Department of Transportation 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 2,201 - 2,250 of 2,457
National Performance Management Measures; Extenuating Circumstances, Highway Performance Monitoring System Data Field Names, Safety Performance Measure, Pavement Condition Measure, and Freight Performance Measure
The FHWA is extending the comment period for a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) and request for comments, which was published on January 25, 2024. The original comment period is set to close on February 26, 2024. The extension is based on concern expressed by stakeholders that the February 26, 2024, closing date does not provide sufficient time to review and provide comprehensive comments. The FHWA recognizes that others interested in commenting may have similar concerns and agrees that the comment period should be extended. Therefore, the closing date for comments is changed to March 12, 2024, which will provide stakeholders and others interested in commenting additional time to discuss, evaluate, and submit responses to the docket.
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs; U.S. Department of Transportation Learning Agenda Supplement: Fiscal Years 2024-2026
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)'s mission is to deliver the world's leading transportation system, serving the American people and economy through the safe, efficient, sustainable, and equitable movement of people and goods. Developing rigorous research and applying relevant evidence are essential components of the Department's success. On March 28, 2022, we published our first Department-wide Learning Agenda for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2026 (the ``Learning Agenda'') in conjunction with the Department's FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan (the ``Strategic Plan''). The Learning Agenda was our first effort to identify priority evidence needs and propose research, evaluation activities, and data gathering to address those needs. As we've reached the mid-point of this Learning Agenda, the Department seeks to update it. With this Request for Information (RFI), DOT's Office of the Secretary (OST)'s Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs seeks public input regarding potential updates to our published Learning Agenda. Information provided in response to this RFI will inform the development of the Learning Agenda Supplement: Fiscal Year 2024-2026 (``Learning Agenda Supplement'').
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting
This notice announces the public meetings of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (GLS) Advisory Board.
Notice of Final Action of Waiver with Respect to Land; Pellston Regional Airport, Pellston, MI
The FAA is providing notice of a release of Federal obligations for 0.60 acres of land at Pellston Regional Airport, Pellston, Michigan.
Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking: Notice of Public Meeting
This notice announces a virtual meeting of the Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking.
Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVIII-G700 and GVIII-G800 Series Airplanes; Electronic Flight Control System: Control Surface Position Awareness
These special conditions are issued for the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream) Model GVIII-G700 and GVIII-G800 series airplanes. These airplanes will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport-category airplanes. This design feature is an electronic flight-control system providing control- surface awareness to the flightcrew. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Noise Certification Documents for International Operations
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on May 8, 2023. The collection aids to make the aircraft noise certification information easily accessible to the flight crew and presentable upon request to the appropriate foreign officials for international airline operation of U.S. carriers. The information to be collected upholds the U.S. obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation and for which FAA policy comply with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices to the maximum extent practicable.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company (Boeing) Model 737-8, 737-8200, and 737-9 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report of a missing washer and nut and consequent migrated bolt discovered by an operator during scheduled maintenance. This AD requires a one-time inspection of the aft rudder quadrant and applicable on-condition actions. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as amended, this notice announces the Department of Transportation's (DOT) Office of Aviation Consumer Protection's (OACP) intention to request the reinstatement of an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number for the collection of emergency contingency plans for tarmac delays from U.S. carriers and U.S. airports as required by the FAA Modernization and Reform Act. On February 23, 2017, OMB issued a DOT control number 2105-0566 authorizing these collections of information related to the submission by U.S. carriers and U.S. airports of tarmac delay contingency plans for review and approval by the DOT, as well as the public posting of those plans. The control number expired on February 29, 2020.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus SAS Model A330-200, A330-200 Freighter, A330-800, and A330-900 series airplanes; Model A330-301, -302, -303, -323, -342, and -343 airplanes; and Model A340-312 and -313 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of quality non-conformity on main landing gear (MLG) axles where the high velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) coating on the bearing journal runout areas had a coating that was thicker than allowable limits. This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the affected parts (MLG axles) for any discrepancy, corrective actions, and eventual replacement of affected parts, and would prohibit the installation of affected parts, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference (IBR). The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Canada Limited Partnership (Type Certificate Previously Held by C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP); Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Canada Limited Partnership Model BD-500-1A10 and BD-500- 1A11 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a design review of aircraft structural and stress reports that resulted in a revision of operational loads for some aircraft flight phases. This proposed AD would require using a certain version of the aircraft structural repair manual (ASRP) and a review and disposition of repairs based on previous versions, as specified in a Transport Canada AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference (IBR). The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for the Reinstatement of a Previously Approved Information Collection
The FHWA invites public comments about our intention to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for a reinstatement of an information collection, which is summarized below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Continued Approval of Information Collection: Limited Recreational Unmanned Aircraft Operation Applications
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on August 7, 2023. The collection involves information related to recreational flying under the Exception for Limited Recreational Operations of Unmanned Aircraft. The information collected will be used to recognize Community Based Organizations (CBOs), administer an aeronautical knowledge and safety test, establish fixed flying sites, approve standards and limitations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) weighing more than 55 pounds, and designate FAA Recognized Identification Areas (FRIAs).
