Department of Agriculture 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Cotton Research and Promotion Program: Referendum Procedures
This final rule establishes procedures which the Department of Agriculture (USDA) will use in conducting a referendum considering amendments to the Cotton Research and Promotion Order (7 CFR part 1205) (Order) implementing section 14202 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, hereinafter the ``2008 Farm Bill.'' USDA is considering amendments to the Order in a separate action. Referenda among cotton producers and cotton importers are required by the Cotton Research and Promotion Act (Act) to implement, amend, continue, or when appropriate to suspend or terminate the Order or any of its provisions. The provisions of this rule would be used for all such referenda.
Cotton Research and Promotion Program: Designation of Cotton-Producing States; Secretary's Decision and Referendum Order on Proposed Amendments to the Cotton Research and Promotion Order
This is the Secretary's decision concerning amendments to the Cotton Research and Promotion Order (Cotton Order) and provides Upland cotton producers and importers with the opportunity to vote in a referendum to determine if they favor the changes. The amendments would implement section 14202 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill) that amended the Cotton Research and Promotion Act (Cotton Act.) The 2008 Farm Bill provided that Kansas, Virginia, and Florida be separate states in the definition of ``cotton-producing state'' effective beginning with the 2008 crop of cotton. It has been determined that amendments need to be expedited and therefore a recommended decision is omitted.
User Fees for Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection Services
On September 28, 2009, we published an interim rule in the Federal Register to adjust the fees charged for certain agricultural quarantine and inspection (AQI) services that are provided in connection with certain commercial vessels, commercial trucks, commercial railroad cars, commercial aircraft, and international airline passengers arriving at ports in the customs territory of the United States. That interim rule was scheduled to become effective on October 1, 2009. We are delaying the effective date of the interim rule until November 1, 2009. This delay will provide entities affected by the changes in AQI user fees additional time to make the necessary preparations to comply with the new fees.
Amendments to Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order
This rule amends provisions of the Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order (Order) to reapportion membership of the Mushroom Council (Council) to reflect shifts in United States mushroom production as well as to add language to the powers and duties section of the Order allowing the Council the power to develop and propose good agricultural and handling practices and related activities for mushrooms. Section 10104 of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill) amended sections 1925(b)(2) and (c) of the Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1990 (Act). Specifically, section 10104 changed the Act's requirements for geographic regions used to appoint producer members of the Council from four to three, and adjusted the pounds required by each region for Council membership, which reallocated Council member representation in two of the three producer geographic regions (Regions 1 and 2). Section 10104 also added language to the powers and duties section of the Act that authorizes the Council to develop and propose good agricultural practices and related activities for mushrooms. A referendum was held among eligible mushroom producers and importers and they voted in favor of the amendments. Therefore, this rule amends changes to the Order based on the amendments to the Act.
Submission of Itineraries
We are proposing to amend the Animal Welfare Act regulations to include more specific requirements in the regulations concerning the submission of itineraries by any person who is subject to the Animal Welfare Act regulations and who intends to exhibit any animal at any location other than the person's approved site(s). We believe APHIS' inspectors' access to animals, facilities, and records for unannounced inspections when animals are exhibited at a location other than at a regulated person's approved site(s) is necessary to improve compliance with the regulations and the Animal Welfare Act.
Notice of 2009 National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program
This notice invites all States of the United States of America, its territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, (collectively hereinafter called States) to submit an Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424), and to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) for the allocation of National Organic Certification Cost-Share Funds. The AMS has allocated $22.0 million for this organic certification cost-share program commencing in Fiscal Year 2008, and these funds will be annually allocated to States through cooperative agreements until exhausted. Funds are available under this program to States interested in providing cost-share assistance to organic producers and handlers certified under the National Organic Program (NOP). States interested in obtaining cost-share funds must submit an Application for Federal Assistance and enter into a cooperative agreement with AMS for allocation of funds.
