Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability, 44358-44359 [E9-20809]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Notices
I. General Information
hsrobinson on DSK69SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
A. Does this Notice Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public
in general. This action may, however, be
of interest to you if you or your firm is
the subject of an EPA enforcement
action under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA)’’. Since other
entities may also be interested, the
Agency has not attempted to describe all
the specific entities that may be affected
by this action. If you have any questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity, consult the
technical person listed under FOR
B. How Can I Get Copies of this
Document and Other Related
1. Docket. EPA has established a
docket for this action under docket
identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–
OPPT–2003–0004. All documents in the
docket are listed in the docket index
available at https://www.regulations.gov.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the OPPT
Docket. The OPPT Docket is located in
the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) at Rm.
3334, EPA West Bldg., 1301
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
DC. The EPA/DC Public Reading Room
hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The telephone number of
the EPA/DC Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744, and the telephone
number for the OPPT Docket is (202)
566–0280. Docket visitors are required
to show photographic identification,
pass through a metal detector, and sign
the EPA visitor log. All visitor bags are
processed through an X-ray machine
and subject to search. Visitors will be
provided an EPA/DC badge that must be
visible at all times in the building and
returned upon departure.
2. Electronic access. You may access
this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet
under the ‘‘Federal Register’’ listings at
II. What Action is the Agency Taking?
Under Contract Number GS10F0224J,
Order Number EP07H000213, contractor
Industrial Economics, Inc. of 2067
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA,
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will assist the Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) in
preparing financial analyses of the
firms, individuals and organizations
that are the subject of EPA enforcement
actions taken under TSCA.
In the course of these enforcement
actions, Industrial Economics, Inc. may
need to review such documents such as
a violators tax returns, financial
statements, sales data, bank statements,
recent loan applications, W-2 forms, etc.
The contractor needs this information in
order to determine what the violator can
afford vis-a-vis compliance costs, cleanup costs and civil penalties. The
contractor may also be reviewing this
information in regard to determining
how much money and economic
benefit, the violators obtained by
violating the law. Some of the
information may be claimed or
determined to be CBI.
In accordance with 40 CFR 2.306(j),
EPA has determined that under Contract
Number GS10F0224J, Order Number
EP07H000213, Industrial Economics,
Inc. will require access to CBI submitted
to EPA under all sections of TSCA to
perform successfully the duties
specified under the contract. Industrial
Economics, Inc. personnel will be given
access to information submitted to EPA
under all sections of TSCA.
EPA is issuing this notice to inform
all submitters of information under all
sections of TSCA that EPA may provide
Industrial Economics, Inc. access to
these CBI materials on a need-to-know
basis only. All access to TSCA CBI
under this contract will take place at
EPA Headquarters and Industrial
Economics, Inc.’s site located in
Cambridge, MA, in accordance with
EPA’s TSCA CBI Protection Manual.
Access to TSCA data, including CBI,
will continue until March 31, 2010. If
the contract is extended, this access will
also continue for the duration of the
extended contract without further
Industrial Economics, Inc. personnel
will be required to sign nondisclosure
agreements and will be briefed on
appropriate security procedures before
they are permitted access to TSCA CBI.
List of Subjects
Environmental protection,
Confidential Business Information.
Dated: August 21, 2009.
Matthew G. Leopard,
Acting Director, Information Management
Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and
[FR Doc. E9–20797 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
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Environmental Impacts Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–1399 or https://www.epa.gov/
Weekly receipt of Environmental
Impact Statements filed 08/17/2009
through 08/21/2009. Pursuant to 40 CFR
EIS No. 20090293, Final EIS, NPS, PA,
White-Tailed Deer Management Plan,
Development of a Deer Management
Strategy that Supports Protection,
Preservation, and Restoration of
Native Vegetation, Implementation,
Valley Forge National Historical Park,
Chester and Montgomery Counties,
PA, Wait Period Ends: 09/28/2009,
Contact: Kristina M. Heister 610–783–
EIS No. 20090294, Draft EIS, AFS, OR,
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV)
Management Plan, Including Forest
Plan Amendment #17, Designation of
Roads, Trails and Areas for OHV Use
on Mt. Hood National Forest,
Implementation, Clackamas, Hood
River, Multnomah, and Wasco
Counties, OR, Comment Period Ends:
10/28/2009, Contact: Jennie O’Connor
Card 541–352–6002 ext. 634.
