport,
considered simultaneously with
precipitation data, is a reliable predictor
of ADF usage, based on extrapolations
of data provided in the questionnaires.
Based on the available technologies,
EPA developed four ADF collection
options as listed in Table VII–2 below
as candidates for identification as best
available technology for the collection
of ADF.
Requirement (applies to primary airports with more than 1,000
annual jet departures)
Estimated airports in scope
Technology basis
1 ............
20% ADF Capture (Airports w/10,000 or more annual departures).
110 ............................................
Glycol recovery vehicle (GRV).
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
Requirement (applies to primary airports with more than 1,000
annual jet departures)
Estimated airports in scope
2 ............
40% ADF Capture (Airports w/10,000 or more annual departures).
60% ADF Capture (Airports w/460,000 gals. or more annual
ADF usage and 10,000 or more departures) + 20% ADF Capture (Airports w/10,000 or more annual departures and less
than 460,000 gals. annual ADF usage).
60% ADF Capture (Airports w/460,000 gals. or more ADF
usage) + 20% ADF Capture (Airports w/1,000 or more jet departures).
110 ............................................
Plug & Pump.
110 (14 @ 60% + 96 @ 20%) ..
Centralized Deicing Pad +
218 (14 @ 60% + 204 @ 20%)
Centralized Deicing Pad +
3 ............
4 ............
Technology basis
Note: All references to ADF are for normalized ADF, which is ADF less any water added by the manufacturer or customer before ADF
Not all airports estimated to be in the
scope of this proposed rule would incur
ADF collection costs under it, because
many of these airports already have
ADF collection systems in place
(Section VIII.C below). For example, of
the estimated 14 airports that would
have to meet the 60 percent ADF
collection requirement in this proposal,
seven already have installed deicing
pads that would capture at least 60
percent of the ADF.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
ii. Treatment
All airports subject to the ADF
collection requirement would also be
required to treat their ADF wastewater
prior to discharge, unless they send this
wastewater to a POTW or commercial
treatment/recycle facility. EPA
examined the four wastewater treatment
technologies described above in Section
VII.B.2 as candidates for the model BAT
Under this proposal, the collected
ADF wastewater would need to be
treated to a specified numeric effluent
limit for COD. This limit would be
based on the long-term averages of
effluent from the treatment system
identified at BAT (see Section VII.E.2
Further discussion of other ADF
treatment technologies that EPA
considered can be found in the TDD.
c. Airfield Pavement Deicing
In general, airports discharge airfield
pavement deicing chemicals without
treatment due to the difficulty and
expense required in collecting and
treating the large volumes of
contaminated stormwater generated on
paved airfield surfaces. EPA is not
aware of an available, economically
achievable means for controlling these
pollutants through collection and use of
a conventional, end-of-pipe treatment
system. It may be possible, however, to
reduce or eliminate certain pollutants
by modifying deicing practices, such as
using alternative chemical deicing
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products. In particular, EPA has
identified ammonia as the primary
pollutant of concern from airfield
deicing, while COD from airfield
deicing is also a pollutant of concern,
and both of these pollutants are a
byproduct of urea-based pavement
Accordingly, to address discharges of
ammonia from airfield pavement, EPA
identified one candidate for best
available technology, namely,
discontinuing the use of urea-based
pavement deicers and using alternative
pavement deicers instead. EPA
researched product substitution for
urea-based deicers and found that
airfield pavement deicers other than
urea are widely available in the market
and that these alternate deicers do not
produce ammonia. Eighty-nine percent
of primary airports currently use airfield
pavement deicers that do not contain
urea. The most widely used substitute
product, potassium acetate, accounts for
64 percent (by weight) of the annual
airfield pavement deicer usage in the
U.S. Urea stood out as an airfield deicer
that was not predominantly used in the
industry to begin with. Where it is still
used, one of the main reasons for its use
appears to be low cost compared to
other products. Alternatives to urea are
available that are equally effective and
safe, and would greatly reduce
discharges of ammonia from airfield
deicing. These alternative airfield
deicers include potassium acetate,
sodium formate and sodium acetate. In
suggesting these alternative deicers,
EPA considered environmental impacts
and safety issues. The Agency solicits
specific data on those issues. EPA has
also determined that the use of
substitute airfield deicers would be
economically achievable in the industry
(see Section VIII below).
Discontinuing the use of urea-based
deicers would greatly reduce ammonia
discharges from airfield runoff, but it
would not eliminate them entirely
because of the background levels of
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ammonia present in the general runoff
from airfields. One method of ensuring
that airports discontinue use of ureabased airfield deicers is to require them
to certify that they use an alternative
deicer. Alternatively, EPA could set a
numeric BAT limit on ammonia based
on no use of urea that accounts for the
remaining sources of ammonia in
airport discharges. Product substitution
would also result in significant
reductions of COD discharges. See the
further discussion of this issue in the
options selection discussion in the next
section below.
E. BAT Options Selection
EPA is proposing to identify Best
Available Technology Economically
Achievable based on Option 3 in Table
VII–2. Specifically, this BAT option has
the following three components:
collection of ADF sprayed onto aircraft
based on either GRV or deicing pads
(depending on the amount of ADF
used), treatment of the collected ADF, if
appropriate, based on anaerobic
fluidized bed technology, and
certification of non-urea-based airfield
pavement deicing.
Under Option 3, all primary airports
that have over 1,000 annual jet
departures and 10,000 or more annual
departures would be required to collect
at least 20 percent of all available spent
ADF. This collection requirement is
based on the estimated performance of
glycol recovery vehicles. A subset of
this group, those primary airports that
have more than 1,000 annual jet
departures, 10,000 or more annual
departures and use 460,000 or more
gallons of normalized ADF annually,
would be required to collect at least 60
percent of all available spent ADF. (As
defined at proposed § 449.2, normalized
ADF is ADF less any water added by the
manufacturer or customer before ADF
application.) This collection
requirement is based on the estimated
performance of centralized deicing
pads, which are present at 8 of the 14
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primary airports currently meeting the
departure/annualized ADF usage
criteria noted above. Primary airports
with less than 10,000 annual departures
would not be required to collect or treat
their spent deicing fluid.
The proposed rule would reduce
pollutant discharges by 44.6 million
pounds annually, comprised of 39.9
million pounds of COD (from both ADF
and urea reductions) and 4.7 million
pounds of ammonia (from urea alone).
The proposed BAT requirements for
ADF would reduce the aviation
industry’s discharges of COD associated
with ADF by 27.9 million pounds per
year. This represents almost a 22
percent reduction in discharges of ADFcorrelated COD relative to current
practices used by airlines and airports
that conduct deicing. Additionally, the
proposed BAT requirements for airfield
pavement deicing would reduce
discharges of COD (from urea deicers)
by 12.7 million pounds per year, and
reduce discharges of ammonia by 4.7
million pounds per year.
EPA finds that the proposed BAT
technologies are generally available to
be installed or used by those in the
industry. Further, as will be discussed
in more detail in Section VIII below,
EPA has determined that the proposed
BAT technologies are economically
achievable. The Agency also examined
the non-water quality environmental
impacts of the rule and found them to
be acceptable. The technology basis for
each requirement—ADF collection,
treatment of the collected ADF, and
non-urea-based airfield pavement
deicing—is discussed below.
1. ADF Collection
For each of the four options in Table
VII–2, EPA finds that the collection
technology is widely available to the
industry. See the summary of collection
technologies used by airports in Table
VII–1. EPA finds that for the top
fourteen airports in terms of annual
ADF usage, collection of ADF based on
the use of deicing pads is
technologically available. EPA’s record
indicates that at least seven of the
fourteen airports already have installed
deicing pads. For the remaining seven,
EPA examined what appeared to be the
most land-constrained airports and
using a formula based on number of
departures and number of runways,
estimated the amount of land that
would be required for installation of
deicing pads. EPA then reviewed airport
site plans provided in the
questionnaires and determined that
these constrained airports have
sufficient land to install the necessary
collection technologies. See the TDD for
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further discussion on the estimated land
availability for deicing pads. Therefore,
the Agency determined that economic
achievability is the controlling factor in
identifying which option represents
BAT for collection of ADF.
EPA rejected Option 2, Plug-andPump technology, as a basis for BAT for
ADF collection. Although Plug-andPump is estimated to capture 40 percent
of spent ADF, as compared to the other
options considered, the equipment has
comparatively high operating and
maintenance costs. In many cases, EPA
estimated that Plug-and-Pump costs
would be higher than the cost of deicing
pads for a comparable airport, yet
deicing pads achieve greater pollutant
removals than Plug-and-Pump. Overall,
Option 2 achieves lower levels of
pollutant removals, and it would
impose higher costs than Option 3.
Therefore, EPA finds that Option 2 is
not the best available technology for
ADF collection.
Of the remaining options, Options 1
and 3 are economically achievable
while Option 4 is not. Therefore, EPA
proposes to identify Option 3 as BAT
because it achieves the greatest level of
pollutant removals among the remaining
options and is economically achievable
by the industry. The 60 percent ADF
capture and treatment standard for the
14 airports at which the largest ADF
usage occurs is expected to result in
approximately a 70 percent increase in
pollutant removals compared to Option
1 (an increase from 26.4 million pounds
to 44.6 million pounds of COD and
ammonia removals; see Section 13 of
the TDD). Thus, EPA projects that
Option 3 will result in significantly
greater pollutant removals but little
increase in the economic impacts of the
rule compared to Option 1. Under
Option 3, only two additional airports
would incur costs beyond Option 1 that
would exceed 3 percent of operating
revenue. These two airports are among
the largest airports in the U.S. and
therefore have the greatest ability to take
on these additional costs without undue
financial burden. See Section VIII below
for EPA’s analysis of economic
Although EPA’s analysis indicates
that airports have sufficient land to
install deicing pads, the Agency invites
commenters to provide site-specific data
and documentation on any space
limitations that would affect an airport’s
ability to install deicing pads, along
with recommendations for alternative
ADF collection techniques if deicing
pads are not feasible.
EPA is also proposing to allow credit
for facilities that might adopt new
technologies, such as infrared heating,
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that use less ADF, but may not change
the percent of ADF captured. See
proposed § 449.20(b)(2)(i)(C).
2. Treatment
The Agency proposes to identify
Anaerobic Fluidized Bed (AFB) as the
best available treatment technology for
reductions of COD. EPA finds this
technology to be widely available to the
industry. It is currently in use at two
hub airports, Albany International (New
York) and Akron-Canton Regional
The other three wastewater treatment
technologies that EPA considered were
less effective at pollutant removal
compared to AFB systems. In addition,
treating spent ADF with the mechanical
methods, UF/RO and MVR/DC results in
a concentrated waste stream that also
must be disposed of. While these
technologies have potential as a part of
an airport’s pollutant control strategy,
they are not as effective as AFB when
used as stand-alone treatment options,
i.e. the pollutant removals they achieve
are not as great as the removals achieved
by AFB systems.
The second biological control option,
the aerated pond, was not selected as
the technology basis for BAT for mainly
logistical reasons. The ponds require
large areas for installation, and the
normal operations of these systems
require treatment for many months after
the end of the annual deicing season,
before the wastewater can be
discharged. Additionally, FAA
discourages the installation of new
stormwater detention ponds at airports,
as they can be a lure for migratory birds.
In those situations, birds and aircraft are
safety hazards to each other. For airports
with existing detention ponds, however,
where adequate storage capacity is
available, aerated pond systems may be
able to provide efficient treatment that
meets the standard.
EPA has determined that AFB, as the
proposed best available treatment
technology for reductions of COD, will
also achieve significant reductions of
many of the other known pollutants
associated with ADF, including 97
percent removal of propylene and
ethylene glycol. The AFB treatment
system removes over 75 percent of many
phenol-ethoxylate compounds as well.
Moreover, choosing to set a numeric
limit on COD provides an approach that
is both effective and is relatively easier
and more inexpensive for airports to
comply with than a numeric limit on
glycols, the active ingredient of aircraft
deicing fluids, would be. Monitoring
costs for COD are modest relative to
some other parameters considered by
EPA. Permittees may conduct
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monitoring with the use of portable
COD meters, which provide immediate,
real-time information on the efficacy of
their treatment systems and facilitate
timely adjustments of system operation
where necessary. Overall, EPA’s
economic analysis shows that the use of
AFB technology for treating spent ADF
would be economically achievable in
the industry. See Section VIII below for
more information on economic
3. Airfield Pavement Deicers
In addition to the requirements that
EPA is proposing for ADF sprayed onto
airplanes, EPA is also proposing today
to identify BAT for the control of
deicers that are applied directly to
airfield pavement areas. Specifically, as
described in Section VIII.D.3, for airfield
pavement deicers, EPA is proposing to
identify a BAT of discontinuing use of
urea-based pavement deicers in favor of
alternative, less toxic products that are
not harmful to aircraft. Thus, BAT
would be based on product substitution
rather than treatment of the wastestream
that runs off from airfield pavements. To
demonstrate that they have used only
non-urea based pavement deicers,
permittees would be required to submit
a certification to that effect.
EPA considered two possible methods
for eliminating discharges of ammonia
associated with the application of ureabased pavement deicers. One option
would be to set a performance-based
numeric limit on discharges of ammonia
that could be met by using non-ureabased deicers. A second option would
require airports to certify that they do
not use urea-based airfield deicing
products. EPA is proposing today to
adopt the certification option. EPA is
proposing the certification because it
ensures compliance while minimizing
compliance costs. Certification allows a
facility to demonstrate compliance with
this product substitution-based BAT
without the expense of conducting
monitoring activities. Collecting and
analyzing samples of airfield runoff
would also present significant practical
difficulties. Measuring ammonia
discharges from airfield pavement is
generally difficult due to the design of
airport drainage systems. Wastestreams
from multiple areas of an airport may be
combined into a single pipe, which
complicates the calculation of pollutant
concentrations. In addition, the
‘‘building block’’ approach, which has
been used to calculate combined
wastestream concentrations for other
industrial categories, is generally very
difficult to perform at airports, due to
the variability and unpredictability of
the volume of stormwater runoff.
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Therefore, as a practical matter, a
permittee who wanted to take samples
and demonstrate compliance with a
numeric limit for ammonia would need
to show that the ammonia limit is met
for all deicing runoff, not just airfield
While EPA is proposing to identify
product substitution as BAT, in order to
allow flexibility to regulated facilities,
the Agency is also proposing a
compliance alternative to the
certification requirement. This
provision would accommodate facilities
that might wish to continue using ureabased deicers and install treatment to
eliminate urea-based ammonia
discharges instead. Facilities that elect
to comply using the compliance
alternative would be required to
monitor and comply with a proposed
ammonia limit. To establish the
proposed compliance alternative
limitation for ammonia, the Agency had
to take into account the ammonia that
is a by-product of an AFB wastewater
treatment system. This is because AFB
discharges could have higher ammonia
concentrations than that of background
levels found in airfield runoff. While
this results in a proposed compliance
alternative ammonia effluent limit
higher than concentrations in airfield
runoff where AFB technologies are not
used, the Agency estimates that these
concentrations are lower than those
from airfield pavement discharges
where urea-based deicers are used. See
‘‘Evaluation of Proposed Compliance
Alternative Ammonia Limitations with
Respect to Airport Deicing Stormwater
Typical Ammonia Discharges,’’ DCN
AD01194, for additional discussion.
Although EPA has developed
compliance alternative ammonia
effluent limitations for this proposal, it
estimates that the cost associated with
capturing and treating these waste
streams would be prohibitively high for
most airports. Therefore, EPA
anticipates that most or all airports
would choose the certification option
rather than the ammonia numeric limits
option in order to avoid compliance
monitoring. EPA requests comment on
implementation challenges associated
with and the extent to which regulated
facilities may select the compliance
alternative. To the extent that comments
indicate the compliance alternative
would not be utilized, EPA might not
include it in the final rule.
EPA evaluated which technologies
should be identified as the ‘‘best
available demonstrated control
technologies’’ for purposes of setting
new source performance standards
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under CWA section 306. Among the
collection technologies that EPA
considered, deicing pads capture the
greatest level of available ADF and are
widely available in the industry. Among
the treatment technologies considered,
treatment of the captured ADF with an
anaerobic fluidized bed system
represents the greatest level of removals
of the pollutants of concern and is
widely available for use in connection
with new airports and new runways at
existing airports. In considering
economic impacts, EPA believes that a
standard based on the use of deicing
pads for ADF collection followed by
treatment with an AFB system would
not represent a barrier to entry for new
sources in this industry. See the
economic analysis discussion in Section
VIII. Accordingly, EPA proposes to base
NSPS for aircraft deicing on these
technologies. As with the BAT
requirement for existing sources, the
proposed NSPS would require
dischargers to collect 60 percent of
available spent ADF, and treat the
collected wastewater to a specified
numeric limit for COD.
Additionally, EPA considered which
technology should be considered the
basis for setting NSPS with respect to
airfield deicing. EPA determined that,
just as with existing sources, all new
sources would be capable of eliminating
the use of urea for airfield deicing in
favor of substitute deicing products.
Product substitution represents the
greatest level of reduction in ammonia
among the available technologies
considered and product substitution
does not appear to represent a barrier to
entry. See the economic analysis
discussion in Section VIII. Accordingly,
EPA proposes to identify elimination of
urea followed by product substitution of
non-urea-based airfield deicers as the
best demonstrated available control
technology for purposes of all new
Based on this identified technology,
all new sources would be required to
meet the same certification requirement
proposed for BAT. In addition, as
proposed today for existing sources,
EPA proposes the same compliance
alternative ammonia effluent limitations
for new sources.
For the purpose of this regulation,
EPA proposes that a ‘‘New Source’’
would include, first, a new airport. The
cost of construction of even small
airports is significantly greater than the
costs associated with collection and/or
treatment of spent deicing fluids.
Accordingly, meeting the new source
requirements proposed today would not
be a barrier to entry for them
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economically. See further discussion in
Section VIII below.
In addition, EPA proposes to specify
that a new runway at an existing airport
is also a new source. EPA anticipates
that few new airports will be
constructed in the foreseeable future,
and that most of the anticipated increase
in airport capacity will be accomplished
through the expansion of existing
airports. The term ‘‘new source’’ is
defined in EPA regulations at 40 CFR
122.2 and 122.29. EPA proposes to
specify in the final rule that a new
runway meets the terms of those
regulations for being defined as a new
source, because in EPA’s view a new
runway is a ‘‘structure, facility or
installation from which there is or may
be a discharge of pollutants’’ (§§ 122.2
and 122.29(a)(2)) and because a new
runway is ‘‘substantially independent of
an existing source at the same site’’
(§ 122.29(b)(iii)). EPA does not believe
in general that new runways will be
significantly integrated with existing
airport facilities in a way that should
prevent them from being identified as
new sources (see § 122.29(b)(iii)). In
addition, it is possible that permit
authorities, on a case-by-case basis,
would be able to deem other types of
construction activity for aircraft
movement areas to constitute a new
source as well. For example, a permit
authority might deem the substantial
improvement or replacement of an
existing runway to be a new source if
that activity is deemed to ‘‘totally
replace the process or production
equipment that causes the discharge of
pollutants’’ (see § 122.29(b)(ii)). In all of
the situations discussed above, the new
runway or other runway construction
activity would be deemed to be a new
source only if it meets all of the criteria
in the regulations cited above for
definition as a new source.
analyze options and propose BPT and
BCT effluent limitation guidelines for
the Airport Deicing Category. EPA
recognizes that it has proposed, in the
past, all three levels of control, BPT,
BCT and BAT for various industries
even where the same pollutants and
wastestream were at issue. In this rule
however, the Agency solicits comments
on this approach because it represents
significant resource savings for EPA in
terms of analysis and rulemaking
process while not sacrificing any
environmental protection. Additionally,
EPA is not establishing BCT limitations
for this industry because these
limitations apply only to conventional
pollutants such as BOD5 and total
suspended solids and this effluent
guideline regulates only nonconventional pollutants (chiefly COD
and ammonia).
G. BPT and BCT
The CWA provides for two
increasingly stringent levels of
technology-based controls on discharges
of pollutants. See EPA v. National
Crushed Stone Association, 449 U.S. 64
(1980). BPT represents the first level of
control applicable to all pollutants. BCT
and BAT represent the second level of
control for conventional and toxic/
nonconventional pollutants,
respectively. EPA considered whether
in this rule, it was necessary to establish
BPT and BCT limits, given that ADF and
pavement deicing fluid will be
controlled at the more stringent BAT
level. Because the BAT controls in this
rule also control the same pollutants as
would be controlled by BPT or BCT
limits, it is not necessary for EPA to
1. Overview
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H. Pretreatment Standards
Some airports in the U.S. discharge
ADF-contaminated runoff to POTWs.
EPA does not have any information
indicating that POTWs currently have
problems of pollutant pass-through,
interference or sludge contamination
stemming from these discharges. For
this reason, the Agency is not proposing
PSES or PSNS. EPA is aware that high
concentration or ‘‘slug’’ discharges of
deicing wastewater can create POTW
upset, and many of the airports that
discharge to POTWs have airportspecific requirements on allowable
BOD5 or COD discharge loading per day.
They may also have requirements for
discharging at various concentration
levels over time. Airports usually meet
this requirement by storing deicing
stormwater in ponds or tanks and
metering the discharge to meet the
POTW permit requirements.
I. Compliance Costs
EPA estimated industry-wide
compliance costs for this proposed rule.
This section summarizes EPA’s
approach for estimating compliance
costs, while the TDD provides detailed
information on these estimates. All final
cost estimates are expressed in terms of
2006 dollars and represent the cost of
purchasing and installing equipment
and control technologies, annual
operating and maintenance costs, and
associated monitoring and reporting
EPA estimated compliance costs
associated with today’s proposal using
data collected through survey responses,
site visits, sampling episodes, specific
airport requests and information
supplied by vendors. As applicable,
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EPA estimated the costs for an airport to
comply with today’s proposal initially,
as well as maintaining equipment and
performing required monitoring or other
activities to demonstrate ongoing
compliance. These costs may include
upgrading/installing and operating a
collection system and/or a treatment
system, chemical analysis for
compliance as well as the costs
associated with substituting potassium
acetate in place of urea as a chemical
airfield deicer. EPA’s cost estimates
represent the incremental costs for a
facility when its existing practices
would not lead to compliance with
today’s proposed rule.
EPA calculated costs based on a
computerized design and cost model
developed for each of the technology
options considered. EPA developed
facility-specific costs for each of the
Airport industry questionnaire
respondents (149 facilities), where each
facility was treated as a ‘‘model’’ airport.
Because the questionnaire respondents
represent a subset of the industry, EPA
subsequently modeled the national
population by adjusting the costs
upward to estimate the entire affected
airport population.
The questionnaire responses provided
EPA with information on three
consecutive deicing seasons (2002–
2005) for each of the model facilities.
Some portions of EPA’s costing effort
reflect the airports’ operations as
reported for the three seasons. For
example, estimates of applied deicing
chemicals were taken as an average of
the years for which the information was
reported. In instances where aspects of
an airport’s operation changed over the
three-year period, EPA used the most
recent information. For example, if an
airport installed a deicing pad in 2005,
EPA’s costing estimates would reflect
any incremental changes required above
the current ADF collection rate, to meet
the collection rate in the proposed rule.
2. Approach for Developing Aircraft
Deicing Costs
Under this proposed rule, an airport
would be required to collect a
percentage of its sprayed ADF, and treat
that wastewater to comply with numeric
effluent limitations. EPA estimated the
costs for an airport to comply with
collection and treatment requirements,
as well as performing required
monitoring to demonstrate compliance.
These costs include estimates of
upgrading airports’ current collection
systems, installing the required
technology to treat the wastewater,
maintaining equipment and conducting
chemical analyses for compliance.
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
EPA first established existing
conditions for each model airport based
on information and site plans submitted
as part of the Airport Questionnaire.
EPA then determined what upgrades, if
any, would be required to comply with
today’s proposal. In general, when an
airport lacked a comparable collection
system to the one used as the basis for
the options considered in today’s
proposal, EPA included costs for
installation/implementation of one of
the following collection technologies:
GRVs, GRVs used in conjunction with
plug-and-pump systems, or deicing
For estimating wastewater treatment
costs, EPA assumed costs for storage of
anticipated volumes of collected ADF.
