Department of the Interior 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 201 - 250 of 1,938
Draft Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan for the Douglas County Distinct Population Segment of the Columbian White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of the Draft Post-delisting Monitoring Plan for the Douglas County Distinct Population Segment of the Columbian White- tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus) (Monitoring Plan). The status of the Douglas County distinct population segment of the Columbian white-tailed deer will be monitored over a 5-year period through spring and fall population trend monitoring surveys, regular disease outbreak monitoring, and an annual habitat status review. We solicit review and comment on this Monitoring Plan from local, State and Federal agencies, and the public.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment for Logan Cave National Wildlife Refuge in Benton County, AR
The Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region, intends to gather information necessary to prepare a comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and its implementing regulations. The National wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, requires the Service to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for each national wildlife refuge. The purpose in developing a comprehensive conservation plan is to provide refuge managers with a 15-year strategy for achieving refuge purposes and contributing toward the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with sound principles of fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal mandates, and Service policies. In addition to outlining broad management direction on conserving wildlife and their habitats, plans identify wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities available to the public, including opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, wildlife photography, and environmental education and interpretation. The purpose of this notice is to achieve the following. (1) Advise other agencies and the public of our intentions, and (2) Obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to include in the environmental document.
Environmental Assessment and Receipt of an Application for a Permit To Enhance the Survival of the Fluvial Arctic Grayling in the Upper Big Hole River in Southwestern Montana Through an Umbrella Candidate Conservation Agreement With Assurances
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) has applied to the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for an Enhancement of Survival Permit for the fluvial Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). The permit application includes a proposed Umbrella Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (Agreement) between the FWP and the Service. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) also are signatories for the proposed Agreement. The Agreement, the permit application, and the Environmental Assessment are made available for public comment by this notice. The purpose of the Agreement is for private landowners and the FWP, NRCS, DNRC, and the Service to implement conservation measures for the fluvial Arctic grayling in the upper Big Hole River in southwestern Montana. The effort is in support of the FWP's ongoing efforts to enhance the abundance and distribution of the fluvial Arctic grayling throughout its historic range in the upper Missouri River basin. The conservation measures would be implemented by FWP, NRCS, DNRC, the Service, and by participating landowners. A technical working group comprised of FWP, NRCS, DNRC, and the Service developed the conservation measures for the proposed Agreement. Consistent with the Service's Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances Final Policy (CCAA Policy) (64 FR 32726, June 17, 1999), the Agreement is intended to facilitate the conservation of fluvial Arctic grayling by giving the State of Montana and cooperating private landowners incentives to implement conservation measures. Participating Landowners would receive regulatory certainty concerning land and water use restrictions that might otherwise apply should the fluvial Arctic grayling become listed under the ESA. Participating Landowners with eligible property in the upper Big Hole River watershed in southwestern Montana could sign up under the Agreement and the associated permit through site-specific plans for their property and a Certificate of Inclusion. The proposed term of the Agreement and the permit is 20 years. The Service and FWP have prepared a joint Environmental Assessment for execution of the Agreement and issuance of the permit pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (for the Service) and implementation of the Agreement pursuant to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (for FWP). The environmental assessment considers the biological, environmental, and socioeconomic effects of the proposed Agreement and permit. The assessment also evaluates two alternatives to the Agreement and permit, and their potential impacts on the environment. We request comments from the public on the permit application, draft Agreement, and draft Environmental Assessment. All comments we receive, including names and addresses, will become part of the administrative record and may be released to the public.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Petition Finding and Proposed Rule To Delist the Mexican Bobcat (Lynx rufus escuinapae)
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), give notice that we are reopening the comment period for the proposed rule to delist the Mexican bobcat (Lynx rufus escuinapae) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended. The proposed rule was published and the public comment period initially opened on May 19, 2005 and the comment period closed on August 17, 2005. We are now reopening the comment period so that we may obtain comments from additional peer reviewers and other interested persons. Comments previously submitted do not need to be resubmitted because they will be incorporated into the public record as part of this comment period and will be fully considered in the final determination.
Permits for Recreation on Public Lands
This proposed rule would update the regulations of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that tell how to obtain recreation permits for commercial recreational operations, competitive events and activities, organized group activities and events, and individual recreational use of special areas. The proposed rule is needed to remove from the regulations inconsistencies with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA), which authorizes the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to establish, modify, charge, and collect recreation fees at Federal recreation lands and waters for the next 10 years.