Notice of Request To Release Airport Land at the Gwinnett County Airport-Briscoe Field
The FAA proposes to rule and invites public comment on the request to release .426 acres of federally obligated airport property at the Gwinnett County Airport.
Notice of Solicitation of Nominations for Membership for the U.S. Maritime Transportation System National Advisory Committee
Pursuant to authority delegated by the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to the Maritime Administrator (Administrator) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act implementing regulations, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) requests nominations for membership on the U.S. Maritime Transportation System National Advisory Committee (Committee or MTSNAC).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of a Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Pilot Professional Development
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The collection involves requirements primarily applicable to air carriers conducting domestic, flag, and supplemental operations to enhance the professional development of pilots in those operations. The action requires air carriers conducting domestic, flag, and supplemental operations to provide new-hire pilots with an opportunity to observe flight operations and become familiar with procedures before serving as a flightcrew member in operations. Additionally, it requires air carriers who have not previously revised the upgrade training to include professional development and to provide leadership and command and mentoring training for all pilots in command. The information to be collected is necessary to mitigate incidents of unprofessional pilot behavior and reduce pilot errors that can lead to a catastrophic event.
Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Project-METRORapid University Corridor Project, Houston, Harris County, Texas
This notice announces final environmental actions taken by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regarding the METRORapid University Corridor Project, Houston, Harris County, Texas. The purpose of this notice is to publicly announce FTA's environmental decisions on the subject project, and to activate the limitation on any claims that may challenge these final environmental actions.
Airworthiness Directives; Saab AB, Support and Services (Formerly Known as Saab AB, Saab Aeronautics) Airplanes
The FAA proposes to remove Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2023- 13-07, which applies to certain Saab AB, Support and Services Model SAAB 340B airplanes. AD 2023-13-07 requires amending the applicable airplane flight manual (AFM) by incorporating a temporary revision (TR) to reduce the maximum take-off weight (MTOW). AD 2023-13-07 is no longer necessary, because of a determination that affected airplanes can be safely operated up to the initially published MTOW. Accordingly, the FAA proposes to remove AD 2023-13-07.
Semiannual Regulatory Agenda
The Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board is publishing the Regulatory Flexibility Agenda for fall 2023.
Department Regulatory and Deregulatory Agenda; Semiannual Summary
The Regulatory Agenda is a semiannual summary of all current and projected rulemakings, reviews of existing regulations, and completed rulemaking actions of the Department of Transportation (DOT). The Regulatory Agenda provides the public with information about DOT's planned regulatory activity for the next 12 months. This information enables the public to participate in the Department's regulatory process. The public is encouraged to submit comments on any aspect of this Regulatory Agenda.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Ozark, AL and Columbus, GA
This action makes the editorial changes, updating the airport names of two Army Airfields (AAF) and replacing the term Notice to Airmen with Notice to Air Missions in the Class E description. This action does not change the airspace boundaries or operating requirements.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes
The FAA proposes to supersede Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2021-21-02, which applies to certain Airbus SAS Model A318, A319, A320, A321, A330-200, A330-200 Freighter, A330-300, A330-800, A330-900, A340- 200, A340-300, A340-500, A340-600, and A380-800 series airplanes. AD 2021-21-02 requires replacing certain parts manufacturer approval (PMA) Ni-Cd batteries with serviceable Ni-Cd batteries or maintaining the electrical storage capacity of those PMA Ni-Cd batteries during airplane storage or parking. Since the FAA issued AD 2021-21-02, it was determined that the on-wing preservation procedures originally provided in that AD did not ensure the expected preservation of the battery capacity. This proposed AD would add airplanes to the applicability and would require replacing each affected part with a serviceable part before release to service of an airplane after a storage or parking period, as applicable. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Noise Compatibility Program for Dane County Regional Airport/Truax Field, Dane County, Wisconsin
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its determination that the noise exposure map submitted by Dane County for Dane County Regional Airport/Truax Field is in compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Approval of Information Collection
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), this notice announces that the Department of Transportation (DOT) is forwarding the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the information collection and its expected burden. On September 6, 2023, DOT published a notice providing a 60-day period for public comment on the ICR. DOT received no comments on this notice. This collection is necessary for administration of the Reconnecting Communities (RCP) and Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Discretionary Grant Programs and funding opportunities. Together, these programs are known as ``Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN)'' in the combined NOFO. RCN provides federal financial assistance for surface transportation infrastructure projects. Through RCP, this includes removing, retrofitting, or mitigating transportation facilities such as highways and rail lines that create barriers to community connectivity including to mobility, access, or economic development. Through NAE, this includes the RCP eligibilities and expands eligibility to activities that reduce the burdens to communities of existing transportation infrastructure, including air quality impacts and greenhouse gas emissions, urban heat islands, gaps in tree canopy coverage, and other natural environment concerns.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice of Request for Reinstatement of a Previously Approved Information Collection