Airport-specific costs were assessed for
storage options, including ponds,
permanent tanks (both underground and
aboveground), or mobile/temporary
fractional distillation tanks.
EPA based its selection of a particular
storage option on an airport’s current
storage facilities, and on what would be
the easiest for that airport to implement.
The Agency assumed that it is likely
that an airport with a pond already in
place would use that for storage, as
opposed to constructing permanent
tanks; and assumed that an airport with
limited available land would install an
underground tank.
Based on questionnaire responses and
engineering judgment, EPA assessed the
current level of treatment for each
model facility that discharges directly to
waters of the U.S. Except in limited
circumstances, when a model facility
was determined to require additional
treatment, EPA assigned costs
associated with installing an AFB
treatment system as the most likely
means of compliance.
Of the direct discharging model
facilities that were modeled for
treatment costs, EPA assumed that
approximately five percent would use
off-site hauling for waste treatment,
based on the Agency’s estimate that this
percentage will find this choice to be
the most cost-effective alternative.
These facilities have relatively limited
deicing operations and off-site hauling
is more cost-effective than installing an
on-site biological treatment system.
Additionally, an on-site biological
treatment system would require a
regular wastestream flow in order to
keep the biological system functioning
properly, and an airport with limited
deicing operations may have trouble
maintaining a regular wastestream.
EPA recognizes that an airport may
decide to use a POTW rather than
directly discharging its wastewater.
While this may be a lower cost
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alternative in some cases, EPA did not
estimate costs for such a change,
because the Agency does not have
enough information about the capacity
of specific POTWs to receive these
volumes of wastewater. EPA also was
not able to determine if a specific POTW
would be unwilling to accept the
wastewater from a particular airport,
and for other reasons, such as
inconsistencies with its future growth
plans. For these reasons, EPA did not
include this alternative in its model.
An airport that has upgraded its
collection and treatment systems may
have additional monitoring costs. While
the permit authority determines the
required monitoring frequency for an
individual permittee, EPA estimated the
overall costs of the anticipated
monitoring requirements associated
with the proposed rule. EPA estimated
the cost per airport for the ADF
collection requirement, and the cost of
analyzing COD in the treated effluent.
For costing purposes, EPA assumed that
an airport would take a 24-hour
composite sample and analyze that for
COD, and perform that analysis five
times per week throughout the deicing
season. EPA made a similar assumption
for purposes of computing the proposed
weekly average effluent limitation. As a
conservative estimate, EPA assumed a
six-month deicing season for all
modeled facilities. Additionally, EPA
assumed that the model facility would
perform an assessment of their
collection system once every permit
3. Approach for Estimating Airfield
Pavement Deicing Costs
Under today’s proposal, in addition to
the requirements set forth for capture/
treatment of aircraft deicing fluid, an
airport would be required to certify it
uses non-urea-based airfield deicers.
Through the results of the Airport
Questionnaire, EPA learned that 29
model facilities (a subset of the 149
model facilities referenced above) use
urea for airfield pavement deicing. As
detailed in Section VII.D.3, EPA based
its certification requirement on product
substitution. EPA calculated the cost for
these 29 model facilities to substitute
the urea used for deicing with another
widely available pavement deicer that
does not produce ammonia in the
wastewater. EPA chose to model the
substitution costs on what it would cost
to switch to potassium acetate,
specifically because that product
accounts for 64 percent of the applied
chemical airfield deicer usage (by
weight) in the U.S.
EPA identified 16 airports that used
both urea and potassium acetate for
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airfield deicing, and 8 of these airports
provided usage data. The Agency
calculated that the average cost of urea
was $274.24/ton and the average cost of
potassium acetate was $3.16/gallon. The
questionnaire responses indicated that
between 2002 and 2005 an average of
over 7 million pounds of urea were used
annually, costing an estimated $1.06
Urea deicers are applied at a different
rate to have an efficacy equivalent to
potassium acetate. EPA had to
determine what amount of potassium
acetate would be required to replace the
estimated 7 million pounds of urea used
annually. EPA could not locate any
information on the relative application
rates between potassium acetate and
urea directly; however, we did develop
a comparison to sodium acetate, another
solid pavement deicer. Both urea and
potassium acetate application rates vary
depending on the weather conditions
and the thickness of the ice layer at the
time of application. Using the
information available, EPA assessed
comparable application rates and costs
between urea and potassium acetate to
treat 1,000 ft 2 of area for thin ice
conditions at 32 °F and 1-inch-thick ice
conditions at less than 10 °F. DCN
AD00843 provides additional details
about the calculations on product
Using the reported urea usage in the
Airport Questionnaire, EPA estimated
the airfield area that was annually
deiced at each model facility. Finally,
using the estimated model facility
airfield area in conjunction with the
estimated $2.32/1,000 ft2 cost of
potassium acetate, EPA was able to
calculate the cost per model facility to
perform airfield deicing with potassium
acetate. This cost was compared to the
questionnaire reported urea costs to
determine the incremental costs of
switching chemical airfield deicers.
4. Calculation of National Costs
EPA categorized all of the costs as
either capital costs (one-time costs
associated with planning or installation
of technologies), or as operations and
maintenance (O&M) costs (costs that
occur on a regular ongoing basis such as
monitoring or annual purchases of
deicing materials).
For each model facility, EPA
calculated an annualized cost based on
the sum of all the associated O&M costs
as well as amortized capital costs.
Capital costs were amortized over the
lifespan of the capital improvement, as
reported by the facility. No capital costs
were amortized over more than 20 years,
even if an estimated lifespan of an
airport exceeded 20 years. Finally, EPA
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
combined the amortized costs with the
annual O&M to calculate the total
annual cost of the regulation for that
model facility.
EPA then utilized statistical weights
assigned to each of the 149 model
facilities in order to calculate a national
estimated cost of $91.3 million for
complying with the proposed rule.
Further discussion of all of the
calculations discussed above can be
found in the TDD.
J. Approach to Estimating Pollutant
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
1. Overview
The pollutants of concern associated
with airfield and aircraft deicing and
anti-icing chemicals are discussed
earlier in this preamble. These
chemicals commingle with stormwater
and they may be discharged to the
environment. These discharges are of
environmental concern because the
biodegradation of deicing chemicals
results in oxygen depletion in the
receiving water body. Moreover, some of
these pollutants, such as ammonia, have
toxic properties. The oxygen demand of
compounds can be measured as five-day
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and
chemical oxygen demand (COD), or
calculated as theoretical oxygen demand
Pollutant loadings from airport
deicing operations are challenging to
estimate because they are highly
variable and airport-specific. Because
the use of deicing and anti-icing
chemicals is weather dependent, the
pollutant loadings at each airport vary
based on weather conditions. The
pollutant loadings also vary from airport
to airport based on each airport’s
climate. In addition, the amount of
applied chemical that is discharged to
surface water is airport specific, based
on the existing stormwater separation,
collection, and/or containment
equipment present at each airport.
Due to the variable nature of these
pollutant loads, EPA developed an
estimation methodology based on the
usage of ADF and airfield chemicals at
the airports responding to the survey
questionnaires. The methodology takes
into account EPA’s existing data sources
and provides a better estimate of the
loadings than those based on sporadic
monitoring data alone.
2. Sources and Use of Available Data
While developing the pollutant
loading models, EPA considered the
following data sources:
• Pavement deicing chemical usage/
purchase information for the 2002/2003,
2003/2004, and 2004/2005 deicing
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seasons, as reported by airport
authorities in the Airport Deicing
• ADF purchase information for the
2002/2003, 2003/2004, and 2004/2005
deicing seasons, as reported by air
carriers in the Airline Deicing
• Standard airport information
available from the FAA and the Bureau
of Transportation Statistics (BTS),
including the number of operations and
departures by airport;
• Weather information for each
airport from National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
including temperature, freezing
precipitation, and snowfall data;
• Existing airport stormwater
collection and containment systems, as
reported by airport authorities in the
Airport Deicing Questionnaire;
• Standard chemical information
about ADF and pavement deicing
chemicals, including molecular
formulas and densities; and
• Analytical data from EPA sampling
episodes of airport deicing operations.
a. Baseline Loading Calculations
To estimate pollutant loadings from
deicing operations, EPA analyzed
airports’ questionnaire responses and
information provided during the site
visits. The Agency estimated the total
amount of pavement deicing chemicals
and ADF used based on data collected
in the Airport and Airline
In the Airport Questionnaire, EPA
requested that airport authorities report
the purchase/usage amount,
concentration, and brand name of
pavement deicing materials. EPA
evaluated each reported chemical to
determine the most appropriate way to
estimate the average amount used over
the past three winter seasons. EPA also
requested the purchase amount,
concentration, and brand names of ADF
chemicals in the Airline Questionnaire.
The responses to the Airline
Questionnaire provided sufficient data
to estimate ADF usage at 56 airports. In
some cases, data were not available for
every airline operating at a particular
airport. In these instances, EPA
extrapolated the amount of ADF used by
the reporting airlines to estimate the
total amount of ADF used by the entire
airport. This was done based on the
number of airport operations
(departures) at the reporting airlines and
the total amount of airport operations.
In addition to the ADF data reported in
the Airline Detailed Questionnaire, 10
airports reported total gallons of ADF
usage to EPA in their comment section
of the Airport Deicing Questionnaire.
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These ADF data were combined with
the ADF data reported in the Airline
Deicing Questionnaires, resulting in
estimates of total ADF usage for 66
Using the Airline and Airport
Questionnaire ADF purchase data,
airport departure data, and climate data,
EPA developed a relationship between
the estimate of amount of ADF used, the
climate and size of each airport. EPA
used this equation to estimate the total
gallons of ADF used at airports that did
not have available ADF data in the
Airport or Airline Questionnaires.
Once the amount of ADF applied at
each airport had been determined, EPA
needed to determine the amount of ADF
available for direct discharge. EPA
assumes that 80 percent of applied Type
I and Type II ADF falls onto the
pavement at the deicing area and is
available for discharge. EPA assumes
that 10 percent of Type IV ADF falls to
the pavement in the deicing area and is
available for discharge; the remaining 90
percent adheres to the plane. (See the
TDD for more information on these
estimates.) The total amount of applied
ADF was multiplied by the appropriate
percent available for discharge to
determine the amount of ADF that is
available for discharge. Note that
compliance capture requirements in the
proposed rule are specified as
percentages of ADF available for
discharge, not percentages of total ADF
Evaluating the amount of ADF
available for discharge, coupled with
the estimated baseline collection rate,
would result in the total amount of
discharged ADF. After excluding the
ADF removed via baseline capture, EPA
calculated the amount of COD and BOD5
loading associated with the degradation
of the applied deicing/anti-icing
chemicals. EPA later decided that COD
was a more accurate and practical
indicator to regulate than BOD5 (see the
discussion in Section 7 of the Technical
Development Document).
Airfield pavement deicing chemicals
are applied at various airside areas
where differing activities occur.
Theoretically, the amount of pavement
deicers being discharged could range
from approximately zero percent, for
chemicals that infiltrate highly
permeable soils in unpaved areas during
a thaw, to virtually 100 percent for
paved areas near storm drains. In
general, soil in unpaved areas is frozen
during deicing season and is
impermeable, promoting the overland
flow of stormwater and pollutants to
surface waters. Estimating the amount
or proportion of pavement deicers
discharged at a particular airport is
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
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difficult without performing a detailed
study at the airport. EPA has not
received any such detailed studies, nor
other information from airports
indicating that pavement deicers are
absorbed into soil during the deicing
season. Therefore, the Agency assumed
for this rulemaking that 100 percent of
pavement deicers are discharged to
surface waters. This means the estimates
of baseline pollutant loadings and
removals associated with pavement deicing are upper bound estimates.
EPA calculated the amount of
pollutant loadings discharged to surface
waters by using standard published
chemical information and
stoichiometric equations. This
methodology is preferable to using
empirical data because it can be applied
to all deicing chemicals being used by
the aviation industry. In addition, this
methodology allows for a clear
presentation of the calculations and
assumptions used. EPA confirmed the
validity of the COD concentrations for
propylene glycol and ethylene glycol
calculated using this methodology
against the available empirical data. See
Section 10 of the TDD for more
information on calculations of baseline
loadings due to airfield deicers.
b. Calculation of Pollutant Removals
EPA estimated the amounts of COD
that would be reduced by the proposed
rule, by estimating the existing capture
and treatment levels at individual
airports and comparing that to the levels
that would be required by the proposed
rule. If a particular airport would be
subject to a collection requirement of 20
percent under the proposed rule and it
currently is estimated to capture a
greater proportion, then no load
removals were estimated for that airport.
Additionally, if an airport was estimated
to use urea for pavement deicing, EPA
assumed that the airport would use
product substitution to meet the
proposed effluent limit. The ammonia
and COD loads associated with urea
were calculated and then EPA
computed the total load reduction by
subtracting the ammonia loadings and
the COD loadings of the substitute
product, potassium acetate. (Although
some studies indicate that alternative
pavement deicers can be toxic to aquatic
organisms, the combined impact of the
COD content, toxicity, and nutrient
content of urea is greater than effects
associated with alternative pavement
These calculated loading reductions,
for both airfield and aircraft deicing
chemicals, were then extrapolated by
multiplying the direct discharge loads
or load removals by the airport survey
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weighting factors to determine national
loads for the entire industry for baseline
and each regulatory scenario. EPA
estimates the total annual pollutant
removal for the proposed rule at 44.6
million pounds, comprised of 39.9
million pounds of COD and 4.7 million
pounds of ammonia. The pollutant
removal estimates for the other
regulatory options range from 26 million
pounds to 46 million pounds.
K. Approach to Determining Long-Term
Averages, Variability Factors and
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and
This section describes the statistical
methodology used to develop the
proposed daily maximum and
maximum for weekly average effluent
limitations for BAT and new source
performance standards for COD. EPA
also used the same statistical
methodology to develop the daily
maximum limitation/standard for
ammonia that is a proposed compliance
alternative when urea is applied to
runways. For simplicity, the following
discussion uses the term ‘‘limitation’’ to
refer to effluent limitations, standards,
and the compliance alternative. EPA has
proposed the same limitations for each
level of recovery requirements, because
the treatment technology and
performance are the same regardless of
the amount of fluid recovered.
The following sections describe the
data selection criteria; the statistical
percentile basis of the proposed
limitations; rationales for proposing
certain limitations; the calculations; the
recommended long-term average value
for treatment operations; and the
engineering evaluation of the model
technology’s ability to achieve the levels
required by the proposed limitations.
1. Criteria Used To Select Data as the
Basis of the Proposed Limitations
Typically, in developing effluent
limitations for any industry, EPA
qualitatively reviews all the data before
selecting a subset as the basis of the
limitations. EPA typically uses four
criteria to assess the data. One criterion
generally requires that the influent and
effluent represent only wastewater from
the regulated operations (e.g., deicing),
and do not include wastewater from
other sources (e.g., sanitary wastes). A
second criterion typically ensures that
the pollutants were present in the
influent at sufficient concentrations to
evaluate treatment effectiveness. A third
criterion generally requires that the
facility must have the technology and
demonstrate good operation. A fourth
criterion typically requires that the data
cannot represent periods of treatment
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upsets or shutdown and start-up
periods. (Shutdown periods can result
from upset conditions, maintenance,
and other atypical operations.)
EPA has adapted the application of
the fourth general criterion for data
corresponding to start-up periods to
reflect some unique characteristics of
treating discharges from aircraft deicing
operations. Most industries incur startup conditions only during the
adjustment period associated with
installing new treatment systems.
During this acclimation and
optimization process, the concentration
values tend to be highly variable with
occasional extreme values (high and
low). After this initial adjustment
period, the systems should operate at
steady state for years with relatively low
variability around a long-term average.
Because start-up conditions reflect onetime operating conditions, EPA
generally excludes such data in
developing the limitations. In contrast,
EPA expects airports to encounter startup operations at the start of every
deicing season because they probably
will cease treatment operations during
warmer months. Because this
adjustment period will occur every year
for the Airport Deicing Category, EPA is
proposing to include start-up data in the
data set used as the basis of the
limitations. However, through its
application of the other three criteria,
EPA would exclude extreme conditions
that do not demonstrate the level of
control possible with proper operation
and control even during start-up
In part, by retaining start-up data for
limitations development, the limitations
will be achievable because EPA based
these limits on typical treatment during
the entire season. Once the treatment
system reaches steady state, EPA
expects a typically well-designed and
operated system to run continuously
until the end of the deicing season.
Conversely, EPA might determine that
systems that operated only during
relatively short periods, such as during
each winter storm event (i.e., of only
several days duration), might be poorly
operated because the model technology
requires more time to reach steady state.
In other words, it would be ineffective
and disruptive to turn the system on
and off throughout the deicing season,
particularly for biological systems, such
as the model technology, and EPA may
reject data if it determines that it reflects
this type of operation.
2. Data Used as Basis of Proposed
Of the effluent data available to EPA,
2,562 concentration values for COD and
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
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5 concentration values for ammonia met
the requirements in the criteria and are
the basis of the proposed limitations.
The concentration values are
measurements of effluent collected from
Albany Airport’s anaerobic treatment
system. The 2,562 COD values were
collected by the airport during its daily
monitoring of COD over ten deicing
seasons (i.e., December 1, 1999 through
April 10, 2009). The five ammonia
values were collected by EPA during its
sampling episode (February 5 through
February 9, 2006). (As explained in
Section VII.E.3, EPA transferred the
ammonia data from the anaerobic
fluidized bed (AFB) technology because
an AFB system by design creates
ammonia as a by-product of wastewater
treatment. Consequently, AFB
discharges could have higher ammonia
concentrations than typically found in
airfield runoff when urea is not present.
If the treated aircraft deicing effluent
then were discharged through the same
pipe as the runway runoff, the airport
might have difficulties complying with
the ammonia limitation.)
For the final rule, EPA might further
explore factors contributing to
variability observed in the available
data, assess whether some modes of
operations do not reflect the
performance expected from the model
technology (as required by criterion 3),
and thus decide whether to exclude any
of the corresponding data as the basis of
any limitation.
EPA is soliciting additional data on
airport discharges (see Section XIV for
a detailed request for data). When
applying the data selection criteria for
the final limitations, EPA will consider
new information from commenters and
other sources. Consequently, EPA may
reach new conclusions about whether
some or all of the proposal data should
be included or excluded as the basis of
the final limitations; and/or revisions to
its statistical approach are appropriate.
As a result of its evaluation of the new
information, EPA may promulgate final
limitations that are more or less
stringent than the proposed limitations.
3. Statistical Percentile Basis for
EPA uses a statistical framework to
establish limitations that facilities are
capable of complying with at all times.
Statistical methods are appropriate for
dealing with effluent data because the
quality of effluent, even in welloperated systems, is subject to a certain
amount of fluctuation or uncertainty.
Statistics is the science of dealing with
uncertainty in a logical and consistent
manner. Statistical methods together
with engineering analysis of operating
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conditions, therefore, provide a logical
and consistent framework for analyzing
a set of effluent data and determining
values from the data that form a
reasonable basis for effluent limitations.
Using statistical methods, EPA has
derived numerical values for its
proposed daily maximum limitations
and weekly average limitations.
The statistical percentiles are
intended, on one hand, to be high
enough to accommodate reasonably
anticipated variability within control of
the facility. The limitations also reflect
a level of performance consistent with
the CWA requirement that these
limitations be based on the best
technologies that are properly operated
and maintained.
In establishing daily maximum
limitations, EPA’s objective is to restrict
the discharges on a daily basis at a level
that is achievable for an airport that
targets its treatment system design and
operation at the long-term average while
allowing for the variability around the
long-term average that results from
normal operations. This variability
means that at certain times airports may
discharge at a level that is greater than
the long-term average. This variability
also means that airports may at other
times discharge at a level that is
considerably lower than the long-term
average. To allow for possibly higher
daily discharges, EPA has established
the daily maximum limitation at a
relatively high level (i.e., the 99th
percentile). EPA has consistently used
the 99th percentile as the basis of the
daily maximum limitation in
establishing limitations for numerous
industries for many years and numerous
courts have upheld EPA’s approach.
EPA has not promulgated weekly
average limitations for other industries,
and thus, is soliciting comment on its
approach for this industry. Because EPA
typically establishes limitations based
upon statistical percentile estimates, it
is proposing to do so for the weekly
average limitation. In its derivation of
the weekly average limitation for COD,
EPA used an estimate of the 97th
percentile of the weekly averages of the
daily measurements. This percentile
basis is the midpoint of the percentiles
used for the daily maximum limitation
(i.e., 99th percentile of the distribution
of daily values) and the monthly average
limitation (i.e., 95th percentile of the
distribution of monthly average values).
Courts have upheld EPA’s use of these
percentiles, and the selection of the 97th
percentile is a logical extension of this
practice. Compliance with the daily
maximum limitation is determined by a
single daily value; therefore, EPA
considers the 99th percentile to provide
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a reasonable basis for the daily
maximum limitation by providing an
allowance for an occasional extreme
discharge. Because compliance with the
monthly average limitation is based
upon more than one daily measurement
and averages are less variable than daily
discharges, EPA has determined that
facilities should be capable of
controlling the average of daily
discharges to avoid extreme monthly
averages above the 95th percentile. In a
similar manner to the monthly average
limitation, compliance with the weekly
average limitation also would be based
upon more than one daily measurement.
However, the airport would monitor for
a shorter time and thus would have
fewer opportunities to counterbalance
highly concentrated daily discharges
with lower ones. For this reason, EPA is
proposing and seeks comment on the
choice to use a larger percentile for the
weekly average limitation than the one
used for the monthly average limitation.
Consequently, EPA is proposing the
97th percentile as an appropriate basis
for limiting average discharges on a
weekly basis. EPA also considers this
level of control in avoiding extreme
weekly average discharges to be possible
for airports using the model technology.
4. Rationale for Proposing Limitation on
Weekly Averages Instead of Monthly
Averages for COD in Effluent Discharges
From a monitoring perspective, EPA
considers the weekly average limitation
to be a better fit than the monthly
average limitation for the circumstances
associated with monitoring during the
deicing season. In this situation, the
weekly average limitation would apply
to every week that the treatment system
operates during the deicing season.
When it establishes monthly average
limitations, EPA’s objective is to
provide an additional restriction to help
ensure that facilities target their
treatment systems to achieve the longterm average. The monthly average
limitation requires facilities to provide
on-going control that complements
controls imposed by the daily maximum
limitation. To meet the monthly average
limitation, a facility must
counterbalance a value near the daily
maximum limitation with one or more
values well below the daily maximum
limitation. To achieve compliance, these
values must result in a monthly average
value at or below the monthly average
The deicing season is unlikely to start
at the beginning of a calendar month
and close exactly at the end of a
calendar month. This means that the
facility would be monitoring at a
reduced frequency during those two
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months. Increasing or decreasing
monitoring frequency does not affect the
statistical properties of the underlying
distribution of the data used to derive
the limitations. However, monitoring
less frequently theoretically results in
average values that are more variable.
For example, monthly average values
based on 10 monitoring samples per
month would be (statistically) expected
to include some averages that are
numerically larger (as well as some that
are numerically smaller) than monthly
average values based upon 20
monitoring samples. Because of this
reduced monitoring, an airport might
have trouble in complying with the
monthly average limitation even with an
otherwise well-operated and controlled
system. In other words, because it was
not monitoring as frequently, the airport
would have fewer opportunities to
counterbalance high concentrations
with lower values.
A weekly average limitation preserves
EPA’s intent for an additional restriction
beyond the daily maximum limitation
that supports EPA’s objective of having
airports control their average discharges
at the long-term average. EPA is
proposing and soliciting comment on
use of a weekly average instead of a
monthly average limitation because it
appears to be a better fit for this
industry from a monitoring perspective.
However, two factors may warrant
another approach in the final rule. First,
a week may be too short a period to
ensure that airports will optimize their
systems appropriately over a longer
period to achieve the long-term average.
Second, the industry and permit writers
are unlikely to have experience with
weekly average limitations and may
prefer other alternatives. Other
approaches may include the monthly
average limitation and/or the annual
average limitation sometimes used for
intermittent dischargers in other
industries. For example, for the Pulp,
Paper and Paperboard Category (40 CFR
Part 430), EPA promulgated an annual
average limitation that was set equal to
the value of the long-term average
derived from the data used to develop
the daily maximum and monthly
average limitations for continuous
dischargers. (It does not have an
allowance for variability.) EPA solicits
comment on whether weekly average
limitations, monthly average limitations
or some other approach would be
appropriate to ensure that airports have
well-operated, maintained, and
controlled treatment systems that
discharge at a level consistent with the
long-term average.