Notice of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App 2, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announces a meeting of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board.
Almonds Grown in California; Revision of Outgoing Quality Control Requirements
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is adopting as a final rule, without change, an interim final rule that revised the outgoing quality control regulations issued under the California almond marketing order (order). The interim final rule revised the term ``validation'' under the Salmonella bacteria (Salmonella) treatment program by specifying that validation data must be both submitted to and accepted by the Almond Board of California's (Board) Technical Expert Review Panel (TERP) for all treatment equipment prior to its use under this program. The interim final rule was necessary to ensure that all treatment equipment meets a 4-log reduction of Salmonella in almonds.
Notice of Agricultural Management Assistance Organic Certification Cost-Share Program
This notice invites the following eligible States: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming, to submit an Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424), and to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) for the Allocation of Organic Certification Cost-Share Funds. The AMS has allocated $1.5 million for this organic certification cost-share program in Fiscal Year 2009. Funds are available under this program to 16 designated States to provide cost-share assistance to organic crop and livestock producers certified under the National Organic Program (NOP). Eligible States interested in obtaining cost-share funds for their organic producers will have to submit an Application for Federal Assistance, and enter into a cooperative agreement with AMS for allocation of funds.
Request for Proposals for Hazardous Fuels Woody Biomass Utilization Grant-Forest Restoration Activities on All Priority Forestlands
The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Private Forestry, Technology Marketing Unit, located at the Forest Products Laboratory, requests proposals for projects that increase the use of woody biomass that is removed during hazardous fuels treatment projects on both public and private forestlands. The Hazardous Fuels Woody Biomass Utilization (WBU) Grant Program is intended to improve the effectiveness of forest restoration activities by creating and expanding markets for small-diameter material, low-value trees, and woody biomass removed during hazardous fuel reduction and forest health activities. These funds are intended to assist communities, entrepreneurs, and others turn low-value woody biomass materials from forest restoration activities into marketable forest products and/or energy products.
Information Collection; Forest Industries and Residential Fuelwood and Post Data Collection Systems
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the renewal of a currently approved information collection, Forest Industries and Residential Fuelwood and Post Data Collection Systems. This will combine the Forest Industries Data Collection System (OMB Number: 0596-0010) and the Residential Fuelwood and Post Assessment in Selected States (OMB Number: 0596-0009, expired).
Alpine County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC)
The Alpine County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will hold its fourth meeting.
The Secretary of Agriculture's Determination of the Primary Purpose of the State of Florida's Agricultural Best Management Practices Program
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is providing public notice that the Secretary of Agriculture has determined that cost-share payments made under the State of Florida's Agricultural Best Management Practices Program are primarily for the purpose of conserving soil and water resources or protecting and restoring the environment. NRCS was assigned technical and administrative responsibility for reviewing the State of Florida's Agricultural Best Management Practices Program and making appropriate recommendations for the Secretary's determination of primary purpose. The Secretary made the determination for certain specific programs that are part of the State of Florida's Agricultural Best Management Practices Program (71 FR 76965).
Determination of Total Amounts of Fiscal Year 2010 Tariff-Rate Quotas for Raw Cane Sugar and Certain Sugars, Syrups and Molasses
The Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing notice of the establishment of the Fiscal Year (FY 2010) in-quota aggregate quantity of the raw, as well as, refined and specialty sugar Tariff-Rate Quotas (TRQ) as required under the U.S. World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments. The FY 2010 raw cane sugar TRQ is established at 1,117,195 metric tons raw value (MTRV) that may be entered under subheading 1701.11.10 of the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) during FY 2010 (October 1, 2009-September 30, 2010). In addition in-quota aggregate quantity of the refined and specialty sugar TRQ is established at 90,039 MTRV for certain sugars, syrups, and molasses (collectively referred to as refined sugar) that may be entered under subheadings 1701.12.10, 1701.91.10, 1701.99.10, 1702.90.10, and 2106.90.44 of the HTS during FY 2010.
Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee
The Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on October 14, 2009 at the US Forest Service Office, 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. This Committee, established by the Secretary of Agriculture on December 15, 1998 (64 FR 2876), is chartered to provide advice to the Secretary on implementing the terms of the Federal Interagency Partnership on the Lake Tahoe Region and other matters raised by the Secretary.
Information Collection; Land Exchanges
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the extension with no revision of a currently approved information collection, OMB 0596-0105, Land Exchanges.
User Fees for Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection Services
We are amending the user fee regulations by adjusting the fees charged for certain agricultural quarantine and inspection (AQI) services that are provided in connection with certain commercial vessels, commercial trucks, commercial railroad cars, commercial aircraft, and international airline passengers arriving at ports in the customs territory of the United States. The recent downturn in the U.S. economy has negatively impacted travel volumes, and, as a result, our user fee collections, which fund these services, have diminished. Although the volume of international travel and trade has decreased, inspection and related support services continue to be provided at their existing levels, so expenses have not decreased. As a result, our user fee collections have not been sufficient to enable us to provide those services and maintain a reasonable reserve balance. We are therefore increasing our AQI user fees in order to provide adequate funds for these purposes.
Commuted Traveltime
We are amending the regulations concerning overtime services provided by employees of the Agency's Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program by adding or amending commuted traveltime allowances for travel between certain locations in the District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, and Minnesota. Commuted traveltime allowances are the periods of time required for PPQ employees to travel from their dispatch points and return there from the places where they perform Sunday, holiday, or other overtime duty. The Government charges a fee for certain overtime services provided by PPQ employees and, under certain circumstances, the fee may include the cost of commuted traveltime. This action is necessary to inform the public of commuted traveltime for these locations.
Availability of an Environmental Assessment for a Biological Control Agent for Japanese Beetle
We are advising the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has prepared an environmental assessment relative to the control of Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica). The environmental assessment considers the effects of, and alternatives to, the release of a bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis japonensis, into the continental United States for the use of biological control to reduce the severity of infestations of Japanese beetle on turfgrass. We are making the environmental assessment available to the public for review and comment.
Fiscal Year 2010 Veterinary Import/Export User Fees and Veterinary Diagnostic Services User Fees
This notice pertains to user fees charged for import- and export-related services that we provide for animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and vectors and for certain veterinary diagnostic services. The purpose of this notice is to remind the public of the user fees for fiscal year 2010 (October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010).
Egg Research and Promotion Order; Referendum Procedures
This proposed rule would establish procedures which the USDA will use in conducting a referendum to determine whether egg producers favor increasing the assessment they pay to the American Egg Board (AEB) from a rate of 10 cents per 30-dozen case of commercial eggs to 15 cents per case. An amendment to increase the assessment rate in the Egg Research and Promotion Order will be implemented if it is approved by two-thirds of the egg producers voting in the referendum or by a majority of producers voting if they produced two-thirds of the eggs produced by all voters. These procedures would also be used for subsequent referenda. A proposed rule to increase the assessment rate is published separately in this issue of the Federal Register. AEB, which administers the Order, recommended this action to sustain and expand its national promotion, research, and consumer information program.
Prop Canyon Watershed, Site 1 (Big Draw Dam), Cibola County, NM
Pursuant to Section 102 (2) (C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR part 1500); and the Natural Resources Conservation Service Regulations (7 CFR part 650); the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, gives notice that an environmental impact statement is not being prepared for the Prop Canyon Watershed, Site 1, Grant County, New Mexico.
Notice of Buy American Exception Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) hereby gives notice of a nationwide exception to the Buy American requirements of Section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (``ARRA'') under the authority of Section 1605(b)(1) (public interest waiver) for de minimis incidental components of eligible water infrastructure projects using assistance provided under ARRA. This action permits the use of non-domestic iron, steel and manufactured goods when they occur in de minimis incidental components that may otherwise be prohibited under Section 1605(a). As used in this Notice, ``de minimis incidental components'' means those components otherwise prohibited under Section 1605(a) that cumulatively comprise no more than a total of 5 percent of the total cost of the materials used in a project funded in whole or in part with ARRA assistance.