The FHWA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval for renewal of an existing information collection that is summarized below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Application of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation Under 49 U.S.C. 24308(e)-CSX Transportation, Inc., and Norfolk Southern Railway Company
The Board will hold a hearing involving the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak), CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT), Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NSR), the Alabama State Port Authority and its rail carrier division, the Terminal Railway Alabama State Docks (collectively, the ``Port''; and with Amtrak, CSXT, and NSR, the ``Parties''), and the City of Mobile, Ala. (Mobile), if Mobile chooses to participate. The hearing will take place on February 14, 2024, at 11 a.m. EST in the hearing room of the Board's headquarters. The hearing will also be available for public viewing on YouTube.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice of Request for Renewal of Currently Approved Information Collection
The FHWA has forwarded the information collection request described in this notice to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval of a renewal of information collection. We published a Federal Register Notice with a 60-day public comment period on this information collection on October 31, 2023. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification
This action extends the comment period for the NPRM published on July 24, 2024, titled ``Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification.'' The FAA is extending the comment period to allow commenters to review and comment on a Memorandum to the Docket that the FAA posted to the docket (FAA-2023-1377-1343) on February 1, 2024, regarding an ex parte communication between the FAA and representatives of ASTM International regarding the NPRM.
Request for Information Concerning the Study of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the Commercial Motor Vehicle Industry
FMCSA is planning to undertake a study to understand and quantify the prevalence and severity of sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH) experienced across the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) industry, particularly among drivers. FMCSA seeks information on how best to design and conduct a study to identify, categorize, and assess context and trends of SASH in the CMV industry. FMCSA is particularly interested in how to support women currently in these jobs and those seeking to enter the CMV industry. This RFI seeks information on how best to approach this study holistically in terms of statistical sampling, study design, and administering the appropriate data collection efforts. For example, FMCSA seeks information on how best to treat categories of gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity in the study, as well as best practices in designing questions that use the latest standards for SASH research and address the breadth and lifecycles of careers in the CMV industry. This study builds on recommendations from FMCSA's Women of Trucking Advisory Board (WOTAB) to better understand problems of SASH among drivers, thereby helping identify possible countermeasures. FMCSA will use the results of this study to understand any potential regulatory or policy measures needed to improve driver safety and mitigate SASH; work with industry partners on outreach and other efforts to improve driver safety through SASH prevention; and support the participation of women in the CMV industry.
Emergency Order To Prevent Operation of Trains and Other On-Track Rail Equipment on Blackwell Northern Gateway Railroad
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) of the United States Department of Transportation has determined that public safety compels the issuance of an Emergency Order (Order) requiring the Blackwell Northern Gateway Railroad (BNGR) of Blackwell, Oklahoma, to discontinue operation of all trains, locomotives, and any other on-track rail vehicles or equipment under any circumstances over any track BNGR leases or owns, including the rail line extending from milepost (MP) 0.09 at Wellington, Kansas, to MP 35.35 at Blackwell, Oklahoma, and from MP 127.0 to MP 125.0 at Blackwell until BNGR complies with all requirements of this Order.
FY 2024 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Low or No Emission Grant Program and the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the opportunity to apply for approximately $1.10 billion in competitive grants under the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Low or No Emission Grant Program (Low-No Program) (Federal Assistance Listing: 20.526) and approximately $390 million in competitive grants under the FY 2024 Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program (Buses and Bus Facilities Program) (Federal Assistance Listing 20.526), subject to availability of appropriated funding.
Falsification, Reproduction, Alteration, Omission, or Incorrect Statements
The FAA proposes to amend, restructure, and consolidate the falsification regulations presently located throughout title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This proposal would (1) harmonize inconsistencies among the various falsification regulations and associated sanctions; (2) consolidate all existing falsification regulations into a general rule that standardizes the existing falsification regulations; and (3) ensure that falsification-related conduct not addressed by pertinent current regulations would be covered under the general rule. In addition, this proposal would create a falsification prohibition applicable to the regulations governing Commercial Space Transportation.
