Agencies and Commissions 2019 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 51 - 100 of 6,542
Margin and Capital Requirements for Covered Swap Entities
Document Number: 2019-28052
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Farm Credit Administration, Agencies and Commissions, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Reserve System, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury, Federal Housing Finance Agency
The OCC, Board, FDIC, FCA, and FHFA (collectively, the agencies) are reopening the comment period for the notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register on November 7, 2019, to amend the agencies' regulations that require swap dealers and security- based swap dealers under the agencies' respective jurisdictions to exchange margin with their counterparties for swaps that are not centrally cleared (Proposed Swap Margin Amendments). Reopening the comment period that closed on December 9, 2019, will allow interested persons additional time to analyze and comment on the Proposed Swap Margin Amendments.
Inter-American Development Bank; Notice of Application
Document Number: 2019-28050
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice of application for an exemption under section 202(a)(11)(H) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (``Advisers Act''). Applicant: Inter-American Development Bank (``IDB'' or ``Applicant''). Relevant Advisers Act Sections: Exemption requested under section 202(a)(11)(H) of the Advisers Act from section 202(a)(11) of the Advisers Act. Summary of Application: The Applicant requests that the Commission issue an order declaring it to be a person not within the intent of Section 202(a)(11) of the Advisers Act, which defines the term ``investment adviser.'' Filing Dates: The application was filed on June 7, 2019, and amended on October 1, 2019. Hearing or Notification of Hearing: An order granting the application will be issued unless the Commission orders a hearing. Interested persons may request a hearing by writing to the Commission's Secretary and serving the Applicant with a copy of the request, personally or by mail. Hearing requests should be received by the Commission by 5:30 p.m. on January 14, 2019, and should be accompanied by proof of service on the Applicant, in the form of an affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of service. Pursuant to Rule 0-5 under the Advisers Act, hearing requests should state the nature of the writer's interest, any facts bearing upon the desirability of a hearing on the matter, the reason for the request, and the issues contested. Persons may request notification of a hearing by writing to the Commission's Secretary.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2019-28047
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Information Collections Being Submitted for Review and Approval to Office of Management and Budget
Document Number: 2019-28044
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, the FCC seeks specific comment on how it might ``further reduce the information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.'' The Commission may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB control number.
Certain Semiconductor Devices, Products Containing the Same, and Components Thereof (II); Commission Determination Not To Review an Initial Determination Terminating the Investigation in its Entirety Based on a Settlement Agreement; Termination of the Investigation
Document Number: 2019-28043
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review an initial determination (``ID'') (Order No. 5) of the presiding administrative law judge (``ALJ'') terminating the investigation as to all respondents, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. of Hsinchu, Taiwan; TSMC North America and TSMC Technology, Inc. of San Jose, California (collectively, ``TSMC''); Broadcom Inc., Broadcom Corporation, and Cisco Systems, Inc., all of San Jose, California; NVIDIA Corporation and Arista Networks, Inc., both of Santa Clara, California; Apple Inc. of Cupertino, California; ASUSTeK Computer Inc. of Taipei, Taiwan; and Lenovo Group Ltd. of Beijing, China (collectively, ``Respondents''), based on a settlement agreement. The investigation is terminated.
Certain Semiconductor Devices and Components Thereof (I); Commission Determination Not To Review an Initial Determination (Order No. 7) Terminating an Investigation Due to a Settlement Agreement; Termination of Investigation
Document Number: 2019-28041
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission (the ``Commission'') has determined not to review an initial determination (``ID'') (Order No. 7) terminating the investigation due to a settlement agreement. The investigation is terminated.
Certain Pick-Up Truck Folding Bed Cover Systems and Components Thereof Institution of Investigation
Document Number: 2019-28006
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on November 26, 2019, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of Extang Corporation of Ann Arbor, Michigan and Laurmark Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a BAK Industries of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Supplements to the complaint were filed on November 27, 2019 and December 16, 2019. The complaint, as supplemented, alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain pick-up truck folding bed cover systems and components thereof by reason of infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,484,788 (``the '788 patent'') and U.S. Patent No. 8,061,758 (``the '758 patent''). The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by the applicable Federal Statute. The complainants request that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue a general exclusion order, or in the alternative a limited exclusion order, and cease and desist orders.