Fresh Prunes Grown in Designated Counties in Washington and in Umatilla County, OR; Increased Assessment Rate
This rule increases the assessment rate established for the Washington-Oregon Fresh Prune Marketing Committee (Committee) for the 2009-10 and subsequent fiscal periods from $1.00 to $2.00 per ton for fresh prunes. The Committee is responsible for local administration of the marketing order regulating the handling of fresh prunes grown in designated counties in Washington and in Umatilla County, Oregon. Assessments upon handlers of fresh prunes are used by the Committee to fund reasonable and necessary expenses of the program. The fiscal period for the marketing order began April 1 and ends March 31. The assessment rate will remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended or terminated.
Nectarines and Peaches Grown in California; Decreased Assessment Rates
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is adopting, as a final rule, without change, an interim final rule that decreased the assessment rates established for the Nectarine Administrative Committee and the Peach Commodity Committee (Committees) for the 2009-10 and subsequent fiscal periods. The Nectarine Administrative Committee (NAC) program decreased its assessment rate from $0.06 to $0.0175 per 25- pound container or container equivalent of nectarines handled. The Peach Commodity Committee (PCC) program decreased its assessment rate from $0.06 to $0.0025 per 25-pound container or container equivalent of peaches handled. The Committees locally administer the marketing orders for nectarines and peaches grown in California (order). The interim final rule was necessary to align the Committees' expected revenue with decreases in its proposed budget for the 2009-10 fiscal period, which began March 1, 2009.
Amendment to Egg Research and Promotion Order and Regulations To Increase the Rate of Assessment
This proposed rule would amend the Egg Research and Promotion Order to increase the assessment rate on egg producers paying assessments to the American Egg Board (AEB) from 10 cents to 15 cents per 30-dozen case of commercial eggs, provided the increase is approved by egg producers voting in a referendum. This proposal would also make a conforming amendment to the regulations. AEB, which administers the Order, recommended this action to sustain and expand its national promotion, research, and consumer information program.
Fresno County Resource Advisory Committee
The Fresno County Resource Advisory Committee will be meeting in Prather, California on October 2l and Clovis, California on November 18th. The purpose of these meetings will be to accept project proposals for the next funding cycle as authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 110-343) for expenditure of Payments to States Fresno County Title II funds.
Deschutes Provincial Advisory Committee (DPAC)
The Deschutes Provincial Advisory Committee will meet on October 8, 2009, to review the PAC Recommendation from the Restoration Subcommittee, Update members on Travel Management Subcommittee and the DEIS), and then visit the field on the Bend-Ft. Rock Ranger District to discuss fire in ponderosa pine ecosystems. The meeting will start at 8:30 a.m. at the Bend-Ft.Rock Ranger District at Red Oaks Square, 1230 NE 3 St, Suite A-262, Bend, Oregon in the East/West Conference Room.
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Revisions in the WIC Food Packages
This document corrects a typographical error published in an interim final rule concerning maximum monthly allowances of supplemental foods for infants in food (packages I, II, and III) published in the Federal Register on December 6, 2007. A table contained a typographical error; this document corrects that error. All other information remains unchanged.