Notice of Availability of the Proposed Notice of Sale for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 198 in the Central Gulf of Mexico (GOM)
The MMS announces the availability of the proposed Notice of Sale for proposed Sale 198 in the Central GOM OCS. This Notice is published pursuant to 30 CFR 256.29(c) as a matter of information to the public. With regard to oil and gas leasing on the OCS, the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to section 19 of the OCS Lands Act, provides the affected States the opportunity to review the proposed Notice. The proposed Notice sets forth the proposed terms and conditions of the sale, including minimum bids, royalty rates, and rentals.
Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Central Planning Area, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 198 (2006) Environmental Assessment
The MMS is issuing this notice to advise the public, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., that MMS has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for proposed OCS oil and gas Lease Sale 198 in the Central Gulf of Mexico (GOM) (Lease Sale 198) scheduled for March 2006. Proposed Lease Sale 198 is the fourth Central Planning Area (CPA) lease sale scheduled in the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program: 2002-2007 (5-Year Program, OCS EIS/EA MMS 2002-006). The preparation of this EA is an important step in the decisionmaking process for Lease Sale 198. The proposal for Lease Sale 198 (the offering of all available unleased acreage in the CPA) and its alternatives (the proposed action excluding the unleased blocks near biologically sensitive topographic features, the proposed action excluding the unleased blocks within 15 miles of the Baldwin County, Alabama, Coast, and no action) were identified by the MMS Director in January 2002 following the Call for Information and Nominations/Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and were analyzed in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sales: 2003-2007; Central Planning Area Sales 185, 190, 194, 198, and 201; Western Planning Area Sales 187, 192, 196, and 200Final Environmental Impact Statement; Volumes I and II (Multisale EIS, OCS EIS/EA MMS 2002-052). The Multisale EIS analyzed the effects of a typical CPA lease sale by presenting a set of ranges for resource estimates, projected exploration and development activities, and impact-producing factors for any of the proposed CPA lease sales. The level of activities projected for proposed Lease Sale 198 falls within these ranges. In this EA, which tiers from the Multisale EIS and incorporates that document by reference, MMS reexamined the potential environmental effects of the proposed action and its alternatives based on any new information regarding potential impacts and issues that were not available at the time the Multisale EIS was prepared. No new significant impacts were identified for proposed Lease Sale 198 that were not already assessed in the Multisale EIS. As a result, MMS determined that a supplemental EIS is not required and prepared a Finding of No New Significant Impact (FONNSI).
Preparation of an Environmental Assessment for Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale 200 in the Western Gulf of Mexico (2006)
The Minerals Management Service (MMS) is issuing this notice to advise the public, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., that MMS intends to prepare an environmental assessment (EA) for proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas Lease Sale 200 in the Western Gulf of Mexico (GOM) (Lease Sale 200) scheduled for August 2006. The MMS is issuing this notice to facilitate public involvement. The preparation of this EA is an important step in the decision process for Lease Sale 200. The proposal and alternatives for Lease Sale 200 were identified by the MMS Director in January 2002 following the Call for Information and Nominations/Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and were analyzed in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sales: 2003-2007; Central Planning Area Sales 185, 190, 194, 198, and 201; Western Planning Area Sales 187, 192, 196, and 200Final Environmental Impact Statement; Volumes I and II (Multisale EIS, OCS EIS/EA MMS 2002-052). This EA will reexamine the potential environmental effects of the proposed action (the offering of all available unleased acreage in the Western Planning Area (WPA)) and its alternatives (the proposed action excluding the unleased blocks near biologically sensitive topographic features; and no action) based on any new information regarding potential impacts and issues that were not available at the time the Multisale EIS was prepared.
Draft Document Reassessing Methods To Estimate Population Size and Sustainable Mortality Limits for the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) Population
The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces the availability for public review of the draft document Reassessing Methods to Estimate Population Size and Sustainable Mortality Limits for the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear. Once comments are received, analyzed, and addressed, the final revised population methodology will be appended to the Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan and the Final Conservation Strategy for the Grizzly Bear in the Greater Yellowstone Area. The Service solicits review and comment from the public on this draft information prior to appending it to the Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan.
California Bay-Delta Public Advisory Committee Public Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the California Bay-Delta Public Advisory Committee (Committee) will meet on December 7, 2005. The agenda for the Committee meeting will include discussions with State and Federal agency representatives on the CALFED Bay-Delta Program refocusing efforts underway and the 10-Year Action Plan, and a final recommendation to the Secretary on the Annual Statement of Progress and Balance and Annual Report.