EIS No. 20090295, Draft EIS, FRC, 00,
Bison Pipeline Project (Docket No.
CP09–161–000), Construction,
Operation, and Maintenance of
Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline
Facilities, Application for Right-ofWay Grant and Temporary Use
Permit, NPDES Permit and US COE
404 Permit, WY, MT, and ND,
Comment Period Ends: 10/13/2009,
Contact: Julie Bovey 1–866–208–3372.
EIS No. 20090296, Draft EIS, SFW, CA,
Sears Point Wetland and Watershed
Restoration Project, To Restore Tidal
Wetlands and Rehabilitate Diked
Wetlands, Sonoma County, CA,
Comment Period Ends: 10/13/2009,
Contact: Christy Smith 707–769–4200.
EIS No. 20090297, Final EIS, EPA, ND,
Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation’s
Proposed Clean Fuels Refinery
Project, Construction and Operation
of a New 13, 000 Barrel of Production
per day Clean Fuels Refinery and
Grow Hay for Buffalo, NPDES Permit,
Fort Berthold Indian Reservation,
Ward County, ND, Wait Period Ends:
09/28/2009, Contact: Steve Wharton
303–312–6935. US EPA and US DOI’s
BIA are co-lead agencies for the above
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Notices
Agencies contact are: Steve Wharton,
EPA (303) 312–6935 and Mike Black,
BIA (605) 226–7621.
EIS No. 20090298, Draft EIS, COE, CA,
Natomas Levee Improvement Program
Phase 4a Landside Improvement
Project, Issuing of 408 Permission and
404 Permit, California Department of
Water Resources (DWR) and the
California Central Valley Flood
Protection Board, Sutter and
Sacramento Counties, CA, Comment
Period Ends: 10/13/2009, Contact:
Elizabeth G. Holland 916–557–6763.
EIS No. 20090299, Final EIS, FHW, UT,
Geneva Road, Center Street/1600 West
(Provo) to Geneva Road/SR–89
(Pleasant Grove), Improvements, U.S.
Army COE 404 Permit, Utah County,
UT, Wait Period Ends: 09/28/2009,
Contact: Bryan Dillon 801–963–0182.
EIS No. 20090300, Final EIS, NPS, AZ,
Fire Management Plan, Management
of Wildland and Prescribed Fire,
Protection of Human Life and
Property Restoration and Maintenance
of Fire Dependent Ecosystems, and
Reduction of Hazardous Fuels, Grand
Canyon National Park, Coconino
County, AZ, Wait Period Ends: 09/28/
2009, Contact: Chris Marks 928–606–
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20090279, Draft EIS, BLM, WA,
Blackfoot Bridge Mine Project,
Developing Three Mine Pits, Haul
Roads, Water Management Structures,
and Overburden Disposal Areas,
Implementation, Caribou County, ID,
Comment Period Ends: 10/31/2009,
Contact: Kyle Free 208–478–6368.
Revision of FR Notice Published on
08/21/09: Extension to Comment Period
from 10/01/2009 to 10/31/2009.
Dated: August 25, 2009.
Ken Mittelholtz,
Deputy Director, NEPA Compliance Division,
Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–20809 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
hsrobinson on DSK69SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Environmental Impact Statements and
Regulations; Availability of EPA
Availability of EPA comments
prepared pursuant to the Environmental
Review Process (ERP), under section
309 of the Clean Air Act and Section
102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act as amended. Requests for
copies of EPA comments can be directed
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to the Office of Federal Activities at
An explanation of the ratings assigned
to draft environmental impact
statements (EISs) was published in FR
dated July 17, 2009 (74 FR 34754).
