February 9, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 112
Foreign Availability Determination: Anisotropic Plasma Dry Etching Equipment
This notice announces that the Under Secretary for Industry and Security has determined that foreign availability exists for anisotropic plasma dry etching equipment controlled for national security reasons under Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) 3B001.c on the Commerce Control List. This foreign availability determination is in response to a submission from the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) industry association. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has provided a proposal to the Department of State to submit to the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies to remove the 3.B.1.c control from the Arrangement's Dual-Use List. This determination was made pursuant to Section 5(f) of the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and Part 768 of the EAR.
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program-Annual Adjustment Factors, Fiscal Year 2015
The United States Housing Act of 1937 requires that assistance contracts signed by owners participating in the Department's Section 8 housing assistance payment programs provide annual adjustments to monthly rentals for units covered by the contracts. This notice announces FY 2015 AAFs for adjustment of contract rents on assistance contract anniversaries. The factors are based on a formula using residential rent and utility cost changes from the most recent annual Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) survey. Beginning with the FY 2014 AAFs and continuing with these FY 2015 AAFs, the Puerto Rico CPI is used in place of the South Region CPI for all areas in Puerto Rico. These factors are applied at Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract anniversaries for those calendar months commencing after the effective date of this notice. A separate Federal Register Notice will be published at a later date that will identify the inflation factors that will be used to adjust tenant-based rental assistance funding for FY 2015.
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; CDBG Urban County Qualification/Requalification Processes
The proposed information collection requirement described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal.
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program
The proposed information collection requirement described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal.
Florida Power & Light Company; Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 3 and 4
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is giving notice that by petition dated July 18, 2014, as supplemented, Mr. Thomas Saporito (the petitioner) requested that the NRC take enforcement action with regard to Florida Power & Light Company (FPL or the licensee). The petitioner's requests are included in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.
Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan; Sea Turtle Conservation; Modification to Fishing Activities
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issues this final rule amending the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan (BDTRP) and its implementing regulations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The rule requires the year-round use of modified pound net leaders for offshore Virginia pound nets in specified waters of the lower mainstem Chesapeake Bay and coastal state waters. Virginia pound net-related definitions, gear prohibitions, and non-regulatory measures are also finalized. This final rule is based on consensus recommendations of the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Team (BDTRT). For consistency, NMFS also amends current regulations and definitions for Virginia pound nets under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for sea turtle conservation.
ZionSolutions, LLC, Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an exemption in response to an October 27, 2014, request from ZionSolutions, LLC (ZS), for Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS), Units 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-295 and 50-304), from the requirement to investigate and report to the NRC when ZS does not receive notification or receipt of a shipment, or part of a shipment, of low-level radioactive waste within 20 days after transfer. ZionSolutions is currently in the process of decommissioning the ZNPS site. Inherent to the decommissioning process, large volumes of slightly contaminated debris are generated and require disposal at distant locations. Historical data from the experiences of other decommissioning reactor sites indicates that rail transportation time to waste disposal facilities frequently exceeded the 20-day reporting requirement. The licensee requested that the time period for it to receive acknowledgement that the shipment has been received by the intended recipient be extended from 20 to 45 days to avoid an excessive administrative burden because of required investigations and reporting arising from rail shipments that frequently take more than 20 days to reach their destination.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Performance Requirements To Support Air Traffic Control (ATC) Service; Technical Amendment
The FAA is correcting a final rule published on May 28, 2010. In that rule, the FAA amended its regulations by adding equipage requirements and performance standards for Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast (ADS-B) Out avionics on aircraft operating in Classes A, B, and C airspace, as well as other specified classes of airspace within the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS). This document corrects errors in regulatory provisions addressing ADS-B Out equipment and use.
Announcement of the Board of Directors for the National Environmental Education Foundation
The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (doing business as The National Environmental Education Foundation or NEEF) was created by Section 10 of Public Law 101-619, the National Environmental Education Act of 1990. It is a private 501(c)(3) non- profit organization established to promote and support education and training as necessary tools to further environmental protection and sustainable, environmentally sound development. It provides the common ground upon which leaders from business and industry, all levels of government, public interest groups, and others can work cooperatively to expand the reach of environmental education and training programs beyond the traditional classroom. The Foundation promotes innovative environmental education and training programs such as environmental education for medical healthcare providers and broadcast meteorologists; it also develops partnerships with government and other organizations to administer projects that promote the development of an environmentally literal public. The Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as required by the terms of the Act, announces the following appointment to the National Environmental Education Foundation Board of Directors. The appointee is Raul Perea- Henze, M.D., M.P.H., managing director of HORUS Advisors as a strategy advisor in healthcare, global affairs and government relations.