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge Improvements (I-10/I-210 West End to I-10/I-210 East End), Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana
This notice announces actions taken by FHWA and other Federal agencies that are final. The actions relate to the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge Improvements (I-10/I-210 West End to I-10/I-210 East End), Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
Notice of Request To Release Airport Property
The FAA proposes to rule and invites public comment on the release and disposal of one parcel of land at the New Century AirCenter (IXD), New Century, Kansas.
Public Notice for a Change in Use of Aeronautical Property at the Beauregard Regional Airport, DeRidder, Louisiana
The FAA is requesting public comment on the Police Jury of Beauregard Parish's proposal to change 3,501.65 acres of airport property at Beauregard Regional Airport in DeRidder, Louisiana from aeronautical to non-aeronautical use. This acreage was federally conveyed through the Surplus Property Act of 1944.
Airworthiness Directives; ATR-GIE Avions de Transport Régional Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain ATRGIE Avions de Transport R[eacute]gional Model ATR42 and ATR72 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of an electrical contactor that failed with contacts in the intermediate position, causing the airplane to lose power to multiple electrical systems. This proposed AD would require repetitive operational tests of the affected part, and, depending on findings, accomplishment of applicable corrective action, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference (IBR). The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from 11 individuals for an exemption from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in interstate commerce. If granted, the exemptions would enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
FMCSA announces its decision to exempt 12 individuals from the requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) that interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers have ``no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition which is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a CMV.'' The exemptions enable these individuals who have had one or more seizures and are taking anti- seizure medication to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
FMCSA announces its decision to renew exemptions for 11 individuals from the requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) that interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers have ``no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition which is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a CMV.'' The exemptions enable these individuals who have had one or more seizures and are taking anti-seizure medication to continue to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Petition for Waiver of Compliance and Notice of Public Hearing
On January 16, 2024, FRA published a public notice announcing that on August 10, 2023, Georgia Central Railway, L.P. and Heart of Georgia Railroad, Inc. (Petitioners) submitted a request to FRA for approval of a test program, and the temporary suspension of certain FRA safety regulations in connection with that program (Program). In this notice, FRA is announcing a public hearing to allow interested persons the opportunity to provide comments on the petition. FRA is also announcing a 14-day extension of the comment period to allow time for interested parties to submit comments on the petition or in response to views or information provided at the public hearing.
Airworthiness Directives; Hélicoptères Guimbal Helicopters
The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2023-24-51 which applied to all H[eacute]licopt[egrave]res Guimbal Model Cabri G2 helicopters. AD 2023-24-51 was prompted by reports of a crack in the pilot cyclic stick base and required repetitively inspecting certain part-numbered pilot and co-pilot cyclic stick bases and, depending on the results, corrective action. AD 2023-24-51 also prohibited installing those pilot and co-pilot cyclic stick bases unless certain requirements were met. Since the FAA issued AD 2023-24-51, more cracks in the cyclic stick bases have been reported, including a crack in a cyclic stick base that had accumulated only 700 hours time-in-service (TIS). This AD requires the same actions as AD 2023-24-51 but reduces the compliance time for performing the initial inspection. These actions are specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA previously sent this AD as an emergency AD to all known U.S. owners and operators of these helicopters. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: Wind Dancer (Motor); Invitation for Public Comments
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: Pikku Kala (Motor); Invitation for Public Comments
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Notice of Railroad-Shipper Transportation Advisory Council Vacancy
The Board hereby gives notice of a vacancy on RSTAC for a large railroad representative. The Board seeks nominations for candidates to fill this vacancy.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Proposed Highway Project; Parsons, Tucker County, WV to Davis, Tucker County, WV
The FHWA, in coordination with the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) is issuing this Notice of Intent (NOI) to solicit comments and advise the public, agencies, and stakeholders that they intend to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement (SFEIS) (FHWA-WV-EIS-92-01-SD) for the 9-mile Appalachian Highway Corridor H Parsons to Davis Project in Tucker County, West Virginia. Persons and agencies who may be interested in or affected by the proposed project are encouraged to comment on the information in this NOI and the NOI Supplementary Information Document. All comments received in response to this NOI will be considered and any information presented herein may be revised in consideration of the comments.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: Persuader (Sail); Invitation for Public Comments
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: Ninjalove (Motor); Invitation for Public Comments
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility Determination for a Foreign-Built Vessel: Nauti Cat (Sail); Invitation for Public Comments
The Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to issue coastwise endorsement eligibility determinations for foreign-built vessels which will carry no more than twelve passengers for hire. A request for such a determination has been received by MARAD. By this notice, MARAD seeks comments from interested parties as to any effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. Information about the requestor's vessel, including a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
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