Agencies and Commissions 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 601 - 650 of 7,541
Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurized-Water Reactors
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft NUREG, NUREG-2103, Revision 0, ``Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurized-Water Reactors.
Solicitation of Feedback on the Effectiveness of the Reactor Oversight Process
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is soliciting survey input from members of the public, licensees, and interest groups related to the effectiveness of the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP). This solicitation will provide insights into the self- assessment process, and a summary of the survey results will be included in the annual ROP self-assessment report to the Commission.
Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment on the Proposed Model Safety Evaluation for Plant-Specific Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-505, Revision 1, “Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times-RITSTF Initiative 4B”
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting public comment on the proposed model safety evaluation (SE) for plant- specific adoption of Technical Specifications (TS) Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-505, Revision 1, ``Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion TimesRITSTF Initiative 4B.'' TSTF-505, Revision 1, is available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) under Accession Number ML111650552; the model application is available in ADAMS under Accession Number ML112850506. The proposed model SE for plant-specific adoption of TSTF-505, Revision 1, is available electronically under ADAMS Accession Number ML112690239. The proposed amendment would modify the TS requirements related to Completion Times (CTs) for Required Actions to provide the option to calculate a longer, risk-informed CT. A new program, the Risk-Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program, is added to TS Section 5, Administrative Controls. The proposed change revises the Improved Standard Technical Specification (ISTS), NUREGs-1430, -1431, -1432, - 1433, and -1434.
Notice of Entering Into a Compact With the Republic of Indonesia
In accordance with Section 610(b)(2) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is publishing a summary and the complete text of the Millennium Challenge Compact between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Indonesia. Representatives of the United States Government and the Republic of Indonesia executed the Compact documents on November 19, 2011.
Order Contingently Delegating Authority to the Chairman, the General Counsel, and the Chief Administrative Law Judge
The National Labor Relations Board has issued an Order contingently delegating to the General Counsel authority over the appointment, transfer, demotion, or discharge of any Regional Director or of any Officer-in-Charge of a Subregional Office, and over the establishment, transfer or elimination of any Regional or Subregional Office, subject to the right of any sitting Board Member to request full-Board consideration of any particular decision.\1\ The Order also contingently delegates to the Chairman and General Counsel the authority to jointly determine the apportionment and allocation of funds and/or the establishment of personnel ceilings within the Agency, subject to the right of any sitting Board Member to request full-Board consideration of any particular decision. Finally, the Order contingently delegates to the Chief Administrative Law Judge authority over the appointment, transfer, demotion, or discharge of any Administrative Law Judge, subject to the right of any sitting Board Member to request full-Board consideration of any particular decision. These delegations shall become effective during any time at which the Board has fewer than three Members and shall cease to be effective whenever the Board has at least three Members.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB; Capital Plans; Final Agency Information Collection Activities
On June 15, 1984, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) its approval authority under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), pursuant to its regulations, to approve of and assign OMB control numbers to collection of information requests and requirements conducted or sponsored by the Board under conditions set forth in its regulations. Board-approved collections of information are incorporated into the official OMB inventory of currently approved collections of information. Copies of the PRA submission, supporting statements and approved collection of information instruments are placed into OMB's public docket files. The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection that has been extended, revised, or implemented on or after October 1, 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Oral Argument
Notice is hereby given of the scheduling of oral argument in the matters of: James C. Latham v. U.S. Postal Service, MSPB Docket Number DA-0353-10-0408-I-1; Ruby N. Turner v. U.S. Postal Service, MSPB Docket Number SF-0353-10-0329-I-1; Arleather Reaves v. U.S. Postal Service, MSPB Docket Number CH-0353-10-0823-I-1; Cynthia E. Lundy v. U.S. Postal Service; MSPB Docket Number AT-0353-11-0369-I-1; and Marcella Albright v. U.S. Postal Service, MSPB Docket Number DC-0752- 11-0196-I-1. Date and Time: Tuesday, December 13, 2011, at 10 a.m. Place: The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Room 201, 717 Madison Place, NW., Washington DC. Status: Open.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Deering, Missouri post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Port Kent, New York post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Rippey, Iowa post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Nemaha, Nebraska post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the consolidation of the Slayden, Tennessee post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Updates to Contract Reporting and Central Contractor Registration
DoD, GSA, and NASA are proposing to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to limit the use of generic substitutes instead of Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) numbers, and update the policies and procedures associated with reporting in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). Additionally, changes are proposed for the clauses requiring contractor registration in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database and DUNS number reporting.