Asset Management Advisory Committee
Document Number: 2019-28003
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is being provided that the Securities and Exchange Commission Asset Management Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting on January 14, 2020, in Multi-Purpose Room LL-006 at the Commission's headquarters, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. (ET) and will be open to the public. The meeting will be webcast on the Commission's website at The Committee will have an administrative work session during lunch. Persons needing special accommodations to take part because of a disability should notify the contact person listed below. The public is invited to submit written statements to the Committee. The meeting will include a discussion of various aspects of the asset management industry as well as administrative items.
Modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks' National Settlement Service and Fedwire® Funds Service To Support Enhancements to the Same-Day ACH Service and Corresponding Changes to the Federal Reserve Policy on Payment System Risk
Document Number: 2019-28002
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
The Board of Governors (Board) has approved modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks' (Reserve Banks) payment services to facilitate adoption of a later same-day automated clearinghouse (ACH) processing and settlement window. Specifically, the Reserve Banks will extend the daily operating hours of the National Settlement Service (NSS) and the Fedwire[supreg] Funds Service. To mitigate the risk that these modified hours will cause more frequent delays to the 9:00 p.m. eastern time (ET) reopening of the Fedwire Funds Service, the Reserve Banks will modify the practice of maintaining a 2-hour window between the closing and reopening of the Fedwire Funds Service to maintain only a 90-minute window, and will increase the $1 billion value threshold for extending the closing of the Fedwire Funds Service to $3 billion. Finally, the Board has approved corresponding changes to the Federal Reserve Policy on Payment System Risk (PSR policy).
Notice of Proposals To Engage in or To Acquire Companies Engaged in Permissible Nonbanking Activities
Document Number: 2019-28001
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
Document Number: 2019-28000
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company
Document Number: 2019-27999
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
Notice of Inquiry Regarding Categorization of Claims for Cable or Satellite Royalty Funds and Treatment of Ineligible Claims
Document Number: 2019-27970
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Agencies and Commissions
The Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges) publish a notice of inquiry regarding categorization of claims for cable or satellite royalty funds and treatment of royalties associated with invalid claims.
Community Reinvestment Act Regulations
Document Number: 2019-27288
Type: Rule
Date: 2019-12-30
Agency: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agencies and Commissions, Federal Reserve System, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
The OCC, the Board, and the FDIC (collectively, the Agencies) are amending their Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations to adjust the asset-size thresholds used to define ``small bank'' or ``small savings association'' and ``intermediate small bank'' or ``intermediate small savings association.'' As required by the CRA regulations, the adjustment to the threshold amount is based on the annual percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W).
Filing Window for New Rural Digital Low Power Television and TV Translator Applicants Displaced by Incentive Auction and Station Repack December 2, 2019 to January 31, 2020
Document Number: 2019-27941
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Media Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission announces a window filing opportunity for pending new digital low power and TV translator stations (LPTV/translator stations) displaced by the Incentive Auction and station repack to amend their applications to specify a new channel between 2 to 36 (in core channels).
Information Collection Being Submitted for Review and Approval to the Office of Management and Budget
Document Number: 2019-27925
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The Commission may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB control number.
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, et al; Notice of Application
Document Number: 2019-27917
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Procurement List; Addition and Deletions
Document Number: 2019-27914
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Agencies and Commissions
This action adds a service to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and deletes services from the Procurement List previously furnished by such agencies.
Procurement List; Proposed Deletions
Document Number: 2019-27911
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Agencies and Commissions
The Committee is proposing to delete products and services from the Procurement List that were furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Notice of Permit Applications Received Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
Document Number: 2019-27892
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is required to publish a notice of permit applications received to conduct activities regulated under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978. NSF has published regulations under the Antarctic Conservation Act in the Code of Federal Regulations. This is the required notice of permit applications received.
Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems
Document Number: 2019-27882
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.180, ``Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems.'' RG 1.180 provides guidance on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) practices and test methods that the staff of the NRC consider acceptable for qualifying safety-related instrumentation and control (I&C) systems for the expected electromagnetic environment in nuclear power plants. The RG would endorse, with certain exceptions, standards that were updated and corrected subsequent to the last time the NRC endorsed them in RG 1.180. More information on updates can be found in the ``Supplementary Information'' section below.
Fluid End Blocks From China, Germany, India, and Italy; Institution of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations and Scheduling of Preliminary Phase Investigations
Document Number: 2019-27881
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Commission hereby gives notice of the institution of investigations and commencement of preliminary phase antidumping and countervailing duty investigation Nos. 701-TA-632-635 and 731-TA-1466- 1468 (Preliminary) pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act'') to determine whether there is a reasonable indication that an industry in the United States is materially injured or threatened with material injury, or the establishment of an industry in the United States is materially retarded, by reason of imports of fluid end blocks from Germany, India, and Italy, provided for in subheadings 7218.91.00, 7218.99.00, 7224.90.00, 7326.19.00, 7326.90.86, and 8413.91.90 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, that are alleged to be sold in the United States at less than fair value and imports of such products alleged to be subsidized by the Governments of China, Germany, India, and Italy. Unless the Department of Commerce (``Commerce'') extends the time for initiation, the Commission must reach a preliminary determination in antidumping and countervailing duty investigations in 45 days, or in this case by February 3, 2020. The Commission's views must be transmitted to Commerce within five business days thereafter, or by February 10, 2020.
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of a New System of Records
Document Number: 2019-27866
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, notice is given that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) proposes to modify an existing system of records entitled, BGFRS-23, ``FRBFreedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Case Tracking and Reporting System.'' BGFRS-23 permits Board staff to track Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) requests, input processing data, and produce reports.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
Document Number: 2019-27863
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
Document Number: 2019-27853
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
Document Number: 2019-27852
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company
Document Number: 2019-27851
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
Document Number: 2019-27850
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) invites comment on a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the Financial Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y-9 Reports; OMB No. 7100-0128).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB
Document Number: 2019-27849
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) is adopting a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the Banking Organization Systemic Risk Report (FR Y-15; OMB No. 7100-0352). Certain revisions become effective beginning with the December 31, 2019, report date. Other revisions become effective for the June 30, 2020, or December 31, 2020, report dates, as described below.
Extension of Comment Period; Request for Information on Application of the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System
Document Number: 2019-27848
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agencies and Commissions, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
On October 31, 2019, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (collectively, the agencies) published in the Federal Register a request for information (RFI) seeking information and comments from interested parties regarding the consistency of ratings assigned by the agencies under the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (UFIRS). The agencies have determined that an extension of the comment period until February 28, 2020, is appropriate.
Certain Electronic Devices With Optical Filters and Optical Sensor Systems and Components Thereof; Institution of Investigation
Document Number: 2019-27837
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: International Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on November 18, 2019, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of Viavi Solutions Inc. of San Jose, California. A supplement to the complaint was filed on December 9, 2019. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain electronic devices with optical filters and optical sensor systems and components thereof by reason of infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent No. 9,588,269 (``the '269 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 9,945,995 (``the '995 patent''); and U.S. Patent No. 10,222,526 (``the '526 patent''). The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by the applicable Federal Statute. The complainant requests that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue a limited exclusion order and cease and desist orders.
Privacy Act of 1974; Systems of Records
Document Number: 2019-27584
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-12-27
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-108, notice is hereby given that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), proposes to modify 28 and rescind 9 of its system of records notices. The proposed modifications would include incorporating, for the convenience of readers, the full text of routine uses previously described in a Prefatory Statement of General Routine Uses directly into each individual system notice to which they apply, incorporating system-breach notification routine uses into each system notice in accordance with OMB Memorandum M-17-12, narrowing the scope of one system notice to eliminate, in accordance with OMB Circular A-108, the partial duplication of a government-wide system of records notice, and eliminating a redundant routine use from one system notice. Of the proposed rescindments of system notices, six would eliminate, in accordance with OMB Circular A-108, notices that duplicate government-wide system of records notices, and three would eliminate notices that are no longer necessary because the records they cover do not qualify as Privacy Act records. Additional details are provided in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.
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