Civil Penalty Adjustments
This rule adjusts the penalty amount of certain civil monetary penalties authorized by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The rule implements the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 which requires that civil monetary penalties be adjusted for inflation at least once every four years.
Issuance of Permits
The following permits were issued.
Receipt of Applications for Permit
The public is invited to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease
Under the provisions of 30 U.S.C. 188(d) and (e), and 43 CFR 3108.2-3(a) and (b)(1), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) received a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease COC67712 from Cutler Exploration, JDW Inc, Nortex Corporation and Rocky Mountain Resources Inc for lands in Moffat County, Colorado. The petition was filed on time and was accompanied by all the rentals due since the date the lease terminated under the law.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease NMNM 13277
Under the provisions of section 371(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the lessee(s), Culbertson Management Trust, Dan W. Irwin, and Kathleen Irwin Schuster, timely filed a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease NMNM 13277 in Lea County, NM. The lessees paid the required rental accruing from the date of termination, June 1, 2002. No leases were issued that affect these lands. The lessee agrees to the new lease terms for rentals and royalties of ($25 per acre) and 24\2/3\ percent rate. The lessees paid the $500 administration fee for the reinstatement of the lease and $158 cost for publishing this Notice. The lessees met the requirements for reinstatement of the lease per Sec. 31(e) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 188(e)). We are proposing to reinstate the lease, effective the date of termination subject to: The original terms and conditions of the lease; The increased rental of ($25) per acre; The increased royalty of 24\2/3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate; and The $158 cost of publishing this Notice.
Notice of Availability of Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment for Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, Jet, OK
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces that a Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) and Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is available for review and comment. This CCP/EA, prepared pursuant to the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (16 U.S.C. 668dd et seq.), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4370d), describes how the Service intends to manage this refuge over the next 15 years.
Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected cost and burden.
Notice of Availability for the Renewal of an Expired Section 10(a)(1)(B) Permit for Incidental Take of the Golden-Cheeked Warbler in Travis County, TX (Caster)
On September 24, 1999, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) issued a section 10(a)(1)(B) permit, pursuant to Section 10(a) of the Endangered Species Act (Act), for incidental take of the golden-cheeked warbler (GCW) (Dendroica chrysoparia) to John and Christine Caster (Applicants). The permit (TE-012423) was for a period of five years and expired on September 24, 2004. The requested permit renewal will extend the permit expiration by five years from the date the permit is reissued.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection, Comment Request
To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, we are inviting comments on a collection of information that we will submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. This information collection request (ICR) is based on the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (CFO Act) and is titled ``Accounts Receivable Confirmations.''
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection, Comment Request
To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, we are inviting comments on a collection of information that we will submit to OMB for review and approval. This information collection request (ICR) concerns the paperwork requirements in the regulations under 30 CFR Part 210Forms and Reports, regarding Form MMS-2014, Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance.
Notice of Availability of a Record of Decision for the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail Comprehensive Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
Pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail Comprehensive Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (CMP/EIS). The ROD provides the background of the CMP/EIS, other alternatives considered, the basis for the decision, the environmentally preferable alternative, and public involvement in the decision-making process. The ROD was approved by the Southeast Regional Director on August 30, 2005. The CMP/EIS provides a framework for the management, use, and development of the National Historic Trail by the NPS and its partners over the next 15 to 20 years. Beginning at Brown Chapel AME Church in Selma, Alabama, the trail follows the route of the March 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights march, traveling through Lowndes County along U.S. Highway 80, and ending at the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery. The CMP/EIS describes four management alternatives for consideration and analyzes the environmental impacts of those alternatives. As soon as practicable, the NPS will begin to implement the plan and the preferred alternative, known as Alternative C. Of the four alternatives presented in the plan, Alternative C stresses the broadest range of interpretive themes relating to the events of March 1965 and provides an extensive plan for resource preservation, protection, and commemoration. Among its priorities is the coordinated protection of historically intact viewsheds along US Highway 80, the most extensive certification of commemorative sites and streetscapes, design proposals for new park spaces, and marked walking and biking rails. Alternative C also outlines a strategy for establishing interpretive centers and development of corresponding interpretive programs in Selma, Montgomery, and Lowndes County.