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5. Rationale for Proposing a Limitation
Only for Daily Discharges of Ammonia
in Effluent Discharges
EPA believes that it appropriate to
rely on a daily maximum limitation to
ensure that airports appropriately
control ammonia levels as airports
might have difficulties in complying
with any average limitation due to
monitoring less frequently than
assumed in the statistical calculations
(see discussion related to monitoring for
COD). Unlike COD, EPA is not
proposing a weekly ammonia effluent
limitation. The technology basis for the
COD effluent limitations would operate
throughout the deicing season with
continuous discharges allowing for
weekly monitoring. In contrast, urea is
applied to airfield pavement as needed,
and discharges would occur for a short
time after the initial application, as the
urea works its way through the
stormwater collection and any
associated treatment system that may be
present. Most airports would have noncontinuous and somewhat infrequent
urea discharges. Consequently, it would
be difficult to assume a single value for
the monitoring frequency that could
reasonably be applied to all airports,
regardless of climatic conditions. In
developing the average limitations, this
assumed monitoring frequency is used
in the statistical calculations. Although
EPA has concerns about establishing
average limitations on a national basis,
a permit authority may choose to
establish weekly or monthly average
limitations for a specific airport, and
would presumably assume a monitoring
frequency based upon local climatic
Additionally, EPA expects airports to
select product substitution (i.e., nonurea deicers) rather than the compliance
alternative that requires collection and
treatment of runway runoff. Thus, it is
possible that no airports will be subject
to any limitation on ammonia
discharges. For the final rule, after
reviewing any supplementary
information and comments, EPA may
reevaluate whether weekly and/or
monthly average limitations are
necessary for proper control of
6. Calculation of Limitations for COD
and Ammonia
For COD, EPA used nonparametric
statistical methods to estimate the
percentiles used as the basis of the daily
maximum and weekly average
limitations. A simple nonparametric
estimate of a particular percentile (e.g.,
99th) of an effluent concentration data
set is the observed value that exceeds
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that percent (e.g., 99) of the observed
data points.
For the proposed daily maximum
limitation for COD, EPA used the
nonparametric method to derive a 99th
percentile of the more than 1200 daily
measurements for each unit, and then
set the proposed limitation equal to the
median of the two 99th percentile
estimates, or 271 mg/L. The median is,
by definition, the midpoint of all
available data values ordered (i.e.,
ranked) from smallest to largest. In this
particular case, because there are two
units, the median is equal to the
arithmetic average (or mean).
For the weekly average limitation of
COD, EPA first calculated, for each unit,
the arithmetic average of the
measurements observed during each
week, excluding weekends (to be
consistent with the assumed monitoring
costs, although permit authorities may
specify different monitoring
requirements). EPA then used the
nonparametric method to derive a 97th
percentile of the more than 200 weekly
averages for each unit, and set the
proposed limitation equal to the median
of the two 97th percentile estimates, or
154 mg/L.
For comparison purposes, EPA
tentatively estimated 112 mg/L as the
95th percentile of the monthly averages
using a statistical model based upon the
lognormal distribution. If EPA were to
establish a monthly average limitation,
it would examine the statistical
properties of the data to determine the
appropriate model and statistical
For ammonia, EPA used a parametric
approach in estimating the 99th
percentile based upon the data collected
during EPA’s 4-day sampling episode.
The calculations assume the ammonia
concentrations can be modeled by a
lognormal distribution. EPA’s selection
of parametric methods, such as the
lognormal distribution, in developing
limitations for other industries is well
documented (e.g., Iron and Steel (40
CFR Part 420), Pulp, Paper and
Paperboard (40 CFR Part 430), Metal
Products and Machinery (40 CFR Part
438) categories). Variance estimates
based upon parametric methods can be
adjusted for possible biases in the data.
The proposed limitation of 14.7 mg/L
includes such an adjustment for
possible bias from positive
autocorrelation. When data are
positively autocorrelated, it means that
measurements taken close together in
time are more closely interrelated than
measurements taken farther apart in
time. The adjusted variance then better
reflects the underlying variability that
would be present if the data were
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collected over a longer period. For
comparison purposes, EPA estimated
values of 9.75 and 6.98 mg/L for the
weekly average limitation and monthly
average limitation.
7. Derivation of Long-Term Average for
COD and Ammonia: Target Level for
Due to routine variability in treated
effluent, an airport that discharges
consistently at a level near the values of
the daily maximum limitation or the
weekly average limitation, instead of the
long-term average, may experience
frequent values exceeding the
limitations. For this reason and as noted
previously in this section, EPA
recommends that airports design and
operate the treatment system to achieve
the long-term average that it derived for
the model technology. Thus, a welloperated and designed system will be
capable of complying with the proposed
For COD, EPA recommends that
airports target treatment systems to
achieve the long-term average value of
41 mg/L, which is the median of the
50th percentiles, of 37 and 45 mg/L, of
the daily values from the two units. The
daily allowance for variability, or the
ratio of the limitation to the long-term
average, is 6.6. (EPA usually refers to
this allowance as the ‘‘variability
factor.’’) In other words, the daily
maximum limitation of 271 mg/L is
about seven times greater than the longterm average achievable by the model
technology. The weekly variability
factor is 3.8.
For ammonia, EPA derived its
recommended long-term average value
of 5.24 mg/L from the (statistical)
expected value of the lognormal
distribution. The daily maximum
limitation of 14.7 mg/L is about three
times greater than the long-term average,
of 5.24 mg/L, achievable by the ADF
treatment model technology. Ammonia
is generated as a by-product of the
model technology, and EPA expects the
concentrations of ammonia to have
similar variability to what is being
treated (i.e., COD). In contrast to the
COD limitations, which are based on a
mixture of start-up and steady state
periods, the ammonia limitation is
based upon data collected only during
steady state operations. EPA requests
additional data that reflect ammonia
discharges during start-up operations.
8. Engineering Review of Proposed
In conjunction with the statistical
methods, EPA performs an engineering
review to verify that the limitations are
reasonable based upon the design and
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expected operation of the control
technologies and the facility conditions.
During the site visit and sampling trip
at the Albany treatment plant, EPA
confirmed that the airport used the
model technologies, specifically AFB.
EPA subsequently contacted the plant
personnel to obtain more information
about the installation and operation of
the model technologies. EPA used this
engineering information to select the
subset of data from which to develop
the proposed limitations. In doing so,
EPA excluded one extreme value
because plant personnel considered it to
be atypical, and likely, the result of high
solids content. Plant personnel also
noted that they had removed and
reinstalled the carbon for one unit prior
to the last deicing season. Because the
performance for the next deicing season
was among the best demonstrated for
this system EPA concluded that the data
with the new carbon characterized
variability that operators could expect
from periodic maintenance for longterm operation.
As part of this engineering review,
EPA concluded that the values of the
limitations were consistent with the
levels that are achievable by the model
technologies. Next EPA compared the
value of the proposed limitations to the
data values used to calculate the
limitations. None of the data selected for
ammonia were greater than its proposed
daily maximum limitation which
supports the engineering and statistical
conclusions that the limitation value is
appropriate. Because of the statistical
methodology used for the COD
limitations some values were greater
than the proposed limitations. Of the
2,562 data points selected for COD, 27
data points had daily values that were
greater than the proposed daily
maximum limitation of 271 mg/L. Of the
460 weekly averages, 14 averages had
values that were greater than the
proposed weekly average limitation of
154 mg/L. Of those 14 averages, 11 were
during weeks when the unit also had
one or more daily values that were
greater than the daily maximum
limitation. EPA considered, from an
engineering perspective, whether any
factors were likely to have led to the
larger daily discharges of COD. These
factors included deicing season, influent
concentrations, and start-up operations.
In evaluating the impact of the deicing
seasons, EPA concluded that the higher
values did not seem to be predominant
in any one season. In particular, the
higher values occurred one to seven
times in each of eight seasons. In
evaluating influent concentrations, EPA
found that influent concentrations were
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generally well-controlled into the
treatment plant. In general, the
treatment systems adequately treated
even the extreme influent values, and
the high effluent values did not appear
to be the result of high influent
discharges. In considering start-up
operations, EPA noted that the higher
values occurred in every month from
December through May, except in April,
and thus, the limitations appear to
provide adequate allowance for start-up
For the final rule, EPA may further
assess the range of the operating
conditions and resulting performance of
the treatment units used at the Albany
airport that were the basis of the COD
limitation. For example, EPA may
contact this airport about the 27 COD
values greater than the proposed daily
maximum limitation. In the final rule,
EPA may consider adjustments (upward
or downward) to the limitations to
ensure that they adequately reflect
normal operations of the model
technology. These final limitations may
require some dischargers to improve
treatment systems and/or operations to
meet consistently the effluent
limitations. EPA determined that this
consequence is consistent with the
Clean Water Act statutory framework,
which requires that discharge
limitations reflect the best available
L. Complying With Regulatory
1. Compliance Dates
EPA proposes that the compliance
date for today’s proposed requirements
will be 30 days after promulgation.
Permits issued after this date will need
to include limits consistent with the
final rule.
2. Determination of Number of Annual
Airports, in determining whether they
are subject to this proposed rule, will
need to refer to the number of annual
departures over a five-year period prior
to submittal of a permit application or
NOI. Air traffic controllers tabulate
departure data, which are then
compiled in the BTS T–100 database
(available at https://transtats.bts.gov).
These data, along with ADF usage data
collected pursuant to proposed
§ 449.20(a), will allow permittees,
permit authorities, and the public to
easily determine which ADF collection
requirements would apply to a
particular airport.
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3. Alternate Means of Demonstrating
a. ADF Collection Requirement
EPA is aware that the ADF collection
requirement differs from traditional
end-of-pipe effluent limitations with
regard to a mechanism for
demonstrating compliance. Compliance
with the collection requirement cannot
be determined through end-of-pipe
sampling and analysis. Additionally, the
amount of ADF available for collection
can vary depending on the weather and
icing conditions at the time of
application. EPA is proposing three
procedures for demonstrating
compliance with the ADF collection
The first procedure would require an
airport to certify to the permitting
authority that it is operating its
collection system in accordance with
specifications for the applicable
technology described at proposed
§ 449.20(b)(1). The proposed
specifications describe operating
practices for the technologies. As long
as these technologies are operated and
maintained as required, the permittee
will be deemed in compliance with the
associated collection rate. The only
reporting requirement for this procedure
would be for the permitted facilities to
certify to the permit authority that it is
operating according to the
It is not practical for EPA to provide
operating specifications for all potential
collection technologies. In the instance
where an airport wants to perform ADF
collection with a technology other than
those described in the regulations,
under proposed § 449.20(b)(2) the
permit authority may consult with the
permittee and specify, on a case-by-case
basis, an alternative ADF collection
technology as the manner in which the
permittee must demonstrate compliance
with its capture requirement. Under this
provision, the Director would also be
able to specify alternate operating
parameters for one of the technologies
listed in the proposed rule, in
consultation with the permittee. As part
of the permit application, the permittee
would be required to demonstrate, to
the Permit authority’s satisfaction, that
the specified technology is designed to
achieve the capture requirement as set
forth in today’s proposal. Again, the
only reporting requirement for this
scenario would be for the permitted
facilities to certify to their permit
authorities that they are operating and
maintaining their permitted technology
as required.
A third procedure, under proposed
§ 449.20(b)(3), would be for the
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permitted facility to periodically
monitor, through a mass balance
analysis or other means deemed
acceptable by the permitting authority.
The permittee would report, at a
frequency determined by the permit
authority, the amount of ADF sprayed
and the amount of available ADF
collected, in order to determine the
percentage of available ADF collected.
b. Ammonia Limits
While EPA proposed a non-ureabased airfield deicing certification
requirement, it is also proposing that an
airport may choose a compliance
alternative in which it would monitor
all runway outfalls to demonstrate
compliance with a proposed alternative
compliance ammonia limit. However, as
described further in Section VII.E.3,
EPA anticipates that most if not all
permittees would certify rather than
choose the proposed compliance
alternative ammonia limitation.
VIII. Economic Analysis for Airports
A. Introduction
EPA’s economic analysis assesses the
costs and impacts of the proposed
effluent guidelines on the regulated
industry. This section explains EPA’s
methodology and the results of its
economic analysis. The EA contains
more detailed results of this analysis.
B. Economic Data Collection Activities
EPA obtained the following data
submitted by airlines to the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics (BTS):
• Aircraft departures, enplaned
passengers, and cargo by airport of
origination, destination, airline, aircraft,
and service type (passenger or cargo
only) maintained in the Form 41 Traffic
• Air carrier summary traffic and
capacity statistics such as available seatmiles, available ton-miles, revenue seatmiles, and revenue ton-miles
maintained in the Form 41 Traffic
• Operating revenues, profits, and net
income for large certificated carriers
maintained in the Form 41 Financial
• Operating revenues, profits, and net
income for small certificated and
commuter air carriers submitted by
airlines to the BTS and maintained in
the Form 298c Financial Database.
These financial data are confidential
business information and cannot made
public until three years after the
reporting year. EPA obtained them
through a special request to the BTS,
and they will not be included in the
rulemaking public docket.
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EPA obtained data on airport
revenues, expenses and other financial
information that were submitted under
FAA’s Financial Reporting Program by
commercial service airports receiving
Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
grants. As noted in Section VI above,
EPA surveyed: All U.S. primary airports
with more than 30,000 annual
departures by commercial air carriers; a
sample of small hub and non-hub
primary airports with fewer than 30,000
commercial air carrier annual
departures (excluding Alaska); and
selected General Aviation/Cargo airports
and Alaskan airports. The Airport
Questionnaire collected data on airport
ownership, financial management,
signatory airlines, sources of capital
funding, and non-airline aircraft
operations. These data were collected to
provide EPA with a context to
understand better the data that were
obtained through the Financial
Reporting Program.
In addition, EPA surveyed a sample of
airlines that operated at each of the
surveyed airports; all airlines with more
than 20,000 annual departures at a
surveyed airport received a
questionnaire, as well as a sample of
airlines with more than 1,000 annual
departures at each surveyed airport. The
Airline Questionnaire collected data on
deicing operations at each airport,
including the airline’s deicing budget,
costs included in the budget, whether
the airport is an operational hub for the
airline, and whether its aircraft were
deiced by another airline or a fixed base
operator providing ground services at
that airport.
EPA also used journal articles,
academic publications, and data and
reports from trade organizations, FAA,
DOT, and other government agencies
and other publications to inform the
analysis of the effluent guidelines.
C. Annualized Compliance Cost
EPA estimates that 218 primary
airports that perform deicing operations
and have more than 1,000 annual jet
departures will be regulated by the
proposed rule. EPA estimated the
economic cost to each potentially
affected airport of complying with the
BAT limitations being proposed today
using the BAT technologies identified
by EPA in this proposal. Thus, EPA
assumed that airports would:
• Discontinue urea usage for airfield
deicing and use substitute deicing
products instead;
• Collect at least 60 percent of
applied ADF and treat to the specified
numeric discharge limit using anaerobic
fluidized bed technology if the airport
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
has more than 10,000 annual
departures, and on average 460,000 or
more gallons of ADF is applied annually
at the airport;
• Collect at least 20 percent of
applied ADF and treat to the specified
numeric discharge limit using anaerobic
fluidized bed technology if the airport
has more than 10,000 annual
departures, and on average less than
460,000 gallons of ADF is applied
annually at the airport.
Because many airports do not meet the
above criteria, EPA estimates that
approximately 164 primary airports, 135
non-primary airports, and almost 3,000
general aviation airports are not
regulated under the proposed rule.
EPA projects that 70 of the 218 inscope airports would incur costs under
this proposal associated with deicing of
aircraft. EPA’s assessment of the
remaining 148 airports indicates they
are already in compliance with the
performance standard, and therefore
would not incur additional costs
because of this proposal. The
technologies that are the basis for
today’s proposal are projected to cost
affected airports $714.0 million in total
capital costs over the 20-year analytic
period. EPA believes the effective
service life of deicing pads is at least 20
years, but the effective service life of
GRV and plug-and-pump technologies is
10 years. (Plug-and-pump technologies
are not part of the proposed option.)
Therefore, for any airport modeled using
GRV and/or plug-and-pump
technologies, EPA incorporated capital
expenditures in year 10 for replacement
in addition to the initial capital
expenditure. The total capital cost figure
in Table VIII–1 includes all initial and
replacement capital expenditures.
However, because the replacement
capital expenditures occur 10 years after
promulgation, the discounted present
value (PV) of those expenditures is less
than their current value. Thus, the PV
of capital costs is also presented in
Table VIII–1 to allow a fair comparison
between technologies requiring
replacement with those only requiring
initial investment over the 20-year
analytic period. The PV of capital costs
under the proposed option 3 is $701.7
million over the 20-year analytic period.
The annual cost of operating and
maintaining the technologies identified
as BAT for aircraft deicing for this
proposed rule, which includes the cost
of using potassium acetate instead of
urea to deice airfield pavement, is
estimated at $45.9 million. Adding this
operation and maintenance cost to the
$45.4 million in capital costs of
installing deicing pads at the seven
airports who are not currently meeting
the 60 percent capture requirement, the
rule would have a total annualized cost
of $91.3 million ($2006). Of the 70
airports projected to incur costs under
this proposed rule: 40 airports only
incur costs associated with the urea ban,
17 airports only incur costs associated
with the collection and treatment of
ADF, and 13 airports incur costs
associated with both the urea ban and
ADF collection and treatment. Table
VIII–1 presents projected costs for the
proposed rule, as well as the other three
options examined (see Section VII.D.3).
[2006 $ millions—218 airports] a
1 .......................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................
3 b .....................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................
value of
capital costs
capital costs
O&M costs
EPA used a discount rate of 5.25% as provided by the airport industry. See Section 5 of the Economic Analysis for further information.
Proposed option.
D. Economic Impact Methodologies
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
Total capital
EPA’s analysis of the economic
impacts of the proposed effluent
guidelines and new source performance
standards for airport deicing operations
examined the impacts of the proposed
regulations on the economic viability of
airports and their customer airlines. We
note that there are a number of
distinguishing features of this industry
that make the analysis here different
from the type of more traditional
analysis EPA would perform for a forprofit manufacturing industry.
First, almost all potentially affected
airports are publicly owned and
operated by local, county, or state
governments, or by quasi-governmental
authorities created to operate the
airport. As governmental or quasigovernmental entities, airports do not
earn a profit or loss in the traditional
financial sense; in fact, many airports
have been operated with the expectation
that they will break even financially,
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with airline customers legally required
to cover expenditures in excess of costs.
Second, if compliance costs are
passed through to airlines serving the
affected airports, those airlines would
likely determine economic achievability
on a route and/or airport basis, as well
as how that route/airport fits into the
airline’s entire route structure. Further,
a decision to drop a route at one airport
if the route is no longer financially
viable may affect the financial viability
of connecting routes associated with the
same or different airports. However,
airline cost and revenue data are only
available at the airline level, not on a
route-specific basis.
Third, recent years have been
financially difficult for the air
transportation industry. In aggregate,
airlines earned negative operating profit
(operating revenues less operating
expenses) from 2001 through 2004, and
negative net income from 2001 through
2005. A comparison of the expected
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compliance costs of this proposed
regulation with industry profits is not a
useful benchmark here (as it usually
would be for evaluating the impacts of
effluent guidelines on for-profit
industries in better financial condition)
where many airlines are actually losing
money prior to this proposal.
1. Cost Annualization
The first step in projecting the
economic and financial impacts of this
proposed rule on airports is cost
annualization. For each airport, EPA
projected the capital and operating and
maintenance costs of the technology
basis for each ADF target removal
percentage over 20 years, discounted
future costs using an airport-specific
opportunity cost of capital, and
annualized those costs to represent 20
equal annual cost payments incurred by
the airport. Based on their expected
service lives, the capital cost estimates
incorporate periodic replacement of
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
GRVs and plug-and pump-technologies.
For the purposes of projecting capital
costs, EPA expects both these
technologies will require replacement
after 10 years, while a deicing pad is
expected to last 20 years before
requiring replacement. The method for
projecting each airport’s capital and
operating costs is described in Section
EPA assumed airports will issue taxexempt, fixed coupon rate serial General
Airport Revenue Bonds (GARBs) to fund
capital expenditures. EPA assumed
airports will issue bonds equivalent to
the net present value of capital costs
plus 3 percent to account for bond
issuance costs. Capital costs were
annualized using each airport’s nominal
bond rate for its most recent GARB
issue. This was converted to a real rate
using an average annual inflation rate of
2.3 percent over the last 5 years. The
average nominal discount rate for costed
airports was 5.25 percent, which is
equivalent to 2.87 percent after
accounting for inflation. Costs were
annualized over 20 years. Table VIII–1
presents the total net present value and
annualized value of capital costs as well
as the operating and maintenance costs
for each option.
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2. Impacts
Because airports are generally nonprofit government or quasi-government
(e.g., port authorities) enterprise funds,
the effect of an effluent guideline on
airport income statements and balance
sheets is not equivalent to the impact on
income of a for-profit private-sector
business. Therefore, EPA chose to
examine the financial impacts of the
proposed effluent guidelines using two
measures. First, EPA compared airport
revenues with annualized compliance
costs. Second, because EPA expects
many, if not all, airports will fund
capital expenditures by issuing debt
(GARBs), EPA examined the impact of
additional debt on each airport’s debt
service coverage ratio.
a. Revenue Test
EPA’s Guidelines for Preparing
Economic Analyses (2000) recommends
the ‘‘revenue test’’ as a measure for
impacts of programs that directly affect
government and not-for-profit entities.
The revenue test compares the
annualized compliance costs of the
regulation with the revenues of the
governmental entity. The guidance
suggests evaluating the affordability of a
regulatory option as follows:
• If annualized compliance costs are
less than 1 percent of revenues, the
option is generally considered
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• If annualized compliance costs are
greater than 1 percent, but less than 3
percent of revenues, the option may be
considered affordable if only a few
entities are affected and the majority
incurs costs less than one percent of
• If annualized compliance costs are
greater than 3 percent of revenues, the
option is not generally considered
EPA found that only one surveyed
airport is privately owned, and because
that airport is not a commercial service
airport, it would not be within the scope
of coverage of today’s proposed rule. All
other surveyed airports are owned by
state, city or county governments, or by
airport or multi-port authorities. Thus,
use of the revenue test is appropriate to
measure impacts to airports. EPA used
operating revenues as reported on Form
127 of the FAA’s Airport Financial
Reporting Program as the denominator
for the revenue test ratio, and
annualized compliance costs for each
option as described under Cost
Annualization (see Section VIII.D.1) as
the numerator for the ratio.
b. Debt Service Coverage Ratio
When creating quasi-governmental
agencies such as port authorities, the
legislation that created the agency
typically includes a lower limit on the
authority’s debt service coverage ratio
(DSCR). Airports owned and operated
directly by a state or local government
might also have direct limits on airport
debt (if the airport has authority
independent of the city or county
government to incur debt). The
authority will be in default on all bond
issues if its DSCR falls below the
relevant benchmark. Review of
Comprehensive Annual Financial
Reports (CAFR) for affected airports
shows that the ratio of net revenues to
debt service for any given year cannot
fall below 1.25.
EPA assumed capital financing will
occur through the issue of GARBs; this
can only be done if the additional debt
does not cause the issuer’s DSCR to fall
below the benchmark. Therefore, EPA
estimated the post-regulatory DSCR for
each airport incurring capital
expenditures under the proposed rule.
From the Airport Questionnaire
responses, EPA collected each airport’s
current DSCR, and the net revenues and
debt service used to calculate that ratio.
For airports that belonged to multiairport systems under the same
ownership, DSCR was reported at the
level of the entire system. Therefore,
EPA aggregated compliance costs for all
affected airports in the system, and
performed a single calculation for the
PO 00000
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entire system. EPA calculated the postregulatory DSCR in two ways: (1)
Assuming costs are passed through to
airlines in the form of higher landing
fees, and (2) assuming no costs are
passed through. Some evidence suggests
airports do not pass through 100 percent
of costs, at least in the short run, if there
is concern an airline might withdraw
service if the airport increases fees. This
might occur if the airport has nearby
competitors, or if airline finances are
fragile. Therefore, EPA wanted to
determine if an airport would be in
danger of default on its debt even if it
was unable to pass through compliance
costs to its airline customers.