Information Collection; Submission for OMB Review, Comment Request
The Corporation for National and Community Service (``Corporation''), has submitted a public information collection request (ICR) entitled CNCS Application Instructions and Reporting Questions for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Copies of this ICR, with applicable supporting documentation, may be obtained by calling the Corporation for National and Community Service, Ms. Amy Borgstrom at (202) 606-6930. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TTY-TDD) may call (202) 565- 2799 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
In accordance with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (``PRA''), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., the FDIC may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The FDIC, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the renewal of an existing information collection, as required by the PRA. On September 21, 2011 (76 FR 58513), the FDIC solicited public comment for a 60-day period on renewal of the following information collection: Request for Deregistration for Registered Transfer Agents (OMB No. 3064-0027). No comments were received. Therefore, the FDIC hereby gives notice of submission of its request for renewal to OMB for review.
Update to Notice of Financial Institutions for Which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been Appointed Either Receiver, Liquidator, or Manager
Notice is hereby given that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Corporation) has been appointed the sole receiver for the following financial institutions effective as of the Date Closed as indicated in the listing. This list (as updated from time to time in the Federal Register) may be relied upon as ``of record'' notice that the Corporation has been appointed receiver for purposes of the statement of policy published in the July 2, 1992 issue of the Federal Register (57 FR 29491). For further information concerning the identification of any institutions which have been placed in liquidation, please visit the Corporation Web site at https:// or contact the Manager of Receivership Oversight in the appropriate service center.
Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual
The Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) is adopting revisions to the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval System (EDGAR) Filer Manual to reflect updates to the EDGAR system. The revisions are being made primarily to support the updates to submission form types ABS-15G and ABS-15G/A; to support changes in XBRL validations for filings containing Exhibit 101 documents; to update the OMB information on EDGARLite Form TA-W; and to add a new applicant type to the Form ID. The EDGAR system is scheduled to be upgraded to support this functionality on November 21, 2011. The filer manual is also being revised to address changes previously made in EDGAR.
Certain Wiper Blades; Institution of Investigation
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on October 26, 2011, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, on behalf of Robert Bosch LLC of Farmington Hills, Michigan. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain wiper blades by reason of infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent No. 6,523,218 (``the '218 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 6,553,607 (``the '607 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 6,611,988 (``the '988 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 6,675,434 (``the '434 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 6,836,926 (``the '926 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 6,944,905 (``the '905 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 6,973,698 (``the '698 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 7,293,321 (``the '321 patent''); and U.S. Patent No. 7,523,520 (``the '520 patent''). The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by subsections (a)(2) and (3) of section 337. The complainant requests that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue an exclusion order and cease and desist order.
Certain Dynamic Random Access Memory Devices, and Products Containing Same; Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled In Re Certain Dynamic Random Access Memory Devices, and Products Containing Same, DN 2859; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint.
Investigations: Terminations, Modifications and Rulings: Certain Electronic Devices With Image Processing Systems, Components Thereof, and Associated Software
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined that no violation of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1337) has been shown in the above- captioned investigation and that the investigation is terminated.
Submission for OMB Review; Comments Request
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), agencies are required to publish a Notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has prepared an information collection for OMB review and approval and has requested public review and comment on the submission. Comments are being solicited on the need for the information; the accuracy of the Agency's burden estimate; the quality, practical utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize reporting the burden, including automated collected techniques and uses of other forms of technology.