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Fort King Special Resource Study
Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Fort King Special Resource Study. The document describes ways that the NPS may assist in preserving the Fort King site by outlining four management alternatives for consideration by Congress, including a no- action alternative. The DEIS analyzes the environmental impacts of those alternatives considered for the future protection, interpretation, and management of the site's cultural resources. The 37-acre study area is located in the city of Ocala, Marion County, Florida.
Notice of Renewal of the Advisory Committee on Water Information Charter
Following consultation with the General Services Administration, notice is hereby given that the Secretary of the Interior is renewing the Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI). The ACWI has been established under the authority of the Office of Management and Budget and Budget Memorandum No. M-92-01 and the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of this Presidential Committee is to represent the interests of water-information users and professionals in advising the Federal Government on Federal water-information programs and their effectiveness in meeting the Nation's water- information needs. Member organizations help to foster communications between the Federal and non-Federal sectors on sharing water information. Membership represents a wide range of water resources interests and functions. Representation on the ACWI includes all levels of government, academia, private industry, and professional and technical societies. Member organizations designate their representatives and alternates. Membership is limited to a maximum of 35 organizations. The Committee will function solely as an advisory body, and in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The Charter will be filed under the Act, 15 days from the date of publication of this notice. For Further Information Contact: Ms. Toni M. Johnson (Executive Secretary), Chief, Water Information Coordination Program, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 417, Reston VA 20192. Telephone: 703-648-6810; Fax: 703-648-5644.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Endangered Status for 12 Species of Hawaiian Picture-Wings
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), announce the reopening of the comment period on the proposal to list 12 species of Hawaiian picture-wings as endangered to allow peer reviewers and all interested parties another opportunity to submit comments on the rule.
Availability of Final Environmental Impact Statement on Resident Canada Goose Management
This notice is to announce the availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on resident Canada goose management. We published the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in March 2002. We considered over 2,700 public comments in revising the document.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection for 1029-0063
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) is announcing that the information collection request for the title described below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The information collection request describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden and cost.
Notice of Resource Advisory Committee Meeting Cancellation
The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Advisory Committee (GSENMAC) meeting scheduled for November 15 and 16, 2005 is cancelled.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designating the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Population of Grizzly Bears as a Distinct Population Segment; Removing the Yellowstone Distinct Population Segment of Grizzly Bears From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to establish a distinct population segment (DPS) of the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) for the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and surrounding area. We also propose to remove the Yellowstone DPS from the List of Threatened and Endangered Wildlife. The Yellowstone grizzly bear population is no longer an endangered or threatened population pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), based on the best scientific and commercial information available. Robust population growth, coupled with State and Federal cooperation to manage mortality and habitat, widespread public support for grizzly bear recovery, and the development of adequate regulatory mechanisms, has brought the Yellowstone grizzly bear population to the point where making a change to its status is appropriate. The proposed delisting of the Yellowstone DPS would not change the threatened status of the remaining grizzly bears in the lower 48 States, which will remain protected by the ESA. If this proposed action is finalized, the Service intends to initiate a 5-year review of grizzly bear populations in the conterminous States outside of the Yellowstone DPS based on additional scientific information that is currently being collected and analyzed. Additionally, prior to finalizing the proposed action, the Service will(1) finalize the Conservation Strategy that will guide post-delisting management of the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone Area; (2) append habitat-based recovery criteria to the Recovery Plan; (3) append genetic monitoring information to the Recovery Plan; and (4) finalize revised methodology for calculating total population size, known to unknown mortality ratios, and sustainable mortality limits for the Yellowstone grizzly bear population. Both the Conservation Strategy and the supplemental information to be appended to the Recovery Plan have already undergone public review and comment (62 FR 19777, April 23, 1997; 62 FR 47677, September 10, 1997; 64 FR 38464, July 16, 1999; 64 FR 38465, July 16, 1999; 65 FR 11340, March 2, 2000). In a subsequent notice, the revised methodology pertaining to population parameters will be made available for public review and comment. It will be finalized, with public comments incorporated, before this proposed rule is finalized. Finally, the U.S. Forest Service will finalize their Forest Plan Amendments for Grizzly Bear Conservation for the Greater Yellowstone Area National Forests prior to the Service finalizing this action.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Distinct Population Segment of the California Tiger Salamander in Sonoma County
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the reopening of the comment period on the proposed designation of critical habitat for the Sonoma County population of the California tiger salamander. We are reopening the comment period to allow all interested parties an opportunity to comment simultaneously on the proposed rule and an alternative we are considering in our approach to this designation. We are considering a final designation of 21,298 ac (8,519 ha) or less due to an alternative methodology for designating critical habitat (see discussion below). The final critical habitat rule is due to the Federal Register on December 1, 2005. Comments previously submitted need not be resubmitted as they will be incorporated into the public record as part of this comment period, and will be considered in preparation of the final rule.