Assuming 100 percent cost passthrough from airports to airlines, EPA
estimated the post-regulatory DSCR by:
(1) Adding the net increase in landing
fees associated with compliance (that is,
total annualized compliance costs less
incremental annual deicing operating
and maintenance costs) to preregulatory airport net revenues, and (2)
adding the annualized value of capital
compliance costs to the debt service
figure. Assuming no cost pass-through
from airports to airlines, EPA estimated
the post-regulatory DSCR by: (1)
Subtracting incremental annual deicing
operating and maintenance costs from
pre-regulatory airport net revenues, and
(2) adding the annualized value of
capital compliance costs to the debt
service figure.
3. Cost Pass-Through
Historically, most or all airport costs
are eventually paid for by airlines and
the airlines’ customers. Airlines paid
airports for operating costs through rates
and charges, and for airport capital
expansion through aviation user taxes
that formed the basis for AIP grants or
by providing the revenue stream to
finance bond issues. In recent years,
airports have developed new revenue
streams from concessions, parking, and
car rentals. In addition, much capital
expenditure is now funded through
Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs),
although airlines view PFCs as similar
to other fees that affect ticket prices, and
thus reflect costs passed through to
them and their passengers. Although
these recent trends have modified
airport finance, EPA’s overall
understanding is still that in the long
run, a large percentage of airport costs
are passed through to airlines and
airline passengers in the form of
increased fees.
However, in the short run, cost passthrough (CPT) from airports to airlines
might be significantly smaller than 100
percent. For example, due to the severe
financial distress experienced by
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
airlines in the wake of 9/11, a
Department of Transportation report
showed that airports suspended or
reduced airline rates and charges,
contributed discretionary cash flow to
reduce airline charges, and found other
means of reducing (or at least refrained
from increasing) airport costs to airlines.
In addition, airports compete among
themselves for airline service.
Anecdotally, some airports in relatively
close proximity to other significant
airports have indicated to EPA that they
are reluctant to increase airline rates
and charges for fear of losing traffic to
Although the general economic
pressures that affect an airport’s ability
to pass through costs are well
understood, EPA found no studies that
have attempted to quantify this
relationship. Therefore, to study the
range of possible impacts, EPA has
chosen to model CPT in the form of
three scenarios: the two endpoints of the
spectrum (0 percent and 100 percent
CPT), and an intermediate scenario of
50 percent CPT.
In addition, airlines pass through
costs to passengers in the form of higher
ticket prices. The ability of airlines to do
this depends largely on market-specific
factors such as the desirability of an
airport as a final destination, whether
the trip to that final destination is for
business or pleasure, and whether other
airports with acceptable standards of
airline service are close to that
destination. If an airport serves a highly
desirable final destination, with a high
percentage of business travel, and no
alternative airports nearby, airlines
might be able to pass through significant
costs to their passengers. However,
although studies have measured the
intensity of demand for airline services
in general, there are very few studies
examining airport-specific demand
In addition, the ability of airlines to
pass through costs to passengers also
depends on the supply of air
transportation services. In some
respects, airline tickets have become
something of a commodity, where
passengers largely base their choice on
ticket price. This acts to drive prices
down to a similar low level. The results
of this might be observed in the recent
behavior of airlines. With airline fuel
costs projected to increase by 50 to 70
percent in 2008, airlines have found it
difficult to raise fares, at least in the
short run. Announced fare increases by
one airline have not been followed by
others, forcing the airline raising its
fares to return them to their initial level.
While airlines have recently started
charging or increasing fees for checked
bags, phone reservations, and in-flight
meals and snacks, these fees are
expected to cover only a fraction of
increased fuel costs. Thus, it appears
that at least in the short run, it is
difficult in today’s business climate for
airlines to pass through a significant
percentage of costs to their passengers.
E. Selection, Costs and Impacts of BAT
Table VIII–2 summarizes the
projected annualized compliance costs
and the number and percent of in-scope
airports projected to incur compliance
costs greater than 3 percent of operating
revenues under each option analyzed by
Total annualized
compliance costs
(2006 $millions)
In-scope airports with projected compliance costs exceeding 3% of operating
revenues a b
1 ...........................................................................................................................................
2 ...........................................................................................................................................
3 c .........................................................................................................................................
4 ...........................................................................................................................................
a Assuming
zero percent cost pass-through.
were not projected for 3 airports under Options 1 through 3, and 5 airports under Option 4. All 5 airports are owned by the Alaska
Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Impacts to these airports could not be projected because the airport owner does not maintain
airport-specific revenue figures.
c Proposed option.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
b Impacts
Under Option 2, airports are projected
to incur the largest total annualized
costs of all four options examined, yet
projected removals of COD are less than
under either Option 3 or Option 4 (see
Section 13 of the TDD). Because Option
2 costs more but would remove fewer
pounds of pollutants than either Option
3 or Option 4, EPA eliminated Option
2 as a candidate for selection as best
available technology for this ELG.
EPA also rejected Option 4 as a
candidate for selection as BAT, because
more than one-quarter of in-scope
airports (i.e., 59 out of 218 in-scope
airports) are projected to incur costs
exceeding 3 percent of operating
revenue under this option. The
difference between Option 3 and Option
4 is that Option 4 would extend the 20
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percent ADF capture and treatment rate
requirement from primary commercial
service airports with more than 10,000
annual departures to primary
commercial service airports with more
than 1,000 annual departures (see Table
4–1 in the EA). Extending the capture
requirement would cause 51 small
airports with relatively low operating
revenues that were not projected to
incur costs under Option 3 to incur
compliance costs under Option 4. Fortyseven of these 51 airports are projected
to incur costs exceeding 3 percent of
revenues (see Table 5–5 in the EA),
which means that these entities would
experience a heavy economic burden if
required to meet this option, as
described above. Based on the large
number of airports that EPA projects
PO 00000
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would experience this heavy economic
burden, EPA determined that Option 4
is not economically achievable.
Under Option 3, the proposed
regulations would require the 14
airports where average ADF usage has
been estimated to exceed 460,000
gallons annually to capture and treat 60
percent of ADF. Airports with greater
than 10,000 annual departures but less
than 460,000 gallons of ADF usage
would be required to meet a 20 percent
ADF capture and treatment rate. Under
Option 1, the regulations would require
all airports with greater than 10,000
annual departures to meet the 20
percent ADF capture and treatment rate.
Thus, the difference between Option 1
and Option 3 in projected compliance
costs, economic impacts, and pollutant
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
removals is entirely attributable to the
stricter standard for the 14 airports with
the largest ADF usage; this stricter
standard would add a projected $54.9
million in annualized compliance costs
to the rule.
EPA determined that both options are
economically achievable. The 9 airports
projected to incur costs exceeding 3
percent of operating revenues under
Option 1 would incur identical impacts
under Option 3. Due to the 60 percent
ADF capture and treatment standard,
two additional airports are projected to
incur costs exceeding 3 percent of
operating revenues under Option 3 (see
Table 5–5 in the EA). However, as
discussed in Section 2.6 of the EA, very
large airports such as these have
significantly better access to financial
resources than smaller airports and
serve more passengers and aircraft.
Thus, they are less vulnerable to a
potential loss of service in response to
increased rates and charges and earn
higher revenue flows. Consequently,
EPA believes these airports will be less
affected than smaller airports by
compliance costs that comprise a
similar percentage of revenues. In
addition, both of these airports are
currently undergoing significant capital
expansion and improvement programs;
as part of these programs both airports
are installing deicing pads, however
EPA’s costing assumed no deicing pads.
Although EPA does not have sufficient
information to determine if these pads
will enable the airports to meet the 60
percent capture and treatment target
without further capital expenditure,
their installation should decrease the
incremental costs necessary to reach
that standard relative to those estimated
for our analysis.
Airports with less than 10,000 total
annual departures have been excluded
from ADF collection and treatment
requirements based on possible
economic achievability concerns. EPA’s
analysis shows that approximately 46
percent of the next approximately 100
airports (in terms of ADF usage) would
incur costs of greater than 3 percent of
their revenue if required to comply with
these additional requirements.
Moreover, airports with less than 10,000
annual departures are smaller airports
and may have greater difficulty raising
funds to meet these ADF requirements.
For these reasons, we have decided to
exclude airports with less than 10,000
total annual departures from the ADF
collection and treatment requirements
of this proposed rule.
As a check on whether Option 3 is the
best combination of technologies to be
selected as BAT, EPA also examined
whether there might be an additional
option that would result in more
removals than Option 3 (but less than
Option 4) while still being economically
achievable. Option 3 would impose a 60
percent capture requirement on the 14
airports that are the largest by ADF
usage. EPA therefore considered
whether the 60 percent requirement
could be extended to additional airports
beyond the top 14 (i.e., extended to
airports with somewhat less ADF usage)
without going beyond the limits of
economic achievability. EPA reviewed
the projected costs of installing deicing
pads at airports with less than 460,000
gallons of annual ADF usage as well as
those airports’ operating revenues. From
this review, EPA concluded that the set
of airports immediately following the
‘‘top 14’’ by ADF usage would incur
significantly greater economic impacts
relative to their resources than would
the top 14 airports. Specifically, of those
airports that would incur costs under
today’s proposal, 5 of the first 6 airports
that immediately follow the top 14 by
ADF usage would be projected to incur
costs greater than 3 percent of revenues
and therefore would incur a heavy
economic burden. In addition, 29 of the
57 airports in all that follow the top 14
by ADF usage would be projected to
incur costs over 3 percent of revenues.
This confirms, in EPA’s view, that
imposing the 60 percent requirement on
only the top 14 airports under Option 3
is the appropriate cutoff point for
determining economic achievability for
this industry. Moreover, these
additional airports, if subjected to a 60
percent capture requirement, would be
expected to achieve few additional
pounds of pollutant removals relative to
Option 3. This additional analysis
confirms EPA’s proposal to identify the
Option 3 technologies as the BAT basis
for this effluent limitation guideline.
See ‘‘Regulatory Option Development
for the Airport Deicing Operations
Rulemaking Proposal’’ (DCN AD01168)
in the docket for additional information.
Tables VIII–3 through VIII–5 below
present more detailed estimated costs
and impacts of the options that EPA
considered for BAT.
Table VIII–3 presents the results of
the revenue test for affected airports.
Under Option 3, 174 of 218 in-scope
airports (80 percent) are projected to
incur zero annualized compliance costs
or annualized compliance costs
composing less than 1 percent of
revenues. Of the remainder, 11 (5
percent) are projected to incur costs
exceeding 3 percent of revenues, and 29
(13 percent) are projected to incur costs
exceeding 1 percent, but less than 3
percent of revenues.
[2006 $ millions—218 airports]
1 ...............................................................................................................
2 ...............................................................................................................
3 c .............................................................................................................
4 ...............................................................................................................
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
a Number
b Airports
Number of airports with ratio of annualized compliance
costs to operating revenues of: a
Less than
1% and 3%
than 3%
analyzed b
of airports may not sum to 218 due to rounding.
incurred compliance costs but financial impacts could not be analyzed due to lack of airport revenue data.
c Proposed
Tables VIII–4 and VIII–5 present the
projected impact of the rule on the
ability of the airports to finance their
debt. To complete this analysis, EPA
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first had to distinguish multiple airport
owners from single airport owners.
Multiple airport owners might incur
costs for several airports, and debt is
PO 00000
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typically held at the ownership level,
not at the level of the individual
airports. EPA used question B–4 of the
Airport Deicing Questionnaire to
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
identify all multiple airport owners, and
how many airports under that
ownership received a survey.
EPA found 10 airport owners received
surveys for 31 airports; of these, 9
airport owners received surveys for 21
airports that were determined to be inscope of the proposed regulation. All
results for multiple airport owners are
presented unweighted because each
airport was individually identified and
therefore does not represent any other
airports but itself with respect to
ownership. EPA aggregated projected
costs for all in-scope airports under that
ownership pattern and analyzed them
using the owning organization’s debt
service coverage ratio obtained from the
Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report. The remaining 93 (unweighted)
in-scope airports were evaluated
individually as single-owner airports.
Although EPA did not stratify the
survey based on ownership, and
therefore the survey weights cannot be
considered statistically reliable for
determining the count of single-owner
airports, the weights generally reflect
the relative frequency of single airport
ownership. EPA presents both the
weighted and unweighted results for
this group of airports.
Some airports did not provide
sufficient data to analyze impacts on the
DSCR. This could occur because: (1)
The airport does not use debt to finance
capital projects, (2) data were not
provided through the survey or the
airport’s annual financial report, or (3)
data are available but the pre-regulatory
DSCR is less than 1.25. For single-owner
airports, the impact on DSCR could be
projected for all airports expected to
incur capital costs under the proposed
option. Among multi-airport owners,
the impact on DSCR could be projected
for all except one airport owner that was
expected to incur capital costs for three
airports under the proposed option.
This airport owner is described in
greater detail below.
Table VIII–4 presents the projected
impact of the rule on the ability of
single airport owners to finance their
debt. Assuming no costs are passed
through to their air carrier customers,
two airports are projected to incur costs
under the proposed rule that would
result in their post-regulatory debt
service ratio falling below the threshold
that indicates default. However, one of
these airports installed a deicing pad
after the survey was submitted, and
therefore would incur lower compliance
costs than projected here. Under the
proposed rule, no single airport owners
are projected to be in danger of default
when 100 percent of compliance costs
are assumed to be passed through to
airline customers.
[192 airports]
Incur costs
Owners with pre-regulatory DSCR
>1.25 & post regulatory DSCR
analyzed a
100% CPT
1 .......................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................
3 b .....................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................
0% CPT
a Of the 218 airports (weighted), 192 were estimated to be both in-scope, and the only airport controlled by its ownership. These columns represent the number of those 192 airports projected to incur costs under each option, and of those airports incurring costs, the number that cannot
be analyzed due to lack of sufficient data.
b Proposed option.
Table VIII–5 presents the projected
impact of the rule on the ability of the
owner to finance debt for the 6 multiairport systems that own the 13 airports
projected to incur costs under the
proposed rule. For the 5 airport systems
owning the 10 airports projected to
incur costs for which the DSCR analysis
could be performed, none of the four
options considered for the proposed
rule are projected to have an impact on
the ability of airport authorities to
finance debt.
EPA could not analyze one multiairport system, which is responsible for
five airports projected to incur costs
under at least one option. This is the
Rural Aviation System of the Alaska
Department of Transportation and
Public Facilities, which owns 256 rural
airports. EPA projects that three of those
airports would be affected by the
proposed rule. The Alaska Rural
Aviation system does not use debt
financing; therefore, it has no DSCR to
analyze. Instead, it relies on state and
federal grants to fund capital
[9 airport authorities owning 21 in-scope airports] a
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
Incur costs b
Not analyzed b
Owners with pre-regulatory
DSCR >1.25 & post regulatory
DSCR <1.25
100% CPT
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 c .............................................................
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PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
0% CPT
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
[9 airport authorities owning 21 in-scope airports] a
Incur costs b
Not analyzed b
Owners with pre-regulatory
DSCR >1.25 & post regulatory
DSCR <1.25
100% CPT
4 ...............................................................
0% CPT
a Because
these airports and their ownership were individually identified, the results cannot be assumed to represent any airport owners other
than themselves. Therefore, these results are not weighted.
b Of 114 surveyed airports (unweighted), 21 (unweighted) under the control of 9 distinct ownership authorities were determined to be in-scope
of the proposed rule. These columns represent the number of those airports and the number of airport ownership authorities projected to incur
costs under each option, and of those airports incurring costs, the number that cannot be analyzed due to lack of sufficient data.
c Proposed option.
In light of the foregoing analysis, EPA
does not believe that the projected
impacts of the rule on the ability of
airports to finance their debt are
significant enough to change our
proposed findings on which BAT
options are economically achievable.
F. Economic Impacts for New Sources
As explained in Section VII.F above,
EPA has determined that the proposed
NSPS would not impose a barrier to
entry, in both the new runway and new
airport scenarios. The costs for a
centralized deicing pad are estimated at
ten percent or less of the total cost for
a new runway, and this proportion is
even smaller when compared to the cost
of building a new airport. An analysis
of these costs is contained in the record
for today’s proposal.
G. Cost and Pollutant Reduction
EPA compared the projected
compliance costs for the proposed rule
with the estimated reduction in
pollutants resulting from the effluent
guidelines. Table VIII–6 presents
projected compliance costs and
estimated pounds of COD and ammonia
removed from airport stormwater under
the proposed rule. Option 3 is expected
to reduce COD and ammonia loads by
45.2 million pounds at an annualized
cost of $91.3 million, for a cost of $2.02
per pound of pollutant removed.
Total pollutant
(million lb)
1 ...................................................................................................................................................
2 ...................................................................................................................................................
3 a .................................................................................................................................................
4 ...................................................................................................................................................
a Proposed
H. Small Business Analysis
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
EPA has reviewed the relative cost per
pound of pollutants removed in
previous effluent guidelines and has
found that the cost per pound presented
in today’s proposal is similar or less
expensive than many guidelines
promulgated to date including:
Aluminum Forming, $2.42/Lb;
Landfills, $15.00/Lb and; Waste
Combustors, $38.83/Lb.
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),
as amended by the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996 (SBREFA; hereinafter referred to as
RFA), acknowledges that small entities
have limited resources, and makes it the
responsibility of regulating federal
agencies to avoid burdening such
entities unnecessarily. The ultimate goal
of RFA is to ensure that small entities
do not incur disproportionate adverse
economic impacts as a result of a
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(2006 $ mil.)
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regulation. The first step in this process
is to determine the number and type of
small entities potentially affected by the
The RFA (5 U.S.C. 601) defines three
types of small entities: small business,
small not-for-profit organization, and
small governmental jurisdictions. To
determine airport ownership, EPA
examined FAA Airport Data (Form
5010) and the Contact Information data
file for National Flight Data Center
(NFDC) facilities, which list the owner
of each airport. EPA matched all 153
surveyed airports (representing 359
airports, both in-scope and out-of-scope)
to their owners and determined that
with the exception of one privately
owned airport, ownership is composed
of states, county, city governments, and
single and multi-purpose port
authorities. Single and multi-purpose
port authorities are quasi-governmental
agencies created by governmental
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
legislation to maintain and operate
airports, shipping ports, and other
government-owned facilities such as
The RFA defines a small government
entity as governments of cities, counties,
towns, townships, villages, school
districts, or special districts, with a
population of less than 50,000. After
matching each airport-owning
governmental entity with its population,
EPA estimates that:
• 16 surveyed airports representing
76 airports are owned by small
government entities
• 8 surveyed airports representing 34
airports owned by small government
entities are in the scope of the proposed
Although many Alaskan airports are
relatively small when measured by
service level, most of these airports are
owned by the State of Alaska and
therefore are not considered small for
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
the purposes of the RFA; 10 of the 11
surveyed Alaskan airports are not small
by this standard.
EPA projected impacts on these small
government entities that own airports
using the revenue test described in
Section VIII.D.2. EPA found that 3 of the
34 in-scope airports owned by small
government entities are expected to
incur annualized compliance costs
exceeding three percent of airport
operating revenues. These results are
presented in Table VIII–7.
[2006 $ millions—34 airports]
1 ...........................................................................................
2 ...........................................................................................
3 c .........................................................................................
4 ...........................................................................................
a An
Number of airports with ratio of annualized compliance costs to
operating revenues of:
Less than 1%
Between 1%
and 3%
Greater than
analyzed b
airport is considered small if the governmental entity that owns the airport serves a region with less than 50,000 people.
incurred compliance costs but financial impacts could not be analyzed due to lack of airport revenue data.
b Airports
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
c Proposed
As privately owned, for-profit
businesses, air carriers are subject to the
small business definitions set forth by
the Small Business Administration’s
size standards. For EPA’s purposes, the
size standards for the North American
Industrial Classification System
(NAICS) Scheduled Passenger and
Freight Air Transportation (NAICS
481111 and 481112) sectors are
appropriate for determining potentially
affected small airlines. Thus, air carriers
with fewer than 1,500 employees will be
considered small for the purposes of
this analysis.
Available employment data for air
carriers are provided by the BTS in their
Employment Statistics—Certificated
Carriers report. This data set does not
contain records for all affected air
carriers. For some air carriers with
missing data, EPA obtained employment
figures from annual reports or the
annual report of the Regional Airline
Association. For the remaining carriers,
EPA compared their departure and
enplanement data to the same data for
air carriers with employment data. EPA
determined that annual departures
could be used as a suitable proxy for
size. Using BTS T–100 data, EPA found
139 U.S. air carriers had at least one
departure from an in-scope airport in
2006. Based on employment, or annual
departures for air carriers without
employment data, EPA estimates that of
these 139 U.S. air carriers operating
from in-scope airports in 2006, 36 are
not small (27.5 percent) and 103 (72.5
percent) are small business owned.
IX. Airline Impacts
The economic and operational
structure of airport deicing differs
significantly from most industries for
which EPA has promulgated effluent
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limitations and guidelines. For most
industries, EPA evaluates direct impacts
to affected entities, and only secondarily
considers impacts on those entities’
suppliers and customers. In the case of
airport deicing, the airport is typically
the holder of the NPDES permit and
thus responsible for collection and
treatment of ADF-contaminated
stormwater; air carriers that use the
airport are occasionally co-permittees,
but never the principal permittee at the
airport. However, the air carrier (or a
contractor to the air carrier such as
another airline or an FBO) is the entity
that uses the ADF at the airport under
rigorous safety guidelines set by the
FAA. Furthermore, in the long run, air
carriers (and their passengers) pay for
much of the airport’s infrastructure and
operating expenses. Therefore, EPA has
chosen to evaluate these secondary
impacts of the proposed regulation on
air carriers in addition to airports.
EPA examined impacts to airlines
with compliance costs passed through
from airports in the form of higher
landing fees. EPA compared compliance
costs with airline operating revenues
(‘‘sales test’’); this test was
supplemented with a comparison of
compliance costs with operating profit
and net income for those airlines with
positive earnings. EPA also analyzed the
impact of costs relative to common air
carrier benchmarks for unit measures of
cost and capacity such as cost per
available seat-mile. EPA examined
impacts of the preferred option on
airline operating revenue between 2004
and 2006. Only in 2005, and for only
one airline out of roughly 120 during
that period were compliance costs
greater than three percent of operating
revenue. EPA does not believe that these
impacts are significant enough to
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
change our findings on which BAT
options are economically achievable.
For a more detailed discussion of these
impacts, see Sections 3.3 and 5.3,
respectively, of the EA.
X. Environmental Assessment
A. Environmental Impacts
EPA has evaluated environmental
impacts associated with the discharge of
wastewater from airport deicing
activities (Environmental Impact and
Benefit Assessment for Proposed
Effluent Guidelines and Standards for
the Airport Deicing Category (EIB)). As
discussed in Section VII.E, deicing
wastewater discharges can increase the
loadings of multiple pollutants to
receiving surface waters.
The most widely recognized pollutant
from deicing activity is oxygendemanding material, measured as either
COD or BOD5. All primary ingredients
in both aircraft and airfield deicers exert
oxygen demand. Propylene glycol and
ethylene glycol are the primary
ingredients in aircraft deicers. Acetate
salts, formate salts, propylene glycol,
ethylene glycol and urea are the primary
ingredients in airfield deicers.
Propylene glycol and ethylene glycol, in
particular, exert extremely high levels of
oxygen demand when they decay in the
environment. Acetates, formates, and
urea exert lower, though still significant,
levels of oxygen demand.
Acetate or formate salts, the primary
ingredients in many airfield deicers,
also contain potassium or sodium.
Potassium and sodium can raise overall
salinity levels or cause ion imbalances
in surface waters. Urea, another primary
airfield deicer ingredient, decomposes
in water to produce ammonia, a toxic
compound, and nitrates, a nutrient
pollutant that can increase the
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
incidence of organism blooms in surface
Aircraft and airfield deicers also
contain additives in addition to the
primary ingredients. These additives
serve a variety of purposes such as
reducing fluid surface tension,
thickening, and fire and corrosion
inhibition. Because deicer
manufacturers consider the identity and
quantity of additives in their
formulations to be proprietary
information, EPA was unable to obtain
complete information on the nature and
use of these additives.
