June 27, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 137
Safety Zone; San Diego Symphony Summer POPS Fireworks 2013 Season, San Diego, CA
The Coast Guard is establishing a safety zone on the navigable waters of San Diego Bay in support of the San Diego Symphony Summer POPS Fireworks 2013 season. This safety zone is necessary to provide for the safety of the participants, crew, spectators, participating vessels, and other vessels and users of the waterway. Persons and vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or anchoring within this safety zone unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, or his designated representative.
Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee
The Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee (GLPAC) will meet virtually on July 15, 2013. The meeting will be open to the public via a web-enabled interactive online format and teleconference line. Seating will be available at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC for those interested.
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; General Provisions for Domestic Fisheries; Application for Exempted Fishing Permits
The Assistant Regional Administrator for Sustainable Fisheries, Northeast Region, NMFS (Assistant Regional Administrator), has made a preliminary determination that an Exempted Fishing Permit application contains all of the required information and warrants further consideration and that the activities authorized under this Exempted Fishing Permit would be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Monkfish Fishery Management Plan. However, further review and consultation may be necessary before a final determination is made to issue an Exempted Fishing Permit. The Exempted Fishing Permit would grant exemptions from monkfish days-at-sea possession limits. The primary goal of this study, by the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, is to investigate the influence of temperature on monkfish distribution and abundance. Regulations under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act require publication of this notification to provide interested parties the opportunity to comment on applications for proposed Exempted Fishing Permits.
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; General Provisions for Domestic Fisheries; Application for Exempted Fishing Permits
The Assistant Regional Administrator for Sustainable Fisheries, Northeast Region, NMFS (Assistant Regional Administrator), has made a preliminary determination that an exempted fishing permit application contains all of the required information and warrants further consideration. This exempted fishing permit would facilitate compensation fishing under the monkfish Research Set-Aside Program by exempting vessels from monkfish days-at-sea possession limits. The compensation fishing is in support of a 2013 Monkfish Research Set- Aside project that is attempting to validate monkfish aging methods. The project is being conducted by the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, School for Marine Science and Technology. Regulations under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act require publication of this notification to provide interested parties the opportunity to comment on applications for proposed exempted fishing permits.
Panda Power LLC, Denial of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance
Panda Power LLC (Panda Power) \1\, has determined that High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting kits \2\ that it imported and sold during 2007, 2008 and 2009 failed to meet the requirements of paragraph S7.7 of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 108, Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment. Panda Power has filed an appropriate report pursuant to 49 CFR Part 573, Defect and Noncompliance Responsibility and Reports, dated February 10, 2010.
General Motors, LLC, Receipt of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance
General Motors, LLC (GM) \1\ has determined that certain model year (MY) 2007 through 2013 GM trucks and multipurpose passenger vehicles (MPVs) manufactured from June 19, 2006, through December 6, 2012 do not fully comply with paragraph S4.3 of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 110, Tire Selection and Rims for Motor Vehicles with a GVWR of 4,536 Kilograms or less. GM has filed an appropriate report dated December 19, 2012, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 573, Defect and Noncompliance Responsibility and Reports. Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 30118(d) and 30120(h) (see implementing rule at 49 CFR Part 556), GM submitted a petition for an exemption from the notification and remedy requirements of 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301 on the basis that this noncompliance is inconsequential to motor vehicle safety.
BMW of North America, LLC, a Subsidiary of BMW AG, Grant of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance
BMW of North America, LLC (BMW) \1\, a subsidiary of BMW AG \2\, Munich, Germany, has determined that certain model year (MY) 2012 MINI Cooper Countryman passenger cars with optional three passenger rear seating and manufactured between August 1, 2011 and May 23, 2012, do not fully comply with paragraph S4.3 (b) of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 110, Tire selection and rims and motor home/recreation vehicle trailer load carrying capacity information for motor vehicles with a GVWR of 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or less. BMW has filed an appropriate report dated June 1, 2012, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 573, Defect and Noncompliance Responsibility and Reports.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation Revision: Removal of the Pesticide Discharge Permitting Exemption in Response to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision
The EPA is amending its regulations to remove language added by the EPA's 2006 NPDES Pesticides Rule which exempted the application of pesticides from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements in two circumstances: When the application of the pesticide is made directly to waters of the United States to control pests that are present in the water, and when the application of the pesticide is made to control pests that are over, including near, waters of the United States. This rulemaking is in response to the 2009 Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that vacated the EPA's 2006 NPDES Pesticides Rule.
