Department of Education 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 200 of 500
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
National Technical Advisory Council
This notice announces an open meeting of the National Technical Advisory Council. Notice of the meeting is required by Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and is intended to notify the public of their opportunity to participate.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The Secretary of Education requests comments on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that the Secretary proposes to use for the 2009-2010 award year. The FAFSA is completed by students and their families and the information submitted on the form is used to determine the students' eligibility and financial need for financial aid under the student financial assistance programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Title IV, HEA Programs). The Department acknowledges the recent passage of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 and its instruction to the Department to simplify the Federal Student Aid application process, to reduce the number of questions on the FAFSA form, to create a FAFSA-EZ form, and to revise the form so that it contains consumer friendly language as well as take other measures to streamline the process of applying for federal student aid. The Department is committed to improving the federal student aid application process for individuals completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We were challenged to incorporate each of the changes required to satisfy the intent of Congress in implementing the College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA) and the recently passed post 9/11 legislative changes while not losing focus on our customers' need for a simple, straightforward application. Because 99 percent of student applicants opt to apply electronically, much of the Department's recent improvements have focused on the FAFSA suite of products. The most heavily used application, FAFSA on the Web, maximizes the use of `skip logic' and previously submitted FAFSA data, to dramatically reduce the time-to- complete benchmark for returning customers. New customers have the benefit of answering specific questions up front that determine if, for example, the student needs to provide additional asset or parental information. Students that are eligible to skip asset and/or parental questions complete a shorter, more streamlined FAFSA. During 2007-2008, the Department launched the use of a `real-time' PIN that enables every applicant to electronically sign their FAFSAs during their on-line session; eliminating the time consuming process of separately requesting, and waiting for the delivery of, a PIN. For the one percent of FAFSA applicants that complete the paper FAFSA, the Department has simplified the application process by grouping like questions together, incorporating previously supplemental worksheets into the application; improving the layout of the form; and clearly delineating between student and parental questions. For those students that prefer to submit a paper FAFSA but don't have access to a pre-printed FAFSA form, the Department has created a FAFSA PDF that can be downloaded from the Internet and completed, either on a PC or by hand, and mailed to the Department. In addition, the Department has created numerous on-line and paper sources to assist students with the FAFSA process. The Web site Student Aid on the Web ( provides a vast array of student-centric information on researching colleges, finding scholarships, preparing academically, and applying for federal student assistance. The FAFSA4caster Web site (https:// enables students to obtain an early estimate of their eligibility for federal student aid while increasing their knowledge of the financial aid process. FAFSA4caster users that opt to provide demographic information about themselves can later `pre- populate' a FAFSA, thereby shortening the application completion time. Working with customers, stakeholders, partners and Congress, the Department will continue its commitment to further streamline the experience for FAFSA applicants into the future.
Discretionary Grant Programs
The Secretary proposes to continue the use in fiscal year (FY) 2009 of priorities that the Department of Education (Department) previously established for use in any discretionary grant program competition in FY 2007 and FY 2008. We take this action in order to continue to focus Federal financial assistance on expanding the number of programs and projects Department-wide that support activities in areas of greatest educational need. We are proposing to continue the use of the priorities on a Department-wide basis, so that Department offices can use one or more of these priorities in any discretionary grant competition, as appropriate.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Extension of Project Period and Waiver for the Puerto Rico State Technical Assistance (TA) Project To Improve Services and Results for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind
The Secretary proposes to waive the requirements in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), in 34 CFR 75.250 and 75.261(a), respectively, that generally prohibit project periods exceeding five years and extensions of project periods involving the obligation of additional Federal funds. This extension of project period and waiver will enable the currently funded Puerto Rico State TA Project to Improve Services and Results for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind to receive funding from October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Personnel Development To Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities
On July 21, 2008, we published in the Federal Register (73 FR 42506) a notice inviting applications for new awards for FY 2009 under certain Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities competitions authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. We are correcting the Deadline for Transmittal of Applications and Deadline for Intergovernmental Review dates in the notice published on July 21, 2008 (73 FR 42506-42515). In the chart on page 42511, third column, the ``Deadline for Transmittal of Applications'' for the 84.325D Preparation of Leadership Personnel competition (as published) is corrected to read ``September 29, 2008'' and in the fourth column, the ``Deadline for Intergovernmental Review'' for the 84.325D competition is corrected to read ``November 28, 2008''. In the chart on page 42511, third column, the ``Deadline for Transmittal of Applications'' for the 84.325K Combined Personnel Preparation competition (as published) is corrected to read ``October 10, 2008'' and in the fourth column, the ``Deadline for Intergovernmental Review'' for the 84.325K competition is corrected to read ``December 09, 2008''. In the chart on page 42512, third column, the ``Deadline for Transmittal of Applications'' for the 84.325T Special Education Preservice Program Improvement Grants competition (as published) is corrected to read ``September 26, 2008'' and in the fourth column, the ``Deadline for Intergovernmental Review'' for the 84.325T competition is corrected to read ``November 25, 2008''. In the chart on page 42511, tenth column, the contact person listed for the 84.325K Combined Personnel Preparation competition (as published) is corrected to read, Ernest Hairston, (202) 245-7366, Room 4070.
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
We correct the Deadline for Transmittal of Applications date in the notice published on July 21, 2008 (73 FR 42338-42340).