EPA was able to obtain some limited
information through various public
sources, and identified several additives
with toxic properties. These include
nonylphenol ethoxylates, alcohol
ethoxylates, triazoles, and polyacrylic
acid. Because deicer formulations
change periodically, some of the
additives EPA identified may not be
present in current formulations.
Nevertheless, the properties of the
additives EPA identified may be
indicative of deicer additive properties
in general. EPA solicits additional
information on the identity of deicer
ingredients, and on the quantities in
which they are used in current
formulations. EPA also solicits
information about potential
environmental impacts associated with
ingredients in deicer formulations.
Airports in the United States
discharge deicing wastewater to a wide
variety of waterbody types including
streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries.
Many airports discharge deicing
wastewater to small streams with
limited waste dilution and assimilation
capacities. Impacts from deicing
wastewater discharges have been
documented in a variety of surface
waters adjacent to or downstream of a
number of airports in the United States.
Some locations experienced acute
impact events, whereas other locations
have chronically degraded conditions.
Observed impacts to surface waters
include both physical and biological
impacts. Some surface waters have been
listed as impaired under section 303(d)
of the CWA because they do not meet
applicable state water quality standards.
Physical impacts include elevated levels
of glycol, salinity, ammonia, and other
pollutants; depressed oxygen levels;
foaming; noxious odors; and
discoloration. Biological impacts
include reduced organism abundance;
fish kills; modified community
composition; and reduced species
Deicing wastewater discharges have
impaired both aquatic community
health and human uses of water
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resources. Available documentation
indicates multiple cases of hypoxic
conditions and severe reduction in
aquatic organism levels in surface
waters downstream of deicing
wastewater discharge locations.
Documented human use impacts
include contamination of surface
drinking water sources, contamination
of groundwater drinking water sources,
degraded surface water aesthetics due to
noxious odors and discolored water in
residential areas and parklands, and
degradation of fisheries.
B. Environmental Benefits
EPA has evaluated environmental
benefits associated with regulatory
proposals to reduce the discharge of
pollutants from airport deicing
activities. This assessment is described
in detail in the EIB. The proposed BAT
requirement would decrease COD
discharges associated with airport
deicing activities by approximately 39.9
million pounds per year. The proposed
BAT requirement would also reduce
ammonia discharges by 4.7 million
pounds. The proposed rule would also
reduce loadings of additives in aircraft
deicer formulations to the environment.
EPA estimates that a reduction in
pollutant loadings will take place at
approximately 70 airports around the
country. The decline in pollutant
loadings will reduce environmental
impacts to surface waters adjacent to
and downstream of these airports. A
variety of surface waters have improved
in quality after reductions in deicing
pollutant loadings. Documented
improvements have included abatement
of noxious odors, decline in fish kill
frequency, and partial recovery of
community species diversity, and
organism abundance in small water
Today’s proposed rule would
decrease pollutant loadings to multiple
surface waters currently listed as
impaired under sec. 303(d). The
proposal will also reduce pollutant
loadings to surface drinking water
intakes, parks, and residential areas
downstream of airports. Groundwater
aquifers will also benefit. See the EIB for
additional details.
XI. Non-Water Quality Environmental
Sections 304(b) and 306 of the Clean
Water Act require EPA to consider nonwater-quality environmental impacts
(including energy requirements)
associated with effluent limitations
guidelines and standards. To comply
with these requirements, EPA
considered the potential impact of the
collection and treatment technologies
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on energy consumption, air emissions,
and solid waste generation. EPA
prepared these analyses only for
technologies associated with the BAT
and NSPS requirements.
A. Energy Requirements
Net energy consumption considers
electrical requirements for pumping
collected fluid from centralized deicing
pads, and electrical requirements for
operating the anaerobic fluidized bed
(AFB) bioreactors and the aerated ponds
and fuel requirements for glycol
recovery vehicles (GRVs). Detailed
calculations regarding net energy
consumption for the collection and
treatment technologies are provided in a
separate memorandum entitled ‘‘Energy
Requirements for ADF Contaminated
Stormwater Collection and Treatment
Alternatives’’ (DCN AD011167),
available in the public record for this
To estimate incremental electrical
requirements associated with pumping
collected ADF to either tanks or ponds,
EPA assumed airports would
continuously operate three 40horsepower (hp) electric motors during
each deicing day. EPA also
conservatively assumed that all airports
would use pumps rather than allow
ADF-impacted stormwater to flow by
gravity to holding tanks or ponds. Using
that assumption, EPA estimated the
total incremental electrical usage
associated with the proposed rule
would be approximately 1.2 million
kilowatt hours per year (kWh/yr).
EPA developed another relationship
between electrical use and chemical
oxygen demand (COD) removal by the
AFB bioreactors based on information
provided by Albany International
Airport. Using the information from
Albany Airport, EPA estimated the
electrical requirement for COD removal
and used that rate to estimate electrical
usage associated with COD removal.
The AFB treatment systems also
generate biogas that can be used as a
source of heat when burned in facility
boilers or when converted to electricity
using technologies such as
microturbines or fuel cells. To estimate
the potential electricity that could be
generated if all AFB treatment systems
installed microturbines to generate
electricity, EPA developed a
relationship between biogas generation
and COD removal based on data
provided by Albany Airport. EPA used
these data to determine the potential
energy of the associated biogas.
The comparison of the potential
electrical generation from converting
biogas to electricity to the electrical
requirements for AFB operation
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
indicates that treatment of ADFcontaminated stormwater could
generate nearly the same amount of
electricity that is needed to operate the
treatment systems. Based on this
analysis, there will not be a net increase
in electricity to operate the collection
and treatment systems for ADFcontaminated stormwater.
EPA also analyzed fuel use by GRVs
collecting ADF-contaminated
stormwater. EPA used Airport
Questionnaire data for diesel fuel costs
for GRVs, and then estimated an average
diesel fuel use based on the unit cost for
diesel fuel of $2.07/gal.1 EPA then
estimated annual fuel usage per gallon
of applied ADF to be 0.08 gal/gal ADF
applied. Using this relationship, EPA
estimated total incremental No. 2 diesel
fuel consumption at all in-scope airports
installing additional collection
equipment to be 604,000 gallons per
EPA compared incremental diesel fuel
use by GRVs at all airports to diesel fuel
use on a national basis. Approximately
25.4 million gallons per day of No. 2
diesel fuel was consumed in the United
States in 2005. The diesel fuel
requirement associated with this
proposed rule is less than 0.005 percent
of the annual amount of diesel fuel
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
B. Air Emissions
Additional air emissions as a result of
the proposed rule could be attributed to
added diesel fuel combustion by GRVs
collecting ADF-contaminated
stormwater, from additional jet engine
taxi time related to deicing pads, and
from anaerobic treatment of ADF.
Emissions from these sources are
discussed below.
1. Emissions From GRV Collection
As discussed in Section XI.A above,
EPA conservatively estimated that GRVs
collecting ADF-contaminated
stormwater at airports will consume an
additional 604,000 gallons per year of
No. 2 diesel fuel. To estimate air
emissions related to combustion of No.
2 diesel fuel in the internal combustion
engines on GRVs, EPA used published
emission factors for internal combustion
engines. The Agency selected emission
factors for gasoline and diesel industrial
engines because EPA assumed this class
to be a more representative population
of engines. To estimate emissions from
the GRVs, EPA first converted the
additional 604,000 gallons of diesel fuel
to million British Thermal Units
1 This diesel fuel price was the average reported
by the Energy Information Administration for the
2004–05 winter season, the same period that EPA
is analyzing for airport deicing activity.
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(MMBtu) and then applied the
appropriate emission factors. The
calculated annual emissions indicate
that an additional 4,781 tons per year of
carbon dioxide (CO2) will be emitted
from GRVs combusting additional diesel
fuel to comply with the proposed rule.
Carbon dioxide is the primary
greenhouse gas attributed to climate
change, and the 6,900 additional tons
per year that would be associated with
the proposed rule is very small relative
to other sources. For example, in 2006,
industrial facilities combusting fossil
fuels emitted 948 million tons of CO2
equivalents. An additional 6,900 tons
per year from GRVs is less than a 0.001
percent increase in the overall CO2
emissions from all industrial sources.
2. Emissions From Transportation to
Aircraft Deicing Pads
To estimate aircraft emissions
associated with the additional time
spent taxiing to and from newly
installed deicing pad and idling during
deicing, EPA used the seven busiest
airports where deicing pads would
likely be installed to comply with the
proposed rule. To estimate aircraft
emissions for each airport from
transportation to newly installed
deicing pads, input files such as
departure information, types of aircraft
being deiced, and deicing days were
compiled and applied to the Emissions
and Dispersion Modeling System
(EDMS), an emission-estimating tool
developed by the FAA for activities
relative to airports. Typically, the EDMS
input file quantifies aircraft activity
relative to an aircraft’s landing and
takeoff (LTO) cycle. The cycle begins
when the aircraft approaches the airport
on its descent from cruising altitude,
then lands and taxis to the gate, where
it idles during passenger deplaning. The
cycle continues as the aircraft idles
during passenger boarding, taxis back
out onto the runway, takes off, and
ascends (climbout) to cruising altitude.
Thus, the six specific operating modes
in an LTO cycle are as follows:
• Approach;
• Taxi/idle-in;
• Taxi/idle-out;
• Idling;
• Takeoff; and
• Climbout.
The LTO cycle provides a basis for
calculating aircraft emissions. During
each mode of operation, an aircraft
engine operates at a specific power
setting and fuel consumption rate for a
given aircraft make and model.
Emissions for one complete cycle are
calculated using emission factors for
each operating mode for each specific
aircraft engine combined with the
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typical period of time the aircraft is in
the operating mode.
For this assessment, EPA ran the
EDMS model using default time-inmode values for each component of the
LTO cycle. Next, the Agency adjusted
the time-in-mode values in the model to
account for additional time spent
traveling to the deicing pad (15
minutes), engine idling while deicing
(30 minutes), and taxing away from the
deicing pad (15 minutes) and reran the
model with these adjusted time-in-mode
values. Then, EPA subtracted the
baseline model run from the second
model run to estimate the additional
emissions associated with deicing.
EPA then adjusted these values to
reflect the snow or freezing
precipitation (SOFP) days for each
airport by multiplying the annual values
by the SOFP days divided by 365 days
per year.
EPA also estimated total annual LTO
aircraft emissions for the seven airports
to compare aircraft emissions associated
only with deicing. The calculations
indicate that the proposed rule could
increase carbon monoxide emissions
from aircraft at the impacted airports by
as much as 6.9 percent due to additional
ground-time needed for pad deicing.
Although the annual percentage
increase in criteria pollutant emissions
from the seven airports included in this
analysis is a concern, the actual increase
in emissions (e.g., 903 tons per year of
carbon monoxide) is insignificant when
compared to total criteria pollutant
emissions for the aircraft sector. For
example, in 2002, EPA estimated total
carbon monoxide emissions from the
aircraft sector at approximately 260,000
tons. The increase in criteria pollutant
emissions resulting from additional
aircraft deicing time account amounts to
less than a 0.3 percentage increase in
the aircraft sector annual criteria
pollutant emissions.
3. Emissions From AFB Treatment
Anaerobic digestion of glycols found
in ADF contaminated stormwater
generates biogas containing
approximately 60 percent methane and
40 percent carbon dioxide. Airports
installing AFBs for treatment of ADF
contaminated stormwater are expected
to burn a portion of the gas in on-site
boilers in order to maintain reactor
temperature. The remainder of gas can
be either combusted in a microturbine
for electricity generation or flared.
Regardless of the combustion
technology, nearly all biogas generated
by AFBs is converted to carbon dioxide,
the primary greenhouse gas. EPA
calculates 17,300 additional tons per
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
year for 60% ADF capture, which is
very small relative to other sources. For
example, in 2006, industrial facilities
combusting fossil fuels emitted 948
million tons of CO2 equivalents. An
additional 17,300 tons per year of
carbon dioxide from AFB treatment is
less than 0.002 percent of the annual
industrial carbon dioxide emissions
C. Solid Waste Generation
AFB bioreactors will generate sludge
that will require disposal, likely in an
off-site landfill. To estimate annual
sludge generation by the AFB
bioreactors that may be installed at
airports to treat ADF-contaminated
stormwater, EPA first estimated the
potential COD removal for the proposed
collection and treatment scenarios and
then applied published anaerobic
biomass yield information to estimate
total sludge generation on a national
basis. The biomass yield calculation,
which simply multiplies the COD
removal by the yield, is a rough method
of estimating sludge generation and
does not account for other factors such
as degradation or inorganic material
(e.g., AFB media) that may be entrained
into the sludge. However, this method
does provide an order of magnitude
estimate of sludge generation that can be
compared to other types of common
biological treatment systems to
determine if AFB sludge generation
would be unusually high at airports
treating ADF-contaminated stormwater.
To provide some perspective on the
potential total amount of biomass
produced annually by the AFB
biological reactors treating ADFcontaminated stormwater, EPA
compared the most conservative
biomass generation estimate with its
national biosolids estimates for all
domestic wastewater treatment plants
throughout the United States.
Approximately 8.2 million dry tons of
biosolids will be produced in 2010. EPA
estimates that AFB bioreactors treating
ADF-contaminated stormwater will
increase biosolids generation in the
United States by less than 0.01 percent.
XII. Regulatory Implementation
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
A. Relationship of ELGs to NPDES
Effluent guidelines act as a primary
mechanism to control the discharge of
pollutants to waters of the U.S. Once
finalized, the regulations would be
applied to airports through
incorporation in individual or general
NPDES permits issued by EPA or
authorized states or tribes under section
402 of the Act.
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The Agency has developed the
limitations for this proposed rule to
cover the discharge of pollutants for this
point source category. In specific cases,
the NPDES permit authority may elect
to establish technology-based permit
limits for pollutants not covered by this
regulation. In addition, if state water
quality standards or other provisions of
state or federal law require limits on
pollutants not covered by this regulation
(or require more stringent limits or
standards on covered pollutants to
achieve compliance), the permit
authority must apply those effluent
limitations or standards.
For individual permits, ELG
provisions are typically incorporated
when those permits are renewed,
although permit authorities may require
modification upon promulgation.
B. Best Management Practices
Sections 304(e), 308(a), 402(a), and
501(a) of the CWA authorize the
Administrator to prescribe BMPs as part
of effluent guidelines and standards or
as part of a permit. EPA’s BMP
regulations are found at 40 CFR
122.44(k). Section 304(e) of the CWA
authorizes EPA to include BMPs in
effluent limitation guidelines for certain
toxic or hazardous pollutants to control
‘‘plant site runoff, spillage or leaks,
sludge or waste disposal, and drainage
from raw material storage.’’ CWA
section 402(a)(1) and NPDES regulations
(40 CFR 122.44(k)) also provide for best
management practices to control or
abate the discharge of pollutants when
numeric limitations and standards are
infeasible. In addition, section 402(a)(2),
read in concert with section 501(a),
authorizes EPA to prescribe as wide a
range of permit conditions as the
Administrator deems appropriate in
order to ensure compliance with
applicable effluent limitations and
standards and such other requirements
as the Administrator deems appropriate.
Dikes, curbs, and other control
measures are being used at some airport
facilities to contain leaks and spills as
part of good ‘‘housekeeping’’ practices.
However, on a facility-by-facility basis a
permit writer may choose to incorporate
BMPs into the permit. See the TDD for
this proposed rule for a detailed
discussion of pollution prevention and
best management practices used by
C. Upset and Bypass Provisions
A ‘‘bypass’’ is an intentional diversion
of the streams from any portion of a
treatment facility. An ‘‘upset’’ is an
exceptional incident in which there is
unintentional and temporary
noncompliance with technology-based
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permit effluent limitations because of
factors beyond the reasonable control of
the permittee. EPA’s regulations
concerning bypasses and upsets for
direct dischargers are set forth at 40 CFR
122.41(m) and (n) and for indirect
dischargers at 40 CFR 403.16 and
D. Variances and Modifications
The CWA requires application of
effluent limitations established pursuant
to section 301 or pretreatment standards
of section 307 to all direct and indirect
dischargers. However, the statute
provides for the modification of these
national requirements in a limited
number of circumstances. Moreover, the
Agency has established administrative
mechanisms to provide an opportunity
for relief from the application of the
national effluent limitations guidelines
and pretreatment standards for
categories of existing sources for toxic,
conventional, and nonconventional
1. Fundamentally Different Factors
EPA, with the concurrence of the
State, may develop effluent limitations
or standards different from the
otherwise applicable requirements if an
individual discharging facility is
fundamentally different with respect to
factors considered in establishing the
limitation of standards applicable to the
individual facility. Such a modification
is known as a ‘‘fundamentally different
factors’’ (FDF) variance. EPA, in its
initial implementation of the effluent
guidelines program, provided for the
FDF modifications in regulations. These
were variances from the BCT effluent
limitations, BAT limitations for toxic
and nonconventional pollutants and
BPT limitations for conventional
pollutants for direct dischargers. For
indirect dischargers, EPA provided for
FDF modifications from pretreatment
standards. FDF variances for toxic
pollutants were challenged judicially
and ultimately sustained by the
Supreme Court. (Chemical
Manufacturers Association v. Natural
Resources Defense Council, 479 U.S.
116 (1985)).
Subsequently, in the Water Quality
Act of 1987, Congress added new sec.
301(n) of the Act. This provision
explicitly authorizes modifications of
the otherwise applicable BAT effluent
limitations or categorical pretreatment
standards for existing sources, if a
facility is fundamentally different with
respect to the factors specified in
section 304 (other than costs) from those
considered by EPA in establishing the
effluent limitations or pretreatment
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
standard. Section 301(n) also defined
the conditions under which EPA may
establish alternative requirements.
Under section 301(n), an application for
approval of a FDF variance must be
based solely on (1) information
submitted during rulemaking raising the
factors that are fundamentally different
or (2) information the applicant did not
have an opportunity to submit. The
alternate limitation or standard must be
no less stringent than justified by the
difference and must not result in
markedly more adverse non-water
quality environmental impacts than the
national limitation or standard.
EPA regulations at 40 CFR Part 125,
subpart D, authorizing the Regional
Administrators to establish alternative
limitations and standards, further detail
the substantive criteria used to evaluate
FDF variance requests for direct
dischargers. Thus, 40 CFR 125.31(d)
identifies six factors (e.g., volume of
process wastewater, age and size of a
discharger’s facility) that may be
considered in determining if a facility is
fundamentally different. The Agency
must determine whether, based on one
or more of these factors, the facility in
question is fundamentally different from
the facilities and factors considered by
EPA in developing the nationally
applicable effluent guidelines. The
regulation also lists four other factors
(e.g., inability to install equipment
within the time allowed or a
discharger’s ability to pay) that may not
provide a basis for an FDF variance. In
addition, under 40 CFR 125.31(b)(3), a
request for limitations less stringent
than the national limitation may be
approved only if compliance with the
national limitations would result in
either (a) a removal cost wholly out of
proportion to the removal cost
considered during development of the
national limitations, or (b) a non-water
quality environmental impact
(including energy requirements)
fundamentally more adverse than the
impact considered during development
of the national limits. EPA regulations
provide for an FDF variance for indirect
dischargers at 40 CFR 403.13. The
conditions for approval of a request to
modify applicable pretreatment
standards and factors considered are the
same as those for direct dischargers. The
legislative history of section 301(n)
underscores the necessity for the FDF
variance applicant to establish
eligibility for the variance. EPA’s
regulations at 40 CFR 125.32(b)(1) are
explicit in imposing this burden upon
the applicant. The applicant must show
that the factors relating to the discharge
controlled by the applicant’s permit
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A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR
51735, October 4, 1993), this action is a
‘‘significant regulatory action.’’
Accordingly, EPA submitted this action
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review under EO 12866 and
any changes made in response to OMB
recommendations have been
documented in the docket for this
data and demonstrate compliance with
requirements for ADF capture and ureabased pavement deicers.
EPA estimates it would take an
annual average of 14,213 hours and
$706,051 for airport respondents, and
11,440 hours and $377,420 for airline
respondents to collect and report the
information required by the proposed
rule. This estimate is based on average
labor rates from EPA’s airport
questionnaire for the airport personnel
involved in collecting and reporting the
information required. EPA estimates it
would take an average of 218 hours and
$7,195 for permit authorities to review
the information submitted in response
to requirements in the proposed rule as
part of permit applications, renewals,
and NOIs. EPA estimates that there
would be no start-up or capital cost
associated with the information
described above. Burden is defined at 5
CFR 1320(b).
An Agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control
numbers for EPA’s regulations are listed
in 40 CFR part 9.
To comment on the Agency’s need for
this information, the accuracy of the
provided burden estimates, and any
suggested methods for minimizing
respondent burden, EPA has established
a public docket for this rule, which
includes this ICR, under Docket ID
number EPA–HQ–OW–2004–0038.
Submit any comments related to the ICR
section at the beginning of this notice
for where to submit comments to EPA.
Send comments to OMB at the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, 725
17th Street, NW., Washington, DC
20503, Attention: Desk Officer for EPA.
Since OMB is required to make a
decision concerning the ICR between 30
and 60 days after August 28, 2009, a
comment to OMB is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it
by September 28, 2009. The final rule
will respond to any OMB or public
comments on the information collection
requirements contained in this proposal.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements in today’s proposed rule
have been submitted for approval to
OMB under the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. An
Information Collection Request (ICR)
document has been prepared by EPA
and has been assigned EPA ICR No.
2326.01. Proposed § 449.20 would
require airports to collect ADF usage
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
which are claimed to be fundamentally
different are, in fact, fundamentally
different from those factors considered
by EPA in establishing the applicable
guidelines. The criteria for applying for
and evaluating applications for
variances from categorical pretreatment
standards are included in the
pretreatment regulations at 40 CFR
403.13(h)(9). In practice, very few FDF
variances have been granted for past
ELGs. An FDF variance is not available
to a new source subject to NSPS or
2. Economic Variances
Section 301(c) of the CWA authorizes
a variance from the otherwise applicable
BAT effluent guidelines for
nonconventional pollutants due to
economic factors. The request for a
variance from effluent limitations
developed from BAT guidelines must
normally be filed by the discharger
during the public notice period for the
draft permit. Other filing periods may
apply, as specified in 40 CFR
122.21(m)(2). Specific guidance for this
type of variance is provided in ‘‘Draft
Guidance for Application and Review of
Section 301(c) Variance Requests,’’
August 21, 1984, available on EPA’s
Web site at https://www.epa.gov/npdes/
3. Water Quality Variances
Section 301(g) of the CWA authorizes
a variance from BAT effluent guidelines
for certain nonconventional pollutants
due to localized environmental factors.
These pollutants include ammonia,
chlorine, color, iron, and total phenols.
XIII. Statutory and Executive Order
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
include small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
For the purposes of assessing the
impacts of today’s proposed rule on
small entities, EPA determined that all
airports expected to be within scope are
owned by government entities. The RFA
defines a small government entity as
governments of cities, counties, towns,
townships, villages, school districts, or
special districts, with a population of
less than 50,000 (5 U.S.C. 601(5)). After
matching each airport-owning
governmental entity with its population,
EPA estimates that 34 (8 unweighted) of
218 (114 unweighted) airports in the
scope of the proposed rule, or 16
percent, are owned by small government
entities. EPA projected impacts on these
small airports using the revenue test
described in Section VIII.D.2. EPA
found that 3 of the 34 small in-scope
airports are expected to incur
annualized compliance costs exceeding
three percent of airport operating
revenues. After considering the
economic impact of today’s proposed
rule on small entities, including
consideration of alternative regulatory
approaches, I certify that this action will
not have significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
EPA undertook a number of steps to
minimize the impact of this rule on
small entities. According to the FAA
National Plan of Integrated Airport
Systems (2007–2011), there are
approximately 2,800 public use general
aviation and reliever airports in the
U.S., some of which have substantial
cargo service. Many, if not most, of
these airports are likely to be owned by
small government entities. Also likely to
be owned by small governmental
entities are approximately 135 nonprimary commercial service airports.