Public Water System Supervision Program Approval for the State of Illinois
Notice is hereby given that the State of Illinois is revising its approved public water system supervision program for the Ground Water Rule, the Arsenic Rule and the new Public Water System Definition. EPA has determined that these revisions are no less stringent than the corresponding federal regulation. Therefore, EPA intends to approve these revisions to the State of Illinois's public water system supervision program, thereby giving Illinois EPA primary enforcement responsibility for these regulations. Illinois EPA's revised Ground Water Rule became effective on July 27, 2007 and the revised Arsenic Rule was adopted on February 21, 2002. The new Public Water System Definition was adopted by the State on December 1, 1999. Any interested person may request a public hearing. A request for a public hearing must be submitted by July 29, 2013, to the Regional Administrator at the EPA Region 5 address shown below. The Regional Administrator may deny frivolous or insubstantial requests for a hearing. However, if a substantial request for a public hearing is made by July 29, 2013, EPA Region 5 will hold a public hearing, and a notice of such hearing will be given in the Federal Register and a newspaper of general circulation. If EPA Region 5 does not receive a timely and appropriate request for a hearing and the Regional Administrator does not elect to hold a hearing on her own motion, this determination shall become final and effective on July 29, 2013. Any request for a public hearing shall include the following information: the name, address, and telephone number of the individual, organization, or other entity requesting a hearing; a brief statement of the requesting person's interest in the Regional Administrator's determination and a brief statement of the information that the requesting person intends to submit at such hearing; and the signature of the individual making the request, or, if the request is made on behalf of an organization or other entity, the signature of a responsible official of the organization or other entity.
Additional Documents Available for Public Review Related to Willingness To Pay Survey for Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load: Instrument, Pre-Test, and Implementation; Comment Request
The Environmental Protection Agency has made available for public review a revised Supporting Statement and additional documentation related to its recent information collection request (ICR) submission to OMB entitled ``Willingness to Pay Survey for Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load: Instrument, Pre-test, and Implementation'' (EPA ICR No. 2456.01, OMB Control No. 2010-NEW). The additional documents, now available in the associated docket, are: The Peer Review Report, the Focus Group and Cognitive Interview Report and the Description of Hydrological, Biochemical, and Ecosystem Models (Attachment 17 of the revised Supporting Statement). These documents may provide useful information to interested parties regarding the development and design of the survey instruments proposed for this project. Full transcripts of the focus groups and cognitive interviews were not prepared and are therefore not available. Public comments were previously requested on the ICR via the Federal Register on May 24, 2012 during a 60-day comment period, which was later extended for an additional 30 days. An additional 30-day comment period was initiated upon submission of the ICR to OMB for review and consideration. This notice allows for an additional 30 days of public comments on the ICR in light of the availability of the additional documentation.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Information Requirements for Boilers and Industrial Furnaces
The Environmental Protection Agency is planning to submit an information collection request (ICR), Information Requirements for Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (EPA ICR No. 1361.16, OMB Control No. 2050-0073) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Before doing so, EPA is soliciting public comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below. This is a proposed extension of the ICR, which is currently approved through October 31, 2013. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Certain Silicon Microphone Packages and Products Containing Same; Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Silicon Microphone Packages and Products Containing Same, DN 2962; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing under section 210.8(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 210.8(b)).
Lifting of Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) Proliferation Sanctions Against Chinese Entities
A determination has been made, pursuant to Section 81(e) of the Arms Export Control Act and Section 11C(e) of the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, to lift nonproliferation measures on Chinese entities.
Announcement of Funding Awards for Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control, and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Programs for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013
In accordance with Section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, this announcement notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in competitions for funding under the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (OHHLHC) Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control, and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program Notices of Funding Availability. This announcement contains the name and address of the award recipients and the amounts of awards under the Consolidated and Further Appropriations Act, 2013, and prior-year appropriations.
Endangered Species; Receipt of Applications for Permit
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits activities with listed species unless Federal authorization is acquired that allows such activities.
Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing a revision to Regulatory Guide (RG) 5.29, ``Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants.'' This regulatory guide provides guidance on recordkeeping and reporting requirements with respect to material control and accounting. This guide applies to all nuclear power plants.
Standard Format and Content for Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 1 of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.185, ``Standard Format and Content for Post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report.'' This guide describes a method that the NRC staff considers acceptable for use in complying with the Commission's requirements regarding the submission of a post-shutdown decommissioning activities report (PSDAR).
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of cracks in stringer splices at body station STA 360 and STA 908, between stringer (S) S-10L and S-10R; cracks in butt straps between S-5L and S- 3L, and S-3R and S-5R; vertical chem-mill fuselage skin cracks at certain butt joints; and an instance of cracking that occurred in all those three structural elements on one airplane. This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections for any cracking of stringer splices and butt straps, and related corrective and investigative actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct cracking in the three structural elements, which could result in the airplane not being able to sustain limit load requirements and possibly result in uncontrolled decompression.