Application Procedures, Execution and Filing of Forms: Correction of State Office Address for Filings and Recordings, Proper Offices for Recording of Mining Claims
This final rule amends the regulations pertaining to execution and filing of forms in order to reflect the new address of the Arizona State Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which moved on October 5, 2005. All filings and other documents relating to public lands in Arizona must be filed at the new address of the State Office.
Preparation for Sale
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to amend its regulations on preparation for timber sales to allow third party scaling on density management sales with an upper limit on the quadratic mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of the trees to be harvested of 20 inches. Third party scaling would be limited to the situations described in the amended provision, that is, if a timber disaster has occurred and a critical resource loss is imminent, and tree cruising and BLM scaling are inadequate to permit orderly disposal of the damaged timber, or if BLM is carrying out density management timber sales subject to the size limits stated above. Thus, third party scaling would generally not be used for sales of higher-value and/or larger diameter timber. BLM is amending the regulations in order to improve the efficiency of density management timber sales where the timber to be harvested may be designated by prescription (a written prescription included in the timber sale contract). The regulations will no longer require that BLM perform all scaling except in the event that a timber disaster is threatening imminent critical resource loss, and scaling by BLM would be inadequate to permit orderly disposal of the damaged timber. In the case of density management timber sales when the quadratic mean DBH of trees to be cut and removed is equal to or less than 20 inches, the regulations will only allow third party scaling by scalers or scaling bureaus under contract to BLM.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease, UTU 18726
Under the provisions of Section 371(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the lessee, Del-Rio Resources, Inc., timely filed a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease UTU18726 in Uintah County, Utah. The lessee paid the required rental accruing from the date of termination, June 1, 2002. No leases were issued that affect these lands. The lessee agrees to new lease terms for rentals and royalties of $5 per acre and 16\2/3\ percent, respectively. The lessee paid the $500 administration fee for the reinstatement of the lease and $155 cost for publishing this notice. The lessee met the requirements for reinstatement of the lease per Sec. 31(e) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 [30 U.S.C. 188(e)]. We are proposing to reinstate the lease, effective the date of termination subject to: The original terms and conditions of the lease; The increased rental of $5 per acre; The increased royalty of 16\2/3\ percent; and The $155 cost of publishing this notice.
Proposed Finding Against Federal Acknowledgment of the St. Francis/Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont
Pursuant to 25 CFR 83.10(h), notice is hereby given that the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs (AS-IA), proposes to determine that the St. Francis/Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont, P.O. Box 276, Swanton, Vermont, c/o Ms. April Merrill, is not an Indian tribe within the meaning of Federal law. This notice is based on a determination that the petitioner does not satisfy criteria 83.7(a), 83.7(b), 83.7(c) and 83.7(e), and thus, does not meet the requirements for a government-to-government relationship with the United States.
Resource Agency Procedures for Conditions and Prescriptions in Hydropower Licenses
As required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), the Departments of Agriculture, the Interior, and Commerce are jointly establishing procedures for a new category of expedited trial-type hearings. The hearings will resolve disputed issues of material fact with respect to conditions or prescriptions that one or more of the Departments develop for inclusion in a hydropower license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) under the Federal Power Act. The three Departments are also establishing procedures for the consideration of alternative conditions and prescriptions submitted by any party to a license proceeding, as provided in EPAct. Three substantively identical rules are being promulgatedone for each agencywith a common preamble. The rules are effective immediately, so that interested parties may avail themselves of the new hearing right and alternatives process created by the EPAct, but the Departments are requesting comments on ways the rules can be improved.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Addition of White Abalone and the United States Distinct Vertebrate Population Segment of the Smalltooth Sawfish to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), are adding two marine taxa to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (List) in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (Act). These two taxa are the white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) and the United States Distinct Vertebrate Population Segment (DPS) of the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata). These amendments are based on previously published determinations by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce, which has jurisdiction for these species.