Notice of Determination of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5N1 Status of Hungary
We are advising the public of our determination regarding the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1 status of Hungary following outbreaks in 2006 and 2007. Based on our evaluation of the animal health status of two counties (B[aacute]cs-Kiskun and Csongr[aacute]d) in Hungary, which we made available to the public for review and comment through a previous notice, the Administrator has determined that the importation of live birds, poultry carcasses, parts or products of poultry carcasses, and eggs (other than hatching eggs) of poultry, game birds, and other birds from Hungary presents a low risk of introducing HPAI H5N1 into the United States.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Performance Standards and Reporting for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Modernization Initiatives
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this proposed information collection. This collection is a new collection for Performance Standards and Reporting for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Modernization Initiatives.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Forms FNS-806-A, Claim for Reimbursement (National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs), and FNS-806-B, Claim for Reimbursement (Special Milk Program for Children)
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on the proposed information collections. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) uses the Claims for Reimbursement, FNS-806-A and FNS-806-B, to collect data to determine the amount of reimbursement school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), OMB Number 0584-0006 Expiration May 31, 2012, School Breakfast Program (SBP), OMB Number 0584-0012 Expiration May 31, 2012, and Special Milk Program for Children (SMP), OMB Number 0584-0005 Expiration May 31, 2012 are eligible to receive.
Plumas National Forest; California; Flea Project (Renamed Concow Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project)
With the decline of forestland density reduction treatments, overcrowded conditions have increased, forestland diversity has declined, California's wildfires have gotten larger, firefighting costs have skyrocketed, and resource and property damage have increased. In 2008, the Butte Lightning Complex burned about 6,190 acres within the 8,170 acre Concow Project Area.
Leafy Green Vegetables Handled in the United States; Extension of Time for First Session of Hearing on Proposed Marketing Agreement No. 970
This notice announces that the scheduled hearing date for the Monterey, California session of a public hearing to consider a proposed marketing agreement for the handling of leafy green vegetables in the United States may be extended by one day, if deemed necessary by the presiding administrative law judge.
Tuberculosis in Cattle and Bison; State and Zone Designations; New Mexico
We are adopting as a final rule, without change, an interim rule that amended the bovine tuberculosis regulations by establishing two separate zones with different tuberculosis risk classifications for the State of New Mexico. Prior to the interim rule, the entire State of New Mexico had been classified as modified accredited advanced; however, all its affected herds were located in Curry and Roosevelt Counties, NM, along the State's eastern border. The interim rule was necessary to relieve restrictions on the interstate movement of cattle and bison from areas of New Mexico outside those two counties.
Notice of Determination of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5N1 Status of Saxony, Germany
We are advising the public of our determination regarding the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1 status of Saxony, Germany, following an outbreak in 2008. Based on our assessment of the animal health status of Saxony, Germany, which we made available to the public for review and comment through a previous notice, the Administrator has determined that the importation of live birds, poultry carcasses, parts or products of poultry carcasses, and eggs (other than hatching eggs) of poultry, game birds, and other birds from Saxony, Germany, presents a low risk of introducing HPAI H5N1 into the United States.
Notice of Determination of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5N1 Status of Suffolk and Norfolk Counties in England
We are advising the public of our determination regarding the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1 status of Suffolk and Norfolk Counties, England, following outbreaks in 2007. Based on an evaluation of the animal health status of Suffolk and Norfolk Counties, England, which we made available to the public for review and comment through a previous notice, the Administrator has determined that the importation of live birds, poultry carcasses, parts or products of poultry carcasses, and eggs (other than hatching eggs) of poultry, game birds, and other birds from Suffolk and Norfolk Counties, England, presents a low risk of introducing HPAI H5N1 into the United States.
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Regulations, Nondiscretionary Provisions of Public Law 110-246, the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
This final rule incorporates into the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program regulations, statutory provisions set forth in Section 4231 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110-246, also known as the Farm Bill of 2008). The three provisions include adding honey as an eligible food for purchase with Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) benefits, prohibiting the value of SFMNP benefits from consideration as income or resources when determining eligibility for other programs under any Federal, State or local law, and prohibiting the collection of State or local tax on a purchase of food with a benefit distributed under the SFMNP.