Submission for OMB Review; Comments Request
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), agencies are required to publish a Notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has prepared an information collection for OMB review and approval and has requested public review and comment on the submission. Comments are being solicited on the need for the information; the accuracy of the Agency's burden estimate; the quality, practical utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize reporting the burden, including automated collected techniques and uses of other forms of technology.
Submission for OMB Review; Comments Request
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), agencies are required to publish a Notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has prepared an information collection for OMB review and approval and has requested public review and comment on the submission. Comments are being solicited on the need for the information; the accuracy of the Agency's burden estimate; the quality, practical utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize reporting the burden, including automated collected techniques and uses of other forms of technology.
Submission for OMB Review; Comments Request
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), agencies are required to publish a Notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has prepared an information collection for OMB review and approval and has requested public review and comment on the submission. Comments are being solicited on the need for the information; the accuracy of the Agency's burden estimate; the quality, practical utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize reporting the burden, including automated collected techniques and uses of other forms of technology.
Submission for OMB Review; Comments Request
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), agencies are required to publish a Notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has prepared an information collection for OMB review and approval and has requested public review and comment on the submission. Comments are being solicited on the need for the information; the accuracy of the Agency's burden estimate; the quality, practical utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize reporting the burden, including automated collected techniques and uses of other forms of technology.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Request for OMB Review; Comment Request
The information collection requirements described below are being submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The FTC is seeking public comments on proposed information requests to beverage alcohol advertisers that will seek information concerning, among other things, sales and marketing expenditures, compliance with voluntary advertising placement provisions, digital marketing practices and data collection, and lesser-known media programs.
Connect America Fund; A National Broadband Plan for Our Future; Establishing Just and Reasonable Rates for Local Exchange Carriers; High-Cost Universal Service Support
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) comprehensively reforms and modernizes the universal service and intercarrier compensation systems to ensure that robust, affordable voice and broadband service, both fixed and mobile, are available to Americans throughout the nation. The Commission adopts fiscally responsible, accountable, incentive-based policies to transition these outdated systems to the Connect America Fund, ensuring fairness for consumers and addressing the communications infrastructure challenges of today and tomorrow. The Commission uses measured but firm glide paths to provide industry with certainty and sufficient time to adapt to a changed regulatory landscape, and establish a framework to distribute universal service funding in the most efficient and technologically neutral manner possible, through market-based mechanisms such as competitive bidding.
Federal Advisory Committee Act; Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, this notice advises interested persons that the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) third Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC III) will hold a meeting on December 16, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Federal Communications Commission, Room TW-C305, 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554.
FM Asymmetric Sideband Operation and Associated Technical Studies
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission seeks comment on a request by certain private parties, identified below, that the Commission authorize voluntary asymmetric digital sideband power for FM stations. This document establishes a period for public comment on this request and on two related technical reports.
Cable Statutory License: Specialty Station List; Correction
Periodically, the Copyright Office (``Office'') seeks to update its list of specialty stations related to the use of the cable compulsory license. In response to the publication of an initial list of specialty stations for this purpose in April of this year, the Office received objections filed by the Motion Picture Association of America to the identification of certain stations as being entitled to specialty station status in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission's (``FCC'') definition of specialty station in effect on June 24, 1981. Corrections are being made to the specialty station list published on November 8, 2011.
Pennsylvania Disaster Number PA-00045
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Pennsylvania (FEMA4030DR), dated 10/07/2011. Incident: Tropical Storm Lee. Incident Period: 09/03/2011 through 10/15/2011.
Virginia Disaster #VA-00041
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Virginia (FEMA- 4045-DR), dated 11/17/2011. Incident: Remnants of Tropical Storm Lee. Incident Period: 09/08/2011 through 09/09/2011. Effective Date: 11/17/2011. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 01/16/2012. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/17/2012.
Procurement List Proposed Additions
The Committee is proposing to add products and a service to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities. Comments Must Be Received On or Before: 12/29/2011.
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