EPA has chosen not to regulate any
general aviation, reliever, or nonprimary commercial service airports
under the proposed regulation. EPA also
estimates that in addition to the 34
small government-owned primary
commercial airports, another 42 primary
commercial airports are owned by small
government entities, but will be out-ofscope of the proposed regulation
because little or no ADF is used at those
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This proposed rule does not contain
a Federal mandate that may result in
expenditures of $100 million or more
for State, local, and tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or the private sector in
any one year. As explained in Section
VIII and the TDD, the annual cost of the
proposal is $91.3 million. Thus, this
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rule is not subject to the requirements
of sections 202 or 205 of UMRA.
By statute, a small government
jurisdiction is defined as a government
with a population less than 50,000 (5
U.S.C. 601). Because all in-scope
airports are owned by a government or
governmental agency, the definition for
a small airport is identical for the
purposes of both UMRA and SBREFA.
If the rule exceeds annual compliance
costs of $100 million in aggregate all
provisions of UMRA will need to be
met. If the rule does not exceed $100
million in aggregate costs, but small
airports are significantly or uniquely
affected by the rule, EPA will be
required to develop the small
government agency plan required under
sec. 203 because these airports are
owned by small governments.
This rule is also not subject to the
requirements of section 203 of UMRA
because it contains no regulatory
requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect small governments. The
scope of the proposed rule focuses on
the airports that are the largest users of
ADF. The proposed rule is not projected
to exceed $100 million in aggregate
annual compliance costs. Further, as
discussed in Section XIII.C above, EPA
has determined the rule will not have
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
Executive Order 13132, entitled
‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255, August 10,
1999), requires EPA to develop an
accountable process to ensure
‘‘meaningful and timely input by State
and local officials in the development of
regulatory policies that have federalism
implications.’’ ‘‘Policies that have
federalism implications’’ is defined in
the Executive Order to include
regulations that have ‘‘substantial direct
effects on the States, on the relationship
between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government.’’
This proposed rule does not have
federalism implications. It will not have
substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132. The proposed
rule would not alter the basic statefederal scheme established in the Clean
Water Act under which EPA authorizes
states to carry out the NPDES permit
program. EPA expects the proposed rule
would have little effect on the
relationship between, or the distribution
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of power and responsibilities among,
the federal and state governments. Thus,
Executive Order 13132 does not apply
to this rule.
In the spirit of Executive Order 13132,
and consistent with EPA policy to
promote communications between EPA
and State and local governments, EPA
specifically solicits comment on this
proposed rule from State and local
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This proposed rule does not have
tribal implications, as specified in
Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249,
November 6, 2000). It will not have
substantial direct effects on Tribal
governments, on the relationship
between the Federal government and
Indian Tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal government and Indian tribes.
Today’s proposed rule contains no
Federal mandates for Tribal
governments and does not impose any
enforceable duties on Tribal
governments. Thus, Executive Order
13175 does not apply to this rule. In the
spirit of Executive Order 13175, and
consistent with EPA policy to promote
communications between EPA and
Tribal governments, EPA specifically
solicits comment on this proposed rule
from tribal officials.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
and Safety Risks
EO 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23,
1997) applies to rules that are
economically significant according to
EO 12866 and involve a health or safety
risk that may disproportionately affect
children. This action is not subject to
EO 13045 because it does not satisfy
either criterion.
H. Executive Order 13211: Energy
This rule is not a ‘‘significant energy
action’’ as defined in Executive Order
13211, ‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May
22, 2001) because it is not likely to have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy, as
described in Section XI of today’s
proposal. EPA determined that the
additional fuel usage would be
insignificant, relative to the total fuel
consumption by airports and airlines,
and the total annual U.S. fuel
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
XIV. Solicitation of Data and Comments
I. National Technology Transfer
Advancement Act
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act (NTTAA) of 1995, (Pub. L. 104–113,
section 12(d); 15 U.S.C. 272 note)
directs EPA to use voluntary consensus
standards in its regulatory activities
unless to do so would be inconsistent
with applicable law or otherwise
impractical. Voluntary consensus
standards are technical standards (e.g.,
materials specifications, test methods,
sampling procedures, and business
practices) that are developed or adopted
by voluntary consensus standard bodies.
The NTTAA directs EPA to provide
Congress, through OMB, explanations
when the Agency decides not to use
available and applicable voluntary
consensus standards.
The Agency is not aware of any
consensus-based technical standards for
the types of controls contained in
today’s proposal. EPA welcomes
comments on this aspect of the
proposed rulemaking and, specifically,
invites the public to identify potentially
applicable voluntary consensus
standards and to explain why such
standards should be used in this
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS4
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629,
Feb. 16, 1994) establishes federal
executive policy on environmental
justice. Its main provision directs
federal agencies, to the greatest extent
practicable and permitted by law, to
make environmental justice part of their
mission by identifying and addressing,
as appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects of their programs,
policies, and activities on minority
populations and low-income
populations in the United States.
EPA has determined that this
proposed rule will not have
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on minority or low-income populations.
The proposal would increase the level
of environmental protection for all
affected populations without having any
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on any population, including any
minority or low-income population. The
proposed rule will reduce the negative
effects of discharges from airports to the
nation’s waters, to benefit all of society,
including minority communities.
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A. General and Specific Comment
EPA solicits comments on issues
specifically identified in the preamble
as well as any other issues that are not
specifically addressed in today’s notice.
Comments are most helpful when
accompanied by specific examples or
supporting data. In addition, EPA
solicits information and data on the
following topics.
1. Airport-specific data on current
ADF capture rates.
2. Technology-specific data on ADF
capture rates.
3. Available ADF is defined at
proposed 40 CFR 449.2 in terms of
percentages. EPA solicits comments and
data to support any alternative figures or
flexibility for a permit writer to modify
these percentages on a case-by-case
basis. In addition, please provide
comment on whether the permit writer
should have the flexibility to modify the
80 percent default based on site-specific
conditions and please suggest
appropriate criteria on which to base the
4. The identity and amount of the
chemicals in formulations of ADF.
5. EPA invites comment on other
possible minimum threshold criteria for
the scope of the rule, such as the
amount of ADF used, or number of
deicing operational days. Please provide
a rationale for any suggested alternate
6. Detailed information on additional
best management practices that improve
collection of ADF, and/or control and
treatment of ADF discharges.
7. Information on start-up and O&M
costs of pollution prevention
technologies that improve collection of
ADF or reduce use of ADF, such as
infrared heating systems, and similar
information about technologies that
improve the cost-effectiveness of aircraft
deicing and anti-icing practices.
8. Information about deicing practices
at military facilities, including ADF
usage, other operational characteristics
and environmental impacts to help us
decide whether to include them in the
scope of this rule. If EPA decides to
expand the scope, it may solicit
additional public comment on the
application of these requirements to
military facilities.
9. Recommended operational
practices for GRVs and deicing pads.
10. For the ADF collection
requirement in proposed § 449.10, EPA
may extend the usual 30-day
compliance date to allow the additional
time typically needed by publicly
owned airport authorities to arrange
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financing for capital improvements. The
extended compliance date could be as
much as three years from date of
promulgation. The Agency invites
comment on the appropriate compliance
period for this provision, and
recommendations for interim measures.
11. Site-specific data and
documentation on space limitations,
available adjacent land and possible
cost, along with recommendations for
alternative ADF collection techniques, if
deicing pads are not feasible.
12. Environmental impacts or safety
issues associated with use of alternative
pavement deicers instead of urea-based
13. To what extent, if any, do airports
anticipate they will choose to monitor
their discharges for ammonia rather
than certify non-use of urea?
14. Deicing for safe taxiing. For
airports choosing to comply with
technology specifications as proposed in
§ 449.20(b)(1), the proposed rule would
require all deicing activities to be
conducted in locations were the ADF is
actively collected, either by GRV or
centralized pads, depending on the
specific requirements. However, there
may be situations where ice build-up
prevents an aircraft from taxiing to the
location where collection is conducted.
For such situations, the proposed rule
would allow up to 25 gallons of
normalized ADF to be applied to allow
for safe taxiing, without actively
collecting the spent ADF. This volume
is based on a current requirement at
Denver International Airport. EPA
requests comment on whether this is the
appropriate ADF amount.
15. The alternative technology
provisions in proposed § 449.20(b)(2)
would require approval by the permit
authority. EPA requests comment on
whether any airports intend to use these
provisions, and whether these
provisions would be burdensome to
permit authorities.
16. Criteria used to select data as the
basis of the proposed effluent
limitations for COD and the compliance
alternative for ammonia. EPA also
requests comment on whether data from
start-up conditions should be included
as a basis of the limitations.
17. Substitution of the weekly average
effluent limitation for the monthly
average effluent limitation for COD. EPA
is proposing this substitution because of
compliance monitoring concerns. EPA
requests comments that identify other
alternatives that may better address the
issues with compliance monitoring, but
still provide ongoing incentive for
airports to target the system
performance to the long-term average
concentration of COD.
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18. EPA requests comment on
whether there are situations, such as
extreme weather, in which operational
or safety concerns would pose a
challenge to the complete elimination of
urea use for airfield pavement deicing.
If so, please provide specific data or
information documenting these
19. EPA requests comment on its
proposal to treat new runway
construction at existing airports as new
sources. EPA specifically requests
comment on its proposed determination
that a new runway would be
‘‘substantially independent of an
existing source at the same site.’’ EPA
also requests any data relevant to the
question of whether the proposed NSPS
would pose a barrier to entry for new
runway construction (e.g., at smaller
airports within the rule scope) or
otherwise pose a barrier to entry for new
20. EPA requests comment on
whether there are situations where it
may or may not be achievable for an
airport with one or more deicing pads
to use them for all commercial flights
without exception. Should some
provision be included in the rule to
accommodate such situations?
Commenters should give specific
examples of such situations and explain
clearly why it would not be feasible or
economically achievable to use deicing
pads for all commercial flights without
21. EPA requests comment on
whether there are airports in semi-warm
climates for which de-icing is only
required occasionally (at most several
days per year), and whether it would be
appropriate to make some provision for
such airports, such as including a
criterion related to ADF usage, number
of de-icing days, or departures during
certain seasons, in the scope criteria for
the rule. In suggesting any such criteria,
commenters should be mindful of
implementation issues, such as
availability and verification of
appropriate data.
XV. Guidelines for Submission of
Analytical Data
EPA requests that commenters on
today’s proposed rule submit analytical,
flow, and aircraft departure data to
supplement data collected by the
Agency during the regulatory
development process. To ensure that
EPA may effectively evaluate these data,
EPA suggests these guidelines for
submission of data.
A. Types of Data Requested
EPA requests paired influent and
effluent treatment data for each of the
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technologies identified in the
technology options (see Section VII.B)
as well as any additional technologies
applicable to the treatment of deicing
and anti-icing wastewater. EPA prefers
paired influent and effluent treatment
data, but solicits unpaired data as well.
EPA will not evaluate data from systems
treating only non-deicing wastewater
(e.g., sanitary wastewater).
For the systems treating deicing
wastewater, EPA requests paired
influent and effluent treatment data
from samples of flowing wastewater
streams. This includes end-of-pipe
treatment technologies and in-process
treatment, recycling, or water reuse. If
commenters submit only effluent data,
commenters should provide evidence
that the influent is highly concentrated.
EPA also prefers individual
measurements, rather than averages, to
better evaluate variability, but will
consider averages if individual
measurements are unavailable. EPA
prefers that the measurements are for
24-hour composite samples, but also
will consider data for grab samples.
EPA prefers that commenters submit
data in an electronic format. In addition
to providing the measurement of the
pollutant in each sample, EPA requests
that sites provide the detection limit
(rather than specifying zero or ‘‘ND’’) if
the pollutant is not detected in the
wastestream. Identify each measurement
with a sample collection date, the
sampling point location, and the flow
rate at that location. For each sample or
pollutant, identify the analytical method
In support of the treatment data,
commenters should submit the
following items if they are available: A
process diagram of the treatment system
that includes the sampling point
locations; treatment chemical addition
rates; laboratory reports; influent and
effluent flow rates for each treatment
unit during the sampling period; sludge
or waste oil generation rates; a brief
discussion of the treatment technology
sampled; and a list of deicing operations
contributing to the sampled
wastestream. If available, information
and/or estimates of capital cost, annual
(operation and maintenance) cost, and
treatment capacity should be included
for each treatment unit within the
system. If specific flows or costs are not
available but can reasonably be
estimated, commenters should provide
the assumptions used for the estimation
B. Analytes Requested
EPA considered metal, organic,
conventional, and other
nonconventional pollutant parameters
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for regulation. Based on analytical data
collected, EPA initially identified 21
pollutants of concern for deicing
operations (see Section VII.C and the
TDD). The Agency requests analytical
data for any of the pollutants of concern
and for any other pollutant parameters
that commenters believe are of concern.
Of particular interest are COD, BOD5,
glycols, ammonia as nitrogen, and pH
data. Commenters should submit data
acquired with EPA or equivalent
methods (generally, those approved at
40 CFR Part 136 for compliance
monitoring), and should document the
analytical method used for all data
C. Quality Assurance/Quality Control
(QA/QC) Requirements
Although EPA requests and prefers
that submissions of analytical data
include any available documentation of
QA/QC procedures, EPA will consider
data submitted without detailed QA/QC
information. If commenters sample
wastewaters to respond to this proposal,
EPA encourages them to provide
detailed documentation of the QA/QC
checks for each sample. EPA also
requests that collection and analysis of
ten percent field duplicate samples to
assess sampling variability, and data for
equipment blanks for volatile organic
pollutants when automatic compositors
are used to collect samples.
Appendix A: Abbreviations and
Definitions Used in This Document
ADF—Aircraft deicing fluid (includes antiicing fluid)
AFB—Anaerobic fluidized bed treatment
AIP—Airport Improvement Program
BAT—Best available technology
economically achievable, as defined by sec.
301(b)(2)(A) and sec. 304(b)(2)(B) of the
BOD5—Biochemical oxygen demand
CAFR—Comprehensive annual financial
COD—Chemical oxygen demand
CPT—Cost pass-through
CWA—Clean Water Act
DSCR—Debt service coverage ratio
FAA—Federal Aviation Administration
FBO—Fixed base operator
GARB—General airport revenue bonds
LTO—Landing and takeoff cycle
Net income—Operating profit minus interest,
taxes, depreciation, and non-operating
profits and losses
NOI—Notice of Intent to discharge under a
general permit (40 CFR 122.28(b)(2))
NSPS—New Source Performance Standards,
as defined by sec. 306 of the CWA
O&M—Operations and maintenance
Operating profit—Revenues minus cost of
providing those services
Outfall—The mouth of conduit drains and
other conduits from which a facility
effluent discharges into receiving waters
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
PFC—Passenger facility charges
Revenues—Money received for services
RFA—Regulatory Flexibility Act
RPM—Revenue passenger miles
RTM—Revenue ton miles
SOFP—Snow or freezing precipitation
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 449
Environmental protection, Airport
deicing, Airport, Airline, Waste
treatment and disposal, Water pollution
Dated: August 17, 2009.
Lisa P. Jackon,
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, title 40, chapter I of the Code
of Federal Regulations is proposed to be
amended by adding part 449 to read as
Subpart A—Airport Deicing Category
449.1 Applicability.
449.2 General definitions.
449.10 Effluent limitations reflecting the
best available technology economically
achievable (BAT).
449.11 New source performance standards
449.20 Monitoring, reporting and
recordkeeping requirements
Subpart B—[Reserved]
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1311, 1314, 1316,
1318, 1342, 1361 and 1370.
Subpart A—Airport Deicing Category
§ 449.1
This part applies to discharges of
pollutants from deicing operations at
Primary Airports with at least 1,000
annual scheduled commercial air carrier
jet departures.
§ 449.2
General definitions.
The following definitions apply to
this part:
Aircraft deicing fluid (ADF) means a
fluid applied to aircraft to remove or
prevent any accumulation of snow or
ice on the aircraft. This includes deicing
and anti-icing fluids.
Airfield pavement means all paved
surfaces on the airside of an airport.
Airside means the part of an airport
directly involved in the arrival and
departure of aircraft, including runways,
taxiways, aprons and ramps.
Annual jet departures means the
average number of commercial jet
aircraft that take off from an airport on
an annual basis, as tabulated by the
Federal Aviation Administration,
calculated over the five-year period
prior to submittal of a permit
application or NOI.
Annual normalized ADF usage means
the average amount of normalized
aircraft deicing fluid used annually,
calculated over the five year period
prior to submittal of a permit
application or Notice of Intent.
Available ADF means 80 percent of
the sprayed deicing fluid and 10 percent
of the sprayed anti-icing fluid.
Certification statement means a
written submission to the Director
stating that the discharger does not use
airfield deicing products that contain
COD means Chemical Oxygen
Deicing for safe taxiing means the
minimal extent of deicing activity that
would remove snow or ice to the level
needed to prevent damage to a taxiing
aircraft, and that is performed at a
location not having ADF collection
Deicing operations mean procedures
and practices to remove or prevent any
accumulation of snow or ice on:
(1) An aircraft; or
(2) Paved surfaces within an airport’s
aircraft movement area (runway,
taxiway, apron, or ramp).
New source. For the purpose of the
definitions at 40 CFR 122.2 and 40 CFR
122.29(b)(1), a new source includes:
(1) Any new Primary Airport
constructed after [date of promulgation];
(2) Any new runway constructed at a
Primary Airport, the deicing operations
associated with the departures on the
new runway and the deicing of paved
surfaces associated with the new
Normalized aircraft deicing fluid
means ADF less any water added by the
manufacturer or customer before ADF
Notice of Intent (NOI) means a Notice
of Intent to discharge under a general
permit, as described at 40 CFR
Percent capture requirement means
the requirement in §§ 449.10 and 449.11
for the permittee to collect at least 60
percent or 20 percent (as applicable) of
the available ADF.
Primary Airport means an airport
defined at 49 U.S.C. 47102 (15).
§ 449.10 Effluent limitations representing
the best available technology economically
achievable (BAT).
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30
through 125.32, any existing point
source subject to this part must comply
with the following requirements
representing the degree of effluent
reduction attainable by the application
of the best available technology
economically achievable (BAT).
(a) Collection of runoff from aircraft
deicing. (1) All dischargers subject to
this Part, with 10,000 or greater annual
departures and annual normalized ADF
usage of 460,000 gallons or greater, must
collect at least 60 percent of available
ADF and comply with applicable
discharge standards in paragraph (b) of
this section.
(2) All dischargers subject to this part,
with annual departures of 10,000 or
greater, and annual normalized ADF
usage less than 460,000 gallons, must
collect at least 20 percent of the
available ADF and comply with
applicable discharge standards in
paragraph (b) of this section for all the
collected ADF.
(b) Treatment of collected runoff from
aircraft deicing. Except for ADF
collected and transported to off-site
treatment facilities, any existing point
source subject to this Part must achieve
the numeric effluent limitations in
Table I. These limitations must be met
for all ADF collected pursuant to
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
Compliance must be measured at the
outfall of the on-site treatment system
utilized for meeting these limitations:
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Daily maximum
Pollutant or pollutant property
Aircraft Deicing .............................................................
COD ..............................................................................
(c) Airfield pavement discharges.
Except as provided in § 449.10(d), any
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discharger subject to this Part must
certify that it does not use airfield
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Weekly average
deicing products that contain urea. The
responsible officer as defined in 40 CFR
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Proposed Rules
122.22 must sign this certification
(d) Compliance alternative for airfield
BAT requirements. A discharger may
select and implement the following
compliance alternative, which is
deemed to meet the relevant BAT
requirement specified in paragraph (c)
of this section:
(1) Airfield pavement discharges must
achieve the numeric limitations for
ammonia in Table II.
Daily maximum
Pollutant or
pollutant property
Airfield Pavement Deicing ...........................................................
Ammonia as Nitrogen ................................................................
§ 449.11 New source performance
standards (NSPS).
New sources subject to this Part must
achieve the following new source
performance standards:
(a) Collection of runoff from aircraft
deicing. All new sources subject to this
Part, with annual departures of 10,000
or greater, shall collect at least 60
percent of available ADF and comply
with applicable discharge standards in
paragraph (b) of this section for all
collected ADF.
(b) Treatment of collected runoff from
aircraft deicing. Except for ADF
collected and transported to off-site
treatment facilities, any new source
subject to this Part must achieve the
new source performance standards in
Table III. These standards must be met
for all ADF collected pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this section.
Compliance must be measured at the
outfall of the on-site treatment system
utilized for meeting these standards:
Daily maximum
Pollutant or pollutant property
Aircraft Deicing .............................................................
COD ..............................................................................
(c) Airfield pavement discharges.
Except as provided in § 449.11(d), any
new source subject to this Part must
certify that it does not use airfield
deicing products that contain urea. The
responsible officer as defined in 40 CFR
122.22 must sign this certification
(d) Compliance alternative for airfield
NSPS requirement. A discharger may
select and implement the following
compliance alternative, which is
Weekly average
deemed to meet the relevant NSPS
requirement specified in paragraph (c)
of this section:
(1) Airfield pavement discharges must
achieve the numeric limitations for
ammonia in Table IV.
Pollutant or pollutant property
Airfield Pavement Deicing ...........................................................
Ammonia as Nitrogen ................................................................
(2) [Reserved]
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§ 449.20 Monitoring, reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
(a) Reporting ADF use. Dischargers
subject to § 449.10 or § 449.11 must
report the annual normalized ADF usage
when submitting a permit renewal
(b) Demonstrating the percent of ADF
collected. Except as provided in 40 CFR
125.30 through 125.32, the Director
shall select one of the following three
methods and specify it in the permit as
the required method for the permittee to
demonstrate compliance with the
percent capture requirement in § 449.10
or § 449.11 as applicable.
(1) The permittee shall demonstrate
that it is operating and maintaining one
of the following ADF collection
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technologies according to the technical
specifications set forth in paragraphs
(b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. These
technical specifications shall be
expressly set forth as requirements in
the permit. This demonstration
constitutes compliance by the permittee
with the applicable percent capture
requirement without the permittee
having to determine the numeric
percentage of ADF that it has collected.
(i) Glycol Recovery Vehicle (GRV).
Operation of a GRV in accordance with
these technical specifications is
sufficient to demonstrate compliance
with a requirement to collect at least 20
percent of the available ADF:
(A) All deicing activities shall take
place in an area where available ADF is
actively collected by GRVs, unless
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Daily maximum
deicing for safe taxiing is also required.
When deicing for safe taxiing is
required, the volume of ADF used must
not exceed 25 gallons of normalized
ADF per aircraft.
(B) An emulsifier must be used to aid
in ADF recovery, in accordance with
manufacturer requirements.
(C) ADF collection by GRV shall
commence as soon after deicing
activities begin, and as is practicable
and safe.
(D) The permittee shall ensure that
GRVs are maintained in accordance
with the manufacturer’s specifications
and shall inspect them at the beginning
and end of each deicing season to verify
that proper maintenance is taking place.
(ii) Centralized Deicing Pad.
Operation of a centralized deicing pad
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collection system in accordance with
these technical specifications is
sufficient to demonstrate compliance
with a requirement to collect at least 60
percent of the available ADF.
(A) All aircraft deicing shall take
place on a centralized deicing pad, with
the exception of deicing for safe taxiing.
(B) The volume of ADF used while
deicing for safe taxiing shall not exceed
25 gallons of normalized ADF per
(C) Drainage valves associated with
the centralized deicing pad shall be
activated to collect spent ADF before
deicing activities commence.
(D) Deicing facilities shall be sized to
accommodate the airport’s peak hourly
departure rate.
(E) The minimum width of the
centralized deicing pad shall equal the
upper wingspan of the most demanding
airplane design group using the deicing
(F) The minimum length of the
centralized deicing pad shall equal the
fuselage length of the most demanding
aircraft using the pad.
(G) Each centralized deicing pad must
be equipped with a fluid collection
system, such as a perimeter trench and
diversion valve, to capture spent ADF
and ADF-contaminated water.
(2) Alternate technology or
specifications. (i) The Director, on a
case-by-case basis, may require:
(A) The use of a different ADF
collection technology from the
VerDate Nov<24>2008
22:03 Aug 27, 2009
Jkt 217001
technologies specified in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section; or
(B) The use of the same technology,
but with different specifications for
operation and maintenance; or
(C) The use of an alternative pollution
prevention technology that may result
in a reduction of applied ADF relative
to current practices at the facility. At the
Director’s discretion, this reduction may
be applied towards the collection
(ii) The Director shall set forth
technical specifications for proper
operation and maintenance of the
chosen collection technology and these
technical specifications must be
expressly included as requirements in
the permit. The permittee must
demonstrate compliance with these
requirements. This demonstration
constitutes compliance by the permittee
with the percent capture requirement
without the permittee having to
determine the numeric percentage of
ADF that it has collected. Before the
Director may specify an alternate
technology under this subsection, the
permittee must demonstrate to the
Director’s satisfaction that the alternate
technology will achieve the percent
capture requirement applicable under
the permit.