Medical Device Data Systems, Medical Image Storage Devices, and Medical Image Communication Devices; Mobile Medical Applications: Guidances for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of two guidance documents. FDA is issuing ``Medical Device Data Systems, Medical Image Storage Devices, and Medical Image Communication Devices'' to inform manufacturers, distributors, and other entities that the Agency does not intend to enforce compliance with regulatory requirements for Medical Device Data Systems (MDDS) and two similar radiology device types due to the low risk they pose to patients and the importance they play in advancing digital health. FDA is also issuing an updated version of the guidance document ``Mobile Medical Applications,'' originally issued on September 25, 2013, that has been edited to be consistent with the MDDS guidance document.
Announcement of the Board of Directors for the National Environmental Education Foundation
The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (doing business as The National Environmental Education Foundation or NEEF) was created by Section 10 of Public Law 101-619, the National Environmental Education Act of 1990. It is a private 501(c)(3) non- profit organization established to promote and support education and training as necessary tools to further environmental protection and sustainable, environmentally sound development. It provides the common ground upon which leaders from business and industry, all levels of government, public interest groups, and others can work cooperatively to expand the reach of environmental education and training programs beyond the traditional classroom. The Foundation promotes innovative environmental education and training programs such as environmental education for medical healthcare providers and broadcast meteorologists; it also develops partnerships with government and other organizations to administer projects that promote the development of an environmentally literal public. The Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as required by the terms of the Act, announces the following appointment to the National Environmental Education Foundation Board of Directors. The appointee is George Basile, Ph.D., a Professor in the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University (ASU), a Senior Sustainability Scientist in ASU's Global Institute of Sustainability and Affiliate Professor in the School on Public Affairs.
Aquatic Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations
On December 11, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) solicited comments on draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-4023, ``Aquatic Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations.'' The public comment period was originally scheduled to close on February 9, 2015. The NRC has decided to extend the public comment period to allow more time for members of the public to develop and submit their comments.
Final Requirements-School Improvement Grants-Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
The Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education adopts final requirements for the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program, authorized under section 1003(g) of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA). These final requirements make changes to the current SIG program requirements and implement language in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, that allows local educational agencies (LEAs) to implement additional interventions, provides flexibility for rural LEAs, and extends the grant period from three to five years. Additionally, the final requirements make changes that reflect lessons learned from four years of SIG implementation.
Notice of Proposed Withdrawal Modification of Public Land Order No. 184 and Opportunity for a Public Meeting, Colorado
The Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Management proposes to modify, on behalf of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Public Land Order (PLO) No. 184 by opening the public land to all forms of appropriation and entry under the public land laws to provide for the disposal of small, fragmented, isolated parcels that are largely intermingled within residential areas. The public lands will remain closed to location and entry under the United States mining and mineral leasing laws. This notice gives the public an opportunity to comment on the application and to request a public meeting.
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council); Public Meeting
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will hold a meeting of the Ecosystem Scientific and Statistical Committee.
DoD Board of Actuaries; Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
The Department of Defense is publishing this notice to announce a meeting of the DoD Board of Actuaries. This meeting will be open to the public.
Study on Improving the Certification Process for the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program
Section 107 of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 (Reauthorization Act) requires the Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary) to conduct a study on the certification process in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, as amended (TRIA). The Secretary also must submit a report on the results of its study to Congress. To assist the Secretary in conducting the study and formulating the report, the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) is issuing this request for comment.
National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity
This notice invites the public to submit written comments concerning the NACIQI Policy Recommendations Report dated January 2, 2015, under Section 114(d)(2)(B) of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended, 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1011c(d)(2)(B). Submission of Written Comments Regarding the Committee's Policy Recommendations: The Committee published its draft policy recommendations at https://www2.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/naciqi-dir/ 2014-fall/naciqi-draft-recomendations-report-01012015.pdf. on January 23, 2015, and invites written comments. Comments must be received by February 28, 2015, in the ThirdPartyComments@ed.gov mailbox and include the subject line ``Written Comments: Policy Recommendations 2014''. The email must include the name(s), title, organization/ affiliation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number, of the person(s) making the comment. Comments should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document or in a medium compatible with Microsoft Word (not a PDF file) that is attached to an electronic mail message (email) or provided in the body of an email message. Please do not send material directly to the NACIQI members.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; Semi-Annual Progress Report for Grantees From the Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program; Extension of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Boulder Canyon Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-171
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing to extend the existing rate-setting formula for the Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) through September 30, 2020, and adjust the annual calculation for fiscal year (FY 2016) Base Charge and Rates under proposed Rate Schedule BCP-F9 (Proposed Base Charge and Rates). The existing Rate Schedule BCP-F8 expires on September 30, 2015. This notice of proposed extension of the electric service rate-setting formula and adjustment of the base charge and rates is issued pursuant to 10 CFR part 903.23(a) and 10 CFR part 904. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process for the proposed extension of the electric service rate-setting formula and the annual calculation of the base charge and rates.