Technical Amendments to Counter-Terrorism Sanctions Regulations Implemented by OFAC
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') of the U.S. Department of the Treasury is amending the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations and the Terrorism Sanctions Regulations (the ``TSR'') to clarify the scope of prohibitions on the making of donations contained in the underlying Executive orders and that a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to those programs has an interest in all property and interests in property of an entity in which it owns, directly or indirectly, a 50 percent or greater interest. In addition, OFAC is amending the TSR to add a definition of the term ``financial, material, or technological support'' and to set at 180 days the maximum term of maturity for instruments in which funds may be invested or held within a blocked interest-bearing account. Finally, OFAC is correcting a clerical error within the Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations.
Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to GE Appliances From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of the decision and order (Case No. RF-029) that grants to GE Appliances (GE) a waiver from the DOE electric refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test procedures for determining the energy consumption of residential refrigerator-freezers for the basic models set forth in its petition for waiver. Under today's decision and order, GE shall be required to test and rate its refrigerator-freezers with dual compressors using an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy consumption.
Availability of Guidance: Establishments Guidance for the Selection of a Commercial or Private Microbiological Testing Laboratory
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is announcing the availability of final guidance for federally inspected establishments in the selection of commercial and private microbiological testing laboratories. FSIS has posted this policy guidance on its Web page https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/ topics/regulatory-compliance/compliance-guides-index. FSIS encourages establishments that prepare meat, poultry, or processed egg products to consider the criteria in the guidance in selecting commercial or private microbiological testing laboratories and in determining the laboratories' capability to produce accurate and reliable results. Regulated establishments are required to introduce into commerce only meat, poultry, or processed egg products that are safe and not adulterated or misbranded. Establishments that select laboratories that do not apply appropriate testing methods or maintain effective Quality Control or Quality Assurance (QC/QA) practices may not receive reliable or useful test results and thus run the risk of not being aware that the food that they have produced is unsafe.
Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to GE Appliances From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of the decision and order (Case No. RF-028) that grants to GE Appliances (GE) a waiver from the DOE electric refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test procedures for determining the energy consumption of residential refrigerator-freezers for the basic models set forth in its petition for waiver. Under today's decision and order, GE shall be required to test and rate its refrigerator-freezers with separate fresh-food and freezer evaporators and a compressor that cycles in a non-uniform pattern using an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy consumption.
Public Review and Comment; Public Hearing-2013 Update of Comprehensive Plan
On June 20, 2013, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission released a proposed 2013 Update of the Comprehensive Plan for the Water Resources of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (2013 Update of the Comprehensive Plan) for public review and comment. In accordance with Section 14.1 of the Susquehanna River Basin Compact, the Commission shall develop and adopt, and may from time to time review and revise a comprehensive plan for management of the basin's water resources. As part of the public comment process, the Commission will hold a public hearing to hear testimony on the 2013 Update of the Comprehensive Plan. Written comments may be submitted at any time during the public comment period.
Illinois Disaster Number IL-00042
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Illinois (FEMA-4116-DR), dated 06/06/2013. Incident: Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds and Flooding. Incident Period: 04/16/2013 through 05/05/2013. Effective Date: 06/13/2013. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/05/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/06/2014.
Michigan Disaster #MI-00027
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Michigan (FEMA- 4121-DR), dated 06/18/2013. Incident: Flooding. Incident Period: 04/16/2013 through 05/14/2013. Effective Date: 06/18/2013. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/19/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/18/2014.
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Increased Transit Service to King of Prussia, PA
The FTA and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) are planning to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Section 4(f) Evaluation for increased transit service to King of Prussia, PA. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as FTA's regulations and guidance for implementing NEPA (40 CFR 1501.2 through 8 and 23 CFR 771.111). FTA is issuing this notice to solicit public and agency input regarding the scope of the EIS and to advise the public and agencies that outreach activities conducted by SEPTA and its representatives will be considered in the preparation of the EIS. SEPTA is undertaking this Draft EIS under current FTA regulations and guidance. SEPTA has indicated that it intends to seek FTA New Starts funding.
Illinois Disaster Number IL-00042
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Illinois (FEMA-4116-DR), dated 06/06/2013. Incident: Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds and Flooding. Incident Period: 04/16/2013 through 05/05/2013. Effective Date: 06/20/2013. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/05/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/06/2014.
Request for Comments on a New Information Collection
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below is being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comments. A Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following information collection was published on April 9, 2013 (78 FR 21189).
Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee
This notice announces a meeting of the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC). The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of these meetings be announced in the Federal Register.
Iowa Disaster Number IA-00052
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Iowa (FEMA- 4119-DR), dated 05/31/2013. Incident: Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds, and Flooding. Incident Period: 04/17/2013 through 04/30/2013. Effective Date: 06/20/2013. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 07/30/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/03/2014.
Filing of Plat of Survey, Wyoming
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is scheduled to file the plat of survey of the land described below thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this publication in the BLM Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
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