2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 200 of 29,268
Electronic Fund Transfers (Regulation E)
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is proposing to amend subpart B of Regulation E, which implements the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, and the official interpretation to the regulation. The proposal would refine a final rule issued by the Bureau earlier in 2012 that implements section 1073 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act regarding remittance transfers. The proposal addresses three narrow issues. First, the proposal would provide additional flexibility regarding the disclosure of foreign taxes, as well as fees imposed by a designated recipient's institution for receiving a remittance transfer in an account. Second, the proposal would limit a remittance transfer provider's obligation to disclose foreign taxes to those imposed by a country's central government. Third, the proposal would revise the error resolution provisions that apply when a remittance transfer is not delivered to a designated recipient because the sender provided incorrect or insufficient information, and, in particular, when a sender provides an incorrect account number and that incorrect account number results in the funds being deposited in the wrong account. The Bureau is also proposing to temporarily delay and extend the effective date of the rule.
Rescinding Spent Fuel Pool Exclusion Regulations
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is providing supplemental information to a notice of receipt that appeared in the Federal Register on December 19, 2012. This document informed the public of a petition for rulemaking submitted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Commonwealth) requesting that the NRC institute a rulemaking to rescind the regulations excluding consideration of spent fuel pool storage impacts from license renewal environmental reviews. This action is necessary to provide the public with supplemental information on how to access documents referenced in the Commonwealth's petition.
Freedom of Information Act Regulations
This rule revises the regulations that the Department of the Interior (the ``Department'') follows in processing records under the Freedom of Information Act (``FOIA''). The revisions clarify and update procedures for requesting information from the Department and procedures that the Department follows in responding to requests from the public. The revisions also incorporate clarifications and updates resulting from changes to the FOIA and case law. Finally, the revisions include current cost figures to be used in calculating and charging fees and increase the amount of information that members of the public may receive from the Department without being charged processing fees.
Exhaust Emissions Standards for New Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines and Identification Plate for Aircraft Engines
This action amends the emission standards for turbine engine powered airplanes to incorporate the standards promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on June 18, 2012. This amendment fulfills the FAA's requirements under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 to issue regulations ensuring compliance with the EPA standards. This action revises the standards for oxides of nitrogen and test procedures for exhaust emissions based on International Civil Aviation Organization standards, and for the identification and marking requirements for engines.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Technical Amendments
DoD is making technical amendments to the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to provide needed editorial changes.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Definition of Cost or Pricing Data (DFARS Case 2011-D040)
DoD is issuing a final rule to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update the text to reflect the distinction between ``certified cost or pricing data'' and ``data other than certified cost or pricing data.'' The DFARS changes are necessary to ensure consistency with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) which had been amended to clarify the distinction between those terms, as well as the requirements for the submission of cost or pricing data.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Contracting Activity Updates (DFARS Case 2012-D045)
DoD is issuing a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to revise the definitions of ``contracting activity'' and ``departments and agencies'' found at DFARS subpart 202.101.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: New Qualifying Country-Poland (DFARS Case 2012-D049)
DoD is issuing a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to add Poland as a qualifying country.
Removal of Job Training Partnership Act Implementing Regulations
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the Department of Labor (Department) is removing the regulations at 20 CFR parts 626, 627, 628, 631, 632, 633, 634, 636, 637, and 638, which implemented the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA or the Act). These regulations were designed to improve the employment status of disadvantaged youth, adults, dislocated workers, and other individuals facing barriers to employment. In 1998, Congress passed the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which required the Secretary of Labor to transition any authority under the JTPA to the system created by WIA. Therefore, the Department is taking this action to remove regulations for a program that is no longer operative.
Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Sussex County, DE; Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability for review of our final comprehensive conservation plan (CCP) and environmental impact statement (EIS) for Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). The CCP/EIS describes how we propose to manage the refuge for the next 15 years.
Osage Negotiated Rulemaking Committee
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. Appendix 2, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Osage Negotiated Rulemaking Committee will meet as indicated below.