Draft EISs
EIS No. 20090156, ERP No. D–NIH–
D99002–MD, National Institute of
Health (NIH), Transport of Laboratory
Personnel Potentially Exposed to
Infectious Agents from Fort Detrick,
Frederick, MD to the National
Institutes of Health Clinical Center,
Bethesda, MD.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project. Rating LO.
Final EISs
EIS No. 20090095, ERP No. F–NRC–
D06005–PA, GENERIC—License
Renewal of Nuclear Plants,
Supplement 35 to NUREG–1437,
Regarding Susquehanna Steam
Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, Issuing
Nuclear Power Plant Operating
Licenses for a 20–Year Period, PA.
Summary: NRC has accommodated
EPA’s recommendations regarding
historic and archaeological resources as
well as pollution prevention measures.
EPA does not object to the proposed
EIS No. 20090175, ERP No. F–NRC–
A09836–00, GENERIC—In-Situ Leach
Uranium Milling Facilities (NUREG–
1910), Construction, Operation,
Aquifer Restoration and
Decommissioning, Potentially
Location in Portions of WY, NE, SD
and NM.
Summary: EPA continues to have
environmental concerns about the lack
of analysis of impacts of other leaching
solutions that are proposed for use
including acid lixiviants.
EIS No. 20090185, ERP No. F–COE–
Oyster Restoration in Chesapeake Bay
Including the Use of a Native and/or
Nonnative Oyster, Implementation,
Chesapeake Bay, MD and VA.
Summary: EPA restated its support for
the native only combination Alternative
8A as representing the best choice
among the alternatives presented. EPA
provided a number of points to be
considered as any Record of Decision is
prepared and native oyster restoration
plans developed.
EIS No. 20090233, ERP No. F–IBR–
G39048–NM, Navajo-Gallup Water
Supply Project, To Provide a LongTerm (Year 2040) Water Supply,
Treatment and Transmission of
Municipal and Industrial (M&I) Water
PO 00000
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to Navajo National and Jicarilla
Apache Nation, City of Gallup, New
Summary: No formal comment letter
was sent to the preparing agency.
EIS No. 20090234, ERP No. F–AFS–
J61115–SD, Slate Castle Project Area,
Proposes to Implement Multiple
Resource Management Actions,
Mystic Ranger District, Black Hills
National Forest, Pennington County,
Summary: No formal comment letter
was sent to the preparing agency.
EIS No. 20090238, ERP No. F–USN–
D35063–VA, Norfolk Harbor Channel,
Proposed Dredging to Deepen Five
Miles of the Federal Navigation
Channel in the Elizabeth River from
Lamberts Bend to the Norfolk Naval
Shipyard (NNSY), Norfolk and
Portsmouth, VA.
Summary: EPA’s previous concerns
have been resolved; therefore, EPA does
not object to the proposed action.
EIS No. 20090240, ERP No. F–FHW–
E40818–NC, NC–119 Relocation
Project, Transportation Improvement
from the I–185/40 Interchange
Southwest of Mebane to Existing NC–
119 south of NC–1918 (Mrs. White
Lane) Mebane, Right-of-Way
Acquisition, Alamance County, NC.
Summary: EPA continues to have
environmental concerns about impacts
to streams, agricultural lands, critical
water supply areas, and noise receptors.
EIS No. 20090248, ERP No. F–AFS–
L65557–OR, Farley Vegetation
Management Project, To Conduct
Timber Harvest Commercial and NonCommercial Thinning, Fuels
Treatment Prescribed Burning and
Reforestation, Desolation Creek, North
Fork John Day Ranger District,
Umatilla National Forest, Grant
County, OR.
Summary: EPA continues to have
environmental concerns about the
wildfire expectations.
EIS No. 20090255, ERP No. F–BLM–
J65496–CO, Canyons of the Ancients
National Monument Resource
Management Plan, To Address Future
Management Options for
Approximately 165.00 Acres of Land,
Dolores and Montezuma Counties,
Summary: No formal comment letter
was sent to the preparing agency.
Dated: August 25, 2009.