New Postal Product
The Commission is noticing a recent Postal Service filing concerning an addition of Priority Mail Contract 107 to the competitive product list. This notice informs the public of the filing, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps.
FTA Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information
On December 16, 2014, President Obama signed the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (FY 2015 Appropriations) which provided $11.008 billion in new budget authority including a full fiscal year's funding for the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) programs funded from the General Fund of the Treasury, which funds its administrative expenses as well as its Research, Technical Assistance and Training programs, Capital Investment Grants program, and Grants to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. The FY 2015 Appropriations Act follows several continuing resolutions that provided funds for these programs through December 15, 2014. The Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 extended FTA's contract (budget) authority to carry out its formula assistance programs only through May 31, 2015. The act pro-rated the amount of budget authority available for the period October 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015 based on an anticipated full FY 2015 total of $8.595 billion. As a result, FTA may apportion only 8/12th or $5.722 billion in contract authority at this time. When combined with the full-year funding from the General Funded programs listed above, FTA is apportioning or allocating in this notice a total of $8.136 billion of the $11.008 billion of new budget authority provided in the FY 2015 Appropriations. Congress will have to extend the authorization for public transportation beyond May 31, 2015, before additional contract authority can be provided for the formula assistance programs. FTA annually publishes one or more notices apportioning funds appropriated by law. This notice apportions and provides information on the FY 2015 funding currently available for FTA assistance programs, provides program guidance and requirements, and information on several program issues important in the current year. This notice also provides information on FTA's discretionary programs and forthcoming program guidance.
Establishment of The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater Viticultural Area
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) establishes the approximately 3,770-acre ``The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater'' viticultural area in Umatilla County, Oregon. The viticultural area lies entirely within the Walla Walla Valley viticultural area which, in turn, lies within the Columbia Valley viticultural area. TTB designates viticultural areas to allow vintners to better describe the origin of their wines and to allow consumers to better identify wines they may purchase.
Use of American Viticultural Area Names as Appellations of Origin on Wine Labels
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is proposing to amend its regulations to permit the use of American viticultural area names as appellations of origin on labels for wines that would otherwise qualify for the use of the AVA name, except that the wines have been fully finished in a State adjacent to the State in which the viticultural area is located, rather than the State in which the labeled viticultural area is located. The proposal would provide greater flexibility in wine production and labeling while still ensuring that consumers are provided with adequate information as to the identity of the wines they purchase. TTB permits the use of viticultural area names as appellations of origin on wine labels, so that vintners may better describe the origin of their wines and consumers may better identify the wines they may purchase.
Notice of Intent To Amend the California Desert Conservation Area Plan and Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for a Proposed Recreation Area Management Plan and General Plan Update for the Management of Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area in Imperial County, California
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) El Centro Field Office, California, and California Department of Parks and Recreation Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVR) intend to prepare a California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan Amendment with an associated joint Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/ Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) for the proposed Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) and General Plan update. By this notice, the BLM and OHMVR are announcing the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues.
Second Call for Nominations for the California Desert District Advisory Council
The purpose of this notice is to reopen the request for public nominations for the Desert Advisory Council (DAC). Council members provide advice and recommendations to the BLM on the management of public lands in Southern California.
Technical Report Evaluating Lives Saved by Vehicle Safety Technologies
This notice announces NHTSA's publication of a technical report estimating the lives saved in 2012 and also cumulatively from 1960 through 2012 by vehicle safety technologies in passenger cars and LTVs. The report's title is: Lives Saved by Vehicle Safety Technologies and Associated Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, 1960 to 2012.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Information Collection; Progress Payments (SF-1443)
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Regulatory Secretariat will be submitting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve an extension of a previously information collection requirement concerning progress payments.