Opening of Boquillas Border Crossing and Update to the Class B Port of Entry Description
This rule establishes a border crossing in Big Bend National Park called Boquillas and designates it as a Customs station for customs purposes and a Class B port of entry (POE) for immigration purposes. The Boquillas crossing will be situated between Presidio and Del Rio, Texas. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the National Park Service (NPS) are partnering on the construction of a joint use facility in Big Bend National Park where the border crossing will operate. This rule also updates the description of a Class B port of entry to reflect current border crossing documentation requirements.
New Jersey Disaster Number NJ-00033
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of New Jersey (FEMA-4086-DR), dated 10/30/ 2012. Incident: Hurricane Sandy. Incident Period: 10/26/2012 through 11/08/2012. Effective Date: 12/18/2012. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 01/30/2013. EIDL Loan Application Deadline Date: 07/31/2013.
Alaska Disaster #AK-00025
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the State of Alaska dated 12/18/2012. Incident: High Winds and Flooding. Incident Period: 09/15/2012 through 09/30/2012. Effective Date: 12/18/2012. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 02/18/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/18/2013.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Spiny Lobster Fishery of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; Exempted Fishing Permit
NMFS announces the receipt of an application for an exempted fishing permit (EFP) from Dr. David Olsen (St. Thomas Fisherman's Association). If granted, the EFP would authorize contracted commercial fishermen to temporarily possess undersized and berried Caribbean spiny lobster for non-lethal sampling (tagging) during the course of their normal fishing activities. This non-lethal sampling would include implanting a tag on each spiny lobster before releasing the lobster with minimal harm. Data will be collected and analyzed to determine spiny lobster growth and movement patterns, and an attempt will be made to estimate the spiny lobster population size in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Currently, data on U.S. Caribbean spiny lobster life history are limited, particularly growth rates and abundance patterns. Additional life history information would provide the Caribbean Fishery Management Council (Council) and NMFS valuable data that may be used for future management of spiny lobster. The EFP would also seek to temporarily retain a sample number of spiny lobsters at a designated facility for a study to assess tag mortality and retention.
Request for Proposal Platform Pilot
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is announcing a pilot where federal agencies will test a new request for proposal (RFP) platform (RFP-EZ) to streamline the process through which the government buys web design and related technology services from small businesses for acquisitions valued at or below the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT). RFP-EZ is one of five projects sponsored by the Office of Science and Technology Policy's Presidential Innovation Fellows Program, which leverages the ingenuity of leading problem solvers from across America together with federal innovators to tackle projects that aim to fuel job creation, save taxpayers money, and significantly improve how the federal government serves the American people. Under the RFP-EZ pilot, which will initially run from December 28, 2012 through May 1, 2013, agencies will identify individual procurements valued at or below the simplified acquisition threshold that can be set aside for small businesses to test a suite of functional tools for: (1) Simplifying the development of statements of work, (2) improving agency access to information about small businesses, (3) enabling small businesses to submit quotes, bids or proposals (collectively referred to as proposals) electronically in response to a solicitation posted on Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps); (4) enhancing efficiencies for evaluating proposals, and (5) improving how information (including prices paid by federal agencies) is captured and stored. The pilot will be conducted in accordance with existing laws and regulations. Interested parties are encouraged to review and comment on the functionality of RFP-EZ, as described at www.sba.gov/rfpez and highlighted in this notice. Responses to this notice will be considered for possible refinements to the RFP-EZ platform during the pilot and as part of the evaluation of the benefits and costs of making RFP-EZ a permanent platform fully integrated with FedBizOpps, the System for Award Management and agency contract writing systems.
New York Disaster Number NY-00131
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of New York (FEMA4085DR), dated 11/03/2012. Incident: Hurricane Sandy. Incident Period: 10/27/2012 through 11/08/2012, Effective Date: 12/18/2012. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 01/02/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/05/2013.
Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations
New or modified Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, and/or the regulatory floodway (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard determinations) as shown on the indicated Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for each of the communities listed in the table below are finalized. Each LOMR revises the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and in some cases the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, currently in effect for the listed communities. The flood hazard determinations modified by each LOMR will be used to calculate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents.