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Waiver for the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act to Certain Outlying Areas
The Secretary waives the requirements in 34 CFR 75.250 and 34 CFR 75.261(c)(2) of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) to enable the funding of continuation grants for certain outlying areas under section 211(e) of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA). This waiver enables the current eligible grantees to continue to receive Federal funding beyond the five-year limitation contained in 34 CFR 75.250.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Privacy Act of 1974; Computer Matching Program
Pursuant to the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, Public Law 100-503, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines on the conduct of computer matching programs, notice is hereby given of the renewal of the computer matching program between the U.S. Department of Education (ED) (recipient agency), and the Social Security Administration (SSA) (source agency). This renewal of the computer matching program between SSA and ED will become effective as explained in this notice. In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-503) (Privacy Act), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Guidelines on the Conduct of Matching Programs (54 FR 25818, June 19, 1989), and OMB Circular No. A-130, Transmittal Memorandum 4, Management of Federal Information Resources (11/28/2000) we provide the following information:
Office of the Deputy Secretary; Amended Notice of Opportunity To Participate in a National Math Panel Forum
On July 18, 2008, the Deputy Secretary published in the Federal Register (FR Doc E8-16423, Volume 73, Number 139) soliciting participation in the National Math Panel Forum. This notice amends the July 18 notice by extending the registration period from Friday, August 8, to Friday, August 29, and republishes the entire notice to read as follows: For students to compete in the 21st-century global economy, knowledge of and proficiency in mathematics are critical. Today's high school graduates need to have solid mathematics skillswhether they are headed to college or to the workforce. To help ensure our nation's future competitiveness and economic viability, President George W. Bush created the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (National Math Panel) in April 2006. The Panel was charged with reviewing the best available scientific evidence and making recommendations on improving mathematics education with a focus on readiness for and success in algebra and mathematics education in grades K-8. The National Math Panel's final report, Foundations for Success: Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, was issued on March 13, 2008. The report contains 45 findings and recommendations on numerous topics, including curricular content, learning processes, instructional practices and materials, teachers, assessments, and future research priorities. In response to a National Math Panel recommendation, the U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, is hosting a National Math Panel Forum (Forum) to bring together various organizations and other interested parties to discuss ways to engage their members or constituents in discussions about the National Math Panel's findings and recommendations and how the organizations and parties can collaborate and coordinate efforts to use the findings to improve mathematics education in the United States.
National Board for Education Sciences; Notice of Meeting
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of an upcoming partially closed meeting of the National Board for Education Sciences. The notice also describes the functions of the committee. Notice of this meeting is required by Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and is intended to notify the public of their opportunity to attend the open portions of the meeting.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Reading First Advisory Committee
This notice describes an open meeting of the Reading First Advisory Committee. Notice of the meeting is required by section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and is intended to notify the public of their opportunity to attend. Dates and Times: August 20, 2008, 10:30 a.m. until 12 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time.
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance: Meeting
This document contains corrections for the notice that was published in the Federal Register of Thursday, July 24, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 143), [Page 43214-43215]. The topic of the conference call has been changed.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
On July 22, 2008, a 30-day notice (Vol. 73, Number 141, page 42552) was published for the information collection, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Regulatory Requirements. In that notice 1,666,013 responses were provided. This correction notice provides the correct number of responses as 19,958,860. The burden hours remain the same at approximately 1,666,014 hours. The Acting IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, hereby issues a correction notice as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged; Migrant Education Program
The Secretary amends the regulations governing the Migrant Education Program (MEP) administered under Part C of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA). These final regulations adjust the base amounts of the MEP Basic State Formula grant allocations for fiscal year (FY) 2006 and subsequent years (as well as for supplemental MEP allocations made for FY 2005); establish requirements to strengthen the processes used by State educational agencies (SEAs) to determine and document the eligibility of migratory children under the MEP; and clarify procedures SEAs use to develop a comprehensive statewide needs assessment and service delivery plan.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Acting Leader, Information Collection Clearance Division, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Acting Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance: Meeting
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming teleconference meeting of the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order to attend the teleconference meeting (i.e., interpreting services, assistive listening devices, and/or materials in alternative format) should notify the Advisory Committee no later than Tuesday, September 2, 2008 by contacting Ms. Tracy Jones at (202) 219- 2099 or via e-mail at We will attempt to meet requests after this date, but cannot guarantee availability of the requested accommodation. The teleconference site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This notice also describes the functions of the Advisory Committee. Notice of this hearing is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This document is intended to notify the general public.
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance: Meeting
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming teleconference meeting of the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order to attend the teleconference meeting (i.e., interpreting services, assistive listening devices, and/or materials in alternative format) should notify the Advisory Committee no later than Monday, August 11, 2008, by contacting Ms. Tracy Jones at (202) 219- 2099 or via e-mail at We will attempt to meet requests after this date, but cannot guarantee availability of the requested accommodation. The teleconference site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This notice also describes the functions of the Advisory Committee. Notice of this hearing is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This document is intended to notify the general public.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Migrant Education Coordination Program-Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) State Data Quality Grants
The Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education establishes the final requirements for Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) State Data Quality grants funded under section 1308(b) of Title I, Part C of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Subject to the availability of funds in any fiscal year, the Department will use the requirements to make annual grant awards by formula, beginning in FY 2008, to provide additional resources to State educational agencies (SEAs) in order to assist them and their local operating agencies (LOAs) in implementing the interstate electronic exchange of migrant children's records through the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX).
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
On July 16, 2008, the Department of Education published a comment period notice in the Federal Register (Page 40854, Column 1) for the information collection, ``Study of Pell Grant Recipients Who Transfer Among Eligible Institutions.'' This notice hereby corrects the invitation for comment period for interested persons to July 31, 2008. The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management, hereby issues a correction notice as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
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