(3) The permittee shall be required to
monitor periodically, by means deemed
acceptable by the Director, and at a
frequency determined by the Director,
the amount of ADF sprayed and the
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
amount of available ADF collected in
order to determine the compliance with
the percent capture requirement.
(c) Airfield pavement discharge
certification. Except as provided in
§§ 449.10(d) and 449.11(d), dischargers
subject to § 449.10 or § 449.11 must
submit a certification statement that
they do not use airfield deicing products
that contain urea. The discharger must
provide the certification statement to
the Director when submitting a permit
renewal application and on an annual
(d) Monitoring requirements.
Dischargers subject to § 449.10 or
§ 449.11 must conduct compliance
monitoring to demonstrate compliance
with the COD limitation.
(1) If a discharger chooses to comply
with the compliance alternative
specified in §§ 449.10(d) or 449.11(d),
the discharger must conduct compliance
monitoring to demonstrate compliance
with the alternative ammonia
(e) Recordkeeping. The permittee
must maintain on-site, for a period of
five years from the date they are created,
records documenting compliance with
paragraphs (b) through (d) of this
Subpart B—[Reserved]
[FR Doc. E9–20291 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 166 (Friday, August 28, 2009)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 44676-44718]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-20291]
[[Page 44675]]
Part V
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 449
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for
the Airport Deicing Category; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 74 , No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 44676]]
40 CFR Part 449
[EPA-HQ-OW-2004-0038 FRL-8948-2]
RIN 2040-AE69
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and New Source Performance
Standards for the Airport Deicing Category
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is proposing technology-based effluent limitation
guidelines (ELGs) and new source performance standards (NSPS) under the
Clean Water Act (CWA) for discharges from airport deicing operations.
The requirements generally would apply to wastewater associated with
the deicing of aircraft and airfield pavement at primary commercial
airports. The ELGs would be incorporated into the NPDES permits issued
by EPA, states or tribes. EPA expects compliance with this regulation
to reduce the discharge of deicing-related pollutants by at least 44.6
million pounds per year. EPA estimates the annual cost of the rule
would be $91.3 million.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before December 28, 2009. Under
the Paperwork Reduction Act, comments on the information collection
provisions must be received by the Office of Management and Budget on
or before September 28, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket No. EPA-HQ-OW-
2004-0038 by one of the following methods:
http:www.regulations.gov: Follow the on-line instructions
for submitting comments.
E-mail: OW-Docket@epa.gov, Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
Mail: Water Docket, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Mail Code: 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2004-0038. Please include a total of
3 copies. In addition, please mail a copy of your comments on the
information collection provisions to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Attn: Desk
Officer for EPA, 725 17th St., NW., Washington, DC 20503.
Hand Delivery: Water Docket, EPA Docket Center, EPA West
Building Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC,
Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2004-0038. Such deliveries are only
accepted during the Docket's normal hours of operation, and special
arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed information by
calling 202-566-2426.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket No EPA-HQ-OW-2004-
0038. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included in
the public docket without change and may be made available online at
https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through www.regulations.gov
or e-mail. The www.regulations.gov Web site is an ``anonymous access''
system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact
information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you
send an e-mail comment directly to EPA without going through https://www.regulations.gov your e-mail address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket
and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact
information in the body of your comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you
submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA may not be able to
consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special
characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the https://www.regulations.gov index. A detailed record index, organized by
subject, is available on EPA's Web site at https://epa.gov/guide/airport. Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly
available, e.g., CBI or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted
material, will be publicly available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available either electronically in
https://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Water Docket in the
EPA Docket Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
telephone number for the Public Reading Room is 202-566-1744, and the
telephone number for the Water Docket is 202-566-2426.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eric Strassler, Engineering and
Analysis Division, telephone: 202-566-1026; e-mail:
strassler.eric@epa.gov or Brian D'Amico, Engineering and Analysis
Division, telephone: 202-566-1069; e-mail: damico.brian@epa.gov.
Regulated Entities
Entities potentially regulated by this action include:
North American
Example of regulated Industry
Category entity Classification
System Code
Industry....................... Primary airports with 481, 4881
over 1,000 annual jet
departures that
conduct deicing
This section is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides
a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this
action. Other types of entities that do not meet the above criteria
could also be regulated. To determine whether your facility is
regulated by this action, you should carefully examine the
applicability criteria listed in Sec. 449.01 and the definitions in
Sec. 449.02 of the rule and detailed further in Section IV of this
preamble. If you still have questions regarding the applicability of
this action to a particular entity, consult one of the persons listed
for technical information in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT section.
[[Page 44677]]
How To Submit Comments
The public may submit comments in written or electronic form. (See
the ADDRESSES section above.) Electronic comments must be identified by
the docket no. EPA-HQ-OW-2004-0038 and must be submitted as a
WordPerfect, MS Word or ASCII text file, avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption. EPA requests that any graphics
included in electronic comments also be provided in hard-copy form. EPA
also will accept comments and data on disks in the aforementioned file
formats. Electronic comments received on this notice may be filed
online at many Federal Depository Libraries. No confidential business
information (CBI) should be sent by e-mail.
Supporting Documentation
The rule proposed today is supported by a number of documents
Technical Development Document for Proposed Effluent
Limitation Guidelines and Standards for the Airport Deicing Category
(TDD), Document No. EPA-821-R-09-004;
Economic Analysis for Proposed Effluent Limitation
Guidelines and Standards for the Airport Deicing Category (EA),
Document No. EPA-821-R-09-005;
Environmental Impact and Benefit Assessment for Proposed
Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards for the Airport Deicing
Category (EIB), Document No. EPA-821-R-09-003.
These documents are available in the public record for this rule and on
EPA's Web site at https://epa.gov/guide/airport. They are available in
hard copy from the National Service Center for Environmental
Publications (NSCEP), U.S. EPA/NSCEP, P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, Ohio
45242-2419, telephone 800-490-9198, https://epa.gov/ncepihom.
The preamble describes the terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used
in this notice; the background documents that support these proposed
regulations; the legal authority of these rules; a summary of the
proposal; background information; and the technical and economic
methodologies used by the Agency to develop these regulations. This
preamble also solicits comment and data on specific areas of interest.
Table of Contents
I. Legal Authority
II. Purpose and Summary of Proposed Rule
III. Background
IV. Scope/Applicability of Proposed Rule
V. Industry Profile
VI. Summary of Data Collection
VII. Technology Options, Costs, Wastewater Characteristics, and
Pollutant Reductions
VIII. Economic Analysis for Airports
IX. Airline Impacts
X. Environmental Assessment
XI. Non-Water Quality Environmental Impacts
XII. Regulatory Implementation
XIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
XIV. Solicitation of Data and Comments
XV. Guidelines for Submission of Analytical Data
Appendix A: Abbreviations and Definitions Used in This Document
I. Legal Authority
EPA is proposing this regulation under the authorities of sections
301, 304, 306, 308, 402 and 501 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C.
1311, 1314, 1316, 1318, 1342 and 1361 and pursuant to the Pollution
Prevention Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 13101 et seq.
II. Purpose and Summary of Proposed Rule
Section 304(m) of the CWA, added by the Water Quality Act of 1987,
requires EPA to establish schedules for (1) reviewing and revising
existing effluent limitation guidelines and standards (``effluent
guidelines'') and (2) promulgating new effluent guidelines. On
September 2, 2004, EPA published an Effluent Guidelines Plan (69 FR
53705) that established schedules for developing new and revised
effluent guidelines for several industry categories. One of the
industries for which the Agency established a schedule was the Airport
Deicing Category. Today EPA proposes to set national standards for
control of wastewater discharges from deicing operations at airports.
Deicing operations include removal of ice from aircraft, application of
chemicals to prevent initial icing or further icing (anti-icing), and
removal of (and preventing) ice from airfield pavement (runways,
taxiways, aprons and ramps).
Commercial airports and air carriers conduct deicing operations as
required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Airport
discharges from deicing operations may affect water quality, including
reductions in dissolved oxygen, fish kills, reduced organism abundance
and species diversity, contamination of drinking water sources (both
surface and groundwater), creation of noxious odors and discolored
water in residential areas and parkland, and other effects.
The proposed effluent guidelines and standards address both the
wastewater collection practices used by airports, and the treatment of
those wastes. Airports within the scope of this proposed rule would be
required to collect spent aircraft deicing fluid (ADF) and treat the
associated wastewater. Additionally, airports performing airfield
pavement deicing would be required to use non-urea-based deicers. The
requirements would be implemented in CWA discharge permits.
III. Background
A. Clean Water Act
Congress passed the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments
of 1972, also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), to ``restore and
maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the
nation's waters.'' (33 U.S.C. 1251(a)). The CWA establishes a
comprehensive program for protecting our nation's waters. Among its
core provisions, the CWA prohibits the discharge of pollutants from a
point source to waters of the U.S. except as authorized under the CWA.
Under section 402 of the CWA, EPA authorizes discharges by a National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The CWA also
authorizes EPA to establish national technology-based effluent
limitation guidelines and standards (effluent guidelines or ELGs) for
discharges from different categories of point sources, such as
industrial, commercial and public sources.
Congress recognized that regulating only those sources that
discharge effluent directly into the nation's waters would not be
sufficient to achieve the CWA's goals. Consequently, the CWA requires
EPA to promulgate nationally applicable pretreatment standards that
restrict pollutant discharges from facilities that discharge wastewater
indirectly through sewers flowing to publicly owned treatment works
(POTWs). See section 307(b) and (c), 33 U.S.C. 1317(b) and (c).
National pretreatment standards are established for those pollutants in
wastewater from indirect dischargers that may pass through, interfere
with or are otherwise incompatible with POTW operations. Generally,
pretreatment standards are designed to ensure that wastewaters from
direct and indirect industrial dischargers are subject to similar
levels of treatment. In addition, POTWs are required to implement local
treatment limits applicable to their industrial indirect dischargers to
satisfy any local requirements. See 40 CFR 403.5.
Direct dischargers must comply with effluent limitations in NPDES
permits. Indirect dischargers, who discharge through POTWs, must comply
with pretreatment standards. Technology-based effluent limitations in
[[Page 44678]]
permits are derived from effluent limitation guidelines (CWA sections
301 and 304) and new source performance standards (sec. 306)
promulgated by EPA, or based on best professional judgment where EPA
has not promulgated an applicable effluent guideline or new source
performance standard. Additional limitations based on water quality
standards (sec. 303) may also be included in the permit in certain
circumstances. The ELGs are established by regulation for categories of
industrial dischargers and are based on the degree of control that can
be achieved using various levels of pollution control technology.
EPA promulgates national effluent limitation guidelines and
standards of performance for major industrial categories for three
classes of pollutants: (1) Conventional pollutants (i.e., total
suspended solids, oil and grease, biochemical oxygen demand, fecal
coliform, and pH); (2) toxic pollutants (e.g., toxic metals such as
chromium, lead, nickel, and zinc; toxic organic pollutants such as
benzene, benzo-a-pyrene, phenol, and naphthalene); and (3) non-
conventional pollutants (e.g., ammonia-N, formaldehyde, and
B. NPDES Permits
Section 402 of the CWA requires permits for discharges of
pollutants to waters of the United States. In most states, the permits
are issued by a state agency that has been authorized by EPA. Currently
46 states and 1 U.S. territory are authorized to issue NPDES permits.
In the other states and territories, EPA issues the permits.
Section 402(p) of the Act, added by the Water Quality Act of 1987
(Pub. L. 100-4, February 4, 1987), requires stormwater dischargers
``associated with industrial activity'' to be covered under an NPDES
permit. In its initial stormwater permit regulations, called the
``Phase I'' stormwater regulations (55 FR 47990, November 16, 1990),
EPA designated air transportation facilities, including both airlines
and airports, which have vehicle maintenance shops (including vehicle
rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, and
lubrication), equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing
operations as subject to NPDES stormwater permitting requirements. See
40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(viii).
Airport stormwater discharges may be controlled under a general
NPDES permit, which covers multiple facilities with similar types of
operations and/or wastestreams, or by an individual permit. (An airport
may have additional NPDES permits for non-stormwater discharges, such
as from equipment repair and maintenance facilities. The following
discussion pertains only to stormwater permits.)
1. General Permits
Currently most airport deicing discharges are covered by a general
permit issued either by EPA or by an NPDES-authorized state agency. In
most areas where EPA is the permit authority, the Multi-Sector General
Permit (MSGP) covers airport deicing discharges (73 FR 56572, September
29, 2008). Many NPDES-authorized state agencies have issued general
permits in their respective jurisdictions with requirements similar to
the MSGP. An airport seeking coverage under a general permit submits a
Notice of Intent (NOI) to the permit authority rather than a detailed
permit application. By submitting an NOI, the permittee is agreeing to
comply with the conditions in the published permit.
For airports, the major requirements of the MSGP are:
Develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP),
including a drainage area site map, documentation of measures used for
management of runoff, an evaluation of runway and aircraft deicing
operations, and implementation of a program to control or manage
contaminated runoff, including consideration of various listed control
Implement deicing source reduction measures, including
minimizing or eliminating the use of urea and glycol-based deicing
chemicals; minimizing contamination of stormwater runoff from runway
and aircraft deicing operations; evaluating whether over-application of
deicing chemicals occurs; and consider use of various listed source
control measures;
For airports using over 100,000 gal. of glycol based
deicing chemicals and/or 100 tons or more of urea annually, monitor
discharges quarterly for the first four quarters of the permit cycle,
for the following pollutants: biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia and pH;
If the average of the four monitoring values for any
parameter exceeds its benchmark, implement additional control measures
where feasible, and continue monitoring;
Conduct an annual site inspection during the deicing
season, and during periods of actual deicing operations if possible;
and routine facility inspections at least monthly during the deicing
2. Individual Permits
Some EPA and state NPDES-permitting authorities have required
certain airports to obtain individual permits. In these situations, an
airport must submit a detailed application and the permit authority
develops specific requirements for the facility.
Some individual permits contain specialized requirements for
monitoring and/or best management practices. Some of these permits also
contain numeric water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs).
Information on water quality-based permitting is available on EPA's Web
site at https://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/generalissues/watertechnology.cfm.
C. Effluent Guidelines and Standards Program
Effluent guidelines and new source performance standards are
technology-based regulations that are developed by EPA for a category
of dischargers. These regulations are based on the performance of
control and treatment technologies. The legislative history of CWA
section 304(b), which is the heart of the effluent guidelines program,
describes the need to press toward higher levels of control through
research and development of new processes, modifications, replacement
of obsolete plans and processes, and other improvements in technology,
taking into account the cost of controls. Congress also directed that
EPA not consider water quality impacts on individual water bodies as
the guidelines are developed. See Statement of Senator Muskie (Oct. 4,
1972), reprinted in Legislative History of the Water Pollution Control
Act Amendments of 1972, at 170. (U.S. Senate, Committee on Public
Works, Serial No. 93-1, January 1973.)
There are four types of standards applicable to direct dischargers
(dischargers to surface waters), and two standards applicable to
indirect dischargers (discharges to publicly owned treatment works or
1. Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available (BPT)
Traditionally, EPA establishes BPT effluent limitations based on
the average of the best performances of facilities within the industry,
grouped to reflect various ages, sizes, processes, or other common
characteristics. EPA may promulgate BPT effluent limits for
conventional, toxic, and non-conventional pollutants. In specifying
BPT, EPA looks at a number of factors. EPA first considers the cost of
achieving effluent reductions in relation to the
[[Page 44679]]
effluent reduction benefits. The Agency also considers the age of the
equipment and facilities, the processes employed, engineering aspects
of the control technologies, any required process changes, non-water
quality environmental impacts (including energy requirements), and such
other factors as the Administrator deems appropriate. See CWA sec.
304(b)(1)(B). If, however, existing performance is uniformly
inadequate, EPA may establish limitations based on higher levels of
control than currently in place in an industrial category when based on
an Agency determination that the technology is available in another
category or subcategory, and can be practically applied.
2. Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT)
The 1977 amendments to the CWA required EPA to identify additional
levels of effluent reduction for conventional pollutants associated
with BCT technology for discharges from existing industrial point
sources. In addition to other factors specified in section
304(b)(4)(B), the CWA requires that EPA establish BCT limitations after
consideration of a two part ``cost-reasonableness'' test. EPA explained
its methodology for the development of BCT limitations in July 1986 (51
FR 24974). Section 304(a)(4) designates the following as conventional
pollutants: biochemical oxygen demand measured over five days
(BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), fecal coliform, pH,
and any additional pollutants defined by the Administrator as
conventional. The Administrator designated oil and grease as an
additional conventional pollutant on July 30, 1979 (44 FR 44501; 40 CFR
3. Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT)
BAT represents the second level of stringency for controlling
direct discharge of toxic and nonconventional pollutants. In general,
BAT effluent limitation guidelines represent the best economically
achievable performance of facilities in the industrial subcategory or
category. The factors considered in assessing BAT include the cost of
achieving BAT effluent reductions, the age of equipment and facilities
involved, the process employed, potential process changes, and non-
water quality environmental impacts including energy requirements, and
such other factors as the Administrator deems appropriate. The Agency
retains considerable discretion in assigning the weight to be accorded
these factors. An additional statutory factor considered in setting BAT
is economic achievability. Generally, EPA determines economic
achievability on the basis of total costs to the industry and the
effect of compliance with BAT limitations on overall industry and
subcategory financial conditions. As with BPT, where existing
performance is uniformly inadequate, BAT may reflect a higher level of
performance than is currently being achieved based on technology
transferred from a different subcategory or category. BAT may be based
upon process changes or internal controls, even when these technologies
are not common industry practice.
4. New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
New Source Performance Standards reflect effluent reductions that
are achievable based on the best available demonstrated control
technology. Owners of new facilities have the opportunity to install
the best and most efficient production processes and wastewater
treatment technologies. As a result, NSPS should represent the most
stringent controls attainable through the application of the best
available demonstrated control technology for all pollutants (that is,
conventional, nonconventional, and priority pollutants). In
establishing NSPS, EPA is directed to take into consideration the cost
of achieving the effluent reduction and any non-water quality
environmental impacts and energy requirements.
5. Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES)
Pretreatment standards apply to discharges of pollutants to
publicly owned treatment works (POTW) rather than to discharges to
waters of the United States. Pretreatment Standards for Existing
Sources are designed to prevent the discharge of pollutants that pass
through, interfere with, or are otherwise incompatible with the
operation of POTWs. Categorical pretreatment standards are technology-
based and are analogous to BAT effluent limitation guidelines. The
General Pretreatment Regulations, which set forth the framework for the
implementation of categorical pretreatment standards, are found at 40
CFR part 403. These regulations establish pretreatment standards that
apply to all non-domestic dischargers. See 52 FR 1586 (Jan. 14, 1987).
6. Pretreatment Standards for New Sources (PSNS)
Section 307(c) of the Act calls for EPA to promulgate pretreatment
standards for new sources at the same time it promulgates new source
performance standards. Such pretreatment standards must prevent the
discharge of any pollutant into a POTW that may interfere with, pass
through, or may otherwise be incompatible with the POTW. EPA
promulgates categorical pretreatment standards for existing sources
based principally on BAT technology for existing sources. EPA
promulgates pretreatment standards for new sources based on best
available demonstrated technology for new sources. New indirect
dischargers have the opportunity to incorporate into their facilities
the best available demonstrated technologies. The Agency typically
considers the same factors in promulgating PSNS as it considers in
promulgating NSPS.
IV. Scope/Applicability of Proposed Rule
EPA solicits comments on various issues specifically identified in
this preamble as well as any other issues related to this rule that are
not specifically addressed in today's notice.
A. Facilities Subject to 40 CFR Part 449
EPA is proposing to establish effluent limitation guidelines and
standards for primary commercial airports that conduct deicing
operations and have more than 1,000 annual departures of scheduled
commercial jet aircraft. Further information on the rationale for the
proposed scope is provided in Section VII.D.1 of this preamble and in
both the TDD and the EA.
B. Overview of Technology Requirements
The proposed rule would require an airport subject to this Part to:
Collect at least a specified proportion (either 20 or 60
percent) of available ADF after it is sprayed on aircraft;
Meet a specified numeric effluent limit for ADF wastewater
collected and discharged on site; and
Certify that it uses airfield pavement deicers that do not
contain urea.
All references to ADF in today's proposed rule are for normalized ADF,
which is ADF less any water added by the manufacturer or customer
before ADF application.
The technologies that serve as the basis for the proposed ELGs are
summarized in Table IV-1 and Figure IV-1. These provisions are
explained in Section VII of this preamble.
[[Page 44680]]
Table IV-1--Summary of Proposed Airport Deicing Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards
Technical components
Regulatory level Technology basis Airports > 1,000 annual jet Airports > 1,000 annual jet
departures and >= 10,000 departures and < 10,000
annual departures annual departures
BAT..................... 1. 60% or 20% ADF 1. Capture 60% of available 1. Certify use of non-urea-
capture. ADF (for airports having >= based pavement deicers or
460,000 gal. ADF usage) or Meet effluent limit for
capture 20% (for airports < ammonia.
460,000 gal. ADF usage).
2. Biological treatment. 2. Treat wastewater to meet
effluent limit for chemical
oxygen demand (COD).
3. Pavement deicer 3. Certify use of non-urea-
product substitution. based pavement deicers or
Meet effluent limit for
NSPS.................... 1. 60% ADF capture...... 1. Capture 60% of available 1. Certify use of non-urea-
ADF. based pavement deicers or
Meet effluent limit for
2. Biological treatment. 2. Treat wastewater to meet
effluent limit for chemical
oxygen demand (COD).
3. Pavement deicer 3. Certify use of non-urea-
product substitution. based pavement deicers or
Meet effluent limit for
Note: All references to ADF are for normalized ADF, which is ADF less any water added by the manufacturer or
customer before ADF application.
[[Page 44681]]
V. Industry Profile
A. Airport Population
The Airport and Airway Improvement Act (AAIA), 49 U.S.C. Chapter
471, defines airports by categories of airport activities, including
Commercial Service (Primary and Non-Primary), Cargo Service, and
Reliever. These categories are not mutually exclusive; an airport may
be classified in more than one of these categories. Another group of
generally smaller airports, not specifically defined by AAIA, is
commonly known as ``general aviation'' airports. EPA estimates that
there are approximately 500 commercial service airports.
[[Page 44682]]
Commercial service airports are publicly owned airports that have
at least 2,500 passenger boardings each calendar year and receive
scheduled passenger service. Passenger boardings refer to revenue
passenger boardings on an aircraft in service in air commerce, whether
or not in scheduled service. The definition also includes passengers
who continue on an aircraft in international flight that stops at an
airport in any of the 50 States for a non-traffic purpose, such as
refueling or aircraft maintenance rather than passenger activity.
Passenger boardings at airports that receive scheduled passenger
service are also referred to as ``enplanements.''
Primary commercial service airports (primary airports) have more
than 10,000 passenger boardings each year. Primary airports are further
subdivided into Large Hub, Medium Hub, Small Hub and Non-Hub
classifications, based on the percentage of total passenger boardings
within the United States in the most current calendar year ending
before the start of the current fiscal year.
B. FAA Deicing Requirements
The Federal Aviation Administration requires airlines to deice
aircraft and airfield pavement to protect the safety of passenger and
cargo operations. FAA regulations in 14 CFR Part 121 require a complete
deicing/anti-icing program. The regulations in 14 CFR Parts 121, 125
and 135 regulate takeoff when snow, ice, or frost is adhering to wings,
propellers, control surfaces, engine inlets, and other critical
surfaces of the aircraft. FAA does not require airlines to use a
specific technology when deicing aircraft. In fact, airlines develop
their own deicing protocols to meet the requirements of 14 CFR 125.221.
Additionally, FAA has released Advisory Circulars (AC) which provide
guidance for aircraft and airfield deicing, including AC 20-73A
(Aircraft Ice Protection), AC 135-16 (Ground Deicing & Anti-icing
Training & Checking), AC 120-58 (Pilot Guide: Large Aircraft Ground
Deicing) and AC 150/5300-14B (Design of Aircraft Deicing Facilities).