Opportunity for Designation in Muncie, IN; Fremont, NE; Annapolis, MD; and Lafayette, IN Areas; Request for Comments on the Official Agencies Servicing These Areas
The designations of the official agencies listed below will end on June 30, 2013. We are asking persons or governmental agencies interested in providing official services in the areas presently served by these agencies to submit an application for designation. In addition, we are asking for comments on the quality of services provided by the following designated agencies: East Indiana Grain Inspection, Inc. (East Indiana); Fremont Grain Inspection Department, Inc. (Fremont); Maryland Department of Agriculture (Maryland); and Titus Grain Inspection, Inc. (Titus).
Opportunity for Designation in Amarillo, TX; Cairo, IL; Baton Rouge, LA; Raleigh, NC; and Belmond, IA Areas; Request for Comments on the Official Agencies Servicing These Areas
The designations of the official agencies listed below will end on September 30, 2013. We are asking persons or governmental agencies interested in providing official services in the areas presently served by these agencies to submit an application for designation. In addition, we are asking for comments on the quality of services provided by the following designated agencies: Amarillo Grain Exchange, Inc. (Amarillo); Cairo Grain Inspection Agency, Inc. (Cairo); Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Louisiana); North Carolina Department of Agriculture (North Carolina); and D.R. Schaal Agency, Inc. (Schaal).
Amended Geographical Territory for Champaign-Danville Grain Inspection Departments, Inc.; Amended Opportunity for Designation in Champaign-Danville, IL Area; Request for Comments on the Official Agency Servicing This Area
Champaign-Danville Grain Inspection Department, Inc.'s (Champaign) geographical territory is amended to include the area previously designated to Springfield Grain Inspection, Inc. (Springfield). Champaign purchased Springfield effective October 4, 2012 and met the requirements specified in 7 CFR 800.196(f)(2). In view of this, we are providing an additional opportunity to apply for designation for Champaign's amended geographical territory. The designation of Champaign will end on March 31, 2013. We are asking persons or government agencies interested in providing official services in the areas presently served by this agency to submit an application for designation. In addition, we are providing an additional opportunity for comments on the quality of services provided by Champaign.
Determination Concerning a Petition to Add a Class of Employees to the Special Exposure Cohort
HHS gives notice of a determination concerning a petition to add a class of employees from the Weldon Spring Plant in Weldon Spring, Missouri, to the Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7384q. On December 7, 2012, the Secretary of HHS determined that the following class of employees does not meet the statutory criteria for addition to the SEC as authorized under EEOICPA:
Clean Air Act Operating Permit Program: Order Responding to Petition for Objection to State Operating Permit for U.S. Steel-Granite City Works, Granite City, Illinois
This document announces that the EPA Administrator has partially granted and partially denied a petition from the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic at the Washington University School of Law, submitted to EPA on behalf of the American Bottom Conservancy (Petitioner). The Petitioner objected to the operating permit issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for the U.S. SteelGranite City Works (USGW) facility, located in Granite City, Illinois. Sections 307(b) and 505(b)(2) of the Act provide that a petitioner may ask for judicial review of those portions of the petition which EPA denies in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit. Any petition for review shall be filed within 60 days from the date this notice appears in the Federal Register, pursuant to section 307 of the Act.
National Environmental Justice Advisory Council; Notification of Public Teleconference Meeting and Public Comment
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), Public Law 92-463, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hereby provides notice that the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) will host a public teleconference meeting on Wednesday, January 23, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Eastern Time. The primary topic of discussion will be promoting community resiliency in EJ industrial waterfront areas. There will be a public comment period from 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time. Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments relevant to the topic of the meeting. For additional information about registering to attend the meeting or to provide public comment, please see the ``REGISTRATION'' and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION sections below. Due to a limited number of telephone lines, attendance will be on a first-come, first served basis. Pre-registration is required. Registration for the teleconference meeting closes at 12:00 noon Eastern Time on Friday, January 11, 2013. The deadline to sign up to speak during the public comment period, or to submit written public comments, is also Friday, January 11, 2013.
Procedure Relating to Rulemaking
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is adopting a procedural rule (Final Rule) that specifies how the Bureau issues rules and when rules are considered issued.
Designation for the West Sacramento, CA; Frankfort, IN; and Richmond, VA Areas.