Revision of Land and Resource Management Plan for Cibola National Forest Mountain Ranger Districts: Counties of Bernalillo, Catron, Cibola, Lincoln, McKinley, Sandoval, Sierra, Socorro, Torrance, and Valencia, New Mexico
As directed by the National Forest Management Act, the USDA Forest Service is revising the existing Cibola Land and Resource Management Plan (hereafter referred to as Forest Plan) through development of an associated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This notice describes the documents (assessment Report, summaries of public meetings, preliminary needs-for-change statements) available for review and how to obtain them; summarizes the needs for change to the existing Forest Plan; provides information concerning public participation and engagement, including the process for submitting comments; provides an estimated schedule for the planning process, including the time available for comments, and includes the names and addresses of agency contacts who can provide additional information.
Availability of Final Toxicological Profiles
This notice announces the availability of the final Toxicological Profiles Toxaphene and Trichlorobenzenes prepared by ATSDR.
Random Drug Testing Rate for Covered Crewmembers
The Coast Guard has set the calendar year 2015 minimum random drug testing rate at 25 percent of covered crewmembers.
Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Law and Order on Indian Reservations-Marriage and Dissolution Applications
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is seeking comments on the renewal of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for the collection of information for the Law and Order on Indian ReservationsMarriage & Dissolution Applications, which concerns marriage and dissolution of a marriage in a Court of Indian Offenses. The information collection is currently authorized by OMB Control Number 1076-0094. This information collection expires April 30, 2015.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Management and Oversight of the Acquisition of Services; Correction
DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a correction to FAR Case 2014- 008; Management and Oversight of the Acquisition of Services (Item II), which was published in the Federal Register at 80 FR 4992, January 29, 2015.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Ending Trafficking in Persons; Corrections
DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing corrections to FAR Case 2013- 001; Ending Trafficking in Persons (Item I), which was published in the Federal Register at 80 FR 4967, January 29, 2015.
General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR); GSAR Case 2008-G509; Rewrite of GSAR Part 536, Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts
GSA has decided to withdraw GSAR Case 2008-G509; Rewrite of General Services Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) Part 536, Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts. This rule is being withdrawn because the General Services Administration believes that an agency review of the current implementation plan for this GSAR case is appropriate to address the variety of issues included in the GSAR Part 536 Rewrite and to address strong stakeholder interest.
Information Collections Being Submitted for Review and Approval to the Office of Management and Budget
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), the Federal Communication Commission (FCC or Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collections. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB control number.
Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission Under Delegated Authority
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.
Privacy Act System of Records
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission or Agency) proposes to add a new system of records, FCC/CGB-4, ``Internet- based Telecommunications Relay Service-User Registration Database (ITRS-URD) Program.'' The FCC's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) will use the information contained in the ITRS-URD Program's system of records to cover the personally identifiable information (PII) that is collected, used, stored, and maintained as part of the management, operations, and functions of the ITRS-URD's Program's database(s). The ITRS-URD Program, which is administered under contract with the FCC, is a database registration system that provides a necessary interface for multiple services, which include, but are not limited to Internet-based Telecommunications Relay Services (ITRS) such as VRS,\1\ IP Relay,\2\ and IPCTS,\3\ for individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and/or have speech disabilities, and who are eligible under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and who have registered to subscribe to/participate in the ITRS-URD Program's services. These various forms of Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) allow persons who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and/or have a speech disability to engage in communication by wire or radio with one or more individuals, in a manner that is functionally equivalent to the ability of a hearing individual who does not have a speech disability to communicate using voice communication services by wire or radio.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Technical Amendments; Corrections
DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing corrections to the Technical Amendments; (Item III), which was published in the Federal Register at 80 FR 4994, January 29, 2015.
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and its implementing regulations, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) hereby announces that it is seeking renewal of the following currently approved information collection activities. Before submitting the information collection requests (ICRs) below for clearance by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), FRA is soliciting public comment on specific aspects of the activities identified below.
Brief Summary and Adequate Directions for Use: Disclosing Risk Information in Consumer-Directed Print Advertisements and Promotional Labeling for Human Prescription Drugs; Revised Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of a revised draft guidance for industry entitled ``Brief Summary and Adequate Directions for Use: Disclosing Risk Information in Consumer-Directed Print Advertisements and Promotional Labeling for Human Prescription Drugs.'' This revised draft guidance, when finalized, will assist manufacturers, packers, and distributors (firms) of human prescription drugs and biologics with meeting the brief summary requirement for prescription drug advertising and the requirement that adequate directions for use be included with promotional labeling for prescription drugs when print materials are directed toward consumers. FDA is also announcing the withdrawal of the draft guidance for industry entitled ``Brief Summary: Disclosing Risk Information in Consumer-Directed Print Advertisements.''
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