San Juan National Forest; Columbine Ranger District; Colorado; Hermosa/Mitchell Lakes Land Exchange; Comment Period Extension
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and regulatory requirements, the San Juan National Forest, Columbine Ranger District will extend the public comment period on the Hermosa/Mitchell Lakes Land Exchange Draft Environmental Impact Statement for an additional 30 days beyond the original comment 45 day comment period.
Solicitation of Input from Stakeholders on Revised Fees for the Export Credit Guarantee (GSM-102) Program
This notice solicits comments on proposed revisions to the fee rate schedule for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102). The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the Act) amended certain GSM-102 program provisions related to fees. CCC's goals in proposing this revised fee structure are to create fees more commensurate with risk, generate additional program revenue in fiscal year (FY) 2010 to offset program costs, and consider allowing program participation by riskier countries.
Emerald Ash Borer; Quarantined Areas; Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin
We are amending the emerald ash borer regulations by adding areas in Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin to the list of areas quarantined because of emerald ash borer. As a result of this action, the interstate movement of regulated articles from those areas is restricted. This action is necessary to prevent the artificial spread of the emerald ash borer from infested areas in the States of Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin into noninfested areas of the United States.
Gypsy Moth Generally Infested Areas; Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Ohio, and Virginia
We are amending the gypsy moth regulations by adding areas in Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Ohio, and Virginia to the list of generally infested areas based on the detection of infestations of gypsy moth in those areas. As a result of this action, the interstate movement of regulated articles from those areas is restricted. This action is necessary to prevent the artificial spread of the gypsy moth to noninfested areas of the United States.
Pine Shoot Beetle; Additions to Quarantined Areas
We are amending the pine shoot beetle regulations by adding the entire State of Ohio and counties in Maine and Indiana to the list of quarantined areas. We are taking this action following the detection of pine shoot beetle in those areas. This action is necessary to prevent the spread of pine shoot beetle, a pest of pine trees, into noninfested areas of the United States.
Regulation of the Interstate Movement of Lemons From an Area Quarantined for Mediterranean Fruit Fly
We are proposing to amend the list of regulated articles in our domestic fruit fly quarantine regulations. The regulations currently indicate that smooth-skinned lemons (all varieties of Citrus limon) harvested for packing by commercial packinghouses are not regulated articles for Mediterranean fruit fly. We are proposing to amend the regulations to designate all yellow lemons as regulated articles. This proposed change is based on research indicating that, under certain conditions, yellow lemons are a host for Mediterranean fruit fly. As a result of this proposed action, yellow lemons produced in an area quarantined for Mediterranean fruit fly would be subject to certain interstate movement restrictions in order to prevent the spread of that pest into uninfested areas of the United States.
Interim Guidelines and Funds Availability for Projects Involving the Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid
This notice announces that the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), is issuing a set of guidelines for the administration and implementation of Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Pilot Project (PPP) authorized under the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. FAS will provide CCC funds in the form of grants to qualified organizations during FY 2009 through FY 2011 for the implementation of field-based projects under the PPP to meet the food needs of targeted vulnerable groups. The ``Interim Guidelines for the Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Project'' can be found at The Interim Guidelines are intended to guide the application and implementation of field projects in developing countries that involve the local and regional procurement of food aid. Field projects will be funded primarily to expedite the provision of food aid to vulnerable populations affected by food crises and disasters. A secondary purpose will be to provide development assistance that will enhance the food consumption security of such populations. The Interim Guidelines inform prospective participants about the qualification criteria and application process, as well as procedures and requirements for project implementation, monitoring and reporting. This notice formally requests public review of and comments on the Interim Guidelines.
Conservation Stewardship Program
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation, published in the Federal Register of July 29, 2009, an interim final rule with request for comment establishing the program framework for implementation of the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). The July 29, 2009, interim final rule established a 60-day comment period that closes on September 28, 2009. This document extends the comment period an additional 30-day period to provide the public an opportunity to comment upon the implementation of the program through the first sign-up and ranking period that closes September 30, 2009.
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