GIPSA is announcing the designation of California Agri Inspection Company, Ltd. (Cal-Agri); Frankfort Grain Inspection, Inc. (Frankfort); and Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Virginia) to provide official services under the United States Grain Standards Act (USGSA), as amended.
Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Electric Service Data for the Operation of Power Projects and Systems
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Acting Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs is submitting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request for renewal of the collection of information for Electrical Service Application, 25 CFR 175, authorized by OMB Control Number 1076-0021. This information collection expires December 31, 2012.
Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Water Delivery for the Operation of Irrigation Projects
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Acting Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs is submitting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request for renewal of the collection of information for Water Request, 25 CFR 171, authorized by OMB Control Number 1076-0141. This information collection expires December 31, 2012.
Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations
Comments are requested on proposed flood hazard determinations, which may include additions or modifications of any Base Flood Elevation (BFE), base flood depth, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundary or zone designation, or regulatory floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports for the communities listed in the table below. The purpose of this notice is to seek general information and comment regarding the preliminary FIRM, and where applicable, the FIS report that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided to the affected communities. The FIRM and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, the FIRM and FIS report, once effective, will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents of those buildings.
Privately Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates
The General Services Administration's annual privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rate reviews have resulted in new CY 2013 rates for the use of privately owned automobiles (POA), POAs when Government owned automobiles (GOA) are authorized, privately owned motorcycles, and privately owned airplanes for official purposes. FTR Bulletin 13-02 establishes the new CY 2013 mileage reimbursement rates ($0.565 for POAs, $0.24 for POAs when a GOA is authorized, $0.535 for privately owned motorcycles, and $1.33 for privately owned airplanes) pursuant to the process discussed below. This notice of subject bulletin is the only notification of revisions to the POV rates to agencies other than the changes posted on the GSA Web site. GSA determines these rates by reviewing the annual standard automobile study contracted for by the Internal Revenue Service, as well as conducting independent automobile, motorcycle, and aircraft studies that evaluate various factors, such as the cost of fuel, the depreciation of the original vehicles costs, maintenance and insurance, and or by applying consumer price index data.
Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations
New or modified Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, and/or the regulatory floodway (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard determinations) as shown on the indicated Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for each of the communities listed in the table below are finalized. Each LOMR revises the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and in some cases the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, currently in effect for the listed communities. The flood hazard determinations modified by each LOMR will be used to calculate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents.
Massachusetts Disaster # MA-00051
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts dated 12/12/2012. Incident: Leominster Commercial and Residential Complex Fire. Incident Period: 11/24/2012. Effective Date: 12/12/2012. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 02/11/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/12/2013.
Massachusetts Disaster # MA-00052
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts dated 12/11/2012. Incident: Natural Gas Explosion. Incident Period: 11/23/2012. Effective Date: 12/11/2012. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 02/11/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/11/2013.
Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations
New or modified Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, and/or the regulatory floodway (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard determinations) as shown on the indicated Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for each of the communities listed in the table below are finalized. Each LOMR revises the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and in some cases the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, currently in effect for the listed communities. The flood hazard determinations modified by each LOMR will be used to calculate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents.
Maryland Disaster #MD-00024
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Maryland (FEMA-4091-DR), dated 12/14/2012. Incident: Hurricane Sandy. Incident Period: 10/26/2012 through 11/04/2012. Effective Date: 12/14/2012. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 02/12/2013. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/16/2013.
Designation of a Class of Employees for Addition to the Special Exposure Cohort
HHS gives notice of a decision to designate a class of employees from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in Los Alamos, New Mexico, as an addition to the Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. On December 7, 2012, the Secretary of HHS designated the following class of employees as an addition to the SEC:
Designation of a Class of Employees for Addition to the Special Exposure Cohort
HHS gives notice of a decision to designate a class of employees from the Mound Plant in Miamisburg, Ohio, as an addition to the Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. On December 7, 2012, the Secretary of HHS designated the following class of employees as an addition to the SEC:
Oregon Disaster #OR-00045 Declaration of Economic Injury
This is a notice of an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) declaration for the State of Oregon, dated 12/12/2012. Incident: Pole Creek Wildfire. Incident Period: 09/04/2012 through 10/20/2012. Effective Date: 12/12/2012. EIDL Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/12/2013.
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