Notice of Intent to Conduct Public Scoping Meetings and to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement Related to the Bi-State Water Diversion Habitat Conservation Plan for the Walla Walla River Basin
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service (Services) advise interested parties of their intent to conduct public scoping under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), to gather information to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Services anticipate receiving permit applications from Gardena Farms Irrigation District (GFID), Hudson Bay District Improvement Company (HBDIC), and the Walla Walla River Irrigation District (WWRID). Other surface water diverters in the Walla Walla Basin, such as independent irrigators, ditch companies, and other local governments, may also apply. The permit applications would be submitted under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the incidental take of listed species through actions associated with the Bi-State Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for the Walla Walla River Basin. Given the present list of likely permit applicants, the geographic scope of the permit would be that portion of the mainstem Walla Walla River downstream from the Walla Walla River Irrigation District's diversion. If other surface water diverters apply for permits, the geographic scope would be expanded accordingly to include those stream reaches within the Walla Walla Basin that are potentially affected by those diversions. The proposed actions to be covered by the permit would be those activities undertaken by the applicants that are associated with the diversion and delivery of surface water.
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Scientific Committee (SC)
The MMS is seeking interested and qualified individuals to serve on its OCS SC during the period of March 31, 2006, through March 30, 2008. The initial 2-year term may be renewable for up to an additional 4 years. The OCS SC is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to advise the Director of the MMS on the appropriateness, feasibility, and scientific value of the OCS Environmental Studies Program (ESP) and environmental aspects of the offshore energy and marine minerals programs. The ESP, which was authorized by the OCS Lands Act as amended (Section 20), is administered by the MMS and covers a wide range of field and laboratory studies in biology, chemistry, and physical oceanography, as well as studies of the social and economic impacts of OCS energy and marine minerals development. Currently, the work is conducted through award of competitive contracts and interagency and cooperative agreements. The OCS SC reviews the relevance of the information being produced by the ESP and may recommend changes in its scope, direction, and emphasis. The OCS SC comprises distinguished scientists in appropriate disciplines of the biological, physical, chemical, and socioeconomic sciences. Vacancies which need to be filled exist in the social and biological science disciplines. The selection is based on maintaining disciplinary expertise in all areas of research, as well as geographic balance. Demonstrated knowledge of the scientific issues related to OCS oil and gas development is essential. Selection is made by the Department of the Interior on the basis of these factors; appointments to the Committee are made by the Secretary of the Interior.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Uinta Mountainsnail as Endangered
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Uinta mountainsnail (Oreohelix eurekensis uinta) as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). We find that the petition does not present substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that listing O. e. uinta may be warranted. This finding is based on our determination that there is insufficient evidence to indicate that O. e. uinta is a valid subspecies, and, therefore, cannot be considered a listable entity pursuant to section 3(15) of the Act. Therefore, we will not initiate a status review in response to this petition. However, the public may submit to us new information concerning the status of or threats to O. e. uinta at any time.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease NMNM 9023
Under the provisions of Section 371(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the lessee(s), Anderson Oil Ltd., John M. Beard Trust, and Patina Oklahoma Corp., timely filed a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease NMNM 9023 in Lea County, NM. The lessee paid the required rental accruing from the date of termination, March 1, 2003. No leases were issued that affect these lands. The lessee agrees to the new lease terms for rentals and royalties of $5 per acre and 16\2/3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate. The lessee paid the $500 administration fee for the reinstatement of the lease and $166 cost for publishing this Notice. The lessee met the requirements for reinstatement of the lease per Sec. 31(e) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 188(e)). We are proposing to reinstate the lease, effective the date of termination subject to: The original terms and conditions of the lease; The increased rental of $5 per acre; The increased royalty of 16\2/3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate; and The $166 cost of publishing this Notice.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease TXNM 100507
Under the provisions of Section 371(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the lessee, Chief Oil and Gas LLC, timely filed a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease TXNM 100507 in Wise County, TX. The lessee paid the required rental accruing from the date of termination, March 1, 2002. No leases were issued that affect these lands. The lessee agrees to the new lease terms for rentals and royalties of $10 per acre and 16\2/ 3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate. The lessee paid the $500 administration fee for the reinstatement of the lease and $166 cost for publishing this Notice. The lessee met the requirements for reinstatement of the lease per Sec. 31(e) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 188(e)). We are proposing to reinstate the lease, effective the date of termination subject to: The original terms and conditions of the lease; The increased rental of $10 per acre; The increased royalty of 16\2/3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate; and The $166 cost of publishing this Notice.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease TXNM 100506
Under the provisions of Section 371(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the lessee, Chief Oil and Gas LLC, timely filed a petition for reinstatement of oil and gas lease TXNM 100506 in Wise County, TX. The lessee paid the required rental accruing from the date of termination, March 1, 2002. No leases were issued that affect these lands. The lessee agrees to the new lease terms for rentals and royalties of $10 per acre and 16\2/ 3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate. The lessee paid the $500 administration fee for the reinstatement of the lease and $166 cost for publishing this Notice. The lessee met the requirements for reinstatement of the lease per Sec. 31(e) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 188(e)). We are proposing to reinstate the lease, effective the date of termination subject to: The original terms and conditions of the lease; The increased rental of $10 per acre; The increased royalty of 16\2/3\ percent or 4 percentages above the existing competitive royalty rate; and The $166 cost of publishing this Notice.