Kenneth Mittelholtz,
Deputy Director, NEPA Compliance Division,
Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–20810 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 166 (Friday, August 28, 2009)]
[Pages 44358-44359]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-20809]
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General
Information (202) 564-1399 or https://www.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/.
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements filed 08/17/2009
through 08/21/2009. Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20090293, Final EIS, NPS, PA, White-Tailed Deer Management
Plan, Development of a Deer Management Strategy that Supports
Protection, Preservation, and Restoration of Native Vegetation,
Implementation, Valley Forge National Historical Park, Chester and
Montgomery Counties, PA, Wait Period Ends: 09/28/2009, Contact:
Kristina M. Heister 610-783-0252.
EIS No. 20090294, Draft EIS, AFS, OR, Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV)
Management Plan, Including Forest Plan Amendment 17,
Designation of Roads, Trails and Areas for OHV Use on Mt. Hood National
Forest, Implementation, Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah, and Wasco
Counties, OR, Comment Period Ends: 10/28/2009, Contact: Jennie O'Connor
Card 541-352-6002 ext. 634.
EIS No. 20090295, Draft EIS, FRC, 00, Bison Pipeline Project (Docket
No. CP09-161-000), Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of
Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Facilities, Application for Right-of-
Way Grant and Temporary Use Permit, NPDES Permit and US COE 404 Permit,
WY, MT, and ND, Comment Period Ends: 10/13/2009, Contact: Julie Bovey
EIS No. 20090296, Draft EIS, SFW, CA, Sears Point Wetland and Watershed
Restoration Project, To Restore Tidal Wetlands and Rehabilitate Diked
Wetlands, Sonoma County, CA, Comment Period Ends: 10/13/2009, Contact:
Christy Smith 707-769-4200.
EIS No. 20090297, Final EIS, EPA, ND, Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara
Nation's Proposed Clean Fuels Refinery Project, Construction and
Operation of a New 13, 000 Barrel of Production per day Clean Fuels
Refinery and Grow Hay for Buffalo, NPDES Permit, Fort Berthold Indian
Reservation, Ward County, ND, Wait Period Ends: 09/28/2009, Contact:
Steve Wharton 303-312-6935. US EPA and US DOI's BIA are co-lead
agencies for the above project.
[[Page 44359]]
Agencies contact are: Steve Wharton, EPA (303) 312-6935 and Mike
Black, BIA (605) 226-7621.
EIS No. 20090298, Draft EIS, COE, CA, Natomas Levee Improvement Program
Phase 4a Landside Improvement Project, Issuing of 408 Permission and
404 Permit, California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the
California Central Valley Flood Protection Board, Sutter and Sacramento
Counties, CA, Comment Period Ends: 10/13/2009, Contact: Elizabeth G.
Holland 916-557-6763.
EIS No. 20090299, Final EIS, FHW, UT, Geneva Road, Center Street/1600
West (Provo) to Geneva Road/SR-89 (Pleasant Grove), Improvements, U.S.
Army COE 404 Permit, Utah County, UT, Wait Period Ends: 09/28/2009,
Contact: Bryan Dillon 801-963-0182.
EIS No. 20090300, Final EIS, NPS, AZ, Fire Management Plan, Management
of Wildland and Prescribed Fire, Protection of Human Life and Property
Restoration and Maintenance of Fire Dependent Ecosystems, and Reduction
of Hazardous Fuels, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, AZ,
Wait Period Ends: 09/28/2009, Contact: Chris Marks 928-606-1050.
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20090279, Draft EIS, BLM, WA, Blackfoot Bridge Mine Project,
Developing Three Mine Pits, Haul Roads, Water Management Structures,
and Overburden Disposal Areas, Implementation, Caribou County, ID,
Comment Period Ends: 10/31/2009, Contact: Kyle Free 208-478-6368.
Revision of FR Notice Published on 08/21/09: Extension to Comment
Period from 10/01/2009 to 10/31/2009.
Dated: August 25, 2009.
Ken Mittelholtz,
Deputy Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal
[FR Doc. E9-20809 Filed 8-27-09; 8:45 am]