Advisory Circulars are available on FAA's Web site at https://www.airweb.faa.gov.
C. Description of Deicing Operations
A major concern for the safety of passengers is the clearing of ice
and snow buildup on runways, taxiways, roadways, gate areas, and
aircraft. Two basic types of deicing/anti-icing operations are
generally performed at an airport: the deicing/anti-icing of aircraft,
and the deicing/anti-icing of paved areas, including runways, taxiways,
roadways, and gate areas. The most common technique for the deicing/
anti-icing of aircraft is the application of chemical deicing/anti-
icing agents. Deicing of runways, taxiways, and roadways is most
commonly performed using mechanical means, but may also be performed
using chemical agents. The anti-icing of paved areas is typically
conducted with anti-icing chemicals.
1. Aircraft Deicing
Aircraft deicing involves the removal of frost, snow, or ice from
an aircraft. Aircraft anti-icing generally refers to the prevention of
the accumulation of frost, snow, or ice. The responsibility for
performing deicing/anti-icing varies between airports, but it is
usually performed by a combination of individual airlines and support
contractors, commonly called fixed-base operators (FBOs) or ground
service providers. Airlines typically select procedures for deicing/
anti-icing their aircraft, which are then approved by the FAA.
a. Chemical Deicing Practices
In the deicing/anti-icing process, aircraft are usually sprayed
with deicing/anti-icing fluids (ADF) that contain chemical deicing
agents; however, non-chemical methods are also performed. Deicing/anti-
icing occurs when the weather conditions are such that ice or snow
accumulates on an aircraft. During snowstorms, freezing rain, or cold
weather that causes frost to accumulate on aircraft surfaces including
the wings, deicing is necessary to ensure the safe operation of
aircraft. Studies have concluded that even a small amount of ice, if
located on critical aircraft surfaces (e.g., leading edge of the wing),
can cause significant decreases in lift.
The typical deicing season runs from October through April for most
airports in the northern U.S. In colder areas, the deicing season may
extend over a longer period. In warmer climates, the deicing season may
be shorter or deicing may rarely occur. However, it is important to
note that deicing may be needed in hot, humid areas at any time. Some
aircraft may experience frost build-up after landing at an airport in a
hot, humid area. (The phenomenon is similar to frost forming on a cold
glass of water exposed to hot, humid air and occurs for the same reason
that the cold glass developed frost. Fuel chills when a plane operates
at high altitudes where the temperature is very cold. When the plane
lands in a hot, humid area, the cold fuel chills the fuel tank. If the
tank is very close to the surface of the wing, it causes frost to form
on the wing.)
ADF works by adhering to aircraft surfaces to remove and/or prevent
snow and ice accumulation. Non-chemical methods include the use of
mechanical or thermal means (e.g., infrared heating) to prevent,
remove, or melt ice and snow. Two types of deicing are performed: Wet-
weather and dry-weather deicing, depending on a number of climatic and
operational factors. Wet-weather deicing is performed during storm
events that include precipitation such as snow, sleet, or freezing
rain. Dry-weather deicing is performed when changes in the ambient
temperature cause frost or ice to form on aircraft but no precipitation
is present. Dry-weather deicing may also be performed on some types of
aircraft whose fuel tanks become super-cooled during high-altitude
flight, resulting in ice formation at lower altitudes and after
landing. Dry-weather deicing may occur at temperatures up to 55[deg]
Fahrenheit (F), but generally requires a significantly smaller volume
of deicing fluid than wet-weather deicing.
During typical wet-weather conditions, 150 to 1,000 gallons of ADF
may be used on a single commercial jet, while as little as 10 gallons
may be used on a small corporate jet. An estimated 1,000 to 4,000
gallons may be needed to deice a larger commercial jet during severe
weather conditions. Aircraft anti-icing fluids are applied in much
smaller volumes than their deicing counterparts are. A commercial jet
requires approximately 35 gallons of fluid for anti-icing after
deicing. Generally, dry-weather deicing requires 20 to 50 gallons of
deicing fluid, depending on the size of the aircraft.
Chemical aircraft deicers are categorized into four classes. Not
all types are currently used. Fluid types vary by composition and
allowed holdover time (the estimated time for which deicing/anti-icing
fluid will prevent the formation of frost or ice and the accumulation
of snow on the treated surfaces of an aircraft). Type I is the most
commonly used fluid and is used primarily for aircraft deicing. These
types of fluids typically contain glycol as the active ingredient
(usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol), along with water and
additives, and remove accumulated ice and snow from aircraft surfaces.
Types II, III, and IV were developed for anti-icing. These fluids form
a protective anti-icing film on aircraft surfaces to prevent the
accumulation of ice and snow. Anti-icing fluids are composed of either
ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, a small amount of thickener,
water, and additives. The additives in aircraft
[[Page 44683]]
deicing and anti-icing fluids may include corrosion inhibitors, flame
retardants, wetting agents, identifying dyes, and foam suppressors.
Type IV fluids can provide up to a 70 minute holdover time, depending
on atmospheric conditions. (Holdover time is the amount of time a given
aircraft treatment by ground anti-icing fluid remains effective.
Holdover time effectively runs out when frozen deposits start to form
or accumulate on treated aircraft surfaces.) Most large airlines use
both Type I and Type IV fluids.
Aircraft deicing and anti-icing operations usually occur at
terminal gates, gate aprons, taxiways, or centralized deicing pads.
Centralized deicing pads may be located near terminals and gates, along
taxiways serving departure runways, or near the departure end of
runways. Each airport may use only one or a combination of all of these
locations for deicing/anti-icing. The amount and type of deicing
performed at each location may vary. For example, an airport with
deicing pads may allow air carriers to perform minimal deicing at
gates, at a level sufficient to move the aircraft safely, and require
all other deicing operations to be conducted at a pad.
If deicing is not conducted at the gate, then, prior to takeoff, an
aircraft will taxi to an airport-approved deicing/anti-icing location.
Depending on the deicing location design, several aircraft may be
deiced simultaneously on a single deicing pad. Deicing trucks and/or
spray equipment mounted on fixed booms apply the appropriate ADF. One
to four deicer trucks may be used for deicing a single aircraft,
depending on its size and weather conditions. When holdover times are
exceeded prior to takeoff, secondary deicing/anti-icing is necessary.
If an aircraft must return to the gate or another designated location
for secondary deicing/anti-icing, its departure may be substantially
delayed. The need for secondary deicing will likely decrease as more
airlines use Type IV fluids to extend the allowable holdover time.
While the FAA has issued regulations and guidance on conducting
deicing/anti-icing operations, the aircraft pilot is ultimately
responsible for determining whether the deicing performed is adequate.
The pilot may inspect the aircraft after deicing and order additional
deicing or anti-icing.
Dry-weather deicing, also referred to as clear ice deicing, may be
performed whenever ambient temperatures are cold enough to form ice on
aircraft wings (below 55[deg] F). Dry-weather deicing is also used to
defrost windshields and wingtips on commuter planes and is usually
conducted throughout the entire deicing/anti-icing season.
b. Non-Chemical Deicing Practices
Non-chemical deicing methods involve mechanical or thermal means to
remove ice and snow from aircraft surfaces. Dry, powdery snow can be
swept from aircraft using brooms or brushes. Hot air blowers can also
be used to remove snow mechanically with forced air and to melt ice and
snow. In addition, some smaller aircraft are equipped with inflatable
pneumatic or hydraulic boots that can expand to break ice off the
leading edges of wings and elevators.
Mechanical snow removal methods (e.g., using nylon brooms and ropes
to remove snow from parked aircraft) are typically only used in the
early morning because they are time-intensive and labor-intensive, and
would be too disruptive to airline schedules during the day. Mechanical
methods are typically also used in conjunction with fluid application
and are dependent on climate and operational variables. Personnel must
be properly trained and provided with appropriate equipment so as not
to damage navigational equipment mounted on aircraft. Airlines
typically use brooms to remove as much snow and ice as possible before
applying conventional aircraft deicing fluids.
Other non-chemical deicing practices--infrared heating, forced air
and hot air systems--are being used at several airports throughout the
U.S. These technologies are described in Section VII.B.3, Pollution
Prevention Technologies.
2. Airfield Pavement Deicing
Pavement snow removal and deicing/anti-icing removes or prevents
the accumulation of frost, snow, or ice on runways, taxiways, aprons,
gates, and ramps. A combination of mechanical methods and chemical
deicing/anti-icing agents is used for pavement deicing at airports.
Runway deicing/anti-icing is typically performed by airport personnel
or a contractor hired by the authority. Some ramp, apron, gate, and
taxiway deicing/anti-icing may be performed by other entities, such as
airlines and FBOs that operate on those areas. Pavement deicing
typically occurs during the same season as aircraft deicing, but may be
shorter or longer than the aircraft deicing season.
a. Mechanical Methods
Mechanical methods, such as plows, brushes, blowers, and shovels
for snow removal, are the most common form of runway deicing, and may
be used in combination with chemical methods. Airports generally own
multiple pieces of snow removal equipment and have employees trained to
operate them. Sand may be used to increase the friction of icy paved
areas. Because winter storm events can be unpredictable, personnel
trained in pavement deicing/anti-icing may be available at an airport
24 hours a day during the winter season.
b. Chemical Methods
Because ice, sleet, and snow may be difficult to remove by
mechanical methods alone, most airports use a combination of mechanical
methods and chemical deicing agents. Common pavement deicing and anti-
icing agents include potassium acetate, sodium acetate, urea, ethylene
glycol-based fluids, propylene glycol-based fluids, and sodium formate.
Road salt (i.e., sodium chloride or potassium chloride) may be used to
deice/anti-ice paved areas that are not used by aircraft (e.g.,
automobile roadways and parking areas) but are not considered suitable
for deicing/anti-icing taxiways, runways, aprons, and ramps because of
their corrosive effects on aircraft.
Many airports perform deicing of heavy accumulations of snow and
ice using mechanical equipment followed by chemical applications.
Pavement anti-icing may be performed based on predicted weather
conditions and pavement temperature. Deicing and anti-icing solutions
are applied using either truck-mounted spray equipment or manual
3. Estimates of Deicing Activity
a. Aircraft Deicing Chemical Usage
Airlines use approximately 25 million gallons of ADF annually,
consisting of 22.1 million gallons of propylene glycol-based deicers
and almost 3 million gallons of ethylene glycol-based deicers. EPA
estimates that approximately 320 primary airports conduct deicing
operations annually and that approximately 85 percent of this ADF (21.6
million gallons) is used at 110 of the 320 airports.
b. Airfield Pavement Deicing Chemical Usage
Primary airports use approximately 71 million pounds of chemical
deicers on airfield pavement (runways, taxiways and ramps) annually.
The six most frequently used deicers, with estimated percentages by
weight, are as follows: potassium acetate (63 percent); urea (12
percent); propylene glycol-based fluids (11 percent); sodium acetate (9
[[Page 44684]]
sodium formate (3 percent); and ethylene glycol-based fluids (2
VI. Summary of Data Collection
A. Previous EPA Data Collection Activities
1. 1993 Screener Questionnaire
In 1992, EPA began developing effluent guidelines and standards for
the Transportation Equipment Cleaning (TEC) category (40 CFR Part 442).
The scope of the TEC regulation at that time included facilities that
clean the interiors of tank trucks, rail tank cars, and tank barges;
facilities that clean aircraft exteriors; and facilities that deice/
anti-ice aircraft and/or airport pavement. Initial data collection
efforts for this project related to airport deicing operations included
development and administration of a ``screener'' questionnaire that was
administered in 1993. The screener questionnaire was developed, in
part, to enable EPA to: (1) Identify facilities that perform TEC
aircraft operations; (2) evaluate facilities based on wastewater,
economic, and operational characteristics; and (3) develop technical
and economic profiles of the industry. Subsequent to distribution of
the screener questionnaire, EPA decided not to include the aircraft
segment as part of the TEC effluent guidelines that were promulgated in
2000 (65 FR 49665, August 14, 2000). The Agency indicated that its
recently-issued stormwater regulations and permits under the NPDES
program imposed new requirements for airport discharges, and that
aircraft cleaning and airport deicing operations were significantly
different from other portions of the TEC category.
EPA mailed the screener questionnaire to 760 entities that
potentially perform aircraft exterior cleaning and/or aircraft or
pavement deicing/anti-icing operations. Following the screener
questionnaire mail-out and analyses of responses, EPA estimated that,
in 1993, there were 588 entities (i.e., airlines and FBOs) that perform
deicing/anti-icing operations.
2. 1998-99 Preliminary Data Summary
EPA conducted a study of airport deicing practices in 1998-99 and
published a report in 2000. (Preliminary Data Summary: Airport Deicing
Operations (Revised), Document No. 821-R-00-016, August 2000). The
study described deicing operations in the industry, wastewater
characteristics and procedures for its collection and treatment. The
study was conducted to comply with CWA sec. 304(m), which requires the
Agency to publish a biennial Effluent Guidelines Plan, and a consent
decree in Natural Resources Defense Council and Public Citizen, Inc. v.
Browner (D.D.C. 89-2980, as modified February 4, 1997). As part of the
study, EPA distributed short questionnaires to several aviation
sectors, including those involved in deicing; conducted site visits to
airports; and conducted wastewater sampling episodes.
a. Questionnaires
In 1999, EPA sent questionnaires to airports, an airline industry
association, equipment vendors, and publicly owned treatment works
(POTW), and requested data about the 1998-99 deicing season. The
Airport Questionnaire was sent to nine airports and asked for
information on aircraft and airfield deicing activities; wastewater
handling and treatment; and airport structure, finances and operations.
A questionnaire requesting financial data was sent to an airline
industry association, which provided information about the deicing
operations of 12 of its members, and eight regional airlines also
received questionnaires. The Vendor Questionnaire was sent to nine
businesses and requested information about equipment used to collect,
control, recycle/recover, treat or reduce the generation of glycol-
contaminated wastewater from aircraft and airfield deicing operations.
The POTW Questionnaire was sent to nine facilities and requested
information about potential pollutants in wastewater discharges from
airports, and the potential environmental impacts stemming from POTWs'
acceptance of these wastes.
b. Wastewater Sampling
EPA conducted six sampling episodes for the study. Two of these
episodes obtained data on ADF, and four episodes obtained data on ADF-
contaminated wastewater and final effluent data from airports with
various collection and treatment systems.
c. Airport Site Visits
EPA visited 16 airports between 1997 and 1999 (including one visit
before the formal commencement of the study). Information gathered
included deicing operations, names and quantities of deicing chemical
products used, wastewater characterization, treatment technologies and
costs, and financial data. The Agency obtained effluent self-monitoring
data from some of the airports that were visited.
d. Other Data Sources
EPA collected data on NPDES permits and from the Toxic Release
Inventory database, which have wastewater discharge information. EPA
also collected data from state, local, and other federal agencies,
including the FAA, Department of Transportation and the United States
Geological Survey (USGS); and Canadian federal agencies involved with
airport environmental issues. These included interviews conducted
during site visits, airport effluent monitoring data, airline
operations data (i.e., departures and enplanement statistics), and
economic and financial information about the industry. All of the
collected data are available in the record for this proposed rule.
B. 2006-07 Industry Surveys
For this proposed rule, EPA developed a series of survey
questionnaires to compile a complete profile of the industry with
regard to type and amounts of deicing chemicals used, collection
systems, and wastewater treatment systems. These questionnaires
expanded on the Agency's earlier survey efforts by the design of a
scientific national statistical sample of airports and development of a
reasonable national estimate of deicing activity by major airlines. A
comprehensive set of questions and data tables was also developed. In
designing the questionnaires, EPA consulted with airport and airline
industry representatives, including the American Association of Airport
Executives (AAAE), Airports Council International--North America (ACI-
NA) and the Air Transport Association (ATA). The Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) approved the questionnaires on January 13, 2006, and
EPA distributed the questionnaires during 2006 and 2007.
1. Airline Screener
EPA designed a short ``screener'' questionnaire to obtain basic
information from air carriers on which organizations actually performed
deicing services for a particular carrier, at specified airport
locations (i.e., the airline conducted its own deicing, it contracted
with another airline, or it used an FBO). EPA used the results of this
questionnaire to select respondents for the Detailed Airline
Questionnaire. The screener was distributed to 72 airlines and
requested information on deicing activities at 149 airports. EPA
distributed the screener to the industry in April 2006.
2. Airport Questionnaire
EPA designed the Airport Deicing Questionnaire to serve as the
Agency's primary data source for airport-specific
[[Page 44685]]
information. The questionnaire requested information on a number of
topics including, general airport information, deicing operations,
deicing stormwater collection and conveyance, deicing stormwater
treatment, sampling data, pollution prevention, receiving waters, and
airport financial information.
EPA distributed the Airport Deicing Questionnaire to the industry
in April 2006. The questionnaire was sent to 153 airports, including a
census of all large and medium hub airports, as well as a sample survey
of all Small and Non-Hub Airports. (General aviation airports were not
included in the survey, except for a few with large cargo operations,
because these airports are used mainly by small private airplanes that
typically do not fly during icing conditions, and therefore are sites
where little or no ADF use occurs.)
3. Detailed Airline Questionnaire
EPA designed the Detailed Airline Questionnaire in order to learn
more about the airlines' role in deicing operations, as well as to get
information that is more precise on ADF usage. This questionnaire was
EPA's primary data source for airline-specific information. The
questionnaire asked questions on topics including deicing operations,
ADF purchase and usage, pollution prevention practices, and operational
costs. The questionnaire was sent in March 2007 to 58 air carriers,
covering deicing operations at 57 airports. This questionnaire
requested information on a number of topics including: General airline
information, airline deicing practices, pollution prevention practices
and deicing costs.
C. Site Visits
In order to become familiar with the day-to-day operations at
airports, as well as learn some of the more site-specific issues that
arise with deicing, EPA conducted site visits at more than 20 airports.
EPA visited airports that had specific treatment technologies in place,
in order to learn more about these technologies. Some of the airports
included were Denver, Pittsburgh and General Mitchell (Milwaukee). All
site visits were documented with Site Visit Reports (SVRs), which are
in the record for today's proposed rule (Record Index, Section 2.3).
D. Wastewater Sampling Episodes
EPA collected several wastewater samples for chemical analysis
during sampling episodes at six airports to characterize pollutants
found in ADF-contaminated runoff, and to assess the performance of
treatment systems. The Agency conducted episodes at these six airports
in 2005 and 2006: Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, Detroit
Metropolitan Wayne County International Airport, Albany International
Airport, Denver International Airport, Greater Rockford (Illinois)
Airport, and Pittsburgh International Airport. At the first two
airports, EPA conducted one-day sampling episodes, to provide a general
characterization of wastewater from deicing operations. The subsequent
four events were multiple-day performance sampling episodes, which were
designed to document the performance of wastewater treatment systems.
For each analytical chemical class or parameter, EPA collected 24-
hour composite samples when possible, in order to capture the
variability in the waste streams containing ADF generated throughout
the day. EPA used the data from the laboratory analyses of these
samples to develop a list of pollutants of concern, and characterize
the raw wastewater at airports. EPA used the data collected from the
influent, intermediate, and effluent points to analyze the efficacy of
treatment at the facilities, and to develop current discharge
concentrations, loadings, and the treatment technology options for the
Airport Deicing effluent guideline. EPA used effluent data, along with
data provided by industry in the questionnaires and other sources, to
calculate the long-term averages and limitations for each of the
proposed regulatory options. During each sampling episode, EPA
collected flow rate data corresponding to each sample collected and
production information from each associated production system for use
in calculating pollutant loadings. EPA has included in the public
record all information collected for which a facility has not asserted
a claim of Confidential Business Information (CBI) or which would
indirectly reveal information claimed to be CBI.
After conducting the sampling episodes, EPA prepared sampling
episode reports for each facility. These reports included descriptions
of the wastewater treatment processes, sampling procedures, and
analytical results. EPA documented all data collected during sampling
episodes in the sampling episode report for each sampled site. Non-
confidential business information from these reports is available in
the public record for this proposal. For detailed information on
sampling and preservation procedures, analytical methods, and quality
assurance/quality control procedures see the Quality Assurance Project
Plans and the Sampling and Analysis Plans (Record Index, Section 2.4).
E. Other Data Collection
EPA collected other information from various other data sources
including: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permits for information on current permit requirements; industry
correspondence on technology costs and long-term wastewater monitoring
data; and searches of technical and scientific literature, covering
current deicing practices and treatment technologies, current airport
deicing runoff data, chemical information and environmental impact
studies, and current stormwater regulations in the United States and
other countries.
F. Summary of Public Participation
EPA has met or corresponded with many airport and airline
representatives, citizen and environmental groups, vendors of deicing
chemicals and equipment, state permit agencies, other Federal agencies
and engineering consulting firms. The Agency has attended conferences
on airport deicing and has given presentations at several of those
conferences. Correspondence from these organizations about the proposed
rule is in the Record for the proposed rule.
VII. Technology Options, Costs, Wastewater Characteristics, and
Pollutant Reductions
A. Wastewater Sources and Wastewater Characteristics
1. Aircraft Deicing
Most ADF is applied to aircraft through pressurized spraying
systems, mounted either on trucks that move around an aircraft, or on
large fixed boom devices located at a pad dedicated to deicing.
Airlines typically purchase ADF in concentrated form (normalized) and
dilute it with water prior to spraying.
Most of the aircraft deicing fluid is Type I fluid, which is not
designed to adhere to aircraft surfaces. Consequently the majority of
Type I ADF is available for discharge due to dripping, overspraying,
tires rolling through or sprayed with fluid, and shearing during
takeoff. Once the ADF has reached the ground, it will then mix with
precipitation, as well as other chemicals found on airport pavements.
(These chemicals typically include aircraft fuel, lubricants and
solvents, and metals from aircraft, ground support and utility
vehicles.) Water containing these substances enters an airport's storm
drain system. At many airports, the
[[Page 44686]]
storm drains discharge directly to waters of the United States with no
Type IV fluid, an anti-icing chemical, is designed to adhere to the
aircraft. Because of this adherence characteristic, EPA estimated that
the majority of Type IV fluid is not available for discharge.
For the purposes of this proposed rule, the pollutant loadings are
discussed in terms of applied ADF and how much of that is expected to
be discharged. A more detailed discussion of loadings estimates is
presented later in this section. Given the highly variable nature of
storm events, it is difficult to estimate flows or concentrations of
ADF-contaminated stormwater generated at an airport. Those factors are
greatly dependent on the size of the storm event associated with the
discharge, drainage characteristics, ADF collection systems (if
present), and airport operations. Additionally, due to the design of
drainage systems at some airports, their discharges may occur well
after a storm event has completed.
2. Airfield Pavement Deicing
Most solid airfield deicing chemical products are composed of an
active deicing ingredient (e.g., potassium acetate, sodium acetate) and
a small amount of additives (e.g., corrosion inhibitors). Liquid
airfield deicing chemical products are composed of an active ingredient
(e.g., potassium acetate, propylene glycol), water, and minimal
additives. The airfield deicing products that include salts (i.e.,
potassium acetate, sodium acetate, and sodium formate) will all ionize
in water, creating positive salt ions (K\+\, Na\+\), BOD5
and COD load as the acetate or formate ion degrades into carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water. Pavement deicers containing urea will
degrade to ammonia, and generate BOD5 and COD load as well.
Most of EPA's sampling data does not include airfield pavement
deicers. However, EPA collected samples from a few locations at Detroit
Metro Airport that contain airfield deicing stormwater. Large hub
airports, both Detroit Metro and Pittsburgh, provided sampling data
associated with stormwater contaminated by airfield pavement deicers.
More information on these sampling activities is provided in the TDD.
As with the aircraft deicers, the variablity of storm events and
drainage systems make it difficult to estimate flows or concentrations
of pavement deicing waste streams generated at an airport.
B. Control and Treatment Technologies in the Aviation Industry
The ADF application process has presented a challenge for airports
attempting to manage their contaminated stormwater streams. The
airlines' process of applying ADF to aircraft through high pressure
spraying, combined with their typical practices of spraying the
aircraft outdoors in multiple, large unconfined (but usually
designated) spaces, results in pollutants being dispersed over a wide
area and entering storm drains at multiple locations. This process
contrasts sharply with