Public Land Order No. 7649; Withdrawal of Public Land for the Moab Mill Site Remediation Project; Utah
This order withdraws approximately 2,300 acres of public land from location and entry under the United States mining and mineral leasing laws, for a period of 5 years, and reserves the land for use by the Department of Energy to conduct site characterization studies to determine a suitable location for disposal of uranium mill site tailings in connection with the Moab Mill Site Remediation Project. Effective Date: November 15, 2005.
Notice Public Meetings: Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet as indicated below. Topics for discussion at each meeting will include, but are not limited to: February 16, 2006 (Battle Mountain, Nevada) Land Tenure, Sage Grouse Conservation Projects, Shoshone Range Off- Highway Vehicle Trail; tentatively April 27, 2006 (Eureka, Nevada); June 15, 2006 (Ely, Nevada)Ely Resource Management Plan Comments, Minerals activities update; August 17 & 18, 2006 (Wells, Nevada) Travel Management Planning, Spruce Mountain Tour. Managers' reports of field office activities will be given at each meeting. The council may raise other topics at any of the three planned meetings.
Minimum Internal Control Standards
In response to the inherent risks of gaming enterprises and the resulting need for effective internal controls in Tribal gaming operations, the National Indian Gaming Commission (Commission or NIGC) first developed Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS) for Indian gaming in 1999, which have subsequently been revised. The Commission recognized from the outset that periodic technical adjustments and revisions would be necessary in order to keep the MICS effective in protecting Tribal gaming assets and the interests of Tribal stakeholders and the gaming public. To that end, the following proposed rule revisions contain certain proposed corrections and revisions to the Commission's existing MICS, which are necessary to clarify, improve, and update other existing MICS provisions. The purpose of these proposed MICS revisions is to address apparent shortcomings in the MICS and various changes in Tribal gaming technology and methods.
Flaming Gorge Dam, Colorado River Storage Project, UT
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), the federal agency responsible for operation of Flaming Gorge Dam, in cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, State of Utah Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, and Western Area Power Administration, has prepared and made available to the public a final environmental impact statement (EIS) pursuant to section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) 4332.
Environmental Statements; Record of Decision: General Management Plan for Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Public Law 91-190, 83 Stat 852, as codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C), the National Park Service announces the availability of a record of decision on the abbreviated final environmental impact statement for the Boston Harbor Islands general management plan. On October 17, 2005 the Northeast Regional Director approved the Record of Decision for the project. The Record of Decision concludes the environmental analysis of the first general management for Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area and adopts the plan. The plan defines the park's mission and management direction and establishes a basic foundation for decision making in consultation with stakeholders. The primary action of the plan is to designate specific ``management areas'' for each area of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area. An extensive participatory process has characterized the development of the general management plan, including consultation with American Indian tribes. Implementation of the proposed general management plan would not result in the impairment of park resources and would enable the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership to protect park resources and provide for their enjoyment by visitors. The National Park Service commits to take all practicable measures to avoid or minimize environmental impacts that could result from implementation of the general management plan.
Oil, Gas, and Sulphur Operations and Leasing in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)-Recovery of Costs Related to the Regulation of Oil and Gas Activities on the OCS
MMS is proposing regulations which impose new fees to process certain plans, applications, and permits. The proposed service fees would offset MMS's costs of processing these plans, applications, and permits.
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