Department of Transportation June 5, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Neptune LNG, L.L.C., Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port License Application; Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement
The Maritime Administration (MARAD) announces the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Neptune LNG, L.L.C., Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port license application. The application describes a project that would be located in Federal waters of Massachusetts Bay, in Block 125, approximately 8 miles southeast of Gloucester, MA and 22 miles northeast of Boston, MA. The Coast Guard and MARAD request public comments on the DEIS. Publication of this notice begins a 45 day comment period and provides information on how to participate in the process. As a point of clarification, there is another deepwater port application by Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge, L.L.C. in the same vicinity. These applications are being processed and reviewed independently. The Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge, L.L.C. DEIS was noticed May 19, 2006 and is available on the Docket at USCG- 2005-22219.
Amendment to Class E Airspace; Jackson, WY
This action will revise the Class E airspace area at Jackson, WY. Additional controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate aircraft using a new Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approach procedure with Lateral/Vertical Navigation (LNAV/VNAV) minimums. This additional controlled airspace is necessary for the safety of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) aircraft executing this new LPV approach procedure at Jackson Hole Airport, Jackson, WY. This final rule also corrects an error in the airport's latitude and longitude coordinates and reference to exclusions to surrounding controlled airspace in the airspace description section.
Modification of Class E Airspace; Wellington Municipal Airport, KS
This action amends Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 71 (14 CFR part 71) by revising the Class E airspace area at Wellington Municipal Airport, KS. The establishment of a non-directional beacon (NDB) runway (RWY) 35 standard instrument approach procedure (SIAP) necessitates the revision of the Class E airspace area. This airspace area and the legal description are revised to conform to the criteria in FAA Orders.
Controlled Substances and Alcohol Misuse Testing
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) proposes to eliminate duplicative requirements for safety-sensitive employees of some public (mass) transportation systems, who are subject to the alcohol and controlled substances (D&A) testing requirements of both FTA and the United States Coast Guard (USCG), or FTA and the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA). Recipients could concurrently comply with FTA's D&A testing program as they comply with the testing requirements of the USCG or FMCSA. However, FTA's post-accident and reasonable suspicion testing requirements would continue to apply when accidents occur while performing public (mass) transportation activities.
Notice of Final Policy Statement for Implementation of Notice and Comment Procedures for Documents Imposing “Binding Obligations”
This final notice establishes the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) policy concerning notice and comment for FTA documents that impose binding obligations. This final policy statement is consistent with the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2005a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) amendments to FTA's administrative provisions statute.
Airworthiness Directives; Pacific Aerospace Corporation Ltd. Model 750XL Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Pacific Aerospace Corporation Ltd. Model 750XL airplanes. This AD requires you to inspect the condition of the insulation of the wiring adjacent to the electrical plugs mounted in the left-hand (LH) and right-hand (RH) sides of the forward end of the cockpit center console for signs of abrasion and arcing. If you find any evidence of abrasion or arcing, this AD requires you to replace the affected wire(s) and secure the wires away from the back shells of the electrical plugs. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the airworthiness authority for New Zealand. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct damaged wires on the LH and RH sides of the forward end of the cockpit center console, which could result in short-circuiting of the related wiring. This could lead to electrical failure of affected systems and potential fire in the cockpit.
Airworthiness Directives; DORNIER LUFTFAHRT GmbH Models 228-100, 228-101, 228-200, 228-201, 228-202, and 228-212 Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all DORNIER LUFTFAHRT GmbH Models 228-100, 228-101, 228-200, 228-201, 228- 202, and 228-212 airplanes. This AD requires you to repetitively inspect the wiring in the flight deck overhead panels (locations 5VE and 6VE) for chafing and damage and repair any chafed or damaged wires. Regardless of the results of each inspection, this AD requires you to assure correct installation of the wiring in the flight deck overhead panels by reattaching or replacing the wire tie attachment holders and securing any loose wires to the wire tie attachment holders with plastic wire ties. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the airworthiness authority for Germany. We are issuing this AD to detect, correct, and prevent chafed or damaged wires in the flight deck overhead panels, which could result in short-circuiting of related wiring. This condition could lead to electrical failure of affected systems and potential fire in the flight deck.
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